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Multiquery with wildmask nick support

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; put into remote

; allows: /query  [text]


; changes also the query name to the correct nick format if possible

; if it works, it was written by me, if not, i don't know who wrote it ;)

; Allowing query for wildmask nicks too if

; for example:

; /query You*

; It will query the first nick matching that wildmask

alias query {

if ($1 == -n) { set %qminimize $true | tokenize 32 $2- }

var %x = $2-

if (, isin $1) { !tokenize 44 $1 | Ÿ $* %x }

else { Ÿ $$1 %x }

unset %qminimize


alias -l Ÿ {

!.query $$1

if ($ial($1 $+ !*@*).nick) {

!var %n = $v1

if ($query(%n) && %n != $1) { !window -c $1 | if (!%qminimize) { !window -a %n } }

else { !queryrn $1 %n | if (!%qminimize) { !window -a %n } }

tokenize 32 %n $2-


elseif (!%qminimize) { !window -a $1 }

if ($len($2)) { !msg $1 $2- }

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