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Files posted by coders-irc_Bot

  1. AWaySystem 2000

    1. What is AwaySystem?
    AwaySystem is a mIRC 5.61 addon that enhances mIRC's Away feature. 
    mIRC 5.61 is REQUIRED to run this script because of the advanced
    dialog features used in this script. As of this script date, mIRC
    5.61 is the current version.
    AwaySystem lets you specify an away message, and it announces it to
    all the channels you're currently on, instead of quietly like /away
    does, unless you choose to go Away quietly. All is done through a series
    of graphical, easy to understand dialogs. AwaySystem allows logging channel
    messages, notices and private messages into one convienent window for viewing
    while you are away. You may also receive CTCP PAGE messages while you're in
    Back mode, which logs these messages in a seperate window. Other features
    include the ability to automatically change your nickname to a preset AwayNick,
    and restore the old one on return to back mode. IdleAway and AutoIdent
    were new features introduced in version 2.0. IdleAway allows setting to Away
    automatically if you haven't been on mIRC for the specified amount of time,
    and AutoIdent will automatically send a NickServ IDENTIFY request when you
    return to back mode so that your primary nickname will have already been
    identified with the password. A new feature added into AwaySystem 2000 is
    StealthAway. StealthAway allows you to enter Away mode without saying your
    away message to the channel. In StealthAway, when setting to Back mode, it
    will set back Quietly. A few other enhancements include a few Dialog mods,
    and a few modifications to routines that play sound events, and write logging
    events. Which improves AwaySystem's Win32 Long Filename support. End result, a
    couple KB shaved off the script, and filenames aren't shortened when you bring
    up the Configuration dialog for the log folder and sound events. The AwaySystem
    Logviewer now automatically updates when new events are received while it's open.
    You can now enter Away mode while you're offline, and AwaySystem will set you
    away when you connect to IRC.

    For a total list and explanation of features, I encourage you to install and read
    the AwaySystem help once you've set up AwaySystem.

    2. What is included in the ZIP File?
    These files should be included in the ZIP file. I will explain what each file does here.

    awaysys.mrc - The heart of AwaySystem.. This file is the code for the AwaySystem script
    ashelp.msg - The AwaySystem help file. This file explains each feature of AwaySystem. 
                 Installation of this help file is purely optional. It is not needed for 
                 AwaySystem to function.
    readme.txt - This readme document (duh!)
    3. Installing and setting up AwaySystem
    First unzip the files to the destination folder.. This could be any folder you wish,
    but I recommend using the root mIRC Folder (generally C:\mIRC) for easier access.
    If you do not want the AwaySystem help, you may save yourself the 8KB it requires
    for disk space by not unzipping it.. But I HIGHLY Recommend you read it, especially
    if you've never used AwaySystem before. 
    Notice: In this explanation I am assuming you did unzip these files to your mIRC Folder.
    If you didn't, be sure to add the correct path in the MS-DOS style (eg C:\My Mirc would
    be C:\Mymir~1). For the correct MS-DOS name, double click My Computer and right click the
    folder you wish to use, and click properties.. Look for the MS-DOS name. This is a 'feature'
    in all versions of 32-bit mIRC.

    Step one: Launch mIRC. 
    Step two: In the Status window, type: /load -rs awaysys.mrc
    Step three: If prompted to Initilize the script, choose yes. You should get the message
    "*** AwaySystem 2000 by mudpuddle loaded!" and the AwaySystem Configuration dialog
    should pop up. If it does not, right click in the status window and see if there is 
    an AwaySystem entry.. If so, point to it, and click Configure AwaySystem. If not, repeat
    the last step.
    Step four: Configure your options.. Don't be afraid to see what they do! Use the help
    utility to learn more about AwaySystem features!
    Step five: Enjoy my script! I've put alot of time into it to make sure it is worth 
    downloading and worth your time to use. Hope you like it as much as I enjoyed making it!

    4. Credits
    I'd like to give thanks to these people for putting up with me begging them to Beta
    test and review AwaySystem. Thanks guys!



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  2. LudicrousBot v1.0

    A very complexed bot
    Important to read the installation files and etc

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  3. Loafs 8Ball

    To install:
       Put all the files in the main mIRC directory.
       After all the files are in the same directory as the mIRC.exe file type 
       the following in any channel window.
          /load -rs 8-ball.mrc
       Once loaded you will be asked to Input your username just enter it in and
       your good to go.
      Using 8ball
        /8b: is the only command that you will need to type in for 8ball, what it
            does is it allows you to use 8ball, which you normally wouldn't be
            able to. Syntax: /8b questionhere afterwards it functions like it
            normally would and answers you're question randomly.
        !8ball: The main function of this script, it is quite simple really, you
            just type !8ball questionhere and the script will pick it up. Keep in
            mind that only other users can use this, for you to do it yourself
            you must use the /8b command, but it still looks exactly the same
            to everyone else like nothing changed.
        !add8ball: This is a command for other users to add their own custom 
            replies, if someone with the name Zamfir typed !add8ball NOO!! a
            new response would be added to the list of responses.
            NOO!! (Added by: Zamfir)
      The main controls for this 8ball script are in your channel pop-ups, just
     right click in any channel window and you will see 8 ball at the bottom of
     your pop-ups menu. When you click on this it opens up a dialogue with a few
     nifty functions.
     On/Off: The first of the functions on the list, this should already be 
            checked, if you uncheck it, it will disable the 8ball reply.
     Allow Custom Response: This one is off bye default and it is up to you if
            you want it to be used, the way this works is it allows other users
            to add their own 8ball responses to your script by the meens of the
            add8ball command. Syntax: add8ball replyhere. if responses are 
            added in this manner there will be a tag at the end of the response
            stating who added it.
      Auto Respond: This is the normal setting for how 8ball's are supposed to
                   operate, a user sais a question and a random answer is picked.
      Manual Response: This is were it gets interesting, what i've done here is
                   set it up so you can stop it from auto responding and choose
                   a yes or no answer yourself. When someone tries to use the
                   8ball command with manual response set, a dialogue opens up
                   with two buttons, Yes and No. Be wary when you click the yes
                   or no it does not close the box, instead it stays open for
                   even quicker responses when people are using it. Just x out
                   when you are done. The yes and no answers are controlled by
                   the two files 8ballY.txt and 8ballN.txt. If you want more 
                   answers to work for manual response you can add to those 
                   files, just add a new line for every answer.
     Unload: Pretty self explanatory.. when you click on this a dialog opens
            up confirming whether or not you want to unload the script. When 
            you do, all variables are unset and the script removed from mIRC.
     All Responses: This is just a nifty little list were you can see all the
                   responses for 8ball, if you add new responses to the list's
                   they will show up no problem, and a bar to scroll down will
     Extra's: This button open's up a new dialog with a few extra features inside.
      Change Main Username: this basically sets a new name to be used with the
                            script, if your current nickname does not match
                            whats entered here the script will not auto reply.
      Change Color Output: This changes the look of the 8ball responses\notifications.
       Echo Colors -> Active: This echo's a test response in your active window to see
                             what it looks like.
      Manage Response List: From inside this dialog you can add\delete\edit the auto
                           response's. To delete a response just double click it in
                           the list. Note: beside each response in this list is a 
                           number followed by a :, these are not part of the responses
                           they are just showing what number response it is.
       Add New Response: Shouldn't be to hard to guess what this does, when 
                       clicked an input window open's up. Just enter in a new
                       8ball auto response, Ex: Hell YEA!!. When you click ok
                       and return to the dialog the list will be updated.
       Edit Response: This button will only work if a response is selected in the list
                     once clicked a small dialog will open up with the response inside
                     and edit box, modify it the way you see fit and click ok to save 
                     the modification. If you mess up the reply and you want it back to
                     how it was before clicking cancel will restore it.
     Response Method:
      Respond via Channel: When this is selected all responses either from auto or manual
                          will be sent to the channel the user used the command from.
      Respond via Query: If this option is selected, a user can still use the !8ball
                        command from a channel but the response will instead be sent to
                        them in the form of a private query.
      Respond via Notice: Last of the responses is a notice response, when this is selected
                         a user can still use !8ball in a channel, but instead of sending it
                         to a channel or a private query, it sends a private message to them.
    Loafs 8Ball


