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Trivia Game Script V 2.0

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type /trivia to configure, !trivia to play !answer to answer and !quit to quit!

fun trivia game!
if Colors are blocked wont work properally!!


on *:text:!trivia*:#: {
  if (%trv == off) { notice $nick Trivia is currently down. we are sorry. but a new feature is coming!  ( $+ %trvf $+ ) }
  if (%trv == on) { 
    inc %trivia 1
    msg #  $read(trivia.txt,%trivia)
    set %temp #
on *:text:!trivia*:?: {
  if ($4 == %pass) && ($2 == off) { set %trv off | msg $nick trivia OFF ( $+ $3 $+ ) | set %trvf $3- }
  if ($4 == %pass) && ($2 == on) { set %trv on | msg $nick trivia ON }
  if ($2 == setpass) { set %pass $3- }
alias trivias {
  if ($read(trivia.txt,%trivia) != $null) { msg %temp  $read(trivia.txt,%trivia) }
  if ($read(trivia.txt,%trivia) == $null) { msg %temp  ****End of Questions/answers**** | set %trivia 0 }
on *:text:!answer*:#: {
  if (%trv == off) { notice $nick trivia is down ( $+ %trfv $+ ) }
  if (%trv == on) { 
    if ($2- != $read(answers.txt,%trivia)) { msg # incorrect, correct answer was $read(answers.txt,%trivia) $+ , you answered $2- | inc %trivia 1 | //msg # 2Next Question in 3 seconds }
    if ($2- == $read(answers.txt,%trivia)) { msg # 9,8Correct $nick | inc %trivia 1 | //msg # 2Next Question in 3 seconds }
    timertriv 1 3 //trivias 
on *:text:!quit*:#: {
  set %trivia 0 | msg #  $nick quit 
dialog t {
  size -1 -1 300 300
  title Weasel's trivia script
  tab description , 1, 0 0 300 300
  tab questions , 2, 0 0 300 300
  text type !trivia|!quit|!answer to play , 3, 75 100 200 200, tab 1
  button press here to edit questions and answers, 4, 100 125 200 50, tab 2
on 1:dialog:t:init:*: {
  if (%uses != 1) { set %uses 1 | run notepad trivia.txt | run notepad answers.txt | write -l1 trivia.txt Enter Questions here | write -l1 answers.txt Enter answer to corrosponding line in trivia.txt }
alias trivia {
  dialog -m t t
on 1:dialog:t:sclick:4: {
  run notepad trivia.txt | run notepad answers.txt


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