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Message evenements (op/deop - halfop/dehalfop - voice/dévoice) ect.

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J'ai vu sur ce site qu'il y avait quelques dialogs pour ces messages, mais qui ne sont pas toujours très complet, ou qui bug... C'est pourquoi j'ai fait cet addon (toujours aussi simple) qui envoie des messages en notice aux personnes qui vous Voice/Dévoice Halfop/Déhalfop Op/Déop et quand vous joignez un salon. Vous pouvez choisir bien sur les messages, et de les activer/désactiver...

menu menubar,channel {
Messages Evenements:/dialog -m mess mess

dialog mess {
  title "Messages Evenements"
  size -1 -1 237 182
  option dbu
  box "Phrases Evénements", 1, 2 3 233 165
  button "Ok", 2, 93 170 141 9, ok, flat
  button "Annuler", 3, 4 170 79 9, cancel, flat
  text "Phrases Quand :", 4, 79 10 42 9
  check "Activer", 5, 3 28 28 10, flat
  text "On vous Op", 6, 37 29 35 8
  edit "", 7, 84 27 145 12, autohs
  check "Activer", 8, 3 48 28 10, flat
  text "On vous Déop", 9, 37 49 40 9
  edit "", 10, 84 49 145 12, autohs
  check "Activer", 13, 3 68 28 10, flat
  text "On vous halfop", 14, 37 69 41 9
  edit "", 15, 84 69 145 12, autohs
  check "Activer", 16, 3 88 28 10, flat
  text "On vous Déhalfop", 17, 34 89 47 9
  edit "", 18, 84 89 145 12, autohs
  check "Activer", 19, 3 108 28 10, flat
  text "On vous Voice", 20, 35 109 40 9
  edit "", 21, 84 108 145 12, autohs
  check "Activer", 22, 3 128 28 10, flat
  text "On vous Dévoice", 23, 34 130 47 9
  edit "", 24, 84 128 145 12, autohs
  check "Activer", 25, 3 148 28 10, flat
  text "Vous entrez sur un salon", 26, 34 149 66 9
  edit "", 27, 106 148 122 12, autohs

on *:DIALOG:mess:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 5) { set %msgop $iif($did(5).state,oui,non) }
  if ($did == 8) { set %msgdeop $iif($did(8).state,oui,non) }
  if ($did == 13) { set %msghalfop $iif($did(13).state,oui,non) }
  if ($did == 16) { set %msgdehalfop $iif($did(16).state,oui,non) }
  if ($did == 19) { set %msgvoice $iif($did(19).state,oui,non) }
  if ($did == 22) { set %msgdevoice $iif($did(22).state,oui,non) }
  if ($did == 25) { set %msgentree $iif($did(25).state,oui,non) }
   set %messageop $did(7) 
   set %messagedeop $did(10) 
   set %messagehalfop $did(15) 
   set %messagedehalfop $did(18) 
   set %messagevoice $did(21) 
   set %messagedevoice $did(24) 
   set %messageentree $did(27) 

on *:op:#:if ($opnick == $me) && (%msgop == oui) && ($nick != $me) { .timerRMC(Antiflood) 1 1 .notice $nick $replace(%messageop,@nick,$nick,@me,$me,@chan,$chan) }
on *:deop:#:if ($opnick == $me) && (%msgdeop == oui) && ($nick != $me) { .timerRMC(Antiflood) 1 1 .notice $nick $replace(%messagedeop,@nick,$nick,@me,$me,@chan,$chan) }
on *:help:#:if ($hnick == $me) && (%msghalfop == oui) && ($nick != $me) { .timerRMC(Antiflood) 1 1 .notice $nick $replace(%messagehalfop,@nick,$nick,@me,$me,@chan,$chan) }
on *:dehelp:#:if ($hnick == $me) && (%msgdehalfop == oui) && ($nick != $me) { .timerRMC(Antiflood) 1 1 .notice $nick $replace(%messagedehalfop,@nick,$nick,@me,$me,@chan,$chan) }
on *:voice:#:if ($vnick == $me) && (%msgvoice == oui) && ($nick != $me) { .timerRMC(Antiflood) 1 1 .notice $nick $replace(%messagevoice,@nick,$nick,@me,$me,@chan,$chan) }
on *:devoice:#:if ($vnick == $me) && (%msgdevoice == oui) && ($nick != $me) { .timerRMC(Antiflood) 1 1 .notice $nick $replace(%messagedevoice,@nick,$nick,@me,$me,@chan,$chan) }
on *:join:#:if ($nick == $me) && (%msgentree == oui) .say %messageentree

on 1:dialog:mess:init:0: {
  if  (%msgop == oui) { did -c $dname 5 }
  if  (%msgop == oui) { did -a $dname 7 %messageop } 
  if  (%msgdeop == oui) { did -c $dname 8 }
  if  (%msgdeop == oui) { did -a $dname 10 %messagedeop }
  if  (%msghalfop == oui) { did -c $dname 13 }
  if  (%msghalfop == oui) { did -a $dname 15 %messagehalfop } 
  if  (%msgdehalfop == oui) { did -c $dname 16 }
  if  (%msgdehalfop == oui) { did -a $dname 18 %messagedehalfop } 
  if  (%msgvoice == oui) { did -c $dname 19 }
  if  (%msgvoice == oui) { did -a $dname 21 %messagevoice } 
  if  (%msgdevoice == oui) { did -c $dname 22 }
  if  (%msgdevoice == oui) { did -a $dname 24 %messagedevoice } 
  if  (%msgentree == oui) { did -c $dname 25 }
  if  (%msgentree == oui) { did -a $dname 27 %messageentree } 


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