       (0 reviews)



  4. MasterMind

    MasterMind is an ageless game of logic and deduction where your code-craking skills are put to the test. Try to guess (or break) your opponents colour code before you run out guessing rows.
    There are 6 colours, Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Green and Purple. An opponent creates a 4 colour code from these (using any or all of the colours) and starting on Row 1 you use the clues given by the opponent in trying to conclude what his code was.
    Sounds easy? It can be if you know how to read the clues and turn them into answers. The only clues that are given are shown through the use of black and white pegs. A black peg means you guessed the colour correctly and in the right spot! And a white peg means that you guessed the colour correctly in that row, but not in the right spot. What makes it even more difficult is that the opponent won't tell you what peg represents what colour in the row, you have to work that out yourself 🙂
    MasterMind for mIRC was first developed in early 2003 but was put off until over a year later. Now it's complete with the release of the Single Player portion of the game. The rules are exactly the same as in the regular boardgame except now you can choose how many rows you wish to play, from hard to a custom amount of lines; and the computer randomly picks a selection of colours for you to guess everytime.


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  5. mIRC Sudoku

    1.    Unzip folder.
    2.    Copy Sudoku folder to your mIRC directory.
    3.    Then either go to remotes and load the Sudoku.ini file from the Sudoku folder.
        Type: /load -rs suduko\sudoku.ini
    4.    Click yes on the command box thats opens, to initiate load commands.
    Installation complete...
    Game Play:
    The script file contains popups for the game, which are accessible on the menubar,
    status window and channel window.  Alternatively the game window can be opened by 
    typing the command /sudoku.
    1.    Press new game.
    2.    Select a difficulty level.
        Download a game from www.websudoku.com
    3.    Click on start.
    4.    Click on grid locations and type a number.
        Numbers can only be input in locations where the grid shows a red square.
        You can choose to use pencil function when unsure about a number.
    5.    Click on check, to start the checking process.
    Enjoy the game...
    Known Bugs:
    1.    In the checking process, a while loop kills when a number is not located.
        Already working on a fix for this, it shouldn't make much difference to game 
        play, or your IRC experience, as WhileFix.dl has been implemented.
        Until this is fixed, if the checking process stops type ctrl + break.
    2.    The game downloading time may vary, or give socket/aline errors.  I'm still 
        trying to improve the html parsing process, its giving me problems as the 
        values needed are stored as READONLY VALUE="*" attributes in <INPUT> tags.
    Future Additions:
    1.    A facility to store game winning times, and create a personal records window.
    eof - Best viewed with; Courier New - 10

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  6. mTracker v0.2 BitTorrent Tracker

     mIRC v6.34. Consider yourself lucky if it works with any other version.

     1. Extract the script files wherever you want.
     2. Open mIRC.
     3. Type in Status: /load -rs x:\path\to\tracker.mrc
     4. If asked, click Yes to allow initialization commands.

     1. Close mIRC. This will make mTorrent save all its important data.
     2. Backup your trackerinfo.dat
     3. Extract the new mTracker files, overwriting the existing ones.
     4. Put your old trackerinfo.dat file back.
     5. Start mIRC. You've upgraded.

     Start and stop the tracker from the menubar popup menu or with the
     /starttracker and /stoptracker commands. The announce URL is displayed
     when the tracker starts. Use it when creating your torrent files.
     The web interface displays the hashes(torrents) and peers that the
     tracker is tracking. This is strictly a statistics page; you can't
     control the tracker from it. Open it from the menubar popup menu.
     Full list of commands:
     /starttracker             - Starts the tracker
     /stoptracker              - Stops the tracker
     /trackerport tracker 6969 - Changes tracker port to 6969
     /trackerport httpd 6970   - Changes web interface port to 6970
     /trackerhost domain.com   - Sets the tracker's hostname
     /trackerhost -unset       - Unsets the current hostname
     /trackerwebadmin user X   - Sets webadmin username to X
     /trackerwebadmin pass X   - Sets webadmin password to X
     /trackerdebug             - Toggles debugging
     /wimiplookup              - Gets your WAN IP from whatismyip.com
     /trackerunload            - Uninstalls the tracker

     (A) Use the menubar popup menu and choose Uninstall.
     (B) Type in Status: /trackerunload
     Q. I don't have a static IP address so the announce URL's in my
        torrents stop working every time it changes. What do I do?    
     A. What you want is a hostname to put in the tracker URL so that you
        can redirect that hostname to your new IP address as it changes.
        DynDNS (http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/dyndns/) offers this
        service for free. Once you've created your hostname, type in
        /trackerhost yourdns.dyndns.org in Status and a new announce URL
        for you to use will be displayed.
     Q. What are these trackerdebug files in the script folder?
     A. They contain debugging data that's useful to me should something
        break. Without them it's hard to determine what caused the error.
        Having this data available would be very helpful in case you ever
        want to report a bug, but if they bother you the debugging can be
        turned off with the /trackerdebug command. A good middle-ground
        may be to simply delete the debug files every so often to keep
        them from taking too much space.
     Q. What is the trackerwww.log file in the script folder?
     A. This is a log of the requests sent to the web server. The script
        considers this debugging data, so you can turn it off using the
        /trackerdebug command.
     Q. Hashes I don't know about keep showing up in the web interface.
        What are these and why are they there?
     A. Some BitTorrent clients will try to ask multiple known trackers
        for peers in an effort to locate as many peers as possible. This
        isn't limited to the trackers entered in the .torrent file they
        have running at the time. It is also very possible for the users
        themselves to manually add your tracker in their torrent client
        in the hope of finding more peers through it. It could, of course,
        also be as simple as someone else using your tracker for their
        torrents without asking for your permission first.
     Q. How do I prevent others from using my tracker in their torrents?
     A. You don't. There's no passkey or other authorization feature built
        into mTracker. Maybe in a future version, eh?
     Q. Can I modify mTracker as I see fit and make my own version
        available for others to download and use?
     A. I reserve no rights for this script; it is in the public domain.
        If you want to change it, build on it, release your own version
        of it or whatever, by all means go right ahead. In fact, if you
        think you've made good improvements on it, I'd be interested in
        seeing what you did myself. I only ask that you not call your
        version "mTracker" as to avoid confusion.


