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Posts posted by coders-irc_Bot

  1. Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {
      .Mirc profile system: dialog $iif($dialog(mircprofile.system),-v,-md mircprofile.system) mircprofile.system 
    Dialog mircprofile.system {
      Title "mircprofilesystem"
      Size -1 -1 146 86
      Option dbu
      list 1, 02 02 90 90, hsbar vsbar
      Button "add" ,2, 94 02 50 10, autohs
      Button "login" ,3, 94 14 50 10, autohs
      Button "edit" ,4, 94 26 50 10, autohs
    on *:Dialog:mircprofile.system:*:*: {
      if ($devent == init) {
        set %usernames $readini(mircprofile.ini, users, loginnames)
      if ($devent == sclick) {
        if ($did == 2) {
          .dialog -x mircprofile.system
        if ($did == 3) {
          if (!$did(1).sel) {
            noop $input(Please select a profile to log into from the list)
          else { var %vartest $?="what's your pw"
            if (%vartest == $readini(mircprofile.ini, $did(1).seltext ,Pass)) {
              .set %mircprofile $did(1).seltext
              .nick $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,nick))
              .anick $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,altnick))
              .emailaddr $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,Email))
              .identd on $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,ident))
              if ($readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,serveraddy)) {
                .server -m $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,serveraddy))
        if ($did == 4) {
          if (!$did(1).sel) {
            noop $input(Please select a profile to edit into from the list)
          else { 
            .set %editprofile $did(1).seltext
            set %vartest $?="what's your pw"
            if (%vartest == $readini(mircprofile.ini, $did(1).seltext ,Pass)) {
              .set %mircprofile $did(1).seltext
              .dialog -x mircprofile.system
    alias openeditor { dialog -v,-md profeditor.system profeditor.system }
    Dialog profeditor.system {
      Title "mircprofileeditor"
      Size -1 -1 55 97
      Option dbu
      edit "Enter real name" ,1, 02 02 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter email" ,2, 02 12 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter ident" ,3, 02 22 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter nick " ,4, 02 32 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter alt nick" ,5, 02 42 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter server addy" ,6, 02 52 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter server pw" ,7, 02 62 50 10, autohs
      Button "save" ,9, 02 74 50 10, autohs
      Button "delete" ,10, 02 86 50 10, autohs
    on *:Dialog:profeditor.system:*:*: {
      if ($devent == init) {
        if (%editprofile) {
          .did -r profeditor.system 1-7
          .did -a profeditor.system 1 %editprofile
          .did -a profeditor.system 2 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,Email))
          .did -a profeditor.system 3 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,ident))
          .did -a profeditor.system 4 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,nick))
          .did -a profeditor.system 5 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,altnick))
          .did -a profeditor.system 6 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,serveraddy))
          .did -a profeditor.system 7 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,Pass))
      if ($devent == sclick) {
        if ($did == 9) {
          .set %usernames $addtok(%usernames, $did(1).text ,44)
          .timer 1 2 addprofnick
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text email $did(2).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text ident $did(3).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text nick $did(4).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text altnick $did(5).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text serveraddy $did(6).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text pass $did(7).text
        if ($did == 10) {
          remini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text
          set %usernames $remtok(%usernames, $did(1).text ,44)
          .timer 1 2 addprofnick
      if ($devent == close) {
        .unset %editprofile
        .unset %mircprofile
        .unset %vartest
    alias openmircprofsystem { dialog -v,-md mircprofile.system mircprofile.system }
    alias addprofnick { 
      if (!%usernames) {
        remini mircprofile.ini users
        .dialog -x profeditor.system
        .unset %editprofile
        .unset %mircprofile
      else {
        .writeini -n mircprofile.ini users loginnames %usernames
        .dialog -x profeditor.system
        .unset %editprofile
        .unset %mircprofile
    alias testwhile {
      var %a = 1, %b = $numtok(%usernames,44)
      while (%a <= %b) {
        did -a mircprofile.system 1 $gettok(%usernames,%a,44)
        inc %a
    Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {
      .Mirc profile system: dialog $iif($dialog(mircprofile.system),-v,-md mircprofile.system) mircprofile.system 
    Dialog mircprofile.system {
      Title "mircprofilesystem"
      Size -1 -1 146 86
      Option dbu
      list 1, 02 02 90 90, hsbar vsbar
      Button "add" ,2, 94 02 50 10, autohs
      Button "login" ,3, 94 14 50 10, autohs
      Button "edit" ,4, 94 26 50 10, autohs
    on *:Dialog:mircprofile.system:*:*: {
      if ($devent == init) {
        set %usernames $readini(mircprofile.ini, users, loginnames)
      if ($devent == sclick) {
        if ($did == 2) {
          .dialog -x mircprofile.system
        if ($did == 3) {
          if (!$did(1).sel) {
            noop $input(Please select a profile to log into from the list)
          else { 
              .set %mircprofile $did(1).seltext
              .nick $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,nick))
              .anick $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,altnick))
              .emailaddr $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,Email))
              .identd on $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,ident))
              if ($readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,serveraddy)) {
                .server -m $readini(mircprofile.ini, %mircprofile ,serveraddy))
          if ($did == 4) {
          if (!$did(1).sel) {
            noop $input(Please select a profile to edit into from the list)
          else { 
            .set %editprofile $did(1).seltext
            set %vartest $?="what's your pw"
            if (%vartest == $readini(mircprofile.ini, $did(1).seltext ,Pass)) {
              .set %mircprofile $did(1).seltext
              .dialog -x mircprofile.system
    alias openeditor { dialog -v,-md profeditor.system profeditor.system }
    Dialog profeditor.system {
      Title "mircprofileeditor"
      Size -1 -1 55 97
      Option dbu
      edit "Enter real name" ,1, 02 02 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter email" ,2, 02 12 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter ident" ,3, 02 22 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter nick " ,4, 02 32 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter alt nick" ,5, 02 42 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter server addy" ,6, 02 52 50 10, autohs
      edit "Enter server pw" ,7, 02 62 50 10, autohs
      Button "save" ,9, 02 74 50 10, autohs
      Button "delete" ,10, 02 86 50 10, autohs
    on *:Dialog:profeditor.system:*:*: {
      if ($devent == init) {
        if (%editprofile) {
          .did -r profeditor.system 1-7
          .did -a profeditor.system 1 %editprofile
          .did -a profeditor.system 2 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,Email))
          .did -a profeditor.system 3 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,ident))
          .did -a profeditor.system 4 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,nick))
          .did -a profeditor.system 5 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,altnick))
          .did -a profeditor.system 6 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,serveraddy))
          .did -a profeditor.system 7 $readini(mircprofile.ini, %editprofile ,Pass))
      if ($devent == sclick) {
        if ($did == 9) {
          .set %usernames $addtok(%usernames, $did(1).text ,44)
          .timer 1 2 addprofnick
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text email $did(2).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text ident $did(3).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text nick $did(4).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text altnick $did(5).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text serveraddy $did(6).text
          writeini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text pass $did(7).text
        if ($did == 10) {
          remini mircprofile.ini $did(1).text
          set %usernames $remtok(%usernames, $did(1).text ,44)
          .timer 1 2 addprofnick
      if ($devent == close) {
        .unset %editprofile
        .unset %mircprofile
        .unset %vartest
    alias openmircprofsystem { dialog -v,-md mircprofile.system mircprofile.system }
    alias addprofnick { 
      if (!%usernames) {
        remini mircprofile.ini users
        .dialog -x profeditor.system
        .unset %editprofile
        .unset %mircprofile
      else {
        .writeini -n mircprofile.ini users loginnames %usernames
        .dialog -x profeditor.system
        .unset %editprofile
        .unset %mircprofile
    alias testwhile {
      var %a = 1, %b = $numtok(%usernames,44)
      while (%a <= %b) {
        did -a mircprofile.system 1 $gettok(%usernames,%a,44)
        inc %a

    Basically what this is is a profile system for mIRC which allows you to easily allow more than one person use one irc client or if you have multiple nicks with different info for each of them this will allow you to easily change information it should be self explanatory once it's open if you have questions ask this was a forum request by @unseen it's not 100% completed i plan to tweak it a bit and make it better but it is fully functional as is.

