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- KickList add-on -

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The KickList add-on is also a very useful addon that one mIRC user should have installed into him/her mIRC, it is very easy for using and is design like the BanList add-on also have a lots of features on it, and you can modify any setting from the settings window of this remote e.g: change kick reason, disable/enable the addon and more.. This remote is FREE with not any ad-ware or spy-ware, also you can find this remote on officials mIRC scripting websites. For any problem or for something that is not going good or for your suggestion to make the KickList addon better contact to the author.








-                 KickList - 1.0                     -

 This addon is checked for adware or for any virus

 this mirc addon is protected from any lammer user

 for any problems with install this addon or for

 any other issue about this addon please contact

 to the owner of this addon by sending an e-mail





; ------------------------------*--> START OF GROUPS  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname1 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel1 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname2) && ($istok(%kl_channel2,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname2 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel2 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname3) && ($istok(%kl_channel3,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname3 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel3 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname4) && ($istok(%kl_channel4,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname4 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel4 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname5) && ($istok(%kl_channel5,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname5 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel5 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname6) && ($istok(%kl_channel6,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname6 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel6 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname7) && ($istok(%kl_channel7,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname7 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel7 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname8) && ($istok(%kl_channel8,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname8 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel8 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname9) && ($istok(%kl_channel9,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname9 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel9 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname10) && ($istok(%kl_channel10,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname10 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel10 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname11) && ($istok(%kl_channel11,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname11 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel11 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname12) && ($istok(%kl_channel12,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname12 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel12 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname13) && ($istok(%kl_channel13,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname13 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel13 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname14) && ($istok(%kl_channel14,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname14 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel14 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }

  if ($nick == %kl_nickname15) && ($istok(%kl_channel15,$chan,32)) { $iif(%KL_KICK,kick # $nick %KL_KICKREASON) | $iif(%KL_WARN,echo -ag  $+ $color(info) $+ [WARNING]: You have the " $+ %kl_nickname15 $+ " nickname into the " $+ %kl_channel15 $+ " channel into your kicklist!) }


#kicklist end

#kicklist_menu_menubar off

menu menubar {


  « $+ $chr(7) $+ » KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver by $kl_owner « $+ $chr(7) $+ » { kicklist }



#kicklist_menu_menubar end

#kicklist_menu_status off

menu status {


  « $+ $chr(7) $+ » KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver by $kl_owner « $+ $chr(7) $+ » { kicklist }



#kicklist_menu_status end

#kicklist_menu_all off

menu * {


  « $+ $chr(7) $+ » KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver by $kl_owner « $+ $chr(7) $+ » { kicklist }



#kicklist_menu_all end

#kicklist_menu_channel on

menu channel {


  « $+ $chr(7) $+ » KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver by $kl_owner « $+ $chr(7) $+ » { kicklist }



#kicklist_menu_channel end

#kicklist_menu_nicklist off

menu nicklist {


  « $+ $chr(7) $+ » KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver by $kl_owner « $+ $chr(7) $+ » { kicklist }



#kicklist_menu_nicklist end

#kicklist_menu_query off

menu query {


  « $+ $chr(7) $+ » KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver by $kl_owner « $+ $chr(7) $+ » { kicklist }



#kicklist_menu_query end

menu @kl_about { 

  sclick:$kl_sclick | window -c $active

  rclick:$kl_sclick | window -c $active | kl_about


; ------------------------------*--> END OF GROUPS  START OF EVENTS = 6.0) {

    if (!$exists($scriptdir\click.wav)) { set %KL_UNSET 1 | kl_error | .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " | halt }

    if (%KL_ERROR) { var %error = $input(The KickList addon cannot install on your mIRC system $+ $chr(44) propably a file missing or something has been changed/deleted into 'KickList.mrc' file!,houd,KickList - Error) | set %KL_UNSET 1 | .timer[KL_SET_ERROR] -o 1 1 set %KL_ERROR 1 | .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " | halt }

    if ($bytes($file($script).size).suf !== $+($chr(51),$chr(51),$chr(46),$chr(56),$chr(56),$chr(75),$chr(66))) { set %KL_UNSET 1 | set %KL_ERROR 1 | kl_error | .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " | halt }

    unset %KL_*

    set %KL_KICKREASON You are NOT allowed to stay here! - (KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver By  $+ $kl_owner $+ )

    set %KL_INSTALLDATE $fulldate

    set %KL_CTCP 1

    set %KL_KICK 1

    set %KL_SCLICK 1

    .disable #kicklist_menu_menubar #kicklist_menu_status #kicklist_menu_nicklist #kicklist_menu_all #kicklist_menu_query

