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Files posted by coders-irc_Bot

  1. teleirc

    RITlug TeleIRC is a Go implementation of a Telegram <=> IRC bridge. TeleIRC works with any IRC channel and Telegram group. It bridges messages between a Telegram group and an IRC channel.
    This bot was originally written for RITlug. Today, it is used by various communities.
    Live demo
    A public Telegram supergroup and IRC channel (on Freenode) are available for testing. Our developer community is found in these channels.
    Telegram IRC (#rit-lug-teleirc @ irc.freenode.net)


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  2. tenyks

    Tenyks is a computer program designed to relay messages between connections to IRC networks and custom built services written in any number of languages. More detailed, Tenyks is a service oriented IRC bot rewritten in Go. Service/core communication is handled by ZeroMQ 4 PubSub via json payloads.
    The core acts like a relay between IRC channels and remote services. When a message comes in from IRC, that message is turned into a json data structure, then sent over the pipe on a Pub/Sub channel that services can subscribe to. Services then parse or pattern match the message, and possibly respond back via the same method.
    This design, while not anything new, is very flexible because one can write their service in any number of languages. The current service implementation used for proof of concept is written in Python. You can find that here. It's also beneficial because you can take down or bring up services without the need to restart the bot or implement a complicated hot pluggable core. Services that crash also don't run the risk of taking everything else down with it.
    Installation and whatnot
    Current supported Go version is 1.7. All packages are vendored with Godep and stored in the repository. I update these occasionally. Make sure you have a functioning Go 1.7 environment.
    Install ZeroMQ4 (reference your OSs package install documentation) and make sure libzmq exists on the system. go get github.com/kyleterry/tenyks cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/kyleterry/tenyks make - this will run tests and build sudo make install - otherwise you can find it in ./bin/tenyks cp config.json.example config.json Edit config.json to your liking. Uninstall
    Why would you ever want to do that?
    cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/kyleterry/tenyks sudo make uninstall Docker
    There is a Docker image on Docker hub called kyleterry/tenyks. No configuration is available in the image so you need to use it as a base image. You can pass your own configuration in like so:
    FROM kyleterry/tenyks:latest COPY my-config.json /etc/tenyks/config.json Then you can build your image: docker build -t myuser/tenyks . and run it with: docker run -d -P --name tenyks myuser/tenyks.
    Binary Release
    You can find binary builds on bintray.
    I cross compile for Linux {arm,386,amd64} and Darwin {386,amd64}.
    Configuration is just json. The included example contains everything you need to get started. You just need to swap out the server information.
    cp config.json.example ${HOME}/tenyks-config.json Running
    tenyks ${HOME}/tenyks-config.json
    If a config file is excluded when running, Tenyks will look for configuration in /etc/tenyks/config.json first, then ${HOME}/.config/tenyks/config.json then it will give up. These are defined in tenyks/tenyks.go and added with ConfigSearch.AddPath(). If you feel more paths should be searched, please feel free to add it and submit a pull request.
    If you want to play right fucking now, you can just use vagrant: vagrant up and then vagrant ssh. Tenyks should be built and available in your $PATH. There is also an IRC server running you can connect to server on with your IRC client.
    Just run tenyks & && disown from the vagrant box and start playing.
    I'm a horrible person. There aren't tests yet. I'll get right on this.... There are only a few tests.
    Tenyks comes with very few commands that the core responds to directly. You can get a list of services and get help for those services.
    tenyks: !services will list services that have registered with the bot through the service registration API..
    tenyks: !help will show a quick help menu of all the commands available to tenyks.
    tenyks: !help servicename will ask the service to sent their help message to the user.
    tenyksservice (Python) quasar (Go) To Services
    Example JSON payload sent to services:
    { "target":"#tenyks", "command":"PRIVMSG", "mask":"unaffiliated/vhost-", "direct":true, "nick":"vhost-", "host":"unaffiliated/vhost-", "full_message":":vhost-!~vhost@unaffiliated/vhost- PRIVMSG #tenyks :tenyks-demo: weather 97217", "user":"~vhost", "from_channel":true, "connection":"freenode", "payload":"weather 97217", "meta":{ "name":"Tenyks", "version":"1.0" } } To Tenyks for IRC
    Example JSON response from a service to Tenyks destined for IRC
    { "target":"#tenyks", "command":"PRIVMSG", "from_channel":true, "connection":"freenode", "payload":"Portland, OR is 63.4 F (17.4 C) and Overcast; windchill is NA; winds are Calm", "meta":{ "name":"TenyksWunderground", "version":"1.1" } } Service Registration
    Registering your service with the bot will let people ask Tenyks which services are online and available for use. Registering is not requires; anything listening on the pubsub channel can respond without registration.
    Each service should have a unique UUID set in it's REGISTER message. An example of a valid register message is below:
    { "command":"REGISTER", "meta":{ "name":"TenyksWunderground", "version":"1.1", "UUID": "uuid4 here", "description": "Fetched weather for someone who asks" } } Service going offline
    If the service is shutting down, you should send a BYE message so Tenyks doesn't have to timeout the service after PINGs go unresponsive:
    { "command":"BYE", "meta":{ "name":"TenyksWunderground", "version":"1.1", "UUID": "uuid4 here", "description": "Fetched weather for someone who asks" } } Commands for registration that go to services
    Services can register with Tenyks. This will allow you to list the services currently online from the bot. This is not persistent. If you shut down the bot, then all the service UUIDs that were registered go away.
    The commands sent to services are:
    { "command": "HELLO", "payload": "!tenyks" } HELLO will tell services that Tenyks has come online and they can register if they want to.
    { "command": "PING", "payload": "!tenyks" } PING will expect services to respond with PONG.
    List and Help commands are coming soon.
    Lets make a service!
    This service is in python and uses the tenyks-service package. You can install that with pip: pip install tenyksservice.
    from tenyksservice import TenyksService, run_service, FilterChain class Hello(TenyksService): irc_message_filters = { 'hello': FilterChain([r"^(?i)(hi|hello|sup|hey), I'm (?P<name>(.*))$"], direct_only=False), # This is will respond to /msg tenyks this is private 'private': FilterChain([r"^this is private$"], private_only=True) } def handle_hello(self, data, match): name = match.groupdict()['name'] self.logger.debug('Saying hello to {name}'.format(name=name)) self.send('How are you {name}?!'.format(name=name), data) def handle_private(self, data, match): self.send('Hello, private message sender', data) def main(): run_service(Hello) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Okay, we need to generate some settings for our new service.
    tenyks-service-mkconfig hello >> hello_settings.py Now lets run it: python main.py hello_settings.py
    If you now join the channel that tenyks is in and say "tenyks: hello, I'm Alice" then tenyks should respond with "How are you Alice?!".
    More Examples
    There is a repository with some services on my Github called tenyks-contrib. These are all using the older tenyksclient class and will probably work out of the box with Tenyks. I'm going to work on moving them to the newer tenyks-service class.
    A good example of something more dynamic is the Weather service.