       (0 reviews)



  7. Gate Keeper 1.4

    DeluXe GateKeeper 1.4
    ReadMe.txt 10-17-2012
    By Neo Nemesis
    mIRC 6.35, 7.25 OR HIGHER
    Please use the command /blocker to access this script's
    features and options.
    1) DOWNLOAD & OPEN GateKeep.zip (or GakeKeep.rar)
    3) RUN mIRC
    4) USE THIS COMMAND IN mIRC: /load -rs DX\DXGKEEP.dxe
    MAIN COMMAND: /blocker
    ^^ This command brings up the options dialog where you can
    toggle your Gate Keeper.
    Variable Settings, can be set to accept all messages, prompt
    for permission first or ignore all messages.
    Customizable event messages allow you to assign different
    messages to accepted, declined, ignored and even more
    Message prompt window color can be set to whatever color
    you want with a drop down color combo box.
    Accept All Messages - This is basically the "off" setting
    Prompt All Messages - This is basically the "on" setting.
    A prompt window will pop up on your screen with the name,
    and message from who ever is sending you a private message.
    The prompt window has 3 options, Accept, Decline and Ignore.
    Ignore All Messages - With this 3rd option enabled, the
    script is niether on nor off, but is still running. It
    automatically declines all incoming private messages until
    you set it back to one of the previouw two settings.
    Message Window Color - This allows you to set the color of
    the prompt window that pops up when the script is in "Prompt
    All Messages" mode.
    Do Not Prompt For Users In My Notify List - Anyone in your
    notify list is ignored by this script when this feature is
    Gate Keeper Messages - These messages are customizable for
    the events in which the Gate Keeper handles. You can put
    whatever you want there I suppose, but I didn't intend for
    people to be rude about ignored or declined messages.
    Thank you!


       (0 reviews)



  8. mIRC DeluXe Lite 1.6.00

    This is a nice mIRC with many features. Emoticons, Media player, favorite channels manager, notify list manager, query blocker (gate keeper), YouTube support, channel protections, flood protections, custom toolbar/menubar, OP Control Panel, Troll Smasher, Color Cut Script, CD Tray opener and more!
    mIRC DeluXe has a extensive online help center, and can be accessed with the /dxhelp command.
    THIS SCRIPT REQUIRES: mIRC v6.35+ Windows XP+ and DirectX 9.0+ without ALL THREE of these items the program will not work.
    1.6.00 Changes: First public release! 3 different editions will shortly be available. Final Fantasy Edition (Special Edition), Professional Killer Edition (Special Edition), DeluXe Lite 1.6 (normal edition). Visit website for more info on editions. Fixed a few more bugs, recoded new Troll Smasher II, recoded black list, added SpamGuard 1.0 (non-lite versions only) added Google Search (non-lite versions only), added new online help center. New graphics! Also added a check for updates feature, that will check for patches or new versions of mIRC DeluXe!
    1.5.84 Changes: Fixed the last of the quirks in the favorite channels auto-join (hopefuly), small media player bug fixes, another emoticon bug fix (from error in 1.5.83). And squashed a couple quirks here and there.
    1.5.83 Changes: Fixed many media player bugs now DeluXe Media Player 1.05 beta. Fixed menubar bug when selecting mIRC options. Turned on show mode prefix. Fixed YouTube scanner bug. Fixed server notice event. Fixed a few typos. Recoded away system and changed it to DCX.dll instead of MDX.dll. Modified IAL Checker. Recoded Favorite Channels list with DCX instead of MDX. Fixed a feq quirks here and there.
    1.5.82 Changes: Fixed emoticon bug, Fixed right click on nick list bug, fixed server list bug in options menu, added YouTube scanner, added multiple file uploader to the Media player, recoded whois script, updated help file, fixed YouTube and Join "nothing on enter" bug, added /j command, fixed (hopefuly) server notice bug, fixed favorite channel auto join bug added CD Tray opener
    1.5.81 Changes: Fixed user interface auto-rename bug added enable feature to user interface, set away dialog on desktop, added DNS to active window, added emoticons, fixed OPCP bugs, fixed ¯°º·º°¯ DeluXe Lite ¯°º·º°¯ fullname bug, modified nick list colors, updated help file.
    1.5.8 Changes: Fixed Troll Smasher colors bug, fixed user interface auto identify bug.
    1.5.7 Changes: Made it "lite" removed RPGenerator added Troll Smasher, fix a few small bugs and removed need for loading screen on start up.




  9. DeluXe-RPGenerator 1.7.0

    Basically its like a table top RPG for mIRC. It also has a feature so that you can download addons (addons still in production as of 7/03/2010) to customize your RPGenerator to suit the needs of your RPG character. Right now its current motive is to promote my RPG DarkCastle RPG ( http://darkcastle.darkbb.com ) and to bring a new level of RPG to IRC. Please enjoy. Addons will be available soon! Also PLEASE read the ReadMe file! It contains loading instructions that MUST be followed for proper installation of the RPGenerator.
    Also, requires two players! If you'd like to play me I can be found in my RPG (link above.)
    NOTE: Please do not hack, edit, or mod this game. If you mod it I will remove it.

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  10. sopel

    Sopel is a simple, lightweight, open source, easy-to-use IRC Utility bot, written in Python. It's designed to be easy to use, run and extend.


    Latest stable release
    On most systems where you can run Python, the best way to install Sopel is to install pip and then pip install sopel.
    Arch users can install the sopel package from the [community] repository, though new versions might take slightly longer to become available.
    Failing both of those options, you can grab the latest tarball from GitHub and follow the steps for installing from the latest source below.

    Latest source
    First, either clone the repository with git clone git://github.com/sopel-irc/sopel.git or download a tarball from GitHub.
    Note: Sopel requires Python 3.7+ to run.
    In the source directory (whether cloned or from the tarball) run pip install -e .. You can then run sopel to configure and start the bot.

    Database support
    Sopel leverages SQLAlchemy to support the following database types: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Firebird, and Sybase. By default Sopel will use a SQLite database in the current configuration directory, but alternative databases can be configured with the following config options: db_type, db_filename (SQLite only), db_driver, db_user, db_pass, db_host, db_port, and db_name. You will need to manually install any packages (system or pip) needed to make your chosen database work.
    Note: Plugins not updated since Sopel 7.0 was released might have problems with database types other than SQLite (but many will work just fine).

