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Files posted by chain

  1. Hexchat-Google-Translator-Plugin

    Download google_translator.py and trnaslate.py
    Modify this lines on google_translator.py
    default_from = 'en' default_to = 'es'
    Place google_translator.py and trnaslate.py in /home/user/.config/hexchat/addons to auto-load at hexchat startup.
    mkdir if addons does not exist
    language codes can be found here
    note: Right clicking on channel or user will promt the menu. [+] [-] autotranslate option will add them to watchlist. Default from, to languages are used.
    Adding channels to watch list for auto translations. If target language is not specified, then the DEFAULT_LANG set will be used. If source language is not specified, then language detection will be used.
    /ADDTRC <channel> <target_language> <source_language> # removing it from watchlist /RMTRC <channel>
    # For adding users /ADDTR <user_nick> <target_language> <source_language> # For removing users /RMTR <user_nick>
    Tracking watchlist
    # list of channels # format # <network> <channel_name> => (<target_language>,<source_language>) /LSCHANNELS # list of users /LSUSERS
    For sending messages in target language to a users or in channel (already in watchlist) start the message with "!!"
    # eg channel #testing is added to watchlist /ADDTRC #testing de en # since the target language is German !!no # will promt the message # > no # then sends the translated message to the channel nein # user_mention exception when input starts with !!@ !!@chair123, this should work # output to server, chair123 is not translated chair123, das sollte funktionieren
    For translating the message when user or channel not in watchlist, star the message with "@@" this will use the default source and target language.
    # default source is 'en' and target is 'es' (these lines can be modified in google_translator.py) @@yes # promt output (only visible on user side) Sí
    Auto detecting 'from' language for users and channels under watchlist, edit translation variable under function worker_hook_print_message
    # translation varibale translation = translate(message,'',to)
    Additional Commands
    # equivalent to starting the message with "@@" /TR <message>
    Translates message into the language according to form "to-from". This auto detects the source language
    /TRA <source language> <target language> <message>
    Translates message into the language specified. This auto detects the source language.'
    /STR <message>
    Sends a message translated according to form "to-from", where "from" isthe default language of origin and "to" is the default language destination
    Reloading Script
    Unload the google-translator.py script then reload the python module.
    Directly reloading google-tranlator.py script invokes multiple instances of translate module.

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  2. hexchat-mpv

    Hexchat MPV now playing script
    Original script from kuehnelth/xchat_mpv_np.
    /mpv - Show information about currently open file in mpv
    mpv_np.py uses the mpv JSON IPC Protocol.
    To enable it, add the following line to ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf input-ipc-server=~/.config/mpv/socket
    mpv_np_win.py works without any setup.


       (0 reviews)



  3. Hexchat-Plugins

    Multiple useful plugins which are made for Hexchat


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  4. hexchat-scripts

    A few scripts I made for Hexchat. These scripts are tailored for my needs only and they are not meant to provide a solution to all users.
    auto-nick.lua: Regains your prefered nick when joining a channel.
    open-tabs.lua: Opens tabs in a specific order when connecting to a server and joining a channel.


       (0 reviews)



  5. hexchat-shakespeare-insult

    hakespearean Insult generator script for IRSSI IRC client. Based on this image from twitter
    Ported from my IRSSI script at the request of Reddit users.
    General Installation Notes
    Drop it into your "addons" directory in Hexchat, and load it with "/py load shakespeare.py" or add to autoload. Reasonably painless to make work, compared to the absolute motherfuckery that was configuring irssi-python.
    Usage Notes
    To use, just do /shakespeare to insult no one in particular (the open query window), or /shakespeare $nick to insult a specific user in the current channel.


       (0 reviews)



  6. HexChat-utility-plugins

    Some stuff to add functionality to your hexchat client and behave like a bot!


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  7. HexchatCrypto

    A cryptographic module for hexchat
    /crypt on begins encrypting all output and decrypting all input with . Uses mircryption (so it's CBC, horrah!)
    \ escapes a message so it isn't encrypted
    /crypt off stops encrypting/decrypting
    /crypt exchange uses Diffie-Hellman key exchange to create a shared key with
    All encrypted messages are displayed in green.
    irccrypt.py must be moved/copied into HexChat's folder. You also need pycryptodome or pycrypto (can both be installed through pip)
    Just tested this module at the time of commit and something no longer works. This was my pride and joy back when I wrote it in 2016, so I hope to get it running again.


