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Everything posted by chain

  1. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Anti-Spam addon is mIRC protection addon that will protect you through the spamming by people who sends the message to you that for inviting, unwanted advertisement or anything else that considered as spam.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Addon to hide your ip using tunnels.
  3. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    mIRC addon that can scan pc directories to remove the Karma Worm. Even if this addon is old, you can still learn from it.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    mIRC-Greets is a simple addon for you to manage your Auto-Greet Messages for your friends. With a channel filter, you don`t have to worry about your messages appearing in channels you don`t want them to. You can also format your greet messages any way you want using the MSG formatter.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    The most comprehensive clone detection/removal script you`ll find anywhere.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    mIRC addon that can help you block some messages. You can create whitelist or blacklist for friends. Its just like a query blocker.
  7. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Old mirc addon that use socks.
  8. chain

    sBNC addon

    Version 1.0.0


    To put it simply, this is an addon to make life using IRC via IRC bouncers as easy as possible. It will automatically login to the bouncer and then connect to an IRC server of your choice. It will also reconnect you if you get disconnected
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Simple mirc addon that create a notify dialog for your users when they come online or go offline.
  10. chain


    Version 1.0.0


    Query1 is an addon to mIRC 5.82 which allows you to use one window for chatting privately with as many nicks as you want. No more cluttered mIRC windows list!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Topic Central v0.91 is a Topic Manager addon. Ever seen a topic that you liked but forgot what is was later? With TC you can add save it to a list and easily find it later. You can Add/delete/echo/set/edit topics. Everything in a nice GUI
  12. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    mIRC addon that helps you to PASTE text in some various ways.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This addon is for the IRC user who connects to MANY servers using Server list from official website of mirc.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Scan channels for clones. Auto-notification of clones when they join via text in channel, popup window, or popup dialog. Quick Scanning of a channel via a popup.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Another addon that scan clones using mirc popups.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Old mirc addon that connects to a webpage and search for something using socksopen. You can modify for your website or learn from the code.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    When someone types !Seen in a chan, if you have this enabled, you will relay whatever event you have recorded for that nick.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Advanced !seen script. Dialog Control what the seen script will log: Kicks, Bans, Joins, Parts, Quits and Nick Changes
  19. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    !seen script with dialog box
  20. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This mirc addon will scan the server from open proxies.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    This addon monitors your trivia bot activity, and if the trivia stops, the addon will start again. The addon is only for romanian trivia MTriviaPro.
  22. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    KTE Theme Engine - with this mirc addon, you can create new schema styles for your irc script. This is compatible with MTS.
