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Artificial Intelligence

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This script gives a touch of class to any bot. Once you have loaded this script, if you are PMed, your bot/you will automatically hold an intelligent conversation with the person who PMed you, by connecting to the AI bot, ALICE. Can be a great laugh too!


>on *:text:*:?:{  var %t $ticks  sockopen alice. $+ %t www.pandorabots.com 80  sockmark alice. $+ %t $mid($md5($address($nick,2)),16) $nick $regsubex($1-,/([^\w])/Sg,$+(%,$base($asc(\1),10,16,2)))}on *:sockopen:alice.*:{  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark  var %u $+(&botcust2=,$1&input=,$3)  sockwrite -n $sockname POST /pandora/talk?botid=f5d922d97e345aa1&skin=custom_input HTTP/1.1  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.pandorabots.com  sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Length: $len(%u .)  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf %u}on *:sockread:alice.*:{  if (!$sockerr) {    var %s    $event %s    if $regex(%s,^.*(.*?)$) {      msg $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32) $regml(1)      sockclose $sockname    }  }


>on *:text:*:?:{   if (%intell == on) {    var %t $ticks     sockopen alice. $+ %t www.pandorabots.com 80     sockmark alice. $+ %t $mid($md5($address($nick,2)),16) $nick $regsubex($1-,/([^\w])/Sg,$+(%,$base($asc(\1),10,16,2)))   } }on *:sockopen:alice.*:{   tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark   var %u $+(&botcust2=,$1&input=,$3)   sockwrite -n $sockname POST /pandora/talk?botid=f5d922d97e345aa1&skin=custom_input HTTP/1.1   sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.pandorabots.com   sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded   sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Length: $len(%u .)   sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf %u } on *:sockread:alice.*:{   if (!$sockerr) {     var %s     $event %s     if $regex(%s,^.*(.*?)$) {       msg $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32) $regml(1)       sockclose $sockname     }   } }alias intell {  if ($1 == on) {    set %intell on    echo 2 Intell is now on  }  elseif ($1 == off) {    unset %intell     echo 2 Intell is now off  }}


This one has a on and off switch ;) :P

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