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  8. HexNudge

    Adding wizz/nudge alike to HexChat.


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  9. HexQuest

    a HexChat plugin for making MUCKs easy to use through HexChat. Totally not related to a certain cereal-based shoot-em-up. Simply add a MUCK to the server list as you would an IRC server.
    This way you get all the features HexChat has while using MUCK servers, and more features:
    Marker line for new text
    Spell check
    Character counter (if using my plugin for that)
    Separate tabs for pages, where you can just type into them without typing "p name=text"
    See your previous conversation with someone when you page them
    Shortcut to speed up whispering to people
    Set specific words to be highlighted in a different color
    Each can be enabled or disabled with /hquest feature_name on/off. For example, to turn server_flash on, you'd do /hquest server_flash on.
    page_tabs - Moves pages to a separate tab.
    auto_quote - Automatically converts messages typed on the server tab into server commands. Also converts /me to a pose.
    ignore_away - Prevents /away and /back from being sent to the server.
    eat_pages - If page_tabs is on, the pages will only appear in the separate tab, not the server one.
    bold_whisper - Bolds lines containing whispers.
    flash_whisper - (Requires bold_whisper) Makes HexChat's tab flash when you get whispered.
    server_flash - Flash HexChat's tab any time the server tab receives text. Not saved in the config file.
    zombie_flash - Flash HexChat's tab any time a zombie receives text. Not saved in the config file.
    zombie_print_events - Use printing instead of privmsg for zombies, so you don't get notifications for every line of text.
    Additionally, if bold_whisper is enabled, pressing the tab key on the server tab will fill in a whisper addressed to the most recent person you whispered to.
    /hquest force - Forces the current server to be seen as a MUCK one.
    /hquest account username password - Sets the username and password for your character.
    /hquest muck_identifier text - Change the string that identifies the server as a MUCK, defaults to "#$#mcp version:".
    /hquest idle_timeout_string text - Change the string that identifies that the MUCK disconnected you for being idle, and that you should not auto-reconnect.
    /hquest echo_cmd number command - Choose specific commands that should echo the command into the window. This is helpful for making sure uses of "look" and "lookat" actually go into the logs, so it's much easier to find a description in them.
    /hquest highlight_word number word will set specific words to highlight with a specific color. /hquest highlight_color color will set the 2-digit IRC color code to use, defaulting to 9 (green). The "word" can actually be multiple words, and it is not case sensitive.
    /hquest highlight_level number will choose how severe the response to those words should be. 0 does no action, 1 colors only the word, 2 recolors the server tab, 3 flashes HexChat's whole tab. You can't select per-word yet, and the default is 1.
    You can have 10 zombies by default, numbered 0 to 9. Use /hquest zombie number prefix name to specify the in-world name of the zombie as well as the command prefix you have set for the zombie.
    For example, I have the command prefix set to aaa and my zombie is named 'NovaSquirrel, so I do /hquest zombie 0 aaa 'NovaSquirrel.
    Open a query to $Z0, where 0 is replaced by the zombie number, to do actions as that zombie.
    Multi-person pages are not implemented yet, and they probably just go to the server tab.
    Only one MUCK connection and character is supported at a time.
    A MUCK tutorial for IRC users
    NovaSquirrel's MUCK tutorial, using HexChat.


       (0 reviews)



  10. HexToDec Ip Converter

    Tutti gli addon in lingua italiana


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  11. HexTwitch: Rust Edition

    NOTE: This Plugin can ONLY be used with a modified version of HexChat. The Patch File is included in this Repository at ./hex.patch.
    This is a Plugin for HexChat which aims to integrate some of the more advanced features of the Twitch Chat IRC bridge; Specifically, user Badges and channel events such as Subscriptions. This information is supplied via IRCv3 Tags.

