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Everything posted by chain

  1. These are some great skins for IRCap
  2. Help: 1º) Download and unzip the file 2nd) Save the Alien folder to the directory. default: C:\mIRC\skin 3rd) Upload it to your IRcap. F3 / Interface / Skins / Alien Directory: //run $mircdirskin Remarks: It is recommended to include skin text theme. Alienblue.rar Alienred.rar Alienpink.rar Green_DJ.rar Luxor.rar F1.rar
  3. chain

    mIRC - BL

    Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    A small and easy to use mIRC client Don't have any money to get a linux vps and install bopm for your IRCnetwork? Then download this software and kill the evil bot clones. The application is a scripted mIRC that can verify if a certain IP address is blacklisted so that it bans it automaticaly.
  4. Servers and IRCd's Upgraded On Sunday, January 01, 2023, we upgraded the VPS's running the IRCd's and upgraded the IRCd's to the newest release of InspIRCd. At the same time, we made a few changes and update some things. The IRCd's now use a wildcard letsencrypt SSL certificate. The network infrastucture now is: cs1.coders-irc.net - Newark New Jersey USA cs2.coders-irc.net - Montreal Quebec Canada cs3.coders-irc.net - London, England ipv6.coders-irc.net - ipv6 server for coders. irc.coders-irc.net - round robin address for coders.
  5. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Intern Intern is a dark, low-contrast, HexChat theme based on the awesome Vim colorscheme Apprentice by Romain Lafourcade. Installation Basic installation instructions below. For more information see HexChat appearance documentation. Windows Download https://github.com/drzel/intern-hexchat-theme/releases/download/v1.0/intern.hct Close HexChat. Use the HexChat Theme Manager to install it or manually extract the file to %APPDATA%\HexChat. Open HexChat. Linux Close HexChat. wget https://github.com/drzel/intern-hexchat-theme/releases/download/v1.0/intern.hct unzip intern.hct -d ~/.config/hexchat
  6. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Re Crono for HexChat This is Re Crono theme by lassekongo83. There's minor tweaks to suit HexChat better, and removes all the unused files for simplicity. How to install: Download archive Extract to your HexChat install directory (in Program Files folder on Windows) Restart HexChat This theme goes well with Ubuntu Dark color scheme. However change background color in preferences to something like #222222 for it to look nicer.
  7. chain


    Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Lincon is a dark HexChat theme, based on an unknown theme, I found about 10 years ago. Customizations were made inspired by default linux console colors and irssi. Constantly updating through years it evolved into Lincon. Lincon theme includes both color scheme and custom events updated to HexChat v2.10.2. Installation Basic installation instructions below. For more information see HexChat appearance documentation. Windows Close HexChat Download lincon-1.0.hct Use the HexChat Theme Manager to install it (in most cases just double click the file). Open HexChat Alternative install Rename lincon-1.0.hct to lincon-1.0.zip Extract the file to %APPDATA%\HexChat Linux Close HexChat wget -c https://github.com/mc0de/lincon-hexchat-theme/releases/download/1.0/lincon-1.0.hct unzip lincon-1.0.hct -d ~/.config/hexchat Open HexChat Screenshots Other settings under Settings > Preferences > Interface > Appearance used in screenshots Font Consolas 10 Indent nick names checkbox off Window Opacity 230 Time stamp format %H:%M:%S Direct Link
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Hexchat Bitlbee Extras. This repository contains Hexchat plugin which should make your life with Bitlbee much easier and nicer. Installation Grab bitlbee_extras.py, put into ~/.config/hexchat/addons and load it. Configuration Bitlbee Make sure you have: nick_format = %full_name in global or account-specific configuration. Plugin Plugin can be configured, see /help be and /be get all after plugin loading. WARNING: Plugin will not work until you do: /be set network NETNAME Where NETNAME is a name of Bitlbee network. If you have it multiworded (e.g. "ZNC - Bitlbee") - just put them in quotes like: /be set network "ZNC - Bitlbee" What it does This is a list of functions it executes: Automatically replaces bad XMPP MUC (and possibly other) nicknames with valid ones (taken from userhost).
  9. Version 1.0.0