  23. ; ======================================= ; Nienqster - 03 May 2021 ; Top10 Channel Stats Script ;; Downloaded from www.PremiumChat.ro ; ======================================= /* Commands: !stats [nick] => Overall stats for $nick|$2 in $network@#Channel !top10 => Overall top 10 chatters in $network@channel !tstats [nick] => Today's stats about $nick|$2 !ttop10 => Today's top 10 chatters in $network@#Channel !delstats <nick> => Removing statistics about $2 in $network@#Channel !clearstats => Removing all statistics collected for $network@#Channel */ ; Binding all channel text to the parsing routine ; NB! No more "on text" events /* Version history: 21.02.2007 v1.2 bugfix release. (Fixed output bug resulting top9 instead of top10) */ ON *:TEXT:*:#: { if %stats_module == On { IF ($1 == %c $+ top10) { IF (%stats_floodpro >= 3) { halt } inc -u30 %stats_floodpro 1 msg $chan $maketop10($network $+ @ $+ $chan) unset %stats_top10_* window -c @top10source } IF ($1 == %c $+ ttop10) { IF (%stats_floodpro >= 3) { halt } inc -u30 %stats_floodpro 1 msg $chan $maketodaytop10($network $+ @ $+ $chan) unset %stats_top10_* window -c @top10source } IF ($1 == %c $+ stats) { IF (%stats_floodpro >= 3) { halt } inc -u30 %stats_floodpro 1 IF ($2) { msg $chan $getstats($network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $2) } IF (!$2) { msg $chan $getstats($network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick) } } IF ($1 == %c $+ tstats) { IF (%stats_floodpro >= 3) { halt } inc -u30 %stats_floodpro 1 IF ($2) { msg $chan $gettodaystats($network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $2) } IF (!$2) { msg $chan $gettodaystats($network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick) } } IF ($1 == %c $+ delstats) && ($2) && ($level($address($nick,2)) == 500) { remove-stats-nick $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $2 .msg $chan Erasing entries for nick $2 } IF ($1 == %c $+ clearstats) && ($level($address($nick,2)) == 500) { remove-stats-channel $network $+ @ $+ $chan .msg $chan Channelstats erased. } IF ($left($1,1) == %c) { hinc -m totalcommands $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1 hinc -m todaytotalcommands $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1 } hinc -m totalwords $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $numtok($1-,32) hinc -m totalletters $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $len($1-) hinc -m totallines $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1 hinc -m todaytotalwords $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $numtok($1-,32) hinc -m todaytotalletters $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $len($1-) hinc -m todaytotallines $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1 } } ; Action counting ; Will add all used words in action to the total spoken words as well ON *:ACTION:*:#: { if %stats_module == on { hinc -m totalactions $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1 hinc -m totalwords $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $numtok($1-,32) hinc -m totalletters $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $len($1-) ;-- hinc -m todaytotalactions $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick 1 hinc -m todaytotalwords $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $numtok($1-,32) hinc -m todaytotalletters $network $+ @ $+ $chan $+ @ $+ $nick $len($1-) } } ALIAS statsave { hsave -i totalwords chanstats.dat totalwords hsave -i totalletters chanstats.dat totalletters hsave -i totalcommands chanstats.dat totalcommands hsave -i totalactions chanstats.dat totalactions hsave -i totallines chanstats.dat totallines } ALIAS todaystatclear { hfree -w todaytotal* hmake todaytotalwords 10 hmake todaytotalletters 10 hmake todaytotalcommands 10 hmake todaytotalactions 10 hmake todaytotallines 10 } ALIAS statload { hmake totalwords 10 hmake totalletters 10 hmake totalcommands 10 hmake totalactions 10 hmake totallines 10 hload -i totalwords chanstats.dat totalwords hload -i totalletters chanstats.dat totalletters hload -i totalcommands chanstats.dat totalcommands hload -i totalactions chanstats.dat