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Auto ( op,kick,voice,limit) by w4x

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~~~~~~ AutoOvKL ~~~~~~
;Un Auto Op,Kick,Voice,Limit On peut l'ouvrir /AutoOvKL
;By w4x

alias AutoOvKL dialog -m auto auto
dialog Auto {
title "- Auto - /AutoOvKL"
size -1 -1 213 82
option dbu
button "Tout Désactiver", 1, 85 55 50 12
button "Désactiver", 2, 10 33 37 12
button "Activer", 3, 10 16 37 12
box "AutoOp", 4, 4 4 50 50
box "AutoVoice", 5, 56 4 50 50
button "Désactiver", 6, 62 33 37 12
button "Activer", 7, 62 16 37 12
box "AutoKick", 8, 108 4 50 50
button "Désactiver", 9, 114 33 37 12
button "Activer", 10, 114 16 37 12
text "Auteur: w4x", 11, 159 72 33 8
button "Ok", 12, 91 68 37 10, ok cancel
box "AutoLimit", 14, 160 4 50 50
button "Activer", 15, 166 16 37 12
button "Désactiver", 16, 166 33 37 12
on *:Dialog:Auto:sclick:*:{
if ($did = 3) { set %AutoOp $$?="Salon a AutoOp" | Unset %AutoVoice | Unset %AutoKick | echo -a AutoOp a Bien été activé sur %AutoOp }
if ($did = 2) { unset %AutoOp }
if ($did = 7) { set %AutoVoice $$?="Salon a AutoVoice" | unset %AutoKick | unset %AutoOp | echo -a AutoVoice a Bien été activé sur %AutoVoice }
if ($did = 6) { unset %AutoVoice }
if ($did = 10) { set %AutoKick $$?="Salon a AutoKick" | unset %AutoOp | unset %AutoVoice | echo -a AutoKick a Bien été activé sur %AutoKick }
if ($did = 9) { unset %AutoKick }
if ($did = 1) { unset %AutoKick | Unset %Autolimit | Unset %AutoVoice | Unset %AutoOp | Echo -a AutoOvKL Entierement desactivé . }
if ($did = 15) { Set %Autolimit $$?="Salon a AutoLimit" | Echo -a AutoLimit Activé. }
if ($did = 16) { mode %Autolimit -l | unset %Autolimit | echo -a AutoLimit a été Desactivé . }
On *:Join:%AutoVoice: {
.Mode %AutoVoice +v $nick
On *:Join:%AutoOp: {
.mode %autoOp +o $nick
On *:Join:%AutoKick: {
.kick %AutoKick $nick %version
on *:join:%AutoLimit:{
if ($me isop $chan) { .timer 1 5 mode %Autolimit +l $calc($nick($chan,0) + 2) }
on *:part:%Autolimit:{
if ($me isop $chan) { .timer 1 5 mode %Autolimit +l $calc($nick($chan,0) + 2) }


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