    There are various IRC clients built specifically for Twitch, such as Chatty, but none seem to compare to HexChat in terms of performance. This is, therefore, an attempt to rework HexChat into a Twitch chat client, without altering its behavior on other IRC Networks.
    One problem, however, stands in the way: The HexChat Plugin interface does not provide Callbacks with the IRC Tags. Therefore we must modify HexChat to add this functionality, using the Patch File mentioned above (This could be submitted as a Pull Request, but currently, my C sucks and I would rather not waste their time).
    Regarding the Coming Update
    Twitch is deprecating several key IRC commands. They will be removed on or around 2023-02-18. This removal includes all of the most important moderation and channel editor capabilities.
    As a result, this plugin may see a great decrease in utility; At the very least, all installations of current and past versions will stop working for functions such as banning users and setting a channel to slow mode. I am going to try to implement access to the main API, and hopefully keep as much of the current functionality as possible, but updating the plugin will be required.
    Patching HexChat
    With Git and GNU Patch installed, the following commands should download and patch the latest HexChat source code:
    git clone https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat.git build/hexchat patch -p0 -d build/hexchat -i ../../hex.patch When the patch is applied, you can then build and install HexChat as normal from its directory at build/hexchat/.
    Building the Plugin
    You will need to have Cargo installed. Cargo can be installed and set up easily with RustUp. When this is done, run the following command in the Directory where you unpacked this Repository:
    cargo build --release After Cargo compiles the plugin, its Binary should be in target/release/, and should be named something like libhextwitch or libhextwitch.so. Move this File into the addons Directory in your HexChat config Directory; On Linux, this should be at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hexchat/addons/.
    If you have not patched HexChat, it will probably crash. Otherwise, you should now have Twitch features.
    Badge Icons
    It is not currently feasible to embed images inline in HexChat without creating a custom font. In lieu of that potential far-future solution, and to keep installation as simple as possible, Twitch user badges are mapped to Unicode codepoints, as detailed in the following lists.
    Badges without a codepoint specified will be rendered as ?. A list of all unknown badge names can be viewed with the /UNKNOWNS command. This information should be provided as an Issue in this repository, so that they can be added to the plugin.
    Note that some typefaces may render some of these characters in an Emoji style, which may clash somewhat with the rest of the interface.
    🜨 (😞 Twitch staff. ⛨ (😞 Twitch administrator. ✓ (😞 Twitch partner. a (😞 Community "Ambassador", handpicked by Twitch. Δ (😞 This account is registered with Twitch as a game developer or publisher. + (😞 Twitch Turbo member. ± (😞 Twitch Prime member. ~ (😞 User has taken the "GLHF Pledge". g (😞 User has attended GlitchCon. c (😞 User has attended TwitchCon. w (😞 Overwatch League "Insider". G: This icon represents various game-specific badges. Channel-specific
    🜲 (😞 User is the Broadcaster, the owner of the channel. 🗡 (😞 User is a Moderator of this channel with additional powers, handpicked by the Broadcaster. ⚑ (😞 User is a VIP of this channel, handpicked by the Broadcaster. ⲷ (😞 User was one of the first subscribers to this channel. α (😞 User has contributed art or media to this channel. m (,,,,😞 User was active in chat for a notable event, chosen by the Broadcaster. . (,😞 User has contributed to a Hype Train in this channel. Ⓐ (😞 User is watching the stream with no audio. Ⓥ (😞 User is listening to the stream with no video. Cheering/Bits
    * (😞 User is an anonymous cheerer. ❖ (,,😞 User is one of the top three cheerers in this channel. 🝔 (😞 User has given bits with the #charity tag. ▴ (😞 User has given at least 1 bit ($0.01). ⬧ (😞 User has given at least 100 bits ($1.00). ⬠ (😞 User has given at least 1,000 bits ($10.00). ⬡ (😞 User has given at least 5,000 bits ($50.00). 🟋 (😞 User has given at least 10,000 bits ($100.00). 🟎 (😞 User has given at least 100,000 bits ($1,000.00). Subscriptions ()
    ⁘ (,,😞 User is one of the top three givers of gift subscriptions in this channel. : (😞 User has given gift subscriptions in this channel. Double-circled digits (⓵,⓷,⓺,⓽) are used to represent subscriptions below 1 year. Roman Numerals (ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ,ⅳ,ⅴ,ⅵ,ⅶ,ⅷ,ⅸ,ⅹ,ⅺ,ⅻ) are used to represent subscriptions of 1 year up to 12 years. Inverted circled numbers ⓭ through ⓴ are used to represent subscriptions longer than 12 years. ⁑: User is a subscriber of at least 21 years. This one should not show up for quite a while. Channel Points Predictions
    ❶–❿ (–😞 User has bet channel points on a blue prediction, with up to 10 possible outcomes. ❶/❷ (,😞 User has bet channel points on a blue/pink prediction, with only two possible outcomes. ⧲/⧳ (,😞 User has bet channel points on a gray prediction, with only two possible outcomes. p: This codepoint represents an unknown Prediction badge, likely because Twitch added a new one again. If this is seen, an Issue should be opened in this repository, including the output of running the /UNKNOWNS command. Breeze Icons used for HexChat GUI menu items © KDE, licensed under the GNU LGPL 3 or later.


