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Everything posted by chain

  1. menu channel { @clone scan: /vs } alias vs { hmake clones 500 var %x = 1, %c = $iif($1 ischan,$1,$active),%ticks = $ticks,%clones if ($window(@clones)) window -c @clones window @clones if (%c ischan) && ($ialchan(*,%c,0) != $nick(%c,0)) { .enable #clones | aline @clones S tò a nalizzando l a I AL .. | .ial on | who %c } while ($nick(%c,%x)) { var %i = $ifmatch if ($hget(clones,$address(%i,2)) == $null) && ($ialchan($address(%i,2),%c,0) > 1) { inc %clones $ialchan($address(%i, 2),%c,0) hadd clones $address(%i,2) $address(%i,2) var %temp,%a = 1 while ($ialchan($address(%i,2),%c,%a)) { set %temp %temp $+ $chr(44) $ialchan($address(%i,2),%c,%a).nick inc %a } aline @clones $ialchan($address(%i,2),%c,0) 4 Clones having as address: 11 $address(%i,2) $+ : aline @clones - Nick del Clone: 9 $mid(%temp,2,$calc($len(%temp) - 1)) } inc %x } aline @clones - aline @clones - -- ---- C onnessioni c on C loni R ilevate: $hmatch(clones,*,0) aline @clones - -- ---- In all there are n° %clones clones aline @clones - -- ---- P er t rovarli c i h o m it: $duration($calc(($ticks - %ticks) / 1000)) $gettok($calc(($ticks - %ticks) / 1000),2,46) $+ millisecs hfree clones } #clones off raw 315:*: vs $2 | .disable #clones #clones end on *:connect: .disable #clones Clone Scan by mAx' - irc.ircgate.it, #angel_&_Devil.;
  2. pcinfo { say $me say Statistics Current Time: $time(h:nn:sstt) say Using mIRC $+ $version say My User Modes are: $usermode say Using Windows $os say My Host is: $address($me,2) say My nick is $nick say my IP is $ip say mIRC.exe is located in $mircdir say Windows $os is active from: $duration($int($calc($ticks / 1000))) say The mIRC is Connected to $server $+ : $+ $port from: $uptime(mirc,1) say The Resolution of my Monitor is: $window(-1).w $+ x $+ $window(-1).h say Currently on C:\: I have this space available $round($calc(($disk(c:).free) / 1024 / 1024000), 2) $+ GB }
  3. New Addon for DevilScript
  4. on 1:OPEN:?:*:{ set %query.nick $nick set %query.address $address($nick,1) set %query.text $1- close -m $nick .msg $nick Query Manager: Wait, I have to decide whether or not to accept your Pvt... query.decide } alias -l query.decide { dialog -m Query Query } dialog Query { title "Query" size 300 250 200 50 option dbu text "Nick:", 2, 5 12 12 10, nowrap text "Text:", 3, 5 22 12 10, nowrap edit %query.nick %query.address, 4, 20 10 170 10, read edit %query.text, 5, 20 20 170 10, read button "Accept", 6, 25 32 40 15 button "Reject", 7, 75 32 40 15 button "Ignore", 8, 125 32 40 15 } on 1:dialog:Query:*:* { if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 6) { dialog -x Query Query query %query.nick echo -t %query.nick < $+ %query.nick $+ > %query.text .msg %query.nick Query Manager : Your Pvt Has Been Accepted! unset %query.* } if ($did == 7) { dialog -x Query Query .msg %query.nick Query Manager : Your Pvt Was Rejected! unset %query.* } if ($did == 8) { dialog -x Query Query ignore -p %query.nick .msg %query.nick Query Manager : Your Pvt was Rejected and I Put You in Ignore! unset %query.* } } }
  5. making my adiIRC custom to my needs. Love this client it's great!!
  6. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This file contains DJ-Requests: Allows DJs to receive and process song requests in a managable environment. OperTools : A plugin to automatically log you into Undernet Channel Services, even with TOTP Enabled. IPTools (Hex2IP) : Performs conversions on IP addresses.
  7. Version 9.2