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  3. wmm

    This is a project written on mSL (mIRC Scripting Language) that allows you to download and install all the available and currently supported modules from this git repo and helps you improve your own bot with these modules.
    Simple and beautiful UI without any extra DLLs.
    Fast and secure modules installations/updates.
    More than 30 modules are currently supported.
    Very easy and simple modules management.
    Auto update modules silently supported.
    Screenshot modules images preview.
    Latest project news field in the windows.
    Multi-language support included.
    Multi-client support (AdiIRC 32/64bits + mIRC 32bits).
    Full customizable settings and options.
    Working and tested only under Windows 10 operating system.
    ATTENTION: If you are using AdiIRC 64bits client then you have to install tsc64.dll to work!!!
    Before you start the installation make sure that you are using the latest client online version.
    Extract the downloaded file into any random direction.
    Disable the Initialization Warning and Monitor File Changes options from your client Script Editor (ALT+R ☛ Options) menu (if are enabled).
    Load the WESTOR Module Manager.mrc file from your Script Editor (ALT +R ☛ File ☛ Load ☛ Select the file) or via command from editbox /load -rs "FOLDER_DIRECTION\WMM\WESTOR Module Manager.mrc"
    Support & Donate:
    If you want to support this project to help to continue providing more modules (why not your idea too?) and improvements in the hole project you can do it with a small or big donation according your desire.
    (Thank you very much in advantage, also if you want you can leave your nickname or email address to add you in Donators list)
    Donation Page
    Especially Thanks:
    SReject for JSONFormIRC code and other stuff.
    rockcavera for HTML2ASCII code.
    Ouims for general help especially on regex.