totalactions hload -i totallines chanstats.dat totallines } alias clearstats { var %stats_clearconfirm = $input(Are you sure you want to completely clear the statistics database?,yvqd,Channelstats :: Dreambot 5.6) IF (%stats_clearconfirm == $yes) { hfree -sw total* hmake totalwords 10 hmake totalletters 10 hmake totalcommands 10 hmake totalactions 10 hmake totallines 10 todaystatclear } } ALIAS remove-stats-nick { var %stats-remnick = $1 $+ * hdel -w totalwords %stats-remnick hdel -w totalletters %stats-remnick hdel -w totalcommands %stats-remnick hdel -w totalactions %stats-remnick hdel -w totallines %stats-remnick hdel -w todaytotalwords %stats-remnick hdel -w todaytotalletters %stats-remnick hdel -w todaytotalcommands %stats-remnick hdel -w todaytotalactions %stats-remnick hdel -w todaytotallines %stats-remnick statsave } ALIAS remove-stats-channel { var %stats-remchan = $1 $+ * hdel -w totalwords %stats-remchan hdel -w totalletters %stats-remchan hdel -w totalcommands %stats-remchan hdel -w totalactions %stats-remchan hdel -w totallines %stats-remchan hdel -w todaytotalwords %stats-remchan hdel -w todaytotalletters %stats-remchan hdel -w todaytotalcommands %stats-remchan hdel -w todaytotalactions %stats-remchan hdel -w todaytotallines %stats-remchan statsave } ALIAS getstats { IF ($hget(totalwords, $1) != $null) { IF ($hget(totalwords, $1) != $null) { var %t.words = $hget(totalwords, $1) } ELSE { var %t.words = 0 } IF ($hget(totalletters, $1) != $null) { var %t.letters = $hget(totalletters, $1) } ELSE { var %t.letters = 0 } IF ($hget(totalcommands, $1) != $null) { var %t.commands = $hget(totalcommands, $1) } ELSE { var %t.commands = 0 } IF ($hget(totallines, $1) != $null) { var %t.lines = $hget(totallines, $1) } ELSE { var %t.lines = 0 } IF ($hget(totalactions, $1)) { var %t.actions = $hget(totalactions, $1) } ELSE { var %t.actions = 0 } return [ $+ $gettok($1,3,64) $+ ] Spoken words: %t.words ( $+ %t.letters letters) Commands used %t.commands $+ . %t.lines lines and %t.actions actions. halt } return I have no stats about $gettok($1,3,64) halt } ALIAS gettodaystats { IF ($hget(todaytotalwords, $1) != $null) { IF ($hget(todaytotalwords, $1) != $null) { var %t.words = $hget(todaytotalwords, $1) } ELSE { var %t.words = 0 } IF ($hget(todaytotalletters, $1) != $null) { var %t.letters = $hget(todaytotalletters, $1) } ELSE { var %t.letters = 0 } IF ($hget(todaytotalcommands, $1) != $null) { var %t.commands = $hget(todaytotalcommands, $1) } ELSE { var %t.commands = 0 } IF ($hget(todaytotallines, $1) != $null) { var %t.lines = $hget(todaytotallines, $1) } ELSE { var %t.lines = 0 } IF ($hget(todaytotalactions, $1)) { var %t.actions = $hget(todaytotalactions, $1) } ELSE { var %t.actions = 0 } return [ $+ $gettok($1,3,64) $+ ] Spoken words today: %t.words ( $+ %t.letters letters) Commands used today %t.commands $+ . %t.lines lines and %t.actions actions. halt } return I have no stats about $gettok($1,3,64) halt } ALIAS maketop10 { ; Save the hash table into .dat ; I know that this will make answer delayed especially in bigger channels... but well.... i dont care. ; This is about the best way to ensure that we will get the most recent result and also to ensure that we have backup of the hashtables. statsave ; Loading total spoken words into window window -hk0n @top10source clear @top10source var %stats_findbegin = $read(chanstats.dat, s, [totalwords]) var %stats_looppoint = $calc($readn + 1 ) WHILE (!%stats_loophalt) { var %stats_putline = $read(chanstats.dat, %stats_looppoint) IF ($left(%stats_putline,1) != $chr(91)) && ($left(%stats_putline,$len($1)) == $1) { var %statscleanline = $gettok($read(chanstats.dat, %stats_looppoint),3,64) aline @top10source %statscleanline } ELSEIF ($left(%stats_putline,1) == $chr(91)) { var %stats_loophalt = true } inc %stats_looppoint } ; Filtering the window filter -cetuww 2 61 @top10source @top10source * ; Now lets read the first 10 lines and store it to variables (%stats_top10_xx) ; Thats it if we have 10 lines of course ; If we have less then we will output only existing numbers of lines. var %stats_loop10 = 1 WHILE (!