    By blackvenomm666

  2. on *:connect: { .list }
    on *:snotice:*you cannot list within*: { .timerautorelist $+ . $+ $network 1 $calc($8 + 10) /list }

    know it's not very big or anything major but i got bored and tossed this together in a few seconds. it auto lists the channel list when you connect to a server. and for those that don't allow you to list within a certain ammount of time of connecting it will automatically retry the listing within the proper ammount of time

    By blackvenomm666

  3. Menu nicklist,channel {
      .threewaychat: { .set %threeway1 $$?="Enter the first nick of who you want to threewaychat with"
        .set %threeway2 $$?="Enter the second nick of who you want to threewaychat with"
        .ctcp %threeway1 wanttothreewaychat with %threeway2
        .ctcp %threeway2 wanttothreewaychat with %threeway1
    ctcp *:wanttothreewaychat:*: {  
      .set %threeway1 $nick
      .set %threeway2 $3
      dialog -v,-md yesorno.system yesorno.system
    alias threewaychat {
      window -eCkbl20 @threewaychat  10 10 650 500 $mircexe
      aline -pd @threewaychat 7,1 $time(ddd h:nn:ss::tt) 3,1 Thank you for using threewaychat coded by Ryan aka Blackvenomm666
      aline -pd @threewaychat 7,1 $time(ddd h:nn:ss::tt) 3,1 you have now started a threeway chat with %threeway1 and %threeway2
      aline -l @threewaychat %threeway1
      aline -l @threewaychat %threeway2
    menu @threewaychat {
      ..end threeway chat:{
        .msg %threeway1 i'm leaving the threewaychat
        .msg %threeway2 i'm leaving the threewaychat
        .unset %threeway1 %threeway2
        close -@
    ctcp *:3way:*:{ if ($nick == %threeway1) || ($nick == %threeway2) {
    aline -pd @threewaychat $nick $2- } }
    on *:INPUT:@threewaychat: {
      aline -pd @threewaychat $me $1-
      .ctcp %threeway1 3way $1-
      .ctcp %threeway2 3way $1-
    on *:close:@threewaychat: {
      echo -s closed
      .msg %threeway1 leftchat
      .msg %threeway2 leftchat
      .unset %threeway1
      .unset %threeway2
    Dialog yesorno.System {
      Title "Yes or no"
      Size -1 -1 170 46
      Option dbu
      text " " 1, 02 02 167 26, hsbar vsbar 
      button "Yes ", 2, 02 24 45 20, flat
      button "No ", 3, 50 24 45 20, flat 
    on *:dialog:yesorno.System:init:*:{
      did -az yesorno.system 1 Do you want to threeway chat with %threeway1 and %threeway2
    on *:dialog:yesorno.System:sclick:2:{
      dialog -x yesorno.system yesorno.system
    on *:dialog:yesorno.System:sclick:3:{
      .msg %threeway1 no thank you
      .unset %threeway1 %threeway2
      dialog -x yesorno.system yesorno.system

    This is a snippet that will allow you to have a three way chat with people privately,instead of in a channel. Just right click in the nicklist/channel and click threewaychat. It will pop up asking you who you want to threewaychat with it's pretty self explanatory anyone finds bugs or needs help with it just let me know. input scripts can mess with this if you try to use it turn them off. also you have to have your ctcp's on seeing as it runs off of ctcp's

