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Found 4 results

  1. Version 4.0.17


    What is UnrealIRCd UnrealIRCd is an Open Source IRC Server. Development of UnrealIRCd began in May of 1999. Over the years, many new and exciting features have been added to UnrealIRCd. Some of UnrealIRCd's most notable features include: Channel Owners (+q) and Channel Admins (+a) Channel Half-ops (+h) Advanced anti-flood and anti-spam systems (such as Spamfilter and channel mode +f) Advanced banning through 'extended bans' Swear filtering (+G) Channel linking (+L) Hostname cloaking (+x) Color blocking and stripping (+c/+S) Vhosts WebTV Support DCCDeny SSL encrypted client and server connections Ziplinks Advanced and highly configurable configuration file Module support Extensive documentation in several languages (in HTML and on IRC through /HELPOP) And much more... see also the Features section in the official documentation UnrealIRCd can run on many operating systems, including: Linux, BSD, OS X and Windows (XP and later). Checking authenticity After this file has completed downloading, it is strongly recommended that you verify the authenticity of this file after it has been downloaded. Doing so will help to make sure your download has not been tampered with. You can do this trough PGP (GPG), all release files are signed with our release key. If this is the first time you verify an UnrealIRCd release, then import the public key by: gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 0xA7A21B0A108FF4A9 To verify the integrity via GPG you must: Download the checksum file for this file here. Run the following command:gpg --verify unrealircd-4.0.17.exe.asc unrealircd-4.0.17.exe File Checksums SHA256: 0a85d37bf306c6c5a06d6a492fc58999cc9ad191e0902efad738dc581fd6a013
  2. Version 1.0.1g


    Dll files needed by mIRC to connect to an irc network using ssl. libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll Compiled on windows7 using VIsual Studio 2012
  3. Version


    UnrealIRCd is an Open Source IRC Server. Development of UnrealIRCd began in May of 1999. Unreal was created from the Dreamforge IRCd that was formerly used by the DALnet IRC Network. Over the years, many new and exciting features have been added to Unreal. It is hard to even see a resemblance between the current Unreal and Dreamforge. Some of Unreal's most notable features include: Channel Half-ops (+h) Channel Owners (+q) and Channel Admins (+a) Advanced anti-flood and anti-spam systems (such as Spamfilter) Advanced banning through 'extended bans' Swear filtering (+G) Channel linking (+L) Hostname cloaking (+x) Color blocking and stripping (+c/+S) Vhosts WebTV Support DCCDeny SSL encrypted client and server connections Ziplinks Advanced and highly configurable configuration file Module support Extensive documentation in several languages (in HTML and on IRC through /HELPOP) And much more... see also the Features section in the official documentation Unreal can run on several operating systems. Unreal works on most *nix OSes including Linux, BSD, MacOS X, Solaris, and HP-UX. Unreal also works on Windows (NT4/2K/XP/2003/Vista/7). UnrealIRCd is designed to be an advanced IRCd, so it might not the best choice for beginners. Checking authenticity After this file has completed downloading, it is strongly recommended that you verify the authenticity of this file after it has been downloaded. Doing so will help to make sure your download has not been tampered with. You can do this trough PGP (GPG), all release files are signed with our release key. If this is the first time you verify an UnrealIRCd release, then import the public key by:gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 0x9FF03937To verify the integrity via GPG you must: 1) Download the checksum file for this file here. 2) Run the following command:gpg --verify Unreal3.2.10.1-SSL.exe.asc Unreal3.2.10.1-SSL.exe File Checksums MD5: 04b4cc7671945046641cc2c23bef8722 SHA1: 72d149156a1c43e4316b133b5f63bb88d5435a04 Downloads Checksums List.
  4. Version v1.0


    ###################################### # #ChainScriptz IRC Admin App Installer. # ###################################### This program installs software useful to IRC Administrators to generate ssl certifate, key and pem files for operators and usersto identify with services and securely oper.
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