    Adding plugins
    The easiest place to put new plugins is in ~/.sopel/plugins. Some newer plugins are installable as packages; search PyPI for these. Many more plugins written by other users can be found using your favorite search engine.
    Some older, unmaintained plugins are available in the sopel-extras repository, but of course you can also write your own. A tutorial for creating new plugins is available on Sopel's website. API documentation can be found online at https://sopel.chat/docs/, or you can create a local version by running make docs.

    Further documentation
    The official website includes such valuable information as a full listing of built-in commands, tutorials, API documentation, and other usage information.

    Join us in #sopel on Libera Chat.

    We're thrilled that you want to support the project!
    You can sponsor Sopel here on GitHub or donate through Open Collective.
    Any donations received will be used to cover infrastructure costs, such as our domain name and hosting services. Our main project site is easily hosted by Netlify, but we are considering building a few new features that would require more than static hosting. All project-related expenses are tracked on our Open Collective profile, for transparency.


       (0 reviews)



  11. Limnoria

    Limnoria is a multipurpose Python IRC bot, designed for flexibility and robustness, while being easy to install, set up, and maintain.
    It aims to be an adequate replacement for most existing IRC bots. It includes a very flexible and powerful ACL system for controlling access to commands, an equality powerful configuration system to customize your bot, as well as more than 60 builtin plugins providing around 400 actual commands.
    There are also dozens of third-party plugins written by dozens of independent developers, and it is very easy to write your own with only basic knowledge of Python.
    It is the successor of Supybot since 2010 and provides many new features, but keeps full compatibility with existing configurations and plugins.
    If this is your first install, there is an install guide. You will probably be pointed to it if you ask on IRC how to install Limnoria. TL;DR version:
    sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-wheel pip3 install --user limnoria # You might need to add $HOME/.local/bin to your PATH supybot-wizard There is extensive documentation at docs.limnoria.net and at Gribble wiki. We took the time to write it; you should take the time to read it.
    IRC channels
    In English
    If you have any trouble, feel free to swing by #limnoria on Libera.Chat and ask questions. We'll be happy to help wherever we can. And by all means, if you find anything hard to understand or think you know of a better way to do something, please post it on the issue tracker so we can improve the bot!
    In Other languages
    Only in French at the moment, located at #limnoria-fr on Libera.Chat.


       (0 reviews)



  12. irc3

    A pluggable irc client library based on python's asyncio.

    Requires python 3.5+
    Python 2 is no longer supported, but if you don't have a choice you can use an older version:
    $ pip install "irc3<0.9" Source: https://github.com/gawel/irc3/
    Docs: https://irc3.readthedocs.io/
    Irc: irc://irc.freenode.net/irc3 (www)
    I've spent hours writing this software, with love. Please consider tipping if you like it:
    BTC: 1PruQAwByDndFZ7vTeJhyWefAghaZx9RZg
    ETH: 0xb6418036d8E06c60C4D91c17d72Df6e1e5b15CE6
    LTC: LY6CdZcDbxnBX9GFBJ45TqVj8NykBBqsmT


       (0 reviews)



  13. tenyks

    Tenyks is a computer program designed to relay messages between connections to IRC networks and custom built services written in any number of languages. More detailed, Tenyks is a service oriented IRC bot rewritten in Go. Service/core communication is handled by ZeroMQ 4 PubSub via json payloads.
    The core acts like a relay between IRC channels and remote services. When a message comes in from IRC, that message is turned into a json data structure, then sent over the pipe on a Pub/Sub channel that services can subscribe to. Services then parse or pattern match the message, and possibly respond back via the same method.
    This design, while not anything new, is very flexible because one can write their service in any number of languages. The current service implementation used for proof of concept is written in Python. You can find that here. It's also beneficial because you can take down or bring up services without the need to restart the bot or implement a complicated hot pluggable core. Services that crash also don't run the risk of taking everything else down with it.
    Installation and whatnot
    Current supported Go version is 1.7. All packages are vendored with Godep and stored in the repository. I update these occasionally. Make sure you have a functioning Go 1.7 environment.
    Install ZeroMQ4 (reference your OSs package install documentation) and make sure libzmq exists on the system. go get github.com/kyleterry/tenyks cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/kyleterry/tenyks make - this will run tests and build sudo make install - otherwise you can find it in ./bin/tenyks cp config.json.example config.json Edit config.json to your liking. Uninstall
    Why would you ever want to do that?
    cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/kyleterry/tenyks sudo make uninstall Docker
    There is a Docker image on Docker hub called kyleterry/tenyks. No configuration is available in the image so you need to use it as a base image. You can pass your own configuration in like so:
    FROM kyleterry/tenyks:latest COPY my-config.json /etc/tenyks/config.json Then you can build your image: docker build -t myuser/tenyks . and run it with: docker run -d -P --name tenyks myuser/tenyks.
    Binary Release
    You can find binary builds on bintray.
    I cross compile for Linux {arm,386,amd64} and Darwin {386,amd64}.
    Configuration is just json. The included example contains everything you need to get started. You just need to swap out the server information.
    cp config.json.example ${HOME}/tenyks-config.json Running
    tenyks ${HOME}/tenyks-config.json
    If a config file is excluded when running, Tenyks will look for configuration in /etc/tenyks/config.json first, then ${HOME}/.config/tenyks/config.json then it will give up. These are defined in tenyks/tenyks.go and added with ConfigSearch.AddPath(). If you feel more paths should be searched, please feel free to add it and submit a pull request.
    If you want to play right fucking now, you can just use vagrant: vagrant up and then vagrant ssh. Tenyks should be built and available in your $PATH. There is also an IRC server running you can connect to server on with your IRC client.
    Just run tenyks & && disown from the vagrant box and start playing.
    I'm a horrible person. There aren't tests yet. I'll get right on this.... There are only a few tests.
    Tenyks comes with very few commands that the core responds to directly. You can get a list of services and get help for those services.
    tenyks: !services will list services that have registered with the bot through the service registration API..
    tenyks: !help will show a quick help menu of all the commands available to tenyks.
    tenyks: !help servicename will ask the service to sent their help message to the user.
    tenyksservice (Python) quasar (Go) To Services
    Example JSON payload sent to services:
    { "target":"#tenyks", "command":"PRIVMSG", "mask":"unaffiliated/vhost-", "direct":true, "nick":"vhost-", "host":"unaffiliated/vhost-", "full_message":":vhost-!~vhost@unaffiliated/vhost- PRIVMSG #tenyks :tenyks-demo: weather 97217", "user":"~vhost", "from_channel":true, "connection":"freenode", "payload":"weather 97217", "meta":{ "name":"Tenyks", "version":"1.0" } } To Tenyks for IRC
    Example JSON response from a service to Tenyks destined for IRC
    { "target":"#tenyks", "command":"PRIVMSG", "from_channel":true, "connection":"freenode", "payload":"Portland, OR is 63.4 F (17.4 C) and Overcast; windchill is NA; winds are Calm", "meta":{ "name":"TenyksWunderground", "version":"1.1" } } Service Registration
    Registering your service with the bot will let people ask Tenyks which services are online and available for use. Registering is not requires; anything listening on the pubsub channel can respond without registration.
    Each service should have a unique UUID set in it's REGISTER message. An example of a valid register message is below:
    { "command":"REGISTER", "meta":{ "name":"TenyksWunderground", "version":"1.1", "UUID": "uuid4 here", "description": "Fetched weather for someone who asks" } } Service going offline
    If the service is shutting down, you should send a BYE message so Tenyks doesn't have to timeout the service after PINGs go unresponsive:
    { "command":"BYE", "meta":{ "name":"TenyksWunderground", "version":"1.1", "UUID": "uuid4 here", "description": "Fetched weather for someone who asks" } } Commands for registration that go to services
    Services can register with Tenyks. This will allow you to list the services currently online from the bot. This is not persistent. If you shut down the bot, then all the service UUIDs that were registered go away.
    The commands sent to services are:
    { "command": "HELLO", "payload": "!tenyks" } HELLO will tell services that Tenyks has come online and they can register if they want to.
    { "command": "PING", "payload": "!tenyks" } PING will expect services to respond with PONG.
    List and Help commands are coming soon.
    Lets make a service!
    This service is in python and uses the tenyks-service package. You can install that with pip: pip install tenyksservice.
    from tenyksservice import TenyksService, run_service, FilterChain class Hello(TenyksService): irc_message_filters = { 'hello': FilterChain([r"^(?i)(hi|hello|sup|hey), I'm (?P<name>(.*))$"], direct_only=False), # This is will respond to /msg tenyks this is private 'private': FilterChain([r"^this is private$"], private_only=True) } def handle_hello(self, data, match): name = match.groupdict()['name'] self.logger.debug('Saying hello to {name}'.format(name=name)) self.send('How are you {name}?!'.format(name=name), data) def handle_private(self, data, match): self.send('Hello, private message sender', data) def main(): run_service(Hello) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Okay, we need to generate some settings for our new service.
    tenyks-service-mkconfig hello >> hello_settings.py Now lets run it: python main.py hello_settings.py
    If you now join the channel that tenyks is in and say "tenyks: hello, I'm Alice" then tenyks should respond with "How are you Alice?!".
    More Examples
    There is a repository with some services on my Github called tenyks-contrib. These are all using the older tenyksclient class and will probably work out of the box with Tenyks. I'm going to work on moving them to the newer tenyks-service class.
    A good example of something more dynamic is the Weather service.