  4. Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {
      Mp3: dialog $iif($dialog(mp3.System),-v,-md mp3.System) mp3.System 
    Dialog mp3.System {
      Title "mp3System"
      Size -1 -1 150 174
      Option dbu
      ;-----Songs Tab 100
      Tab "+ Songs " ,100, 02 02 148 22, tab 100
      list 3, 40 32 109 90, hsbar vsbar tab 100
      button "Play", 2, 0 32 37 10, flat tab 100
      button "stop ", 4, 0 64 37 10, flat tab 100 
      button "pause ", 5, 0 48 37 10, flat tab 100
      button "up", 7, 0 89 37 10, tab 100
      button "down", 8, 0 105 37 10, tab 100
      button "mute", 9, 0 121 37 10, tab 100
      list 21, 40 125 109 55, hsbar vsbar tab 100
      button "Repeat", 600, 0 153 37 10, tab 100
      button "Shuffle", 700, 0 138 37 10, tab 100
      menu "File", 23
      menu "Directory",24,23
      item "Add Directory", 15, 
      item "Delete Directory", 16, 
      menu "Close",27,23
      item " Close", 25, 
      item "Close And Stop Music", 26, 
      ;-----Spam options Tab 200
      Tab "+ Spam options " ,200, 02 02 170 22, tab 200
      text "channels you are in", 201, 02 30 60 10, tab 200
      list 202, 02 38 50 78, hsbar vsbar tab 200
      text "Channels to spam", 204, 100 30 60 10, tab 200
      list 203, 98 38 50 78, hsbar vsbar tab 200
      button "add ", 205, 60 44 26 10, flat tab 200
      button "delete ", 206, 60 97 26 10, flat tab 200
      button "refresh ", 207, 60 70 26 10, flat tab 200
      text "Mp3SpamType", 312, 02 118 37 10, tab 200
      button "Random ", 301, 02 128 30 10, flat tab 200 
      button "BlueBlack ", 302, 40 128 30 10, flat tab 200
      button "Redblack ", 303, 80 128 30 10, flat tab 200
      button "Monkey", 304, 118 128 30 10, flat tab 200
      button "Rosewhip ", 305, 02 144 30 10, flat tab 200
      button "Fish ", 306, 40 144 30 10, flat tab 200
      button "Fire1 ", 307, 80 144 30 10, flat tab 200
      button "Fire2 ", 308, 118 144 30 10, flat tab 200
      button "Turn spam off ", 309, 45 160 60 10, flat tab 200
    on *:DIALOG:mp3.system:init:*: {
      if (%mute == on) {
        did -r mp3.system 9
        did -a mp3.system 9 unmute
      if (%mute == off) || (%mute == $null) {
        did -r mp3.system 9
        did -a mp3.system 9 mute
      if (%repeat == 1) {
        did -r mp3.system 600
        did -a mp3.system 600 repeat 1
      if (%repeat == all) {
        did -r mp3.system 600
        did -a mp3.system 600 repeat all
      if (%repeat == off) || (%repeat == !$null) {
        did -r mp3.system 600
        did -a mp3.system 600 repeat off
      if (%Shuffle == on) {
        did -r mp3.system 700
        did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle on
        .set %repeat off
      if (%Shuffle == off) || (%Shuffle == $null) {
        did -r mp3.system 700
        did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off
      didtok -az $dname 202 32 $regsubex($str(-,$chan(0)),/./g,$chan(\n) $chr(32))
      var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      while (%a <= %b) {
        didtok -az $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)
        inc %a
      dialog -v mp3.system
      dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
      var %dir = 1
      while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) {
        did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir)
        inc %dir
    alias check {
      var %dir = 1
      while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) {
        did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir)
        inc %dir
    alias spamit {
      say 3,1now playing %currentsong
      say Remaining time  $asctime($round($calc(($insong.length - $insong.pos) / 1000),0),nn:ss),none)
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:15: { 
      var %mp31 = $replace($$?="Playlist Name:",$chr(32),_), %mp32 = $sdir(*,Choose a Music Folder,Add)
      if (%mp31 && %mp32) { writeini mp3.ini Directory %mp31 %mp32 }
      .set %mp3file %mp31
      did -r mp3.system 3
      noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*mp3,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-))  
      noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*wma,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-))
      did -r mp3.system 21
      var %dir = 1
      while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) {
        did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir)
        inc %dir
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:16: { 
      var %mp31 = $replace($$?="Playlist Name:",$chr(32),_)
      if (%mp31) { remini mp3.ini Directory %mp31 }
      did -r mp3.system 21 
      var %dir = 1
      while (%dir <= $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,0)) {
        did -a mp3.system 21 $ini(mp3.ini,Directory,%dir)
        inc %dir
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:25: { 
      .dialog -x mp3.system mp3.system
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:menu:26: { 
      .splay stop
      .dialog -x mp3.system mp3.system
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:700: { 
      if (%Shuffle == off) || (%Shuffle == $null) {
        did -r mp3.system 700
        did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle on
        .set %Shuffle on
        .set %repeat off
        did -r mp3.system 600
        did -a mp3.system 600 repeat off
      else {
        did -r mp3.system 700
        did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off
        .set %Shuffle off
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:2: {
      if (%randspam == on) {
        .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
          if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
          if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a
      elseif (%spamall == on ) {
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
          if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
          if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a
      if ($insong.pause = $true) && (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
        did -r mp3.system 5
        did -a mp3.system 5 pause
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma)
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
        .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
      elseif ($insong.pause = $true) && (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
        did -r mp3.system 5
        did -a mp3.system 5 pause
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3)
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
        .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
      elseif (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma)
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
        .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
      elseif (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3)
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
        .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:4: {
      if ($insong.pause = $true) {
        did -r mp3.system 5
        did -a mp3.system 5 pause
        .splay stop 
        dialog -t mp3.system Player:Stopped
      else {
        .splay stop 
        dialog -t mp3.system Player:Stopped
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:5:{
      if ($insong.pause = $true) {
        splay resume
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel 
        did -r mp3.system 5
        did -a mp3.system 5 pause
      else { splay -p pause
        dialog -v mp3.system
        dialog -t mp3.system Player:Paused
        did -r mp3.system 5
        did -a mp3.system 5 resume
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:7:{
      vol -v $calc( $vol(master) + 1000)
      dialog -v mp3.system
      dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:8:{
      vol -v $calc( $vol(master) - 1000)
      dialog -v mp3.system
      dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:9:{
      if (%mute == off) || (%mute == $null) {
        vol -vu1
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol:muted
        .set %mute on
        did -r mp3.system 9
        did -a mp3.system 9 unmute
      else {
        vol -vu2
        dialog -t mp3.system Unmuted
        .timer 1 2 dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        .set %mute off
        did -r mp3.system 9
        did -a mp3.system 9 mute
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:11:{
      vol -vu2
      dialog -t mp3.system Unmuted
      .timer 1 2 dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:dclick:3:{
      if (%randspam == on) {
        .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
          if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
          if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a
      elseif (%spamall == on ) {
        var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
        while (%a <= %b) {
          if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
          if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext } 
          if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
          if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
          if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing $did($dname,3).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
          if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
          if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
          inc %a
      if ($insong.pause = $true) && (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
        did -r mp3.system 5
        did -a mp3.system 5 pause
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma)
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
        .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
      elseif ($insong.pause = $true) && (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
        did -r mp3.system 5
        did -a mp3.system 5 pause
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3)
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
        .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
      elseif (.wma isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.wma)),.wma)
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
        .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
      elseif (.mp3 isin $did($dname,3).seltext) {
        splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove($did($dname,3).seltext,.mp3)),.mp3)
        dialog -t mp3.system Mp3 Vol: $int($calc(( $vol(master) / 65535) * 100)) $+ %
        set %mp3.system.songnumber $did(mp3.system,3).sel
        .set %currentsong $did(mp3.system,3).seltext
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:close:*:{ 
      if ($dialog(spam.system)) {
        .dialog -x spam.system
      if ($dialog(Spamchan.System)) {
        .dialog -x Spamchan.System
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:19: {
      .dialog -v,-md spam.system spam.system
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:20: {
      .dialog -v,-md Spamchan.System Spamchan.System
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:dclick:21:{
      .set %mp3file $did(mp3.system,21).seltext 
      did -r mp3.system 3
      noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*mp3,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-))  
      noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*wma,0,1,did -az mp3.system 3 $nopath($1-))
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:205: {
      write spam $+ $server $+ .txt $did(mp3.system,202).seltext
      didtok -r $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:206: {
      if (!$did(203).sel) { noop $input(Please Highlite A Channel In Spam List Box To Delete,uwo,Error!) } | else { write -dl $+ $did(203).sel spam $+ $server $+ .txt | $chanlistalias } 
      didtok -r $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)
    alias spam {
      var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      while (%a <= %b) {
        didtok -az $dname 203 32 $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)
        inc %a
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:207: {
      didtok -r $dname 202 32
      didtok -az $dname 202 32 $regsubex($str(-,$chan(0)),/./g,$chan(\n) $chr(32))
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:301: {
      set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
      else { 
        .set %randspam on
        .set %spamall off
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:600:{
      if (%repeat == off) {
        .set %repeat 1  
        did -r mp3.system 600
        did -a mp3.system 600 repeat 1
        did -r mp3.system 700
        did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off
        .set %Shuffle off
      elseif (%repeat == 1) {
        .set %repeat all
        did -r mp3.system 600
        did -a mp3.system 600 repeat all
        did -r mp3.system 700
        did -a mp3.system 700 Shuffle off
        .set %Shuffle off
      else { 
        .set %repeat off
        did -r mp3.system 600
        did -a mp3.system 600 repeat off
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:close:*:{ 
      if (%repeat == on) {
        .set %repeat off
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:302: {
      set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
      else { 
        .set %randspam off
        .set %spamall on
        .set %spam1 on
        .set %spam2 off
        .set %spam3 off
        .set %spam4 off
        .set %spam5 off
        .set %spam6 off
        .set %spam7 off
        echo -a 12,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:303: {
      set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
      else { 
        .set %randspam off
        .set %spamall on
        .set %spam2 on
        .set %spam1 off
        .set %spam3 off
        .set %spam4 off
        .set %spam5 off
        .set %spam6 off
        .set %spam7 off
        echo -a 4,1Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext 
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:304: {
      set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
      else { 
        .set %randspam off
        .set %spamall on
        .set %spam3 on
        .set %spam1 off
        .set %spam2 off
        .set %spam4 off
        .set %spam5 off
        .set %spam6 off
        .set %spam7 off
        echo -a 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,303).seltext 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:305: {
      set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
      else { 
        .set %randspam off
        .set %spamall on
        .set %spam4 on
        .set %spam1 off
        .set %spam2 off
        .set %spam3 off
        .set %spam5 off
        .set %spam6 off
        .set %spam7 off
        echo -a 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,303).seltext @}4-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:306: {
      set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
      else { 
        .set %randspam off
        .set %spamall on
        .set %spam5 on
        .set %spam1 off
        .set %spam2 off
        .set %spam3 off
        .set %spam4 off
        .set %spam6 off
        .set %spam7 off
        echo -a 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing $did($dname,303).seltext 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< 
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:307: {
      set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
      else { 
        .set %randspam off
        .set %spamall on
        .set %spam6 on
        .set %spam1 off
        .set %spam2 off
        .set %spam3 off
        .set %spam4 off
        .set %spam5 off
        .set %spam7 off
        echo -a 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,3).seltext 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:308: {
      set %lines $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
      if (%lines == 0 ) noop $input(You must add channels to spam to first go back to main dialog and click spam chans to add channels,uwo,Error!) halt
      else { 
        .set %randspam off
        .set %spamall on
        .set %spam7 on
        .set %spam1 off
        .set %spam2 off
        .set %spam3 off
        .set %spam4 off
        .set %spam5 off
        .set %spam6 off
        echo -a 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  $did($dname,303).seltext 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, 
    on *:dialog:mp3.system:sclick:309: {
      .set %randspam off
      .set %spamall off
      .set %spam1 off
      .set %spam2 off
      .set %spam3 off
      .set %spam4 off
      .set %spam5 off
      .set %spam6 off
      .set %spam7 off
    on *:MP3END: {
      if ($dialog(mp3.system)) && (%repeat == 1) {
        .set %nextsong %mp3.system.songnumber
        .set %nextsong2  $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong)
        set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
        .set %currentsong %nextsong2
        if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) {
          splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3))
        elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { 
          splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma))
        $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
        $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) 
        if (%randspam == on) {
          .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
          var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
          while (%a <= %b) {
            if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
            if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
            if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
            if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
            if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
            if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
            if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
            inc %a
        elseif (%spamall == on ) {
          var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
          while (%a <= %b) {
            if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
            if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
            if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
            if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
            if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
            if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
            if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
            inc %a
      else {
        if (%shuffle == on) {
          .set %shufflenum $lines(shuffle.txt)
          .set %nextsong $rand(1, %shufflenum)
          .set %nextsong2  $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong)
          set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
          .set %currentsong %nextsong2   
          write -c shuffle.txt
          noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*mp3,0,1,write shuffle.txt $nopath($1-))  
          noop $findfile($readini(mp3.ini,directory,%mp3file),*wma,0,1,write shuffle.txt $nopath($1-))
          $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
          $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong)
          set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
          .set %currentsong %nextsong2
          if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) {
            splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3))
          elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { 
            splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma))
          $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
          $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) 
          if (%randspam == on) {
            .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
            var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
            while (%a <= %b) {
              if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
              if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
              if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
              if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
              if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
              inc %a
          elseif (%spamall == on ) {
            var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
            while (%a <= %b) {
              if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
              if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
              if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
              if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
              if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
              inc %a
        .set %nextsong $calc(%mp3.system.songnumber + 1)
        .set %nextsong2  $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong)
        set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
        .set %currentsong %nextsong2   
        if (%repeat == all) && (%nextsong2 == $null) {
          .set %nextsong 1
          .set %nextsong2  $did(mp3.system,3,%nextsong)
          set %mp3.system.songnumber %nextsong
          .set %currentsong %nextsong2
          if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) {
            splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3))
          elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { 
            splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma))
          $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
          $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong) 
          if (%randspam == on) {
            .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
            var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
            while (%a <= %b) {
              if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
              if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
              if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
              if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
              if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
              inc %a
          elseif (%spamall == on ) {
            var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
            while (%a <= %b) {
              if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
              if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
              if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
              if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
              if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
              inc %a
        else {
          if (.mp3 isin %nextsong2) {
            splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.mp3)).seltext,.mp3))
          elseif (.wma isin %nextsong2) { 
            splay -p $+($readini(mp3.ini,Directory,%mp3file),$+($remove(%nextsong2,.wma)).seltext,.wma))
          $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -u mp3.system 3)
          $iif($dialog(mp3.system),did -c mp3.system 3 %nextsong)  
          if (%randspam == on) {
            .set %randspamnum $rand(1,7)
            var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
            while (%a <= %b) {
              if (%randspamnum == 1) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%randspamnum == 2) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%randspamnum == 3) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
              if (%randspamnum == 4) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
              if (%randspamnum == 5) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
              if (%randspamnum == 6) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
              if (%randspamnum == 7) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
              inc %a
          elseif (%spamall == on ) {
            var %a = 1, %b = $lines(spam $+ $server $+ .txt)
            while (%a <= %b) {
              if (%spam1 == on ) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 12,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%spam2 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 4,1Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 } 
              if (%spam3 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 5@(1°¬°5)@ 5@(1°¬°5)@ }
              if (%spam4 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 3´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*--8-4{@ Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 @}3-38--*´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯` }
              if (%spam5 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<   11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<11,12Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~8,12><((°<  11,12´¯`*.¸_¸.*´¯`*~~ 8,12><((°< }
              if (%spam6 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 1215,8%8,8|4,8%8,4%4,4|5,4%4,5%5,5|1,5%5,1%1--16 4,1Mp3 now playing  %nextsong2 1--5,1%1,5%5,5|4,5%5,4%4,4|8,4%4,8%8,8|15,8%1 }
              if (%spam7 == on) { msg $read(spam $+ $server $+ .txt, %a)) 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 Mp3 now playing %nextsong2 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%,  }
              inc %a

