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EggDrop Connection for mIRC

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EggDrop Connection for mIRC




This script will allow you to connect to one or more eggdrops without the need for a telnet program or dcc chat.

Unlike most of my scripts, I'm actually interested in this one, so if you have any suggestions for improvements please post them here.


Getting Started:




•Paste to a blank remote and save with a unique filename.


•Right Click the channel or status and select EggDrop Connect.


•Fill in all the boxes and click Connect.



Explanation of the input boxes:




•IP Address = The ip address of the eggdrop


•Port = The port the bot is listening for connections on.


•Handle = The name the bot knows you by(not your current nick).


•Password = The password you set with the eggdrop.


>;EggDrop Connect by Ford_Lawmower irc.geekshed.net #Script-Helpmenu channel,status,menubar,@EggDropConnect* {  .EggDrop Connect:EggDropConnect}menu @EggDropConnect* {  .$iif($EggIsConnect,$v1,Disconnected)  .$iif($EggIsConnect,$style(2)) Connect:{    sockopen $EggSockName $EggIP $EggPort    EggMsg Connecting to Eggdrop.. Please Wait.....    EggMsg Remember you must enter your username and password when prompted.  }  .$iif(!$EggNick,$style(2)) Disconnect:{    EggMsg Disconnecting    EggMsg Bye Bye :)    sockclose $EggSockName    EggMsg Disconnected  }}alias -l EggIsConnect return $sock($EggSockName)alias -l EggMsg echo $active $iif($EggNick,$+(),eggconnect)  $1-alias -l EggNick return $gettok($sock($EggSockName).mark,3,32)alias -l EggSockName return $mid($active,2-)alias -l EggIP return $gettok($mid($EggSockName,15-),1,58)alias -l EggPort return $gettok($gettok($mid($EggSockName,15-),2,58),1,45)dialog EggDropConnect {  title "EggDrop Connect"  size -1 -1 105 101  option dbu  text "IP Address:", 1, 4 10 37 8, right  text "Port:", 2, 4 22 37 8, right  text "Handle:", 3, 5 34 37 8, right  text "Password:", 4, 5 47 37 8, right  edit "", 5, 45 9 55 10, autohs  edit "", 6, 45 21 55 10, autohs  edit "", 7, 45 33 55 10, autohs  edit "", 8, 45 46 55 10, pass autohs  text "", 9, 4 62 97 13  button "Connect", 10, 5 82 37 12  button "Close", 11, 64 82 37 12, cancel}alias -l EggDropConnect dialog $iif($dialog(EggDropConnect),-v,-m) EggDropConnect EggDropConnectOn *:dialog:EggDropConnect:Sclick:10: {  tokenize 32 $did($dname,5) $did($dname,6) $did($dname,7) $did($dname,8)  if ($numtok($1-,32)  4) {    did -a $dname 9 Unknown error in one of the fields. Please review them and try again.    .timereggcomment 1 4 did -a $dname 9    }    else { eggconnect $1- }}alias eggconnect {  var %sockname $+(EggDropConnect,$1,:,$2,-,TO,-,$3)  if ($sock(%sockname)) sockclose %sockname  sockopen %sockname $1 $2  sockmark %sockname $3 $4  if (!$window($+(@,%sockname))) { window -e $+(@,%sockname) }  echo $+(@,%sockname) Connecting to your Eggdrop. Please Wait.......}on *:sockopen:EggDropConnect*: {  if ($sockerr) {    eggecho Socket Error Cannot Connect...    eggecho No one seems to be listening on $mid($gettok($sockname,1,45),15-)    eggecho Check your IP Address / Port Settings and Try Again.    sockclose $sockname  }  elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32)) { sockwrite -nt $sockname $v1 }}on *:sockread:EggDropConnect*: {  var %eggconnect | sockread %eggconnect  if (%eggconnect) {    eggdispformat $+(@,$sockname) $iif($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32),$+(),eggconnect)  %eggconnect    if (ÿû isin $gettok(%eggconnect,2,46)) && ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32)) sockwrite -nt $sockname $v1    elseif ($regex(%eggconnect,/Connected to (.*)\x2C running eggdrop/i)) sockmark $sockname 1 1 $regml(1)    elseif (%eggconnect == You don't have access.) {       eggecho eggconnect  It appears that the eggdrop doesn't know you by $+(",$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32),")      eggecho eggconnect  Please Try again with the Name that the bot knows you by.      sockclose $sockname    }    elseif (Negative on that isin %eggconnect) {      eggecho eggconnect  It appears that the password you entered is incorrect.      eggecho eggconnect  Please try again with the correct password.      sockclose $sockname    }  }}alias -l eggecho echo $+(@,$sockname) $1-alias -l eggsend {   sockwrite -nt $iif($sockname,$v1 $1-,$1-)  echo $+(@,$iif($sockname,$v1 $me  $1-,$1 $+()  $2-))  }alias -l eggdispformat { echo $1-3 $replace($4-,[1m,[04,[0m,]) }On *:input:@EggdropConnect*: { if ($left($1,1) != /) && ($EggIsConnect) eggsend $v1 $1- }On *:close:@EggdropConnect*: { sockclose $mid($target,2-) }

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