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Soundcloud search and downlad

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Downloads songs from SoundCloud.com

  • Right click channel or status and select SoundCloud to start the dialog. (This script requires wget and will download it on first use.)
  • Type in the search box and click [search]
  • Select a song from the results.
  • The [Play] button will open the your browser to the page of the selected song.
  • The [Download] button will download the selected song.
  • After clicking [Download] you will be prompted to select a download location.



>[/color][color=#0000cd];SoundCloud Search and Download by Ford_Lawnmower irc.abjects.net #mIRCmenu channel,status,menubar {  .SoundCloud: {    getwget    dialog $iif($dialog(SoundcloudSearch),-v,-md SoundcloudSearch) SoundcloudSearch  }}alias SoundCloudDownloadInfo { GetSoundCloudDownloadInfo echo -a $1- }alias -l GetSoundCloudDownloadInfo {  var %sockname $+(GetSoundCloudDownloadInfo,$network,$2,$ticks), %dir $sdir($mircdir,Destination Directory needed.)  sockopen %sockname soundcloud.com 80  sockmark %sockname $1-2 $+($3) %dir}On *:sockopen:GetSoundCloudDownloadInfo*: {  if (!$sockerr) {    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) HTTP/1.0    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: soundcloud.com    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf  }  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }}On *:sockread:GetSoundCloudDownloadInfo*: {  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }  else {    var %GetSoundCloudDownloadInfo | sockread %GetSoundCloudDownloadInfo    if ($regex(title,%GetSoundCloudDownloadInfo,/"title":"(.*?)"/i) && $regex(link,%GetSoundCloudDownloadInfo,/"streamUrl":"(.*?)"/i)) {	  var %id $+(SoundCloudProgress,$ticks),%fn $+($mkfn($fixchars($regml(title,1))),.mp3)	  run -np $qt($mircdirwget\wget.exe) -bo $qt($+($wshgetvar(temp),\,%id)) -O $qt($+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4-,32),%fn)) $regml(link,1)	  sockclose $sockname	  dialog $iif($dialog(%id),-v,-md) %id SoundcloudDownloadProgress	  dcheck did -a %id 1 %fn	  .timer 1 2 SoundcloudProgressCheck %id    }  }}alias -l SoundCloudSearch {  GetSoundCloudSearch echo -a $+(/search?page=,$iif($($+($,$0),2) isnum,$v1,1),$&  &q%5Bfulltext%5D=,$urlencode($gettok($1-,$+(1-,$calc($0 - $iif($($+($,$0),2) isnum,1,0))),32)))}alias -l GetSoundCloudSearch {  var %sockname $+(GetSoundCloudSearch,$network,$2,$ticks)  sockopen %sockname soundcloud.com 80  sockmark %sockname $1-2 $3}On *:sockopen:GetSoundCloudSearch*: {  if (!$sockerr) {    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) HTTP/1.0    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: soundcloud.com    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf  }  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }}On *:sockread:GetSoundCloudSearch*: {  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }  else {    var %GetSoundCloudSearch | sockread %GetSoundCloudSearch    if (we couldn't find any tracks isin %GetSoundCloudSearch) {	  echo -gat No results for your search!	  sockclose $sockname    }    elseif ($regex(%GetSoundCloudSearch,/info-header"><h3><a href="(.*?)">(.*?)<\/a>/i)) {	  if (empty-set isin %GetSoundCloudSearch) dcheck did -a SoundCloudSearch 4,24 n/a (no files)	  dcheck did -a SoundcloudSearch 5 $regml(1)	  dcheck did -a SoundCloudSearch 1 $fixchars($regml(2))    }    elseif ($regex(%GetSoundCloudSearch,/<h3><a href="(.