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Scan-ircop scan-clone scan away

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salut a placer dans un remote ces pas de moi un amis la fais il de sa un ou deux ans ces juste pour savoir si le code et bien fais normalemment il marche

######################################### SCAN-IRCOP #################################

alias ircop.scan { if $dialog(ircop.s) == $null) { unset %cbd | dialog -m ircop.s ircop.s } }
dialog ircop.s {
  icon image\icone.ico
  title ""
  size -1 -1 190 222
  text "Liste des Ircops sur un Salon :", 6, 24 16 190 20
  text "Salon à Scanner :", 7, 24 130 130 100
  combo 10, 22 150 100 100, drop
  box "", 141, 10 5 170 180
  list 8, 22 40 145 100, autohs
  button "Scanner", 16, 8 190 80 25
  button "Fermer", 2, 100 190 80 25, ok
on *:dialog:ircop.s:edit:*:{ if ($did == 10) { set %cbd $did(ircop.s,10).text } }
on *:dialog:ircop.s:dclick:*:{ if ($did == 8) { query $did(8,$did(8).sel) } }
on *:dialog:ircop.s:init:*:{ dialog -t ircop.s $network ZaRCkOSs`IRCop`Scan | chan.l | did -c ircop.s 10 1 }
on *:dialog:ircop.s:sclick:16:{ if ($did == 1) unset %cbd | if ($did == 16) ircops.chan | if ($did == 18) if ($did(9,$did(9).sel) != $null) query $did(9,$did(9).sel) | if (%son23 == on) && (%soundxs == on) { .timerscan 1 1 splay %wav23 | haltdef } }
-alias ircop.s1 { did -r ircop.s 9 | .disable #ircopscan.chan | .enable #ircop-scan.net |  .who 0 o }
#ircopscan.chan off
raw 315:*: .disable #ircopscan.chan | halt 
raw 352:*: if (* isin $7) did -a ircop.s 8 $6 | halt
#ircopscan.chan end
#ircop-scan.net off
raw 315:*: .disable #ircop-scan.net | halt 
raw 352:*: if ($dialog(ircop.s) != $null) { did -a ircop.s 9 $6 | did -o ircop.s 142 1 $ircop.count | halt }
#ircop-scan.net end
alias ircops.chan { did -r ircop.s 8 | set -u20 %Irchan on | .who $did(ircop.s,10).text | .enable #ircopscan.chan }
alias chan.l { var %channum = 0 | :findchan | inc %channum 1 | var %chan = $chan(%channum) | if (%chan == $null) { goto end } | did -i ircop.s 10 1 %chan | goto findchan | :end }

######################################### SCAN-CLONE ################################################################

#clone off
alias clonescan { set -u20 %Irchan on | unset %i* | .ial on | .enable #cln | .who # | set %ichan # | set %itnick $nick(#,0) | set %itotal 0 | hmake c 10 }
#clone end

#clone off
alias scaning { set %n 0 | :p | inc %n
  if ($nick(%ichan,%n) isin %istock) { goto e }
  if ($ialchan($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),%ichan,0) > 1) { inc %itotal | unset %inick | set %l 0 | :l | inc %l
  if ($ialchan($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),%ichan,%l).nick) { set %istock %istock $ialchan($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),%ichan,%l).nick | set %inick %inick 4---> $ialchan($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),%ichan,%l).nick | goto l } | hadd c %itotal ( $+ $right($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),-4) $+ ) $right(%inick,-2) }
  if (%n < $nick(%ichan,0)) { goto p }
  if (%n = $nick(%ichan,0)) {
    if (%itotal != 0) { echo -a [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Scan1 ] Détection sur2 %ichan | echo -a [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Scan1 ] Résultat:2 $numtok(%istock,32) clones pour1 %itotal host(s) | var %e = 1 | while ($hget(c,%e)) { echo -a [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Scan1 ] %e $+ . $hget(c,%e) | inc %e } }
    if (%itotal == 0) { echo -a [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Scan1 ] Pas de clones détecté sur2 %ichan $+ . }
  unset %i* | hfree c }
  if (%son23 == on) && (%soundZaRCkOSs == on) { .timerscan 1 1 splay %wav23 | haltdef }
#clone end

#clonef on
alias clonescan { set -u20 %Irchan on | unset %i* | .ial on | window -k @Scan`Clone | .enable #cln | .who # | set %ichan # | set %itnick $nick(#,0) | set %itotal 0 | hmake c 10 }
#clonef end

