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>on *:TEXT:!ban *:#channel:{

 if ($$2 ison $chan) && ($$3 isnum) && ($$4) {

   write bans.txt $2 $chan $nick $ctime $3 $4-



on *:TEXT:!infoban *:#channel:{

 if ($read(bans.txt,s,$$2)) {

   .notice $nick ----------Ban Information----------

   .notice $nick Username : $2

   .notice $nick From Channel : $gettok($v1,1,32)

   .notice $nick Issued By : $gettok($v1,2,32)

   .notice $nick Reason : $gettok($v1,5-,32)

   .notice $nick Issued : $asctime($gettok($v1,3,32))

   .notice $nick Expires : $asctime($calc($gettok($v1,3,32) + ($gettok($v1,4,32) *60)))

   .notice $nick ----------Ban Information----------


 else { .notice $nick Can't find $$2 in database. }


on *:TEXT:!unban *:#channel:{

 if ($read(bans.txt,s,$$2)) { write -ds $+ $2 bans.txt }


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