    This is my mp3 player standard features such as play pause stop repeat 1 song repeat all songs and shuffle, has two tabs one for the songs the other for spam options to add folders of music to the player click file then directory then add

    By blackvenomm666

  5. HelpDesk SystemX 1.0b allows those who have a help channel to control it better with  
     features that allows you or your assistants to help someone without the distractions 
     and "noise" or unmoderated help rooms. Users come in, receive a wait time and have to
     wait until someone who is op and ready to assist them. After they have received help,
     they are devoiced so you can help the next person uninterrupted.



  6. So what is trolling and who are internet/chat trolls?

    Troll (boyar. troublemaker) - a person involved in trolling. Initially, this was the name of the provocative message or action itself. The troll's goal is to produce lulz for himself and the visitors who see through him, at the expense of the less intelligent visitors who spend time and effort fighting him.

    The life ideal of the Troll is to interfere with everyone and listen to abuse at his address. If only to infiltrate somewhere where his presence is especially undesirable, to annoy everyone, to infuriate people and make them throw various objects at his head, then he feels that he has spent his time usefully. The highest goal and dream of this dog is to get under someone's feet and make them curse themselves for a whole hour. When he succeeds, his conceit becomes completely unbearable.

    Internet Trolls are wild, deeply unhappy, often immoral and immoral, flawed people, with big problems in their personal lives, and sometimes even with mental disorders!


  7. Welcome popup window with animated glitter effect. All settings are made through the " ww_setting " alias. You can reconfigure this script to suit your preferences. For example, you can change: - the welcome text and its margin, the size, background and color of the window borders, the font and colors of the letters, as well as the speed of the glitter effect and the timer for delaying the window shutdown.

    ################################################### ####################
    # Name: Welcome Window v1.0
    # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru)
    # Description: Welcome popup with animated glitter effect.
    ################################################### ####################
    on *:START: .timerWWSTART -m 1 1000 ww
    alias -l ww { ww_setting | www_window | www_window_decor | www_text_color}
    alias -l ww_setting {
      .hadd -m ww text Hello, $+($me,!) :)))
      .hadd -m ww win-name @Welcome
      .hadd -m ww win-size-x 20
      .hadd -m ww win-size-y -10
      .hadd -m ww margin-w 50
      .hadd -m ww margin-h 30
      .hadd -m ww color-bg $rgb(14,12,18)
      .hadd -m ww color-line $rgb(91,76,116)
      .hadd -m ww color-text $rgb(147,122,187)
      .hadd -m ww font ComicSansMS
      .hadd -m ww fsize 28
      .hadd -m ww start-color 91
      .hadd -m ww end-color 97
      .hadd -m ww time-speed-color 150
      .hadd -m ww time-closing 5000
    alias -l www_window {
      set %ww_w $calc($width($hget(ww,text),$hget(ww,font),$hget(ww,fsize),0,1) + ($hget(ww,margin-w) *2 ))
      set %ww_h $calc($height($hget(ww,text),$hget(ww,font),$hget(ww,fsize)) + ($hget(ww,margin-h) *2))
      set %ww_mw $int($calc($window(-3).dw /2 + $hget(ww,win-size-x)))
      set %ww_x $calc($window(-2).dx + %ww_mw)
      set %ww_mh $int($calc($window(-3).dh /2 + $hget(ww,win-size-y)))
      set %ww_y $calc($window(-2).dy + %ww_mh)
      .window -pdBhiok0w0 +dL $hget(ww,win-name) %ww_x %ww_y %ww_w %ww_h | .window -a $hget(ww,win-name)
      .timerWW -m 1 $hget(ww,time-closing) .window -c $hget(ww,win-name)
    alias -l ww_window_decor {
      .drawfill -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-bg) %ww_w %ww_h 0 0
      .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 0 0 %ww_w 0
      .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 0 $calc(%ww_h -1) %ww_w $calc(%ww_h -1)
      .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 0 0 0 %ww_h
      .drawline -r $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-line) 1 $calc(%ww_w -1) 0 $calc(%ww_w -1) $calc(%ww_h -1)
    alias -l ww_text_color {
      if (!%ww_cc) { set %ww_cc $hget(ww,start-color) }
      if (%ww_cc <= $hget(ww,start-color)) set %ww_nc 1
      if (%ww_cc >= $hget(ww,end-color)) set %ww_nc 2
      if (%ww_nc == 1) inc %ww_cc | if (%ww_nc == 2) dec %ww_cc
      if ($hget(ww,ctext)) .hdel -sw ww ctext
      var %ww_ct $replace($hget(ww,text),$chr(32),$chr(160))
      var %ww_cl $len(%ww_ct) | var %ww_e %ww_cc | var %ww_w 1
      var %ww_q 1 | while (%ww_q <= %ww_cl) {
        .hadd -m ww ctext $+($hget(ww,ctext),$chr(3),%ww_e,$mid(%ww_ct,%ww_q,1))
        inc %ww_q | if (%ww_w == 1) inc %ww_e | if (%ww_w == 2) dec %ww_e
        if (%ww_e <= $hget(ww,start-color)) var %ww_w 1 | if (%ww_e >= $hget(ww,end-color)) var %ww_w 2
      if ($window($hget(ww,win-name))) {
        .drawtext -pr $hget(ww,win-name) $hget(ww,color-text) $hget(ww,font) $hget(ww,fsize) $hget(ww,margin-w) $hget(ww, margin-h) $hget(ww,ctext)
        .timerWWTC -m 1 $hget(ww,time-speed-color) ww_text_color



  8. Helps to color all nicknames found in messages in the colors from the address book that are present on the same channels where you are. Can detect nicknames even if they are followed by characters like " .,:=?!() ".

    Requirements: The script will only display all colors correctly in the latest versions of the mIRC client, which has a choice of 99 colors and shades.

    Setting: You can change the settings of the script parameters through the " color_nick_message_set " alias to the values you need.