    .enable #kicklist_menu_channel

    var %done = $input(The KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver has been successfully installed into your mIRC $+ $chr(44) use right click into a channel to run the KickList or start with $chr(34) $+ /kicklist $+ $chr(34) command. $crlf $crlf $+ $chr(40) $+ Thanks for using the KickList addon $+ $chr(41) $+ ,oid,KickList - Information)



  else {

    var %error = $input(Your mIRC version is too old and the KickList addon will be not work on version $chr(34) $+ $version $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(44) please update your mIRC version to the latest and try again to install the KickList addon!,houd,KickList - Error)

    url -n http://www.mirc.com/get.html

    set %KL_UNSET 1

    .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ "





  if ($dialog(kicklist)) { dialog -x kicklist }

  if ($dialog(kicklist_settings)) { dialog -x kicklist_settings }

  if ($dialog(kicklist_help)) { dialog -x kicklist_help }

  if ($window(@kl_about)) { window -c @kl_about }

  sockclose kicklist_update

  .timer[KL_UPDATE_*] off

  .disable #kicklist

  .disable #kicklist_menu_menubar

  .disable #kicklist_menu_query

  .disable #kicklist_menu_nicklist

  .disable #kicklist_menu_all

  .disable #kicklist_menu_status

  .enable #kicklist_menu_channel  

  if (!%KL_UNSET) { var %done = $input(The KickList addon has been successfully uninstalled. $crlf $crlf $+ $chr(40) $+ Thanks for using the KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver by $kl_owner $+ $chr(41) $+ ,oid,KickList - Information) }

  unset %KL_*



  if ($kl_owner !== $+($chr(94),$chr(87),$chr(101),$chr(83),$chr(116))) { set %KL_UNSET 1 | .remove -b " $+ $script $+ " | $iif($exists($scriptdirclick.wav),.remove -b " $+ $scriptdirclick.wav $+ " $+ ) | .rmdir " $+ $scriptdir $+ " | var %error = $input(The KickList addon cannot work on your mIRC system $+ $chr(44) You have change/delete something from the 'KickList.mrc' file!,houd,KickList - Error) | .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " | halt }

  if ($bytes($file($script).size).suf !== $+($chr(51),$chr(51),$chr(46),$chr(56),$chr(56),$chr(75),$chr(66))) { set %KL_UNSET 1 | var %error = $input(The KickList addon cannot work on your mIRC system $+ $chr(44) You have change/delete something from the 'KickList.mrc' file!,houd,KickList - Error) | .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " | halt }

  if (%KL_ERROR) { set %KL_UNSET 1 | .remove -b " $+ $script $+ " | $iif($exists($scriptdirclick.wav),.remove -b " $+ $scriptdirclick.wav $+ " $+ ) | .rmdir " $+ $scriptdir $+ " | .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " | var %done = $input(The KickList addon has been removed from your mIRC system!,oid,KickList - Information) | halt } 

  if (!%KL_KICKREASON) { set %KL_KICKREASON You are NOT allowed to stay here! - (KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver By  $+ $kl_owner $+ ) }


ON *:DIALOG:KickList:*:*: {

  if ($devent == sclick) {

    if ($did == 1) {

      set %kl_nickname1 $did(19)

      set %kl_nickname2 $did(20)

      set %kl_nickname3 $did(21)

      set %kl_nickname4 $did(22)

      set %kl_nickname5 $did(23)

      set %kl_nickname6 $did(24)

      set %kl_nickname7 $did(25)

      set %kl_nickname8 $did(26)

      set %kl_nickname9 $did(27)

      set %kl_nickname10 $did(28)

      set %kl_nickname11 $did(29)

      set %kl_nickname12 $did(30)

      set %kl_nickname13 $did(31)

      set %kl_nickname14 $did(32)

      set %kl_nickname15 $did(33)

      set %kl_channel1 $did(49)

      set %kl_channel2 $did(50)

      set %kl_channel3 $did(51)

      set %kl_channel4 $did(52)

      set %kl_channel5 $did(53)

      set %kl_channel6 $did(54)

      set %kl_channel7 $did(55)

      set %kl_channel8 $did(56)

      set %kl_channel9 $did(57)

      set %kl_channel10 $did(58)

      set %kl_channel11 $did(59)