%statssecondloophalt) { IF ($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10)) { set -e %stats_top10_ [ $+ [ %stats_loop10 ] ] $gettok($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10),1,61) ( $+ $gettok($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10),2,61) $+ ) inc %stats_loop10 } IF (!$line(@top10source, %stats_loop10)) || (%stats_loop10 >= 11) { var %statssecondloophalt = true } } IF (%stats_loop10 != 12) { var %stats_loop10 = $calc(%stats_loop10 - 1) } return Top %stats_loop10 chatters by total spoken words: %stats_top10_1 %stats_top10_2 %stats_top10_3 %stats_top10_4 %stats_top10_5 %stats_top10_6 %stats_top10_7 %stats_top10_8 %stats_top10_9 %stats_top10_10 } ALIAS maketodaytop10 { window -hk0n @top10source clear @top10source hsave -i todaytotalwords tempstats.dat totalwords var %stats_loopline = 1 WHILE (%stats_loopline <= $lines(tempstats.dat)) { IF ($gettok($read(tempstats.dat,%stats_loopline),1,64) == $gettok($1,1,64)) && ($gettok($read(tempstats.dat,%stats_loopline),2,64) == $gettok($1,2,64)) { aline -p @top10source $gettok($read(tempstats.dat,%stats_loopline),3,64) } inc %stats_loopline } filter -cetuww 2 61 @top10source @top10source * var %stats_loop10 = 1 WHILE (!%statssecondloophalt) { IF ($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10)) { set -e %stats_top10_ [ $+ [ %stats_loop10 ] ] $gettok($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10),1,61) ( $+ $gettok($line(@top10source, %stats_loop10),2,61) $+ ) inc %stats_loop10 } IF (!$line(@top10source, %stats_loop10)) || (%stats_loop10 >= 11) { var %statssecondloophalt = true } } IF (%stats_loop10 != 12) { var %stats_loop10 = $calc(%stats_loop10 - 1) } .remove tempstats.dat return Todays top %stats_loop10 chatters by total spoken words: %stats_top10_1 %stats_top10_2 %stats_top10_3 %stats_top10_4 %stats_top10_5 %stats_top10_6 %stats_top10_7 %stats_top10_8 %stats_top10_9 %stats_top10_10 } ON *:CONNECT: timerresettodaystats -o { statload if %stats_module == $null { set %stats_module on } timerresettodaystats 23:59 1 60 dailystatsflush} ON *:EXIT: { echo -a ::: Stats ::: Storing stats. statsave } ALIAS dailystatsflush: disconnect server { timerresettodaystats 23:59 0 60 /todaystatclear todaystatclear /MSG $chan todaystats cleared when the bot resets} This script is to view a monthly and daily Top10 chatters of a channel. !stats [nick], !top10, !tstats [nick], !clearstats, !delstats
  24. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; WebClient Ban Subsitution ; ; ; ; This script works in two phases: ; ; 1) - Detect when a site ban is placed on irccloud/mibbit/kiwiirc. ; ; - Unban the site ban that could possibly affect multiple clients. ; ; - Set variable and wait for the kick to determine the banned client. ; ; ; ; 2) - After the kick takes place, make sure the variable matches the client. ; ; - Once verified, place an ident ban for the client who got kicked. ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Author: psycho ; ; Network: Undernet / irc.undernet.org ; ; Channel: #psycho ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Credits ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; simo for the original idea ; ; Ouims for helping with the regex code. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; on *:LOAD:{ echo -at You just loaded the irccloud/mibbit/kiwiirc ban replacement script echo -at This Script does not require additional configuration echo -at Simply load it and wait for the magic to happen. } on *:UNLOAD:{ echo -at What the hell?? echo -at Alrighty then! } ON *:BAN:#:{ if ($nick(#,$me,@%&~)) { if ($regex($banmask,/(mibbit|irccloud|kiwiirc||||||||||||||||| { mode $chan -b $banmask | set %webchatc $addtok(%webchatc,$banmask,32) } if ($regex($banmask,/([su]id\D|^\*!~?\*@(?:\*$|\?+))/i)) { mode $chan -b $banmask } } } ON ^*:KICK:#:{ if ($istok(%webchatc,$address($knick,2),32)) && ($nick(#,$me,@%&~)) { mode # +b $+($gettok($address($knick,0),1,64),@*) set %webchatc $remtok(%webchatc,$address($knick,2),32) } }
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