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List of recommended IRCds

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This guide is intended for users starting their own IRC server, or looking for an alternative IRCd.



Unrealircd - http://www.unrealircd.com/ - Recommended for beginners

This is a great choice for beginners especially, and is great for running a small/medium sized network. It is the IRCd currently used by SwiftIRC.

Documentation at http://www.vulnscan.org/UnrealIrcd/unreal32docs.html


Bahamut - http://bahamut.dal.net/

Bahamut is a good, stable choice. It's used and developed by DALnet, one of the biggest IRC networks.

Documentation at http://bahamut.dal.net/documentation.php


Ratbox - http://www.ircd-ratbox.org/

This IRCd is used by EFNet, rich in features and very stable.

Documentation included within download, Also see http://services.ircd-ratbox.org/ for services.


IRCD-Hybrid - http://ircd-hybrid.com/

This is another good, stable IRCd.

Forums at http://forum.ircd-hybrid.com/


QuakeIRCd - http://sourceforge.net/projects/quakeircd

This is yet another IRCd, combining the ease of use of Unreal with the features of some other IRCds. It's based on Unreal with some modules and modifications.


Hyperion - http://freenode.net/hyperion.shtml

This is the IRCd used by FreeNode. Although limited in certain areas, it's stable.


ViagraIRCd - http://www.viagraircd.com/

(Thanks to Sephiroth for suggesting this one) This IRCd was originally used by RunescapeIRC. Documentation at

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