    HNP Clementine 1.0.0 by Antonio Prcela (github precla) based on HNP 2.0.1 HNP (HexChat Now Playing) is a now playing announcer for HexChat and Clementine capable of showing detailed info about the current playing track. The original HNP combined with Amarok has the following features, which haven't all yet been migrated to Clementine. The most used ones work! Original text from the HNP+Amarok features: It displays the title, artist, album, year, length, bitrate and size of the track with the possibility to choose which one to be displayed or not. It is highly configurable through various commands and it also has a graphical menus interface. Usage copy the hnp_clementine.pl file into the ~/.config/hexchat/addons directory. load it in Hexchat, for example using: Window -> Plugin and Scripts For suggestions and bug reports please open up a issue on: https://github.com/precla/hnp_clementine Original HNP Homepage: http://www.tuxarena.com/intro/xnp.php License: GNU GPL v2
  10. Version 1.0.0


    About A little .spin game like the one used by TheGreatSparky in the #DontJoinItsATrap channel on rizon for hexchat
  11. Version 1.0.0


    rc-guard Designed to guard against typing unwanted text into IRC. Could be a password it saves! Compatible with HexChat. Requires enter to be double pressed to submit a message. Perl is not my strongest programming language, if something doesn't look right, let me know. (Until I learn more about it, in which case this will be gone!) Modified from the HexChat Addon GitHub. Original writer: LifeIsPain Thank you to libussa from the HexChat IRC channel on Freenode for suggesting how to tweak the original module!
  12. Version 1.0.0


    hexchat-DeaDBeeF This is a modified version of mwgg/xchat-deadbeef-stripped that is from iceTwy/xchat-deadbeef. Aimed to strip the functionality to necessities only and modify the output format. It does not check whether DeaDBeeF is running, and can only output the results of /np command in like so: nickname is listening to: Artist - Album - Track | Playback / Length | Codec | yyyy kbps | zzzzzHZ Unlike the original, this version does not check for whether or not DeaDBeeF is running, solving certain annoyances on some systems, and it is not able to control playback. The only function is to announce current track in a format shown above. It includes Python 3 version ONLY. This works only in DeaDBeeF 0.7.0 or newer.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Hexchat MPV now playing script Original script from kuehnelth/xchat_mpv_np. Usage: /mpv - Show information about currently open file in mpv Setup: mpv_np.py uses the mpv JSON IPC Protocol. To enable it, add the following line to ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf input-ipc-server=~/.config/mpv/socket mpv_np_win.py works without any setup.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    calaway XChat plugin that sets the away message based on Exchange calendar. Requirements Powershell 3.0 Exchange Web Services Managed API Haskell GHC Compile Compile using hsxchat from jdve/xchat-plugin by running this command from the parent directory: hsxchat -ocalaway -c Installation Copy calaway.dll into the HexChat/XChat addons directory along with get-events.ps1.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    About Some stuff to add functionality to your hexchat client and behave like a bot!
  16. Version 1.0.0


