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  1. Version 1.0.0


  2. Version 1.0.0


  3. Version 1.0.0


  4. Version 1.0.0


  5. Version 1.0.0


  6. Version 1.0.0


  7. Version 1.0.0


  8. Version 1.0.0


  9. Version 1.0.0


  10. Version 1.0.0


  11. Version 1.0.0


  12. Version 1.0.0


  13. Version 1.0.0


  14. Version 1.0.0


  15. The latest beta is v7.68.1159 and can be downloaded here. It includes the following changes Read more Here
  16. Im trying a turkish script and its quite unique in its language. This script i have not fully tested but playing with it and its commands and etc. Here's a look so far of the script.
  17. Added more features to display from DevilScript
  18. So i was given the chance to try a new script called devilscript. deVilbaT is the Author of the creation and as you can see through his work he loves scripting. He has many features that people are looking for in a script. It has a general dialog which allows for customization to fit your own personal needs, Has a variety of protections and huge kicks and bans list. this script was very well thought out and deVilbaT wanted the best in this IRC script. This script also has its own updates which once deVilbaT has redone or updated anything on the script you will be notify of new updates!! So in my best opinion this script has fantastic dialogs and awsome protections plus various customization features.
  19. Simple is the keyword. You don't need any registrations or API keys. Just load the script and it should work in any channel your bot is in. Important: mIRC v7.56+ is required, because of $urlget function. How to install: Let's assume your mIRC is installed in D:\mIRC\ Copy and save the script code in a file. For example: youtube_title.mrc Put the saved file in your scripts folder (example: D:\mIRC\scripts) Open mIRC and do: //load -rs scripts/youtube_title.mrc How to Uninstall: Open mIRC and do: //unload -rs scripts/youtube_title.mrc That's it. No garbage or variables left behind. The script can easily break if YouTube make changes to their website. If it is broken or you find a bug or you have a suggestion - leave a comment below. I will try to keep the script in working condition and fix bugs as soon as possible. ; Simple YouTube Title Announcer v0.1 - MMX 2022 ; Requires mIRC v7.56+ (because of $urlget) ON $*:TEXT:/(https\x3a\/\/|www\.)([\S]*youtube\.com[\S]+v\=|youtu\.be\/)([\S]{11})/Si:#:{ if ($regml(3)) { var %url $+(https://m.youtube.com/watch?persist_app=1&app=m&v=,$regml(3)) var %id $urlget(%url,gbi,&ytdata,yt_get_title $chan) } } alias -l yt_get_title { var %chan $1, %id $2 if ($bfind($urlget(%id).target,1,/title":\{"runs":\[\{"text":"(.*?)"\}/Sig).regex) { msg %chan 01You00,04Tube: $yt_dehex($regml(1)) } } alias -l yt_dehex { var %title $regsubex($1-,/\\u(.{4})/ig,$chr($base(\1,16,10))) return $replace(%title,\",",\\,\,\\\\,\\) }
  20. So people have been asking for the website of the tron script so here it is. Just remeber it's in porteguese Tron Script Website
  21. Whether you’re selling it, trashing it, or reusing it, your old computer has a bunch of extremely private data stored inside. And there’s a good chance that tossing files in the recycling bin and hitting factory reset won't protect you. If a hacker finds the pattern your computer used to move those 0s and 1s around, they can reverse engineer the original state of your computer and pull out the goods. To stay safe, you need to properly factory reset your computer before it ever changes hands. Follow the steps below, or consider taking things a step further by hiring a professional company to ensure your data has been destroyed. Read More Here
    este script tem tudo o que é necessário para qualquer servidor de irc. cheio de mega kills, proteções e gerenciamento de servidores
  22. Version 1.2.22


    Versão nova do mIRC oferecida: mIRC 7.65 em português. Nota da versão: 1.2.22: Atualizada as listas de comandos, à distância e input, para visualização interna no Tron Script. Obs.: Favor fazer novo download a partir de 12/02/2022, pois é oferecida uma nova atualização com correções. Infelizmente, não foi possível migrar para o mIRC 7.66, e recentemente o mIRC 7.67, já que durante diversas tentativas ao traduzir para o português, no final apresentou um bug, falha no comando control + k, que teria que mostrar painel de cores, o que não aconteceu. Quem for usar a versão em inglês do mIRC 7.66 ou a 7.67, o comando funciona normalmente.
  23. On Monday, Elon Musk bought Twitter for forty-four billion dollars. Musk, the C.E.O. of Tesla and the richest man on earth, plans to take the social-media company private, and has said that he wants Twitter to adhere more closely to the principles of free speech, which, in a statement, Musk called “the bedrock of a functioning democracy.” (In the same statement, he described Twitter as the “digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.”) Musk himself is a frequent tweeter, and it is assumed that he will continue to use the platform, and potentially reinstate the account of former President Donald Trump. He is also thought to be less likely to ban people for violations of the platform’s policies, which themselves may change. Read More Here
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