       (0 reviews)



  14. KittehIRCClientLib

    The Kitteh IRC Client Library (KICL) is a powerful, modern Java IRC library built with NIO using the Netty library to maximize performance and scalability.


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  15. bitbot

    Python3 event-driven modular IRC bot!
    $ pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
    See docs/help/config.md.
    If you wish to create backups of your BitBot instance (which you should, borgbackup is a good option), I advise backing up the entirety of ~/.bitbot - where BitBot by-default keeps config files, database files and rotated log files.
    Github, Gitea and GitLab web hooks
    I run BitBot as-a-service on most popular networks (willing to add more networks!) and offer github/gitea/gitlab webhook to IRC notifications for free to FOSS projects. Contact me for more information!


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  16. teleirc

    RITlug TeleIRC is a Go implementation of a Telegram <=> IRC bridge. TeleIRC works with any IRC channel and Telegram group. It bridges messages between a Telegram group and an IRC channel.
    This bot was originally written for RITlug. Today, it is used by various communities.
    Live demo
    A public Telegram supergroup and IRC channel (on Freenode) are available for testing. Our developer community is found in these channels.
    Telegram IRC (#rit-lug-teleirc @ irc.freenode.net)


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  17. irc-bot

    An advanced and scriptable PHP IRC bot.
    It is designed to run off a local LAMP, WAMP, MAMP stack or just plain PHP installation. No web server is required, only a working PHP installation.
    System requirements
    In order to run WildPHP, we ask a few things from your system. Notably:
    A PHP version equal to or higher than 7.1.0. Command-line access to the system you plan on running WildPHP on. WildPHP will NOT run inside a web server like Apache or Nginx. Do not ask for support for doing so. WildPHP has been tested to work on Linux and macOS. Other platforms are not supported and not guaranteed to work. For the best experience, we recommend either using the included systemd service (adjust it to your needs) or using tmux or screen to allow the bot to run in the background. IRC Community & Support
    If you need help or just want to idle in the IRC channel join us at #wildphp@irc.freenode.net. Development discussion in #wildphp-dev@irc.freenode.net.
    Features and Functions
    Right now this version of the bot is under heavy development, therefore the feature list is not definitive. We will update this once a reliable list becomes available.
    To install the latest development build, you need Composer. Install WildPHP using the following commands:
    $ git clone https://github.com/WildPHP/irc-bot $ cd irc-bot $ composer install This will pull all Composer dependencies required to run the bot.
    Please note that the bot may be unstable and that it might not even start. Please file a bug if you encounter an issue!
    Copy the example configuration file and edit it to suit your needs. Carefully read the comments.
    $ cp config/config.sample.php config/config.php Running the bot
    While you can run the bot in a terminal it is best to run it in tmux or screen so that it can run in background.
    $ php bin/wildphp.php Alternatively, a systemd service is included. Edit it (carefully read the comments), then drop it in /etc/systemd/system/. Issue a systemctl daemon-reload afterwards and you should be able to use the service.
    You can see the full list of contributors in the GitHub repository.
    Major & Past Major Contributors
    Super3 Pogosheep Matejvelikonja Yoshi2889 TimTims Amunak


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  18. Kaguya

    A small but powerful IRC bot
    Add kaguya to your list of dependencies in mix.exs: def deps do [{:kaguya, "~> x.y.z"}] end Run mix deps.get
    Ensure kaguya is started before your application:
    def application do [applications: [:kaguya]] end Configure kaguya in config.exs: config :kaguya, server: "my.irc.server", port: 6666, bot_name: "kaguya", channels: ["#kaguya"] Usage
    By default Kaguya won't do much. This is an example of a module which will perform a few simple commands:
    defmodule Kaguya.Module.Simple do use Kaguya.Module, "simple" handle "PRIVMSG" do match ["!ping", "!p"], :pingHandler match "hi", :hiHandler match "!say ~message", :sayHandler end defh pingHandler, do: reply "pong!" defh hiHandler(%{user: %{nick: nick}}), do: reply "hi #{nick}!" defh sayHandler(%{"message" => response}), do: reply response end This module defines four commands to be handled:
    !ping and !p are aliased to the same handler, which has the bot respond pong!. hi will cause the bot to reply saying "hi" with the persons' nick !say [some message] will have the bot echo the message the user gave. The handler macro can accept up to two different parameters, a map which destructures a message struct, and a map which destructures a match from a command.
    You can find a more full featured example in example/basic.ex.
    server - Hostname or IP address to connect with. String. server_ip_type - IP version to use. Can be either inet or inet6 port - Port to connect on. Integer. bot_name - Name to use by bot. String. channels - List of channels to join. Format: #<name>. List help_cmd - Specifies command to act as help. Defaults to .help. String use_ssl - Specifies whether to use SSL or not. Boolean reconnect_interval - Interval for reconnection in ms. Integer. Not used. server_timeout - Timeout(ms) that determines when server gets disconnected. Integer. When omitted Kaguya does not verifies connectivity with server. It is recommended to set at least few minutes.


