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idle trading script

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This is a very simple script that works by the user's nick. Set up a timer (ie: /timer1 0 3600 /amsg Please idle #chan (pm me to trade idlers 1 for 1)) so that people know to pm you for the idler script to kick in. When someone PMs the client this is loaded in, it will message them with instructions on how to trade idlers. The point of this is to run in the background (ex: a different mIRC client minimized with sounds off), and people will message it to join their channel. They first have to join YOUR channel, so each person benefits from this script.



replace #CHANNEL (the ones in upper-case) with your channel name, and it should work flawlessly.



NOTE: the first couple lines (on connect) were not coded by me (gamesurge #script channel). This part has NOT been tested, and is not necessary for the script to work. The purpose of it is for quick reconnects by the host (such as accidentally closing the window). If you disconnect and someone leaves your channel who has an idle agreement with you, you will rejoin their channel when reconnecting whether they're in your channel or not.


Also, idle trading scripts are banned from many servers. Check AUP before you use one (gamesurge, for instance, this is illegal on. Don't blame me if you get yourself banned.)


>;- Credits -;rannmann on irc.gamesurge.net #domepiece on *:CONNECT: {  var %i 1  while ($var(%channel.*,%i)) {    join $var(%channel.*,%i).value    inc %i  }}on *:OPEN:?: {   msg $nick Hi!  Do you want to trade idlers 1 for 1?  If so, type .idle to continue!}on *:TEXT:*.idle*:?: {  set %idle. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] yes  msg $nick Please join #CHANNEL to continue.  (Note: if you are already in #CHANNEL, please part and type .idle again.)}on *:JOIN:#CHANNEL: {   set %inchan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] yes  if (%idle. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == yes) {    msg $nick Now please type .channel followed by your channel name (ex: .channel #your-chan)  }  else { }}on *:TEXT:.channel*:?: {  if (%inchan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == yes) {    set %chan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $2    join %chan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]  }  else msg $nick Please join #CHANNEL before you set your channel.}on *:PART:#CHANNEL: {  unset %inchan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]  if (%idle. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == yes) {    part %chan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Idle agreement broken by $nick $+ .    unset %chan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]    unset %idle. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]  }}on *:DISCONNECT: {  unset %inchan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]  if (%idle. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == yes) {    part %chan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Idle agreement broken by $nick $+ .    unset %chan. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]    unset %idle. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]  }}

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