      set %kl_channel12 $did(60)

      set %kl_channel13 $did(61)

      set %kl_channel14 $did(62)

      set %kl_channel15 $did(63)


    if ($did == 65) { $kl_sclick | kicklist_settings }

    if ($did == 64) { $kl_sclick | kicklist_help }

    if ($did == 66) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 19 }

    if ($did == 67) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 20 }

    if ($did == 68) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 21 }

    if ($did == 69) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 22 }

    if ($did == 70) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 23 }

    if ($did == 71) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 24 }

    if ($did == 72) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 25 }

    if ($did == 73) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 26 }

    if ($did == 74) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 27 }

    if ($did == 75) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 28 }

    if ($did == 76) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 29 }

    if ($did == 77) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 30 }

    if ($did == 78) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 31 }

    if ($did == 79) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 32 }

    if ($did == 80) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 33 }

    if ($did == 81) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 49 }

    if ($did == 82) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 50 }

    if ($did == 83) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 51 }

    if ($did == 84) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 52 }

    if ($did == 85) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 53 }

    if ($did == 86) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 54 }

    if ($did == 87) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 55 }

    if ($did == 88) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 56 }

    if ($did == 89) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 57 }

    if ($did == 90) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 58 }

    if ($did == 91) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 59 }

    if ($did == 92) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 60 }

    if ($did == 93) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 61 }

    if ($did == 94) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 62 }

    if ($did == 95) { $kl_sclick | did -r $dname 63 }


  if ($devent == close) { $kl_sclick }


ON *:DIALOG:kicklist_help:*:*: {

  if ($devent == sclick) {

    if ($did == 4) { $kl_sclick | run mailto:westor7@gmail.com?subject=Reporting a problem to KickList addon $kl_ver (OS: $os BIT: $bits VERSION: $version $+ ) }

    if ($did == 7) { $kl_sclick | url -n www.westor.ucoz.com }

    if ($did == 5) { $kl_sclick | url -n www.facebook.com/westor7 }

    if ($did == 6) { var %info = $input(Add me into your Messenger: gavliaris2@hotmail.com,oid,KickList - Information) }

    if ($did == 8) { $kl_sclick | run mailto:westor7@gmail.com?subjest=KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver author contacting. }

    if ($did == 9) { $kl_sclick | kl_about }


  if ($devent == close) { $kl_sclick }


ON *:DIALOG:kicklist_settings:*:*: {

  if ($devent == init) {

    did -b $dname 16

    if (%KL_SCLICK) { did -c $dname 3 }

    if ($group(#kicklist_menu_all) == on) { did -c $dname 12 | did -b $dname 13,14,17,18,19 }

    if ($group(#kicklist_menu_status) == on) { did -c $dname 13 }

    if ($group(#kicklist_menu_nicklist) == on) { did -c $dname 14 }

    if ($group(#kicklist_menu_query) == on) { did -c $dname 17 }

    if ($group(#kicklist_menu_channel) == on) { did -c $dname 18 }

    if ($group(#kicklist_menu_menubar) == on) { did -c $dname 19 }

    if ($group(#kicklist) == on) { did -ra $dname 4 Disable | did -ra $dname 5 KickList Status: ON }

    elseif ($group(#kicklist) == off) { did -ra $dname 4 Enable | did -ra $dname 5 KickList Status: OFF }

    if (%KL_KICK) { did -c $dname 21 }

    elseif (%KL_WARN) { did -c $dname 24 }

    if (!%KL_THEME) { did -b $dname 27 }

    elseif (%KL_THEME) { did -b $dname 26 }

    if (%KL_CTCP) { did -c $dname 28 }


  if ($devent == sclick) {

    if ($did == 3) {

      if (%KL_SCLICK) { $kl_sclick | unset %KL_SCLICK }

      elseif (!%KL_SCLICK) { set %KL_SCLICK 1 | $kl_sclick }


    if ($did == 4) {

      if ($group(#kicklist) == on) { $kl_sclick | did -ra $dname $did Enable | .disable #kicklist | did -ra $dname 5 KickList Status: OFF }

      elseif ($group(#kicklist) == off) { $kl_sclick | did -ra $dname $did Disable | .enable #kicklist | did -ra $dname 5 KickList Status: ON }


    if ($did == 7) {

      if (%KL_ASK_DID_7) { return }

      set -e %KL_ASK_DID_7 1

      var %ask = $input(Are you sure that you want to uninstall/unload the KickList addon from your mIRC?,yid,KickList - Question)

