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MUTU Ban-Protection 7.3

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1- metti il file MUTUBanProt73.ini nella cartella contenente mIRC.exe

2- Lancia mIRC

3- Nella finestra dello Status scrivi: /load -rs MUTUBanProt73.ini

4- Controlla Nella MenuBar alla Voce MUTUBanProt e setta il tuo script


Vi ricordo che lo script è stato realizzato da MUTU a lui vano tutti i

meriti del lavoro. Eternity6 a solo pachato lo script traducendolo in

lingua italiana.



n0=on *:load:{

n1=  if ($version >= 5.7) {

n2=    if ($active != Status Window) { echo -a 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- Successfully installed }

n3=    echo -s 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- Successfully installed

n4=    .ial on

n5=    dialog -m MUTUBanProt73 MUTUBanProt73

n6=  }

n7=  if ($version 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- Not installed - This addon works on mIRC version 5.7 or higher. Your version is $version $+ . Go to 12http://mutu.cjb.net/14 or 12http://www.mirc.co.uk/get.html14 to get the latest version. }

n9=    echo -s 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- Not installed - This addon works on mIRC version 5.7 or higher. Your version is $version $+ . Go to 12http://mutu.cjb.net/14 or 12http://www.mirc.co.uk/get.html14 to get the latest version.

n10=    .unload -rs $script

n11=  }



n14=dialog MUTUBanProt73 {

n15=  title "Ban Protection v7.3 for mIRC 5.7x"

n16=  size -1 -1 0 0

n17=  option dbu

n18=  tab "Settings",1, 2 1 135 130

n19=  tab "Advanced",2

n20=  tab "Help",3

n21=  text "Ban Protection",4,8 18 60 10, tab 1

n22=  radio "ON",5, 50 17 18 10, group tab 1

n23=  radio "OFF",6, 70 17 20 10, tab 1


n25=  check "Unban",7,8 28 30 10, right tab 1

n26=  check "Capture IP Ban",8,80 28 50 10, right tab 1

n27=  check "Punish Aggressor",29,8 37 50 10, right tab 1


n29=  box "Punishment:",9,5 50 129 23, tab 1

n30=  radio "DeOp",10,10 58 30 10, group tab 1

n31=  radio "Kick",11,50 58 30 10, tab 1

n32=  radio "Ban",12,90 58 30 10, tab 1


n34=  box "Advanced Settings:",13,5 80 129 40, tab 1

n35=  check "Inform when banned",14,10 88 70 10, tab 1

n36=  check "Inform when protection fails",15,10 98 80 10, tab 1

n37=  check "Message channel when protection succeeds",16,10 108 120 10, tab 1


n39=  box "Channel exclusion list:",17,5 18 129 110, tab 2

n40=  list 18,8 28 120 90, extsel vsbar tab 2

n41=  text "Add new channel:",19,8 114 45 10, tab 2

n42=  edit "",20,55 112 50 10, autohs return tab 2


n44=  list 21,8 18 120 101, hsbar vsbar tab 3

n45=  button "&Visit",22,8 116 30 10, default tab 3

n46=  edit "http://mutu.cjb.net/", 23, 43 116 51 10, autohs read tab 3

n47=  button "&Close",24, 99 116 30 10, ok tab 3


n49=  button "",25,200 200 0 0, default tab 2

n50=  text "ERROR - channel names start with # or +",26,18 133 100 10

n51=  text "ERROR - channel names can't contain commas or spaces",27,1 133 200 10

n52=  text "ERROR - channel is already in list",28,27 133 100 10



n55=on *:dialog:MUTUBanProt73:init:*:{

n56=  did -h MUTUBanProt73 26

n57=  did -h MUTUBanProt73 27

n58=  did -h MUTUBanProt73 28

n59=  if ($readini -n $script settings Status == ON) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 5 }

n60=  if ($readini -n $script settings Status == OFF) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 6 }

n61=  if ($readini -n $script settings UnBan == ON) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 7 }

n62=  if ($readini -n $script settings Capture == ON) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 8 }

n63=  if ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == DEOP) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 10 }

n64=  if ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == KICK) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 11 }

n65=  if ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == BAN) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 12 }

n66=  if ($readini -n $script settings Punish == ON) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 29 }

n67=  else { did -b MUTUBanProt73 10,11,12 }

n68=  if ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 14 }

n69=  if ($readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 15 }

n70=  if ($readini -n $script settings SuccessMsg == ON) { did -c MUTUBanProt73 16 }

