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Posts posted by chain

  1. That Is Dialog Of /whois command
    Again Write /whois nick and you will see the whois dialog
    The IP Adress,Modes Is For The IRCOPS.Some Time Host Can Show The IPadress of nick
    Auth is For GameSurge.Reg is for Check the nick is registered nick or no
    And HelpOp Shows The NickName is HelpOp or no


    #whois on
    dialog whois {
      title "Whois"
      size -1 -1 131 113
      option dbu
      text "NickName:", 1, 4 4 27 8
      text "RealName:", 2, 4 13 25 8
      text "Identy:", 3, 4 22 25 8
      text "Host:", 4, 4 31 25 8
      text "IP Address:", 21, 4 40 31 8
      text "Auth or Reg:", 20, 4 58 31 8
      text "Channels:", 5, 4 67 25 8
      text "Away:", 6, 4 76 25 8
      text "Idle:", 24, 4 85 25 8
      text "Other:", 7, 4 94 32 8
      text "Modes:", 22, 4 49 31 8
      text "HelpOp:", 23, 4 103 32 8
      edit "", 8, 36 3 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 9, 36 12 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 10, 36 21 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 11, 36 30 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 12, 36 66 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 13, 36 75 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 14, 36 84 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 15, 36 93 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 16, 36 57 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 17, 36 39 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 18, 36 48 94 9, read autohs
      edit "", 19, 36 102 94 9, read autohs
    raw *:*: {
      if ( $numeric == 311 ) {
        set %d $2
        dialog -m %d whois
        dialog -t %d Whois $2 $+ ?
        did -a %d 8 $2
        did -a %d 9 $6-
        did -a %d 10 $3
        did -a %d 11 $4
      if ( $numeric == 307 ) {
        if ( a registered nick isin $1- ) {
          did -a %d 16 Yes
      if ( $numeric == 378 ) {
        did -a %d 17 $6-
      if ( $numeric == 379 ) {
        did -a %d 18 $6-
      if ( $numeric == 330 ) {
        did -a %d 16 $3
      if ( $numeric == 319 ) {
        did -a %d 12 $3-
      if ( $numeric == 301 ) { 
        did -a %d 13 $3-
      if ( $numeric == 313 ) {
        did -a %d 15 $3-
        did -a %d 7 $2
      if ( $numeric == 317 ) {
        did -a %d 14 $duration($3)
      if ( $numeric == 310 ) {
        if ( help isin $1- ) {
          did -a %d 19 Yes
      if ( $numeric == 318 ) {
      if ( $numeric == 312 ) { halt }
    #whois end
    menu * { 
      Whois Dialog
      .$iif($group(#whois).status == on,$style(1)) ON: .enable #whois | linesep | echo 3 -ag * Whois Dialog Has Been Enabled | linesep
      .$iif($group(#whois).status == off,$style(1)) OFF: .disable #whois | linesep | echo 2 -ag * Whois Dialog Has Been Disabled | linesep


  2. Just another socket from me ;x this one looks up a random tweet from twasted tweets.
    copy/paste into a new remote. Trigger is @twasted or @twast

    May not be right for +G rated channels

    As always rip strip this snippet how ever you see fit. I can care less.


    <~napa182> @twasted
    <&Sick0> TwastedTweets: RT @AdInsanitum Well, what would YOU have made out of these Scrabble tiles? CSUMHOT... Last time I play board games with kids at the Y again

    <~napa182> @twasted
    <&Sick0> TwastedTweets: RT @rsmallbone My erection lasted for 4 hours +. I called my doctor but he didnt seem too impressed so I showed it to some ppl at the mall

    <~napa182> @twast
    <&Sick0> TwastedTweets: RT @shariv67 The most tedious part of being an Afghani phone sex operator is describing what I'm wearing.

    <~napa182> @twast
    <&Sick0> TwastedTweets: RT @ruthakers Man at Walmart asked me the name of "Mommys Lil Helpers". Judging by his face "Xanax & Vodka" wasnt the reply he was looking 4


    on $*:text:/^@(twast(ed)?)$/iS:#: {
      if (!$($+(%,f,#),2)) { inc -u4 $+(%,f,#)
        if ($sock($+(Twast,#))) sockclose $+(Twast,#)
        sockopen $+(Twast,#) api.twitter.com 80
        sockmark $+(Twast,#) $r(1,20) $&
          $+(/1/statuses/user_timeline/TwastedTweets.rss?page=,$r(1,26)) msg #
    on *:sockopen:Twast*: {
      sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32) HTTP/1.1
      sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2))
    on *:load:{
      echo 12 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Twasted Tweets Snippet 
      echo -a 08!!04WARNING08 This snippet may04/08will say curse04/08foul words 04WARNING08!!
    alias -l twast return $regsubex($1-,/(&quot;|&amp;)|\46\43(\d+)\73/g,$iif(\1 isnum,$chr(\1),$iif(\1 = &quot;,",&)))
    on *:sockread:Twast*: {
      var %Twast | sockread %Twast
      if ($regex(%Twast,/<title>(Twa.+?)<\/title>/)) { inc -u4 %tw 1  
        if (%tw = $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32)) { 
          $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3-,32) $twast($regml(1)) 
          sockclose $sockname


    • Copy the code below and paste into an empty Remote file in mIRC (alt+r to view Remotes)
    • Click ok, and either right click anywhere in a channel or type /autoreply
    • Follow the instructions in the dialog and create your own custom auto-response message!

    I hang out in #script on Gamesurge and by far the most common question (especially recently) is "how do I set up a query auto response?". I know that when I was starting out scripting I was much more comfortable with dialogs as they ease the process and make it more understandable (at least for me), so I thought it would be useful to create this. Obviously many of this site's frequenters won't have any use for it, but it's made for people who are either new to scripting or can't script at all.
    Thank you to FordLawnMower for the (http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/6047/) which I borrowed (and slightly modified) due to mIRC not allowing you to open up the color dialog any way other than control+k

    As somebody who has never used an auto-reply myself I didn't know exactly what would be best for this dialog, so if anyone has a suggestion on what I could add/remove please let me know! Thanks!


    //Auto-reply creator dialog by tv3636
    //Version 1.0 7/26/09
    alias autoreply { dialog -m autoreply autoreply }
    menu channel { 
      Auto-Reply Creator
      .Auto-Reply Creator:/autoreply 
    dialog autoreply {
      title "Auto Reply Creator"
      size -1 -1 195 175
      option dbu
      edit "", 1, 1 97 192 38, multi return
      button "Done", 3, 76 160 37 12, ok cancel
      text "Type your desired auto-reply in the text box below.  To wrap a section in bold, color, underline, or reverse text simply check the box at the beginning of the section and uncheck it at the end.  On top of the text box is a  list of common identifiers you may want to use.  These are dynamic and will return values rather than being displayed as they are.  For instance, the auto-reply 'Hi $nick' would  auto reply to Chanserv with 'Hi Chanserv'.  To insert an identifier simply double click on it (or manually enter it).  Be warned that an identifier must have a space before and after it to evaluate correctly.", 4, 5 2 186 54
      list 6, 1 56 193 39, size
      check "Bold", 7, 20 137 24 10
      check "Color", 8, 56 137 24 10
      check "Underline", 9, 94 137 34 10
      check "Reverse", 10, 145 137 30 10
    On *:Dialog:autoreply:init:*: {
      did -a $dname 6 $!nick - Returns the nickname of the user who messaged you
      did -a $dname 6 $!query(0) - Returns the number of query windows you have open
      did -a $dname 6 $!duration($idle) - Returns the time you have been idle
      did -a $dname 6 $!awaymsg - Returns your away message
      did -a $dname 6 $!awaytime - Returns your away time
    On *:Dialog:autoreply:dclick:6: {
      if ($did($dname,6).sel == 1) did -a $dname 1 $!nick
      else if ($did($dname,6).sel == 2) did -a $dname 1 $!query(0)
      else if ($did($dname,6).sel == 3) did -a $dname 1 $!duration($idle)
      else if ($did($dname,6).sel == 4) did -a $dname 1 $!awaymsg
      else if ($did($dname,6).sel == 5) did -a $dname 1 $!awaytime
    On *:Dialog:autoreply:sclick:*:{
      if ($did == 7) did -a $dname 1 
      else if ($did == 8) {
        if ($did($dname,8).state == 0) did -a $dname 1 
        else { ColorPicker }
      else if ($did == 9) did -a $dname 1 
      else if ($did == 10) did -a $dname 1 
    On *:Dialog:autoreply:close:*: {
      var %x = 1
      var %out
      write -c autoreply.mrc On *:Open:?:*: $chr(123)
      while (%x <= $did($dname,1).lines) { write autoreply.mrc msg $!nick $did($dname,1,%x) | inc %x }
      write autoreply.mrc $chr(125)
      load -rs autoreply.mrc
      echo -a 07Auto-reply created successfully.  To view/modify go to the Remotes tab of the mIRC scripts editor (alt+r), click on view, and select "autoreply.mrc"
    alias -l MakeColorIcons {
      var %c 0
      if (!$isdir($+($mircdir,ColorIcon))) { mkdir ColorIcon }
      while (%c <= 15) {
        if (!$window(@MakeColorIcons)) { window  -hBpf +d @MakeColorIcons -1 -1 68 68 }
        drawfill @MakeColorIcons %c %c 0 0 68 68
        if (!$isfile($+(ColorIcon\,ColorIcon,%c,.bmp))) { drawsave @MakeColorIcons $qt($+($mircdir,ColorIcon\,ColorIcon,%c,.bmp)) }
        inc %c
      window -c @MakeColorIcons
    alias ColorPicker {
      if (!$dialog(ColorPicker)) { dialog -m ColorPicker ColorPicker }
      else { dialog -v ColorPicker ColorPicker }
    dialog ColorPicker {
      title "Color Picker"
      size -1 -1 90 45
      option dbu
      icon 1, 2 2 8 8
      icon 2, 13 2 8 8
      icon 3, 24 2 8 8
      icon 4, 35 2 8 8
      icon 5, 46 2 8 8
      icon 6, 57 2 8 8
      icon 7, 68 2 8 8
      icon 8, 79 2 8 8
      icon 9, 2 15 8 8
      icon 10, 13 15 8 8
      icon 11, 24 15 8 8
      icon 12, 35 15 8 8
      icon 13, 46 15 8 8
      icon 14, 57 15 8 8
      icon 15, 68 15 8 8
      icon 16, 79 15 8 8
      button "", 17, 4 4 4 4
      button "", 18, 15 4 4 4
      button "", 19, 26 4 4 4
      button "", 20, 37 4 4 4
      button "", 21, 48 4 4 4
      button "", 22, 59 4 4 4
      button "", 23, 70 4 4 4
      button "", 24, 81 4 4 4
      button "", 25, 4 17 4 4
      button "", 26, 15 17 4 4
      button "", 27, 26 17 4 4
      button "", 28, 37 17 4 4
      button "", 29, 48 17 4 4
      button "", 30, 59 17 4 4
      button "", 31, 70 17 4 4
      button "", 32, 81 17 4 4
      button "Accept", 38, 30 30 29 12, ok
    On *:Dialog:ColorPicker:Close:*: {
      unset %ColorPicker*
    On *:Dialog:ColorPicker:Sclick:*: {
      if ($did >= 17) && ($did <= 32) {
        set %ColorPickerNum $calc($did - 17)
      if ($did == 38) {
        did -a autoreply 1  $+ %ColorPickerNum
    On *:Dialog:ColorPicker:init:*: {
      var %c = 0
      while %c <= 15 {
        did -g ColorPicker $calc(%c + 1) $+(ColorIcon\,ColorIcon,%c,.bmp)
        inc %c
      did -c ColorPicker 35
      set %ColorPickerFG $color(normal text)
      set %ColorPickerBG $color(background)


  3. So im getting a lot of the old snippets from hawkee's and never knew there was so many, but im going fourth and continue to move forward and add more and more each day. I really havent counted as to how many snippets have been added on hawkee but this i can tell you i will have all of them on coders-resources so we dont loose them all. we will have a huge range of archive snippets and scripts and continue to do so!!

    I will continue to keep you all posted and continue to add more and more 👍

    • Like 1
  4. mIRC Kicking Clones Games for Server Zildjan.mine.nu:6667 by Team SpiralKinetics.
    A simple mIRC code intended to kick clones. Summary of the games detailed in the code dialog.

    menu status,menubar,channel {
      Spiralkinetics Dual Mode:/dialog $iif($dialog(dualmode),-o,-m) dualmode dualmode
      Spiralkinetics MassJoin Clear cloneMJ.TXT:/write -c cloneMJ.txt 
      Spiralkinetics Flood Clear cloneFL.TXT:/write -c cloneFL.txt
    dialog dualmode {
      title "SpiralKinetics Dual Mode Sock Configuration"
      size -1 -1 210 180
      option dbu
      tab "Intro", 1, 5 2 200 150,
      box "", 10, 10 15 190 135
      text "Script: SpiralKinetics Dual Mode", 11, 15 20 180 10, tab 1 enable
      text "Coder: Sabri", 12, 15 27 180 10, tab 1 enable
      text "Tester: ItikRock, Ahseng, Cloud, Kereei and m11x", 13, 15 34 180 10, tab 1 enable
      text "Disclaimer: This code belong to Team SpiralKinetics and we just lend it to whoever wish to use it.", 14, 15 41 180 20, tab 1 enable
      text "Advisor: Bioshock and zildjan", 77, 15 59 180 10, tab 1 enable
      text "Applications: Flooding and MassJoin Games at Server Zildjan.mine.nu:6667", 15, 15 65 180 10, tab 1 enable
      text "Channel: Flooding #FLOOD / MassJoin #BIRC", 78, 15 72 180 10, tab 1 enable
      text "Games Summary:-", 16, 15 82 180 10, tab 1 enable
      text "Flood - (#FLOOD) Basic understanding are kicking clone on syntax error display on channel by each clone such as Long text etc.", 17, 15 90 180 20, tab 1 enable
      text "MassJoin - (#BIRC) Basic understanding are kicking all join clone.", 18, 15 104 180 10, tab 1 enable
      text "Team: SpiralKinetics Establish in 2010.", 19, 15 115 180 10, tab 1 enable
      text "Team members comprise of: Bioshock (Founder) and Senior Members: Sabri, ItikRock, Kereei, Ahseng, Cloud and m11x", 20, 15 122 180 15, tab 1 enable
      text "Like Us:", 21, 15 140 20 10, tab 1 enable
      link "FaceBook Page: SpiralKinetics Productions", 22, 35 140 130 15, tab 1 enable
      tab "MassJoin", 2, 5 2 170 130
      box "MassJoin Configuration", 4, 15 20 180 125, tab 2
      box "Groups", 23, 20 30 170 20, tab 2 
      text "Enable/Disable MassJoin Remote Groups:", 24, 25 38 99 10, enable tab 2
      radio "Enable", 25, 127 36 25 10, left tab 2
      box "", 26, 155 32 2 16, tab 2
      radio "Disable", 27, 160 36 25 10, tab 2
      box "Set Nick/Pass Sock`s", 28, 20 53 70 50, tab 2
      text "Nick:", 29, 25 63 13 10, tab 2
      edit "", 30, 40 63 45 10, center autohs tab 2
      text "Pass:", 31, 25 78 13 10, tab 2
      edit "", 32, 40 78 45 10, center pass autohs, tab 2
      button "Set Nick/Pass", 33, 32 90 45 10, disable tab 2
      box "", 34, 95 50 95 50, tab 2 
      text "Add Server eg.", 35, 125 55 40 10, tab 2
      text "Zildjan.mine.nu PORT: 6667", 36, 109 62 68 10, tab 2
      edit "", 37, 100 71 85 10, center autohs tab 2
      edit "", 38, 118 85 25 10, center autohs tab 2
      text "PORT:", 39, 100 86 15 10, tab 2
      button "Add Server", 40, 146 85 40 10, disable tab 2
      box "Set Channel e. #birc", 41, 20 105 63 37, tab 2
      edit "", 42, 29 115 45 10, center autohs tab 2
      button "Add Chan", 43, 32 128 40 10, disable tab 2
      text "ON/OFF Your Sock`s", 44, 110 102 60 10, tab 2 
      button "Connect", 45, 95 112 40 15, tab 2
      button "Disconnect", 46, 140 112 40 15, tab 2
      text "Clear all MassJoin Setting:", 47, 85 132 70 10, tab 2
      button "¤ Clear All ¤", 48, 152 130 40 12, tab 2
      tab "Flood", 3, 5 2 170 130
      box "Flood Configuration", 5, 15 20 180 125, tab 3
      box "Groups", 49, 20 30 170 20, tab 3
      text "Enable/Disable Flood Remote Groups:", 50, 25 38 99 10, enable tab 3
      radio "Enable", 51, 127 36 25 10, left tab 3
      box "", 52, 155 32 2 16, tab 3
      radio "Disable", 53, 160 36 25 10, tab 3
      box "Set Nick/Pass Sock`s", 54, 20 53 70 50, tab 3
      text "Nick:", 55, 25 63 13 10, tab 3
      edit "", 56, 40 63 45 10, center autohs tab 3
      text "Pass:", 57, 25 78 13 10, tab 3
      edit "", 58, 40 78 45 10, center pass autohs, tab 3
      button "Set Nick/Pass", 59, 32 90 45 10, disable tab 3
      box "", 60, 95 50 95 50, tab 3 
      text "Add Server eg.", 61, 125 55 40 10, tab 3
      text "Zildjan.mine.nu PORT: 6667", 62, 109 62 68 10, tab 3
      edit "", 63, 100 71 85 10, center autohs tab 3
      edit "", 64, 118 85 25 10, center autohs tab 3
      text "PORT:", 65, 100 86 15 10, tab 3
      button "Add Server", 66, 146 85 40 10, disable tab 3
      box "Set Channel e. #flood", 67, 20 105 63 37, tab 3
      edit "", 68, 29 115 45 10, center autohs tab 3
      button "Add Chan", 69, 32 128 40 10, disable tab 3
      text "ON/OFF Your Sock`s", 70, 110 102 60 10, tab 3 
      button "Connect", 71, 95 112 40 15, tab 3
      button "Disconnect", 72, 140 112 40 15, tab 3
      text "Clear all Flood Setting:", 73, 85 132 70 10, tab 3
      button "¤ Clear All ¤", 74, 152 130 40 12, tab 3
      tab "Timing", 79, 5 2 170 130 
      box "MassJoin Timer/Isnum Tune", 80, 13 20 184 62, tab 79
      box "Flood Timer/Isnum Tune", 81, 13 85 184 62, tab 79
      text "Default setting isnum is 467-487 and larger than > 497. Isnum: Setting must be in different between 20 - 22 lines. i.e:min-100-120, max-100-122. Larger than that may cause you excessing. Delay: Setting must be in different of 10 lines after direct isnum last line. i.e if direct isnum 100-120 you may set your starting delay line: 130. Try default setting.", 82, 15 28 180 33, enable tab 79
      button "Use Default Setting", 83, 15 66 55 10, tab 79  
      box "", 84, 73 60 121 20, tab 79
      text "Isnum:", 85, 75 67 17 10, tab 79
      edit "", 86, 93 66 28 10, center autohs tab 79 
      text ">", 87, 123 67 4 10, tab 79
      edit "", 88, 130 66 15 10, center autohs tab 79
      button "Use My Own", 89, 150 66 40 10, disable tab 79
      text "Same as MassJoin. Default setting isnum is 367-387 and larger than > 397. Isnum: Setting must be in different between 20 - 22 lines. i.e:min-100-120, max-100-122. Larger than that may cause you excessing. Delay: Setting must be in different of 10 lines after direct isnum last line. i.e if direct isnum 100-120 you may set your starting delay line: 130. Try default setting.", 90, 15 93 180 33, enable tab 79
      button "Use Default Setting", 91, 15 131 55 10, tab 79  
      box "", 92, 73 125 121 20, tab 79
      text "Isnum:", 93, 75 132 17 10, tab 79
      edit "", 94, 93 131 28 10, center autohs tab 79 
      text ">", 95, 123 132 4 10, tab 79
      edit "", 96, 130 131 15 10, center autohs tab 79
      button "Use My Own", 97, 150 131 40 10, disable tab 79
      tab "Logo", 100, 5 2 170 130 
      box "MassJoin Logo Setting", 98, 13 20 184 62, tab 100
      box "Flood Logo Setting", 99, 13 85 184 62, tab 100
      box "", 101, 30 50 150 1, tab 100
      box "", 102, 30 115 150 1, tab 100
      text "`` Dûä£ Mødè Mässjøíñ :: «®¤Šþì®á£Kïnè†í犙¤®»", 103, 15 29 180 10, center tab 100
      button "Use Default Logo", 104, 32 37 60 10, tab 100
      button "View/Echo", 105, 118 37 60 10, tab 100 
      edit "", 106, 16 55 178 10, autohs tab 100
      button "View/Echo", 107, 20 68 50 10, tab 100
      button "Use My Own", 108, 80 68 50 10, tab 100
      button "Clear", 109, 140 68 50 10, tab 100
      text "`` Dûä£ Mødè F£øød :: «®¤Šþì®á£Kïnè†í犙¤®»", 110, 15 94 180 10, center tab 100
      button "Use Default Logo", 111, 23 102 60 10, tab 100
      button "View/Echo", 112, 127 102 60 10, tab 100 
      edit "", 113, 16 120 178 10, autohs tab 100
      button "View/Echo", 114, 20 133 50 10, tab 100
      button "Use My Own", 115, 80 133 50 10, tab 100
      button "Clear", 116, 140 133 50 10, tab 100
      tab "Halting", 200, 5 2 170 130 
      box "MassJoin Channel", 117, 13 20 90 127, tab 200
      check " MODE OP : ", 118, 62 30 37 10, left tab 200
      check " MODE DEOP : ", 119, 49 45 43 10, left tab 200
      check " JOIN : ", 120, 73 60 26 10, left tab 200
      check " PART : ", 121, 65 75 27 10, left tab 200
      check " BAN : ", 122, 75 90 24 10, left tab 200
      check " UNBAN : ", 123, 61 105 31 10, left tab 200
      check " KICK : ", 124, 74 120 25 10, left tab 200
      text "To halt, set channel at MassJoin Tab. ie. #BIRC", 133, 16 130 80 20, center tab 200
      box "Flood Channel", 125, 107 20 90 127, tab 200
      check " : MODE OP ", 126, 116 30 83 10, tab 200
      check " : MODE DEOP ", 127, 110 45 83 10, tab 200
      check " : JOIN ", 128, 116 60 83 10, tab 200
      check " : PART ", 129, 110 75 83 10, tab 200
      check " : BAN ", 130, 116 90 83 10, tab 200
      check " : UNBAN ", 131, 110 105 83 10, tab 200
      check " : KICK ", 132, 116 120 83 10, tab 200
      text "To halt, set channel at Flood Tab. ie. #FLOOD", 134, 110 130 80 20, center tab 200
      text "«®¤b£áçkŠKŠè®ìès¤®» :: «®¤Šþì®á£Kïnè†í犙¤®»", 75, 8 162 135 10, disable
      button "«®¤ CLOSE ¤®»", 76, 150 159 55 14, ok
    on 1:dialog:dualmode:*:*:{
      if ($devent == edit) {
        if ($did == 30) { did -e $dname 33 }
        if ($did == 37) || ($did == 38) { did -e $dname 40 }
        if ($did == 42) { did -e $dname 43 }
        if ($did == 56) { did -e $dname 59 }
        if ($did == 63) || ($did == 64) { did -e $dname 66 }
        if ($did == 68) { did -e $dname 69 }
        if ($did == 86) || ($did == 88) { did -e $dname 89 }
        if ($did == 94) || ($did == 96) { did -e $dname 97 }
      if ($devent == init) {
        if ($group(#mjdialog) == on) { did -c $dname 25 }
        if ($group(#mjdialog) == off) { did -c $dname 27 }
        if ($group(#flooddialog) == on) { did -c $dname 51 }
        if ($group(#flooddialog) == off) { did -c $dname 53 }
        if (%MJsocknick) || (%MJpasssock) || (%MJserver) || (%MJport) || (%MJchan) || (%MJisnum) || (%MJafter) || (%MJlogo) {
          did -a $dname 30 %MJsocknick
          did -a $dname 32 %MJpassnick
          did -a $dname 37 %MJserver
          did -a $dname 38 %MJport
          did -a $dname 42 %MJchan
          did -a $dname 86 %MJisnum
          did -a $dname 88 %MJafter
          did -a $dname 106 %MJlogo
        if (%FLsocknick) || (%FLpasssock) || (%FLserver) || (%FLport) || (%FLchan) || (%FLisnum) || (%FLafter) || (%FLlogo) {
          did -a $dname 56 %FLsocknick
          did -a $dname 58 %FLpassnick
          did -a $dname 63 %FLserver
          did -a $dname 64 %FLport
          did -a $dname 68 %FLchan
          did -a $dname 94 %FLisnum
          did -a $dname 96 %FLafter
          did -a $dname 113 %FLlogo
        if ($group(#mjophalt) == on) { did -c $dname 118 }
        if ($group(#mjophalt) == off) { did -u $dname 118 }
        if ($group(#mjdeophalt) == on) { did -c $dname 119 }
        if ($group(#mjdeophalt) == off) { did -u $dname 119 }
        if ($group(#mjjoinhalt) == on) { did -c $dname 120 }
        if ($group(#mjjoinhalt) == off) { did -u $dname 120 }
        if ($group(#mjparthalt) == on) { did -c $dname 121 }
        if ($group(#mjparthalt) == off) { did -u $dname 121 }
        if ($group(#mjbanhalt) == on) { did -c $dname 122 }
        if ($group(#mjbanhalt) == off) { did -u $dname 122 }
        if ($group(#mjunbanhalt) == on) { did -c $dname 123 }
        if ($group(#mjunbanhalt) == off) { did -u $dname 123 }
        if ($group(#mjkickhalt) == on) { did -c $dname 124 }
        if ($group(#mjkickhalt) == off) { did -u $dname 124 }
        if ($group(#flophalt) == on) { did -c $dname 126 }
        if ($group(#flophalt) == off) { did -u $dname 126 }
        if ($group(#fldeophalt) == on) { did -c $dname 127 }
        if ($group(#fldeophalt) == off) { did -u $dname 127 }
        if ($group(#fljoinhalt) == on) { did -c $dname 128 }
        if ($group(#fljoinhalt) == off) { did -u $dname 128 }
        if ($group(#flparthalt) == on) { did -c $dname 129 }
        if ($group(#flparthalt) == off) { did -u $dname 129 }
        if ($group(#flbanhalt) == on) { did -c $dname 130 }
        if ($group(#flbanhalt) == off) { did -u $dname 130 }
        if ($group(#flunbanhalt) == on) { did -c $dname 131 }
        if ($group(#flunbanhalt) == off) { did -u $dname 131 }
        if ($group(#flkickhalt) == on) { did -c $dname 132 }
        if ($group(#flkickhalt) == off) { did -u $dname 132 }
      if ($devent == sclick) {
        if ($did == 25) { 
          if ($did(25).state == 0) { enable #mjdialog }
          if ($did(25).state == 1) { did -c $dname 25 | enable #mjdialog | .auser MJbot bot-bircX-03 }
        if ($did == 27) { 
          if ($did(27).state == 0) { disable #mjdialog }
          if ($did(27).state == 1) { did -c $dname 27 | disable #mjdialog | .flush MJbot }
        if ($did == 51) { 
          if ($did(51).state == 0) { enable #flooddialog }
          if ($did(51).state == 1) { did -c $dname 51 | enable #flooddialog }
        if ($did == 53) { 
          if ($did(53).state == 0) { disable #flooddialog }
          if ($did(53).state == 1) { did -c $dname 53 | disable #flooddialog }
        if ($did == 33) {
          set %MJsocknick $did(30)
          set %MJpassnick $did(32)
        if ($did == 40) {
          set %MJserver $did(37)
          set %MJport $did(38)
        if ($did == 43) { set %MJchan $did(42) }
        if ($did == 48) {
          did -r $dname 30,32 
          did -r $dname 37,38
          did -r $dname 42  
          did -b $dname 33,40,43
          disable #MJdialog  
          did -c $dname 27 
          did -u $dname 25
          flush MJbot 
          unset %MJsocknick %MJpassnick
          unset %MJserver %MJport %MJchan
        if ($did == 45) { .sockopen MJ_* %MJserver %MJport | .notify %MJsocknick }
        if ($did == 46) { .sockwrite -n MJ_* quit | .sockclose MJ_* | .notify %MJsocknick }
        if ($did == 59) {
          set %FLsocknick $did(56)
          set %FLpassnick $did(58)
        if ($did == 66) {
          set %FLserver $did(63)
          set %FLport $did(64)
        if ($did == 69) { set %FLchan $did(68) }
        if ($did == 74) {
          did -r $dname 56,58 
          did -r $dname 63,64
          did -r $dname 68  
          did -b $dname 59,66,69
          disable #flooddialog  
          did -c $dname 53 
          did -u $dname 51 
          unset %FLsocknick %FLpassnick
          unset %FLserver %FLport %FLchan
        if ($did == 71) { .sockopen FL_* %FLserver %FLport | .notify %FLsocknick }
        if ($did == 72) { sockwrite -n FL_* quit | .sockclose FL_* | .notify %FLsocknick }
        if ($did == 83) { 
          set %MJisnum 467-487
          set %MJafter 497
          did -b $dname 83 
          did -e $dname 89 
        if ($did == 89) {
          set %MJisnum $did(86)
          set %MJafter $did(88)
          did -b $dname 89
          did -e $dname 83
        if ($did == 91) { 
          set %FLisnum 367-387
          set %FLafter 397
          did -b $dname 91 
          did -e $dname 97 
        if ($did == 97) {
          set %FLisnum $did(94)
          set %FLafter $did(96)
          did -b $dname 97
          did -e $dname 91
        if ($did == 104) { did -b $dname 104 | set %MJlogo `` 14D15ûä14£ M15ød14è Mä15ssjø14íñ :: 14«15®14¤14,1Šþì®15á£14Kï15nè14†íçŠ1514¤15®14» }
        if ($did == 105) {
          set %MJlogoview `` 14D15ûä14£ M15ød14è Mä15ssjø14íñ :: 14«15®14¤14,1Šþì®15á£14Kï15nè14†íçŠ1514¤15®14»
          echo -at 
          echo -at NickClone was kicked by You ( $+ %MJlogoview $+ ) 
          echo -at 
          unset %MJlogoview
        if ($did == 107) { 
          set %logoview $did(106)
          echo -at 
          echo -at NickClone was kicked by You ( $+ %logoview $+ ) 
          echo -at 
          unset %logoview
        if ($did == 108) { did -b $dname 108 | set %MJlogo $did(106) }
        if ($did == 109) { did -r $dname 106 }
        if ($did == 111) { set %FLlogo `` 14D15ûä14£ M15ød14è F15£øø14d :: 14«15®14¤14,1Šþì®15á£14Kï15nè14†íçŠ1514¤15®14» }
        if ($did == 112) {
          set %FLlogoview `` 14D15ûä14£ M15ød14è F15£øø14d :: 14«15®14¤14,1Šþì®15á£14Kï15nè14†íçŠ1514¤15®14»
          echo -at 
          echo -at NickClone was kicked by You  Swearing » %FLlogoview $+ ) 
          echo -at 
          unset %FLlogoview
        if ($did == 114) { 
          set %logoview $did(113)
          echo -at 
          echo -at NickClone was kicked by You  Swearing » %logoview $+ ) 
          echo -at 
          unset %logoview
        if ($did == 115) { did -b $dname 115 | set %FLlogo $did(113) }
        if ($did == 116) { did -r $dname 113 }
        if ($did == 118) {
          if ($did(118).state == 0) { disable #mjophalt }
          if ($did(118).state == 1) { enable #mjophalt }
        if ($did == 119) {
          if ($did(119).state == 0) { disable #mjdeophalt }
          if ($did(119).state == 1) { enable #mjdeophalt }
        if ($did == 120) {
          if ($did(120).state == 0) { disable #mjjoinhalt }
          if ($did(120).state == 1) { enable #mjjoinhalt }
        if ($did == 121) {
          if ($did(121).state == 0) { disable #mjparthalt }
          if ($did(121).state == 1) { enable #mjparthalt }
        if ($did == 122) {
          if ($did(122).state == 0) { disable #mjbanhalt }
          if ($did(122).state == 1) { enable #mjbanhalt }
        if ($did == 123) {
          if ($did(123).state == 0) { disable #mjunbanhalt }
          if ($did(123).state == 1) { enable #mjunbanhalt }
        if ($did == 124) {
          if ($did(124).state == 0) { disable #mjkickhalt }
          if ($did(124).state == 1) { enable #mjkickhalt }
        if ($did == 126) {
          if ($did(126).state == 0) { disable #flophalt }
          if ($did(126).state == 1) { enable #flophalt }
        if ($did == 127) {
          if ($did(127).state == 0) { disable #fldeophalt }
          if ($did(127).state == 1) { enable #fldeophalt }
        if ($did == 128) {
          if ($did(128).state == 0) { disable #fljoinhalt }
          if ($did(128).state == 1) { enable #fljoinhalt }
        if ($did == 129) {
          if ($did(129).state == 0) { disable #flparthalt }
          if ($did(129).state == 1) { enable #flparthalt }
        if ($did == 130) {
          if ($did(130).state == 0) { disable #flbanhalt }
          if ($did(130).state == 1) { enable #flbanhalt }
        if ($did == 131) {
          if ($did(131).state == 0) { disable #flunbanhalt }
          if ($did(131).state == 1) { enable #flunbanhalt }
        if ($did == 132) {
          if ($did(132).state == 0) { disable #flkickhalt }
          if ($did(132).state == 1) { enable #flkickhalt }
      if ($devent == dclick) {
        if ($did == 22) { /run https://www.facebook.com/spiralkineticsproductions }
    on *:SOCKCLOSE:MJ_*: { sockclose MJ_* | timersock 1 2 .sockopen MJ_* %MJserver %MJport }
    on *:SOCKOPEN:MJ_*: {
      if ($sockerr != 0) { halt }
      if ($sockerr > 0) return 
      sockwrite -nt MJ_* connect $+ %MJserver $+ : $+ %MJport $+ / HTTP/1.0 $+ $crlf $+ $crlf 
      sockwrite -n MJ_* pong $gettok( $+ %MJserver $+ : $+ %MJport $+ ,1,58)
      sockwrite -n MJ_* USER Dual.Mode * * : sock` «®¤Šþì®á£Kïnè†í犙¤®»
      sockwrite -nt MJ_* nick %MJsocknick
      sockwrite -nt MJ_* nickserv identify %MJpassnick
      sockwrite -nt MJ_* join %MJchan
      sockwrite -nt MJ_* privmsg %MJchan !protect %MJsocknick
      sockwrite -nt MJ_* privmsg MassJoinServ op %MJchan 123456
      sockwrite -nt MJ_* PING $ticks
    on *:SOCKREAD:MJ_*: {
      sockread %tempMJ
      if ($mid(%tempMJ,1,4) == PING) { sockwrite -nt MJ_* PONG $remove($remove(%tempMJ,ping :),ping) | halt }
      if ($gettok(%tempMJ,2,32) == 386) { .sockwrite -nt MJ_* join %MJchan }
    on *:SOCKCLOSE:FL_*: { sockclose FL_* | timersock 1 2 .sockopen FL_* %FLserver %FLport }
    on *:SOCKOPEN:FL_*: {
      if ($sockerr != 0) { halt }
      if ($sockerr > 0) return 
      sockwrite -nt FL_* connect $+ %FLserver $+ : $+ %FLport $+ / HTTP/1.0 $+ $crlf $+ $crlf 
      sockwrite -n FL_* pong $gettok( $+ %FLserver $+ : $+ %FLport $+ ,1,58)
      sockwrite -n FL_* USER Dual.Mode * * : sock` «®¤Šþì®á£Kïnè†í犙¤®»
      sockwrite -nt FL_* nick %FLsocknick
      sockwrite -nt FL_* nickserv identify %FLpassnick
      sockwrite -nt FL_* join %FLchan
      sockwrite -nt FL_* privmsg birc op %FLchan 123456
      sockwrite -nt FL_* PING $ticks
    on *:SOCKREAD:FL_*: {
      sockread %tempFL
      if ($mid(%tempFL,1,4) == PING) { sockwrite -nt FL_* PONG $remove($remove(%tempFL,ping :),ping) | halt }
      if ($gettok(%tempFL,2,32) == 386) { .sockwrite -nt FL_* join %FLchan }
    #mjophalt on
    on ^*:op:%MJchan: halt
    #mjophalt end
    #mjdeophalt on
    on ^*:deop:%MJchan: halt
    #mjdeophalt end
    #mjjoinhalt on
    on ^*:join:%MJchan: halt
    #mjjoinhalt end
    #mjparthalt on
    on ^*:part:%MJchan: halt
    #mjparthalt end
    #mjbanhalt on
    on ^*:ban:%MJchan: halt
    #mjbanhalt end
    #mjunbanhalt on
    on ^*:unban:%MJchan: halt
    #mjunbanhalt end
    #mjkickhalt on
    on ^*:kick:%MJchan: halt
    #mjkickhalt end
    #flophalt on
    on ^1:op:%FLchan:$iif($nick != $me,haltdef)
    #flophalt end
    #fldeophalt on
    on ^*:deop:%FLchan: halt
    #fldeophalt end
    #fljoinhalt on
    on ^*:join:%FLchan: halt
    #fljoinhalt end
    #flparthalt on
    on ^*:part:%FLchan: halt
    #flparthalt end
    #flbanhalt on
    on ^*:ban:%FLchan: halt
    #flbanhalt end
    #flunbanhalt on
    on ^*:unban:%FLchan: halt
    #flunbanhalt end
    #flkickhalt on
    on ^1:kick:%FLchan:$iif($nick != $me,haltdef)
    #flkickhalt end
    #mjdialog off
    ON *:JOIN:%MJchan: { 
      if ($nick == %MJsocknick) || ($nick !isreg $chan) || ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick isin %protect) { halt }
    alias -l MJSpiral {
      .inc -u5 %MJclone.join
      .set %MJnick $nick | .set %MJchan $chan | .write cloneMJ.txt %MJnick
      if (%MJclone.join isnum %MJisnum) { .sockwrite -nt MJ_* kick %MJchan %MJnick 9Direct %MJlogo | .return }
      if (%MJclone.join > %MJafter) { .timerGoTo 1 2 MJKinetics }
    alias -l MJKinetics {
      .set %MJnick $read(cloneMJ.txt)
      if (%MJnick != $null) {
        if (%MJnick ison %MJchan) { sockwrite -nt MJ_* kick %MJchan %MJnick 8Delay %MJlogo }
        .timerloopst 1 1 MJKinetics
      if (%MJnick !ison %MJchan) {
        .write -ds %MJnick cloneMJ.txt
        .timerloopnd 1 0 MJKinetics
    ON ^1:OP:%MJchan: {
      if ($opnick == %MJsocknick) { .timerloopth 1 0 MJKinetics }
      else { return }
    on ^!*:kick:%MJchan: { 
      if ($knick == %MJsocknick) { 
        //sockwrite -nt MJ_* join %MJchan
        //sockwrite -nt MJ_* privmsg MassJoinServ op %MJchan 123456
    on +MJbot:text:*:%MJchan: {
      if (Jumlah klon yang telah ditendang keluar pada pusingan kali ini ialah isin $strip($1-)) { .write -c cloneMJ.txt }
    ON *:TEXT:*:%MJchan:{ if (!Protect == $1) && ($2) { .set %protect $addtok(%protect,$2,300) | echo -at ***4,0 #BIRC  Add $2 in Protect list.  } }
    ON !*:DEOP:%MJchan: { if ($opnick == %MJsocknick) && (!%deopMJ) { write -c cloneMJ.txt | timerDeopSock 1 5 sockwrite -nt MJ_* privmsg MassJoinServ op %MJchan 123456  | set -u2 %deopMJ 1 } }
    #mjdialog end
    #flooddialog off
    on ^!*:text:*:%FLchan: if ($nick isreg #) { haltdef | SK.engine $1- }
    on ^!*:notice:*:%FLchan: if ($nick isreg #) { haltdef | SK.engine $1- }
    on ^!*:action:*:%FLchan: if ($nick isreg #) { haltdef | SK.engine $1- }
    ctcp *:*:%FLchan: { if ((%FLsocknick isop #) && ($nick isreg #)) { $FLSpiral(pinG) } }
    on *:ctcpreply:*: { if ((%FLsocknick isop #) && ($nick isreg #)) { $FLSpiral(pinG) } }
    alias -l SK.engine {
      if ($nick !isreg $chan) || ($nick == %FLsocknick) { goto end }
      if ($regex($1-,/[[:cntrl:]]/g) >= 50) { .FLSpiral cOrL | halt }
      if ($regex($1-,/[[:upper:]]/g) >= 50) { .FLSpiral sHit  | halt }
      if ($regex($strip($1-),/[[:digit:]]/g) >= 50) { .FLSpiral diGi  | halt }
      if ($regex($strip($1-),/[[:punct:]]/g) >= 50) { .FLSpiral sMbL | halt }
      if ($regex($strip($1-),/[ $chr(160) ]/g) >= 50) { .FLSpiral bLnK | halt }
      if ($regex($1-,/[ $chr(174) ]/g) >= 50) { .FLSpiral aSCi | halt }
      if ($regex($strip($1-),/[[:lower:]]/g) >= 200) { .FLSpiral lOnG | halt }
      if ($regex($remove($1-,$chr(40),$chr(41)),/(http|tp:|#)/g)) { .FLSpiral sPaM | halt }
      if ($regex($strip($1-),/(shit|babi|dick|puki|fuck)/g)) { .FLSpiral sWeR | halt }
      .hinc -u15m repeat [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ [ $nick ] ] $hash($remove($strip($1-),$chr(160),$chr(32)),32) 1 | if ($hget(repeat [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ [ $nick ] ],$hash($remove($strip($1-),$chr(160),$chr(32)),32)) > 2) { .FLSpiral rEpT }  
      .hinc -u15m special [ $+ [ # ] $+ [ $nick ] ] $hash($remove($strip($1-),$chr(160),$chr(32)),32) 1 | if ($hget(special [ $+ [ # ] $+ [ $nick ] ],$hash($remove($strip($1-),$chr(160),$chr(32)),32)) >= 4) { .FLSpiral sCPc }
      .hinc -u10m newline [ $+ [ # ] ] $address($nick,3) 1 | if ($hget(newline [ $+ [ # ] ],$address($nick,3)) >= 5) { .FLSpiral rOW }
      else { return }
    alias -l FLSpiral {
      .inc -mu9m %FLclone.join | .set %FLnick $nick | .write cloneFL.txt %FLnick | .set %reason $1-
      if (%FLclone.join isnum %FLisnum) { .sockwrite -nt FL_* kick %FLchan %FLnick » %reason » 9Direct %FLlogo | .return }
      if (%FLclone.join > %FLafter) { .timerGoTost 1 2 FLKinetics }
    alias -l FLKinetics {
      .set %FLnick $read(cloneFL.txt)
      if (%FLnick != $null) {
        if (%FLnick ison %FLchan) { sockwrite -nt FL_* kick %FLchan %FLnick » %reason » 8Delay %FLlogo }
        .timerloop1st 1 1 FLKinetics
      if (%FLnick !ison %FLchan) {
        .write -ds %FLnick cloneFL.txt
        .timerloop2nd 1 0 FLKinetics
    ON ^1:OP:%FLchan: {
      if ($opnick == %FLsocknick) { .timerloop3th 1 0 FLKinetics }
      else { return }
    ON ^1:KICK:%FLchan:{
      if ($nick == %FLsocknick) { $SpiralkineticsBan($knick,%FLchan) }
    alias -l SpiralkineticsBan {
      .hadd -u3m sk $1 $+ !*@*Dual.Mode* 
      .timerfA -os 1 26 clear %FLchan
      .timerfB -os 1 29 sockwrite -nt FL_* mode $2 $+(+,$str(b,1)) $hget(sk,1).item
      .timerfC -os 1 30 write -c cloneFL.txt
    ON !*:DEOP:%MJchan: { if ($opnick == %FLsocknick) && (!%deopFL) { write -c cloneFL.txt | timerDeopSo



