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Caps Kicker For A Bot

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So what this one does is warns the user not to use caps and if they keep useing them it will kick them if they do it again, and if they still do it they will get banned..Load it in a new remote of a bot and set Ur self as bot owner by typing /owner Urnickhere


>alias owner { auser owner $address($1,2) }on owner:text:!caps*:#:{  if (!$3) { msg $chan commands are !caps on #channel / !caps off #channel / !caps set number / !crooms }  elseif ($2 == on) && ($istok(%capschan,$3,44)) {    msg $chan My Caps Protection Is Already On For $3   }  elseif ($2 == on) {    set %capschan $addtok(%capschan,$3,44)    msg $chan My Caps Protection Is Now ON In $3   }  elseif ($2 == off) && (!$istok(%capschan,$3,44)) {    msg $chan My Caps Protection Is Already OFF For $3   }  elseif ($2 == off) {    set %capschan $remtok(%capschan,$3,1,44)    msg $chan My Caps Protection Is Now OFF In Room $3    }  elseif ($2 == set) {    set %caps $3    msg $chan I Will Now Warn/Kick/Ban For %caps $+ % Caps.  }}on owner:text:!crooms:#:{   if (!%capschan) { msg $chan My Caps Protection Is NOT ON In Any Room's }  else { msg $chan My Caps Protection Is On In Room's %capschan }}on *:load: {   echo 12 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Caps Control.   echo 12 -a A Script0rs Inc. Production   echo -a 14,1(14,1¯15,1¯0,1¯0,1º $+($chr(171),$chr(164),$chr(88),$chr(167),$chr(199),$chr(174),$chr(238),$chr(254),$chr(116),$chr(48),$chr(174),$chr(167),$chr(88),$chr(164),$chr(187)) º0,1¯15,1¯14,1¯) $+ $chr(153)}on *:text:*:%capschan: {  if ($nick(#,$nick,vr)) && ($len($1-) > 5) {    var %percent $calc($regex($1-,/[A-Z]/g)/$len($1-)*100)    if (%percent > %caps) {      inc $+(%,caps,.,$nick,.,$chan)      if ($($+(%,caps,.,$nick,.,$chan),2) == 1) { msg $chan $nick Please Dont Use Cap's Here.. $round(%percent,0) $+ % Of Ur Message Was In Caps! }      if ($($+(%,caps,.,$nick,.,$chan),2) == 2) { kick $chan $nick Please Turn Caps Lock Off Or Next It's A Ban.. $round(%percent,0) $+ % Of Ur Message Was In Caps! }       if ($($+(%,caps,.,$nick,.,$chan),2) == 3) { ban -ku600 # $nick 2 you were warned Not To Use Caps Here. $round(%percent,0) $+ % Of Ur Message Was In Caps | unset $+(%,caps,.,$nick,.,$chan) }    }  }}

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