    ################################################### ####################
    # Name: Color Nick Message v1.0
    # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru)
    # Description: Colorizes all nicknames found in messages in colors from the address book that are present on the same channels where you are.
    ################################################### ####################
    alias -l color_nick_message_set {
      %cnm_ignore_color = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 36 37 48 60 88 89 90 92 93 94 95 96 97
      %cnm_ignore_chan = #Services #MyChan
      %cnm_auto_color = true
      %cnm_method_color = 0
      %cnm_sort_list = 1
    on *:NICK: color_nick_message_auto $newnick
    on *:JOIN:#: color_nick_message_auto $nick
    on ^*:TEXT:*:#: color_nick_message $nick $chan $1-
    on *:INPUT:#: if ($left($strip($1-),1) != /) { .msg $chan $1- | color_nick_message $me $chan $1- }
    alias -l color_nick_message_auto {
      if (%cnm_auto_color == true && $cnick($1) == 0) {
        var %cnm_key $+(-m,%cnm_method_color,s,%cnm_sort_list)
        :next1 | var %cnm_rcol $rand(1.98) | if ($istok(%cnm_ignore_color,%cnm_rcol,32)) goto next1
        .cnick %cnm_key $1 %cnm_rcol
    alias -l color_nick_message {
      color_nick_message_set | if ($istok(%cnm_ignore_chan,$2.32)) { halt } | color_nick_message_auto $1
      var %cnm_text $3- | var %cnm_stext $strip(%cnm_text) | var %cnm_inc 1 | while (%cnm_inc <= $numtok(%cnm_stext,32)) {
        var %cnm_tok $gettok(%cnm_stext,%cnm_inc,32) | var %cnm_rtok $remove(%cnm_tok,$chr(40),$chr(41),$chr(44),.,=,:,?,!)
        if ($comchan(%cnm_rtok,0) > 0) {
          var %cnm_col $cnick(%cnm_rtok).color | var %cnm_ncol $+($chr(3),%cnm_col,%cnm_rtok,$chr(3))
          var %cnm_rncol $replace(%cnm_tok,%cnm_rtok,%cnm_ncol) | var %cnm_text $puttok(%cnm_text,%cnm_rncol,%cnm_inc,32)
        } | inc %cnm_inc
      if (%cnm_text) { var %cnm_nick $+(<,$chr(3),$cnick($1,1).color,$1,$chr(3),>) | .echo -t $2 %cnm_nick %cnm_text | halt}


  9. this code is to make autogline on ident if user is using irccloud , if he is with mibbit hostmask the script will make gline on ident , if user is with hostmask of real ip than the script will gline the hostmask , is user is with irccloud but he has vhost than the script will make whois on user to see if he is from irccloud and gline ident , if he is not with irccloud than the script will make gline on ip , hope this script is useful  , the command is .g nick reason or without reason just .g nick , command can use only user that are in channel #opers , and thay can;t gline someone that isin too on channel #opers 


    on *:text:.g *:#:{
      set %reason $3-
      set %glineirccloud on
      set %idenGline $remtok($gettok($address($2.0),1.64),*,0.33)
      if (irccloud.com isin $address($2,2)) && ($nick ison #opers) && ($2 !ison #opers) || (mibbit.com isin $address($2,2)) { gline $addtok(%idenGline,*,64) +2h ° %reason ° | unset %glineirccloud | unset %idenGline | unset %reason }
      elseif (irccloud.com !isin $address($2,2)) && ($nick ison #opers) && ($2 !ison #opers) { whois $2 | set %glineirccloud on | set %reason $3- }
      elseif ($2 ison #opers) && ($nick ison #opers) { msg $nick Ju nuk mund te beni gline nje Ircop/Admin!! | unset %glineirccloud | unset %idenGline | unset %reason }
    raw 378:*:{
      if (%glineirccloud == on) && (irccloud.com isin $6) {
        gline $addtok(%idenGline,*,64) +2h ° %reason °
        unset %glineirccloud
        unset %reason
        unset %idenGline
      if (%glineirccloud == on) && (irccloud.com !isin $6) {
        gline $2 +2h ° %reason °
        unset %glineirccloud
        unset %reason
        unset %idenGline


  10. he script monitors the communication on the channel in order to search for the " # " symbol in the strings to detect advertising from other channels. If detected, it checks the real existence of such a channel by executing the " /WHO " command, and if it is on the list, it performs a "Kick+Ban" on the violator's nickname.

    ################################################### ####################
    # Name: No Spam Chan v1.1
    # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru)
    # Description: The script monitors the communication on the channel in order to search for the symbol "#" in the strings to identify advertisements from other channels.
    ################################################### ####################
    alias -l nospamchan {
      ;# You can enable or disable options by changing the value to <yes> or <no>
      ;# Type 1 = nick!ident@host
      ;# Type 2 = nick!*@host
      ;# Type 3 = *!ident@host
      ;# Type 4 = nick!*@*
      ;# Type 5 = *!ident@*
      ;# Type 6 = *!*@host
      ;# Type 7 = *!*@subnet*
      .hadd -m nospamchan type-ban 6
      .hadd -m nospamchan kick yes
      .hadd -m nospamchan ban yes
      .hadd -m nospamchan kick-text No channel ads!
    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    on *:TEXT:*#*:#: nospamchan_check $nick $chan $strip($1-)
    on *:ACTION:*#*:#: nospamchan_check $nick $chan $strip($1-)
    alias -l nospamchan_check {
      if ($1 == $server) halt | nospamchan
      .hadd -m nospamchan nick $1
      .hadd -m nospamchan chan $2
      .hadd -m nospamchan search $wildtok($3-,*#*,1,32)
      .who $hget(nospamchan,search)
    raw 352:*: if ($2 == $hget(nospamchan,search)) { .hadd -m nospamchan found $2 | halt} | haltdef
    raw 315:*:{
      if ($2 == $hget(nospamchan,found) && $hget(nospamchan,nick)) {
        if ($hget(nospamchan,ban) == yes) {
          if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 1) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $address($hget(nospamchan,nick),5)
          if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 2) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $address($hget(nospamchan,nick),7)
          if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 3) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $address($hget(nospamchan,nick),0)
          if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 4) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $+($hget(nospamchan,nick),!*@*)
          if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 5) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $+($gettok($address($hget(nospamchan,nick),1),1,64) ,@*)
          if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 6) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $address($hget(nospamchan,nick),2)
          if ($hget(nospamchan,type-ban) == 7) .mode $hget(nospamchan,chan) +b $+(*!*@,$gettok($gettok($address($hget(nospamchan,nick) .5),2.64),1-2.46),.*)
        if ($hget(nospamchan,kick) == yes) .kick $hget(nospamchan,chan) $hget(nospamchan,nick) $hget(nospamchan,kick-text)
        if ($hget(nospamchan,nick)) .hdel -sw nospamchan nick
        if ($hget(nospamchan,chan)) .hdel -sw nospamchan chan
        if ($hget(nospamchan,search)) .hdel -sw nospamchan search
        if ($hget(nospamchan,found)) .hdel -sw nospamchan found



  11. Description: Creates a managed dialog box for editing " /ME " messages. It also allows you to count the typed characters, customize the color and command for sending a message.

    Management: To open the control panel, press the " F9 " key. (You can remap the key in the alias to something more convenient for you).


    Improved and optimized the overall functionality of the code.

    Improved the style and position of the palette for selecting the color of the message.

    Added graphical effects when choosing a color in the color palette.

    Added a new item in the options for convenient work with the dialog box.

    Dialog box icon changed.