    XChat-Hexchat-Scripts Some XChat/Hexchat scripts. Some of the commands might not work if used from windows.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    HexQuest a HexChat plugin for making MUCKs easy to use through HexChat. Totally not related to a certain cereal-based shoot-em-up. Simply add a MUCK to the server list as you would an IRC server. This way you get all the features HexChat has while using MUCK servers, and more features: Marker line for new text Spell check Character counter (if using my plugin for that) Separate tabs for pages, where you can just type into them without typing "p name=text" See your previous conversation with someone when you page them Shortcut to speed up whispering to people Set specific words to be highlighted in a different color Features Each can be enabled or disabled with /hquest feature_name on/off. For example, to turn server_flash on, you'd do /hquest server_flash on. page_tabs - Moves pages to a separate tab. auto_quote - Automatically converts messages typed on the server tab into server commands. Also converts /me to a pose. ignore_away - Prevents /away and /back from being sent to the server. eat_pages - If page_tabs is on, the pages will only appear in the separate tab, not the server one. bold_whisper - Bolds lines containing whispers. flash_whisper - (Requires bold_whisper) Makes HexChat's tab flash when you get whispered. server_flash - Flash HexChat's tab any time the server tab receives text. Not saved in the config file. zombie_flash - Flash HexChat's tab any time a zombie receives text. Not saved in the config file. zombie_print_events - Use printing instead of privmsg for zombies, so you don't get notifications for every line of text. Additionally, if bold_whisper is enabled, pressing the tab key on the server tab will fill in a whisper addressed to the most recent person you whispered to. Configuration /hquest force - Forces the current server to be seen as a MUCK one. /hquest account username password - Sets the username and password for your character. /hquest muck_identifier text - Change the string that identifies the server as a MUCK, defaults to "#$#mcp version:". /hquest idle_timeout_string text - Change the string that identifies that the MUCK disconnected you for being idle, and that you should not auto-reconnect. /hquest echo_cmd number command - Choose specific commands that should echo the command into the window. This is helpful for making sure uses of "look" and "lookat" actually go into the logs, so it's much easier to find a description in them. Highlighting /hquest highlight_word number word will set specific words to highlight with a specific color. /hquest highlight_color color will set the 2-digit IRC color code to use, defaulting to 9 (green). The "word" can actually be multiple words, and it is not case sensitive. /hquest highlight_level number will choose how severe the response to those words should be. 0 does no action, 1 colors only the word, 2 recolors the server tab, 3 flashes HexChat's whole tab. You can't select per-word yet, and the default is 1. Zombies You can have 10 zombies by default, numbered 0 to 9. Use /hquest zombie number prefix name to specify the in-world name of the zombie as well as the command prefix you have set for the zombie. For example, I have the command prefix set to aaa and my zombie is named 'NovaSquirrel, so I do /hquest zombie 0 aaa 'NovaSquirrel. Open a query to $Z0, where 0 is replaced by the zombie number, to do actions as that zombie. Limitations Multi-person pages are not implemented yet, and they probably just go to the server tab. Only one MUCK connection and character is supported at a time. A MUCK tutorial for IRC users NovaSquirrel's MUCK tutorial, using HexChat.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    About A hexchat plugin I created that turns global messages into weirdspeech: "i ttalk like tthis", relying on randomness to decide what letters are duplicated. Contains an extensible dictionary for exclusions so commands arent affected, and you can include the names of users.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    HexNudge Adding wizz/nudge alike to HexChat.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    hexchat-scripts A few scripts I made for Hexchat. These scripts are tailored for my needs only and they are not meant to provide a solution to all users. Scripts: auto-nick.lua: Regains your prefered nick when joining a channel. open-tabs.lua: Opens tabs in a specific order when connecting to a server and joining a channel.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    hexchat-addons Some python add-ons for HexChat
  22. Version 1.0.0