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  19. CloudBot

    THIS PROJECT HAS MOVED TO TotallyNotRobots/CloudBot
    CloudBot is a simple, fast, expandable open-source Python IRC Bot!
    Getting CloudBot
    There are currently four different branches of this repository, each with a different level of stability:
    gonzobot (stable): This branch contains everything in the master branch plus additional plugins added for Snoonet IRC. This branch is the currently maintained branch which will also contain many fixes for various bugs from the master branch. gonzobot-dev (unstable): This branch is based off of the gonzobot branch and includes new plugins that are not fully tested. master (stable (old)): This branch contains stable, tested code. This branch is based directly on the upstream master branch and is not currently maintained. python3.4 (unstable (old)): This is the outdated testing branch from the upstream repo. New releases will be pushed from python3.4 to master whenever we have a stable version to release. These changes will be merged into gonzobot then deployed. This should happen on a fairly regular basis, so you'll never be too far behind the latest improvements.
    Installing CloudBot
    Firstly, CloudBot will only run on Python 3.4 or higher. Because we use the asyncio module, you will not be able to use any other versions of Python.
    To install CloudBot on *nix (linux, etc), see here
    To install CloudBot on Windows, see here
    Running CloudBot
    Before you run the bot, rename config.default.json to config.json and edit it with your preferred settings. You can check if your JSON is valid using jsonlint.com!
    Once you have installed the required dependencies and renamed the config file, you can run the bot! Make sure you are in the correct folder and run the following command:
    python3.4 -m cloudbot Note that you can also run the cloudbot/__main__.py file directly, which will work from any directory.
    python3.4 CloudBot/cloudbot/__main__.py Specify the path as /path/to/repository/cloudbot/main.py, where cloudbot is inside the repository directory.
    Getting help with CloudBot
    The CloudBot documentation is currently somewhat outdated and may not be correct. If you need any help, please visit our IRC channel and we will be happy to assist you.
    To write your own plugins, visit the Plugins Wiki Page.
    More at the Wiki Main Page.
    The developers reside in #gonzobot-dev on Snoonet and would be glad to help you.
    If you think you have found a bug/have a idea/suggestion, please open a issue here on Github and contact us on IRC!
    See CHANGELOG.md


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  20. 🍯 honeybot py

    HoneyBot is a python-based IRC bot. (python3.7) | If you want to just run the bot, go to the quick start section
    Feel free to contribute to the project!
    🕹 Project Motivation
    Implementing the project in Java was weird, py's connect was sleek. Thus, the project stack was shifted over to Python. If you can think of any features, plugins, or functionality you wish to see in the project. Feel free to add it yourself, or create an issue detailing your ideas. We highly recommend you attempt to implement it yourself first and ask for help in our discord server !
    Psst. Since I learnt py through this bot, we decided to keep a new-comers friendly policy. Feeling lost? Just ping.
    ✂ Current Features
    🍬 OOP architecture 🛰️ keyword parameters 🌵 password security with config file [disabled for now] 🔌 now with plugins ⛰️ GUI clients
    GUI clients are used to manage plugins, launch bot as well as specify credentials.
    CPP client by @Macr0Nerd


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  21. bmotion

    An Artificial Stupidity script for eggdrop bots
    README for bMotion ------------------ http://www.bmotion.net Thanks for trying out bMotion! You can also get limited assistance from #bmotion on EFNet -- note I do this in my spare time so if I'm not around to help, don't take it personally :) Perhaps a community of other people who can help will spring up. The official home for documentation is now https://github.com/jamesoff/bmotion/wiki Have fun! James "Off" Seward Developer, bMotion --------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO INSTALL Please see https://github.com/jamesoff/bmotion/wiki/Installing for details on how to install bMotion. You can also launch an AWS instance with bMotion and eggdrop pre- installed. It's AMI ami-0d2bee7a in eu-west-1. Fire it up and log in as 'ubuntu'. The MOTD has instructions. --------------------------------------------------------------------- FEEDBACK Please bring feedback (positive and negative) to #bmotion on EFNet, or you can mail me at james@bmotion.net