n71=  set %chanlistcounter 1

n72=  set %channum $readini -n $script excluded num

n73=  :chanexc

n74=  if %channum  144)) { .timer_anim off | unset %.anim.tmp* %.anim._i | return }

n92=  :1 | %.anim.tmpx = $calc(($window(-1).w / 2) - %.anim._i) | %.anim.tmpy = $calc(($window(-1).h / 2) - %.anim._i) | %.anim.tmpw = $calc(%.anim._i * 2) | %.anim.tmph = $calc(%.anim._i * 2)

n93=  dialog -s MUTUBanProt73 %.anim.tmpx %.anim.tmpy %.anim.tmpw %.anim.tmph | inc %.anim._i 5


n95=alias banasecho {

n96=  if ($active != Status Window) { echo -a 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- $1- }

n97=  echo -s 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- $1-



n100=on *:dialog:MUTUBanProt73:sclick:*:{

n101=  if ($did == 5) && ($readini -n $script settings Status == OFF) {

n102=    writeini -n $script settings Status ON

n103=  }

n104=  if ($did == 6) && ($readini -n $script settings Status == ON) {

n105=    writeini -n $script settings Status OFF

n106=  }

n107=  if ($did == 7) {

n108=    if $readini -n $script settings UnBan == ON writeini -n $script settings UnBan OFF

n109=    else writeini -n $script settings UnBan ON

n110=  }

n111=  if ($did == 8) {

n112=    if $readini -n $script settings Capture == ON writeini -n $script settings Capture OFF

n113=    else writeini -n $script settings Capture ON

n114=  }

n115=  if ($did == 10) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == KICK) {

n116=    writeini -n $script settings Punishment DEOP

n117=  }

n118=  if ($did == 10) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == BAN) {

n119=    writeini -n $script settings Punishment DEOP

n120=  }

n121=  if ($did == 11) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == DEOP) {

n122=    writeini -n $script settings Punishment KICK

n123=  }

n124=  if ($did == 11) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == BAN) {

n125=    writeini -n $script settings Punishment KICK

n126=  }

n127=  if ($did == 12) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == DEOP) {

n128=    writeini -n $script settings Punishment BAN

n129=  }

n130=  if ($did == 12) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == KICK) {

n131=    writeini -n $script settings Punishment BAN

n132=  }

n133=  if ($did == 14) {

n134=    if $readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON writeini -n $script settings BanInform OFF

n135=    else writeini -n $script settings BanInform ON

n136=  }

n137=  if ($did == 15) {

n138=    if $readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON writeini -n $script settings FailInform OFF 

n139=    else writeini -n $script settings FailInform ON

n140=  }

n141=  if ($did == 16) {

n142=    if $readini -n $script settings SuccessMsg == ON writeini -n $script settings SuccessMsg OFF

n143=    else writeini -n $script settings SuccessMsg ON

n144=  }


n146=  if ($did == 29) {

n147=    if ($readini -n $script settings Punish == ON) {

n148=      writeini -n $script settings Punish OFF

n149=      did -b MUTUBanProt73 10,11,12

n150=    }

n151=    else {

n152=      writeini -n $script settings Punish ON

n153=      did -e MUTUBanProt73 10,11,12

n154=    }

n155=  }


n157=  if ($did == 22) url -an http://mutu.cjb.net/


n159=  if ($did == 25) && ($did(20)) {

n160=    did -h MUTUBanProt73 26

n161=    did -h MUTUBanProt73 27

n162=    did -h MUTUBanProt73 28

n163=    if ($readini -n $script excluded $did(20)) {

n164=      did -v MUTUBanProt73 28

n165=      .timerMUTUerror 1 4 if ($dialog(MUTUBanProt73)) did -h MUTUBanProt73 28

n166=      halt

n167=    }

n168=    set %hara $readini -n $script excluded num

n169=    inc %hara 1

n170=    writeini $script excluded num %hara

n171=    writeini $script excluded %hara $did(20)

n172=    writeini $script excluded $did(20) %hara

n173=    did -a MUTUBanProt73 18 $did(20)