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  4. yossarian-bot

    An entertaining IRC bot that's easy to extend.
    Simple real-time administration. Unix fortunes (fortune must be present) Catch-22 quotes UrbanDictionary queries Wolfram|Alpha queries Smart weather queries (Wunderground) Google searches YouTube searches ROT13 message "encryption" Magic 8 Ball queries Dictionary queries (Merriam-Webster) Cleverbot discussions Channel 'seen' log Link compression (TinyURL) ...and much more! Installation
    First, clone the repo and install yossarian-bot's dependencies:
    $ git clone https://github.com/woodruffw/yossarian-bot $ cd yossarian-bot $ bundle install If you get errors during the bundle installation process, make sure that you're using Ruby 2.7 and have Ruby's development headers installed. You may need them from your package manager. Earlier versions of Ruby might work, but are not guaranteed or tested.
    yossarian-bot also requires API keys for several services. Make sure that they are exported to the environment (or set in the configuration) as follows:
    Wolfram|Alpha - WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APPID_KEY Weather Underground - WUNDERGROUND_API_KEY WeatherStack - WEATHERSTACK_API_KEY Merriam-Webster - MERRIAM_WEBSTER_API_KEY YouTube (v3) - YOUTUBE_API_KEY Last.fm - LASTFM_API_KEY, LASTFM_API_SECRET Open Exchange Rates - OEX_API_KEY Giphy - GIPHY_API_KEY BreweryDB - BREWERYDB_API_KEY AirQuality - AIRNOW_API_KEY OMDB - OMDB_API_KEY Additionally, the fortune utility must be present in order for Unix fortunes to work correctly. Some package managers also provide the fortunes, fortunes-off, and fortunes-bofh-excuses packages for additional fortune messages.
    Once all dependencies are installed, yossarian-bot can be run as follows:
    $ ruby bot-control.rb start $ # OR: $ ruby yossarian-bot.rb # not run in background Using Docker
    docker build -t yossarian-bot:latest . docker run -v $PWD/config.yml:/config.yml yossarian-bot Using the bot
    Configuration Options
    yossarian-bot is configured via a YAML file named config.yml.
    Look at the example config.yml to see a list of optional and required keys.
    There are a bunch of commands that yossarian-bot accepts. You can see a complete list in the COMMANDS file.
    yossarian-bot matches all HTTP links and messages the title of the linked HTML page. This feature can be disabled by adding LinkTitling to the server's disabled_plugins array in config.yml.
    Messages of the form s/(.+)/(.+) are also matched, and the first pattern matched is applied to the user's last previous message, with the second match replacing it. For example, a typo like "this is a setnence" can be corrected with s/setnence/sentence. This feature can be disabled by adding RegexReplace to the server's disabled_plugins array in config.yml.


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  5. Zurna Mirc Script

    Zurna mirc script her insanın hayalindeki bayan veya erkek arkadaşla tanışmak için girdikleri bu sohbet sunucularını biz hayal olmaktan çıkardık ve sizlere bu imkanı ücretsiz olacak bir şekilde sunarak 7/24 online sohbet ve destek ile hizmet vermekteyiz.
    Sizleri daha kaliteli bir sohbet odalarına girmesini sağlayarak Zurna mIRC sayesinde bir çok insanla tanışmasını sağlıyoruz.
    Yetişkin insanların bulunduğu bu siteleri nasıl kullana bilirsiniz, mirc girişi var mı gibi sorulara çok kolay ve hemen cevap bulacağınız bilgilendirme yazıları yazmaya devam ediyoruz. Zurna mirc kullanıcısı olduğunuz da bir çok insanı kaliteli sohbet ile etkileye bilirsiniz.

    1 download

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  6. Zyrus Alpha V3 Updated

    Msn script based on the NuClearMSN connection by vexation! Features include a custom toolbar complete with room protections, room message editor, mp3 player, a modified text responder originally made by Pent etc.! Trivia is included but you will have to add your own questions file since most people have their own questions file they use with other scripts already! My emphasis was to make a script that was stable and easy to use especially for beginners! Now Updated due to Msn recent changes April 2006! 1st script to be updated using NuclearMsn connection, Special Thanks to The Gate Keeper!!!



  7. 🍯 honeybot py

    HoneyBot is a python-based IRC bot. (python3.7) | If you want to just run the bot, go to the quick start section
    Feel free to contribute to the project!
    🕹 Project Motivation
    Implementing the project in Java was weird, py's connect was sleek. Thus, the project stack was shifted over to Python. If you can think of any features, plugins, or functionality you wish to see in the project. Feel free to add it yourself, or create an issue detailing your ideas. We highly recommend you attempt to implement it yourself first and ask for help in our discord server !
    Psst. Since I learnt py through this bot, we decided to keep a new-comers friendly policy. Feeling lost? Just ping.
    ✂ Current Features
    🍬 OOP architecture 🛰️ keyword parameters 🌵 password security with config file [disabled for now] 🔌 now with plugins ⛰️ GUI clients
    GUI clients are used to manage plugins, launch bot as well as specify credentials.
    CPP client by @Macr0Nerd


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