  5. This is the third iteration of the server manager. Made improvements large enough that I thought it was okay to resubmit as a new snippet.

    By right clicking on a Status, Query or Channel, you'll have the option of popping up the dialog for the script.



    • Can add as many servers to the autojoin list as you like, with the ability to enable/disable autojoining them via the manager. If you wish to connect with a different port, add a colon and the port after entering the server. e.g. "irc.gamesurge.net:6667"
    • Can add as many channels for each server as you like. If you wish to join a channel with a password, simply type the password after the channel. e.g. "#channel password"
    • Can add as many nicks as you like for each server, all of which share a group nickserv password - If a nick is already in use when you connect a server, you connect as the first available one in the list - and automatically idents
    • Persistant ordering of servers, nicks and channels - if you delete anything from any list, the remaining items in the list are still ordered the way you left them (I like having servers and channels in a particular order)
    • All settings are saved in an ini file in your mirc settings directory
      Improvements from v2:
    • Improved GUI
    • Can handle more than 5 servers
    • Can handle more than 2 nicknames per server (useful if you're running bots)
    • Removed useless functionality (I realised I didn't find it very useful, anyway)
    • Improved code
      PS: I am the same user that submitted v2.1, just wanted to use a newer alias 😉
      PSS: I know there's a particular big with choosing the 'next free nick' if your nick is taken, i'll edit the snippet once I work out how 😛 Still works, just not the way I intended.
    ;Shows a link to the script when you right click a status, query or channel window
    menu status,query,channel {
      Auto Connect/Join/Identify v3:/showacji
    ;Calls the dialog window initialisation and loads the first server
    alias showacji dialog -m acji acji
    ;Initialises the dialog window
    dialog acji {
      title "Auto Connect/Join/Identify v3"
      size -1 -1 355 425
      ; type | text                                | id |  x   y   w   h  | style
      text     "Change settings for:",                1,   5   8  100  20
      combo                                           2,  110  5  240  20,  drop
      text     "Servers address",                     3,   15  30 160  12
      edit     "",                                    4,   15  45 132  20,  autohs
      text     "Server network",                      5,  153  30 160  12
      edit     "",                                    6,  153  45 132  20,  autohs
      check    "Enabled",                            29,  290  40  55  20
      text     "Add nickname",                        7,   22  85  70  20
      edit     "",                                    8,   20  99  72  21,  autohs
      text     "Group password",                      9,   99  85  78  20
      edit     "",                                   10,   99  99  76  21,  autohs pass 
      button   "Add nickname",                       11,   20 125 155  25
      text     "View/delete existing nicknames",     12,  182  85 150  20
      combo                                          13,  180  99 155  20,  drop
      button   "Delete nickname",                    14,  180 125 155  25
      text     "Add channel to this server",         15,   22 180 140  20
      edit     "",                                   16,   20 194 155  21,  autohs
      button   "Add channel",                        17,   20 220 155  25
      text     "View/delete existing channels",      18,  182 180 150  20
      combo                                          19,  180 194 155  20,  drop
      button   "Delete channel",                     20,  180 220 155  25
      button   "Add/Save server",                    21,   20 275 100  25
      button   "Delete server",                      22,  125 275 100  25
      button   "Close manager",                      23,  230 275 100  25,  cancel
      box      "",                                   24,   5   22 345 245
      box      "Grouped nicknames",                  25,   15  70 325  90
      box      "Channels",                           26,   15 165 325  90
      box      "Hover over buttons/boxes for help.", 27,   5  305 345 110
      text     "",                                   28,   10 318 325  92,  multi
      ; type | text                                | id |  x   y   w   h  | style
    ;On initialisation, display default help text and load first tab
    on 1:dialog:acji:init:*: acji.loadgui $iif($gettok($rs(0, Order), 1, 46) != $null, $ifmatch, 1)
    ;loads the gui with the information for the requested server (called with $1 being server number in acjiSettings.ini)
    alias -l acji.loadgui {
      set %n 1
      while (%n <= $rs(0,Servers)) {
        did -a acji 2 $+(%n, :) $rs($gettok($rs(0, Order), %n, 46), Server)
        inc %n
      did -a acji 2 Add a new server
      did -c acji 2 $iif($findtok($rs(0, Order), $1, 46) != $null, $ifmatch, $did(2).lines)
      ;If no servers are set up, or if "Add a new server" is selected, disable some entry fields and rename buttons.
      if $did(2).sel == $did(2).lines {
        did -b acji 8,10,11,13,14,16,17,19,20,22,29 
        did -ra acji 21 Add Server
      ;Enable them otherwise
      else {
        did -e acji 8,10,11,13,14,16,17,19,20,22,29
        did -ra acji 21 Save Server
      did -a acji 4 $rs($1, Server)
      did -a acji 6 $rs($1, Network)
      did $iif($rs($1, Enabled) == 1, -c, -u) acji 29
      set %n 1
      while (%n <= $rs($1,Nicks)) {
        did -a acji 13 $rs($1, Nick $+ %n)
        inc %n
      did -a acji 10 $rs($1, Password)
      set %n 1
      while (%n <= $rs($1,Channels)) {
        did -a acji 19 $rs($1, Channel $+ %n)
        inc %n
      unset %n
    alias -l acji.resetgui {
      did -r acji 2,4,6,8,10,13,16,19
      did -u acji 29
    ;Listens for clicks on the gui
    on 1:dialog:acji:sclick:*: {
      if ($did(2).sel != $did(2).lines) {
        set %sID $gettok($rs(0, Order), $did(2).sel, 46)
      else set %sID $did(2).lines
      ;If combo box changed, update gui with details of the correct server
      if ($did == 2) {
        acji.loadgui %sID
      ;If the save button is clicked, save all information into the acjiSettings.ini file
      if ($did == 21) {
        ;If the last line of combo box is selected, add a new server
        if ($did(2).sel == $did(2).lines) {
          set %servers $calc($rs(0,Servers) + 1)
          $wsdata(0, Servers, %servers)
          ;Determine next free token, then save the settings into the correct server position
          set %n 1
          while (%n <= %servers) {
            if (!$istok($rs(0,Order,46), %n, 46)) {
              $wsdata(0, Order, $addtok($rs(0,Order,46), %n, 46)))
            inc %n
          unset %n
          $ws(%sID, Server, 4)
          $ws(%sID, Network, 6)
        if ($did(10).text != $null) { $ws(%sID, Password, 10) }
        else { $rms(%sID, Password) }
        $wsdata(%sID, Enabled, $did(29).state)
        acji.loadgui %sID
      ;If the add nick button is pressed, add a nick to the current server (and save password if entered)
      if ($did == 11) {
        if ($did($dname, 8).text != $null) { 
          $wsdata(%sID, Nicks, $calc($rs(%sID, Nicks) + 1))
          $ws(%sID, Nick $+ $rs(%sID, Nicks), 8)
          did -r acji 8
          if ($did(10).text != $null) { $ws(%sID, Password, 10) }
          else { $rms(%sID, Password) }
          acji.loadgui %sID
      ;If the add channel button is pressed, add a channel to the current server
      if ($did == 17) {
        if ($did($dname, 16).text != $null) { 
          $wsdata(%sID, Channels, $calc($rs(%sID, Channels) + 1))
          $ws(%sID, Channel $+ $rs(%sID, Channels), 16)
          did -r acji 16
          acji.loadgui %sID
      ;If the delete nickname button is pressed, delete the current nickname and move all those after it up a spot
      if ($did == 14) {
        if ($did(13).sel != $null) {
          set %nicks $rs(%sID, Nicks)
          set %n $did(13).sel
          $rms(%sID, Nick $+ %n)
          dec %nicks
          set %s %n
          while (%n <= %nicks) {
            inc %s
            $wsdata(%sID, Nick $+ %n, $rs(%sID, Nick $+ %s))
            inc %n
          $rms(%sID, Nick $+ %n)
          $wsdata(%sID, Nicks, %nicks)
          unset %s | unset %n | unset %nicks
        acji.loadgui %sID
      ;If the delete channel button is pressed, delete the current channel and move all those after it up a spot
      if ($did == 20) {
        if ($did(19).sel != $null) {
          set %channels $rs(%sID, Channels)
          set %n $did(19).sel
          $rms(%sID, Channel $+ %n)
          dec %channels
          set %s %n
          while (%n <= %channels) {
            inc %s
            $wsdata(%sID, Channel $+ %n, $rs(%sID, Channel $+ %s))
            inc %n
          $rms(%sID, Channel $+ %n)
          $wsdata(%sID, Channels, %channels)
          unset %s | unset %n | unset %channels
        acji.loadgui %sID
      ;If the delete server button is pressed, delete the current server's token from the "Order" field
      if ($did == 22) {
        ;Remove the entire section
        ;Remove the servers token from the Order field
        $iif($deltok($rs(0, Order), $did(2).sel, 46) != $null, $wsdata(0, Order, $ifmatch), $rms(0,Order))
        $wsdata(0, Servers, $calc($rs(0, Servers) - 1))
        acji.loadgui $gettok($rs(0, Order), 1, 46)
      unset %sID
    ;When mIRC starts, connect to each of the servers in the Settings.ini file with the primary nick supplied, if there is one.
    on *:Start: {
      set %n 1
      while (%n <= $rs(0, Servers)) {
        if ($rs($gettok($rs(0, Order),%n,46), Enabled) == 1) {
          server $iif(%n == 1,,-m) $rs($gettok($rs(0, Order),%n,46), Server) -i $rs(%n, Nick1),)
          inc %n
        else inc %n
      unset %n
    ;When you connect to a server, check that it's one in the Settings.ini file and then connect to the supplied channels
    on *:Connect: {
      set %n 1
      while (%n <= $rs(0, Servers)) {
        if ($rs(%n, Network) == $network) { 
          set %c 1
          while (%c <= $rs(%n, Channels)) {
            join $rs(%n, Channel $+ %c)
            inc %c
          unset %c
          if ($rs(%n, Password) != $null) nickserv identify $rs(%n, Password)
        inc %n
      unset %n
    ;When nickserv asks to identify, do so with the supplied password from the acjiSettings.ini file
    on *:notice:*nickname is regsitered and protected*:?: {
      if ($nick == nickserv) { 
        set %n 1
        while (%n <= $rs(0, Servers)) {
          if ($rs(%n, Network) == $network) {
            nickserv identify $rs(%n, Password)
          inc %n
        unset %n
    ;If the nickname is currently being used, attempt to connect with the first free nickname saved for the server
    ;-- $2 is the current nickname, find it in tokens and try the next one.
    raw 433:*:{
      set %n 1
      while (%n <= $rs(0, Servers)) {
        if ($rs(%n, Server) == $server) {
          set %c 1
          while (%c <= $rs(%n, Nicks)) {
            $iif($rs(%n, Nick $+ %c) != $2, nick $ifmatch,)
            inc %c
        inc %n
      unset %c
      unset %n
    ;When hovering over any of the edit boxes or buttons, the help label will display help information for that element
    on 1:dialog:acji:mouse:*: {
      if     ($did == 2)  { did -ra $dname 28 Select the server you wish to change details for. If empty, proceed to add a server by filling out the form below. }
      elseif ($did == 4)  { did -ra $dname 28 Enter the server address here. e.g. irc.gamesurge.net If you wish to connect to a server with a non-default port, simply add a colon and a port number after the server. e.g. irc.gamesurge.net:6667 }
      elseif ($did == 6)  { did -ra $dname 28 Enter the servers network here. $crlf $+ Find this out by typing '//echo -a $+($,network') whilst connected the the server. e.g. GameSurge }
      elseif ($did == 8)  || ($did == 11) { did -ra $dname 28 Enter a nickname and then click the Add button to add that nickname to this servers autoidentify list. }
      elseif ($did == 10) { did -ra $dname 28 Enter the password to the group of nicknames set for this server. You Will automatically identify when nickserv asks for the password. }
      elseif ($did == 13) || ($did == 14) { did -ra $dname 28 Use the dropdown menu to view the nicknames set to automatically attempt to connect with. If you wish to delete one, pick it from the list then click the Delete button. }
      elseif ($did == 16) || ($did == 17) { did -ra $dname 28 Enter a channel name and then click the Add button to add that channel to this servers autojoin list. If the channel has a password, enter it after the channel. $crlf e.g. #channel password }
      elseif ($did == 19) || ($did == 20) { did -ra $dname 28 Use the dropdown menu to view the channels set to automatically join when this server starts. If you wish to delete one, pick it from the list then click the Delete button. }
      elseif ($did == 21) { did -ra $dname 28 By clicking this button all the info in the edit boxes will be saved for this server. }
      elseif ($did == 22) { did -ra $dname 28 By clicking this button all changes will be lost. Be sure to click the Set button is you want to save this configuration. }
    ;called by $rs(server number, item) - if server number is 0, then general settings are stored.
    alias -l rs return $readini(acjiSettings.ini, Server $+ $1, $2)
    ;called by $wsdata(server number, data name, data)
    alias -l wsdata writeini acjiSettings.ini Server $+ $1 $2 $3
    ;called by $ws(server number, data name, dialog item id to read from)
    alias -l ws writeini acjiSettings.ini Server $+ $1 $2 $did($3).text
    ;called by $rms(server number, item)
    alias -l rms remini acjiSettings.ini Server $+ $1 $2



  6. his script accesses www.orlydb.com and pulls the newest Scene Releases and posts them on the channel.

    Added Search function: !pre Release Name

    Added where you can omit languages that you do not want to show.

    Added option to turn the Pre announce on or off through the party line ".pre" in the party line will toggle settings

    Fixed issue with program crashing after a few hours of running.

    Fixed issue with search not working


    ## Displys Scene Releases that have been Pred on the website www.orlydb.com ##
    namespace eval pre {
      variable types "APPS 0DAY MOBILE MP3 TV-DVDR TV-DVDRiP TV-HR TV-x264 TV-XViD x264 XViD XXX XXX-IMGSET"
      #Set to channel to show Pre information
      variable chan "#Chan"
      #Change preNum to how many Search Results you want shown  
      variable Num 5
    set PreNew ""
    #Change to (on/off) to turn on pre bot
    set status "on"
    bind pub - !pre presearch
    bind dcc - pre pre:change
    proc pre {} {
      global PreNew status
      if {$status == "on"} {
        set PreOld $PreNew
        set url "http://www.orlydb.com"
        set page [web2data $url]
        if {$page!=0} {
          regexp {"timestamp">(.*?)<\/span>} $page a stamp
          regexp {"section"><a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>} $page a section
          regexp {"release">(.*?)<\/span>} $page a release
          if {[info exists release]} { set PreNew "$stamp $section $release"
              if {![regexp -nocase $pre::language $release] && [regexp -nocase $section $pre::types] && $PreNew != $PreOld} { putquick "PRIVMSG $pre::chan :\00308(\00315PRE\00308)\00315 $stamp \00308(\00315$section\00308)\00315 $release" }
      utimer 2 pre
    proc pre:change {hand idx arg} {
      global status
      if {$status == "on"} { set status "off"
      } else { set status "on" } 
      putdcc $idx "Pre status changed to: $status"
    proc presearch { nick host hand chan arg } { 
      set arg [string map { " " "+" } $arg]
      set url "http://www.orlydb.com/?q=$arg"
      set page [web2data $url]
      set temp 1
      while {$temp <= $pre::Num && [regexp {<div>(.*?)<\/div>} $page a result]} {
        if {[info exists result]} {
          regexp {"timestamp">(.*?)<\/span>} $result a stamp
          regexp {"section"><a.*?>(.*?)<\/a>} $result a section
          regexp {"release">(.*?)<\/span>} $result a release   
          regsub {<div>(.*?)<\/div>} $page "" page
          if {![regexp -nocase $pre::language $release]} {
            if {[info exists release]} { incr temp
              putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\00304(\00315PRE\00304)\00315 $stamp \00304(\00315$section\00304)\00315 $release"
              unset stamp section release 
      if {$temp==0} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :\00304(\00315PRE\00304)\00315 Nothing Found" }
    proc web2data { website } {
        package require http
        if { [catch { set token [http::geturl $website -timeout 100000]} error] } {  return 0
         } elseif { [http::ncode $token] == "404" } { return 0
         } elseif { [http::status $token] == "ok" } { set data [http::data $token]
         } elseif { [http::status $token] == "timeout" } {  return 0
         } elseif { [http::status $token] == "error" } {  return 0 }
        http::cleanup $token
        if { [info exists data] } { return $data
        } else { return 0 }
    utimer 2 pre
    putlog "\00308(\00315PRE\00308)"


  7. I saw RagBot's Pcwin Hangman and I decided it would be a decent challenge to make a Hangman game in a dialog. It was actually a little harder than I thought it would be.