*?)">(.*?)<\/a>/i)) {	  dcheck did -a SoundcloudSearch 5 $regml(1)   	  dcheck did -a SoundCloudSearch 1 $fixchars($regml(2))    }    elseif ($regex(%GetSoundCloudSearch,/user-name">(.*?)<\/a>/i)) dcheck did -a SoundcloudSearch 2 $regml(1)    elseif ($regex(%GetSoundCloudSearch,/date'>(.*?)<\/abbr>/i)) dcheck did -a SoundcloudSearch 3 $regml(1)    elseif ($regex(%GetSoundCloudSearch,/duration"\stitle=".*?">(.*?)</i)) dcheck did -a SoundcloudSearch 24 $regml(1)    elseif ($regex(%GetSoundCloudSearch,/Plays">(.*?)<)) dcheck did -a SoundcloudSearch 4 $iif($regml(1),$regml(1),1)    elseif ($regex(%GetSoundCloudSearch,/"next">Next<\/a>/i)) dcheck did -e SoundcloudSearch 13  }}alias -l dcheck {  if ($dialog($3)) $1-}alias -l fixchars {  return $replace($regsubex($1-,/\\u([0-9a-f]{4})/gi,$chr($base(\t,16,10))),&,&,",",>,>,<,<)}alias -l urlencode {  return $replace($regsubex($iif($version < 7, $utfencode($1-),$1),/([^a-z0-9\s])/ig,% $+ $base($asc(\t),10,16,2)),$chr(32),+)}On *:dialog:SoundcloudSearch:Sclick:*: {  if ($did == 7 && $did(16)) {    did -r $dname 1-6,18-24    did -b $dname 13,26    did -a $dname 6 1    SoundcloudSearch $v1  }  elseif ($did == 13 && $did(16)) {    did -r $dname 1-5,18-24    did -b $dname 13    did -e $dname 26    did -a $dname 6 $calc($did(6) + 1)    SoundcloudSearch $v1 $did(6)  }  elseif ($did == 26 && $did(16)) {    if ($did(6) > 1) {	  did -r $dname 1-5,18-24	  did -a $dname 6 $calc($did(6) - 1)	  if ($did(6) == 1) did -b $dname 26	  SoundcloudSearch $did(16) $did(6)    }    else did -b $dname 26  }  elseif ($did == 14 && $did(22)) {    url -an http://soundcloud.com $+ $v1  }  elseif ($did == 15 && $did(22)) {    SoundCloudDownloadInfo $v1  }  elseif ($did == 1 && $did(1).sel) {    did -r $dname 18-23    var %sel $v1    did -c $dname 2-5,24 %sel    var %count 1    while (%count <= 5) {	  did -a $dname $calc(17 + %count) $did(%count)	  inc %count    }    did -a $dname 23 $did(24)  }}dialog SoundcloudSearch {  title "SoundCloud Search"  size -1 -1 229 151  option dbu  combo 1, 118 20 106 88, vsbar  combo 2, 1 117 0 0  combo 3, 1 118 0 0  combo 4, 1 119 0 0  combo 5, 1 120 0 0  combo 24, 1 121 0 0  text "", 6, 1 121 0 0  text "Title:", 8, 2 31 25 8, right  text "User:", 9, 2 44 25 8, right  text "Date:", 10, 2 57 25 8, right  text "Plays:", 11, 2 70 25 8, right  text "Link:", 12, 2 83 25 8, right  text "Length:", 25, 2 96 25 8, right  button "Next Page", 13, 190 112 34 12  button "Search", 7, 190 4 33 12  button "Play", 14, 157 134 31 12  button "Download", 15, 193 134 31 12  button "Prev. Page", 26, 150 112 34 12  edit "", 16, 6 5 180 10, autohs rich  box "", 17, 113 16 113 112  edit "", 18, 28 31 77 8, autohs rich  edit "", 19, 28 44 77 8, autohs rich  edit "", 20, 28 57 77 8, autohs rich  edit "", 21, 28 70 77 8, autohs rich  edit "", 22, 28 83 77 8, autohs rich  edit "", 23, 28 96 77 8, autohs rich}alias -l SoundcloudProgressCheck {  var %file $+($wshgetvar(temp),\,$1), %dname $1, %data $remove($read(%file,$calc($lines(%file) - 1)),..)  if ($dialog(%dname)) {    tokenize 32 %data    if (!