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  12. Hide all idle channels and querys (no new message color) v0.5

    - Now each window has its own timeout based on global one! No more hiding a channel in "random" intervals. \o/
    - When Status Window get focus, all windows in this network are unhiden, turning easy to return to some previous channel.
    - Minor fixes and overall improvements.
    and more added features


       (0 reviews)



  13. High Low

    A fun game that everyone on a channel can play. You tell the bot to pick a random number and then you try to guess what it is. The bot will tell you if your guess was too high or too low. The first person to guess the correct number wins.


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  14. Highlight

    A comprehensive addon to manage all your highlighting needs.




  15. HL:CS Server Query

    An addon which contains a server finder, a player finder, a steamid finder, and a favorites list. It is basically what it says though - a server query.




  16. hnp_clementine

    HNP Clementine 1.0.0 by Antonio Prcela (github precla) based on HNP 2.0.1
    HNP (HexChat Now Playing) is a now playing announcer for HexChat and Clementine capable of showing detailed info about the current playing track.
    The original HNP combined with Amarok has the following features, which haven't all yet been migrated to Clementine. The most used ones work!
    Original text from the HNP+Amarok features: It displays the title, artist, album, year, length, bitrate and size of the track with the possibility to choose which one to be displayed or not. It is highly configurable through various commands and it also has a graphical menus interface.
    copy the hnp_clementine.pl file into the ~/.config/hexchat/addons directory.
    load it in Hexchat, for example using: Window -> Plugin and Scripts
    For suggestions and bug reports please open up a issue on:
    Original HNP Homepage:
    GNU GPL v2


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  17. holdem.tcl

    No-Limit Texas Hold 'Em script. Features optional AI opponents, optional Unicode card suits, and single-player up to 8-player games.


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  18. holm-greet.tcl

    Sends a greet msg to specified channels.


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  19. HOS Dll

    DLL able to "dockare" up to 20 dialogs in the four sides of mIRC and to add one statusbar at the top and bottom




  20. HTA media viewer v0.9.2

    - Fixed urls with multiple query string parameters. - Maintenance update to fix compatibility to recent Hotlink event changes in AdiIRC version 2. - First attempt to auto update script and a more simple way to install, just load script, it will download all required files for you.
    - Added CTRL + C shortcut to copy to clipboard image url or dimensions if visible.
    - New default width to Pastebin 1024px.
    - Added config for custom Spinner window size.
    - New option to toggle border and titlebar.
    - New shortcut V to toggle temporarily "close on focus loss" for the active window only.
    - Added support to Efukt website, disabled by default because for now script try to load as video even image galleries (less than %1).
    - Added experimental Coub embed support.
    - Added support for Dropbox sharing urls.
    - Minimal AdiIRC version required increased to 2.3.
    - Disabled close on focus loss for videos.
    - Few cosmetic tweaks.