      if (%ask == $true) { dialog -x $dname | $iif($dialog(kicklist),dialog -x kicklist) | $iif($dialog(kicklist_help),dialog -x kicklist_help) | .disable #kicklist | .disable #kicklist_menu_menubar | .disable #kicklist_menu_all | .disable #kicklist_menu_nicklist | .disable #kicklist_menu_status | .disable #kicklist_menu_query | .enable #kicklist_menu_channel | unset %KL_* | .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " | var %done = $input(The KickList addon has been successfully uninstalled. $crlf $crlf $+ $chr(40) $+ Thanks for using the KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver by $kl_owner $+ $chr(41) $+ ,oid,KickList - Information) }

      elseif (%ask == $false) { unset %KL_ASK_DID_7 }


    if ($did == 8) {

      if (%KL_ASK_DID_8) { return }

      set -e %KL_ASK_DID_8 1

      var %ask = $input(Are you sure that you want to restore defaults to the KickList addon?,yid,KickList - Question)

      if (%ask == $true) { $iif($dialog(kicklist),dialog -x kicklist) | $iif($dialog(kicklist_help),dialog -x kicklist_help) | $iif($window(@kl_about),window -c @kl_about) | unset %KL_THEME %KL_ASK_DID_7 %KL_ASK_DID_8 %KL_WARN | set %KL_CTCP 1 | set %KL_SCLICK 1 | set %KL_KICK 1 | set %KL_KICKREASON You are NOT allowed to stay here! - KickList addon v $+ $kl_ver By  $+ $kl_owner $+  | .disable #kicklist | .disable #kicklist_menu_menubar | .disable #kicklist_menu_all | .disable #kicklist_menu_nicklist | .disable #kicklist_menu_status | .disable #kicklist_menu_query | .enable #kicklist_menu_channel | unset %kl_nickname* | unset %kl_channel* | var %done = $input(The KickList addon has been successfully restored to the defaults.,oid,KickList - Information) | dialog -x $dname | kicklist_settings }

      elseif (%ask == $false) { unset %KL_ASK_DID_8 }


    if ($did == 9) { $kl_sclick | kicklist_help }

    if ($did == 10) { $kl_sclick | kl_about }

    if ($did == 11) {


      .timer[KL_UPDATE_CHECK_FAIL] -o 1 10 $iif($dialog(kicklist_settings),did -ra kicklist_settings 15 Error: Connection problem $+ $chr(44) Please try again later!) 

      .timer[KL_UPDATE_CHECK_FAIL_1] -o 1 9 $iif($dialog(kicklist_settings),did -e kicklist_settings 11)

      did -b $dname $did

      sockclose kicklist_update

      sockopen kicklist_update www.westor.ucoz.com 80

      did -ra $dname 15 Checking for new versions.. 


    if ($did == 12) { 

      if ($did(12).state) { $kl_sclick | .disable #kicklist_menu_menubar #kicklist_menu_query #kicklist_menu_channel #kicklist_menu_nicklist #kicklist_menu_status | .enable #kicklist_menu_all | did -ub $dname 13,14,17,18,19 }

      elseif (!$did(12).state) { $kl_sclick | .disable #kicklist_menu_all #kicklist_menu_query #kicklist_menu_channel #kicklist_menu_nicklist #kicklist_menu_menubar #kicklist_menu_status | did -e $dname 13,14,17,18,19 }


    if ($did == 13) {

      if ($did(13).state) { $kl_sclick | .enable #kicklist_menu_status | kl_settings_check }

      elseif (!$did(13).state) { $kl_sclick | .disable #kicklist_menu_status | kl_settings_check }


    if ($did == 14) {

      if ($did(14).state) { $kl_sclick | .enable #kicklist_menu_nicklist | kl_settings_check }

      elseif (!$did(14).state) { $kl_sclick | .disable #kicklist_menu_nicklist | kl_settings_check }


    if ($did == 17) {

      if ($did(17).state) { $kl_sclick | .enable #kicklist_menu_query | kl_settings_check }

      elseif (!$did(17).state) { $kl_sclick | .disable #kicklist_menu_query | kl_settings_check }


    if ($did == 18) {

      if ($did(18).state) { $kl_sclick | .enable #kicklist_menu_channel | kl_settings_check }

      elseif (!$did(18).state) { $kl_sclick | .disable #kicklist_menu_channel | kl_settings_check }


    if ($did == 19) {

      if ($did(19).state) { $kl_sclick | .enable #kicklist_menu_menubar | kl_settings_check }