n174=    did -r MUTUBanProt73 20

n175=    unset %hara

n176=    unset %MUTU.editbox

n177=  }



n180=alias MUTU.bckspc {

n181=  did -r MUTUBanProt73 20

n182=  if ($len(%MUTU.editbox) > 0) {

n183=    did -a MUTUBanProt73 20 %MUTU.editbox

n184=    did -h MUTUBanProt73 26

n185=    did -h MUTUBanProt73 28

n186=    did -v MUTUBanProt73 27

n187=    .timerMUTUerror 1 4 if ($dialog(MUTUBanProt73)) did -h MUTUBanProt73 27

n188=  }

n189=  else {

n190=    unset %MUTU.editbox

n191=    did -h MUTUBanProt73 27

n192=    did -h MUTUBanProt73 28

n193=    did -v MUTUBanProt73 26

n194=    .timerMUTUerror 1 4 if ($dialog(MUTUBanProt73)) did -h MUTUBanProt73 26

n195=  }



n198=on *:dialog:MUTUBanProt73:edit:20:{

n199=  did -t MUTUBanProt73 25

n200=  if ($len($did(20)) = 1) && ($did(20) != $chr(35)) && ($did(20) != $chr(38)) && ($did(20) != $chr(43)) MUTU.bckspc

n201=  if ($len($did(20)) > 1) && (($did(20) == %MUTU.editbox $+ $chr(44)) || ($did(20) == %MUTU.editbox $+ $chr(32))) MUTU.bckspc

n202=  set %MUTU.editbox $did(20)



n205=on *:dialog:MUTUBanProt73:dclick:18:{

n206=  set %selected $did(18).sel

n207=  did -d MUTUBanProt73 18 %selected

n208=  remini $script excluded $readini -n $script excluded %selected

n209=  set %selcounter %selected

n210=  set %hara $readini -n $script excluded num

n211=  writeini $script excluded num $calc(%hara - 1)

n212=  if %selcounter == %hara goto selloopend

n213=  :selloop

n214=  set %selread $readini -n $script excluded $calc(%selcounter + 1)

n215=  writeini -n $script excluded %selcounter %selread

n216=  remini $script excluded %selread

n217=  inc %selcounter 1

n218=  if %selcounter 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- | if ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) banasecho Ban Detected! Nick = %stext $nick %ntext Channel = %stext $chan %ntext Ban Mask = %stext $banmask %ntext . Attempting to Kick $nick $+ .... | set %bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick }

n240=          if ($readini -n $script settings UnBan == OFF) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == BAN) { mode $chan -o+b $nick $address($nick,2) | kick # $nick 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- | if ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) banasecho Ban Detected! Nick = %stext $nick %ntext Channel = %stext $chan %ntext Ban Mask = %stext $banmask %ntext . Attempting to Ban $nick $+ .... | set %bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $nick }

n241=          if ($readini -n $script settings UnBan == ON) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == DEOP) { mode $chan -bo $banmask $nick | if ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) banasecho Ban Detected! Nick = %stext $nick %ntext Channel = %stext $chan %ntext Ban Mask = %stext $banmask %ntext. Attempting to UnBan you and DeOp $nick $+ .... | set %bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $nick }

n242=          if ($readini -n $script settings UnBan == ON) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == KICK) { kick # $nick 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- | mode $chan -b $banmask | if ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) banasecho Ban Detected! Nick = %stext $nick %ntext Channel = %stext $chan %ntext Ban Mask = %stext $banmask %ntext. Attempting to UnBan you and Kick $nick $+ .... | set %bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $nick }

n243=          if ($readini -n $script settings UnBan == ON) && ($readini -n $script settings Punishment == BAN) { mode $chan -bo+b $banmask $nick $address($nick,2) | kick # $nick 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- | if ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) banasecho Ban Detected! Nick = %stext $nick %ntext Channel = %stext $chan %ntext Ban Mask = %stext $banmask %ntext . Attempting to UnBan you and Ban $nick $+ .... | set %bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $nick }

n244=        }

n245=        else {

n246=          if ($readini -n $script settings UnBan == OFF) && ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) { banasecho Ban Detected! Nick =15 $nick 14Channel =15 $chan 14Ban Mask =15 $banmask 14. No action will be taken. }

n247=          if ($readini -n $script settings UnBan == ON) { mode $chan -b $banmask | if ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) banasecho Ban Detected! Nick =15 $nick 14Channel =15 $chan 14Ban Mask =15 $banmask 14. Attempting to UnBan you.... | set %bantounban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick }

