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Protection Script Z31

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A nice protection script, has channel protections from Deop, Ban, Kick and also has flood protections.


;Protection Script Z31
;Made for mIRC Script Z31 
;By Neo Nemesis
;Version 1.1

on *:LOAD: {
  writeini z31.ini main protect on,on,on,on,on,on,2,5,on
  echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * Protection Script Z31 Loaded successfuly! Use /protection for the options menu!

menu channel,nicklist,query,status {
  Protection Script Z31:/protection

alias protection {
  if (!$1) { dialog -m protect protect }
  if ($1 == op) { 
    if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,1,44) }
    elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,1,44) }
  if ($1 == kick) {
    if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,2,44) }
    elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,2,44) }
  if ($1 == ban) {
    if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,3,44) }
    elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,3,44) }
  if ($1 == massjoin) {
    if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,4,44) }
    elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,4,44) }
  if ($1 == flood) {
    if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,5,44) }
    elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,5,44) }
  if ($1 == iflood) {
    if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,6,44) }
    elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,6,44) }
  if ($1 == timer) {
    if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,7,44) }
    elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,7,44) }
  if ($1 == num) {
    if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,8,44) }
    elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,8,44) }
  if ($1 == pmflood) {
    if ($2) { writeini z31.ini Main Protect $puttok($protect.file,$2,9,44) }
    elseif (!$2) { return $gettok($protect.file,9,44) }

alias protect.file { return $readini(z31.ini,Main,Protect) }

alias z31.file { return $readini(z31.ini,$1,$2) }

alias exempt {
  if ($1 == chan) {
    if (!$2) { return $z31.file(exempt,01) }
    if ($2 == add) { writeini z31.ini exempt 01 $addtok($z31.file(exempt,01),$3,44) }
    if ($2 == del) {
      if ($z31.file(exempt,01) == $3) { remini z31.ini exempt 01 }
      elseif ($z31.file(exempt,01) != $3) { writeini z31.ini exempt 01 $remtok($z31.file(exempt,01),$3,1,44) }
    elseif ($2) {
      if ($z31.file(exempt,01)) {
        %Z31.1 = 1
        while (%Z31.1 <= $numtok($z31.file(exempt,01),44)) {
          if ($gettok($z31.file(exempt,01),%Z31.1,44) == $2) { return $true }
          else { inc %Z31.1 }
      return $false
  if ($1 == user) {
    if (!$2) { return $z31.file(exempt,02) }
    if ($2 == add) { writeini z31.ini exempt 02 $addtok($z31.file(exempt,02),$3,44) }
    if ($2 == del) {
      if ($z31.file(exempt,02) == $3) { remini z31.ini exempt 02 }
      elseif ($z31.file(exempt,02) != $3) { writeini z31.ini exempt 02 $remtok($z31.file(exempt,02),$3,1,44) }
    elseif ($2) {
      if ($z31.file(exempt,02)) {
        %Z31.2 = 1
        while (%Z31.2 <= $numtok($z31.file(exempt,02),44)) {
          if ($gettok($z31.file(exempt,02),%Z31.2,44) == $2) { return $true }
          else { inc %Z31.2 }
      return $false
  if ($1 == host) {
    if (!$2) { return $z31.file(exempt,03) }
    if ($2 == add) { writeini z31.ini exempt 03 $addtok($z31.file(exempt,03),$3,44) }
    if ($2 == del) {
      if ($z31.file(exempt,03) == $3) { remini z31.ini exempt 03 }
      elseif ($z31.file(exempt,03) != $3) { writeini z31.ini exempt 03 $remtok($z31.file(exempt,03),$3,1,44) }
    elseif ($2) {
      if ($z31.file(exempt,03)) {
        %Z31.3 = 1
        while (%Z31.3 <= $numtok($z31.file(exempt,03),44)) {
          if ($gettok($z31.file(exempt,03),%Z31.3,44) == $2) { return $true }
          else { inc %Z31.3 }
      return $false

dialog protect { 
  size -1 -1 445 272
  title Protection
  box "Protections"1, 5 5 140 205
  check "DeOP Protection"2, 10 20 98 15
  check "Kick Protection"3, 10 35 90 15
  check "Ban Protection"4, 10 50 88 15
  check "Mass Join Protection"5, 10 65 115 15
  check "Flood Protection"6, 10 80 95 15
  check "Invite Flood Protection"7, 10 95 128 15
  text "Flood trigger:"8, 10 110 80 15
  edit ""9, 20 125 40 23
  text "Joins/Messages"10, 65 130 75 15
  text "in"11, 23 150 15 15
  edit ""12, 20 165 40 23
  text "seconds."13, 65 170 50 15
  check "PM Flood Protection"28, 10 190 113 15
  box "Exceptions"14, 150 5 293 265
  tab "Channels"15, 155 20 280 245
  tab "Users"16
  tab "Hostmasks"17

