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Simple Ban & Kick Protection

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>you need to be AOP or Hight to channel. ; tested on DALnet.. ; just paste into you remote and check the ; popups.. :) for any comments or suggi- ; tion email me to my email above or try ; to visit us on DALnet(irc.dal.net) ; channel #Clan-X-scripterz ; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ; to load this script just place it on ; the mirc dir or on a dir then type ; /load -rs path-to\kbprot.mrc ; Enjoy! =) ; ======================================== #ban.&.kick.prot off on @*:BAN:#:{ if ($nick == $me) { return } if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { mode $chan -B $Banmask chanserv unban $chan $me .echo $colour(info) -a *** You were banned By $nick on $chan $banmask } } on *:NOTICE:All bans against you on *:*:{ if ($nick == chanserv) && ($network == DALnet) { join $strip($6) .timer 1 1 chanserv op $6 $me } } on *:KICK:#:{ if ($knick == $me) && ($nick != $me) { .raw join $chan } } #ban.&.kick.prot end menu menubar,channel { kick+ban protect .status( $+ $group(#ban.&.kick.prot) $+ ):/halt .- .on:.enable #ban.&.kick.prot | echo $colour(info) -a *** ban & kick protection is now on.. .off:.disable #ban.&.kick.prot | echo $colour(info) -a *** ban & kick protection is now off.. .- .team-clanx:.url Http://www.team-clanx.net } 

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