#clonef on
alias scaning { set %n 0 | :p | inc %n
  if ($nick(%ichan,%n) isin %istock) { goto e }
  if ($ialchan($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),%ichan,0) > 1) { inc %itotal | unset %inick | set %l 0 | :l | inc %l
  if ($ialchan($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),%ichan,%l).nick) { set %istock %istock $ialchan($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),%ichan,%l).nick | set %inick %inick 4---> $ialchan($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),%ichan,%l).nick | goto l } | hadd c %itotal ( $+ $right($address($nick(%ichan,%n),2),-4) $+ ) $right(%inick,-2) }
  if (%n < $nick(%ichan,0)) { goto p }
  if (%n = $nick(%ichan,0)) {
    if (%itotal != 0) { echo @Scan`Clone [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Scan1 ] Détection sur2 %ichan | echo @Scan`Clone [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Scan1 ] Résultat:2 $numtok(%istock,32) clones pour1 %itotal host(s) | var %e = 1 | while ($hget(c,%e)) { echo @Scan`Clone [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Scan1 ] %e $+ . $hget(c,%e) | inc %e } }
    if (%itotal == 0) { echo @Scan`Clone [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Scan1 ] Pas de clones détecté sur2 %ichan $+ . }
  unset %i* | hfree c }
  if (%son23 == on) && (%soundZaRCkOSs == on) { .timerscan 1 1 splay %wav23 | haltdef }
#clonef end

#cln off
raw 352:*:halt
raw 315:*:.disable #cln | scaning | halt
#cln end

#Scan.Channel off
raw 352:*:{
  if ( $parm3 $+ @ $+ $parm4 isin %Chan.Address) { inc %Chan.Clones } | else { %Chan.Address = %Chan.Address $parm3 $+ @ $+ $parm4 }
  if (G isin $parm7) { 
    inc %Chan.Gone
    if (%Chan.pseudo == $null) { %Chan.pseudo = $parm6  }
    alse { %Chan.pseudo = %Chan.pseudo 1+ $parm6 }
  inc %Chan.Total | halt
raw 315:*:{
  echo 2 $parm2 6&#8226;&#8226;&#8226; Stat. de $parm2 6&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;
  echo 2 $parm2 6&#8226;OQP6&#8226; %Chan.Gone 6&#8226; %Chan.pseudo 6&#8226;
  echo 2 $parm2 6&#8226;Clones 6&#8226; %Chan.Clones
  echo 2 $parm2 6&#8226;&#8226;&#8226; Fin de Stat. total: %Chan.Total 6&#8226;&#8226;&#8226;
  .disable #Scan.Channel | unset %Chan.* | halt
#Scan.Channel end

#clonejoin off
on !*:join:#:{
  if ( #!*! iswm $chan ) { halt }
  if ($ialchan($wildsite,$chan,0) > 1) {
    echo $chan [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Scan1 ] Attention 2Clones1 détecté sur2 $chan 1!
    var %i = 2
    while (%i <= $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,0)) {
      echo $chan [ [ %time ] ] %logo 1[ 12Clone1 ]2 $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,1).nick 1et2 $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%i).nick 1sont des clones !!!
      inc %i
#clonejoin end

################################################## SCAN AWAY ###########################################

alias scanaway { .dialog -m scanaway scanaway }
dialog scanaway {
  icon image\icone.ico
  title "Scan`Away"
  size -1 -1 183 215
  combo 1, 11 11 160 100, drop, edit, size
  list 2, 10 40 162 102, size
  button "Scanner", 3, 8 180 75 25
  edit "", 5, 10 146 162 23, disabled, multi, return, autohs
  button "Fermer", 4, 100 180 75 25, ok
on *:dialog:scanaway:dclick:*:{ if ($did == 2) { query $did(2,$did(2).sel) } }
on *:dialog:scanaway:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) { .awaychans | .did -f scanaway 3 | .did -c scanaway 1 1 | .set %scan.chan $did(1).text }
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 10) { .warns }
    if ($did == 1) { .set %scan.chan $did(1).text }
    if ($did == 3) { .did -r scanaway 2,5 | .enable #scanaway | set -u20 %Irchan on | .who %scan.chan * | if (%son23 == on) && (%soundxs == on) { .timerscan 1 1 splay %wav23 } }
alias awaychans {
  set %num.chans 0
  inc %num.chans
  if ($comchan($me,%num.chans)) { .did -a scanaway 1 $comchan($me,%num.chans) | goto start }
  unset %num.chans
  if ($comchan($me,0) == 0) { .did -r scanaway 1,2,5 | .did -a scanaway 5 Enter In A Chan... }

#scanaway off
raw 352:* { did -a scanaway 5 Scanning... | if (G isin $7) { did -a scanaway 2 $nick(%scan.chan,$6).pnick | inc %scan.aways } }
raw 315:* { if (%scan.aways == 0) { .did -r scanaway 5 | .did -a scanaway 5 Pas d'Away ici ! |  set %awaysfound None } | .disable #scanaway | unset %scan.aways | if (%awaysfound == None) { .did -r scanaway 5 | .did -a scanaway 5 Pas d'Away ici ! } | if (%awaysfound != None) { .did -r scanaway 5 | .did -a scanaway 5 Fin du Scan... } | unset %awaysfound | halt }
#scanaway end


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