      elseif (!$did(19).state) { $kl_sclick | .disable #kicklist_menu_menubar | kl_settings_check }


    if ($did == 21) { $kl_sclick | unset %KL_WARN | set %KL_KICK 1 }

    if ($did == 24) { $kl_sclick | unset %KL_KICK | set %KL_WARN 1 }

    if ($did == 16) { if (%KL_WEB_DOWNLOAD) { $kl_sclick | run %KL_WEB_DOWNLOAD | did -b $dname $did | did -e $dname 11 } }

    if ($did == 26) { $kl_sclick | set %KL_THEME notheme | did -b $dname $did | did -e $dname 27 | $iif($dialog(kicklist),dialog -x kicklist) | $iif($dialog(kicklist_help),dialog -x kicklist_help) | dialog -x $dname | .timer[KL_UPDATE_*] off | sockclose kicklist_update | .timer[KL_SETTINGS_DIALOG_OPEN] -o 1 0 kicklist_settings }

    if ($did == 27) { $kl_sclick | unset %KL_THEME | did -b $dname $did | did -e $dname 26 | $iif($dialog(kicklist),dialog -x kicklist) | $iif($dialog(kicklist_help),dialog -x kicklist_help) | dialog -x $dname | .timer[KL_UPDATE_*] off | sockclose kicklist_update | .timer[KL_SETTINGS_DIALOG_OPEN] -o 1 0 kicklist_settings }

    if ($did == 28) {

      if ($did($did).state) { $kl_sclick | set %KL_CTCP 1 }

      elseif (!$did($did).state) { $kl_sclick | unset %KL_CTCP }


    if ($did == 29) { 

      var %new = $input(Enter here the message that you want to be in kick message when you kick the user from the channel: $crlf $crlf $+ Currently is: %KL_KICKREASON $+ ,eid,KickList - Enter)

      if (!%new) { var %error = $input(The KickList kick message has not been changed!,wod,KickList - Warning) }

      elseif (%new) { set %KL_KICKREASON %new | var %done = $input(The KickList kick message has been updated! $crlf $crlf $+ Currently is: %new $+ ,oid,KickList - Information) }



  if ($devent == close) { $kl_sclick | unset %KL_ASK_DID_* %KL_WEB_* | .timer[KL_UPDATE_*] off | sockclose kicklist_update } 


ON *:SOCKOPEN:kicklist_update: {

  if ($sockerr > 0) { did -ra kicklist_settings 15 Error: Connection problem check your connection and try again later! | did -e kicklist_settings 11 | .timer[KL_UPDATE_*] off | return }

  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /updates/kicklist_update.txt HTTP/1.1

  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: westor.ucoz.com

  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10

  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

  did -ra kicklist_settings 15 Checking for new version $+ $chr(44) please wait...


ON *:SOCKREAD:kicklist_update: {

  if (!$dialog(kicklist_settings)) { sockclose $sockname | halt }

  if ($sockerr > 0) { did -ra kicklist_settings 15 Error: Connection problem check your connection and try again later! | did -e kicklist_settings 11 | .timer[KL_UPDATE_*] off | return }

  var %v | sockread %v | tokenize 32 %v 

  if ($1 == v) {

    set -e %KL_WEB_VERSION $2

    set -e %KL_WEB_DOWNLOAD $4

    did -e kicklist_settings 11

    if ($2 !== $kl_ver) {

      did -e kicklist_settings 16

      did -b kicklist_settings 11

      did -ra kicklist_settings 15 New version is available (v $+ %KL_WEB_VERSION $+ ) for download click in "Download" button for download!

      .timer[KL_UPDATE_*] off


    elseif ($2 == $kl_ver) { .timer[KL_UPDATE_*] off | did -ra kicklist_settings 15 There are no any new versions available for download $+ $chr(44) you have the latest version! | unset %KL_WEB_* }



ctcp *:VERSION: { if (%KL_CTCP) { ctcpreply $nick VERSION  $+ $color(info) $+ [ $+ $color(ctcp) $+ $nick $+  $+ $color(info) $+ ]: Using the KickList addon v $+  $+ $kl_ver $+  Created by:  $+ $kl_owner $+  addon created on:  $+ $kl_crdate $+  and installed on:  $+ %KL_INSTALLDATE $+  - Download from: www.westor.ucoz.com/load - Direct download from: www.westor.ucoz.com/remotes/kicklist.rar } }


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