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away log

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>Away log


on *:TEXT:$( * $+ $me $+ * ):#: {

 if ($away) { 

   window -emg[1]k[0] @away-log

   aline -p @away-log $asctime( [HH] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0][ $+ $chan $+ ][4 $+ $address $+ 0]0 $+($chr(60),$nick,$chr(62))  $1-



on *:action:$(* $+ $me $+ *):#:{

 if ($away) { 

   window -emg[1]k[0] @away-log 

   aline -p @away-log $asctime( [HH] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0][ $+ $chan $+ ][6¤0]6  $nick $1- 



on ^*:invite:#:{

 if ($away) { 

   window -emg[1]k[0] @away-log 

   aline -p @away-log $asctime( [HH] ) 0[4 $+ $server $+ 0][4host11:4 $address $+ 0]11 $nick 0invite you to join11 $chan 



menu @away-log {

 &clear:clear $active

 &close:close -@ $active



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