    LockMsg LockMsg will e-mail you any IRC messages you deem important if your lockscreen is enabled Mac Requires pip install pyobjc-framework-Quartz
  23. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Hexchat-Google-Translator-Plugin Download google_translator.py and trnaslate.py Modify this lines on google_translator.py default_from = 'en' default_to = 'es' Place google_translator.py and trnaslate.py in /home/user/.config/hexchat/addons to auto-load at hexchat startup. mkdir if addons does not exist language codes can be found here Usage note: Right clicking on channel or user will promt the menu. [+] [-] autotranslate option will add them to watchlist. Default from, to languages are used. Adding channels to watch list for auto translations. If target language is not specified, then the DEFAULT_LANG set will be used. If source language is not specified, then language detection will be used. /ADDTRC <channel> <target_language> <source_language> # removing it from watchlist /RMTRC <channel> # For adding users /ADDTR <user_nick> <target_language> <source_language> # For removing users /RMTR <user_nick> Tracking watchlist # list of channels # format # <network> <channel_name> => (<target_language>,<source_language>) /LSCHANNELS # list of users /LSUSERS For sending messages in target language to a users or in channel (already in watchlist) start the message with "!!" # eg channel #testing is added to watchlist /ADDTRC #testing de en # since the target language is German !!no # will promt the message # > no # then sends the translated message to the channel nein # user_mention exception when input starts with !!@ !!@chair123, this should work # output to server, chair123 is not translated chair123, das sollte funktionieren For translating the message when user or channel not in watchlist, star the message with "@@" this will use the default source and target language. # default source is 'en' and target is 'es' (these lines can be modified in google_translator.py) @@yes # promt output (only visible on user side) Sí Auto detecting 'from' language for users and channels under watchlist, edit translation variable under function worker_hook_print_message # translation varibale translation = translate(message,'',to) Additional Commands # equivalent to starting the message with "@@" /TR <message> Translates message into the language according to form "to-from". This auto detects the source language /TRA <source language> <target language> <message> Translates message into the language specified. This auto detects the source language.' /STR <message> Sends a message translated according to form "to-from", where "from" isthe default language of origin and "to" is the default language destination Reloading Script Unload the google-translator.py script then reload the python module. Directly reloading google-tranlator.py script invokes multiple instances of translate module.
  24. Version 1.0.0


    AutoAFK This is a plugin for HexChat that will automatically change your nickname whenever you are away from your keyboard (AFK). Unfortunately Hexchat itself is missing such an essential feature. The plugin is written in Python. FEATURES Automatically changes your nickname whenever you are AFK INSTALLATION Clone the repository and place and link to the AutoAFK.py file within your hexchat's addon directory: cd ~ git clone https://github.com/ctron/hexchat-autoafk.git ln -s hexchat-autoafk/AutoAFK.py .config/hexchat/addons/ Don't forget to restart HexChat. USAGE Run /AUTOAFK HELP to see available commands. DOCUMENTATION See the inline comments for documentation. CONTRIBUTIONS In case you are looking for something to work on, you probably want to take a look at the TODO file within the projects root directory.
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Application HexChat Description HexChat is an IRC client based on XChat, but unlike XChat it’s completely free for both Windows and Unix-like systems. Since XChat is open source, it’s perfectly legal. For more info. HexChat was originally called XChat-WDK which in turn was a successor of freakschat. Build notes Latest stable HexChat release from Arch Linux. Usage docker run -d \ -p 5900:5900 \ -p 6080:6080 \ --name=<container name> \ --privileged=true \ -v <path for config files>:/config \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -e WEBPAGE_TITLE=<name shown in browser tab> \ -e VNC_PASSWORD=<password for web ui> \ -e UMASK=<umask for created files> \ -e PUID=<uid for user> \ -e PGID=<gid for user> \ binhex/arch-hexchat Please replace all user variables in the above command defined by <> with the correct values. Example docker run -d \ -p 5900:5900 \ -p 6080:6080 \ --name=hexchat \ --privileged=true \ -v /apps/docker/hexchat:/config \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -e WEBPAGE_TITLE=Tower \ -e VNC_PASSWORD=mypassword \ -e UMASK=000 \ -e PUID=0 \ -e PGID=0 \ binhex/arch-hexchat If you do specify a password for the web ui via the env var 'VNC_PASSWORD' then it MUST be 6 characters or longer, otherwise it will be ignored. Access via web interface (noVNC) http://<host ip>:<host port>/vnc.html?resize=remote&host=<host ip>&port=<host port>&&autoconnect=1 e.g.:- Access via VNC client <host ip>::<host port> e.g.:- Notes User ID (PUID) and Group ID (PGID) can be found by issuing the following command for the user you want to run the container as:- id <username>
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