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A custom identifier to convert an IPv6 address to an integer and vice versa.



  $longipv6() by jaytea


  This custom identifier is similar in usage to mIRC's own $longip(), but

  handles IPv6 addresses instead of IPv4 ones.


  Syntax: $longipv6()


  Takes in either a valid IPv6 address or a 128-bit unsigned integer and 

  performs a conversion between the two. Keep in mind that mIRC doesn't

  normally handle numbers with 128 bits of precision, so this alias is

  more limited in potential uses than its native $longip() counterpart.




  $longipv6(1) = ::1

  $longipv6(12345678901234567890) = ::ab54:a98c:eb1f:ad2

  $longipv6(::ab54:a98c:eb1f:ad2) = 12345678901234567890

  $longipv6(ffff::) = 340277174624079928635746076935438991360

  $longipv6(abc) = $null


  Since 'abc' is neither a valid IPv6 address or a non-negative integer,

  the result is $null. In general, if you are using an older version of

  mIRC without $iptype(), if ($longipv6(%IP) isnum) is true and only true

  when %IP is a valid IPv6 address. 





alias longipv6 {

  if ($1-. isnum) {

    if ($1 >= 0) {

      var %num = $1, %i = 8, %out = :


      while (%i) {

        bunset &quot

        bset &quot 50 0


        while ($left(%num, 15) > 65535) {

          var %div = $int($calc($v1 / 65536)), %rem = $v1 % 65536

          bset -t &quot $calc(51 - $mid(%num, 16, 0) - $len(%div)) %div

          %num = %rem $+ $mid(%num, 16)



        %out = $+(:, $base(0 $+ $v1, 10, 16), %out)

        !breplace &quot 0 48

        %num = $regsubex($bvar(&quot, 1-).text, /^0*/, )

        dec %i



      if ($version > 6.35) return $lower($iptype($mid(%out, 2, -1)).compress) 

      return $lower($regsubex(%out, /.$|((?:(:)0)++)(:$|(?(?!\1).)+(?=.$))|(((^)))./g, \2\3))



  else {

    if ($version > 6.35) {

      if ($iptype($1-) != ipv6) return


    elseif (!$regex($1-, /^(?(?=.*::)(?!(?>.*?:(?=:)){2})(::|(?>(? 6.35) %n = $iptype($1).expand

    else %n = $replace($1, ::, $str(:0:, $calc(8 - $numtok($1, 58))))


    while (%i) {

      var %num = $base($gettok(%n, %i, 58), 16, 10), %pow = 8 - %i

      if (%pow 

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