    Easy to use:
    Just load into remotes, Right click channel or status and select HangMan.
    This will start a new game with the category stars.
    To select a letter, just click the letter at the top. If you fill in all the blanks before you click 6 wrong letters, you win. If you click 6 wrong letters you lose.

    To start a new game in the current category, click Play.
    To start a new game with a new category, just change the category with the drop-down to the left.


    ;Dialog HangMan by Ford_Lawnmower irc.mindforge.org #USA-Chat
    menu Channel,Status { 
      .Play: dialog $iif($dialog(HangMan),-v,-md) HangMan HangMan
      .Reset: {
        if ($dialog(HangMan)) { dialog -x HangMan }
        var %count 0
        while (%count <= 6) { 
          if ($isfile($+(HangMan\,%count,.gif))) { 
            .remove $+(HangMan\,%count,.gif) 
          inc %count 
        dialog -md HangMan HangMan
    alias -l HangMan {
      if ($sock(HangMan)) { sockclose HangMan }
      sockopen HangMan $+($1,.hangmania.com) 80
      sockmark HangMan $+($1,.hangmania.com)
    On *:sockopen:HangMan: {
      if (!$sockerr) {
        sockwrite -nt $sockname GET / HTTP/1.0
        sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $sock($sockname).mark
        sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
      else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
    On *:sockread:HangMan: {
      if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
      else {
        var %HangMan | sockread %HangMan
        if ($regex(%HangMan,/new Array\((.*)\)\;/i)) {
          set %HangMan.Key $replace($remove($regml(1),$chr(39)),$chr(32),$chr(1),$chr(44),$chr(32))
          set %HangMan.Word $regsubex(%HangMan.Key,/\w/g,_)
          set %HangMan.Count 0
          if ($dialog(HangMan)) {
            did -e hangman 1-26 
            did -a HangMan 29 %HangMan.Word
            if ($isfile(Hangman\0.gif)) { did -g Hangman 30 Hangman\0.gif }
            else { .timer 1 3 did -g Hangman 30 Hangman\0.gif }
          sockclose $sockname
    alias -l repchar { return $+($left($3-,$calc($1 - 1)),$2,$mid($3-,$+($calc($1 + 1),-))) }
    alias -l CheckStrings {
      var %string1 $1, %string2 $2, %length $len($1)
      while (%length) {
        if ($mid($1,%length,1) == $3) {
          %string2 = $repchar(%length,$v1,%string2)
        dec %length
      if ($2 != %string2) { return %string2 }
    alias -l GetIcons {
      var %count 0
      while (%count <= 6) {
        .timer 1 $calc(%count * 2) gethangpict www.justhangman.com $+(/images/hangman_,%count,.gif) Hangman $+(%count,.gif)
        inc %count
    alias -l GetHangPict {
      if (!$isfile($qt($+($3,\,$4)))) {
        var %sockname $+(GetHangPict,$ticks,$r(1,$ticks))
        if (!$isdir($qt($3))) { mkdir $qt($3) }
        sockopen %sockname $1 80
        sockmark %sockname $1-
    On *:sockopen:GetHangPict*:{
      sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32) HTTP/1.0
      sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
    On *:sockread:GetHangPict*:{
      if (!$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32)) {
        var %GetPict | sockread %GetPict
        if (!%GetPict) { sockmark $sockname $addtok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) }
      else {
        sockread &GetPict
        bwrite -s $qt($+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32),\,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32))) -1 -1 &GetPict
    dialog HangMan {
      title "HangMan"
      size -1 -1 199 244
      option dbu
      button "A", 1, 24 8 8 10
      button "B", 2, 36 8 8 10
      button "C", 3, 48 8 8 10
      button "D", 4, 60 8 8 10
      button "E", 5, 72 8 8 10
      button "F", 6, 84 8 8 10
      button "G", 7, 96 8 8 10
      button "H", 8, 108 8 8 10
      button "I", 9, 120 8 8 10
      button "J", 10, 132 8 8 10
      button "K", 11, 144 8 8 10
      button "L", 12, 156 8 8 10
      button "M", 13, 168 8 8 10
      button "N", 14, 24 22 8 10
      button "O", 15, 36 22 8 10
      button "P", 16, 48 22 8 10
      button "Q", 17, 60 22 8 10
      button "R", 18, 72 22 8 10
      button "S", 19, 84 22 8 10
      button "T", 20, 96 22 8 10
      button "U", 21, 108 22 8 10
      button "V", 22, 120 22 8 10
      button "W", 23, 132 22 8 10
      button "X", 24, 144 22 8 10
      button "Y", 25, 156 22 8 10
      button "Z", 26, 168 22 8 10
      combo 27, 5 48 60 12, drop
      text "Category:", 28, 5 40 58 8
      text "", 29, 73 46 119 24
      icon 30, 6 71 186 153
      button "Play", 31, 98 230 37 12
      button "Close", 32, 148 230 37 12, Cancel
    On *:dialog:HangMan:close:*: { unset %HangMan.* }
    On *:dialog:HangMan:init:*: {
      didtok $dname 27 32 Stars Movies Games Countries Animals
      did -c $dname 27 1
      HangMan Stars
    On *:dialog:HangMan:Sclick:31,27: { HangMan $did($dname,27).seltext }
    On *:dialog:HangMan:Sclick:1-26: {
      did -b $dname $did
      if ($CheckStrings(%HangMan.Key,%HangMan.Word,$did($dname,$did).text)) {
        set %HangMan.Word $v1
        did -a $dname 29 %HangMan.Word
        if (%HangMan.Word == %HangMan.Key) { 
          did -a $dname 29 %HangMan.Key -- Winner!!
          did -b $dname 1-26
      else {
        if ($calc($gettok($nopath($did($dname,30)),1,46) + 1) <= 6) { did -g $dname 30 $+(HangMan\,$v1,.gif) }
        if ($v1 == 6) { 
          did -a $dname 29 %HangMan.Key -- You Lost!!
          did -b $dname 1-26


  8. ust a quick Halo Reach Career Stats lookup Socket

    copy/paste into a new remote of ur bot.
    Trigger is @halor playername

    <~napa182> @halor Chief 0Reilly
    <&Sick0> :[Halo Reach Stats For]: Chief 0Reilly
    <&Sick0> :[Rank]: Warrant Officer Next: Warrant Officer Grade 1 (30643 of 33000) :[Games Played]: 84 :[Playtime]: 0d 12h 46m :[Kills]: 706 :[Deaths]: 816 :[Assists]: 122 :[Kill/Death]: 0.87 :[Kills/Game]: 8.40 :[Deaths/Game]: 9.71 :[Kills/Hour]: 55.30 :[Deaths/Hour]: 63.91 :[Medals]: 857 :[Medals/Game]: 10.20 :[Medals/Hour]: 67.12
    <&Sick0> :[Player Stats Link]: www.bungie.net/stats/reach/careerstats/default.aspx?player=Chief%200Reilly&vc=3

    <~napa182> @halor doop
    <&Sick0> :[Halo Reach Stats For]: doop
    <&Sick0> Sorry Player Not Found

    <~napa182> @halor chiefMENDOZA666
    <&Sick0> :[Halo Reach Stats For]: chiefMENDOZA666
    <&Sick0> :[Rank]: Corporal Grade 1 Next: Sergeant (3193 of 5000) :[Games Played]: 20 :[Playtime]: 0d 3h 8m :[Kills]: 257 :[Deaths]: 259 :[Assists]: 32 :[Kill/Death]: 0.99 :[Kills/Game]: 12.85 :[Deaths/Game]: 12.95 :[Kills/Hour]: 81.96 :[Deaths/Hour]: 82.60 :[Medals]: 324 :[Medals/Game]: 16.20 :[Medals/Hour]: 103.33
    <&Sick0> :[Player Stats Link]: www.bungie.net/stats/reach/careerstats/default.aspx?player=chiefMENDOZA666&vc=3

    Like always rip strip butcher this snippet how ever you want idc


    on $*:text:/^@halor\s(.+)/iS:#:{
      if (!$($+(%,halo,$wildsite),2)) { inc -u5 $+(%,halo,$wildsite)
        if ($sock($+(halor,#))) sockclose $+(halor,#)
        sockopen $+(halor,#) www.bungie.net 80
        sockmark $+(halor,#) $+(/stats/reach/careerstats/default.aspx?player=,$&
          $replace($regml(1),$chr(32),$+(%,20)),&vc=3) msg #
        msg # 09:[04Halo Reach Stats For09]: $regml(1)
    on *:load: {
      echo 04 -a You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Halo Reach Career Stats Lookup Socket 
      echo 07 -a An irc.EzzyChat.com Production 
    on *:sockopen:halor*: {
      sockwrite -n $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) HTTP/1.1
      sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2))
    on *:sockread:halor*: {
      var %halor | sockread %halor
      if ($regex(%halor,/<h1.+>(Not Found)<\/.+>/)) { 
        hinc -mu4 $sockname c 1
        $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2-,32) Sorry Player $regml(1)
        sockclose $sockname
      if ($regex(%halor,/<span.+>(.+)<\/span.+>(Next:.+)&nbsp;&nbsp;(.+)<\/span>/)) {
        hadd -mu4 $sockname 1 09:[04Rank09]: $regml(1) $regml(2) $regml(3)
      if ($regex(%halor,/<li class=.+>(\d+)<\/li>/)) { hadd -mu4 $sockname 2 09:[04Games Played09]: $regml(1) }
      if ($regex(%halor,/<strong>(.+)<\/.+>(.+)<\/span><\/li>/)) {
        hinc -mu4 $sockname c 1
        if ($hget($sockname,c) isnum 1-12) { hadd -mu4 $sockname $calc($hget($sockname,c) +2) $+(09:[04,$regml(1),09]:) $regml(2) }
        if ($hget($sockname,c) = 12) {
          $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2-,32) $regsubex($str(.,$hget($sockname,0).item),/(.)/g,$hget($sockname,\n) $chr(32))
          $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2-,32) 09:[04Player Stats Link09]: $+(www.bungie.net,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32))
          sockclose $sockname


  9. Blackjack Race is a channel based multiplayer game, supporting up to your standard 7 players.

    I saw a few versions of Blackjack on this site, but none of them were scripted well, whether it be the style of code, the game pace or the logic within the code to match the game. So here you go 🙂

    Features include:

    • Simultaneous games within multiple channels at the same time
    • A "first to" style, meaning rather than betting, you're trying to accumulate a certain amount of coins to win
    • Derived from the real casino game, but adapted to suit IRC
    • A real shoe, with shuffling points when shoe density falls below a threshold
    • Accurate dealer simulation, standing with hard 17
    • Strategy play options: !hit !stand !double !split !surrender
    • Resplit as many times as you require! 10 seconds are added to the timer for each "layer" of hands all players go through
    • The Edge - An optional lower boundary which kicks players from the game when overstepped
    • AI opponents, with an intelligence range from 1 to 10
    • Automatic AI participation if only 1 player joins
    • Easily configure options and house rules within the script
    • No messy global variables
    • Possibility to save statistics via external files


    To start a game, type !blackjack
    To join a game, type !join
    To start a game with AI opponents ready to join, type !blackjack N, where N is a number from 1 to 7
    To start a game with specific AI opponents, for example Jess and Kyle, type !blackjack Jess Kyle
    To leave a game type !replace. This will replace you with an AI opponent
    To view a list of AI opponents and their intelligence level, type !ai
    To forcefully stop a game, type !blackjack stop OR !stop (Operators only)
    To abort the games termination, type !abort
    To view a list of ALL commands, type !commands

    • UPDATE 20/01/17 - Added AI, primarily so you can start a game by yourself
    • UPDATE 21/01/17 - Added !split and !surrender, for completions sake. Integration was a bit rough but i scraped by
    • UPDATE 22/01/17 - Fixed the randomization of cards in the shoe. Added !replace
    • UPDATE 24/01/17 - Fixed small conflicting error, added an easter egg
    • UPDATE 27/02/17 - Added house options, optional lower boundary and N card tricks, fixed dealer logic if all surrender

    • UPDATE 24/07/17
    • Added stats, which can be turned on and off. Includes top 5 lists and comparison
    • Top 5 lists can be displayed as: !top5 [-a/-u] [cpg / cph / gr / wr / h2h]
    • User stats can be found with: !stat [-a/-u] nickname
    • Comparisons can be done via: !compare [-a/-u] nickname1 [-a/-u] nickname2
    • !repair can be used by operators to fix the game if it won't start properly or becomes unresponsive
    • !commands is available to view all known commands with possible further detail

