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Invite Dialog

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>on 1:INVITE:#:{

 set %i.chan $chan

 set %i.nick $nick

 dialog -m invite invite

 did -a invite 1 Invite in %i.chan von %i.nick



on *:dialog:invite:sclick:4:{

 dialog -x invite invite

 join %i.chan

 unset %i*


on *:dialog:invite:sclick:5:{

 dialog -x invite invite

 unset %i*


dialog invite {

 title "Invite v1.0"

 size -1 -1 159 45

 option dbu

 text "", 1, 3 6 124 13

 box "", 2, 2 2 152 37

 text "Joinen?", 3, 4 20 57 8

 button "Ja", 4, 62 24 31 12

 button "Nein", 5, 94 24 31 12, ok




Nach oben      

palaber   Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Invite DialogVerfasst: So 18 Okt, 2009 22:42 17  


Registriert: So 18 Okt, 2009 22:35 07

Beiträge: 1  Code:

on 1:INVITE:#:{

 .timerinvite 1 0 invitedialog $chan


alias invitedialog {

 if ($?!="Join channel $$1?"==true) { 

   join $1



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