    ################################################### ####################
    # Name: Me Message v1.2
    # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru)
    # Description: Creates a managed dialog for editing "/ME" messages.
    # Management: To open the control panel, press the "F9" key.
    ################################################### ####################
    alias F9 {
      if (!$dialog(me)) {
        unset %me_chars | me_set | .dialog -mp me me | .dialog -r me
        if (%me_color) .did -a me 4 %me_tcolors $+($chr(40),%me_color,$chr(41))
        me_select me 6 | if (%me_select) .did -c me 6 %me_select | else .did -c me 6 1
        if (%meo_check2) { .did -a me 1 %me_mess | me_calclines me 1 }
      } | else .dialog -x me
    dialog -l me {
      title %me_title
      size -1 -1 300 235
      option pixels
      icon $mircexe,24
      edit "", 1, 10 10 280 130, multi autovs, limit 900
      text %me_tchars, 2, 30 155 39 20, nowrap
      edit "0", 3, 74 152 27 21, read rich right, limit 3
      button %me_tcolors, 4, 115 151 120 22
      button %me_tbutton_set, 5, 248 151 22 22
      combo 6, 30 191 70 20, drop
      button %me_tbutton_ok, 10, 115 190 155 23, default
    on *:DIALOG:me:close:0: me_winclose
    on *:DIALOG:me:edit:1: me_calclines $dname $did | me_winclose
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:4: me_colors $dname | if (!$window(@MeColors)) .did -f me 1
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:5: me_options $dname
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:6: %me_select = $did($dname,$did).sel
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:10:{
      me_winclose | unset %me_mess | var %q 1 | while (%q <= $did($dname,1).lines) { %me_mess = %me_mess $did($dname,1,%q).text | inc %q }
      if (%me_color) { var %me_col $+($chr(3),%me_color) }
      var %me_message $did($dname,6,0).text $+(%me_col,%me_mess)
      if (%me_chars > 0) {
        if (!%meo_check3) { if (%meo_check4) .editbox -afn %me_message | else { .editbox -an %me_message | if ($dialog(me)) .did -f me 1 } }
        if (%meo_check3) .editbox -af %me_message
        if (!%meo_check2) { .did -r $dname 1 | unset %me_chars | .did -i $dname 3 1 0 }
        if (%meo_check1) .dialog -x $dname
      else { .echo -a %me_terror_notext | .did -f me 1 }
    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    alias -l me_set {
      %me_title = Me Message
      %me_tchars = Symbol:
      %me_tcolors = Color:
      %me_tbutton_set = 
      %me_tbutton_ok = Submit 
      %me_tselect = /me /ame /qme
      %me_terror_notext = :: Please write text 
    alias -l me_winclose { if ($window(@MeColors)) .window -c @MeColors | if ($dialog(me_options)) .dialog -x me_options }
    alias -l me_calclines { unset %me_chars | var %q 1 | while (%q <= $did($1,$2).lines) { %me_chars = $calc(%me_chars + $did($1,$2,%q).len) | inc %q } | .did -o $1 3 1 %me_chars }
    alias -l me_select { var %me_q 1 | while (%me_q <= $numtok(%me_tselect,32)) { .did -a $1 $2 $gettok(%me_tselect,%me_q,32) | inc %me_q } }
    alias -l me_colors {
      if (!$window(@MeColors)) {
        .window -padhik0 +beL @MeColors $calc($dialog($1).x +50) $calc($dialog($1).y +90) 207 62 | .window -a @MeColors
        .drawrect -f @MeColors 94 1 0 0 207 62
        var %me_x 7 | var %me_y 7 | var %me_q 0 | while (%me_q <= 15) {
          .drawrect -f @MeColors %me_q 1 %me_x %me_y 22 22 | .drawrect @MeColors 97 2 %me_x %me_y 22 22 | .drawrect @MeColors 93 1 %me_x %me_y 22 22
          .hadd -m mecoordcol-x %me_q $+(%me_x,-,$calc(%me_x +22)) | .hadd -m mecoordcol-y %me_q $+(%me_y,-,$calc(%me_y +22))
          inc %me_q | inc %me_x 24 | if (%me_q == 8) { var %me_x 7 | inc %me_y 24 }
      else .window -c @MeColors
    menu @MeColors {
      mouse {
        var %me_mx $mouse.x | var %me_my $mouse.y
        var %me_x 7 | var %me_y 7 | var %me_q 0 | while (%me_q <= 15) {
          var %me_hx $hget(mecoordcol-x,%me_q) | var %me_hy $hget(mecoordcol-y,%me_q)
          if (!$hget(me,bl-stop) && %me_mx isnum %me_hx && %me_my isnum %me_hy) {
            .drawrect @MeColors 98 2 %me_x %me_y 22 22 | .drawrect @MeColors 66 1 %me_x %me_y 22 22 | .hadd -m me bl-stop %me_hx %me_hy | halt
          if (%me_mx !isnum $gettok($hget(me,bl-stop),1,32)) || (%me_my !isnum $gettok($hget(me,bl-stop),2,32)) {
            .drawrect @MeColors 97 2 %me_x %me_y 22 22 | .drawrect @MeColors 93 1 %me_x %me_y 22 22 | if ($hget(me,bl-stop)) .hdel -sw me bl-stop
          inc %me_q | inc %me_x 24 | if (%me_q == 8) { var %me_x 7 | inc %me_y 24 }
      sclick {
        var %me_mx $mouse.x | var %me_my $mouse.y
        var %me_q 0 | while (%me_q <= 15) {
          var %me_hx $hget(mecoordcol-x,%me_q) | var %me_hy $hget(mecoordcol-y,%me_q)
          if (%me_mx isnum %me_hx && %me_my isnum %me_hy) { if (%me_q < 10) var %me_q $+(0,%me_q) | .did -a me 4 %me_tcolors $+($chr(40),%me_q,$chr(41)) | %me_color = %me_q | .break}
          inc %me_q
        .window -c @MeColors | if ($dialog(me)) .did -f me 1
    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    alias -l me_options {
      if (!$dialog(me_options)) {
        me_options_set | .dialog -mp me_options me_options
        if (%meo_check1) .did -c me_options 1
        if (%meo_check2) .did -c me_options 2
        if (%meo_check3) .did -c me_options 3
        if (%meo_check4) .did -c me_options 4
      else .dialog -x me_options
    dialog -l me_options {
      title "Me Options"
      size -1 -1 340 110
      option pixels
      icon $mircexe,24
      check %meo_t1, 1, 15 15 320 20
      check %meo_t2, 2, 15 35 320 20
      check %meo_t3, 3, 15 55 320 20
      check %meo_t4, 4, 15 75 320 20
    alias -l me_options_set {
      %meo_t1 = Close window after clicking "Submit"
      %meo_t2 = Save message after click "Submit"
      %meo_t3 = Move message to EditBox after clicking "Submit"
      %meo_t4 = Set focus to EditBox after submit click
    on *:DIALOG:me_options:close:0: if ($dialog(me)) .did -f me 1
    on *:DIALOG:me_options:sclick:1: if ($did($dname,$did).state == 1) %meo_check1 = 1 | else unset %meo_check1
    on *:DIALOG:me_options:sclick:2: if ($did($dname,$did).state == 1) %meo_check2 = 1 | else unset %meo_check2
    on *:DIALOG:me_options:sclick:3: if ($did($dname,$did).state == 1) %meo_check3 = 1 | else unset %meo_check3
    on *:DIALOG:me_options:sclick:4: if ($did($dname,$did).state == 1) %meo_check4 = 1 | else unset %meo_check4



  12. Description: Creates a managed dialog box for editing " /ME " messages. It also allows you to count the typed characters, customize the color and command for sending a message.

    Management: To open the control panel, press the " F9 " key. (You can remap the key in the alias to something more convenient for you).


    Improved and optimized the overall functionality of the code.

    Added a color palette for easy selection of the message color.

    The color label on the button has been changed - now it is in the form of a serial number in brackets.

    Added a button for setting options when working with a dialog box.

    ################################################### ####################
    # Name: Me Message v1.1
    # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru)
    # Description: Creates a managed dialog for editing "/ME" messages.
    # Management: To open the control panel, press the "F9" key.
    ################################################### ####################
    alias F9 {
      if (!$dialog(me)) {
        unset %me_chars | me_set | .dialog -mp me me | .dialog -r me
        if (%me_color) .did -a me 4 %me_tcolors $+($chr(40),%me_color,$chr(41))
        me_select me 6 | if (%me_select) .did -c me 6 %me_select | else .did -c me 6 1
        if (%meo_check2) { .did -a me 1 %me_mess | me_calclines me 1 }
      } | else .dialog -x me
    dialog -l me {
      title %me_title
      size -1 -1 300 235
      option pixels
      edit "", 1, 10 10 280 130, multi autovs, limit 900
      text %me_tchars, 2, 30 155 39 20, nowrap
      edit "0", 3, 74 152 27 21, read rich right, limit 4
      button %me_tcolors, 4, 115 151 120 22
      button %me_tbutton_set, 5, 248 151 22 22
      combo 6, 30 191 70 20, drop
      button %me_tbutton_ok, 10, 115 190 155 23, default
    on *:DIALOG:me:close:0: me_winclose
    on *:DIALOG:me:edit:1: me_calclines $dname $did | me_winclose
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:4: me_colors $dname | if (!$window(@MeColors)) .did -f me 1
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:5: me_options $dname
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:6: %me_select = $did($dname,$did).sel
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:10:{
      me_winclose | unset %me_mess | var %q 1 | while (%q <= $did($dname,1).lines) { %me_mess = %me_mess $did($dname,1,%q).text | inc %q }
      if (%me_color) { var %me_col $+($chr(3),%me_color) }
      var %me_message $did($dname,6,0).text $+(%me_col,%me_mess)
      if (%me_chars > 0) {
        if (!%meo_check3) .editbox -afn %me_message
        if (%meo_check3) .editbox -af %me_message
        if (!%meo_check2) { .did -r $dname 1 | unset %me_chars | .did -i $dname 3 1 0 }
        if (%meo_check1) .dialog -x $dname
      else { .echo -a %me_terror_notext | .did -f me 1 }
    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    alias -l me_set {
      %me_title = Me Message
      %me_tchars = Symbol:
      %me_tcolors = Color:
      %me_tbutton_set = 
      %me_tbutton_ok = Submit 
      %me_tselect = /me /ame /qme
      %me_terror_notext = :: Please write text 
    alias -l me_winclose { if ($window(@MeColors)) .window -c @MeColors | if ($dialog(me_options)) .dialog -x me_options }
    alias -l me_calclines { unset %me_chars | var %q 1 | while (%q <= $did($1,$2).lines) { %me_chars = $calc(%me_chars + $did($1,$2,%q).len) | inc %q } | .did -o $1 3 1 %me_chars }
    alias -l me_select { var %me_q 1 | while (%me_q <= $numtok(%me_tselect,32)) { .did -a $1 $2 $gettok(%me_tselect,%me_q,32) | inc %me_q } }
    alias -l me_colors {
      if (!$window(@MeColors)) {
        .window -padhik0 +beL @MeColors $calc($dialog($1).x +45) $calc($dialog($1).y +90) 215 63 | .window -a @MeColors
        .drawrect -f @MeColors 14 1 0 0 250 80
        var %me_x 6 | var %me_y 6 | var %me_q 0 | while (%me_q <= 15) {
          .drawrect -f @MeColors %me_q 1 %me_x %me_y 22 22
          .drawrect @MeColors 15 1 %me_x %me_y 22 22
          .hadd -m mecoordcol-x %me_q $+(%me_x,-,$calc(%me_x +22))
          .hadd -m mecoordcol-y %me_q $+(%me_y,-,$calc(%me_y +22))
          inc %me_q | inc %me_x 25 | if (%me_q == 8) { var %me_x 6 | inc %me_y 25 }
      else .window -c @MeColors
    menu @MeColors {
      sclick {
        var %me_mx $mouse.x | var %me_my $mouse.y
        var %me_q 0 | while (%me_q <= 15) {
          var %me_hx $hget(mecoordcol-x,%me_q) | var %me_hy $hget(mecoordcol-y,%me_q)
          if (%me_mx isnum %me_hx && %me_my isnum %me_hy) { if (%me_q < 10) var %me_q $+(0,%me_q) | .did -a me 4 %me_tcolors $+($chr(40),%me_q,$chr(41)) | %me_color = %me_q | .break}
          inc %me_q
        .window -c @MeColors | if ($dialog(me)) .did -f me 1
    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    alias -l me_options {
      if (!$dialog(me_options)) {
        me_options_set | .dialog -mp me_options me_options
        if (%meo_check1) .did -c me_options 1
        if (%meo_check2) .did -c me_options 2
        if (%meo_check3) .did -c me_options 3
      else .dialog -x me_options
    dialog -l me_options {
      title "Me Options"
      size -1 -1 340 100
      option pixels
      check %meo_t1, 1, 15 20 320 20
      check %meo_t2, 2, 15 40 320 20
      check %meo_t3, 3, 15 60 320 20
    alias -l me_options_set {
      %meo_t1 = Close window after clicking "Submit"
      %meo_t2 = Save message after click "Submit"
      %meo_t3 = Move message to EditBox after clicking "Submit"
    on *:DIALOG:me_options:close:0: if ($dialog(me)) .did -f me 1
    on *:DIALOG:me_options:sclick:1: if ($did($dname,$did).state == 1) %meo_check1 = 1 | else unset %meo_check1
    on *:DIALOG:me_options:sclick:2: if ($did($dname,$did).state == 1) %meo_check2 = 1 | else unset %meo_check2
    on *:DIALOG:me_options:sclick:3: if ($did($dname,$did).state == 1) %meo_check3 = 1 | else unset %meo_check3