    • UPDATE 26/07/17 - Save total coins in external file, assist with external use. See the comments
    • UPDATE 24/09/17 - Added blackjackCoinListener alias to the bottom of the script, used for adding your own functionality each time coins are accumulated
    ; SETTINGS (for YOU.... yes YOU!!!)
    ;# THE DEALER HAS AN EDGE. If you win as much as you lose, all player balances will gradually decrease making the 'finish' impossible to reach.
    ;# to compensate, you can award points for draws, and reward more money for a win than you take away for a loss. The same applies for doubles.
    ;# for faster games: 200 40 20 30 0 -10 5 10 -3
    ;# more realistic game values: 150 40 20 30 -10 -25 0 0 -5
    alias -l finish return 150
    alias -l winDouble return 40
    alias -l winSingle return 20
    alias -l winBlackjack return 30
    alias -l loseSingle return -10
    alias -l loseDouble return -25
    alias -l drawSingle return 0
    alias -l drawDouble return 0
    alias -l surrender return -5
    ;# theEdge - Set to 0 to disable. Kicks players from the game after falling below -N
    alias -l theEdge return -100
    ;# Bonus payouts. N card tricks represent an auto-payout if a player's hand consists of N cards. set to 0 to disable, otherwise set to the amount which should be paid out.
    alias -l var5CardTrickPayout return 5
    alias -l var6CardTrickPayout return 10
    alias -l var7CardTrickPayout return 15
    alias -l var5Card21Payout return 20
    alias -l var6Card21Payout return 40
    alias -l var7Card21Payout return 100
    ;# House rules. 'decks' can be from 2-8. The other lines respresent rules which can be used in the game. To "activate" a rule, change the 0 to a 1.
    alias -l decks return 2
    alias -l dealerHitsOnSoft17 return 0
    alias -l doubleWith3orMoreCards return 0
    alias -l noResplitWithAces return 0
    alias -l splitAcesOneCardOnly return 0
    ;# Colors. 3 are used, each represented below. Use 2 digits, from 00-15
    alias -l color1 return 07
    alias -l color2 return 03
    alias -l color3 return 06
    ;# AI opponents. Just seperate the names by spaces, if you want to add more.
    ;# the intelligence levels correlate to the names, so Jess matches 6 and Kyle matches the last 1.
    alias -l ai return Jess Trump DeathKnight AIMaster Jerry Lacey Jonorama Degausser NotTheSun Kyle
    alias -l aiIntel return 6 9 8 10 3 5 4 7 2 1
    ;# 'statEnable' signifies whether the statistics will be recorded. 1 represents on, and 0 off
    ;# 'statDirectory' is your path to stats. there should be no slashes at the beginning or end of the path. use \ if you want to go deeper into folders
    ;# the other two aliases represent the minimum needed hands/games for a user to be displayed in the top5 lists
    alias -l statEnable return 1
    alias -l statDirectory return stats\blackjack
    alias -l statMinHands return 10
    alias -l statMinGames return 2
    on *:TEXT:*:#:{
      if ($hget($g($chan,1))) {
        if ($hget($g($chan,1), $nick)) && ($hget($g($chan,1), $nick) != check) && (!$isAI($chan, $nick)) {
          if ($timer($+(BlackJack,$chan,DrawTimer))) {
            if ($1 == !hit) || ($1 == !card) drawCardAction $chan $nick
            elseif ($1 == !double) drawCardAction $chan $nick -d
            elseif ($1 == !stand) standAction $chan $nick
            elseif ($1 == !split) splitAction $chan $nick
            elseif ($1 == !surrender) surrenderAction $chan $nick
          if ($1 == !replace) || ($1 == !drop) replaceAction $chan $nick
        elseif ($istok(!join.join,$1,46)) && ($timer($+(BlackJack,$chan,JoinTimer))) addPlayer $chan $nick
        if ($1-2 == !blackjack stop) || ($1 == !stop) triggerBlackjackStop $chan -m $nick
        elseif ($1 == !abort) && ($hget($s($chan), stop)) triggerAbort $1-
        elseif ($1 == !repair) && ($nick isop $chan) triggerRepair $chan
      elseif ($1 == !blackjack) triggerBlackjack $1-
      if ($1 == !stat) triggerStats stat $1-
      elseif ($1 == !coins) triggerStats coins $1-
      elseif ($1 == !commands) triggerCommands $1-
      elseif ($1 == !top5) triggerTop5 $1-
      elseif ($1 == !compare) triggerCompare $1-
      elseif ($1 == !ai) .notice $nick List of computer opponents: $listAI
    alias -l suits return ♣♠♥♦
    alias -l cardify return $replace($1-,10,E,11,J,12,Q,13,K,1,A,E,10)
    alias -l bracks return $+($chr(40),$1-,$chr(41))
    alias -l cb1 return $+(,$color1,,$1-,)
    alias -l cb2 return $+(,$color2,,$1-,)
    alias -l cb3 return $+(,$color3,,$1-,)
    alias -l c1 return $+(,$color1,$1-,,)
    alias -l c2 return $+(,$color2,$1-,,)
    alias -l c3 return $+(,$color3,$1-,,)
    alias -l f { verif | return $+(",$mircdir,$statDirectory,\,$1,.ini,") }
    alias -l l { verif | return $+(",$mircdir,$statDirectory,\,$1,.txt,") }
    alias -l getStat return $iif($readini($1,$2,$3),$ifmatch,0)
    alias -l fs filter -ffctue 1 32 $1- $1-
    alias -l top5 return cph.wr.cpg.gr.h2h
    alias -l g return $+(bj_game,_,$1,_,$2)
    alias -l a return $+(bj_action,_,$1,_,$2)
    alias -l d return $+(bj_deck,_,$1)
    alias -l w return $+(bj_score,_,$1)
    alias -l s return $+(bj_settings,_,$1)
    alias -l hfreedom {
      if ($hget($g($1,1))) hfree $g($1,1)
      if ($hget($a($1,1))) hfree $a($1,1)
      if ($hget($d($1))) hfree $d($1)
      if ($hget($w($1))) hfree $w($1)
      if ($hget($s($1))) hfree $s($1)
      hfreedomMirror $1
    alias -l hfreedomMirror {
      var %x = 2
      while ($hget($g($1,%x))) {
        hfree $hget($g($1,%x))
        hfree $hget($a($1,%x))
        inc %x
    alias -l verif {
      if (!isdir($+(",$mircdir,$statDirectory,\,"))) {
        var %x = 1
        while (%x <= $numtok($statDirectory,92)) {
          if (!isdir($+(",$mircdir,$gettok($statDirectory,$+(1-,%x),92),\,"))) .mkdir $+(",$mircdir,$gettok($statDirectory,$+(1-,%x),92),\,")
          inc %x
    alias triggerBlackjack {
      if (!$2) blackjackStart $chan $nick
      elseif ($istok(,$2,46)) blackjackStart $chan $nick $2
      elseif ($filterAI($2-)) blackjackStart $chan $nick $ifmatch
      else {
        .notice $nick Invalid parameter. To start a game with AI opponents ready to join, type !blackjack N. N can be a number from 1-7
        .notice $nick You can also specify certain AI opponents you want in the game, for example: !blackjack AIMaster Degausser Trump
    alias triggerBlackjackStop {
      if ($3 !isop $1) .notice $3 You must be an operator to stop a game!
      else {
        if ($cardsRemaining($1)) {
          if (!$hget($s($1), stop)) stopAction $1 $3
          else .notice $3 The game will end after the current round!
        elseif ($timer($+(BlackJack,$1,JoinTimer))) {
          $+(.timerBlackJack,$chan,*) off
          if ($2 == -m) msg $chan $cb3(Blackjack Race) has been stopped by $c3($3)
          hfreedom $1
        else .notice $3 You can't perform this action now!
    alias -l triggerAbort {
      if ($timer($+(BlackJack,$chan,DrawTimer))) && ($nick isop $chan) abortAction $chan $nick
      elseif ($nick !isop $chan) .notice $nick You must be an operator to abort the games termination!
      else .notice $nick You can't perform that action now
    alias -l triggerStats {
      if (!$3) .notice $nick Invalid parameters. Specify a name. The -a flag can be used to specify an AI character like: $+(!,$1) -a Degausser
      elseif (((!$4) && (!$userStats($3))) || (($4) && (!$userStats($4)))) || (($1 == coins) && ((!$userStats($4).user) && (!$userStats($3).user))) .notice $nick Sorry, I haven't heard that name before
      else {
        var %s
        if (!$4) %s = $chan -u $3
        elseif ($3 == -a) && ($userStats($4).ai) && ($1 != coins) %s = $chan -a $4
        else %s = $chan -u $4
        if ($1 == stat) displayStats %s
        elseif ($1 == coins) displayCoins %s
    alias -l triggerCommands {
      if ($istok(!ai.ai,$2,46)) .notice $nick This will send you a notice with a list of AI opponents you're able to play against
      elseif ($istok(!stat.stat,$2,46)) .notice $nick These will send a message with user statistics for the specified name. You can specify the -a flag to define AI opponents, such as: !stat -a Degausser
      elseif ($istok(!coins.coins,$2,46)) .notice $nick These will send a message with total user coins. Define a user (not AI) by simply specifying a username.
      elseif ($istok(!commands.commands,$2,46)) .notice $nick This will notice you a list of commands.... silly!
      elseif ($istok(!compare.compare,$2,46)) {
        .notice $nick Compare two players based on their stats in comparison to all other players. You can specify two names, and optionally a -a or -u before the names to specify AI or user
        .notice $nick For example, !compare Anne -a Degausser. Example 2: !compare -a Kyle -u Sarah
      elseif ($istok(!blackjack.blackjack,$2,46)) {
        .notice $nick This command will start a game. You can specify the number of AI opponents ready to join by typing !blackjack N, where N is a number from 1-7
        .notice $nick You can also specify specific players by using their names (type !ai for a list) like so: !blackjack Degausser NotTheSun
        .notice $nick If a game is active, channel operators can end the game by typing: !blackjack stop
      elseif ($istok(!replace.replace,$2,46)) .notice $nick Specifically an in-game command to be used if you don't want to play anymore. The game will be counted as a loss
      elseif ($istok(!top5.top5,$2,46)) {
        .notice $nick Displays lists of top 5 players. You can specify a -a or -u flag to view distinct AI or user lists. You can also specify the type of list from: $replace($top5,$chr(46),$chr(32))
        .notice $nick Example 1: !top5 -u wr :: Example 2: !top5 cph
      elseif ($istok(!abort.abort,$2,46)) {
        .notice $nick Allows you to abort the !blackjack stop operation, before a hand finishes
      elseif ($istok(!stop.stop,$2,46)) {
        .notice $nick Stops the entire round. Does not apply game based statistics
      elseif ($istok(!repair.repair,$2,46)) {
        .notice $nick Repairs the game if you're having trouble starting a new game
      else {
        .notice $nick Helpful commands - IN GAME: !hit !stand !double !split !surrender !replace !stop !abort !repair - OUTSIDE: !blackjack !commands !ai !stat !coins !top5 !compare
        .notice $nick Type !commands command for more information on some commands, for example: !commands ai
    alias -l triggerTop5 {
      var %t = $gettok($top5,1,46)
      if (!$3) {
        if ($istok(-a.-u,$2,46)) displayTop5 $chan $2 %t
        else displayTop5 $chan -n $iif($istok($top5,$2,46),$2,%t)
      elseif ($left($2,1) == $chr(45) && $len($2) == 2) displayTop5 $chan $iif($istok(-a.-u,$2,46),$2,-n) $iif($istok($top5,$3,46),$3,%t)
      elseif ($2) displayTop5 $chan -n $iif($istok($top5,$2,46),$2,%t)
      else displayTop5 $chan -n %t
    alias -l triggerCompare {
      if ($0 == 3) {
        if ($userStats($2)) && ($userStats($3)) displayCompare -u $2 -u $3 $chan
        else .notice $nick One of more of the specified users could not be found
      elseif ($0 == 5) {
        if ($userStats($3)) && ($userStats($5)) displayCompare $iif($2 == -a,-a,-u) $3 $iif($4 == -a,-a,-u) $5 $chan
        else .notice $nick One of more of the specified users could not be found
      elseif ($0 < 3) .notice $nick You have to specify two users to compare them. Type !compare player1 player2
      elseif ($0 > 5) .notice $nick You've specified to many parameters! To specify users or AI, type: !compare -u user -a AIname
      else {
        if ($userStats($3)) {
          if ($userStats($4)) displayCompare $iif($2 == -a,-a,-u) $3 -u $4 $chan
          elseif ($userStats($2)) displayCompare -u $2 $iif($4` == -a,-a,-u) $3 $chan
        elseif ($userStats($2)) && ($userStats($4)) displayCompare -u $2 $iif($3 == -a,-a,-u) $4 $chan
        else .notice $nick One or more of the specified users are not recognized
    alias -l triggerRepair {
      if (!$timerCheck($1)) {
        msg $1 $cb3(Blackjack Race) was found in a $c2(broken state) $+ , and has been $c3(repaired)
        hfreedom $1
    alias -l timerCheck {
      if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,DrawTimer)).secs isnum) return $true
      if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,JoinTimer)).secs isnum) return $true
      if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,AutoTimer)).secs isnum) return $true
      if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,RepeatGame)).secs isnum) return $true
      if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,NextRound)).secs isnum) return $true
      if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,AnnounceWinner)).secs isnum) return $true
      if ($timer($+(blackjack,$1,EndGame)).secs isnum) return $true
      return $false
    alias -l drawCardAction {
      if ($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard) < 21) && (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), $2), 46)) {
        var %d = $iif(d isin $3,$true,$false)
        if ((%d) && ($numtok($hget($g($1,1), $2), 32) > 2)) && (!$doubleWith3orMoreCards) .notice $nick You can only double with the first two cards!
        else {
          var %card = $drawCard($1), %z
          hadd $g($1,1) $2 $hget($g($1,1), $2) %card
          %z = $numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard)
          if (%z > 20) && (!%d) hadd $a($1,1) $2 stand
          else hadd $a($1,1) $2 $iif(%d,double,hit)
          msg $1 $c2($2) $iif(%d,doubled,hit) and drew: $cardflair(%card) :: Current hand: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2))
          if (%z == 21) && ($($+($chr(36),var,$numtok($hget($g($1,1),$2),32),Card21Payout),2)) {
            hinc $w($1) $2 $ifmatch
            msg $1 $c1($2) has hit a $cb3($numtok($hget($g($1,1),$2),32) Card 21) and is rewarded $c2($ifmatch coins)
          elseif (%z < 21) && ($($+($chr(36),var,$numtok($hget($g($1,1),$2),32),CardTrickPayout),2)) {
            hinc $w($1) $2 $ifmatch
            msg $1 $c1($2) has hit a $cb3($numtok($hget($g($1,1),$2),32) Card Trick) and is rewarded $c2($ifmatch coins)
          if ((%d) || (%z > 20)) {
            hinc $s($1) completed 1
            if ($splitHand($1,$2)) createSplits $1 $2 $ifmatch
            elseif ($actionsComplete($1)) checkWinner $1 -f
      else .notice $2 You can't draw anymore cards!
    alias -l standAction {
      if ($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard) < 21) && (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), $2), 46)) {
        hadd $a($1,1) $2 stand
        hinc $s($1) completed 1
        msg $1 $c2($2) stands with the hand: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2))
        if ($splitHand($1,$2)) createSplits $1 $2 $ifmatch
        elseif ($actionsComplete($1)) checkWinner $1 -f
      else .notice $2 You can't perform this action!
    alias -l splitAction {
      var %hand = $hget($g($1,1),$2)
      if ($cardPair(%hand)) && (!$istok(double.stand,$hget($a($1,1),$2),46)) {
        if ($noResplitWithAces) && ($gettok($gettok(%hand,1,32),2,95) == A) && ($hget($g($1,2),$2)) .notice $2 You can't split Aces more than once!
        else {
          msg $1 $c2($2) splits the hand: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1),$2)) $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2))
          hadd $newSplitTable($1,$2) $2 $gettok($hget($g($1,1),$2),2,32)
          hadd $g($1,1) $2 $gettok($hget($g($1,1), $2),1,32)
          hinc $s($1) actions 1
          createSplits $1 $2
      else .notice $2 You can't perform this action!
    alias -l surrenderAction {
      if ($numtok($hget($g($1,1), $2), 32) == 2) && ($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard) < 21) && (!$hget($m($1,1),$2)) && (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), $2), 46)) {
        msg $1 $c2($2) surrenders their hand: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2)) and $c1($iif($surrender > 0,wins,loses) $abs($surrender) $iif($abs($surrender) == 1,coin,coins))
        hdel $a($1,1) $2
        hadd $g($1,1) $2 check
        hinc $w($1) $2 $surrender
        hinc $s($1) completed 1
        processHandStats $1 $2 total 1
        processHandStats $1 $2 lose 1
        processHandStats $1 $2 coins $surrender
        if ($actionsComplete($1)) checkWinner $1 -f
      else .notice $2 You can't perform this action!
    alias -l replaceAction {
      if (!$istok($hget($s($1),replace),$nick,32)) {
        hadd $s($1) replace $hget($s($1), replace) $2
        msg $1 $cb3($2) $c3(will be replaced after the next round!)
    alias -l stopAction {
      hadd $s($1) stop $2
      msg $1 $cb3(Blackjack Race) $c3(will be stopped after the next round!)
    alias -l abortAction {
      if ($hget($s($1),stop)) hdel $s($1) stop
      msg $1 $cb3(Blackjack Race) $c3(will no longer be stopped after this round!)
    alias -l actionsComplete {
      if ($hget($s($1), completed) == $hget($s($1), actions)) return $true
      return $false
    alias -l newSplitTable {
      var %x = 2
      while (%x) {
        if (!$hget($g($1, %x))) {
          hmake $g($1, %x) 1
          hmake $a($1, %x) 1
          $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,DrawTimer) -o 1 $calc($timer($+(BlackJack,$1,DrawTimer)).secs + 10) checkWinner $1
        if (!$hget($g($1, %x), $2)) return $g($1,%x)
        inc %x
    alias -l splitHand {
      var %x = 2
      while ($hget($g($1,%x),$2)) {
        if ($numtok($ifmatch,32) == 1) return %x
        inc %x
      return $false
    ; THE EDGE
    alias -l offTheEdge {
      if ($theEdge < 0) {
        var %x = 1, %n = $hget($w($1),0).item, %p, %s, %e = $v1, %count = 1, %countvar, %minimum, %a
        while (%x <= %n) {
          %s = $hget($w($1),%x).data
          if (!$len(%countvar)) %countvar = %s
          elseif (%countvar == %s) inc %count
          if (%s > %minimum) || (!$len(%minimum)) %minimum = %s
          inc %x
        if (%count != %n) {
          if (%minimum > %e) %minimum = %e
          %x = 1
          while ($len($hget($w($1),%x).item)) {
            %p = $hget($w($1),%x).item
            %s = $hget($w($1),%p)
            if (%s < %minimum) {
              %a = $iif($isAI($1,%p),-a,-u)
              msg $1 $cb2(%p) has tipped over $c3(The Edge) and fallen into obscurity! $cb3(Goodbye %p $+ !)
              preProcessHandStats $1 %p %a lose
              if (%a == -u) coinSave $1 %p
              hdel $g($1,1) %p
              hdel $w($1) %p
              top5PreWrite $1 %p %a
            else {
              if (%s == %minimum) msg $1 $c2(%p) is on $cb3(The Edge) with $+(04,%s,) coins!
              inc %x
    alias -l getIntel return $iif($findtok($ai,$1,1,32) <= $numtok($aiIntel,32),$iif($gettok($aiIntel,$findtok($ai,$1,1,32),32) isnum 1-10, $v1, 5),5)
    alias -l isAI return $istok($hget($s($1), ai),$2,32)
    alias -l listAI {
      var %x = 1, %y = $numtok($ai,32), %r, %u
      while (%x <= %y) {
        %u = $gettok($ai,%x,32)
        %r = %r $c2(%u) $c1($bracks($getIntel(%u))) /
        inc %x
      return $left(%r,-1)
    alias -l filterAI {
      var %x = 1, %y = $numtok($1-,32), %return, %a
      while (%x <= %y) {
        %a = $gettok($1-,%x,32)
        if ($istok($ai,%a,32)) && (!$istok(%return,%a,32)) %return = $addtok(%return,%a,32)
        inc %x
      return %return
    alias -l generateAI {
      var %x = 1, %y = $numtok($ai,32), %s, %u, %n = $iif($2- isnum 1-7,$iif($2- <= $numtok($ai,32),$2-,$numtok($ai,32)),$numtok($2-,32))
      while (%x <= %n) {
        if ($2- isnum 1-7) {
          while ($istok(%s,%u,32) || !%u) {
            %u = $gettok($ai,$rand(1,$numtok($ai,32)),32)
          %s = %s %u
        elseif ($istok($ai,$gettok($2-,%x,32),32)) %u = $gettok($2-,%x,32)
        else %u = $null
        if (%u) $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,JoinTimer,%u) -o 1 $rand(2,28) addPlayer $1 %u -a
        inc %x
    alias -l rollAI {
      var %x = 1, %ai = $hget($s($1), ai), %y = $numtok(%ai, 32), %player
      while (%x <= %y) {
        %player = $gettok(%ai,%x,32)
        if (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), %player), 46)) timeAI $1 %player
        inc %x
    alias -l performAIAction {
      if ($timer($+(BlackJack,$1,DrawTimer))) {
        var %action = stand, %intel = $getIntel($2), %dealer = $cardTotal($1, -d).hard, %hard = $cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard, %soft = $cardTotal($1,-u,$2).soft, %d = $iif($numtok($hget($g($1,1), $2), 32) == 2 || $doubleWith3orMoreCards,1,0), %s = $iif($cardPair($hget($g($1,1),$2)),$ifmatch,0)
        if (%s == A) && ($hget($g($1,2),$2)) && ($noResplitWithAces) %s = 0
        if (%hard < 12) || (%soft < 8) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 1) && (%hard < 17) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 1) && (%s) && (%soft == 2) %action = split
        if (%intel > 2) && (%dealer < 11) && (%hard isnum 10-11) %action = double
        if (%intel > 2) && (%dealer > 6) && ((%soft > 7) && (%hard > 13)) %action = stand
        if (%intel > 3) && (%dealer isnum 2-6) && (%hard > 11) && (%soft > 7) %action = stand
        if (%intel > 3) && (%s) && (%hard == 16) && (%dealer < 11) %action = split
        if (%intel > 4) && (%dealer isnum 2-3) && (%hard < 14) && (!$istok(double.split,%action,46)) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 4) && (%dealer > 6) && ((%hard < 15) || (%soft < 8) && (!$istok(double.split,%action,46))) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 5) && (%dealer == 9) && (%soft < 9) && (%action != split) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 5) && (%dealer isnum 10-11) && (%soft == 8) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 5) && (%s) && (%dealer isnum 3-6) && ($istok(,%hard,46)) %action = split
        if (%intel > 6) && (%dealer == 10) && (%hard isnum 10-11) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 6) && (%dealer == 9) && (%hard isnum 10-11) %action = double
        if (%intel > 6) && (%dealer == 11) && (%hard < 17) && (%soft > 2) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 7) && (%dealer == 3) && (%hard == 13) && (%soft == 13) %action = stand
        if (%intel > 7) && (%dealer > 7) && (%hard isnum 12-16) && (!$istok(double.split,%action,46)) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 7) && (%s) && (%dealer == 2) && (%hard isnum 4-6) %action = split
        if (%intel > 7) && (%s) && (%dealer == 7) && ($istok(,%hard,46)) %action = split
        if (%intel > 8) && (%dealer isnum 3-6) && (%hard == 9) %action = double
        if (%intel > 8) && (%dealer isnum 5-6) && (%soft isnum 2-8) && (%hard > 11) %action = $iif(!%d && %soft == 8,stand,double)
        if (%intel > 8) && (%dealer == 7) && (%hard isnum 15-16) && (%action != split) %action = hit
        if (%intel > 8) && (%s) && (%hard == 18) && ($istok(,%dealer,46)) %action = split
        if (%intel > 9) && (%dealer == 4) && (%soft isnum 5-8) && (%hard > 11) && (%action != split) %action = $iif(!%d && %soft == 8,stand,double)
        if (%intel > 9) && (%dealer == 3) && (%soft isnum 7-8) && (%hard > 11) && (%action != split) %action = $iif(!%d && %soft == 8,stand,double)
        if (%action == hit) || ((%action == double) && (!%d)) drawCardAction $1 $2
        elseif (%action == double) drawCardAction $1 $2 -d
        elseif (%action == split) splitAction $1 $2
        else standAction $1 $2
        if (!$istok(double.stand, $hget($a($1,1), $2), 46)) timeAI $1 $2
    alias -l timeAI {
      $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,DrawTimer,$2) -o 1 $rand(2,7) performAIAction $1 $2
    alias -l createDeck {
      var %i = 1, %d = $calc($hget($s($1), decks) * 52)
      while (%i <= %d) {
        hadd $d($1) %i 1
        inc %i
    alias -l cardsRemaining return $hget($d($1), 0).item
    alias -l drawCard {
      if (!$cardsRemaining($1)) checkShuffle $1
      var %r = $rand(1,$cardsremaining($1)), %t = $hget($d($1), %r).item
      hdel $d($1) %t
      return $+($mid($suits,$calc((%t % 4) + 1),1),_,$cardify($calc((%t % 13) + 1)))
    alias -l blackjackStart {
      hfreedom $1
      hmake $g($1,1) 1
      hmake $a($1,1) 1
      hmake $d($1) $floor($calc(($iif($decks isnum 1-8,$v1,2) * 52) / 10))
      hmake $w($1) 1
      hmake $s($1) 1
      hadd $s($1) decks $iif($decks isnum 1-8,$v1,2)
      hadd $s($1) stats $iif($statEnable,1,0)
      msg $1 $c2($2) has started a game of $cb3(Blackjack Race!) Type $c2(!join) to join the game, you have $c1(30 seconds!)
      $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,JoinTimer) -o 1 30 startGame $1
      if ($3) generateAI $1 $3-
    alias -l addPlayer {
      if (!$hget($g($1,1), $2)) {
        hadd $g($1,1) $2 check
        hadd $w($1) $2 0
        if ($3) && (a isin $3) hadd $s($1) ai $iif($hget($s($1), ai),$ifmatch $2,$2)
        msg $1 $c2($2) $+ $iif(($3) && (a isin $3),$+($chr(32),$bracks(AI level $getIntel($2)))) has joined the game! $c1($players($1)) players joined! $iif($hget($g($1,1), 0).item < 7 && $timer($+(BlackJack,$1,JoinTimer)).secs > 1,You've $c1($timer($+(BlackJack,$1,JoinTimer)).secs) seconds left to join!)
        if ($hget($g($1,1), 0).item > 6) startGame $1 -f
    alias -l startGame {
      $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,JoinTimer*) off
      if (!$players($1)) {
        msg $1 Nobody has joined the game. $c2(1 player) is required! Turning off.
        blackjackStop $1 -f
      else {
        if ($players($1) == 1) {
          while ($players($1) < 2) {
            if (($isAI($1, $hget($g($1,1), 1).item)) && ($numtok($ai,32) < 2)) || (!$ai) addPlayer $1 $+(Agent,$rand(11111,99999)) -a
            else addPlayer $1 $gettok($ai,$rand(1,$numtok($ai,32)),32) -a
        hadd $s($1) original_players $players($1)
        createDeck $1
        var %text = The aim is to win $cb1($finish coins) from the $c2(Dealer) before everyone else. Bet amounts are in units of $winSingle $+ , $cb3($iif($hget($s($1), decks) > 1,$v1 decks,1 deck)) in use. Get ready...
        if ($2) && (f isin $2) msg $1 There are a maximum of $c1($players($1) players!) %text
        else msg $1 $c1(Time is up!) There are $c1($players($1) players!) %text
        $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,RepeatGame) -o 1 10 startRound $1
    alias -l startRound {
      createDefaults $1
      if ($actionsComplete($1)) $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,AutoTimer) -o 1 2 checkWinner $1 -f
      else {
        $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,DrawTimer) -o 1 30 checkWinner $1
        if ($hget($s($1), ai)) rollAI $1
    alias -l createDefaults {
      var %x = 1, %p = $players($1), %player, %actions
      hadd $s($1) dealer $drawCard($1)
      hadd $s($1) actions $hget($g($1,1),0).item
      hadd $s($1) completed 0
      while (%x <= %p) {
        %player = $hget($g($1,1), %x).item
        hadd $g($1,1) %player $drawCard($1) $drawCard($1)
        %actions = $iif($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,%player).hard) < 21,hit,stand)
        hadd $a($1,1) %player %actions
        if (%actions == stand) hinc $s($1) completed 1
        msg $1 $c2($+(%player,:)) Your cards are: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), %player)) :: Total: $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,%player)) $iif(%actions == hit,:: You can: !hit !stand !double $+ $iif($cardPair($hget($g($1,1), %player)),$+($chr(32),!split))) $+ $iif(%actions == hit,$+($chr(32),!surrender)))
        inc %x
      msg $1 The $cb2(Dealer) is showing: $cardflair($hget($s($1), dealer))
    alias -l createSplits {
      if ($3) {
        var %temp = $hget($g($1,1),$2)
        hadd $g($1,1) $2 $hget($g($1,$3),$2)
        hadd $g($1,$3) $2 %temp
        hadd $a($1,$3) $2 $hget($a($1,1),$2)
      hadd $g($1,1) $2 $hget($g($1,1),$2) $drawCard($1)
      var %one = $iif(($splitAcesOneCardOnly) && ($gettok($gettok($hget($g($1,1),$2),1,32),2,95) == A),1,0), %actions = $iif($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-u,$2).hard) < 21 && !%one,hit,stand)
      hadd $a($1,1) $2 %actions
      msg $1 $c2($+($2,:)) Your cards are: $cardflair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) :: Total: $bracks($cardTotal($1,-u,$2)) $iif(%actions == hit && !%one,:: You can: !hit !stand !double $+ $iif($cardPair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) && (($cardPair($hget($g($1,1), $2)) != A) || (!$noResplitWithAces)),$+($chr(32),!split)))
      if (%actions == stand) {
        hinc $s($1) completed 1
        if ($splitHand($1,$2)) forwardSplitter $1 $2 $splitHand($1,$2)
        elseif ($actionsComplete($1)) checkWinner $1 -f
    alias -l forwardSplitter {
      createSplits $1-
    alias -l blackjackStop {
      if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
        var %x = 1, %f, %u, %p = $players($1), %w, %winner = $3
        while ($hget($g($1,1), %x).item) {
          %u = $ifmatch
          %f = $iif($isAI($1,%u),-a,-u)
          %w = $iif(%winner && ($2 != -f),$iif(%winner == %u,win,lose),draw)
          preProcessHandStats $1 %u %f %w
          top5PreWrite $1 %u %f
          if (%f == -u) coinSave $1 %u
          inc %x
      hfreedom $1
    alias -l checkWinner {
      $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,DrawTimer,*) off
      var %dealer = $dealerOption($1)
      dealerDraw $1 %dealer
      roundDisplay $1 %dealer $iif($2,$2)
    alias -l roundDisplay {
      var %t = $hget($s($1), dealer), %win = $getWinner($1).win, %draw = $getWinner($1).draw, %lose = $getWinner($1).lose, %finished = $cb1($iif(f isin $3,All hands are finished!,Time is up!))
      var %displaywin = $formatPlayers($1, %win).win, %displaylose = $formatPlayers($1, %lose).lose, %displaydraw = $formatPlayers($1, %draw).draw
      if ($istok(1.2,$2,46)) msg $1 %finished The $cb2(Dealer) shows $cardflair($gettok(%t,1,32)) and $iif($2 = 2,draws the following cards:,drew the card:) $cardflair($gettok(%t,2-,32)) :: Total: $cb2($cardTotal($1, -d).hard)
      elseif ($2 == 0) msg $1 %finished Everyone went $c1(bust) so the $cb2(Dealer) wins
      elseif ($2 == 4) msg $1 %finished Everyone $c1(surrendered) so the $cb2(Dealer) doesn't draw cards
      else msg $1 %finished The $cb2(Dealer) can't make $c1(Blackjack) so doesn't draw cards
      if (%win) msg $1 $c1($iif($numtok(%win, 32) != 1,$v1 players,%win)) beat the dealer $+ $iif($numtok(%win, 32) != 1,: %displaywin,: $gettok(%displaywin,2-,32))
      if (%draw) msg $1 $c1($iif($numtok(%draw, 32) != 1,$v1 players,%draw)) managed to draw $+ $iif($numtok(%draw, 32) != 1,: %displaydraw,: $gettok(%displaydraw,2-,32))
      if (!%win) && (!%draw) && (%lose) && ($istok(1.2,$2,46)) msg $1 The $cb2(Dealer) beat everyone with: $cardflair(%t) :: Total: $cb2($cardTotal($1,-d).hard)
      $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,nextRound) -o 1 2 nextRound $1
    alias -l checkShuffle {
      var %r = $cardsRemaining($1)
      if (%r < $calc(($players($1) + 1) * 7)) {
        msg $1 $cb3(The cards are getting shuffled and reloaded) $bracks($+($round($calc((%r / ($hget($s($1), decks) * 52)) * 100),2),$chr(37)) density)
        createDeck $1
      else msg $1 $cb3(%r cards) remain in the shoe $bracks($+($round($calc((%r / ($hget($s($1), decks) * 52)) * 100),2),$chr(37)) density)
    alias -l nextRound {
      msg $1 Current scores: $allScores($1)
      offTheEdge $1
      if ($overallWinner($1)) {
        var %winner = $ifmatch, %coins = $hget($w($1), %winner)
        $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,announceWinner) -o 1 2 msg $1 Okay we have an $cb3(overall winner.) $cb2(%winner) wins the game, finishing with $c1(%coins coins!)
        $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,endGame) -o 1 4 blackjackStop $1 -m %winner
      elseif ($hget($s($1), stop)) {
        $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,announceStop) -o 1 2 msg $1 $cb3(Blackjack Race) was set to be stopped by $c2($hget($s($1), stop)) and has been terminated 
        $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,endGame) -o 1 4 blackjackStop $1 -f
      else {
        hdel -w $a($1,1) *
        hfreedomMirror $1
        $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,ShuffleTimer) -o 1 5 checkShuffle $1
        if ($hget($s($1),replace)) $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,ReplaceUser) -o 1 10 replaceUser $1
        $+(.timerBlackJack,$1,RepeatGame) -o 1 12 startRound $1
    alias -l replaceUser {
      var %x = 1, %u = $hget($s($1),replace), %y = $numtok(%u,32), %user, %a
      hdel $s($1) replace
      while (%x <= %y) {
        %user = $gettok(%u,%x,32)
        if ($hget($g($1,1), %user)) {
          while (!%a) || ($hget($g($1,1), %a)) {
            %a = $iif($rand(1,20) == 1,$+($chr(74),$chr(109),m,$chr(105),$chr($+(10,1))),$+(Agent,$rand(10000,99999)))
          preProcessHandStats $1 %user -u lose
          top5PreWrite $1 %user -u
          coinSave $1 %user
          hadd $g($1,1) %a $hget($g($1,1),%user)
          hadd $w($1) %a $hget($w($1),%user)
          hdel $g($1,1) %user
          hdel $w($1) %user
          hadd $s($1) ai $iif($hget($s($1), ai),$ifmatch %a,%a)
          msg $1 $cb3(%a) replaces $c2(%user) and joins the game!
        inc %x
    alias -l numerifyTotal {
      if ($1- == TOO MANY) return 30
      if ($1- == BLACKJACK) return 22
      return $1-
    alias -l cardflair {
      tokenize 32 $1-
      var %x = 1 ,%s ,%d
      while ($eval($+($,%x),2)) {
        %d = $remove($ifmatch,_)
        %s = %s $iif($left(%d,1) isin $left($suits,2),%d,$+(04,%d,))
        inc %x
      return %s
    alias -l cardPair {
      if ($gettok($gettok($1-,1,32),2,95) == $gettok($gettok($1-,2-,32),2-,95)) return $v1
      return $false
    alias -l cardTotal {
      var %s = $iif($2 == -u,$hget($g($1,1), $3),$iif($2 == -d,$hget($s($1), dealer),$2-)), %x = 1, %c = $numtok(%s, 32), %return = 0, %n, %soft = 0
      while (%x <= %c) {
        %n = $replace($gettok($gettok(%s,%x,32),2,95),A,1,J,10,Q,10,K,10)
        inc %return %n
        if (%n == 1) && (!%soft) && (%return < 12) inc %soft
        elseif (%soft) && (%return > 11) dec %soft
        if (%return > 21) return TOO MANY
        inc %x
      if (%soft) {
        if (%return == 11) return $iif(%x == 3,BLACKJACK,21)
        if (!$prop) return $+(%return,/,$calc(%return + 10))
        if ($prop == hard) return $calc(%return + 10)
      return %return
    alias -l formatPlayers {
      var %x = 1, %y = $numtok($2-,32), %u, %return, %split = 1, %hand, %i, %c, %d
      while (%x <= %y) {
        %u = $gettok($2-,%x,32)
        %hand = $hget($g($1,%split), %u)
        if ($dealerVS($1, %hand) == $prop) {
          if (!%i) { %return = %return %u $+ : $bracks($cardflair(%hand)) / | %i = 1 }
          else %return = $left(%return,-1) $bracks($cardflair(%hand)) /
          processHandStats $1 %u total 1 $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
          processHandStats $1 %u $prop 1 $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
          if ($prop == win) && ($numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1, %hand).hard) == 22) {
            hinc $w($1) %u $winBlackjack
            processHandStats $1 %u coins $winBlackjack $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
          else {
            %d = $iif($hget($a($1,%split),%u) == Double,$v2,Single)
            %c = $eval($+($,$prop,%d),2)
            hinc $w($1) %u %c
            if (%d == Double) processHandStats $1 %u double 1 $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
            processHandStats $1 %u coins %c $iif($isAI($1, %u),-a)
        inc %split
        if ($hget($g($1,%split), %u)) continue
        %split = 1
        %i = 0
        inc %x
      return $left(%return,-1)
    alias -l dealerOption {
      var %x = 1, %y = $hget($g($1,1),0).item, %return = 0, %t, %m = 1, %p, %q = 1
      while (%x <= %y) {
        %p = $hget($g($1,1),%x).item
        if ($hget($g($1,%m),%p) == check) inc %q
        else {
          %t = $numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1, $hget($g($1,%m), %p)).hard)
          if (%t < 22) return 2
          elseif (%t == 22) %return = 1
          inc %m
          if ($hget($g($1,%m),%p)) continue
        %m = 1
        inc %x
      if (%return == 1) && (!$istok(10.11,$cardTotal($1,-d).hard,46)) return 3
      if (%q < %x) return %return
      return 4
    alias -l dealerDraw {
      while ($cardTotal($1,-d).hard < 17) || (($dealerHitsOnSoft17) && ($cardTotal($1,-d).soft < 8)) {
        if ($istok(0.3.4,$2,46)) break
        hadd $s($1) dealer $hget($s($1), dealer) $drawCard($1)
        if ($2 == 1) break
    alias -l dealerVS {
      var %cards = $numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,$2-).hard), %dealer = $numerifyTotal($cardTotal($1,-d).hard)
      if ((%cards < %dealer) && (%dealer < 30)) || (%cards == 30) return lose
      if (%cards == %dealer) return draw
      return win
    alias -l players return $iif($hget($g($1,1), 0).item, $ifmatch, 0)
    alias -l getWinner {
      var %return , %x = 1, %p = $players($1), %player, %split = 1, %h
      while (%x <= %p) {
        %player = $hget($g($1,1), %x).item
        if ($hget($g($1,1),%player) != check) {
          %h = $hget($g($1, %split), %player)
          inc %split
          if ($prop == $dealerVS($1,%h)) %return = $addtok(%return,%player,32)
          elseif ($hget($g($1,%split), %player)) continue
          %split = 1
        inc %x
      return %return
    alias -l allScores {
      var %return, %x = 1, %y = $hget($w($1), 0).item, %s
      while (%x <= %y) {
        %s = $hget($w($1), %x).data
        %return = %return $hget($w($1), %x).item $+ : $iif(%s == 0,0,$+(,$iif(%s < 0,04,$iif(%s >= 100,06,03)),%s,)) ::
        inc %x
      return $left(%return, -2)
    alias -l overallWinner {
      var %return, %x = 1, %y = $hget($w($1), 0).item, %score = $finish - 1, %data
      while (%x <= %y) {
        %data = $hget($w($1), %x).data
        if (%data >= %score) {
          if (%data > %score) %return = $hget($w($1), %x).item
          else %return = %return $hget($w($1), %x).item
          %score = %data
        inc %x
      if (%x == 2) return $hget($w($1), 1).item
      if ($numtok(%return, 32) == 1) return %return
      return $false
    alias -l preProcessHandStats {
      if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
        var %p = $hget($s($1),original_players)
        processHandStats $1 $2 total 1 $3 games
        processHandStats $1 $2 players %p $3 games
        processHandStats $1 $2 $4 1 $3 games
        processHandStats $1 $2 $+($4,_,single) $iif($4 == win,$calc(%p - 1),1) $3 games
        processHandStats $1 $2 coins $iif($hget($w($1),$2),$ifmatch,0) $3 games
    alias -l processHandStats {
      if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
        var %a = $iif($5 && a isin $5,$true), %z = $iif($6,$6,hands), %f = $iif(%a,$+(%z,_ai),%z)
        if (!%a) || ($istok($ai,$2,32)) writeini -n $f(%f) $2 $3 $calc($getStat($f(%f),$2,$3) + $4)
    alias -l userStats {
      if (!$prop) {
        if ($getStat($f($iif($2,$2,hands)),$1,total)) return $true
        if ($getStat($f($iif($2,$2,hands_ai)),$1,total)) return $true
        return $false
      if ($prop == ai) return $iif($getStat($f($+($iif($2,$2,hands),_ai)),$1,total),$true,$false)
      if ($prop == user) return $iif($getStat($f($+($iif($2,$2,hands))),$1,total),$true,$false)
    alias -l coinSave {
      if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
        var %new = $iif($hget($w($1),$2),$ifmatch,0)
        writeini -n $f(coins) $2 coins $calc($getStat($f(coins),$2,coins) + %new)
        blackjackCoinListener $2 %new $getStat($f(coins),$2,coins)
    alias -l top5Write {
      var %a = $iif(a isin $2,$true), %f = $iif($istok(cph.wr,$3,46),$f($iif(%a,hands_ai,hands)),$f($iif(%a,games_ai,games))), %data = $top5Data($1,%f,$3), %l
      if ($len(%data)) {
        %l = $read($l($3),w,$+(*,$chr(32),$1,$iif(%a,$+($chr(32),-a),$null)))
        %l = $iif($readn,$ifmatch,0)
        write $iif(%l,$+(-l,%l)) $l($3) %data $1 $iif(%a,-a,$null)
        writeini -n %f $1 $3 %data
    alias -l top5Data {
      if ($istok(cpg.cph,$3,46)) return $round($calc($getStat($2,$1,coins) / $getStat($2,$1,total)),2)
      if ($3 == h2h) return $+($round($calc(($getStat($2,$1,win_single) / ($getStat($2,$1,win_single) + $getStat($2,$1,lose_single))) * 100),2),$chr(37))
      if ($3 == wr) return $round($calc(($getStat($2,$1,win) / ($getStat($2,$1,win) + $getStat($2,$1,lose) + $getStat($2,$1,draw))) * 100),2)
      var %t = $getStat($2,$1,total)
      return $round($calc(((($getStat($2,$1,win) * ((%t * ($getStat($2,$1,players) / %t)) / %t)) / %t) / ($getStat($2,$1,players) / %t)) * 100),2)
    alias -l top5PreWrite {
      var %x = 1
      if ($hget($s($1),stats)) {
        if ($istok($ai,$2,32) || (a !isin $3)) {
          while ($gettok($top5,%x,46)) {
            top5Write $2 $3 $ifmatch
            inc %x
    alias -l top5Sort {
      var %x = 1, %l
      while ($gettok($top5,%x,46)) {
        %l = $l($ifmatch)
        if ($exists(%l)) fs %l
        inc %x
    alias -l displayStats {
      var %a = $iif((($2 == -a) && $getStat($f(hands_ai),$3,total)) || !$getStat($f(hands),$3,total),$true), %f = $f($+(hands,$iif(%a,_ai))), %f2 = $f($+(games,$iif(%a,_ai))), %x = 1, %c, %g, %h
      var %t = $getStat(%f,$3,total), %w = $getStat(%f,$3,win), %d = $getStat(%f,$3,draw), %o = $round($calc(($getStat(%f,$3,double) / (%w + $getStat(%f,$3,lose) + %d)) * 100),2) $+ $chr(37)
      while ($gettok($top5,%x,46)) {
        %g = $ifmatch
        %h = $read($l(%g),w,$+(*,$chr(32),$3,$iif(%a,$+($chr(32),-a),$null)))
        %c = %c $+($upper(%g),:) $c3($ord($iif($readn,$ifmatch,$lines($l(%g))))) $c2(/)
        inc %x
      msg $1 Play stats for $cb1($3 $+ :) Hands: $c3(%t) $c2(/) Wins: $c3(%w) $c2(/) Draws: $c3(%d) $c2(/) CPH: $c3($top5Data($3,%f,cph)) $c2(/) Win Rate: $c3($top5Data($3,%f,wr)) $c2(/) Double Rate: $c3(%o)
      msg $1 Game stats for $cb1($3 $+ :) Games: $c3($getStat(%f2,$3,total)) $c2(/) Wins: $c3($getStat(%f2,$3,win)) $c2(/) CPG: $c3($top5Data($3,%f2,cpg)) $c2(/) Game Rating: $c3($top5Data($3,%f2,gr)) $c2(/) H2H Tier: $c3($top5Data($3,%f2,h2h))
      msg $1 List stats for $cb1($3 $+ :) $gettok(%c,$+(1-,$calc($numtok(%c,32) - 1)),32)
    alias -l displayCoins {
      %f = $f(coins)
      if ($ini(%f,$3)) msg $1 Total coins for $cb1($3 $+ :) $c3($getStat(%f,$3,coins))
    alias -l displayTop5 {
      var %x = 1, %f = $l($3), %l = $lines(%f), %c = 0, %r, %f2, %a, %game = $iif($istok(cpg.gr.h2h,$3,46),games,hands), %y = $iif(%game == games,$statMinGames,$statMinHands), %p
      msg $1 $cb3(Top 5) $c3($iif(a isin $2,robots,$iif(u isin $2,users,players)) for:) $c2($iif($3 == cph,Coins Per Hand,$iif($3 == wr,Win Rate,$iif($3 == cpg,Coins Per Game,$iif($3 == gr,Game Rating,Head to Head Tier))))) $bracks(min %y %game)
      while (%x <= %l) && (%c < 5) {
        %r = $read(%f,%x)
        %p = $gettok(%r,2,32)
        %a = $iif($gettok(%r,3,32) == -a,$true,$false)
        %f2 = $f($iif(%a,$+(%game,_,ai),%game))
        if ($getStat(%f2,%p,total) >= %y) && ((($2 == -a) && (%a)) || (($2 == -u) && (!%a)) || ($2 == -n)) {
          inc %c
          msg $1 $cb1($+(%c,$chr(46))) $c2(%p) $iif(%a,$+($chr(32),$bracks(AI level $getIntel(%p)))) $cb3($bracks($gettok(%r,1,32)))
        inc %x
    alias -l displayCompare {
      var %x = 1, %a1 = $iif((($1 == -a) && ($getStat($f(hands_ai),$2,total))) || (!$getStat($f(hands),$2,total)),$true,$false), %a2 = $iif((($3 == -a) && ($getStat($f(hands_ai),$4,total))) || (!$getStat($f(hands),$4,total)),$true,$false)
      var %f, %r1, %r2, %t1, %t2
      while (%x <= $numtok($top5,46)) {
        %f = $l($gettok($top5,%x,46))
        %r1 = $read(%f,w,$+(*,$chr(32),$2,$iif(%a1,$+($chr(32),-a),$null)))
        inc %t1 $iif($readn,$ifmatch,$lines(%f))
        %r2 = $read(%f,w,$+(*,$chr(32),$4,$iif(%a2,$+($chr(32),-a),$null)))
        inc %t2 $iif($readn,$ifmatch,$lines(%f))    
        inc %x
      %r2 = $round($calc((%t1 / (%t1 + %t2)) * 100),2)
      %r1 = $calc(100 - %r2)
      if (%r1 > %r2) msg $5 $cb1(>>>) $cb2($2) $cb1(<<<) $cb3($+(%r1,$chr(37))) $c1(vs) $+(%r2,$chr(37)) $c2($4)
      elseif (%r2 > %r1) msg $5 $c2($2) $+(%r1,$chr(37)) $c1(vs) $cb3($+(%r2,$chr(37))) $cb1(>>>) $cb2($4) $cb1(<<<)
      else  msg $5 $cb2($2) $cb3($+(%r1,$chr(37))) $c1(vs) $cb3($+(%r2,$chr(37))) $cb2($4)
    ; HELPER FUNCTIONS (use outside script)
    ; return coins in coins.ini
    alias blackjackGetCoins {
      return $getStat($f(coins),$1,coins)
    ; remove coins from coins.ini
    alias blackjackDelCoins {
      var %u = $1, %f = $f(coins)
      writeini -n %f %u coins $calc($getStat(%f,%u,coins) - $iif($2 isnum,$ifmatch,0))
      if ($isid) return $getStat(%f,$1,coins)
    ; listener, each time the user accumulates more coins (runs once per user per game played)
    ; you can 'transport' the coins accumulated to a separate script/file, and/or delete them
    ; these coins are displayed by the !coins command, removing them will be reflected.
    ; you can copy new points ($2) to a global/master file which works with your other scripts, if you want
    ; take note that $2 and $3 can both be negatives, make proper checks to keep things in accordance with the rest of your script
    alias -l blackjackCoinListener {
      ; $1 = the username
      ; $2 = coins added for user after current game
      ; $3 = new total coins for user
      ; your commands here:
      ; example echo after each time coins are added (uncomment to try)
      ; echo -a $1 finished the game, $iif($2 >= 0,winning,losing) $2 coins, and now has $3 total coins!
      ; example removing coins just earnt:
      ; blackjackDelCoins $1 $2
      ; example write to a separate file which holds stars collected by users. Each star is worth 20 coins
      ; also remove N stars worth of coins from the coin bank.
      ; if ($3 > 0) {
      ;   var %file = stars.ini, %coinsPerStar = 20, %stars = $floor($calc($3 / %coinsPerStar))
      ;   writeini %file $1 stars $calc($iif($readini(%file,$1,stars),$v1,0) + %stars)
      ;   blackjackDelCoins $1 $calc($3 - ($3 % %coinsPerStar))
      ; }
      ; hint: removing the if statement surrounding the previous 3 commands will hold it's current functionality,
      ; but will also remove stars from the stars file if the user falls to -20 or less