  ;tab 15
  list 18, 160 45 270 200,vsbar,tab 15
  button "Add"19, 160 235 80 23,tab 15
  button "Remove"20, 245 235 80 23,tab 15

  ;tab 16
  list 21, 160 45 270 200,vsbar,tab 16
  button "Add"22, 160 235 80 23,tab 16
  button "Remove"23, 245 235 80 23,tab 16

  ;tab 17
  list 24, 160 45 270 200,vsbar,tab 17
  button "Add"25, 160 235 80 23,tab 17
  button "Remove"26, 245 235 80 23,tab 17

  button "Close"27, 35 225 80 23,ok

on *:DIALOG:protect:init:*: {
  if ($protection(op) == on) { did -c protect 2 }
  if ($protection(kick) == on) { did -c protect 3 }
  if ($protection(ban) == on) { did -c protect 4 }
  if ($protection(massjoin) == on) { did -c protect 5 }
  if ($protection(flood) == on) { did -c protect 6 }
  if ($protection(iflood) == on) { did -c protect 7 }
  did -a protect 9 $protection(num)
  did -a protect 12 $protection(timer)

  if ($exempt(chan)) {
    %Z31.4 = 1
    while (%Z31.4 <= $numtok($exempt(chan),44)) {
      did -a protect 18 $gettok($exempt(chan),%Z31.4,44)
      inc %Z31.4

  if ($exempt(user)) {
    %Z31.5 = 1
    while (%Z31.5 <= $numtok($exempt(user),44)) {
      did -a protect 21 $gettok($exempt(user),%Z31.5,44)
      inc %Z31.5

  if ($exempt(host)) {
    %Z31.6 = 1
    while (%Z31.6 <= $numtok($exempt(host),44)) {
      did -a protect 24 $gettok($exempt(host),%Z31.6,44)
      inc %Z31.6
  if ($protection(pmflood) == on) { did -c protect 28 }
  unset %Z31.*

