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DCX Kick/Ban counters

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Kick and Ban Counters, with Echo and Clear. Needs DCX.dll to run. Copypasta to new remotes. Enjoy.


#KCounter on

on *:kick:#:if ( $nick == $me ) inc %kicks 1

alias kick { if ($me isop $1) && ($2 ison $1) { kick $1 $2 $3- 3,1(14Kick  $+ #0 %kicks  $+ 3)7 >>> 3(14ProtheusIRC3) } }

#KCounter End

#BCounter on

on *:ban:#:if ( $nick == $me ) inc %bans 1

alias ban { if ($me isop $1) && ($2 ison $1) { mode $chan +b $1 $2 $3- | /msg $chan 3,1(14Ban  $+ #0 %bans  $+ 3)7 >>> 3(14ProtheusIRC 3) } }

#BCounter End
alias kbcounters {
  if ($dialog(kbcounters)) { dialog -x kbcounters }
  dialog -m kbcounters kbcounters

alias DCX_kbcounters {

dialog kbcounters {
  title "Kick/Ban Counters"
  size -1 -1 138 138
  option dbu
  box "Kicks", 1, 6 3 50 50
  box "Options", 4, 81 3 50 50
  box "Bans", 7, 6 83 50 50
  box "Options", 10, 81 83 50 50

on *:dialog:kbcounters:init:*: {
  dcx Mark $dname kbcounters_cb
  xdialog -g kbcounters +b $rgb(0,0,0)
  xdialog -c $dname 2 button 22 25 80 30
  xdid -t $dname 2 On
  xdid -w $dname 2 +n 112 shell32.dll
  xdialog -c $dname 3 button 22 64 80 30
  xdid -t $dname 3 Off
  xdid -w $dname 3 +n 131 shell32.dll
  xdialog -c $dname 5 button 172 25 80 30
  xdid -t $dname 5 Echo
  xdid -w $dname 5 +n 146 shell32.dll
  xdialog -c $dname 6 button 172 64 80 30
  xdid -t $dname 6 Clear
  xdid -w $dname 6 +n 31 shell32.dll
  xdialog -c $dname 8 button 22 186 80 30
  xdid -t $dname 8 On
  xdid -w $dname 8 +n 112 shell32.dll
  xdialog -c $dname 9 button 22 225 80 30
  xdid -t $dname 9 Off
  xdid -w $dname 9 +n 131 shell32.dll
  xdialog -c $dname 12 button 172 186 80 30
  xdid -t $dname 12 Echo
  xdid -w $dname 12 +n 146 shell32.dll
  xdialog -c $dname 13 button 172 225 80 30
  xdid -t $dname 13 Clear
  xdid -w $dname 13 +n 31 shell32.dll
  xdialog -c $dname 14 button 98 124 80 30
  xdid -t $dname 14 Close
  xdid -w $dname 14 +n 27 shell32.dll

alias kbcounters_cb {
  if ($2 == sclick) && ($3 == 2) {
    /.enable #KCounter | echo -a 3(14ProtheusIRC3) 3,1K14,1ick 3C14,1ounter 3I14,1s 3N14,1ow 3T14,1urned 3O14,1n 
  else if ($2 == sclick) && ($3 == 3 ) { 
    /.disable #KCounter | echo -a 3(14ProtheusIRC3) 3,1K14,1ick 3C14,1ounter 3I14,1s 3N14,1ow 3T14,1urned 3O14,1ff 
  else if ($2 == sclick) && ($3 == 5 ) { 
    /echo -a 3,1I 3,1H14,1ave 3,1K14,1icked0 %kicks 3,1T14,1imes 3,1S14,1o 3,1F14,1ar7 >>> 3(14ProtheusIRC3) 
  else if ($2 == sclick) && ($3 == 6 ) { 
    /unset %kicks |  /echo -a 3,1C14,1leared.7 >>> 3(14ProtheusIRC3) 
  else if ($2 == sclick) && ($3 == 8 ) { 
    /.enable #BCounter | echo -a 3(14ProtheusIRC3) 3,1B14,1an 3C14,1ounter 3I14,1s 3N14,1ow 3T14,1urned 3O14,1n 
  else if ($2 == sclick) && ($3 == 9 ) { 
    /.disable #BCounter | echo -a 3(14ProtheusIRC3) 3,1B14,1an 3C14,1ounter 3I14,1s 3N14,1ow 3T14,1urned 3O14,1ff 
  else if ($2 == sclick) && ($3 == 12) { 
    /echo -a 3,1I 3,1H14,1ave 3,1B14,1anned0 %bans 3,1P14,1eople 3,1S14,1o 3,1F14,1ar7 >>> 3(14ProtheusIRC3) 
  else if ($2 == sclick) && ($3 == 13) { 
    /unset %bans |  /echo -a 3,1C14,1leared.7 >>> 3(14ProtheusIRC3) 
  else if ($2 == sclick) && ($3 == 14) {
    /dialog -x kbcounters


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