  10. I have had this script a while and use it but just in case some body stumbles accross the site looking for this kind of script here they go 🙂


    ON *:TEXT:Sadd cod *:*: { 
      set $+(%,fc,cod,$nick) $2- 
      notice $nick Your Fc has been recorded to see it type Scod <name> 
      msg $nick $me can enable you to save your gaming codes like call of duty or super smash bros brawl to do this you use a simple command " Sadd <gamename> <fc> " Like this | /msg $nick Sadd cod 123456789012 
      msg $nick $me supports these games ; accf , ssbb , acww , mkw , mkd , pokemon 
      msg $nick To call these up type S(name) (users name) aka Scod samuel Remember this works in a pm
    ON *:TEXT:Scod &:*: { 
      if ($($+(%,fc,cod,$2),2)) { 
        notice $nick Fc $+($2,::) $ifmatch 
      else { 
      msg $chan $2 does not have a Set fc. For them to have one they must type Sadd cod <Fc here> }
    ON *:TEXT:Sadd pokemon *:*: {
      set $+(%,poke,$nick) $2-
      notice $nick Saved
      msg $nick $me can enable you to save your gaming codes like call of duty or super smash bros brawl to do this you use a simple command " Sadd <gamename> <fc> " Like this | /msg $nick Sadd cod 123456789012 
      msg $nick $me supports these games ; accf , ssbb , acww , mkw , mkd , pokemon 
      msg $nick To call these up type S(name) (users name) aka Scod samuel Remember this works in a pm
    ON *:TEXT:Spoke &:*: {
      if ($($+(%,poke,$2),2)) {
        notice $nick %1F%02Fc $+($2,::)%1F $ifmatch
      else {
      msg $chan $2 not saved that fc }
    ON *:TEXT:Sadd ssbb *:*: {
      set $+(%,ssbb,$nick) $2-
      notice $nick Saved
      msg $nick $me can enable you to save your gaming codes like call of duty or super smash bros brawl to do this you use a simple command " Sadd <gamename> <fc> " Like this | /msg $nick Sadd cod 123456789012 
      msg $nick $me supports these games ; accf , ssbb , acww , mkw , mkd , pokemon 
      msg $nick To call these up type S(name) (users name) aka Scod samuel Remember this works in a pm
    ON *:TEXT:Sssbb &:*: {
      if ($($+(%,ssbb,$2),2)) {
        notice $nick %1F%02Fc $+($2,::)%1F $ifmatch
      else {
      msg $chan $2 not saved that fc }
    ON *:TEXT:Sadd mkw *:*: {
      set $+(%,mkw,$nick) $2-
      notice $nick Saved
      msg $nick $me can enable you to save your gaming codes like call of duty or super smash bros brawl to do this you use a simple command " Sadd <gamename> <fc> " Like this | /msg $nick Sadd cod 123456789012 
      msg $nick $me supports these games ; accf , ssbb , acww , mkw , mkd , pokemon 
      msg $nick To call these up type S(name) (users name) aka Scod samuel Remember this works in a pm
    ON *:TEXT:Smkw &:*: {
      if ($($+(%,mkw,$2),2)) {
        notice $nick %1F%02Fc $+($2,::)%1F $ifmatch
      else {
      msg $chan $2 not saved that fc }
    ON *:TEXT:Sadd mkd *:*: {
      set $+(%,mkd,$nick) $2-
      notice $nick Saved
      msg $nick $me can enable you to save your gaming codes like call of duty or super smash bros brawl to do this you use a simple command " Sadd <gamename> <fc> " Like this | /msg $nick Sadd cod 123456789012 
      msg $nick $me supports these games ; accf , ssbb , acww , mkw , mkd , pokemon 
      msg $nick To call these up type S(name) (users name) aka Scod samuel Remember this works in a pm
    ON *:TEXT:Smkd &:*: {
      if ($($+(%,mkd,$2),2)) {
        notice $nick %1F%02Fc $+($2,::)%1F $ifmatch
      else {
      msg $chan $2 not saved that fc }
    ON *:TEXT:Sadd acww *:*: {
      set $+(%,acww,$nick) $2-
      notice $nick Saved
      msg $nick $me can enable you to save your gaming codes like call of duty or super smash bros brawl to do this you use a simple command " Sadd <gamename> <fc> " Like this | /msg $nick Sadd cod 123456789012 
      msg $nick $me supports these games ; accf , ssbb , acww , mkw , mkd , pokemon 
      msg $nick To call these up type S(name) (users name) aka Scod samuel Remember this works in a pm
    ON *:TEXT:Sacww &:*: {
      if ($($+(%,acww,$2),2)) {
        notice $nick %1F%02Fc $+($2,::)%1F $ifmatch
      else {
      msg $chan $2 not saved that fc }
    ON *:TEXT:Sadd accf *:*: {
      set $+(%,accf,$nick) $2-
      notice $nick Saved
      msg $nick $me can enable you to save your gaming codes like call of duty or super smash bros brawl to do this you use a simple command " Sadd <gamename> <fc> " Like this | /msg $nick Sadd cod 123456789012 
      msg $nick $me supports these games ; accf , ssbb , acww , mkw , mkd , pokemon 
      msg $nick To call these up type S(name) (users name) aka Scod samuel Remember this works in a pm
    ON *:TEXT:Saccf &:*: {
      if ($($+(%,accf,$2),2)) {
        notice $nick %1F%02Fc $+($2,::)%1F $ifmatch
      else {
      msg $chan $2 not saved that fc }
    #toys on


  11. Windows Control Panel,Programas and Games Launcher
    Autor: Marvi-Konvic .E-Mail:marvi.konvic@gmail.com Web: www.marvi-konvic.co.cc
    This is free and use it at your own risk.
    Anything that may happen to your computer is not my problem.
    The author takes no responsibility for your actions.

    Description: Launch Programs (Wordpad,Windows Explorer,IE,Paint,Notepad,Command Prompt,WMedia Player...) Games (Solitare,FreeCell,Hearts,Mine Sweeper...) and Windows Control Panel apps such as Accessibility Options,Add or Remove Programs,Internet Options,Display Properties,Sounds and Audio Devices Properties,System Properties,Administrative Tools,Network Connections...Tools such as Task Menager,Diagnostic Tools,Registry Editor,Clipboard Wiewer,Computer Menagment,Disk Menagment,Remote Desktop Connection,On-Screen Keyboard,Magnifier,nslookup,Telnet... and more from your mIRC. Have Fun


    ; » Name: Windows Control Panel,Programas and Games Launcher                                              
    ; » Autor: Marvi-Konvic                                                  
    ; » E-Mail:marvi.konvic@gmail.com                                                                                       
    ; » Web: www.marvi-konvic.co.cc
    ; » Server: irc.flywithdream.com
    ; » Visit: www.ircsvet.com                                           
    ; » Desc: Program Launcher, Windows Control Panel
    ; » Size: 8 KB
    ; » Tested on Mirc 6.32, Windows XP (Home) sp2
    ; » WARNING: Do not change/rip/modify this addon. This is free and use it at your own risk.    
    ; » Anything that may happen to your computer is not my problem.
    ; » The author takes no responsibility for your actions.
    ;On Load
    on *:load: { 
      echo -a 04Tnx for using Program Launcher and Windows Conrtol Panel By Marvi-Konvic
      echo -a 04E-mail: marvi.konvic@gmail.com Web: www.marvi-konvic.co.cc
      echo -a 04Server: irc.flywithdream.com
      echo -a 04Visit: www.ircsvet.com
    menu menubar,channel,status {
      Win CPanel and Programs:/prun
    alias prun { if ($dialog(prun)) dialog -v prun | else dialog -m prun prun }
    dialog prun {
      title "Tools by Marvi-Konvic@www.ircsvet.com"
      size -1 -1 161 135
      option dbu
      button "Ok", 64, 3 111 70 15, ok
      link "Marvi-Konvic.co.cc", 65, 84 111 48 8
      button "Wordpad", 66, 84 92 70 15
      button "Windows Explorer", 68, 3 11 70 15
      button "Paint", 69, 3 51 70 15
      button "Notepad", 70, 3 31 70 15
      button "Volume Control", 71, 84 31 70 15
      button "WMedia Player", 72, 84 11 70 15
      button "Command Prompt", 77, 3 71 70 15
      button "Address book", 79, 84 52 70 15
      button "Character Map", 80, 3 91 70 15
      button "Calculator", 81, 84 72 70 15
      link "www.IRCSvet.com", 228, 84 122 48 8
      menu "Menu", 98
      item "About", 170, 98
      item "Send E-Mail To Autor", 171, 98
      item "Visit marvi-konvic.co.cc", 172, 98
      item "Visit IRCSet.com", 173, 98
      item "Exit", 100, 98, cancel
      menu "Control Panel", 101
      item "System Properties", 102, 101
      item "Display Properties", 103, 101
      item "Add Remove Programs", 104, 101
      item "Date and Time Properties", 105, 101
      item "User Accounts", 106, 101
      item "Regional and Language Options", 107, 101
      item "Internet Properties", 108, 101
      item "Network Connections", 109, 101
      item "Keyboard Properties", 110, 101
      item "Mouse Properties", 112, 101
      item "Game Controllers", 111, 101
      item "Sounds and Audio Devices Properties", 113, 101
      item "Power Options Properties", 114, 101
      item "Add Hardware Wizard", 115, 101
      item "Accessibility Options", 116, 101
      menu "Tools", 139
      item "Task Menager", 325, 139
      item "Diagnostic Tools", 140, 139
      item "Disk Cleanup", 141, 139
      item "Disk Defragmenter", 142, 139
      item "Registry Editor", 143, 139
      item "Indexing Service", 144, 139
      item "Clipboard Wiewer", 145, 139
      item "Computer Menagment", 146, 139
      item "Disk Menagment", 147, 139
      item "Event Wiewer", 148, 139
      item "IExpress Wizard", 149, 139
      item "Remote Desktop Connection", 150, 139
      item "Sistem Monitor", 151, 139
      item "Services", 152, 139
      menu "Accessibility", 153
      item "On-Screen Keyboard", 154, 153
      item "Magnifier", 155, 153
      menu "Network", 156
      item "nslookup", 157, 156
      item "Telnet", 158, 156
      item "Internet Explorer", 159, 156
      menu "Games", 160
      item "Solitare", 161, 160
      item "FreeCell", 162, 160
      item "Hearts", 163, 160
      item "Mine Sweeper", 164, 160
      item "Spider Solitaire", 165, 160
      item "Internet Reversi", 166, 160
      item "Internet Hearts", 167, 160
      item "Internet Backgammon", 168, 160
      item "Pinball", 169, 160
    alias prinfo { dialog -m prinfo prinfo }
    dialog prinfo {
      title "Launcher Info"
      size -1 -1 159 70
      option dbu
      button "OK", 325, 80 52 60 10, flat ok cancel
      text "With addon u can launch Windows games and windos contorl panel. For all information visit: www.marvi-konvic.co.cc or e-mail: marvi.konivc@gmail.com....Have fun", 46, 3 3 153 30
      button "Send E-Mail to Autor", 170, 3 37 60 10, flat
      button "marvi-konvic.co.cc", 171, 80 37 60 10, flat
      button "Visit: www.ircsvet.com", 172, 3 52 60 10, flat
    on 1:dialog:prinfo:sclick:170: {
      if ($did == 170) { run mailto:marvi.konvic@gmail.com }
    on 1:dialog:prinfo:sclick:171: {
      if ($did == 171) { run http://www.marvi-konvic.co.cc }
    on 1:dialog:prinfo:sclick:172: {
      if ($did == 172) { run http://www.ircsvet.com }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:65: {
      if ($did == 65) { run http://www.marvi-konvic.co.cc }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:66: {
      if ($did == 66) { run wordpad }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:68: {
      if ($did == 68) { run explorer.exe }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:69: {
      if ($did == 69) { run mspaint.exe }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:70: {
      if ($did == 70) { run notepad.exe }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:71: {
      if ($did == 71) { run sndvol32.exe }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:72: {
      if ($did == 72) { run mplayer2.exe }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:77: {
      if ($did == 77) { run cmd.exe }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:79: {
      if ($did == 79) { run wab.exe }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:80: {
      if ($did == 80) { run charmap.exe }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:81: {
      if ($did == 81) { run calc.exe }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:224: {
      if ($did == 224) { cserv }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:225: {
      if ($did == 225) { bserv }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:226: {
      if ($did == 226) { nserv }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:227: {
      if ($did == 227) { mserv }
    on 1:dialog:prun:sclick:228: {
      if ($did == 228) { run http://www.ircsvet.com }
    on *:dialog:prun:menu:*: {
      if ($did == 170) { dialog -m prinfo prinfo }
      if ($did == 171) { run mailto:marvi.konvic@gmail.com }
      if ($did == 172) { run http://www.marvi-konvic.co.cc }
      if ($did == 173) { run http://www.ircsvet.com }
      if ($did == 100) { dialog -x prun prun }
      if ($did == 102) { run sysdm.cpl }
      if ($did == 103) { run control desktop }
      if ($did == 104) { run appwiz.cpl }
      if ($did == 105) { run timedate.cpl }
      if ($did == 106) { run nusrmgr.cpl }
      if ($did == 107) { run intl.cpl }
      if ($did == 108) { run inetcpl.cpl }
      if ($did == 109) { run ncpa.cpl }
      if ($did == 110) { run control keyboard }
      if ($did == 111) { run joy.cpl }
      if ($did == 112) { run control mouse }
      if ($did == 113) { run mmsys.cpl }
      if ($did == 114) { run powercfg.cpl }
      if ($did == 115) { run hdwwiz.cpl }
      if ($did == 116) { run access.cpl }
      if ($did == 325) { run taskmgr.exe }
      if ($did == 140) { run dxdiag }
      if ($did == 141) { run CLEANMGR.EXE }
      if ($did == 142) { run dfrg.msc }
      if ($did == 143) { run regedit.exe }
      if ($did == 144) { run ciadv.msc }
      if ($did == 145) { run clipbrd.exe }
      if ($did == 146) { run compmgmt.msc }
      if ($did == 147) { run diskmgmt.msc }
      if ($did == 148) { run eventvwr.exe }
      if ($did == 149) { run iexpress.exe }
      if ($did == 151) { run perfmon.exe }
      if ($did == 152) { run services.msc }
      if ($did == 154) { run osk.exe }
      if ($did == 155) { run magnify.exe }
      if ($did == 157) { run nslookup.exe }
      if ($did == 158) { run telnet.exe }
      if ($did == 159) { run iexplore.exe }
      if ($did == 161) { run sol.exe }
      if ($did == 162) { run freecell.exe }
      if ($did == 163) { run mshearts.exe }
      if ($did == 164) { run winmine.exe }
      if ($did == 165) { run spider.exe }
      if ($did == 166) { run Rvsezm.exe }
      if ($did == 167) { run hrtzzm.exe }
      if ($did == 168) { run bckgzm.exe }
      if ($did == 169) { run pinball.exe }


  12. My first script on hawkee 😄

    *If anyone has any questions I can be found on the gamesurge network, usually with the username tv3636 (and in the channel #slapchop always)

    This allows a channel to play the classic gameshow Family Feud!
    How to play:
    Question is asked, and a set number of answers from 1-8 are given (from a txt file in the format Question*Answer1-Answer2-Answer3-Answer4-Answer5-Answer6-Answer7-Answer8)
    Points are awarded each time somebody answers a question
    Each question (round) ends after either 60 seconds or when all answers are found

    Here are the general questions I have compiled so far:
    Currently 900 questions!

    I will update that soon and hopefully have over 1,000 starter questions.
    The .txt file goes in the same folder the script goes into, the mIRC Application Data folder.

    Thank you for checking it out! Please comment if you have criticism, a suggestion, a compliment, a request, etc.

    February 4th, 2009 Update 1.1:
    -Changed all variable names and removed "unsetall". Now only Family Feud related variables are removed.
    -Made all messages red for easy distinction between bot text and others' text
    -Removed unnecessary slashes from code

    February 17th, 2008 Update 1.2:
    -Added support for 1-8 answers rather than only 8 (and it is easily modifiable if 9 or 10 answers are needed)
    -Different color text added to distinguish certain messages
    -Currently adding 1000+ general questions to my txt file which I will upload soon to allow people to have a good amount of starting questions.
    -Added support for in-game nick changes so that the high scores/scores will correctly change.

    February 19th, 2008 Update 1.3:
    -Added a 900 question .txt file for people to start with
    -Added a message at the beginning of the question saying how many answers there are for the question
    -Added a message 40 seconds after each question telling how many/which answers remain

    Later that day 😛 Update 1.4:
    -Added a menu with start, stop, and channel setting features
    -Added a channel setting feature and fixed a major bug
    Note: the game will only run in the channel you set it for

    February 23rd Update 1.5:
    -Added .'s to timers to remove status window notifications every question

    February 25th Update 1.6:
    -Removed top3, instead added !scores which lists all scores of people in the channel
    -Added score message between every question
    -Removed certain now unnecessary bits of code
    -Added score message after each question

    February 28th Update 1.7:
    -Added a round # feature to let users choose the number of rounds for the game (!start unlimited or just plain !start for a regular game)
    -Added a quick help message on the commands at the beginning of the snippet in case anyone needs an explanation.

    Feedback is very much appreciated, thank you!


    ;Family Feud Script Version 1.7 by tv3636
    ;Runs a channel wide game of Family Feud with questions and answers specified in a txt file (Default .txt file name is FamFeud.txt)
    ;For update log check http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/5714/
    ;February 28th, 2009
    ;Enjoy :D
    !start number
    Starts the game
    "!start 1" starts a 1 round game, "!start unlimited or !start" starts an unlimited game
    Stops the game
    Notices a user his/her score
    Messages the scores to the channel (Also messaged at the end of each round)
    ;Reads from a text file and grabs a random line's Question and answers in the format: Question*Answer1-Answer2-Answer3-Answer4-Answer5-Answer6-Answer7-Answer8
    on *:LOAD:/FFsetchan $?="Type the name of the channel you would like Family Feud to be active in (Including #)"
    menu nicklist,channel,status,menubar,query {
      Family Feud
      .$iif(%FF.on != 2,Start):/FFStart $me $chan $?="How many rounds? For unlimited rounds say unlimited."
      .$iif(%FF.on == 2,Stop):/FFStop $me $chan
      .Set Family Feud Channel:/FFsetchan $?="Type the name of the channel you would like Family Feud to be active in (Including #)"
    alias FFsetchan { set %chanFF $1 } 
    alias question {
      set %FF.line $read(FamFeud.txt)
      set %FF.num $pos(%FF.line, *, 1)
      set %FF.length $len(%FF.line)
      set %FF.numA %FF.length - %FF.num
      set %FF.numQ %FF.num - 1
      set %FF.dashes $count(%FF.line, -)
      set %FF.answers $right(%FF.line, %FF.numA)
      set %FF.question $left(%FF.line, %FF.numQ)
      set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
      set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
      set %FF.a1 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
      set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
      if ( %FF.dashes > 0 ) {
        set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
        set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
        set %FF.a2 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
        set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
      if ( %FF.dashes > 1 ) {
        set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
        set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
        set %FF.a3 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
        set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
      if ( %FF.dashes > 2 ) {
        set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
        set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
        set %FF.a4 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
        set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
      if ( %FF.dashes > 3 ) {
        set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
        set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
        set %FF.a5 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
        set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
      if ( %FF.dashes > 4 ) {
        set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
        set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
        set %FF.a6 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
        set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
      if ( %FF.dashes > 5 ) {
        set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
        set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
        set %FF.a7 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
        set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
      if ( %FF.dashes == 0 ) { set %FF.a1 %FF.answers }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 1 ) { set %FF.a2 %FF.answers }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 2 ) { set %FF.a3 %FF.answers }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 3 ) { set %FF.a4 %FF.answers }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 4 ) { set %FF.a5 %FF.answers }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 5 ) { set %FF.a6 %FF.answers }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 6 ) { set %FF.a7 %FF.answers }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 7 ) { set %FF.a8 %FF.answers }
      if ( %FF.dashes > 7 ) {
        set %FF.numcom $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1) - 1
        set %FF.numcom2 $len(%FF.answers) - $pos(%FF.answers, -, 1)
        set %FF.a8 $left(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom)
        set %FF.answers $right(%FF.answers, %FF.numcom2)
      inc %FF.dashes
      ;I was having issues with my other answer variables and timers so I just made a second set for the check alias.
      set %FF.answerz 0
      set %FF.a12 %FF.a1
      set %FF.a22 %FF.a2
      set %FF.a32 %FF.a3
      set %FF.a42 %FF.a4
      set %FF.a52 %FF.a5
      set %FF.a62 %FF.a6
      set %FF.a72 %FF.a7
      set %FF.a82 %FF.a8
      if (%FF.roundsplayed != $null) { msg %chanFF 10Round %FF.roundsplayed / %FF.rounds $+ 8 $chr(124) $+ $chr(124) 10Question ( $+ $readn $+ / $+ $lines(FamFeud.txt) $+ ):4 %FF.question }
      else { msg %chanFF 10Question ( $+ $readn $+ / $+ $lines(FamFeud.txt) $+ ):4 %FF.question }
      msg %chanFF 10There are4 %FF.dashes 10answers!
    alias game {
      if (%FF.roundsplayed == $null || %FF.roundsplayed <= %FF.rounds) {
        .timer1 1 60 game2
        .timer3 1 40 remaining
      else { FFstop }
    alias game2 {
      if ( %FF.dashes == 1 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answer was:4 %FF.a12 }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 2 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 and %FF.a22 }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 3 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , and %FF.a32 }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 4 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , and %FF.a42 }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 5 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , %FF.a42 $+ , and %FF.a52 }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 6 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , %FF.a42 $+ , %FF.a52 $+ , and %FF.a62 }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 7 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , %FF.a42 $+ , %FF.a52 $+ , %FF.a62 $+ , and %FF.a72 }
      if ( %FF.dashes == 8 ) { msg %chanFF 10That's it!  The answers were (in order):4 %FF.a12 $+ , %FF.a22 $+ , %FF.a32 $+ , %FF.a42 $+ , %FF.a52 $+ , %FF.a62 $+ , %FF.a72 $+ , and %FF.a82 }
      if (%FF.roundsplayed != $null) { inc %FF.roundsplayed }
      unset %FF.a*
      if (%FF.roundsplayed > %FF.rounds) { FFstop }
      if (%FF.on == 2) { msg %chanFF %FF.scoreoutput }
      if (%FF.on == 2) { .timer2 1 10 game }
      ;7 second delay between questions.
    alias remaining {
      set %FF.remain 10The remaining answers are:4
      if ( %FF.a1 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #1 }
      if ( %FF.a2 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #2 }
      if ( %FF.a3 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #3 }
      if ( %FF.a4 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #4 }
      if ( %FF.a5 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #5 }
      if ( %FF.a6 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #6 }
      if ( %FF.a7 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #7 }
      if ( %FF.a8 != $null ) { set %FF.remain %FF.remain #8 }
      msg %chanFF %FF.remain
    on *:TEXT:!start*:%chanFF:{ 
      if ($2 != $null) { FFstart $nick $chan $2 }
      else { FFstart $nick $chan unlimited }
    alias FFstart {
      if ( %FF.on != 2 ) {
        msg %chanFF 10A game has been started by $1
        set %FF.answerz 0
        set %FF.on 2
        set %FF.roundsplayed 1
        if ($3 == unlimited) { unset %FF.roundsplayed }
        else { set %FF.rounds $3 }
      else { .notice $1 The game's already going, maybe you should try answering some questions now. }
    on *:TEXT:!stop:%chanFF:{ FFstop $nick $chan }
    alias FFstop { 
      if ( %FF.on == 2 ) {
        if ($1 != $null) msg %chanFF 10Game stopped by $1 $+ .
        else msg %chanFF 10Game over!
        msg %chanFF %FF.scoreoutput
        .timer1 off
        .timer2 off
        .timer3 off
        unset %FF.*
      else { .notice $1 Stop what? }
    on *:TEXT:!score:%chanFF:{
      if ( %FF.on == 2 && %chanFF == $chan ) {
        if ( %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null ) {
          .notice $nick Your score is %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ .
        else {
          .notice $nick Your score is 0.
      else {
        .notice $nick There's no game going on, dumbass.
    ;Text events for all 8 answers
    on *:TEXT:%FF.a1:%chanFF:{
      msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 50 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#1 10answer,4 %FF.a1 $+ 10!
      inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50
      unset %FF.a1
      set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
      check %FF.answerz
    on *:TEXT:%FF.a2:%chanFF:{
      msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 35 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#2 10answer,4 %FF.a2 $+ 10!
      inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 35
      unset %FF.a2
      set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
      check %FF.answerz
    on *:TEXT:%FF.a3:%chanFF:{
      msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 28 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#3 10answer,4 %FF.a3 $+ 10!
      inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 28
      unset %FF.a3
      set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
      check %FF.answerz
    on *:TEXT:%FF.a4:%chanFF:{
      msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 20 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#4 10answer,4 %FF.a4 $+ 10!
      inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 20
      unset %FF.a4
      set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
      check %FF.answerz
    on *:TEXT:%FF.a5:%chanFF:{
      msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 15 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#5 10answer,4 %FF.a5 $+ 10!
      inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 15
      /unset %FF.a5
      set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
      check %FF.answerz
    on *:TEXT:%FF.a6:%chanFF:{
      msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 10 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#6 10answer,4 %FF.a6 $+ 10!
      inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10
      unset %FF.a6
      set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
      check %FF.answerz
    on *:TEXT:%FF.a7:%chanFF:{
      msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 8 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#7 10answer,4 %FF.a7 $+ 10!
      inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 8
      unset %FF.a7
      set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
      check %FF.answerz
    on *:TEXT:%FF.a8:%chanFF:{
      msg %chanFF 10Survey says,4 5 points10!4 $nick 10got the 4#8 10answer,4 %FF.a8 $+ 10!
      inc %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
      unset %FF.a8
      set %FF.answerz %FF.answerz + 1
      check %FF.answerz
    alias buildscores {
      set %FF.count 0
      set %FF.added 0
      set %FF.totalnicks $nick(%chanFF,0,a)
      set %FF.highest 0
      set %FF.highestnick $me
      set %FF.x $var(%FF.score.*, 0)
      set %FF.scoreoutput 10Scores:
      while (%FF.added < %FF.x) {
        while (%FF.count <= %FF.totalnicks) {
          set %FF.testnick $nick(%chanFF,%FF.count,a)
          if (%FF.score. [ $+ [ %FF.testnick ] ] != $null) && (%FF.score. [ $+ [ %FF.testnick ] ] >= %FF.highest) && (%FF.testnick !isin %FF.scoreoutput) {
            set %FF.highest %FF.score. [ $+ [ %FF.testnick ] ]
            set %FF.highestnick %FF.testnick
          inc %FF.count
        if (%FF.highest != 0) { set %FF.scoreoutput %FF.scoreoutput 04 $+ %FF.highestnick $+ 10:04 %FF.highest 08 $+ $chr(124) }
        set %FF.highest 0
        set %FF.highesttnick $me
        inc %FF.added
        set %FF.count 0
      set %FF.chop $calc($len(%FF.scoreoutput) - 1)
      set %FF.scoreoutput $left(%FF.scoreoutput,%FF.chop)
      if (%FF.scoreoutput == 10Scores:) set %FF.scoreoutput 10Nobody has any points!
    ;Checks to see if all answers have been said before time limit is up
    alias check {
      if ( $1 == %FF.dashes ) { 
        .timer1 off
        .timer3 off
    ;Accounts for nickname changes mid-game.
    on *:NICK:{
      if ( %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null ) {
        set %FF.score. [ $+ [ $newnick ] ] %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        unset %FF.score. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    ;Notices the scores of players in the channel in order to the person that said !scores
    on *:TEXT:!scores:%chanFF:{
      .notice $nick %FF.scoreoutput
    ;If you have another feature you would like to see, let me know and I'll add it if possible!