on *:DIALOG:protect:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 2) {
    if ($did(2).state == 1) { protection op on }
    else { protection op off }
  if ($did == 3) {
    if ($did(3).state == 1) { protection kick on }
    else { protection kick off }
  if ($did == 4) {
    if ($did(4).state == 1) { protection ban on }
    else { protection ban off }
  if ($did == 5) {
    if ($did(5).state == 1) { protection massjoin on }
    else { protection massjoin off }
  if ($did == 6) {
    if ($did(6).state == 1) { protection flood on }
    else { protection flood off }
  if ($did == 7) {
    if ($did(7).state == 1) { protection iflood on }
    else { protection iflood off }
  if ($did == 19) {
    %z31.7 = $input(Please enter the channel you wish to add to the exception list.,oe,Protection)
    if ($chr(35) !isin %z31.7) { %z31.dump = $input(You must enter the # symbol before the channel name.,oh,Protection) }
    elseif ($chr(35) isin %z31.7) {
      exempt chan add %z31.7
      did -a protect 18 %z31.7
  if ($did == 20) {
    if (!$did(18).sel) { %z31.dump = $input(Please select the channel you wish to remove from the exception list first.,oh,Protection) }
    elseif ($did(18).sel) {
      %z31.dump = $input(Are you sure you want to remove $did(18).seltext from the exception list?,yw,Protection)
      if (%z31.dump == $true) {
        exempt chan del $did(18).seltext
        did -r protect 18
        if ($exempt(chan)) {
          %Z31.4 = 1
          while (%Z31.4 <= $numtok($exempt(chan),44)) {
            did -a protect 18 $gettok($exempt(chan),%Z31.4,44)
            inc %Z31.4
  if ($did == 22) {
    %z31.8 = $input(Please enter the user name you wish to add to the exception list.,oe,Protection)
    if (%z31.8 != $false) && (%z31.8 != $null) {
      exempt user add %z31.8
      did -a protect 21 %z31.8
  if ($did == 23) {
    if (!$did(21).sel) { %z31.dump = $input(Please select the user name you wish to remove from the exception list first.,oh,Protection) }
    elseif ($did(21).sel) {
      %z31.dump = $input(Are you sure you want to remove $did(21).seltext from the exception list?,yw,Protection)
      if (%z31.dump == $true) {
        exempt user del $did(21).seltext
        did -r protect 21
        if ($exempt(user)) {
          %Z31.5 = 1
          while (%Z31.5 <= $numtok($exempt(user),44)) {
            did -a protect 21 $gettok($exempt(user),%Z31.5,44)
            inc %Z31.5
  if ($did == 25) {
    %z31.9 = $input(Please enter the hostmask you wish to add to the exception list. NOTE: It must be a valid hostmask!,oe,Protection)
    if ($chr(46) !isin %z31.9) || ($chr(64) !isin %z31.9) || ($chr(33) !isin %z31.9) { %z31.dump = $input(%z31.9 is not a valid host mask.,oh,Protection) }
    elseif ($chr(46) isin %z31.9) && ($chr(64) isin %z31.9) && ($chr(33) isin %z31.9) {
      exempt host add %z31.9
      did -a protect 24 %z31.9
  if ($did == 26) {
    if (!$did(24).sel) { %z31.dump = $input(Please select the hostmask you wish to remove from the exception list first.,oh,Protection) }
    elseif ($did(24).sel) {
      %z31.dump = $input(Are you sure you want to remove $did(24).seltext from the exception list?,yw,Protection)
      if (%z31.dump == $true) {
        exempt host del $did(24).seltext
        did -r protect 24
        if ($exempt(host)) {
          %Z31.6 = 1
          while (%Z31.6 <= $numtok($exempt(host),44)) {
            did -a protect 24 $gettok($exempt(user),%Z31.6,44)
            inc %Z31.6
  if ($did == 28) {
    if ($did(28).state == 1) { protection pmflood on }
    else { protection pmflood off }
  unset %z31.*

on *:DIALOG:protect:edit:9: {
  if ($did(9).text) { protection num $did(9).text }

on *:DIALOG:protect:edit:12: {
  if ($did(12).text) { protection timer $did(12).text }

alias IsExempt {
  if ($1) {
    if ($exempt(chan,$1) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(user,$1) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,0)) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,1)) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,2)) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,3)) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,4)) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,5)) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,6)) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,7)) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,8)) == $true) { return $true }
    if ($exempt(host,$address($1,9)) == $true) { return $true }
    else { return $false }

on *:DEOP:#: {
  if ($protection(op) == on) {
    if ($nick == $me) || ($nick == ChanServ) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    if ($opnick == $me) {
      %z31-op = $true
      %z31-chan = $chan
      %z31-nick = $nick
      .timerZ31.1 1 1 chanserv op $chan $me

on *:OP:%z31-chan: {
  if (%z31-op == $true) || (%z31-kick == $true) || (%z31-ban == $true) {
    if (%z31-nick ison $chan) {
      mode $chan -ob %z31-nick %z31-banmask
      .timerZ31.3 -m 1 1500 kick $chan %z31-nick Kicked by $me 4(OP Abuse)
  unset %z31-*

on @*:KICK:#: {
  if ($protection(kick) == on) {
    if ($nick == $me) || ($nick == ChanServ) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    if ($knick == $me) {
      %z31-kick = $true
      %z31-chan = $chan
      %z31-nick = $nick
      .timerZ31.4 1 1 join %z31-chan

alias IsBanned {
  if ($me isin $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,0) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,1) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,2) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,3) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,4) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,5) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,6) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,7) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,8) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($address($me,9) == $1) { return $true }
  if ($gettok($host,4,46) isin $1) { return $true }
  else { return $false }

on @*:BAN:#: {
  if ($protection(ban) == on) {
    if ($nick == $me) || ($nick == ChanServ) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    if ($IsBanned($banmask) == $true) {
      set -u8 %z31-ban $true
      set -u8 %z31-banmask $banmask
      set -u8 %z31-chan $chan
      set -u8 %z31-nick $nick
      .timerZ31.6 1 1 mode $chan -bo $banmask $nick
      .timerZ31.7 1 2 kick $chan $nick Kicked by $me 4(OP Abuse)

