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Code/Text grabber

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Ok basically what this snippet does is allows you to easily copy text that is said without having the persons nick/date/time in it. Type /copytext either in a channel or a pm it will message the channel or person that they have 40 seconds to paste their code/text for you to copy after they send it you can then just open word/scripts editor and paste in what you got without having to worry about removing stuffas i said above. Fixed a bug i didn't realise was there. The second version just has the choice to have it auto copy to a .txt file then auto load the scripts into your scripts editor. Only use if you trust the person or they could gain access to your comp easily via malicious scripts

Menu Menubar {
  Auto Text copier settings
  ..$iif(%text@window,$style(2)) Auto copy @window on: { .set %text@window on  } 
  ..$iif(!%text@window,$style(2)),$style(2)) Auto copy @window off: { .unset %text@window }
  ..$iif(%autocopyload,$style(2)) Auto copy and load on: { .set %autocopyload on  } 
  ..$iif(!%autocopyload,$style(2)),$style(2)) Auto copy and load off: { .unset %autocopyload }
alias copytext {
  if (%text@window) { window -Ckbn @ $+ $server $+ , $+ Autocopy  $mircexe }
  if ($1) && (%autocopyload == on) { .set %copytextfile $1 $+ .txt | .timercopy1 1 55 load -rs scripts\ $+ %copytextfile | .timercopy2 1 60 .unset %copytextfile }
  if (# !isin $active) && ($active != Status Window) {
    .set %copynick $active
    .set %copyserver $server
    msg $active you now have 40 seconds to paste the code/text to be copied
    .enable #copytext2
    .timercopy3 1 40 .disable #copytext2
    .timercopy4 1 60 .unset %copynick 
    .timercopy5 1 60 .unset %copyserver
  else {
    .set %copychan $active
    .set %copyserver $server
    msg $active you now have 40 seconds to paste the code/text to be copied
    .enable #copytext
    .timercopy6 1 40 .disable #copytext
    .timercopy7 1 60 .unset %copychan 
    .timercopy8 1 60 .unset %copyserver
#copytext off
on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($chan == %copychan) && ($server == %copyserver) && (%text@window) {
    /clipboard -an $Strip($1-)
    aline -pd @ $+ $server $+ , $+ Autocopy $Strip($1-)
  elseif ($chan == %copychan) && ($server == %copyserver) { 
    /clipboard -an $Strip($1-)
  if ($chan == %copychan) && ($server == %copyserver) && (%copytextfile) { 
    write scripts\ $+ %copytextfile $Strip($1-)
#copytext end
#copytext2 off
on *:text:*:?: {
  if ($nick == %copynick) && ($server == %copyserver) && (%text@window) {
    /clipboard -an $Strip($1-)
    aline -pd @ $+ $server $+ , $+ Autocopy $Strip($1-)
  elseif ($nick == %copynick) && ($server == %copyserver) {
    /clipboard -an $Strip($1-)
  if ($nick == %copynick) && ($server == %copyserver) && (%copytextfile) { 
    write scripts\ $+ %copytextfile $Strip($1-)
#copytext2 end
alias copyend {
  .timercopy1 off
  .timercopy2 off
  .timercopy3 off
  .timercopy4 off
  .timercopy5 off
  .timercopy6 off
  .timercopy7 off
  .timercopy8 off
  if ($group(#copytext) == on) {
    .disable #copytext
  else {
    .disable #copytext2

code for bots

on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($nick == Balor) && ($1 == .copytext) {
    .msg $nick you now have 40 seconds to paste the code/text to be copied
    .set %copytextfile $2 $+ .txt 
    .timercopy1 1 55 load -rs scripts\ $+ %copytextfile 
    .timercopy2 1 60 .unset %copytextfile
    .enable #copytext2
    .timercopy3 1 40 .disable #copytext2
#copytext2 off
on *:text:*:?: {
  if ($nick == balor) { 
    write scripts\ $+ %copytextfile $Strip($1-)
#copytext2 end


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