  13. In this game, you are the red dot and you need be fast to fall as low as possible.
    Some kind of powerups are there to help you:
    3 purple = 2 holes per line for 6 seconds
    3 blue = a pause of 5 seconds
    2 green = faster for 5 seconds
    2 orange = no floor for 8 seconds
    1 grey = smaller hole for 6 seconds

    /picwin to run, I dare you to play only once.


    alias picwin {
      if ($1 == again) { .timerpicwin* off | hfree -w picwin | initgame | gamestart }
      elseif ($1 == clear) { .timerpicwin* off | hfree -w picwin | window -c @picwinbuf }
      else { initwin | initgame | gamestart }
    alias -l initwin {
      window -fpdoCB @picwin -1 -1 200 300
      window -fpdCBh @picwinbuf -1 -1 200 300
    alias -l initgame {
      hadd -m picwin x 100
      hadd picwin y 10
      hadd picwin inair 1
      hadd picwin scroll 0
      hadd picwin maxscroll 40
      drawrect -fr @picwinbuf 16777215 0 0 0 200 300
    alias -l gamestart {
      .timerpicwindec 0 7 hdec picwin maxscroll 1 $(|) var % $+ r $!r(0,100) $(|) hadd picwin bonus $!iif(%r isnum 0-24,1,$iif(%r isnum 25-49,4,$iif(%r isnum 50-69,2,$iif(%r isnum 70-89,3,5))))
      generate&scroll 3
      hadd picwin start $ticks
    alias -l bonus {
      if ($hget(picwin,bonus)) {
        drawdot -r @picwinbuf $gettok(10223772 64512 16515072 13816530 32764,$v1,32)) 5 $calc($1 + $iif($hget(picwin,hole),7,12)) 295
        hdel picwin bonus
    alias -l generate&scroll {
      if (!$hget(picwin,noscroll)) {
        if (!$hget(picwin,scroll)) && ($r(0,$iif($hget(picwin,hole),190,180)) != $null) {
          var %v $v1,%r $r(0,$iif($hget(picwin,hole),190,180))
          drawline -r @picwinbuf 0 3 0 290 200 290
          drawline -r @picwinbuf 16777215 3 %v 290 $calc(%v + $iif($hget(picwin,hole),10,20)) 290
          if ($hget(picwin,double)) drawline -r @picwinbuf 16777215 3 %r 290 $calc(%r + $iif($hget(picwin,hole),10,20))) 290
          bonus %v
        drawscroll @picwinbuf 0 $iif($1,-40,-1) 0 0 200 300
        if ($1) { tokenize 32 $calc($1 -1) | goto start }
        if (!$hget(picwin,inair)) && ($hget(picwin,y) > 0) hdec picwin y 1
        hadd picwin scroll $iif($hget(picwin,scroll) >= $hget(picwin,maxscroll),0,$calc($v1 +1))
      .timerpicwingen -ho 1 0 generate&scroll
    alias -l mainloop {
      if ($hget(picwin,y) == 0) {
        if ($input(Score: $calc(($ticks - $hget(picwin,start)) / 1000) $+ $crlf $+ Play again ?,ys,@picwin,Picwin)) picwin again
        else picwin clear   
      var %s $gettok($hget(picwin,stack),1,32),%y $hget(picwin,y) + $iif($hget(picwin,inair),2,0),%x $hget(picwin,x) $iif(%s,$iif($v1 == 37,-,+) $iif($hget(picwin,boost),5,3))
      var %x = $iif(%x < 5,5,$iif(%x > 198,198,%x))
      if ($getdot(@picwinbuf,$calc(%x - 3),%y)) || ($hget(picwin,nofloor)) hadd picwin inair 1
      else hdel picwin inair
      if ($hget(picwin,inair)) && ($getdot(@picwinbuf,$calc(%x - 3),$calc(%y - 3))) && ($v1 != 16777215) {
        var %v $v1
        drawreplace -r @picwinbuf %v 16777215 $calc(%x - 15) $calc(%y - 15) 50 50
        hinc picwin bonus $+ %v
        var %n $hget(picwin,bonus $+ %v)
        if (%v == 10223772) && (%n == 2) hadd -u6 picwin double 1 $iif(del,)
        elseif (%v == 16515072) && (%n == 3) hadd -u5 picwin noscroll 1 $iif(del,)
        elseif (%v == 64512) && (%n == 2) hadd -u5 picwin boost 1 $iif(del,)
        elseif (%v == 32764) && (%n == 3) hadd -u5 picwin nofloor 1 $iif(del,)
        elseif (%v == 13816530) && (%n == 1) hadd -u6 picwin hole 1 $iif(del,)
        if ($v1 == del) hdel picwin bonus $+ %v
      hadd picwin x %x
      if (%y > 288) && (!$hget(picwin,pro)) { hadd -u3 picwin pro 1 | var %r $r(0,100) | hadd picwin bonus $iif(%r isnum 0-34,1,$iif(%r isnum 35-69,2,$iif(%r isnum 70-89,3,5)))) }
      hadd picwin y $iif(%y > 288,288,%y)
      drawcopy -n @picwinbuf 0 0 200 300 @picwin 0 0
      drawdot -nr @picwin 255 5 $hget(picwin,x) $hget(picwin,y)
      drawdot @picwin
      titlebar @picwin $round($calc(($ticks - $hget(picwin,start)) / 1000),1)
      .timerpicwinmain -ho 1 10 mainloop
    on *:close:@picwin:picwin clear
    on *:keydown:@picwin:37,39:tokenize 32 $hget(picwin,stack) | hadd picwin stack $keyval $iif($keyval != $1,$1,$2)
    on *:keyup:@picwin:37,39:hadd picwin stack $remtok($hget(picwin,stack),$keyval,32)


  14. Put this in a bot's remotes. Choose whichever one you like. The first one has 10 numbers, the second has 50, the third has 100, and the fourth has 1000.


    on *:TEXT:!nummatch*:{
      set %tomatch $rand(1,10)
      set %trymatch $2
      msg $chan The number you chose was: %trymatch
      msg $chan The number to match was %tomatch
      if (%trymatch == %tomatch) { 
      msg $chan Congradulations $nick Your number: %trymatch matched the number chosen: %tomatch. You win!
    on *:TEXT:!nummatch*:{
      set %tomatch $rand(1,50)
      set %trymatch $2
      msg $chan The number you chose was: %trymatch
      msg $chan The number to match was %tomatch
      if (%trymatch == %tomatch) { 
      msg $chan Congradulations $nick Your number: %trymatch matched the number chosen: %tomatch. You win!
    on *:TEXT:!nummatch*:{
      set %tomatch $rand(1,100)
      set %trymatch $2
      msg $chan The number you chose was: %trymatch
      msg $chan The number to match was %tomatch
      if (%trymatch == %tomatch) { 
      msg $chan Congradulations $nick Your number: %trymatch matched the number chosen: %tomatch. You win!
    on *:TEXT:!nummatch*:{
      set %tomatch $rand(1,1000)
      set %trymatch $2
      msg $chan The number you chose was: %trymatch
      msg $chan The number to match was %tomatch
      if (%trymatch == %tomatch) { 
      msg $chan Congradulations $nick Your number: %trymatch matched the number chosen: %tomatch. You win!


  15. Common request: Simple dice games.

    These mIRC dice scripts allow you to roll a 100-sided die against a host or have a dice duel against an opponent by rolling two six-sided dice each.

    !(2-9)dd nick1 nick2 bet_amount
    !stopdd nick
    !55x2 nick bet_amount

    55x2 games are always against the host. The bettor rolls over 55 to win 2x the bet, and under 56 to lose it.

    Dice duel -
    Two players pay the host and then roll against each other. The winner receives the pot from the host.
    (2-9) - Optionally specify the number of dice for the dice duel.


    alias -l whitelist return #chan1,#chan2,#chanN | ;Set allowed channels here.
    alias -l mynicks return nick1,nick2,nick3 | ;Set the nicknames this script can be used with in the same format as the channel list
    alias -l canhost return ohv | ;Who can host: 'ohvr' (op, halfop, voice, regular) are the only valid options
    alias -l dd_pot_multiplier return 1.9 | ;[Host's cut] - Winner gets (bet_amount * pot_multiplier)
    ;* Written by Travis (Yawhatnever) - irc.swiftirc.net #mSL    *
    ;* This script goes in an empty remotes file.                 *
    on *:text:$($allowed):#:noop
    on $*:text:/^[!@.]55x2\b/Si:$($whitelist):{
      if (!$ishost($nick)) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] You must be a host to use that command.
      elseif (!$3) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] Syntax: &c3;!55x2/dice &norm;<&c1;Name of player&norm;> <&c4;Amount of bet&norm;>
      elseif ($2 == $nick) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] You can't bet against yourself!
      elseif ($2 == $me) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] You can't roll against me!
      elseif ($2 !ison #) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] Player must be on the channel.
      elseif (!$isformat($3)) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] Invalid bet amount. Input must be a cash amount in GP/K/M/B.
      else {
        var %roll $rand(1, 100),%w $iif(%roll < 56, $nick, $2)
        msg.format @ $nick # [55x2]&c2; $nick &norm;vs&c1; $2 &norm;- Pot:&c4; $pot($3).full
        msg.format @ $nick # [55x2]&c2; $nick &norm;rolled a&c5; %roll &norm;on the percentile die!
        msg.format @ $nick # [55x2]&c1; $2 $iif($2 == %w, 03won, 04lost) &norm;the&c4; $iif($2 == %w, $pot($3).full pot,$kmb.to($kmb.from($3)) bet) &norm;as&c2; $nick &norm;rolled $iif($2 == %w, 03over, 04under) &norm;55.
    on $*:text:/^[!@.]([2-9])?dd\b/Si:$($whitelist):{
      var %dice $iif($regml(1), $v1, 2)
      if (!$ishost($nick)) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] You must be a &c2;host &norm;to use that command.
      elseif ($2 == $3) || ($dd_info($2)) || ($dd_info($3)) || (!$4) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] Syntax: &c3;!dd &norm;<&c1;Player1&norm;> <&c1;Player2&norm;> <&c4;Amount of Pot&norm;> $!(|) Both players must be on the channel and may only be in one duel at a time.&c2; $iif($dd_info($2).vs || $dd_info($3).vs,&c1; $+ $ifmatch &norm;is already in a duel with&c1; $dd_info($ifmatch).vs $+ &norm;.)
      elseif ($2 !ison #) || ($3 !ison #) msg.format ! $nick # [Error]&c1; $v1 &norm;is not on the channel.
      elseif ($2 == $me) || ($3 == $me) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] I can't enter a duel!
      elseif (!$isformat($4)) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] Invalid bet amount. Input must be a cash amount in GP/K/M/B.
      else {
        inc -e %dd_id
        set -e %dd_ $+ # $+ $2 $+($3, /, $kmb.from($4), /, $nick, /, %dice, /, %dd_id) 
        set -e %dd_ $+ # $+ $3 $+($2, /, $kmb.from($4), /, $nick, /, %dice, /, %dd_id)
        msg.format @ $nick # [Dice Duel]&c1; $2 &norm;vs.&c1; $3 &norm;- Pot:&c4; $dd_info($2).pot &norm;- Please type&c3; !roll &norm;now!
        .timerdd_end $+ $dd_info($2).id -o 1 600 dd_end $safe(#) $2 Duel between&c1; $2 &norm;and&c1; $dd_info($2).vs &norm;has been forcibly ended after 10 minutes of inactivity &c4;[[ Hosted By&c2; $dd_info($2).host &c4;]]
    on $*:text:/^[!@.]roll\b/Si:$($whitelist):{
      if (!$dd_info($nick)) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] You are not in a dice duel.
      elseif ($dd_info($nick).roll) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] You have already rolled! It's &c1; $+ $dd_info($nick).vs $+ &norm;'s turn.
      else {
        set %dd_ $+ # $+ $nick $instok($dd_info($nick), $regsubex($left($str(@ -, $dd_info($nick).dice), -1), /@/g,$chr(32) $+ $die), 6, 47)
        msg.format @ $nick # [Dice Duel]&c1; $nick &norm;rolled&c5; $dd_info($nick).roll &norm;(&c5; $+ $dd_info($nick).rollsum $+ &norm;) on $replace($dd_info($nick).dice, 2, two, 3, three, 4, four, 5, five, 6, six, 7, seven, 8, eight, 9, nine) 6-sided dice.
        if ($dd_info($dd_info($nick).vs).rollsum && $dd_info($nick).rollsum) {
          if ($dd_info($dd_info($nick).vs).rollsum == $dd_info($nick).rollsum) {
            msg.format @ $nick # [Dice Duel] Duel between&c1; $dd_info($nick).vs &norm;and&c1; $nick &norm;was a draw, both having rolled&c5; $dd_info($nick).rollsum $+ &norm;. Please type &c3;!roll &norm;again.
            set -e %dd_ $+ # $+ $dd_info($nick).vs $deltok($dd_info($dd_info($nick).vs), 6-, 47)
            set -e %dd_ $+ # $+ $nick $deltok($dd_info($nick), 6-, 47)
          else {
            var %w $iif($dd_info($dd_info($nick).vs).rollsum > $dd_info($nick).rollsum, $dd_info($nick).vs, $nick)
            dd_end # $nick &c1; $+ %w &norm;wins the&c4; $dd_info($nick).pot &norm;Pot with rolls:&c5; $dd_info(%w).rollsum - $dd_info($dd_info(%w).vs).rollsum &norm;against&c1; $dd_info(%w).vs &c4;[[ Hosted By&c2; $dd_info($nick).host &c4;]]
    on $*:text:/^[!@.](ddend|(stop|end)dd)\b/Si:$($whitelist):{ 
      if (!$2) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] No player entered.
      elseif (!$dd_info($2)) msg.format ! $nick # [Error]&c1; $2 &norm;is not in a duel.
      elseif ($nick != $dd_info($2).host) && ($dd_info($2).host ison #) msg.format ! $nick # [Error] Only the host (&c2; $v1 &norm;) can stop this dice duel.
      elseif ($ishost($nick)) && ($dd_info($2)) { 
        dd_end # $2 Duel between&c1; $2 &norm;and&c1; $dd_info($2).vs &norm;has been forcibly ended by&c2; $nick $+ &norm;.
    alias -l msg.format { 
      ;!@. $nick #channel [title] <msg>
      ;c1 nicks
      ;c2 hosts
      ;c3 commands
      ;c4 pot
      ;c5 rolls
      if ($left($1, 1) == @) var %out msg $safe($3)
      else var %out notice $2
      inc -z %msgs 
      .timer 1 %msgs %out $replacex($regsubex($4-,/^\[([^]]+)\]/,**°°°04\t7«&norm;), &c1;, 10, &c2;, 02, &c3;, 04, &c4;, 07, &c5;, 06,[b], $chr(2), **, $chr(2), &norm;, $chr(15))
    alias -l safe return $!decode( $encode($1-, m) ,m)
    alias -l allowed if (!$istok($mynicks, $me, 44)) return *
    alias -l isformat if ($regex($1, /^(?:[1-9](?:\d*)?(?:\.\d+)?[mkb]|[1-9]\d*gp)$/Si)) return $true
    alias -l ishost if ($nick(#, $1, $canhost)) return $true
    alias -l dd_info {
      * $dd_info([#chan,]nick).prop
      * Properties: vs, bet, host, dice, id, rolls, rollsum, pot
      if ($regex($1, /^#/)) var %chan $1, %nick $2
      else var %chan #, %nick $1
      if (!$prop) return $($+(%, dd_, %chan, %nick), 2)
      tokenize 47 $($+(%, dd_, %chan, %nick), 2)
      if ($prop == vs) return $1
      elseif ($prop == bet) return $2
      elseif ($prop == host) return $3
      elseif ($prop == dice) return $4
      elseif ($prop == id) return $5
      elseif ($prop == roll) return $6
      elseif ($prop == rollsum) return $calc($replace($6, -, +))
      elseif ($prop == pot) return $pot($2)
    alias -l pot return $kmb.to($ceil($calc($kmb.from($1) * $iif($prop == full, 2, $dd_pot_multiplier))))
    alias -l die return $rand(1,6)
    alias -l dd_end {
      * /dd_end #channel nick [message]
      if ($3) msg.format @ $2 $1 [Dice Duel] $3-
      .timerdd_end $+ $dd_info($1, $2).id off
      unset %dd_ $+ $1 $+ $dd_info($1,$2).vs
      unset %dd_ $+ $1 $+ $2
    alias -l kmb.from return $regsubex($remove($1,$chr(44)),/([\d.]+)([kmbt]|gp)/Si,$calc(\1 * 10 ^ (3 * $pos(kmbt,\2))))
    alias -l kmb.to {
      while (. !isin $1) && ($2 != 4) && ($1 >= 1000) tokenize 32 $calc($1 /$v2) $calc(1+$2) 
      return $1 $+ $gettok(GP K M B T, $calc(1+$2), 32)


  16. i folks... been trying a few rpg type games, and folks suggested to make a way so they can add their own monsters in.

    This script will add, list totals, and delete entries from monster txt files , that IRC rpg games typically use.
    You may have to edit the script depending on how many levels there are in your rpg game, and you may also have to edit the prefix of all the monster text files for each level .. (the rpg game i use has the monster text files as monster.txt, monster2.txt.. etc)

    You may also want to add in some feature that only ops can add/del .. but for me its not necessary

    I must also thank a few people around irc that gave some pointers and a little help while putting this together.
    you know who you all are.. and thank you so much for your time.

    The Monster Manager Commands


    !m-lv(level number)-add (Your Monster)

    !m-lv(level number)

    !m-lv(level number) (number)


    !m-lv(level number)-del (number)



    ;;PAN'S MONSTER MANGAER ------------------------------------------------------
      on *:text:!m-help:#:{
      msg $chan Pan's Monster Manager: To Add: 12!m-lv(level number)-add (Your Monster) - To check number of monsters in each Level: 12!m-lv(level number) - To view individual monsters: 12!m-lv(level number) (number) - To View total enemy strength: 12!m-total - To Delete Monster: 12!m-lv(level number)-del (number) - 4"Try not delete other peoples monsters"
    ;;LEVEL 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv1-add *:#:{
      write monsters.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 1 Monsters list $nick $+ . Thy epic journey awaits thee.
    on *:text:!m-lv1:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters.txt) Level 1 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv1-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters.txt
    ;;LEVEL 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv2-add *:#:{
      write monsters2.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 2 Monsters list $nick $+ . May good fortune be with thee on thy quest.
    on *:text:!m-lv2:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters2.txt) Level 2 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv2-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters2.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters2.txt
    ;;LEVEL 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv3-add *:#:{
      write monsters3.txt $2- | .msg $chan 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 3 Monsters list $nick $+ . Glory awaits thee.
    on *:text:!m-lv3:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters3.txt) Level 3 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv3-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters3.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters3.txt
    ;;LEVEL 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv4-add *:#:{
      write monsters4.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 4 Monsters list $nick $+ . Journey forth into the darkness with pride and haste..
    on *:text:!m-lv4:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters4.txt) Level 4 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv4-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters4.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters4.txt
    ;;LEVEL 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv5-add *:#:{
      write monsters5.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 5 Monsters list $nick $+ . Elders shall speak of thy honorable deeds.
    on *:text:!m-lv5:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters5.txt) Level 5 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv5-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters5.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters5.txt
    ;;LEVEL 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv6-add *:#:{
      write monsters6.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 6 Monsters list $nick $+ . Many bards shall play, honoring thy glorious victories.
    on *:text:!m-lv6:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters6.txt) Level 6 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv6-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters6.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters6.txt
    ;;LEVEL 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv7-add *:#:{
      write monsters7.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 7 Monsters list $nick $+ . May the free folk to come speak of thy heroism.
    on *:text:!m-lv7:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters7.txt) Level 7 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv7-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters7.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters7.txt
    ;;LEVEL 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv8-add *:#:{
      write monsters8.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 8 Monsters list $nick $+ . Thy place within history awaits thee.
    on *:text:!m-lv8:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters8.txt) Level 8 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv8-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters8.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters8.txt
    ;;LEVEL 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv9-add *:#:{
      write monsters9.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 9 Monsters list $nick $+ . The Holy Scriptures will proclaim thy divinity.
    on *:text:!m-lv9:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters9.txt) Level 9 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv9-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters9.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters9.txt
    ;;LEVEL 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv10-add *:#:{
      write monsters10.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 10 Monsters list $nick $+ .Now go!, once more unto the breach!.
    on *:text:!m-lv10:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters10.txt) Level 10 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv10-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters10.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters10.txt
    ;;LEVEL 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv11-add *:#:{
      write monsters11.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 11 Monsters list $nick $+ . May good fortune be upon thy quest where so many nobel warriors have failed before thee.
    on *:text:!m-lv11:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters11.txt) Level 11 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv11-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters11.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters11.txt
    ;;LEVEL 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv12-add *:#:{
      write monsters12.txt $2-
      msg # 12 $+ $2- has been added to the Level 12 Monsters list $nick $+ . 4May all the Gods have mercy on thy soul!!
    on *:text:!m-lv12:#:{
      msg $chan There are a total of12 $lines(monsters12.txt) Level 12 Monsters.
    on *:text:!m-lv12-del *:#:{
      if ($2 isnum) {
        msg $chan $qt($read(monsters12.txt, n, $2)) was deleted!
        write -dl $+ $2 monsters12.txt
    ;;CHECK MONSTERS --------------------------------------------------------------------
    on *:text:!m-lv1 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters.txt,$2) - Total Lv2 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv2 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters2.txt,$2) - Total Lv2 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters2.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv3 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters3.txt,$2) - Total Lv3 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters3.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv4 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters4.txt,$2) - Total Lv4 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters4.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv5 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters5.txt,$2) - Total Lv5 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters5.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv6 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters6.txt,$2) - Total Lv6 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters6.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv7 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters7.txt,$2) - Total Lv7 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters7.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv8 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters8.txt,$2) - Total Lv8 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters8.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv9 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters9.txt,$2) - Total Lv9 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters9.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv10 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters10.txt,$2) - Total Lv10 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters10.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv11 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters11.txt,$2) - Total Lv11 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters11.txt)
    on *:text:!m-lv12 *:#:if ($2 isnum) msg $chan  $read(monsters12.txt,$2) - Total Lv12 Monsters:12 $lines(monsters12.txt)
    on *:text:!m-total:#:{
      msg $chan Total Enemy Strengh: ( Lv1:12 $lines(


  17. So I've been working on this for a little bit. I wanted to make something where you could have a registration system for all scripts that wanted to support this kind of thing. For example if you had a casino script or trivia script that wanted to register users, you could do so with this script for both of them (assuming they were compatible). I would definitely like to collaborate with mIRC script writers who are looking to use this kind of system. I'm almost always available on skype via: jasonsphone01

    Since this is a system all it's own, it does not require any other plugins to help it run. If you have any questions please use the comment section below or feel free to message me on skype! (or if you want to invite me to your IRC server, that'll work too)

    Change Log:
    Extensible Account Script v.
    Beta Release version of the EAS.

    Extensible Account Script v.
    Clean-up of the code used in EAS.
    Added more identifiers to the $eas alias
    Commented-out ability to type /account open to open the account dialog.
    Added the -c tag to the /account alias (before any additional arguments) to clear out the window before processing any other information.

    Extensible Account Script v.
    Added dialogs for all normal /account alias commands.
    Additional code clean-up.
    Added $alock() alias for a quicker look at various user's account lock information.
    Added a change log.

    Extensible Account Script v.
    Added Menu option to bring up the console
    Added an on TEXT event handler

    Extensible Account Script v.
    Added information text to /account info command.
    Added installation and version update times for statistical purposes.

    Extensible Account Script v.
    Added Staff Channel with and output option
    Added the ability to auto-join this channel upon connecting to a server.