n248=        }

n249=      }

n250=      if (($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) || (($banmask iswm $left($address($me,5),$pos($address($me,5),@,1)) $+ $ip) && ($readini -n $script settings Capture == ON))) && ($nick == $me) { mode $chan -b $banmask | if ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) banasecho You have banned yourself from $chan $+ ! Attempting to UnBan you.... | set %bannedmyself $chan }

n251=    }

n252=    if ($me !isop #) && ((($banmask iswm $address($me,5))) || (($banmask iswm $left($address($me,5),$pos($address($me,5),@,1)) $+ $ip) && ($readini -n $script settings Capture == ON))) && ($readini -n $script settings BanInform == ON) { banasecho Ban Detected! Nick =15 $nick 14Channel =15 $chan 14Ban Mask =15 $banmask 14. Unfortunately you don't have ops so you cannot be protected. }

n253=  }



n256=on *:unban:#:{

n257=  if ($readini -n $script settings Status == ON) && (($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) || ($banmask iswm $left($address($me,5),$pos($address($me,5),@,1)) $+ $ip)) && ($nick == $me) && (%bannedmyself == #) && ($readini -n $script settings SuccessMsg == ON) { banasecho Ban Protection Successful! Next time be careful not to ban yourself! | unset %bannedmyself }

n258=  if ($readini -n $script settings Status == ON) && (($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) || ($banmask iswm $left($address($me,5),$pos($address($me,5),@,1)) $+ $ip)) && ($nick == $me) && (%bantounban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && ($readini -n $script settings SuccessMsg == ON) { msg $chan 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- Successful on15 %bantounban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ 14! | unset %bantounban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] }



n261=on *:deop:#:{

n262=  if ($opnick == $me) && (%bannedmyself == #) { if ($readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON) banasecho Ban Protection unsuccessful! Next time be careful not to ban yourself! | unset %bannedmyself }

n263=  if ($opnick == %bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) && ($nick == $me) { if ($readini -n $script settings SuccessMsg == ON) msg $chan 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- Successful on %stext $opnick $+ %ntext ! | unset %bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] } 

n264=  if ($opnick == $me) && (%bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) { if ($readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON) banasecho Ban Protection unsuccessful on %stext %bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $+ 14! | unset %bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  }

n265=  if ($opnick == $me) && (%bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) { if ($readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON) banasecho Ban Protection unsuccessful on15 %bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $+ 14! | unset %bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  }

n266=  if ($opnick == $me) && (%bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) { if ($readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON) banasecho Ban Protection unsuccessful on15 %bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $+ 14! | unset %bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  }



n269=on *:kick:#:{

n270=  if ($knick == $me) && (%bannedmyself == #) { if ($readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON) banasecho Ban Protection unsuccessful! Next time be careful not to ban yourself! | unset %bannedmyself }

n271=  if ($nick == $me) && (($knick == %bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) || ($knick == %bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] )) { if ($readini -n $script settings SuccessMsg == ON) msg $chan 3--==9::10°9-15W9-0i9-0R9-15c9-10°9::3==-- Successful on %stext $knick $+ %ntext ! | unset %bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  | unset %bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  | halt }

n272=  if ($knick == $me) && (%bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) { if ($readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON) banasecho Ban Protection unsuccessful on15 %bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $+ 14! | unset %bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  | halt }

n273=  if ($knick == $me) && (%bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) { if ($readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON) banasecho Ban Protection unsuccessful on15 %bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $+ 14! | unset %bannertokick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  | halt }

n274=  if ($knick == $me) && (%bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ) { if ($readini -n $script settings FailInform == ON) banasecho Ban Protection unsuccessful on15 %bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  $+ 14! | unset %bannertoban. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]  }



n277=on *:nick:{

n278=  set %bannewnickcounter 1

n279=  :newnickloop

n280=  if (%bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $comchan($newnick,%bannewnickcounter) ] ]) { set %bannertodeop. [ $+ [ $comchan($newnick,%bannewnickcounter) ] ] $newnick }

n281=  if (%bannertokick. [ $+ [ $comchan($newnick,%bannewnickcounter) ] ]) { set %bannertokick. [ $+ [ $comchan($newnick,%bannewnickcounter) ] ] $newnick }

n282=  if (%bannertoban. [ $+ [ $comchan($newnick,%bannewnickcounter) ] ]) { set %bannertoban. [ $+ [ $comchan($newnick,%bannewnickcounter) ] ] $newnick }

n283=  inc %bannewnickcounter 1

n284=  if %bannewnickcounter 

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