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Idle OPs Check

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Idle OPs checking alias.

Usage: /icheck

Will mass -o+v all OPs with idletime or more


:-- Idle OPs check

:-- by SplitFire

:-- Usage: /icheck 

:-- will mass -o+v all OPs with idletime  or more


alias icheck {

  if (!$1) || ($1 !isnum) { echo $color(ctcp) -ai2 * /icheck: invalid format | halt }

  if ($active !ischan) { echo $color(ctcp) -ai2 * /icheck: Use in channel only | halt }

  if ($me !isop #) { echo $color(ctcp) -ai2 * /icheck: You need OP status | halt }


  var %x 1, %idlers, %idletime $calc($1 * 60)

  while (%x = %idletime) && ($nick(#,%x,o) != $me) && ($me isop #) { %idlers = %idlers $nick(#,%x,o) }

    inc %x


  if (%idlers) {

    if (%idlers) { 

      xmsg # Checking for Idle Ops ( $+ $calc(%idletime / 60) $+ + mins)

      if ($gettok(%idlers,0,32) 

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