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mIRC personal flood protection

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#Author : SanitariuM @ Undernet / small modifications from Sebastien @ undernet
#Description :
#When triggered, it will activate silence for 3 minutes.
#If you are flooded offline during this time, you will activate silence upon reconnection.
; Private Flood Protection by SanitariuM/SeeknDestroy
; This script protects against ALL types of private IRC floods :
; Query, Notice, Invite, CTCP, and DCC Send/Chat/Fserve thru IRC Server & IP
; The same settings apply to all of them.  5 in 5 seconds.
on *:connect:{
  if ($hget(p_flood,reconnect.protect)) {
    echo -as You were flooded offline.  Silence will be turned on in 3 seconds.
    echo -as You will need to type /silence -* to turn it off when you feel it is safe.
    if ($network == undernet) { .timersilence 1 3 silence +*,~*!*@*undernet.org }
    else { .timersilence 1 3 silence +* }
on ^1:notice:*:?:{
  if (!$istok(chanserv nickserv memoserv helpserv x,$nick,32)) {
    hinc -mu5 p.flood notice 1
    if ($hget(p.flood,notice) == 5) { p.flood.silence Notice }
    elseif ($hget(p.flood,notice) > 5) { halt }
on ^1:invite:#:{
  hinc -mu5 p.flood invite 1
  if ($hget(p.flood,invite) == 5) { p.flood.silence Invite }
  elseif ($hget(p.flood,invite) > 5) { halt }
on ^1:open:?:*:{
  hinc -mu5 p.flood query 1
  if ($hget(p.flood,query) == 5) { p.flood.silence Query | close -m }
  elseif ($hget(p.flood,query) > 5) { halt }
on ^1:open:=:{
  hinc -mu5 p.flood chat 1
  if ($hget(p.flood,chat) == 5) { p.flood.silence DCC Chat }
  elseif ($hget(p.flood,chat) > 5) { halt }
on ^1:open:!:{
  hinc -mu5 p.flood fserve 1
  if ($hget(p.flood,fserve) == 5) { p.flood.silence DCC Fserve }
  elseif ($hget(p.flood,fserve) > 5) { halt }
ctcp ^1:send:?:{
  hinc -mu5 p.flood send 1
  if ($hget(p.flood,send) == 5) { p.flood.silence DCC Send }
  elseif ($hget(p.flood,send) > 5) { halt }
ctcp ^1:*:?:{
  hinc -mu5 p.flood ctcp 1
  if ($hget(p.flood,ctcp) == 5) { p.flood.silence CTCP }
  elseif ($hget(p.flood,ctcp) > 5) { halt }
on 1:dccserver:chat:{
  hinc -mu5 p.flood dcc.chat 1
  if ($hget(p.flood,dcc.chat) == 5) { p.flood.dcc Chat }
on 1:dccserver:send:{
  hinc -mu5 p.flood dcc.send 1
  if ($hget(p.flood,dcc.send) == 5) { p.flood.dcc Send }
on 1:dccserver:fserve:{
  hinc -mu5 p.flood dcc.fserve 1
  if ($hget(p.flood,dcc.fserve) == 5) { p.flood.dcc Fserve }
alias p.flood.silence {
  if ($network == undernet) { silence +*,~*!*@*undernet.org }
  else { silence +* }
  .timerunsilence 1 180 silence -*
  echo -as $1- Flood Detected.  Silencing for 3 minutes.
  hadd -mu60 p.flood reconnect.protect 1
alias p.flood.dcc {
  dccserver off | .timerdccon 1 180 dccserver on
  echo -as DCC (via IP) $1 Flood Detected.  Disabling DCC for 3 minutes.


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