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; System information addon
; By chain
; Http://www.chainscriptz.net
; ===================================
; this addon will give u some help
; to know your system information and
; show others on irc what u have :)
; so here we will you see how to use it
; ====================================
; usage: 
; for public show use /sinfo -p
; to echo the info use /sinfo -e
; to open a dialog use /sinfo -d
; or use the popups. :)

; system information Dialog..
Dialog sysinfo {
  option pixel
  size -1 -1 450 283
  title "System information - ..LostSoul.."
  BOX "System information.." 1, 3 9 433 196 ,
  BUTTON "done" 2, 176 256 54 21 ,ok
  TEXT "PC Type" 3, 12 31 52 13 ,
  TEXT "OS" 4, 13 51 38 13 ,
  TEXT "system uptime" 5, 12 72 74 13 ,
  TEXT "Vidio Card" 6, 13 94 54 13 ,
  TEXT "Drive c:\" 7, 11 114 52 13 ,
  TEXT "resultion" 8, 11 135 49 13 ,
  TEXT "KeyBoard" 9, 11 155 55 13 ,
  TEXT "Mouse:" 10, 11 177 55 13 ,
  EDIT "" 11, 89 29 325 19 ,
  EDIT "" 12, 89 50 325 19 ,
  EDIT "" 13, 89 71 325 19 ,
  EDIT "" 14, 89 91 325 19 ,
  EDIT "" 15, 89 113 325 19 ,
  EDIT "" 16, 89 133 325 19 ,
  EDIT "" 17, 89 155 325 19 ,
  EDIT "" 18, 89 177 325 19 ,
  TEXT "© Copyright - chain 2010" 19, 139 213 156 13 ,
  Link "...::[IRChainscriptz]::..." 20, 149 230 125 13 ,center
; dialog events..
on *:Dialog:sysinfo:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) {
    did -a $dname 11 $st
    did -a $dname 12 Windows:  $os
    did -a $dname 13 $strip($sysup)
    did -a $dname 14 $vc 
    did -a $dname 15 $drive.info
    did -a $dname 16 $res 
    did -a $dname 17 $keyboard
    did -a $dname 18 $mouse
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 20) {
      .timer -m 1 0 url Http://www.chainscriptz.net

alias sinfo {
  if ($1- == -d) {
    dialog -m sysinfo sysinfo
  elseif ($1 == -p) && ($active != Status Window) { 
    msg $active 14,1[15,1..14,1System information15,1..14,1][Syetem Type:15,01 $st $+ 14,01][uptime:15,01 $sysup $+ 14,01][drive info:15,01 $drive.info $+ 14,01][display card:15,01 $vc $+ 14,1][reslution:15,01 $res $+ 14,1][keyboard:15,01 $keyboard $+ 14,1][mouse:15,01 $mouse $+ 14,01]
  else {
    echo -ati1 *** 14,1[15,1..14,1System information15,1..14,1][Syetem Type:15,01 $st $+ 14,01][uptime:15,01 $sysup $+ 14,01][drive info:15,01 $drive.info $+ 14,01][display card:15,01 $vc $+ 14,1][reslution:15,01 $res $+ 14,1][keyboard:15,01 $keyboard $+ 14,1][mouse:15,01 $mouse $+ 14,01]

; all aliases -l (local aliases) to being used from this script only..

; st return to system type
alias -l st { return $readini $nofile($findfile(c:\,regedit.exe,1)) $+ \system.ini boot.description system.drv }

; sysup return to the uptime..
alias -l sysup { return $dur($calc($ticks / 1000)) }

; vc return to your vido card.
alias -l vc { return $readini $nofile($findfile(c:\,regedit.exe,1)) $+ \system.ini boot.description display.drv }

; drive.info return to free space on c:\ and c:\ type..
alias -l drive.info { return c:\ $disk(c:).type FreeSpace: $+ $round($calc($disk(c).free / 1000 / 1000),2) $+ MB }

; res return to your screen resultion
alias -l res { return $window(-1).w x $window(-1).h }

; keyboard return to your keyboard brand
alias -l keyboard { return $readini $nofile($findfile(c:\,regedit.exe,1)) $+ \system.ini boot.description keyboard.typ }

; mouse return to your mouse brand..
alias -l mouse { return $readini $nofile($findfile(c:\,regedit.exe,1)) $+ \system.ini boot.description mouse.drv }

; unload_this_bad_addon_from_my_mirc_heh to unload the addon if needed.
alias -l unload_this_bad_addon_from_my_mirc_heh {
  echo $colour(ctcp) -atie * unloading System Information Addon
  echo $colour(ctcp) -atie * $script unloaded!
  unload -rs $script
; misc identifier $dur(time)
alias -l dur { return $remove($replace($duration($1),wks,w,wk,w,days,d,day,d,hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,min,m,secs,s,sec,s),$chr(32)) }
; end of aliases section..

; popups section..
menu channel {
  system information
  .public - msg to $chan:sinfo -p
  .echo informatom:sinfo -e
  .dialog info:sinfo -d
  ..are you sure you want unload this addon?




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