    v0.9.2 - Fixed urls with multiple query string parameters. - Maintenance update to fix compatibility to recent Hotlink event changes in AdiIRC version 2. - First attempt to auto update script and a more simple way to install, just load script, it will download all required files for you. - Added CTRL + C shortcut to copy to clipboard image url or dimensions if visible. - New default width to Pastebin 1024px. - Added config for custom Spinner window size. - New option to toggle border and titlebar. - New shortcut V to toggle temporarily "close on focus loss" for the active window only. - Added support to Efukt website, disabled by default because for now script try to load as video even image galleries (less than %1). - Added experimental Coub embed support. - Added support for Dropbox sharing urls. - Minimal AdiIRC version required increased to 2.3. - Disabled close on focus loss for videos. - Few cosmetic tweaks.
  8. Version 1.9


    Features: Generates random nick colors for any nick not assigned a custom color Uses random full-palette colors for nicks in both MSG and ACTION Uses assigned colors for nicks that have them Adjusts colors based on light or dark backgrounds NEW: Set your own custom colors to be used for nicks NEW: Color generation efficiency improvements NEW: Properly handles buffer playback from bouncers like ZNC Wants: A good way to avoid lookalike colors for different nicks
  9. Version 0.5


    - Now each window has its own timeout based on global one! No more hiding a channel in "random" intervals. \o/ - When Status Window get focus, all windows in this network are unhiden, turning easy to return to some previous channel. - Minor fixes and overall improvements. and more added features
  10. Version 0.4.9


    This manager is going to make your client or your Bot a bit more customable in order to install your own module easy just with ONE CLICK, the manager also gives you the ability to unistall an already installed module or also to re-install it, also the most powerfull think that this manager has is to checking for any available modules that are in the modules list if anyone of them want an update and place them into the list in order you can easy by pressing the Update button to update it into the latest version, it's one of the most important and one of the most wanted tools for your client, also it is multi-language supported as all of the modules that will be into the list and also you can add your own language or send to me your translated language to include it into the next release, also each of the modules that is into the list has an build-in settings window in order to setup or change any available setting that the module support it, if you have found any bug or you have a new feature or you want your own module to be included into this module manager just contact me at http://westor.ucoz.com/contact page. - Enjoy!
  11. Version 0.1.1


    v0.1.1 - Added ignore to shit+space, to prevent auto replace. - Small cosmetic changes for Windows 10.
  12. Been working on easy script for quite a few months, doing english translation been having fun. Also customizing it to my needs. tell me what you all think about it!!
  13. I have retested the downloads and it seems to be working, there have been people telling me there's issues. So i have tested it and seems to work fine. Please let me know if there's anymore issues with the archive downloads
  14. Here's a Zip file of some old IRC Scripts if your interested in keeping for your own archives. I take no responsibility to any damage caused by any noobs running somethings that I might upload for the mIRC community as I did not make even a dent of what I will be sharing. Anything I know for sure is dangerous I will surely Mark it as Such and if I do Heed the Warning. Like GtBots. for instance those can be dangerous toys if not used properly. This is for your own warning. coders-Resources is not responsible when or how you use these scripts. 1325329690_mIRCScripts.zip
  15. Version 1.0.0


    clownzscript basic IRC script
  16. Version 1.0.0


    bAdbOt Script very basic script with background
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Simple IRC script
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Simple beginner's script
  19. chain


    Version 1.0.0


    AfterMath Script Another old classic script
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Has a various of old snippets and irc tools
  21. Version 1.1.3


    acidbuild Script Another oldie
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Acid script is another oldie but goodie
  23. Version 1.0.0


    A-LiL-Piece-OfEvil is and old IRC script
  24. Version 1.0.0


    very old script
  25. chain

    DLL'S File

    Version 1.0.0


    Pertains a huge range of dll files
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