$5) {	  did -a %dname 2 $bytes($calc($remove($1,k) * 1000)).suf	  did -a %dname 3 $2	  did -a %dname 4 $3	  did -a %dname 5 $4	  .timer $+ %dname 1 1 SoundcloudProgressCheck %dname    }    else {	  did -a %dname 2,3,5 Complete	  did -a %dname 4 $3-4	  .remove $qt(%file)	  dialog -x %dname    }  }}dialog -l SoundcloudDownloadProgress {  title "SoundCloud Downloads"  size -1 -1 98 54  option dbu  text "", 1, 1 2 96 8, center  text "", 2, 37 15 58 8  text "", 3, 37 24 59 8  text "", 4, 37 33 59 8  text "", 5, 37 42 59 8  text "Size:", 6, 2 15 32 8, right  text "Complete:", 7, 2 24 32 8, right  text "Speed:", 8, 2 33 32 8, right  text "Remaining:", 9, 2 42 32 8, right  text "", 10, 1 10 0 6, center  text "", 11, 1 10 0 6, center  text "", 12, 1 10 0 6, center}alias -l GetWget {  if (!$isdir(wget)) {    if ($input(You must download some files to continue. $crlf Dowload them now ?,yq,Sound Cloud Missing Files,,)) {	  mkdir wget    }    else halt  }  if (!$exists(wget/wget.exe)) DownloadTransfer http://fordlawnmower.googlecode.com/files/wget wget.exe wget  if (!$exists(wget/libssl32.dll)) DownloadTransfer http://fordlawnmower.googlecode.com/files/libssl32 libssl32.dll wget  if (!$exists(wget/libintl3.dll)) DownloadTransfer http://fordlawnmower.googlecode.com/files/libintl3 libintl3.dll wget  if (!$exists(wget/libiconv2.dll)) DownloadTransfer http://fordlawnmower.googlecode.com/files/libiconv2 libiconv2.dll wget  if (!$exists(wget/libeay32.dll)) DownloadTransfer http://fordlawnmower.googlecode.com/files/libeay32 libeay32.dll wget}alias -l DownloadTransfer {  var %tempfile $+($wshgetvar(temp),/,$2), %destfile $+($3,/,$2)  if (!$isdir($3)) mkdir $3  if ($WshVbscriptDownload($1, %tempfile)) {    .copy %tempfile %destfile    .remove %tempfile    echo 04 -ga Transfer of %destfile complete.  }}alias -l WshGetVar {  var %comname $+(WinGetVar,$ticks)  .comopen %comname Wscript.Shell  if ($com(%comname)) {    if (!$com(%comname,ExpandEnvironmentStrings,3,bstr,$+(%,$1,%))) {	  echo -st *error* WinGetVar $com(%comname).error    }    var %return $com(%comname).result    .comclose %comname    return %return  }}alias -l WshVbscriptDownload {  var %comname $+(WshVbscriptDownload,$ticks,$r(1,1000))  .comopen %comname MSScriptControl.ScriptControl  if ($com(%comname)) {    var %Success $com(%comname,language,4,string,vbscript)    inc %Success $Execute(%comname,Set MicrosoftXmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.Xmlhttp"))    inc %Success $Execute(%comname,$+(MicrosoftXmlhttp.Open "GET",$chr(44),$qt($1),$chr(44),False))    inc %Success $Execute(%comname,MicrosoftXmlhttp.Send)    if ($evaluate(%comname,MicrosoftXmlhttp.Status)) {	  inc %Success $Execute(%comname,set AdodbStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream"))	  inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.type = 1)	  inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.open)	  inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.write MicrosoftXmlhttp.responseBody)	  ;$iif(!$isid,echo 04 -sat Downloading $1 $bytes($evaluate(%comname,AdodbStream.Size)).suf)	  inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.savetofile $+($qt($2),$chr(44),2))	  inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.close)	  if (%Success != 10) echo -st *error* WshVbscriptDownload Download Failed!	  else {	    $iif(!$isid,echo 09 -sat Download $1 Complete)	    var %return 1	  }    }    .comclose %comname    return %return  }}alias -l Execute return $com($1,executestatement,3,bstr,$2-)alias -l Evaluate {  noop $com($1,eval,3,bstr,$2-)  return $com($1).result}On *:start: {  if (!$exists(wget\wget.exe)) getwget}
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