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Mini-Bomb Game (v.2)

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This is one of the scripts I found that I made a few months ago on my cute bot.
I originally took the idea from FunBots on Quakenet and decided to script one of their games just for kicks.
It's just a small, but fun, bomb game where you can leash a bomb on yourself or another person, and that person has only 30 seconds to defuse the bomb by choosing one of the following:

  • RED
  • FEARTo start the game, type .bomb .
    The bot also counts how many times someone has defused or exploded the bomb, which you can check through .stats.

  • Don't choose wire FEAR though! 🙂 🙂 🙂
  • 15 seconds until next game
  • Put this into your bot's remotes, not yours!


  • Mon Mar 2, 9:10 PM - Made the script multi-channel + bomb stats.
    Here's a picture:
  • alias -l bomb { set %bombs $reptok(%bombs,$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$calc($gettok(%bombs,2,58) + 1),1,58) | .msg $1 *BOOM* Fear. You're dead $+(,$gettok(%b. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ ] .info,3,32),,!) $chr(91) You have been bombed by $+(,$gettok(%b. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ ] .info,2,32),) on $+(,$gettok(%b. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ ] .info,1,32),) $chr(93) | .msg $1 (10 seconds till next bomb) | set -u15 %bomb. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] disabled | unset %b. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ ] .* }
    on *:text:.bomb*:#: {
      if (!%bombs) { set %bombs 0:0 }
      if (!%bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick You must select a nick. | halt }
        if ($2 ison $chan) && ($2 != $me) { set %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wires RED YELLOW GREEN FEAR | set %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .nick $2 | set %bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] on | set %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .info $chan $nick $2 | var %x RED|YELLOW|GREEN | set %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wire $gettok(%x,$r(1,3),124) | .timer 1 1 .msg $chan INCOMING!: Bomb has been planted!!! You have 30sec to defuse the Bomb! Engi: $2 $+ . | .timer 1 2 .msg $chan Wires Are: 4RED - 8YELLOW - 9GREEN - 1FEAR | .timer 1 3 .msg $chan Use: ".wire <color here>" | .timer 1 4 .notice $2 YOU have been bombed by $+(,$nick,) on $+(,$chan,,!!!) | .timerbwarn. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 20 .msg $chan 10 Seconds Remaining... Come on $+(,$2,,!) It's gonna BLOW!!! | .timerbomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 30 bomb $chan }
        elseif ($2 == $me) { .notice $nick You can NOT bomb me! }
        else { .notice $nick $2 is NOT on $+(,$chan,,.) }
    on *:text:.wire*:#: {
      if (%bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && ($nick == %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .nick) {
        if (!$2) { .notice $nick You must select a wire. }
        elseif (!$istok(%b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wires,$2,32)) { .notice $nick Wires Are: 4RED - 8YELLOW - 9GREEN - 1FEAR }
        else {
          if ($2 == fear) { set %bombs $reptok(%bombs,$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$calc($gettok(%bombs,2,58) + 1),1,58) | .msg $chan $nick *BOOM* Don't be afraid... It's only a virtual bomb $+(,$chr(91),$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$chr(93)) - (15 seconds till next bomb) | set -u15 %bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] disabled | unset %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .* | .timerbwarn. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off | .timerbomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off }
          elseif ($istok(%b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wires,$2,32)) {
            if ($2 == %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wire) { set %bombs $reptok(%bombs,$gettok(%bombs,1,58),$calc($gettok(%bombs,1,58) + 1),1,58) | .msg $chan WP $+(,$nick,) you got it right! \o/ $+(,$chr(91),$chan,$chr(93),) $+($chr(91),$gettok(%bombs,1,58),$chr(93)) - (15 seconds till next bomb) | set -u15 %bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] disabled | unset %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .* | .timerbwarn. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off | .timerbomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off }
            else { set %bombs $reptok(%bombs,$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$calc($gettok(%bombs,2,58) + 1),1,58) | .msg $chan *BOOM* You chose the false wire $+($nick,...) The correct wire was: $+(,%b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .wire,) $+($chr(91),$gettok(%bombs,2,58),$chr(93)) - (15 seconds till next bomb) | set -u15 %bomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] disabled | unset %b. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ ] .* | .timerbwarn. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off | .timerbomb. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] off }
    on *:text:.stats:#: { var %x $gettok(%bombs,1,58), %y $gettok(%bombs,2,58), %z $calc($gettok(%bombs,1,58) + $gettok(%bombs,2,58)) | .msg $chan Total number of defusions: $+(,%x,) rounds.. $+($chr(40),$round($calc(%x / %z),2),$chr(37),$chr(41)) $chr(124) Total number of explosions: $+(,%y,) rounds.. $+($chr(40),$round($calc(%y / %z),2),$chr(37),$chr(41)) }


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