    ;;;;;Extensible Account Script;;;;;
    alias eas {
      If ($1 == version) { return }
      If ($1 == left) { return 9,1[EAS] }
      If ($1 == checkversion) { return $readini(account/account.ini,status,version) }
      If ($1 == settings) { return $readini(account/account.ini,settings,$2) }
      If ($1 == status) { return $readini(account/account.ini,status,$2) }
      If ($1 == perm) { return $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /permissions.ini,perms,$3) }
      If ($1 == gperm) { return $readini(account/staff/groups.ini,$2,$3) }
      If ($1 == isRegistered) { return $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,status,registered) }
      If ($1 == isStaff) { return $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,power,staff) }
      If ($1 == staffGroup) { return $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,power,position) }
      If ($1 == isGroup) { return $readini(account/staff/groups.ini,$2,registered) }
      If ($1 == userPass) { return $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,status,password) }
      If ($1 == userEmail) { return $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,status,email) }
      If ($1 == opLevel) { return $readini(account/staff/groups.ini,$2,oplevel) }
      If ($1 == loggedIn) { return $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,status,loggedin) }
      If ($1 == joinTime) { return $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,status,jointime) }
    alias alock {
      If (!$2) { return $readini(account/ $+ $1 $+ /account.ini,status,locked) }
      Elseif ($2 == date) { return $readini(account/ $+ $1 $+ /account.ini,status,lastlockdate) }
      Elseif ($2 == locker) { return $readini(account/ $+ $1 $+ /account.ini,status,lastlocker) }
      Elseif ($2 == reason) { return $readini(account/ $+ $1 $+ /account.ini,status,lockreason) }
      Elseif ($2 == unlock) { return $readini(account/ $+ $1 $+ /account.ini,status,unlocktime) }
      Else { return error }
    alias cout { echo -a $eas(left) $1- }
    alias re { $1- }
    alias start { dialog $iif($dialog($1) == $1,-v,-md $1) $1 }
    alias dclose { dialog -x $dname }
    alias account {
      If (-c isin $1) {
        re account $2-
      $iif($1 == open,,cout ==========)
      If ($readini(account/account.ini,status,installed) != yes) {
        If (!$1) { cout Please type 3/account install to install the Extensible Account Script. | halt }
        Elseif ($1 != install) { cout Please type 3/account install to install the Extensible Account Script. | halt }
        Else {
          cout Please wait...
          mkdir account
          writeini account/account.ini status installed yes
          writeini account/account.ini status version $eas(version)
          writeini account/account.ini status installtime $ctime
          writeini account/account.ini status updatetime $ctime
          writeini account/account.ini settings password on
          writeini account/account.ini settings email on
          writeini account/account.ini settings emailvalidate on
          write account/perms.txt op
          write account/perms.txt lockBypass
          mkdir account/staff
          re account group Owner add 4
          re account group Admin add 2
          writeini account/account.ini settings registration on
          writeini account/account.ini settings login on
          write account/opleveldesc.txt 7 - Staff, Bot Owner
          write account/opleveldesc.txt 6 - Staff, Owner (Supported services (ie ~ rank in channel))
          write account/opleveldesc.txt 5 - Staff, Admin (Supported services (ie & rank in channel))
          write account/opleveldesc.txt 4 - Staff, Operator (ie @ in channel))
          write account/opleveldesc.txt 3 - Staff, Halfop (Supported services (ie % rank in channel))
          write account/opleveldesc.txt 2 - Staff, Voice (ie + in channel))
          write account/opleveldesc.txt 1 - Staff, No rank
          write account/opleveldesc.txt 0 - Member, non-staff
          writeini account/account.ini settings output off
          writeini account/account.ini status output #account
          writeini account/account.ini settings enforcechannelaccess true
          writeini account/account.ini settings autojoin true
          cout Installation complete!
          re account
      Elseif ($eas(checkversion) != $eas(version)) {
        If (!$1) { cout Please type /account update to update the Extensible Account Script. | halt }
        Elseif ($1 != update) { cout Please type /account update to update the Extensible Account Script. | halt }
        Else {
          cout Please wait...
          If (!$eas(checkversion)) {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            writeini account/account.ini settings password on
            writeini account/account.ini settings email on
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            writeini account/account.ini settings emailvalidate on
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            write account/perms.txt op
            write account/perms.txt lockBypass
            mkdir account/staff
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            re account group Owner add 4
            re account group Admin add 2
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            writeini account/account.ini settings registration on
            writeini account/account.ini settings login on
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            ;;;;;This is the official beta release;;;;;
            ;;;;;If anyone would like to colaberate on this project with me, add me on skype: jasonsphone01
            write account/opleveldesc.txt 7 - Staff, Bot Owner
            write account/opleveldesc.txt 6 - Staff, Owner (Supported services (ie ~ rank in channel))
            write account/opleveldesc.txt 5 - Staff, Admin (Supported services (ie & rank in channel))
            write account/opleveldesc.txt 4 - Staff, Operator (ie @ in channel))
            write account/opleveldesc.txt 3 - Staff, Halfop (Supported services (ie % rank in channel))
            write account/opleveldesc.txt 2 - Staff, Voice (ie + in channel))
            write account/opleveldesc.txt 1 - Staff, No rank
            write account/opleveldesc.txt 0 - Member, non-staff
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            ;;;;;Code clean-up;;;;;
            ;;;;;Nothing to add presently;;;;;
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            ;;;;;Code clean-up;;;;;
            ;;;;;Added dialogs;;;;;
            ;;;;;Nothing to add here;;;;;
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            ;;;;;Code clean-up;;;;;
            ;;;;;Added Menu and on Text event handler;;;;;
            ;;;;;Nothing to add here;;;;;
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            ;;;;;Added information text to /account command;;;;;
            writeini account/account.ini status installtime $ctime
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            ;;;;;Added Staff Output Channel;;;;;
            writeini account/account.ini settings output off
            writeini account/account.ini status output #account
            writeini account/account.ini settings enforcechannelaccess true
          If ($eas(checkversion) == {
            ;;;;;Update to version;;;;;
            ;;;;;Added on Conect option to auto-join the account channel;;;;;
            writeini account/account.ini settings autojoin on
          writeini account/account.ini status version $eas(version)
          writeini account/account.ini status updatetime $ctime
          cout Update complete!
          re account
      Else {
        If (!$1) {
          cout Please select from the following options:
          cout To view options for account management, please type /account manage
          cout To view options for staff management, please type /account staff
          cout To view options for script settings, please type /account settings
          cout To bring up the dialog for this script, please type /account open
          cout To view information about this script, please type /account info
        Elseif ($1 == open) { start account }
        Elseif ($1 == manage) {
          cout Please select from the following options:
          cout To register/unregister a user, please type /account <register|unregister> <nick> $iif($eas(settings,password) == on,[password],) $iif($eas(settings,email) == on,[email],)
          cout To login/logout a user, please type /account <login|logout> <nick>
          cout To lock/unlock a user account, please type /account <lock|unlock> <nick> [time to expire in seconds] [reason for lock]
          cout To view the list of settings on a user account and how to modify them, please type /account view <nick>
        Elseif ($1 == register) {
          If (!$2) { cout Please type /account register <nick> $iif($eas(settings,password) == on,<password>,) $iif($eas(settings,email) == on,<email>,) | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) == yes) { cout This user is already registered! | halt }
          If ($eas(settings,password) == on) && ($eas(settings,email) == on) {
            If (!$4) { cout Please type /account register <nick> <password> <email> | halt }
            If ($eas(settings,emailvalidate) == on) {
              If ($readini(account/account.ini,emailvalidate,$4) == registered) { cout This email is already registered to a user! | halt }
              Else { writeini account/account.ini emailvalidate $4 registered }
            mkdir account/ $+ $2
            writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status password $3
            writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status email $4
          Elseif ($eas(settings,password) == on) {
            If (!$3) { cout Please type /account register <nick> <password> | halt }
            mkdir account/ $+ $2
            writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status password $3
          Elseif ($eas(settings,email) == on) {
            If (!$3) { cout Please type /account register <nick> <email> | halt }
            If ($eas(settings,emailvalidate) == on) {
              If ($readini(account/account.ini,emails,$3) == registered) { cout This email is already registered to a user! | halt }
              Else { writeini account/account.ini emailvalidate $3 registered }
            mkdir account/ $+ $2
            writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status email $3
          Else {
            mkdir account/ $+ $2
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status registered yes
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status loggedin no
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status lastlogin na
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status locked no
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status lastlockdate na
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status lastlocker na
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status lockreason na
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status unlocktime $ctime
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status jointime $ctime
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini power staff no
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini power position member
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini power premium no
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini power premiumExpiration $ctime
          write account/accounts.txt $2
          cout Account registration for the nickname $2 is complete!
        Elseif ($1 == unregister) {
          If (!$2) { cout Please type /account unregister <nick> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This isn't a registered user. | halt }
          remini account/account.ini emailvalidate $eas(userEmail,$2)
          .remove account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini
          .remove account/ $+ $2 $+ /permissions.ini
          rmdir account\$2
          write -ds $+ $2 account/accounts.txt
          cout User Unregistration Complete!
        Elseif ($1 == login) {
          If (!$2) { cout Please type /account login <nick> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This isn't a registered user. | halt }
          If ($eas(loggedIn,$2) == yes) { cout This user is already logged in. | halt }
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status loggedin yes
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status lastlogin $ctime
          If (-s !isin $3-) { cout User has been logged-in sucessfully! }
          If ($alock($2) == yes) { cout Warning! User is currently locked but has been logged-in anyway! }
        Elseif ($1 == logout) {
          If (!$2) { cout Please type /account logout <nick> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This isn't a registered user. | halt }
          If ($eas(loggedIn,$2) != yes) { cout This user isn't logged in. | halt }
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status loggedin no
          If (-s !isin $3-) { cout User has been logged-out sucessfully! }
        Elseif ($1 == lock) {
          If (!$4) { cout Please type /account lock <nick> <time to expire in seconds> <reason for lock> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This isn't a registered user. | halt }
          If ($alock($2) == yes) { cout This user's account is already locked. | halt }
          If ($eas(perm,$2,op) == true) { cout Warning! This user can't normally be locked! }
          If ($eas(perm,$2,lockBypass) == true) || ($eas(perm,$2,op) == true) { cout Warning! This user can bypass an account lockout! }
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status locked yes
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status lastlockdate $ctime
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status lastlocker ~Console
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status lockreason $4-
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status unlocktime $calc($ctime + $3)
          cout User lock of $2 $+ 's account complete!
        Elseif ($1 == unlock) {
          If (!$2) { cout Please type /account unlock <nick> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This isn't a registered user. | halt }
          If ($alock($2) != yes) { cout This user's account is not locked. | halt }
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini status locked no
          cout User unlock of $2 $+ 's account complete!
        Elseif ($1 == view) {
          If (!$2) { cout Please type /account view <nick> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This isn't a registered user. | halt }
          cout Profile information for: $2 (Generated at $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT) $+ )
          cout Status: Registered - Locked: $alock($2) $iif($alock($2) == yes,- Date Unlockable: $asctime($alock($2,unlock),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT),)
          cout Last login: $asctime($readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,status,lastlogin),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
          cout Join Date: $asctime($readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,status,jointime),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
          If ($eas(isStaff,$2) == yes) {
            cout Staff Position: $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,power,position)
          If ($readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,power,premium) == yes) {
            cout Premium Expiration Date: $asctime($readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,power,premiumExpiration),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
          If ($alock($2,date) != na) {
            cout Last Lock Date: $asctime($alock($2,date),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
            cout Last Locker: $alock($2,locker)
            cout Last Lock Reason: $alock($2,reason)
        Elseif ($1 == staff) {
          cout Please select from one of the following options:
          cout To manage staff users, please type /account manageStaff
          cout To manage staff groups, please type /account groups
        Elseif ($1 == manageStaff) {
          cout Please select from one of the following options:
          cout To make a registered user staff (or to fire a staff member), please type: /account <hire|fire> <nick> [group]
          cout (For a list of groups, please type /account groups)
          cout To manage an individual's permissions as a staff member, please type /account staffer <nick>
          cout To change a user's group as staff, please type /account changeGroup <nick> <newGroup>
        Elseif ($1 == hire) {
          If (!$3) { cout Please type: /account hire <nick> <group> | cout (For a list of groups, please type /account groups) | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This is not a registered user. | halt }
          If ($eas(isStaff,$2) == yes) { cout This user is already staff. | halt }
          If ($readini(account/staff/groups.ini,$3,registered) != yes) { cout This is not a valid group. | halt }
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini power staff yes
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini power position $3
          write account/staff/staffers.txt $2
          cout Staff hired sucessfully!
        Elseif ($1 == fire) {
          If (!$2) { cout Please type: /account fire <nick> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This is not a registered user. | halt }
          If ($eas(isStaff,$2) != yes) { cout This user isn't staff. | halt }
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini power staff no
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini power position member
          write -ds $+ $2 account/staff/staffers.txt
          cout Staff fired sucessfully!
        Elseif ($1 == staffer) {
          If (!$2) { cout Please type: /account staffer <nick> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This is not a registered user. | halt }
          If ($eas(isStaff,$2) != yes) { cout This user is not a staffer. | halt }
          cout Information about staffer: $2 (Report generated on: $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT) $+ )
          cout Current Group: $readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini,power,position)
          If ($readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /permissions.ini,status,registered) == yes) {
            cout Individiual Permissions:
            var %temp.1 1
            While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/perms.txt)) {
              If ($readini(account/ $+ $2 $+ /permissions.ini,perms,$read(account/perms.txt,t,%temp.1))) {
                cout $read(account/perms.txt,t,%temp.1) - $eas(perm,$2,$read(account/perms.txt,t,%temp.1))
              inc %temp.1
            cout End of Individual Permissions.
          cout To change individual permissions, type /account changePerm <nick> <permission node> <value>
          cout For a complete list of permissions, type /account permList
        Elseif ($1 == permList) {
          cout The following are the permissions recognized by the EAS directly:
          var %temp.1 1
          While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/perms.txt)) {
            cout $read(account/perms.txt,t,%temp.1)
            inc %temp.1
          cout End of List
        Elseif ($1 == changePerm) {
          If (!$4) { cout Please type /account changePerm <nick> <permissions node> <value> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This is not a registered user. | halt }
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /permissions.ini status registered yes
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /permissions.ini perms $3 $4
          cout Permission set sucessfully!
        Elseif ($1 == changeGroup) {
          If (!$3) { cout Please type /account changeGroup <nick> <newGroup> | halt }
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$2) != yes) { cout This user isn't registered. | halt }
          If ($eas(isStaff,$2) != yes) { cout This user isn't a staffer. | halt }
          If ($readini(account/staff/groups.ini,$3,registered) != yes) { cout This isn't a valid group. | halt }
          writeini account/ $+ $2 $+ /account.ini power position $3
          cout $2 had their group change to $3 sucessfully!
        Elseif ($1 == groups) {
          cout The following is a list of groups available for staffers:
          var %temp.1 1
          While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/staff/groups.txt)) {
            cout $read(account/staff/groups.txt,t,%temp.1)
            inc %temp.1
          cout End of list. To learn more about each one (and see other available options), please type /account group <groupName> info
        Elseif ($1 == group) {
          If (!$3) {
            cout Please select from one of the following options:
            cout To view a list of available groups, please type /account groups
            cout To view information specific to a group, please type /account group <groupName> info
            cout To add/remove a group, please type /account group <groupName> <add|remove> [opLevel if adding]
            cout To edit operator status, please type /account group <groupName> opLevel <actual op level, see documentation for help with this>
            cout To edit specific permissions a group has access to, please type /account group <groupName> perms <permissions node> <value>
          Elseif ($3 == info) {
            If ($eas(isGroup,$2) != yes) { cout This is not a valid group. | halt }
            cout Information for group $2 (Report generated on $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
            cout Op Level: $readini(account/staff/groups.ini,$2,oplevel)
            cout Specific Permissions:
            var %temp.1 1
            While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/perms.txt)) {
              cout $read(account/perms.txt,t,%temp.1) - $eas(gperm,$2,$read(account/perms.txt,t,%temp.1))
              inc %temp.1
            cout Users who have this group:
            var %temp.1 1
            While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/accounts.txt)) {
              If ($readini(account/ $+ $read(account/accounts.txt,t,%temp.1) $+ /account.ini,power,position) == $2) {
                cout - $read(account/accounts.txt,t,%temp.1)
              inc %temp.1
            cout End of Report
          Elseif ($3 == add) {
            If (!$4) { cout Please type /account group <groupName> add <opLevel> | halt }
            If ($eas(isGroup,$2) == yes) { cout This group already exists. | halt }
            writeini account/staff/groups.ini $2 registered yes
            writeini account/staff/groups.ini $2 opLevel $4
            var %temp.1 1
            While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/perms.txt)) {
              writeini account/staff/groups.ini $2 $read(account/perms.txt,t,%temp.1) false
              inc %temp.1
            write account/staff/groups.txt $2
            cout Group created sucessfully!
          Elseif ($3 == remove) {
            If ($eas(isGroup,$2) != yes) { cout This group doesn't exist. | halt }
            write -ds $+ $2 account/staff/groups.txt
            remini account/staff/groups.ini $2
            var %temp.1 1
            While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/accounts.txt)) {
              If ($readini(account/ $+ $read(account/accounts.txt,t,%temp.1) $+ /account.ini,power,position) == $2) {
                writeini account/ $+ $read(account/accounts.txt,t,%temp.1) $+ /account.ini power position member
              inc %temp.1
            cout Group removed sucessfully! Any users assigned to that group have been assigned to the member group (ie non-staff).
          Elseif ($3 == opLevel) {
            If (!$4) { cout Please type /account group <groupName> opLevel <actual op level> | halt }
            If ($eas(isGroup,$2) != yes) { cout This is not a registered group | halt }
            writeini account/staff/groups.ini $2 opLevel $4
            cout Op Level for $2 changed to $4 sucessfully!
          Elseif ($3 == perms) {
            If (!$5) { cout Please type /account group <groupName> perms <permissions node> <value> | halt }
            If ($eas(isGroup,$2) != yes) { cout This is not a registered group | halt }
            writeini account/staff/groups.ini $2 $4 $5
            cout Permissions set sucessfully! Please note that if the permissions node is not one in the EAS system it will not show up normally (ie from a different plugin)
          Else {
            cout Unknown command.
        Elseif ($1 == settings) {
          If (!$2) {
            cout Please select from one of the following:
            cout To manage core account settings, please type /account settings system
            cout To manage user settings (including login and registration), please type /account settings user
            cout To manage staff settings, please type /account settings staff
          Elseif ($2 == system) {
            If (!$4) {
              cout Please select from the following options:
              cout To turn Staff Channel Output $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,output) == on,off,on) $+ , please type: /account settings system output $iif($eas(settings,output) == on,off,on)
              cout To change the Staff Output channel (currently: $eas(status,output) $+ ), please type: /account settings system channel <input new channel>
              cout To change the Enforce Access to Output channel (currently: $eas(settings,enforcechannelaccess) $+ ), please type: /account settings system enforcechannelaccess $iif($eas(settings,enforcechannelaccess) == on,off,on)
              cout To change the Autojoin on Connect option (currently: $eas(settings,autojoin) $+ ), please type: /account settings system autojoin $iif($eas(autojoin) == on,off,on)
            Elseif ($3 == output) {
              writeini account/account.ini settings output $4
              cout Staff Channel Output changed to: $4
            Elseif ($3 == channel) {
              writeini account/account.ini status output $4
              cout Staff Channel has been changed to: $4
            Elseif ($3 == enforcechannelaccess) {
              writeini account/account.ini settings enforcechannelaccess $4
              cout Enforce Channel Access has been changed to: $4
            Elseif ($3 == autojoin) {
              writeini account/account.ini settings autojoin $4
              cout Autojoin on connect has been changed to: $$
            Else {
              cout Unknown command.
          Elseif ($2 == user) {
            If (!$4) {
              cout Please select from one of the following options:
              cout To $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,registration) == on,deny,allow) registration, please type: /account settings user registration $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,registration) == on,off,on)
              cout To $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,login) == on,deny,allow) logins, please type: /account settings user login $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,login) == on,off,on)
              cout To $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,password) == on,not require,require) a password, please type: /account settings user password $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,password) == on,off,on)
              cout To $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,email) == on,not require,require) an email, please type: /account settings user email $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,email) == on,off,on)
              cout To $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,emailvalidate) == on,not block,block) the same email address registereing more than once, please type: /account settings user emailvalidate $iif($readini(account/account.ini,settings,emailvalidate) == on,off,on)
            Else {
              writeini account/account.ini settings $3 $4
              cout Value updated sucessfully!
          Elseif ($2 == staff) {
            cout Currently there are no settings available.
          Else {
            cout Unknown command.
        Elseif ($1 == info) {
          cout Extensible Account Script - Version $eas(version)
          cout Installed on: $asctime($eas(status,installtime),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
          cout Most recently updated on: $asctime($eas(status,updatetime),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
          cout This update released on $asctime(1438531200,ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
          cout Number of accounts currently registered: $lines(account/accounts.txt)
          cout Number of staffers: $lines(account/staff/staffers.txt)
          cout Development Area: irc.us.gamesurge.net #Tamaki
      Else {
        cout Unknown command.
    dialog account {
      title Account Main Menu
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 44
      button "Account Management", 1, 1 1 100 10
      button "Staff Management", 2, 1 11 100 10
      button "System Settings", 3, 1 22 100 10
      button "Close", 4, 1 33 100 10, cancel
    dialog account_management {
      title Account Management
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 44
      button "New Account", 1, 1 1 100 10
      button "Manage Account", 2, 1 11 100 10
      button "Delete Account", 3, 1 22 100 10
      button "Back", 4, 1 33 100 10
    dialog account_management_new {
      title New Account
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 152 55
      text "Nick", 1, 1 1 50 10
      edit "", 2, 51 1 100 10
      text "Password", 3, 1 11 50 10
      edit "", 4, 51 11 100 10, disable
      text "Email", 5, 1 22 50 10
      edit "", 6, 51 22 100 10, disable
      button "Create Account", 7, 1 33 151 10
      button "Cancel", 8, 1 44 151 10
    dialog account_management_manage {
      title Manage Account
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 203 77
      text "Username", 1, 1 1 50 10
      edit "", 2, 51 1 100 10
      button "Search", 3, 152 1 50 10
      button "Look-up", 4, 1 11 202 10
      text "Password", 5, 1 22 50 10
      edit "", 6, 51 22 152 10, pass disable
      text "Email", 7, 1 33 50 10
      edit "", 8, 51 33 152 10, disable
      check "Lock Account", 11, 1 44 202 10, disable
      button "Complete", 9, 1 55 202 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 10, 1 66 202 10
    dialog account_management_manage_list {
      title Account List
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 143
      list 1, 1 1 100 100
      text "Username", 2, 1 100 100 10
      edit "", 3, 1 110 100 10, right read
      button "Select", 4, 1 121 100 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 5, 1 132 100 10
    dialog account_management_delete {
      title Delete Account
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 143
      list 1, 1 1 100 100
      text "Username", 2, 1 100 100 10
      edit "", 3, 1 110 100 10, right read
      button "Delete", 4, 1 121 100 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 5, 1 132 100 10
    dialog account_staff {
      title Staff Management
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 33
      button "Manage Staffers", 1, 1 1 100 10
      button "Manage Groups", 2, 1 11 100 10
      button "Back", 3, 1 22 100 10
    dialog account_staff_manage {
      title Manage Staff
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 44
      button "New Staffer", 1, 1 1 100 10
      button "Manage Staffer", 2, 1 11 100 10
      button "Fire Staffer", 3, 1 22 100 10
      button "Back", 4, 1 33 100 10
    dialog account_staff_manage_hire {
      title Hire New Staff
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 203 55
      text "Username", 1, 1 1 50 10
      edit "", 2, 51 1 100 10
      button "Search", 3, 152 1 50 10
      button "Look-up", 4, 1 11 202 10
      text "Group", 5, 1 22 50 10
      combo 6, 51 22 152 10, drop disable
      button "Hire", 7, 1 33 202 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 8, 1 44 202 10
    dialog account_staff_manage_hire_list {
      title Non-Staff Account List
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 143
      list 1, 1 1 100 100
      text "Username", 2, 1 100 100 10
      edit "", 3, 1 110 100 10, right read
      button "Select", 4, 1 121 100 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 5, 1 132 100 10
    dialog account_staff_manage_manage {
      title Manage Staffer
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 203 66
      text "Username", 1, 1 1 50 10
      edit "", 2, 51 1 100 10
      button "Search", 3, 152 1 50 10
      button "Look-up", 4, 1 11 202 10
      text "Group", 5, 1 22 50 10
      combo 6, 51 22 152 10, drop disable
      button "Individual Permissions", 7, 1 33 202 10, disable
      button "Complete", 8, 1 44 202 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 9, 1 55 202 10
    dialog account_staff_manage_manage_list {
      title Staff List
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 143
      list 1, 1 1 100 100
      text "Username", 2, 1 100 100 10
      edit "", 3, 1 110 100 10, right read
      button "Select", 4, 1 121 100 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 5, 1 132 100 10
    dialog account_staff_manage_manage_perms {
      title Manage Permissions
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 152 55
      text "Permission", 1, 1 1 50 10
      combo 2, 51 1 100 10, drop
      text "Current", 3, 1 13 50 10
      text "", 4, 51 13 100 10, right
      text "New", 5, 1 24 50 10
      edit "", 6, 51 24 100 10, right disable
      button "Change", 7, 1 35 151 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 8, 1 46 151 10
    dialog account_staff_manage_fire {
      title Fire Staffer
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 145
      list 1, 1 1 100 100
      text "Username", 2, 1 101 100 10
      text "", 3, 1 112 100 10
      button "Fire", 4, 1 123 100 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 5, 1 134 100 10
    dialog account_staff_groups {
      title Group Options
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 44
      button "Create Group", 1, 1 1 100 10
      button "Manage Group", 2, 1 11 100 10
      button "Delete Group", 3, 1 22 100 10
      button "Back", 4, 1 33 100 10
    dialog account_staff_groups_create {
      title Create Group
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 152 44
      text "Group Name", 1, 1 1 50 10
      edit "", 2, 51 1 100 10
      text "OpLevel", 3, 1 11 50 10
      combo 4, 51 11 100 10, drop
      button "Create", 5, 1 22 151 10
      button "Cancel", 6, 1 33 151 10
    dialog account_staff_groups_manage {
      title Manage Group
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 203 68
      text "Group Name", 1, 1 1 50 10
      edit "", 2, 51 1 100 10
      button "Search", 3, 152 1 50 10
      button "Look-up", 4, 1 11 202 10
      text "OpLevel", 5, 1 22 100 10
      combo 6, 101 22 100 10, drop disable
      button "Change Permissions", 7, 1 35 202 10, disable
      button "Complete", 8, 1 46 202 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 9, 1 57 202 10
    dialog account_staff_groups_manage_list {
      title Groups List
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 145
      list 1, 1 1 100 100
      text "Group Name", 2, 1 101 100 10
      text "", 3, 1 112 100 10
      button "Select", 4, 1 123 100 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 5, 1 134 100 10
    dialog account_staff_groups_manage_perms {
      title Manage Permissions
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 152 55
      text "Permission", 1, 1 1 50 10
      combo 2, 51 1 100 10, drop
      text "Current", 3, 1 13 50 10
      text "", 4, 51 13 100 10, right
      text "New", 5, 1 24 50 10
      edit "", 6, 51 24 100 10, right disable
      button "Change", 7, 1 35 151 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 8, 1 46 151 10
    dialog account_staff_groups_delete {
      title Delete Group
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 145
      list 1, 1 1 100 100
      text "Group Name", 2, 1 101 100 10
      text "", 3, 1 112 100 10
      button "Delete", 4, 1 123 100 10, disable
      button "Cancel", 5, 1 134 100 10
    dialog account_system {
      title System Settings
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 44
      button "Core Settings", 1, 1 1 100 10
      button "User Settings", 2, 1 11 100 10
      button "Staff Settings", 3, 1 22 100 10
      button "Back", 4, 1 33 100 10
    dialog account_system_core {
      title Core System Settings
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 66
      button "Output to Channel", 1, 1 1 100 10
      button "Output Channel", 2, 1 11 100 10
      button "Enforce Channel Access", 4, 1 22 100 10
      button "Join Output Channel", 5, 1 33 100 10
      button "Autojoin on Connect", 6, 1 44 100 10
      button "Back", 3, 1 55 100 10
    dialog account_system_user {
      title User System Settings
      option dbu
      size -1 -1 101 66
      button "User Registration", 1, 1 1 100 10
      button "User Logins", 2, 1 11 100 10
      button "Require Password", 3, 1 22 100 10
      button "Require Email", 4, 1 33 100 10
      button "Email Validation", 5, 1 44 100 10
      button "Back", 6, 1 55 100 10
    ;;;;;on Dialog event;;;;;
    on *:DIALOG:account:*:*: {
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          dclose account
          start account_management
        If ($did == 2) {
          dclose account
          start account_staff
        If ($did == 3) {
          dclose account
          start account_system
    on *:DIALOG:account_management:*:*: {
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          dclose account_management
          start account_management_new
        If ($did == 2) {
          dclose account_management
          start account_management_manage
        If ($did == 3) {
          dclose account_management
          start account_management_delete
        If ($did == 4) {
          dclose account_management
          start account
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account
    on *:DIALOG:account_management_new:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        If ($eas(settings,password) == on) { did -e $dname 4 }
        If ($eas(settings,email) == on) { did -e $dname 6 }
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 7) {
          If (!$did(2)) { did -f $dname 2 }
          If ($eas(settings,password) == on) {
            If (!$did(4)) { did -f $dname 4 }
          If ($eas(settings,email) == on) {
            If (!$did(6)) { did -f $dname 6 }
          account register $did(2) $iif($eas(settings,password) == on,$did(4),) $iif($eas(settings,email) == on,$did(6),)
          dclose account_management_new
          start account_management
        If ($did == 8) {
          dclose account_management_new
          start account_management
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_management
    on *:DIALOG:account_management_manage:*:*: {
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 3) {
          start account_management_manage_list
        If ($did == 4) {
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$did(2)) == yes) {
            did -b $dname 2-4
            If ($eas(settings,password) == on) { did -era $dname 6 $eas(userPass,$did(2)) }
            If ($eas(settings,email) == on) { did -era $dname 8 $eas(userEmail,$did(2)) }
            If ($alock($did(2)) == yes) { did -c $dname 11 }
            did -e $dname 9,11
          Else {
            did -fr $dname 2
        If ($did == 9) {
          writeini account/ $+ $did(2) $+ /account.ini status password $did(6)
          writeini account/ $+ $did(2) $+ /account.ini status email $did(8)
          dclose $dname
          start account_management
        If ($did == 10) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_management
        If ($did == 11) {
          If ($alock($did(2)) == yes) {
            account unlock $did(2)
            did -u $dname 11
          Else {
            var %temp.1 $?="PLease enter a time to expire in seconds."
            var %temp.2 $?="Please enter a lock reason."
            account lock $did(2) %temp.1 %temp.2
            did -c $dname 11
            start $dname
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_management
    on *:DIALOG:account_management_manage_list:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        If (!$dialog(account_management_manage)) {
          start account_management_manage
          dialog -v $dname
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/accounts.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 1 $read(account/accounts.txt,t,%temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -ra $dname 3 $did(1).seltext
          did -e $dname 4
        If ($did == 4) {
          If (!$dialog(account_management_manage)) { start account_management_manage }
          did -b account_management_manage 2-4
          did -ra account_management_manage 2 $did(3)
          If ($eas(settings,password) == on) { did -era account_management_manage 6 $eas(userPass,$did(3)) }
          If ($eas(settings,email) == on) { did -era account_management_manage 8 $eas(userEmail,$did(3)) }
          did -e account_management_manage 9,11
          If ($alock($did(3)) == yes) { did -c account_management_manage 11 }
          dclose $dname
          start account_management_manage
        If ($did == 5) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_management_manage
      If ($devent == dclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          If (!$dialog(account_management_manage)) { start account_management_manage }
          did -b account_management_manage 2-4
          did -ra account_management_manage 2 $did(1).seltext
          If ($eas(settings,password) == on) { did -era account_management_manage 6 $eas(userPass,$did(1).seltext) }
          If ($eas(settings,email) == on) { did -era account_management_manage 8 $eas(userEmail,$did(1).seltext) }
          did -e account_management_manage 9,11
          If ($alock($did(1).seltext) == yes) { did -c account_management_manage 11 }
          dclose $dname
          start account_management_manage
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_management
    on *:DIALOG:account_management_delete:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/accounts.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 1 $read(account/accounts.txt, %temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -ra $dname 3 $did(1).seltext
          did -e $dname 4
        If ($did == 4) {
          If (!$did(3)) { did -b $dname 4 | halt }
          account unregister $did(3)
          dclose $dname
          start account_management
        If ($did == 5) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_management
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_management
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff:*:*: {
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage
        If ($did == 2) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups
        If ($did == 3) {
          dclose $dname
          start account
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_manage:*:*: {
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_hire
        If ($did == 2) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_manage
        If ($did == 3) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_fire
        If ($did == 4) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_manage_hire:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/staff/groups.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 6 $read(account/staff/groups.txt,t,%temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 3) {
          start account_staff_manage_hire_list
        If ($did == 4) {
          If ($eas(isRegistered,$did(2)) != yes) { did -rf $dname 2 | cout User is not registered! | halt }
          If ($eas(isStaff,$did(2)) == yes) { did -rf $dname 2 | cout User is already staff! | halt }
          did -b $dname 2-4
          did -e $dname 6,7
        If ($did == 7) {
          If (!$did(6).seltext) { cout Select a group first! | halt }
          account hire $did(2) $did(6)
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage
        If ($did == 8) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_manage
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_manage_hire_list:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/accounts.txt)) {
          If ($eas(isStaff,$read(account/accounts.txt,t,%temp.1)) != yes) {
            did -a $dname 1 $read(account/accounts.txt,t,%temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -ra $dname 3 $did(1).seltext
          did -e $dname 4
        If ($did == 4) {
          did -b account_staff_manage_hire 2-4
          did -ra account_staff_manage_hire 2 $did(3)
          did -e account_staff_manage_hire 6,7
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_hire
        If ($did == 5) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_hire
      If ($devent == dclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -b account_staff_manage_hire 2-4
          did -ra account_staff_manage_hire 2 $did(1).seltext
          did -e account_staff_manage_hire 6,7
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_hire
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_manage_hire
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_manage_manage:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/staff/groups.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 6 $read(account/staff/groups.txt,t,%temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 3) {
          start account_staff_manage_manage_list
        If ($did == 4) {
          If ($eas(isStaff,$did(2)) != yes) { did -rf $dname 2 | cout User is not staff! | halt }
          did -b $dname 2-4
          did -e $dname 6-8
        If ($did == 7) {
          start account_staff_manage_manage_perms
        If ($did == 8) {
          If (!$did(6).seltext) { cout Please select a group first! | halt }
          account changeGroup $did(2) $did(6).seltext
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage
        If ($did == 9) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_manage
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_manage_manage_list:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/staff/staffers.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 1 $read(account/staff/staffers.txt,t,%temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -ra $dname 3 $did(1).seltext
          did -e $dname 4
        If ($did == 4) {
          did -b account_staff_manage_manage 2-4
          did -ra account_staff_manage_manage 2 $did(3)
          did -e account_staff_manage_manage 6-8
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_manage
        If ($did == 5) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_manage
      If ($devent == dclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -b account_staff_manage_manage 2-4
          did -ra account_staff_manage_manage 2 $did(1).seltext
          did -e account_staff_manage_manage 6-8
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_manage
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_manage_manage
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_manage_manage_perms:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/perms.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 2 $read(account/perms.txt,t,%temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 2) {
          did -b $dname 2
          did -ra $dname 4 $eas(perm,$did(account_staff_manage_manage,2),$did(2).seltext)
          did -e $dname 6,7
        If ($did == 7) {
          If (!$did(6)) { did -f $dname 6 | cout Please type a new value first! | halt }
          account changePerm $did(account_staff_manage_manage,2) $did(2).seltext $did(6)
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_manage
        If ($did == 8) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage_manage
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_manage_manage
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_manage_fire:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/staff/staffers.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 1 $read(account/staff/staffers.txt, %temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -ra $dname 3 $did(1).seltext
          did -e $dname 4
        If ($did == 4) {
          account fire $did(3)
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage
        If ($did == 5) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_manage
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_manage
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_groups:*:*: {
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups_create
        If ($did == 2) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups_manage
        If ($did == 3) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups_delete
        If ($did == 4) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_groups_create:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= 7) {
          did -a $dname 4 %temp.1
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 5) {
          If (!$did(2)) { did -f $dname 2 | cout Please input a name first! | halt }
          If ($eas(isGroup,$did(2)) == yes) { did -f $dname 2 | cout This group is already registered! | halt }
          If (!$did(4).seltext) { did -f $dname 4 | cout Please select an OpLevel first! | halt }
          account group $did(2) add $did(4).seltext
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups
        If ($did == 6) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_groups
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_groups_manage:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= 7) {
          did -a $dname 6 %temp.1
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 3) {
          start account_staff_groups_manage_list
        If ($did == 4) {
          If (!$did(2)) { did -f $dname 2 | halt }
          If ($eas(isGroup,$did(2)) != yes) { did -f $dname 2 | cout This is not a valid group! | halt }
          did -b $dname 2-4
          did -e $dname 6-8
          did -ra $dname 5 OpLevel - Current: $eas(opLevel,$did(2))
        If ($did == 7) {
          start account_staff_groups_manage_perms
        If ($did == 8) {
          If (!$did(6).seltext) { did -f $dname 6 | cout Please select a new OpLevel! | halt }
          account group $did(2) opLevel $did(6).seltext
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups
        If ($did == 9) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups
      If ($devent == close) {
        dclose $dname
        start account_staff_groups
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_groups_manage_list:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/staff/groups.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 1 $read(account/staff/groups.txt,t,%temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -ra $dname 3 $did(1).seltext
          did -e $dname 4
        If ($did == 4) {
          did -b account_staff_groups_manage 2-4
          did -e account_staff_groups_manage 6-8
          did -ra account_staff_groups_manage 2 $did(3)
          did -ra account_staff_groups_manage 5 OpLevel - Current: $eas(opLevel,$did(3))
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups_manage
        If ($did == 5) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups_manage
      If ($devent == dclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -b account_staff_groups_manage 2-4
          did -e account_staff_groups_manage 6-8
          did -ra account_staff_groups_manage 2 $did(1).seltext
          did -ra account_staff_groups_manage 5 OpLevel - Current: $eas(opLevel,$did(1).seltext)
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups_manage
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_groups_manage
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_groups_manage_perms:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/perms.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 2 $read(account/perms.txt,t,%temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 2) {
          did -b $dname 2
          did -ra $dname 4 $eas(gperm,$did(account_staff_groups_manage,2),$did(2).seltext)
          did -e $dname 6,7
        If ($did == 7) {
          If (!$did(6)) { did -f $dname 6 | cout Please type a new value first! | halt }
          account group $did(account_staff_groups_manage,2) perms $did(2).seltext $did(6)
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups_manage
        If ($did == 8) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups_manage
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_groups_manage
    on *:DIALOG:account_staff_groups_delete:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        var %temp.1 1
        While (%temp.1 <= $lines(account/staff/groups.txt)) {
          did -a $dname 1 $read(account/staff/groups.txt,t,%temp.1)
          inc %temp.1
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          did -ra $dname 3 $did(1).seltext
          did -e $dname 4
        If ($did == 4) {
          account group $did(3) remove
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups
        If ($did == 5) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_staff_groups
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_staff_groups
    on *:DIALOG:account_system:*:*: {
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_system_core
        If ($did == 2) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_system_user
        If ($did == 3) { account settings staff | halt }
        If ($did == 4) {
          dclose $dname
          start account
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account
    on *:DIALOG:account_system_core:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        did -ra $dname 1 Output to Channel: $eas(settings,output)
        did -ra $dname 2 Output Channel: $eas(status,output)
        did -ra $dname 4 Enforce Channel Access: $eas(settings,enforcechannelaccess)
        did -ra $dname 6 Autojoin on Connect: $eas(settings,autojoin)
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          If ($eas(settings,output) == on) {
            writeini account/account.ini settings output off
            did -ra $dname 1 Output to Channel: Off
          Else {
            writeini account/account.ini settings output on
            did -ra $dname 1 Output to Channel: On
        If ($did == 2) {
          var %temp.1 $?="Please enter the name of the new channel."
          If (%temp.1) {
            writeini account/account.ini status output %temp.1
            did -ra $dname 2 Output Channel: %temp.1
          start $dname
        If ($did == 3) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_system
        If ($did == 4) {
          If ($eas(settings,enforcechannelaccess) == on) {
            writeini account/account.ini settings enforcechannelaccess off
            did -ra $dname 4 Enforce Channel Access: Off
          Else {
            writeini account/account.ini settings enforcechannelaccess on
            did -ra $dname 4 Enforce Channel Access: On
        If ($did == 5) {
          join $eas(status,output)
          did -b $dname 5
          start $dname
        If ($did == 6) {
          If ($eas(settings,autojoin) == on) {
            writeini account/account.ini settings autojoin off
            did -ra $dname 6 Autojoin on Connect: Off
          Else {
            writeini account/account.ini settings autojoin on
            did -ra $dname 6 Autojoin on Connect: On
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_system
    on *:DIALOG:account_system_user:*:*: {
      If ($devent == init) {
        did -ra $dname 1 User Registration: $iif($eas(settings,registration) == on,On,Off)
        did -ra $dname 2 User Login: $iif($eas(settings,login) == on,On,Off)
        did -ra $dname 3 Require Password: $iif($eas(settings,password) == on,On,Off)
        did -ra $dname 4 Require Email: $iif($eas(settings,email) == on,On,Off)
        did -ra $dname 5 Email Validation: $iif($eas(settings,emailvalidate) == on,On,Off)
      If ($devent == sclick) {
        If ($did == 1) {
          If ($eas(settings,registration) == on) {
            writeini account/account.ini settings registration off
            did -ra $dname 1 User Registration: Off
          Else {
            writeini account/account.ini settings registration on
            did -ra $dname 1 User Registration: On
        If ($did == 2) {
          If ($eas(settings,login) == on) {
            writeini account/account.ini settings login off
            did -ra $dname 2 User Login: Off
          Else {
            writeini account/account.ini settings login on
            did -ra $dname 2 User Login: On
        If ($did == 3) {
          If ($eas(settings,password) == on) {
            writeini account/account.ini settings password off
            did -ra $dname 3 Require Password: Off
          Else {
            writeini account/account.ini settings password on
            did -ra $dname 3 Require Password: On
        If ($did == 4) {
          If ($eas(settings,email) == on) {
            writeini account/account.ini settings email off
            did -ra $dname 4 Require Email: Off
          Else {
            writeini account/account.ini settings email on
            did -ra $dname 4 Require Email: On
        If ($did == 5) {
          If ($eas(settings,emailvalidate) == on) {
            writeini account/account.ini settings emailvalidate off
            did -ra $dname 5 Email Validation: Off
          Else {
            writeini account/account.ini settings emailvalidate on
            did -ra $dname 5 Email Validation: On
        If ($did == 6) {
          dclose $dname
          start account_system
      If ($devent == close) {
        start account_system
    menu * {
      EAS Console: /account open
    ;;;;;on TEXT;;;;;
    on *:TEXT:!account*:*: {
      If ($readini(account/account.ini,status,installed) != yes) { halt }
      If ($eas(checkversion) != $eas(version)) { .msg $nick Please wait while the system is updated. | halt }
      If ($eas(isRegistered,$nick) != yes) {
        If (!$2) && ($2 != register) {
          .msg $nick You are not currently registered for an account.
          If ($eas(settings,registration) == on) {
            .msg $nick To register for an account, please type: !account register $iif($eas(settings,password) == on,$iif($eas(settings,email) == on,<password> <email>,<password>),$iif($eas(settings,email) == on,<email>,))
          Else {
            .msg $nick Currently, the owner is not allowing any new registrations.
        Else {
          If ($eas(settings,password) == on) {
            If ($eas(settings,email) == on) {
              If (!$4) { .msg $nick Please type !account register <password> <email> | halt }
              If ($eas(settings,emailvalidate) == on) {
                If ($readini(account/account.ini,emailvalidate,$4) == registered) { .msg $nick This email is already registered to another account. | halt }
              account register $nick $3 $4
              account login $nick -s
              .msg $nick You have been sucessfully registered for an account! To begin, please type !account
              If ($eas(settings,output) == on) { msg $eas(status,output) $nick has sucessfully registered for an account: $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT) }
            Else {
              If (!$3) { .msg $nick Please type !account register <password> | halt }
              account register $nick $3
              account login $nick -s
              .msg $nick You have been sucessfully registered for an account! To begin, please type !account
              If ($eas(settings,output) == on) { msg $eas(status,output) $nick has sucessfully registered for an account: $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT) }
          Else {
            If ($eas(settings,email) == on) {
              If (!$3) { .msg $nick Please type !account register <email> | halt }
              If ($eas(settings,emailvalidate) == on) {
                If ($readini(account/account.ini,emailvalidate,$4) == registered) { .msg $nick This email is already registered to another account. | halt }
              account register $nick $3
              account login $nick -s
              .msg $nick You have been sucessfully registered for an account! To begin, please type !account
              If ($eas(settings,output) == on) { msg $eas(status,output) $nick has sucessfully registered for an account: $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT) }
            Else {
              account register $nick
              account login $nick -s
              .msg $nick You have been sucessfully registered for an account! To begin, please type !account
              If ($eas(settings,output) == on) { msg $eas(status,output) $nick has sucessfully registered for an account: $asctime(ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT) }
      Elseif ($alock($nick) == yes) {
        If ($eas(perm,$nick,op) == true) { goto accountlogin }
        If ($eas(perm,$nick,lockBypass) == true) { goto accountlogin }
        If ($eas(gperm,$eas(staffGroup,$nick),op) == true) { goto accountlogin }
        If ($eas(gperm,$eas(staffGroup,$nick),lockBypass) == true) { goto accountlogin }
        If ($ctime >= $alock($nick,unlock)) {
          account unlock $nick
          goto accountlogin
        .msg $nick You are currently locked out of your account.
        .msg $nick You are locked out for the following reason: $alock($nick,reason)
        .msg $nick Your account will unlock on: $asctime($alock($nick,unlock),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
      goto accountlogin
      If ($eas(loggedin,$nick) != yes) {
        If (!$3) || ($eas(userPass,$nick) !=== $3) { .msg $nick Please login first by typing /msg $me !account login <password> | halt }
        Else {
          account login $nick
          .msg $nick You have been logged-in sucessfully! To begin, please type !account
      Else {
        If (!$2) {
          .msg $nick Please select from the following options:
          .msg $nick To view your changeable account settings, please type !account settings
          .msg $nick To view your unchangeable account settings, please type !account uas
          .msg $nick To logout, please type !account logout
        Elseif ($2 == settings) {
          If (!$3) {
            .msg $nick The following are your changeable account settings (and how to change them):
            .msg $nick Password: $iif($eas(userPass,$nick),$eas(userPass,$nick),Not Set) - !account settings pass <new password>
            .msg $nick Email: $iif($eas(userEmail,$nick),$eas(userEmail,$nick,),Not Set) - !account settings email <new email>
          Elseif ($3 == pass) {
            If (!$4) { .msg $nick Please type !account settings pass <new pass> | halt }
            writeini account/ $+ $nick $+ /account.ini status password $4
            .msg $nick Your password has been changed sucessfully!
            If ($eas(settings,password) != on) { .msg $nick Currently, a password is not required to login. }
          Elseif ($3 == email) {
            If (!$4) { .msg $nick Please type !account settings email <new email> | halt }
            If ($eas(settings,emailvalidate) == on) {
              If ($readini(account/account.ini,emailvalidate,$4) == registered) { .msg $nick That email is already registered to another account. | halt }
              Else {
                remini account/account.ini emailvalidate $eas(userEmail,$nick)
                writeini account/account.ini emailvalidate $4
            writeini account/ $+ $nick $+ /account.ini status email $4
            .msg $nick Your email has been changed sucessfully!
            If ($eas(settings,email) != on) { .msg $nick Currently, an email is not required. }
          Else {
            .msg $nick Unknown command. For more help with this, please type !account settings
        Elseif ($2 == uas) {
          .msg $nick The following are your unchangeable account settings:
          .msg $nick Join Date: $asctime($eas(joinTime,$nick),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT)
          .msg $nick Is your account locked? $alock($nick)
          .msg $nick Most recent lock date: $asctime($alock($nick,date),ddmmmyyyy hh:nn:ss TT) - by: $alock($nick,locker)
          .msg $nick Reason: $alock($nick,reason)
        Elseif ($2 == logout) {
          account logout $nick
          .msg $nick You've been logged-out sucessfully!
        Else {
          .msg $nick Unknown command. For more help with this, please type !account
    ;;;;;on *:JOIN;;;;;
    on *:JOIN:*: {
      If ($nick == $me) { halt }
      If ($chan == $eas(status,output)) && ($eas(settings,enforcechannelaccess) == yes) {
        If ($eas(isStaff,$nick) != yes) {
          kick $chan $nick
        Else {
          msg $chan Welcome $nick $+ ! Please remember this channel access is restricted.
    ;;;;;on *:CONNECT;;;;;
    on *:CONNECT: {
      If ($eas(settings,autojoin) == on) {
        join $eas(status,output)