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  22. Japanese-Tools

    These are some scripts that help me learn Japanese.
    Most scripts are supposed to be used as plugins for an IRC bot or run on a shell. I find the following aliases quite useful:
    alias ja="$JAPANESE_TOOLS/jmdict/jm.sh" alias wa="$JAPANESE_TOOLS/jmdict/wa.sh" alias rtk="$JAPANESE_TOOLS/rtk/rtk.sh" alias gd="$JAPANESE_TOOLS/google_dictionary/gd.sh" I do most of my dictionary lookups with these aliases.
    All scripts have only been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and later. There are a few dependencies not present on a default Ubuntu system. You can install them with
    $ sudo apt install mecab-jumandic-utf8 mecab kakasi xmlstarlet xsltproc python-irclib sqlite3 bc liburi-perl tesseract-ocr imagemagick audio/
    find_audio.sh finds an audio version of a given Japanese word on languagepod101.
    $ ./find_audio.sh 夜空 Audio for 夜空 [よぞら]: http://tinyurl.com/p8aq8jo compare_encoding
    Compares the size of different encodings of the same Japanese Wikipedia article. In almost all cases UTF-8 is smaller than UTF-16.
    $ ./compare_encoding.sh 夜空 UTF-8 vs. UTF-16: 91213 vs. 156876 bytes. UTF-8 wins by 41.8%. gettext/
    Internationalization support. Currently supported languages:
    English German Polish Be sure to run gettext/regenerate_mo_files.sh if you would like to use a translation.
    Counts the number of Google results. Uses google.co.jp for queries containing Japanese characters and google.com otherwise.
    gd.sh looks up English words in the Google dictionary.
    $ ./gd.sh diligent /ˈdiləjənt/ having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties Currently broken because it appears like Google shut down their dictionary JSON API.
    gt.sh translates words and sentences using Google Translate. The target language is determined by the environment variable LANG, but it can also be specified explicitly.
    ./gt.sh My hovercraft is full of eels. 私のホバークラフトは鰻がいっぱいです。 ./gt.sh it My hovercraft is full of eels. it: Il mio hovercraft è pieno di anguille. ./gt.sh Il mio hovercraft è pieno di anguille. My hovercraft is full of eels. Currently broken because Google shut down the translate API.
    jm.sh provides jmdict lookups and wa.sh wadoku lookups. Works best for Japanese->English (or Japanese->German), not so well for the reverse direction. This is because jmdict is a Japanese English dictionary and not an English Japanese dictionary.
    To start, you first need to run the scripts prepare_jmdict.sh and prepare_wadoku.sh. This will download and process the respective dictionary files.
    $ ./jm.sh 村長 村長 [そんちょう] (n), village headman 市長村長選挙 [しちょうそんちょうせんきょ] (n), mayoral election kana/
    A simple hiragana and katakana trainer.
    Example IRC session
    <Christoph> !hira help <nihongobot> Start with "!hira <level> [count]". Known levels are 0 to 10. To learn more about some level please use "!hira help <level>". <nihongobot> To only see the differences between consecutive levels, please use "!hira helpdiff <level>". <Christoph> !hira 5 <nihongobot> Please write in romaji: す と に ね へ <Christoph> !hira su to ni ne he <nihongobot> Perfect! 5 of 5. Statistics for Christoph: 44.64% of 280 characters correct. <nihongobot> Please write in romaji: は と ぬ ほ な kanjidic/
    Implements a lookup in kanjidic: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic.html
    $ ./kanjidic.sh 日本語 日: 4 strokes. ニチ, ジツ, ひ, -び, -か. In names: あ, あき, いる, く, くさ, こう, す, たち, に, にっ, につ, へ {day, sun, Japan, counter for days} 本: 5 strokes. ホン, もと. In names: まと {book, present, main, origin, true, real, counter for long cylindrical things} 語: 14 strokes. ゴ, かた.る, かた.らう {word, speech, language} kumitate_quiz/
    A quiz asking JLPT style 文の組み立て questions. Only works as an IRC plugin for now.
    Example IRC session
    <Flamerokz> !kuiz skm2 <nihongobot> Please choose [1-4]: 周囲の人たちの _ _ ★ _ と思う。 (1: 協力を 2: 優勝は 3: 無理だった 4: 抜きにしては). <Flamerokz> !kuiz 2 <nihongobot> Flamerokz: Correct! (2: 優勝は) Example question file
    A question file (a file ending in .txt in kumitate_quiz/questions/) should contains lines of the following form:
    周囲の人たちの _ _ ★ _ と思う。|協力を,優勝は,無理だった,抜きにしては|2 lhc
    This script has nothing to do with Japanese. It OCRs the image on http://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/op-webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=LHC1 to provide live statistics of the status of the LHC.
    read.py converts kanji to kana using mecab.
    $ ./read.py 鬱蒼たる樹海の中に舞う人の如き影が在った。 鬱蒼[うっそう]たる 樹海[じゅかい] の 中[なか] に 舞[ま]う 人[じん] の 如[ごと]き 影[かげ] が 在[あ]った 。 reading_quiz/
    A quiz asking kanji -> kana questions. Only works as an IRC plugin for now.
    Example IRC session
    <Christoph> !quiz jlpt2 <nihongobot> Please read: 発見 <Christoph> !quiz はっけん <nihongobot> Christoph: Correct! (はっけん: (n,vs) 1. discovery, 2. detection, 3. finding) romaji/
    romaji.sh converts kanji and kana to romaji using mecab.
    $ ./romaji.sh 鬱蒼たる樹海の中に舞う人の如き影が在った。 ussoutaru jukai no naka ni mau jin no gotoki kage ga atta 。 rtk/
    rtk.sh looks up keywords, kanji and numbers. The keywords and numbers refer to Heisig’s amazing book “Remembering the Kanji”.
    $ ./rtk.sh 城壁 #362: castle 城 | #1500: wall 壁 $ ./rtk.sh star #1556: star 星, #237: stare 眺, #1476: starve 餓, #2532: star-anise 樒, #2872: start 孟, #2376: mustard 芥 $ ./rtk.sh 1 2 3 #1: one 一 | #2: two 二 | #3: three 三 simple_bot/
    As the name says, this is a simple IRC bot. You can start it with:
    $ ./bot.py <server[:port]> <channel> <nickname> [NickServ password] It uses all the other scripts.


       (0 reviews)



  23. irchuu

    Relays messages between a Telegram (super)group and an IRC channel Lightweight, written in Go. Consumes only around 10MiB RAM! IRC authentication using SASL or NickServ (optional) Keeps log of the chat in a PostgreSQL database (those who recently joined the IRC channel can view history!) Preserves markup: bold in Telegram will remain bold in IRC All Telegram media types support; serves or uploads files so they are accessible in IRC All Telegram features like forwards, replies and edits are also supported Coloured nicknames in IRC (optional) Telegram group administrators can moderate the IRC channel and vice versa ...and this is not a complete list! Setup
    You need to install golang, git and configure your $GOPATH. Just set $GOPATH environment variable to a writable directory and add $GOPATH/bin to your system $PATH.
    After that, install IRChuu~:
    $ go get github.com/26000/irchuu/... Upgrade with:
    $ go get -u github.com/26000/irchuu/... Configuration
    Run IRChuu~ for the first time and it will create a configuration file (you can also use -data and -config command-line arguments to specify a custom path):
    $ irchuu IRChuu! v0.6.0 (https://github.com/26000/irchuu) 2017/04/01 15:26:03 New configuration file was populated. Edit /home/26000/.config/irchuu.conf and run `irchuu` again! Now edit the configuration file with your favourite editor (mine is vim, but I thought nano is more popular. Alternatively, you can just use a GUI editor like Kate):
    $ nano ~/.config/irchuu.conf The variables you must set are:
    token, group in the [telegram] section server, port, ssl, nick and channel in the [irc] section probably serverpassword, password, sasl and chanpassword for IRC authentication If you don't know where to get the Telegram token and groupname, refer to the next section.
    Others are completely optional. The configuration file is well-documented, but if you have problems, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.
    Telegram bot setup
    For IRChuu to work, you will need to create a Telegram bot as it works through the Telegram bot API. This is pretty simple:
    Message @botfather inside Telegram. Send /newbot command. It will ask some questions, answer all of them. You will have to think of a name and a nickname for your bot. @botfather will send you a token. Insert it into your configuration file. Type /setprivacy and choose your newly created bot nickname on the inline keyboard. Then choose Disable. This is important! If you forget to do it, messages from Telegram won't be relayed to IRC. Optionally, type /setuserpic and upload a cute picure for your relay Add your bot to your Telegram group (Add members and type the bot username there) Launch IRChuu~ (just type irchuu in console once more) Your bot will leave a message with the group id. That's totally ok, just copy the id into your config file, stop IRChuu (hit Ctrl+C in the terminal where IRChuu~ is running) All set, now just launch IRChuu for the third time and enjoy! IRC setup
    This one is easier. You can just insert your server and channel addresses into your configuration file and choose a nickname. If that nickname is already taken, IRChuu will think of a new one. If you want to own that nickname so that nobody takes it, register it and enter the password in the configuration file. Refer to your server's NickServ focumentation for details.
    Just type irchuu.
    Feel free to fork this repo and make PRs. If you encounter a bug, please open an issue — that also helps! I will also be happy if you give IRChuu a star on GitHub.