  13. Creates a managed dialog box for editing " /ME " messages. It also allows you to count the characters typed, customize the color and command for sending a message.

    Control: To open the Control Panel, press the "F9" key. (You can reassign the key in the alias to a more convenient one for you.)

    ################################################### ####################
    # Name: Me Message v1.0
    # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru)
    # Description: Creates a managed dialog for editing "/ME" messages.
    # Management: To open the control panel, press the "F9" key.
    ################################################### ####################
    alias F9 {
      if (!$dialog(me)) {
        unset %me_chars %me_mess | .dialog -mp me me | .dialog -r me
        me_colors me 5 | if (%me_colors) .did -c me 5 %me_colors
        me_select me 6 | if (%me_select) .did -c me 6 %me_select | else .did -c me 6 1
      else .dialog -x me
    dialog me {
      title "Me Message"
      size -1 -1 300 235
      option pixels
      edit "", 1, 10 10 280 130, multi autovs, limit 900
      text "Characters:", 2, 30 155 55 20, nowrap
      edit "0", 3, 88 152 30 21, read rich right, limit 4
      text "Color:", 4, 130 155 40 20, nowrap
      combo 5, 165 151 104 20, drop
      combo 6, 30 191 65 20, drop
      button "Submit ➤", 10, 105 190 165 23
    on *:DIALOG:me:edit:1: unset %me_chars | var %q 1 | while (%q <= $did($dname,$did).lines) { %me_chars = $calc(%me_chars + $did($dname,$did,%q).len) | inc %q } | .did -o $dname 3 1 %me_chars
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:5: %me_colors = $did($dname,$did).sel
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:6: %me_select = $did($dname,$did).sel
    alias -l me_colors { .did -a $1 $2 White | .did -a $1 $2 Black | .did -a $1 $2 T.Blue | .did -a $1 $2 Green | .did -a $1 $2 Red | .did -a $1 $2 Brown | .did -a $1 $2 Purple | .did -a $1 $2 Orange | .did -a $1 $2 Yellow | .did -a $1 $2 Light green | .did -a $1 $2 Marine | .did -a $1 $2 Blue | .did -a $1 $2 Blue | .did -a $1 $2 Pink | .did -a $1 $2 Gray | .did -a $1 $2 C.Grey }
    alias -l me_select { .did -a $1 $2 /me | .did -a $1 $2 /ame | .did -a $1 $2 /qme }
    on *:DIALOG:me:sclick:10:{
      unset %me_mess | var %q 1 | while (%q <= $did($dname,1).lines) { %me_mess = %me_mess $did($dname,1,%q).text | inc %q }
      if (%me_colors) { var %me_col $calc(%me_colors -1) | if ($len(%me_col) == 1) var %me_col $+($chr(3),0,%me_col) | else var %me_col $+($chr(3),%me_col) }
      if (%me_chars > 0) .editbox -an $did($dname,6,0).text $+(%me_col,%me_mess)
      else .echo -a :: Please write your text ➤


  14. This script helps to extract IP address information from the website (along with abuse statistics and negative reviews) for display on the channel.

    Requirements: It is necessary to register a new account with your account on the site " https://www.abuseipdb.com " to be able to create your own individual API key, to maintain the daily operation of the script, with an independent daily limit on the limit. The free limit is " 1000 " IP views (checks) per day. Important: - You must keep your API key secret and never show it to anyone, because it will be tied to your account with all the statistics and usage limit.

    Settings: You can change the parameter settings of the script via the " abuseip_set " alias to the values you need.

