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Idle Messenger (iMSG)

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Keeps a message awaiting for a user that is idle and tells them when they return.


When you load the script, //run $mircdir and in that folder, create a folder called iMSG


Load into remotes of a bot


and type !imsg


When the user returns they will be notified.


>on *:TEXT:*:*: {  if ($1 = !iMSG) && ($2) {    write iMSG/ $+ $2 $+ .txt $nick - $3-    notice $nick iMSG successfully recorded. The user will be notified when they return.    hadd -m msgs $2 $ctime    set %read. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] OFF  }  if ($hget(msgs,$nick)) {    notice $nick $nick $+ , you have a(n) iMSG that was last sent to you $duration($calc($ctime - $hget(msgs,$nick))) ago    notice $nick If you wish to view this message, type !view    hdel msgs $nick  }  if ($1 = !view) {    play $nick iMSG/ $+ $nick $+ .txt 50    timer 1 5 msg $nick Is your iMSG board getting too crowded? If so type !clear  }  if ($1 = !clear) {    remove iMSG/ $+ $nick $+ .txt    msg $nick iMSG list successfully cleared.  }} 

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