       (0 reviews)



  21. HTTPd + mIRC Serverside Scripting

    mIRC based HTTPd with support mIRC Serverside Scripting (like mHTML)




  22. Hybrid FlashIRC 1.1

    Welcome to HybridFlashIRC 1.1 for Buzzen.net
    Whats new?
    Added GamePack Dialog
    Revamped Status Dialog
    Addy Kicker/Badword Kicker now reads from txt files.
    Fixed some more bugs..
    Added new way of Welcoming members, now 5 ways.
    Added new return message settings now 5 way messaging.
    Moved some stuff from the menu bar to the status dialog.
    Changed subject kicker to add txt type subject kicker.
    Updated Moschino to the latest version (2.36)
    Added the Profile Manager(Thanks Dabba for getting it out)
    Added New Subject kicker, well changed the older one to be more customizable
    Added a badname kicker, now you can add names to a txt, that you don't want allowed in the room.
    Added kicks for the away messages, including emote flood, badwords, and addykick.
    Added kicks for Whispers, does about the same as the away message kicks.
    Changed the onjoin.mrc Privmsg's to Notice, lot better onjoin room experience.
    Changed most Prvmsg to Notice, like showed above.
    Cleaned up the mode dialog, so now only modes that work on buzzen are compatible.
    Added a new Script Kicker posted on Dabba's site for buzzen, Credit to Travis
    Added controls for the onjoin messages and commands, some thought the participant part was a pain.
    Changed the Blackjack to a better one credit to Pete.
    Added Superslots, not sure who to credit this game to.
    Added Owner, Host and HelpOp Away Hammer, Credit to Rumbaar and myself. Also fixed the bug with the hammers away on Host.
    Be sure you turn all the options you want to on, they are all set to off by default, also be sure to setup your works with the buttons in the Status Dialog.
    Any question feel free to visit Rumbaar's site or http://jeremystcyr.com or any other available scripting site, new feature for next Hybrid you want or a certain bug or problem your having? come to http://jeremystcyr.com/forums/ and Post your problem or request there. I check on the site mostly at night. and here mostly at night.




  23. HydraIRC-CSTags-01.zip

    The project has been dormant from around 2009 to 2014, by moving the code to github and changing the license to GPL3
    it is hoped that people will contribute to the project.
    Themes and Color schemes for your viewig pleasure MDI interface; for hardcore chatting in many different places Many a tools for IRC veterans Being yourself is boring. Get yourself a ton of identities and switch as you please Automate'em'all! Make on-join scripts to automate regular tasks (like login?) Advanced events and notifications And all in all many different gadgets you wouldn't think you ever needed in an IRC client but it is implemented ANYWAYS Lightweight. Uses no RAM at all; When tested at its absolute breaking point 15.6 MB of RAM usage was recorded by VS


       (0 reviews)



  24. HydraIRC-CSTags-02.zip

    The project has been dormant from around 2009 to 2014, by moving the code to github and changing the license to GPL3
    it is hoped that people will contribute to the project.
    Themes and Color schemes for your viewig pleasure MDI interface; for hardcore chatting in many different places Many a tools for IRC veterans Being yourself is boring. Get yourself a ton of identities and switch as you please Automate'em'all! Make on-join scripts to automate regular tasks (like login?) Advanced events and notifications And all in all many different gadgets you wouldn't think you ever needed in an IRC client but it is implemented ANYWAYS Lightweight. Uses no RAM at all; When tested at its absolute breaking point 15.6 MB of RAM usage was recorded by VS


       (0 reviews)



  25. HydraIRC-SoundPack-01-BeepsAndBlips.zip

    The project has been dormant from around 2009 to 2014, by moving the code to github and changing the license to GPL3
    it is hoped that people will contribute to the project.
    Themes and Color schemes for your viewig pleasure MDI interface; for hardcore chatting in many different places Many a tools for IRC veterans Being yourself is boring. Get yourself a ton of identities and switch as you please Automate'em'all! Make on-join scripts to automate regular tasks (like login?) Advanced events and notifications And all in all many different gadgets you wouldn't think you ever needed in an IRC client but it is implemented ANYWAYS Lightweight. Uses no RAM at all; When tested at its absolute breaking point 15.6 MB of RAM usage was recorded by VS


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