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Simple Matching Games

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Put this in a bot's remotes. Choose whichever one you like. The first one has 10 numbers, the second has 50, the third has 100, and the fourth has 1000


>on *:TEXT:!nummatch*:{  set %tomatch $rand(1,10)  set %trymatch $2  msg $chan The number you chose was: %trymatch  msg $chan The number to match was %tomatch  if (%trymatch == %tomatch) {  msg $chan Congradulations $nick Your number: %trymatch matched the number chosen: %tomatch. You win!}}on *:TEXT:!nummatch*:{  set %tomatch $rand(1,50)  set %trymatch $2  msg $chan The number you chose was: %trymatch  msg $chan The number to match was %tomatch  if (%trymatch == %tomatch) {  msg $chan Congradulations $nick Your number: %trymatch matched the number chosen: %tomatch. You win!}}on *:TEXT:!nummatch*:{  set %tomatch $rand(1,100)  set %trymatch $2  msg $chan The number you chose was: %trymatch  msg $chan The number to match was %tomatch  if (%trymatch == %tomatch) {  msg $chan Congradulations $nick Your number: %trymatch matched the number chosen: %tomatch. You win!}}on *:TEXT:!nummatch*:{  set %tomatch $rand(1,1000)  set %trymatch $2  msg $chan The number you chose was: %trymatch  msg $chan The number to match was %tomatch  if (%trymatch == %tomatch) {  msg $chan Congradulations $nick Your number: %trymatch matched the number chosen: %tomatch. You win!}}
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