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NickList Popups

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 ..Register Channel:/ChanServ register #$$?"What Channel To Register" $$?*"New Channel Password" $$?"New Channel Description"

 ..Identify Channel:/ChanServ identify #$$?"What Channel to Identify" $$?*"Channel Password"

 ..OP Nick:/ChanServ OP #$$?"What Channel" $$?"What Nick To OP"

 ..DeOp Nick:/ChanServ DEOP #$$?"What Channel" $$?"What Nick to DEOP"

 ..Channel Info:/ChanServ info #$$?"What Channel"

 ..MKick Channel:/ChanServ MKICK #$$?"What Channel to MKICK"

 ..MDeop Channel:/ChanServ MDEOP #$$?"What Channel to MDEOP"

 ..Count Channel:/ChanServ COUNT #$$?"What Channel"

 ..Why:/ChanServ why #$$?"What Channel" $$?"What Nick"


 ...Me:/ChanServ UNBAN #$$?"What Channel"

 ...All:/ChanServ UNBAN #$$?"What Channel" *

 ..Channel Settings

 ...Set Founder:/ChanServ identify #$$?"What Channel to Change Founder?" $$?*"Channel Password" | /ChanServ set #$$?"Channel Name Again" Founder

 ...Set Passwd:/ChanServ identify #$$?"What Channel to Change Password" $$?*"Present Password for Channel " | /ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel to Change Password?" passwd $$?*"Current Channel Password" $$?*"New Channel Password"

 ...Set Desc:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" DESC $$?"Set New Channel Description"

 ...Mode Lock

 ....Set Channel Modes:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel to set MODES" mlock $$?"What MODES to Set"

 ....Clear All Channel Modes:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel to CLEAR Channel Modes" *


 .....+:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock +n

 .....-:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock -n


 .....+:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock +t

 .....-:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock -t


 .....+:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock +i

 .....-:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock -i


 .....+:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock +s

 .....-:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock -s


 .....+:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock +p

 .....-:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock -p


 .....+:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock +k

 .....-:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock -k


 .....+:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock +l

 .....-:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock -l


 .....+:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock +m

 .....-:/ChanServ set #$$?"What Channel" mlock -m


 ....ON:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" OPGUARD ON

 ....OFF:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" OPGUARD OFF


 ....ON:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" KEEPTOPIC ON

 ....OFF:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" KEEPTOPIC OFF

 ...Set URL:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" URL $$?"What URL"


 ....ON:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" IDENT ON

 ....OFF:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" IDENT OFF


 ....ON:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" RESTRICT ON

 ....OFF:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" RESTRICT OFF


 ....OFF:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel to SET TopicLock OFF" TOPICLOCK OFF

 ....SOP:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel to SET TopicLock to SOP" TOPICLOCK SOP

 ....Founder:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel to SET TopicLock to FOUNDER" TOPICLOCK FOUNDER


 ....ON:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" LEAVEOPS ON

 ....OFF:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" LEAVEOPS OFF


 ....ON:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" UNSECURE ON

 ....OFF:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" UNSECURE OFF


 ....ON:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" PRIVATE ON

 ....OFF:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" PRIVATE OFF


 ....ON:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" VERBOSE ON

 ....OFF:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" VERBOSE OFF

 ...Memo Settings

 ....None:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" MEMO NONE

 ....AOP:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" MEMO AOP

 ....SOP:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" MEMO SOP

 ....Founder:/ChanServ SET #$$?"What Channel" MEMO FOUNDER

 ..SOP Settings

 ...Add:/ChanServ SOP #$$?"What Channel" ADD $$?"What Nick to add SOP"

 ...List:/ChanServ SOP #$$?"What Channel" LIST

 ...Del:/ChanServ SOP #$$?"What Channel" DEL $$?"What Nick/Index No./Mask to Remove from SOP"

 ...Wipe:/ChanServ SOP #$$?"What Channel to WIPE all SOP" Wipe

 ..AOP Settings

 ...Add:/ChanServ AOP #$$?"What Channel" ADD $$?"What Nick to add AOP"

 ...List:/ChanServ AOP #$$?"What Channel" LIST

 ...Del:/ChanServ AOP #$$?"What Channel" DEL $$?"What Nick/Index No./Mask to Remove from AOP"

 ...Wipe:/ChanServ AOP #$$?"What Channel to WIPE all AOP" Wipe

 ..AKICK Settings

 ...Add:/ChanServ AKICK #$$?"What Channel" ADD $$?"What Nick/Mask to add in Channel AKICK list"

 ...List:/ChanServ AKICK #$$?"What Channel" LIST

 ...Del:/ChanServ AKICK #$$?"What Channel" DEL $$?"What Nick/Index No./Mask to Remove from AKICK"

 ...Wipe:/ChanServ AKICK #$$?"What Channel" Wipe

 ..Drop Channel:/ChanServ identify #$$?"What Channel to Drop" $$?*"Channel Password" | /ChanServ DROP #$$?"Channel Name AGAIN That You Want to DROP"


 ..Change Nick:/nick $$?"New Nick"

 ..Identify:/NickServ identify $$?"What Nick to Identify" $$?*"Nick Password"

 ..Register:/NickServ register $$?*"Choose Nick Password To Register" $$?"Your Email Address"


 ...PassWord:/NickServ SET PASSWD $$?*"Current Password" $$?*"New Password"

 ...URL:/NickServ set url $$?"URL"


 ....ON:/NickServ set ENFORCE on

 ....OFF:/NickServ set ENFORCE off


 ....ON:/NickServ SET NOMEMO ON



 ....ON:/NickServ SET NOOP ON

 ....OFF:/NickServ SET NOOP OFF


 ...List:/NickServ ACCESS LIST

 ...Add:/NickServ ACCESS ADD $$?"What user@host mask"

 ...Del:/NickServ ACCESS DEL $$?"What user@host mask"

 ...Wipe:/NickServ ACCESS WIPE

 ..Recover:/NickServ RECOVER $$?"What Nick to Recover" $$?*"Nick Password"

 ..Release:/NickServ RELEASE $$?"What Nick to Release" $$?*"Nick Password"

 ..Ghost:/NickServ GHOST $$?"What Nick to GHOST" $$?*"Nick Password"

 ..Drop:/NickServ DROP $$?"What Nick to DROP"

 ..Info:/NickServ INFO $$?"What Nick to See Information"

 ..Acc:/NickServ ACC $$?"What Nick"



 ...Sop:/MemoServ SENDSOP #$$?"What Channel to send MEMO TO SOP" $$?"What Message"

 ...Nick:/MemoServ SEND $$?"What Nick to send MEMO" $$?"What Message"

 ...Channel:/MemoServ SEND #$$"What Channel to send MEMO" $$?"What Message"

 ..List:/MemoServ LIST

 ..Read:/MemoServ read $$?"Which message You want to read, type Number below"


 ...One:/MemoServ DEL $$?"What MEMO Number to DELETE from list"

 ...All:/MemoServ DEL ALL

 ..Undel:/MemoServ UNDEL $$?"What MEMO Number to UN-DELETE from list"

 ..Purge:/MemoServ PURGE


 ...is it ON or OFF:/MemoServ FORWARD

 ...ON:/MemoServ FORWARD $me $$?" What Nick to foward MEMOs to"

 ...OFF:/MemoServ FORWARD -



Made By LordBotTeam


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