raw *:*: {
  if (%z31-kick == $true) {
    if ($numeric == 471) || ($numeric == 473) || ($numeric == 474) || ($numeric == 475) {
      .timerZ31.5 1 1 chanserv invite %z31-chan

on ^*:NOTICE:*:*: {
  if (%z31-op == $true) || (%z31-kick == $true) || (%z31-ban == $true) && ($nick == ChanServ) {
    %chanserv = $strip($1-)
    if (access denied isin %chanserv) || (permission denied isin %chanserv) || (You do not have access isin %chanserv) { 
      echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * ChanServ could not complete the operation on %z31-chan $+ . (Access Denied)
      unset %z31-*
    if (not registered isin %chanserv) {
      echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * ChanServ could not complete the operation on %z31-chan $+ . (Channel not registered)
      unset %z31-*
    unset %chanserv

on @*:JOIN:#: {
  if ($protection(massjoin) == on) {
    if ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($nick isreg $chan) { goto end }
    inc % [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    %clones. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = $addtok(%clones. [ $+ [ $chan ] ],$nick,44)
    .timerJOINS1 1 $protection(timer) unset % [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    .timerJOINS2 1 $protection(timer) unset %clones. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    if (% [ $+ [ $chan ] ] >= $protection(num)) {
      mode $chan +dim
      .timerJOINS* off
      .timerMODE 1 300 mode $chan -dim
      clonek $chan

alias clonek {
  %kick = 1
  while (%kick <= $numtok(%clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],44)) {
    if ($gettok(%clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],%kick,44) ison $1) { .timerCK $+ %kick -m 1 $calc(1300 * %kick + 660) kick $chan $gettok(%clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],%kick,44) Mass Join 4(Clone) }
    inc %kick
  if (!$timerKICK*) { .timerKICK $+ $rand(1,999) 1 $calc($numtok(%clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],44) + 2) ck.us $1 }

alias ck.us {
  unset % [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %clones. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
  unset %kick

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($protection(flood) == on) {
    if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick }
    if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) { 
      if ($me isop $chan) { .timer $+ $nick $+ 1 1 1 kick $chan $nick Slow down! 4(Flooding) }
      elseif ($me !isop $chan) {
        .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@*
        .echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) $chan by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes.
      unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

on *:NOTICE:*:#: {
  if ($protection(flood) == on) {
    if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick }
    if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) { 
      if ($me isop $chan) { .timer $+ $nick $+ 1 1 1 kick $chan $nick Slow down! 4(Flooding) }
      elseif ($me !isop $chan) {
        .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@*
        .echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) $chan by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes.
      unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

on *:ACTION:*:#: {
  if ($protection(flood) == on) {
    if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick }
    if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) { 
      if ($me isop $chan) { .timer $+ $nick $+ 1 1 1 kick $chan $nick Slow down! 4(Flooding) }
      elseif ($me !isop $chan) {
        .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@*
        .echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) $chan by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes.
      unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

on *:TEXT:*:?: {
  if ($protection(pmflood) == on) {
    if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick }
    if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) {
      .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@*
      .echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) Private Message by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes.
      close -m $nick
      unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

on *:ACTION:*:?: {
  if ($protection(pmflood) == on) {
    if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick }
    if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) {
      .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@*
      .echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) Private Message by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes.
      close -m $nick
      unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

on *:NOTICE:*:?: {
  if ($protection(flood) == on) {
    if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    inc % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if (!$timer($nick)) { .timer $+ $nick 1 $protection(timer) unset % $+ $nick }
    if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= $protection(num)) {
      .ignore -u180 $nick $+ !*@*
      .echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) Notice by $nick - Ignored for 3 minutes.
      close -m $nick
      unset % [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

on *:INVITE:#: {
  if ($protection(iflood) == on) {
    if (Serv isin $nick) || ($IsExempt($chan) == $true) || ($IsExempt($nick) == $true) { goto end }
    inc %invites
    if (!$timer(invite)) { .timerinvite 1 $protection(timer) unset %invites }
    if (%invites >= $calc($protection(num) - 1)) {
      ignore -iu240 *!*@*
      echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ * - 4Flooding Detected: $+ $color(info) Invite Flood - All invites ignored for 4 minutes.


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