       (0 reviews)



  24. yossarian-bot

    An entertaining IRC bot that's easy to extend.
    Simple real-time administration. Unix fortunes (fortune must be present) Catch-22 quotes UrbanDictionary queries Wolfram|Alpha queries Smart weather queries (Wunderground) Google searches YouTube searches ROT13 message "encryption" Magic 8 Ball queries Dictionary queries (Merriam-Webster) Cleverbot discussions Channel 'seen' log Link compression (TinyURL) ...and much more! Installation
    First, clone the repo and install yossarian-bot's dependencies:
    $ git clone https://github.com/woodruffw/yossarian-bot $ cd yossarian-bot $ bundle install If you get errors during the bundle installation process, make sure that you're using Ruby 2.7 and have Ruby's development headers installed. You may need them from your package manager. Earlier versions of Ruby might work, but are not guaranteed or tested.
    yossarian-bot also requires API keys for several services. Make sure that they are exported to the environment (or set in the configuration) as follows:
    Wolfram|Alpha - WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APPID_KEY Weather Underground - WUNDERGROUND_API_KEY WeatherStack - WEATHERSTACK_API_KEY Merriam-Webster - MERRIAM_WEBSTER_API_KEY YouTube (v3) - YOUTUBE_API_KEY Last.fm - LASTFM_API_KEY, LASTFM_API_SECRET Open Exchange Rates - OEX_API_KEY Giphy - GIPHY_API_KEY BreweryDB - BREWERYDB_API_KEY AirQuality - AIRNOW_API_KEY OMDB - OMDB_API_KEY Additionally, the fortune utility must be present in order for Unix fortunes to work correctly. Some package managers also provide the fortunes, fortunes-off, and fortunes-bofh-excuses packages for additional fortune messages.
    Once all dependencies are installed, yossarian-bot can be run as follows:
    $ ruby bot-control.rb start $ # OR: $ ruby yossarian-bot.rb # not run in background Using Docker
    docker build -t yossarian-bot:latest . docker run -v $PWD/config.yml:/config.yml yossarian-bot Using the bot
    Configuration Options
    yossarian-bot is configured via a YAML file named config.yml.
    Look at the example config.yml to see a list of optional and required keys.
    There are a bunch of commands that yossarian-bot accepts. You can see a complete list in the COMMANDS file.
    yossarian-bot matches all HTTP links and messages the title of the linked HTML page. This feature can be disabled by adding LinkTitling to the server's disabled_plugins array in config.yml.
    Messages of the form s/(.+)/(.+) are also matched, and the first pattern matched is applied to the user's last previous message, with the second match replacing it. For example, a typo like "this is a setnence" can be corrected with s/setnence/sentence. This feature can be disabled by adding RegexReplace to the server's disabled_plugins array in config.yml.


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  25. LioBot (Liona)

    Laravel.io's irc bot for #laravel on freenode.
    This version is designed to be deployed on Heroku. This README was generated for you by hubot to help get you started. Definitely update and improve to talk about your own instance, how to use and deploy, what functionality he has, etc!
    Testing Hubot Locally
    You can test your hubot by running the following.
    % bin/hubot You'll see some start up output about where your scripts come from and a prompt.
    [Sun, 04 Dec 2011 18:41:11 GMT] INFO Loading adapter shell [Sun, 04 Dec 2011 18:41:11 GMT] INFO Loading scripts from /home/tomb/Development/hubot/scripts [Sun, 04 Dec 2011 18:41:11 GMT] INFO Loading scripts from /home/tomb/Development/hubot/src/scripts Hubot> Then you can interact with hubot by typing hubot help.
    Hubot> hubot help Hubot> animate me <query> - The same thing as `image me`, except adds a few convert me <expression> to <units> - Convert expression to given units. help - Displays all of the help commands that Hubot knows about. ... Scripting
    Take a look at the scripts in the ./scripts folder for examples. Delete any scripts you think are useless or boring. Add whatever functionality you want hubot to have. Read up on what you can do with hubot in the Scripting Guide.
    Redis Persistence
    If you are going to use the redis-brain.coffee script from hubot-scripts (strongly suggested), you will need to add the Redis to Go addon on Heroku which requires a verified account or you can create an account at Redis to Go and manually set the REDISTOGO_URL variable.
    % heroku config:add REDISTOGO_URL="..." If you don't require any persistence feel free to remove the redis-brain.coffee from hubot-scripts.json and you don't need to worry about redis at all.
    Adapters are the interface to the service you want your hubot to run on. This can be something like Campfire or IRC. There are a number of third party adapters that the community have contributed. Check Hubot Adapters for the available ones.
    If you would like to run a non-Campfire or shell adapter you will need to add the adapter package as a dependency to the package.json file in the dependencies section.
    Once you've added the dependency and run npm install to install it you can then run hubot with the adapter.
    % bin/hubot -a <adapter> Where <adapter> is the name of your adapter without the hubot- prefix.
    There will inevitably be functionality that everyone will want. Instead of adding it to hubot itself, you can submit pull requests to hubot-scripts.
    To enable scripts from the hubot-scripts package, add the script name with extension as a double quoted string to the hubot-scripts.json file in this repo.
    Tired of waiting for your script to be merged into hubot-scripts? Want to maintain the repository and package yourself? Then this added functionality maybe for you!
    Hubot is now able to load scripts from third-party npm packages! To enable this functionality you can follow the following steps.
    Add the packages as dependencies into your package.json npm install to make sure those packages are installed To enable third-party scripts that you've added you will need to add the package name as a double quoted string to the external-scripts.json file in this repo.
    % heroku create --stack cedar % git push heroku master % heroku ps:scale app=1 If your Heroku account has been verified you can run the following to enable and add the Redis to Go addon to your app.
    % heroku addons:add redistogo:nano If you run into any problems, checkout Heroku's docs.
    You'll need to edit the Procfile to set the name of your hubot.
    More detailed documentation can be found on the deploying hubot onto Heroku wiki page.
    Deploying to UNIX or Windows
    If you would like to deploy to either a UNIX operating system or Windows. Please check out the deploying hubot onto UNIX and deploying hubot onto Windows wiki pages.
    Campfire Variables
    If you are using the Campfire adapter you will need to set some environment variables. Refer to the documentation for other adapters and the configuraiton of those, links to the adapters can be found on Hubot Adapters.
    Create a separate Campfire user for your bot and get their token from the web UI.
    % heroku config:add HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_TOKEN="..." Get the numeric IDs of the rooms you want the bot to join, comma delimited. If you want the bot to connect to https://mysubdomain.campfirenow.com/room/42 and https://mysubdomain.campfirenow.com/room/1024 then you'd add it like this:
    % heroku config:add HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ROOMS="42,1024" Add the subdomain hubot should connect to. If you web URL looks like http://mysubdomain.campfirenow.com then you'd add it like this:
    % heroku config:add HUBOT_CAMPFIRE_ACCOUNT="mysubdomain" Restart the bot
    You may want to get comfortable with heroku logs and heroku restart if you're having issues.


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