    ################################################### ####################
    # Name: Abuse IP v1.0
    # Author: Epic (epicnet@mail.ru, http://epicnet.ru)
    # Description: Retrieves the website's IP address information (along with abuse statistics and negative reviews) to display on the channel.
    # Requirement: It is necessary to register a new account with your account on the site "https://www.abuseipdb.com" in order to be able to create your own individual API key to maintain the daily work of the script, with an independent daily limit on the restriction. The free limit is "1000" IP views (checks) per day.
    ################################################### ####################
    alias -l abuseip_set {
      %aip_link = https://api.abuseipdb.com/api/v2/check
      %aip_apikey = 6a31ca43fb50a3482c68051a7e765e16820d589a5f8509f1a9a169a88908d9811f232698840c40e7
      %aip_param = maxageindays=90 verbose accept=application/json
      %aip_path = scripts\AbuseIP\
      %aip_comm = !abuse,!ip,!info,!loc,!check
      %aip_color1 = 10 | %aip_color2 = 06 | %aip_color3 = 14 | %aip_color4 = 07 | %aip_color5 = 04
      %aip_operprefix = [ +%@&~! ]
      %aip_timelimit = 10
      %aip_echodata = no
      %aip_showdata = ipAddress,hostnames,countryCode,countryName,isp,usageType,isPublic,isWhitelisted,abuseConfidenceScore,numDistinctUsers,totalReports,lastReportedAt
    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
    on *:TEXT:*:#:{
      abuseip set | if ($istok(%aip_comm,$strip($1),44)) {
        var %aip_pnick $remove($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,$nick) | if (%aip_pnick !isin %aip_operprefix) { .notice $nick 14 Access denied. You do not have the required status on the channel. | halt}
        if ($2) {
          if (%aip_timelimit > 0) {
            if ($hget(timelimit,$nick) != $null) { .notice $nick 14Command limit set. Wait: 07 $hget(timelimit,$nick) 14sec. | halt}
            .hadd -mz timelimit $nick %aip_timelimit
          abuseip $2 $nick $chan
        else .notice $nick Correct syntax: 12 %aip_comm <ip>
    alias -l abuseip {
      var %ww_num = $+(abuseip_,$rand(1,100000),_,$ticks)
      var %ww_ip = $strip($1) | var %ww_nick = $2 | var %ww_chan = $3
      var %ww_file = $+(%aip_path,%ww_num,.txt)
      var %ww_domen = $remove($gettok(%aip_link,2,47),$chr(47))
      var %ww_sreq = $+(%aip_link,?ipAddress=,%ww_ip,&key=,%aip_apikey,&,$replace(%aip_param,$chr(32),&))
      if (https: isin %aip_link) { var %ww_flag -e | var %ww_port 443 } | else var %ww_port 80
      if ($sock(%ww_num)) .sockclose %ww_num | if ($exists(%ww_file)) .remove %ww_file
      .sockopen %ww_flag %ww_num %ww_domen %ww_port
      .sockmark %ww_num %ww_ip %ww_nick %ww_chan %ww_domen %ww_file %ww_sreq
    on *:SOCKOPEN:abuseip_*:{
      if ($sockerr) { echo -s Domain: $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) -> Server is not available. | return}
      .sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32) HTTP/1.1
      .sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32)
      .sockwrite -nt $sockname User-Agent: */*
      .sockwrite -nt $sockname $str($crlf,2)
      .sockwrite -nt $sockname
    on *:SOCKREAD:abuseip_*:{
      if ($sockerr > 0) { echo -s Domain: $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) -> $error | return}
      :1 | .sockread %tempcip | if ($sockbr == 0) return | if (!%tempcip) goto 1
      if (!%wfile) var %wfile $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32)
      if("data": isin %tempcip) {
        .write -i %wfile $mid(%tempcip,1,2000)
        var %sm1 $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32)
        var %sm2 $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32)
        var %sm3 $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32)
        var %sm4 $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32)
        var %sm5 $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32)
        .sockclose $sock($sockname) | abuseip_mess %sm1 %sm2 %sm3 %sm4 %sm5 | halt
      goto 1
    alias -l abuseip_mess {
      var %mes_str $replace($remove($read($5,1),{"data":{,}},"),\/,/)
      if (%aip_echodata == yes) .echo -s %mes_str
      var %i 1 | while (%i <= $numtok(%aip_showdata,44)) {
        var %mes_tok $gettok(%aip_showdata,%i,44) | var %mes_find $+(%mes_tok,$chr(58))
        var %mes_val $gettok($matchtok(%mes_str,%mes_find,1,44),2,58)
        if (ipAddress == %mes_tok) %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,IP:,$chr(32),%aip_color4,%mes_val)
        if (hostnames == %mes_tok) %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Host:,$chr(32),%aip_color2,%mes_val)
        if (domain == %mes_tok) %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Domain:,$chr(32),%aip_color2,%mes_val)
        if (countryCode == %mes_tok) %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Zone:,$chr(32),%aip_color2,%mes_val)
        if (countryName == %mes_tok) %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Country:,$chr(32),%aip_color2,%mes_val)
        if (isp == %mes_tok) %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,ISP:,$chr(32),%aip_color2,%mes_val)
        if (usageType == %mes_tok) %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Type:,$chr(32),%aip_color2,%mes_val)
        if (isPublic == %mes_tok) %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Public:,$chr(32),%aip_color2,%mes_val)
        if (isWhitelisted == %mes_tok) {
          if (%mes_val == false) var %mc %aip_color5 | else var %mc %aip_color2
          %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,WhiteList:,$chr(32),%mc,%mes_val)
        if (abuseConfidenceScore == %mes_tok) {
          if (%mes_val > 0) var %mc %aip_color5 | else var %mc %aip_color2
          %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Negative:,$chr(32),%mc,%mes_val,$chr(37))
        if (numDistinctUsers == %mes_tok) {
          if (%mes_val > 0) var %mc %aip_color5 | else var %mc %aip_color2
          %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Users:,$chr(32),%mc,%mes_val)
        if (totalReports == %mes_tok) {
          if (%mes_val > 0) var %mc %aip_color5 | else var %mc %aip_color2
          %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Reports:,$chr(32),%mc,%mes_val)
        if (lastReportedAt == %mes_tok) %mes_text = %mes_text $+(%aip_color1,Last:,$chr(32),%aip_color2,%mes_val)
        if (%i < $numtok(%aip_showdata,44)) %mes_text = $+(%mes_text,%aip_color3,$chr(44))
        inc %i
      msg $3 %mes_text | unset %mes_text %tempcip | if ($exists($5)) .remove $5


  15. At its Ignite conference today, Microsoft announced Defender Cloud Security Posture Management and Defender for DevOps, two new offerings within the company’s Defender for Cloud service (previously Azure Defender) aimed at managing software development and runtime security across multicloud, multiple-pipeline environments. Currently available in public preview, they work with GitHub and Azure DevOps to start, with additional product integrations to come down the line.

    In a conversation with TechCrunch, Microsoft CVP of cloud security Shawn Bice said that Defender for DevOps and Defender Cloud Security Posture Management (or Defender CSPM, to refer to it by its more wieldy acronym) arose from the challenges companies are increasingly facing as they use cloud-native services to deploy and manage applications. These customers often have incomplete visibility and a lack of prioritized mitigations, he said, making their security reactive as opposed to proactive.

    There’s truth to that. According to a 2020 report from Orca Security, 59% of cybersecurity teams report receiving more than 500 alerts about cloud security per day — a large portion of which are false positives. Tool sprawl is often cited as a challenge in maintaining code security. Responding to a GitLab survey from August, 41% of DevOps teams said that they used between six to 10 tools in their development toolchains, leading them to miss security issues.

    “The accelerated cloud transformation journey for our customers has created an urgent need for a unified solution to manage security from development to runtime in multicloud and multiple pipeline environments,” Bice said via email.

    Microsoft DevSecOps

    Image Credits: Microsoft

    To this end, Defender CSPM leverages AI algorithms to perform contextual risk analyses of software dev environments. Resulting recommendations and insights are piped into source code management platforms like GitHub and Azure DevOps to drive remediation efforts; alternatively, users can create workflows connected to security recommendations to trigger automated remediation.

    Defender CSPM also provides “attack queries” that security teams can use to explore risk and threat data, as well as a dashboard showing all the rules implemented across dev environments and tools that allow security admins to define new rules.

  16. The moment has finally come. Today, Netflix hosted a press call to reveal a preview of its new ad-supported tier, “Basic with Ads,” which will launch on November 3 in nine countries, including the U.S., and cost $6.99 per month, $13 less than Netflix’s Premium plan. This aligns with reports that the new plan would be $7-$9.

    Plus, Nielsen will be Netflix’s audience measurement partner, which is surprising since Nielsen has been criticized for reporting inaccurate streaming data.

    The cheaper tier will roll out across 12 markets to start. On November 1, Canada and Mexico subscribers are the first to try the new plan. It will then roll out to the U.S., the U.K.,  France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Japan, Korea and Brazil on November 3. Spain will be the last to experience the cheaper tier when it launches on November 10.

    Read More Here

  17. mIRC v7.71 has been released today.

    This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including:

    Changed the way Windows system libraries are loaded to prevent DLL hijacking.
    Added tray tip warning on startup if mIRC has been minimized to the system tray but Windows has hidden its icon.
    Fixed colons being stripped out of nick, alternative nick, user, emails, /nick, and server list entries.
    Fixed /hsave -i intermittent crash bug caused by a data race / race condition across multiple threads.
    Changed CTCP PING to not reply to text containing CTCP control codes to mitigate NAT-AGAIN Linux kernel NAT bug (CVE-2022-2663).
    Fixed tab key evaluation of identifiers in editboxes that contain multiple CR/LF-delimited lines.
    Fixed nested single-line while loop break bug.
    Fixed /socklisten -pu with UPnP, IPv6 address, and dual stack not opening an IPv4 UPnP port on the router.
    Fixed Aero theme bug where if /window +b was used, a miniature titlebar was being drawn.
    Fixed alternative nick bug when left empty in connect dialog.
    Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file.

    mIRC: Download mIRC

  18. It's come to a lot of buzzen chatter's attention when you are chatting and all of a sudden you see someone getting banned from a room for no apparent reason & just because the owner felt like it. To begin with the room was taken at a nasty way from the owner's and this new owner takes power trips on the people that tell her off with her little snitches spying. This is how bad Buzzen has become!! (sad)(sad) But its becomming noticeable more and more and someone is watching that can turn the tables very very soon. So I'm suggesting to all chatter's if your not contend make a move. Your not alone!! 😁

  19. One of the more popular additions to a script is a theme system. By theme system, I mean, modifying the default output of mIRC for events such as on join, on quit, etc. Adding such a feature to your script will allow it to appeal to a wider audience (and could also be helpful for you personal script, if you get tired of the same old output). This tutorial assumes a pretty good understanding of scripting, and will hopefully show you some new techniques on creating a theme system.

    Tutorial - Making a Theme System.pdf

  20. In this tutorial I am gonna tell you how to use batch files to send items to your FTP server instead of sockets. 1. First of all, you need to have a web FTP server, which is not hard to find. 2. Second, you must create the batch file, best place is in C:\mIRC or wherever your base mIRC directory is. In this batch file, you need to have 3 lines, create a text file and open it and add these lines:

    Tutorial - Using FTP through mIRC without sockets_.pdf

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