  18. Simply replaces your name in a sentence with your name colored red.
    This makes it easier to see if you are highlighted.


    ;Like chatting but don't have a good network?
    ;;Come to irc.leafghoul.net and join #chat, or  #triviaholic for games!
    on ^*:text:*:#: {
      if $me isin $1- {
        echo -ph $chan $timestamp < $+ $nick($chan,$nick).pnick $+ > $replace($1-,$me,$+(4,$me,))


  19. A new snippet from me!
    Thats rare ;D

    Okay. Lets see what we have here.

    I've titled it xChat Away Nicks as it directly relates to
    how xChat handles Nicks when a user is away,
    this script will change the nick of the user to Gray if
    they are away and back again when they return.

    Yes, great if you dont want x-Smelly-Welly-Chat and prefer
    using mIRC.

    It's spammy when it syncs up with a server.
    Mainly I cannot help annoying mIRC messages
    regarding the nick colors. Silly mIRC has no obvious
    way to silence this obmination.

    Mini trivia:
    Coded around 5am.
    Uses my coder tools that are modified.


    • Sometimes it don't work, Maybe different IRCD's?
    • Not a good idea on BNC's that you connect to with more than one client at a time. (Load on both to fix)
    ; xChat Away Nicks.
    ; Connect to a server and it will work!
    ; CAUTION: Syncing is noisy!
    ; This script practically disables /WHO as
    ; it's blocking the output, soon to be fixed.
    ; SCRIPT By Thomas Edwards (Fudgie/TMFKSOFT) 2012
    on 1:CONNECT:{
      timerxaway $+ $network 0 10 /raw -q who *
      echo xChat Away Nicks activated. Script will be spammy upon sync with server.
    alias nickaway {
      cnick -a $1 14
    alias nickback {
      cnick -r $1 14
    raw 352:*:{
      if (G isin $7) {
        if ($getvar(isaway,$6,$network) != true) {
          echo -t $active 14 $+ $6 is away.
          nickaway $+($6,!,$3,@,$4)
          setvar isaway $6 $network true
      else {
        if ($getvar(isaway,$6,$network) == true) {
          echo -t $active 14 $+ $6 is no longer away.
          nickback $+($6,!,$3,@,$4)
          unsetvar isaway $6 $network
    raw 315:*:{
      ; Blocking end of /who message
    alias back {
    on 1:QUIT:{
      ; If they quit we make sure they are removed, even if they're not it fixes its self.
      unsetvar isaway $nick $network
      nickback $address($nick,5)
    alias setvar {
      set % $+ $1 $+ . $+ $2 $+ . $+ $3 $4-
    alias getvar {
      return % [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] $+ . $+ [ $3 ] ]
    alias unsetvar {
      unset % $+ $1 $+ . $+ $2 $+ . $+ $3
    on 1:JOIN:{
      if ($nick == $me) {
        who *


  20. This will allow you to relay, or link, if you will, two or more channels across two or more networks.this code only work in
    mirc 6.35 with nbs-irc 2.39 version.thanks
    then press alt+r
    copy this code in remote
    Documentation at the top of the script.
    please pass your comments on my effort.


    ;                   Relay by R3b3|
    ;    This will allow you to relay, or link, if you
    ; will, two or more channels across two or more 
    ; networks.
    ; Configuration:
    ;   Relay.networks, this is a list, seperated by a 
    ;     space, of all the networks we are going to be 
    ;     relaying across.
    alias -l relay.networks { return HellsWinter NFinate UnderNet }
    ;   Relay.channels, this is a list, seperated by a 
    ;     space, of the channel names that we are going 
    ;     to be relaying, the channel names corrispond to 
    ;     the relay.networks above.
    alias -l relay.channels { return #hw-test #nf-test #un-test }
    ;   Relay.fmt.text, this is the format of normal 
    ;     relayed text.
    ;     $1  = Nick
    ;     $2  = Channel
    ;     $3  = Network
    ;     $4- = Text
    alias -l relay.fmt.text { return $+(<,$1,/,$2,@,$3,>) $4- }
    ;   Relay.fmt.action, this is the format of /me 
    ;     relayed text.
    ;     $1  = Nick
    ;     $2  = Channel
    ;     $3  = Network
    ;     $4- = Text
    alias -l relay.fmt.action { return * $+($1,/,$2,@,$3,) $4- }
    ;   Relay.fmt.quit, this is the format of relayed
    ;     quits.
    ;     $1  = Nick
    ;     $2  = Channel
    ;     $3  = Network
    ;     $4- = Quit Message
    alias -l relay.fmt.quit { return * $+($1,@,$3) Quit $4- }
    ;   Relay.fmt.join, this is the format of relayed 
    ;     joins.
    ;     $1  = Nick
    ;     $2  = Channel
    ;     $3  = Network
    alias -l relay.fmt.join { return * $+($1,@,$3) Joins $2 }
    ;   Relay.fmt.part, this is the format of relayed
    ;     parts.
    ;     $1  = Nick
    ;     $2  = Channel
    ;     $3  = Network
    ;     $4- = Part Message (if available)
    alias -l relay.fmt.part { return * $+($1,@,$3) Parts $2 ( $+ $4- $+ ) }
    ;   Relay.fmt.kick, this is the format of relayed
    ;     parts.
    ;     $1  = Nick
    ;     $2  = Channel
    ;     $3  = Network
    ;     $4  = Kicker
    ;     $5- = Kick Message
    alias -l relay.fmt.kick { return * $+($4,@,$3) Kicks $+($1,@,$3) Out of $2 ( $+ $5- $+ ) }
    ;   Relay.fmt.mode, this is the format of relayed 
    ;     modes.
    ;     $1  = Nick
    ;     $2  = Channel
    ;     $3  = Network
    ;     $4- = Modes
    alias -l relay.fmt.mode { return * $+($1,@,$3) Sets mode: $4- }
    ;   Relay.fmt.topic, this is the format of relayed 
    ;     topics.
    ;     $1  = Nick
    ;     $2  = Channel
    ;     $3  = Network
    ;     $4- = Topic
    alias -l relay.fmt.topic { return * $+($1,@,$3) Sets topic: $4- }
    ; Examples:
    ;   alias -l relay.networks { return UnderNet QuakeNet Efnet }
    ;   alias -l relay.channels { return #mycoolchannel #my.cool.channel #my_cool_channel }
    ;     This will set up a relay between the following
    ;       three channels:
    ;       #mycoolchannel (on undernet)
    ;       #my.cool.channel (on quakenet)
    ;       #my_cool_channel (on efnet)
    ; Contact:
    ;   Cobi@winbots.org
    ;   Cobi on NFinate (irc.nfinate.org, #nfinate)
    ;   Cobi on Undernet (#phase, #rss, #game-trivia)
    ;   Cobi on Winbots (#winbots)
    ;   Cobi-Wan-Kenobi on Quakenet (#icechat)
    ;   Cobi on SearchIRC Forums
    ;   Winbots on UnrealIRCd Forums
    ;   Cobi on mirc.net
    ; ChangeLog:
    ;   1.0
    ;     Initial Release.
    ; Source Code:
    on *:text:*:#:{ 
      var %tok = $findtok($relay.networks,$network,1,32) 
      if ($chan == $gettok($relay.channels,%tok,32)) { 
        var %lcv = 1 
        var %tot = $gettok($relay.networks,0,32) 
        while (%lcv <= %tot) { 
          var %cid = $cid 
          var %ncid = $getcidfromnet($gettok($relay.networks,%lcv,32)) 
          if (%ncid != %cid) { 
            var %net = $network 
            scid %ncid 
            msg $gettok($relay.channels,%lcv,32) $relay.fmt.text($nick,$chan,%net,$1-) 
            scid %cid 
          inc %lcv 
    on *:action:*:#: { 
      var %tok = $findtok($relay.networks,$network,1,32) 
      if ($chan == $gettok($relay.channels,%tok,32)) { 
        var %lcv = 1 
        var %tot = $gettok($relay.networks,0,32) 
        while (%lcv <= %tot) { 
          var %cid = $cid 
          var %ncid = $getcidfromnet($gettok($relay.networks,%lcv,32)) 
          if (%ncid != %cid) { 
            var %net = $network 
            scid %ncid 
            msg $gettok($relay.channels,%lcv,32) $relay.fmt.action($nick,$chan,%net,$1-)
            scid %cid 
          inc %lcv 
    on *:quit: { 
      var %tok = $findtok($relay.networks,$network,1,32) 
      if ($nick ison $gettok($relay.channels,%tok,32)) { 
        var %lcv = 1 
        var %tot = $gettok($relay.networks,0,32) 
        while (%lcv <= %tot) { 
          var %cid = $cid 
          var %ncid = $getcidfromnet($gettok($relay.networks,%lcv,32)) 
          if (%ncid != %cid) { 
            var %net = $network 
            scid %ncid 
            msg $gettok($relay.channels,%lcv,32) $relay.fmt.quit($nick,$gettok($relay.channels,%tok,32),%net,$1-)
            scid %cid 
          inc %lcv 
    on *:join:#: { 
      if ($nick != $me) { 
        var %tok = $findtok($relay.networks,$network,1,32) 
        if ($chan == $gettok($relay.channels,%tok,32)) { 
          var %lcv = 1 
          var %tot = $gettok($relay.networks,0,32) 
          while (%lcv <= %tot) { 
            var %cid = $cid 
            var %ncid = $getcidfromnet($gettok($relay.networks,%lcv,32)) 
            if (%ncid != %cid) { 
              var %net = $network 
              scid %ncid 
              msg $gettok($relay.channels,%lcv,32) $relay.fmt.join($nick,$chan,%net)
              scid %cid 
            inc %lcv 
    on *:part:#: { 
      if ($nick != $me) { 
        var %tok = $findtok($relay.networks,$network,1,32) 
        if ($chan == $gettok($relay.channels,%tok,32)) { 
          var %lcv = 1 
          var %tot = $gettok($relay.networks,0,32) 
          while (%lcv <= %tot) { 
            var %cid = $cid 
            var %ncid = $getcidfromnet($gettok($relay.networks,%lcv,32)) 
            if (%ncid != %cid) { 
              var %net = $network 
              scid %ncid 
              msg $gettok($relay.channels,%lcv,32) $relay.fmt.part($nick,$chan,%net,$1-) 
              scid %cid 
            inc %lcv 
    on *:KICK:#: { 
      var %tok = $findtok($relay.networks,$network,1,32) 
      if ($chan == $gettok($relay.channels,%tok,32)) { 
        var %lcv = 1 
        var %tot = $gettok($relay.networks,0,32) 
        while (%lcv <= %tot) { 
          var %cid = $cid 
          var %ncid = $getcidfromnet($gettok($relay.networks,%lcv,32)) 
          if (%ncid != %cid) { 
            var %net = $network 
            scid %ncid 
            msg $gettok($relay.channels,%lcv,32) $relay.fmt.kick($knick,$chan,%net,$nick,$1-) 
            scid %cid 
          inc %lcv 
    on *:rawmode:#: { 
      var %tok = $findtok($relay.networks,$network,1,32) 
      if ($chan == $gettok($relay.channels,%tok,32)) { 
        var %lcv = 1 
        var %tot = $gettok($relay.networks,0,32) 
        while (%lcv <= %tot) { 
          var %cid = $cid 
          var %ncid = $getcidfromnet($gettok($relay.networks,%lcv,32)) 
          if (%ncid != %cid) { 
            var %net = $network 
            scid %ncid 
            msg $gettok($relay.channels,%lcv,32) $relay.fmt.mode($nick,$chan,%net,$1-)
            scid %cid 
          inc %lcv 
    on *:topic:#: { 
      var %tok = $findtok($relay.networks,$network,1,32) 
      if ($chan == $gettok($relay.channels,%tok,32)) { 
        var %lcv = 1 
        var %tot = $gettok($relay.networks,0,32) 
        while (%lcv <= %tot) { 
          var %cid = $cid 
          var %ncid = $getcidfromnet($gettok($relay.networks,%lcv,32)) 
          if (%ncid != %cid) { 
            var %net = $network 
            scid %ncid 
            msg $gettok($relay.channels,%lcv,32) $relay.fmt.topic($nick,$chan,%net,$1-) 
            scid %cid 
          inc %lcv 
    alias -l getcidfromnet { 
      var %lcv = 1 
      var %tot = $scon(0) 
      while (%lcv <= %tot) { 
        if ($scon(%lcv).network == $1) { return $scon(%lcv).cid } 
        inc %lcv 


  21. I posted up a YMSG generic style login, and since then something happened that has prevented it from sending text to room. Not to mention it had typos (sorry).
    I've made a new connection using YMSG 17 protocol, Yahoos latest protocol.
    Theres Tons that can be done with this, its basically barebones login.
    With the packets coming on login there are buddy lists, ignore lists, alias name lists if you have them, add request lists as well as voice ticket when you join a room to enable the microphone.
    I use this login for a trivia bot on yahoo.
    The Problem you might have entering a room is knowing the room name as well as the 4 digit identifier for the category or whatever its for.
    I have another snippet posted on hawkee to get a yahoo rooms list, using that snippet with this one should work to get you a rooms list from the american yahoo server.

    or go here for yahoo real time list http://insider.msg.yahoo.com/ycontent/?chatcat

    Have Fun. 🙂


    ;====TYPE /login
    alias -l tok_ker return $+(GET /config/pwtoken_get?src=ymsgr&login=,%y.id,&passwd=,%y.pw,&chal=,%y_chlng,$crlf,$crlf)
    alias -l git_aut return $+(GET /config/pwtoken_login?src=ymsgr&token=,$remove(%y_tokn,$chr(10)),$crlf,$crlf)
    alias -l shrt_pk return $+(1À€,%y.id,À€)
    alias -l case return $bvar(&ysl,12)
    alias -l d_bug return 9 $sockname $bvar(&ysl,1,20) $bvar(&ysl,18,$bvar(&ysl,0).text).text
    alias -l YMSG_head return Y M S G 0 17 0 0 0 $chr($len($shrt_pk)) 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    alias -l rm.wind if ($window(@ $+ %room) == $null) { //window -eil15S @ $+ %Y_room yroompops.txt }
    alias -l ymsg_17 $ypack(T,$+(1,%y.id,0,%y.id,277,%y_ck,278,%t_ck,307,$ym64,244,$y.rand,2,%y.id,2198us135ym9.0.0.2162))
    alias -l prjn $ypack(–,$+(109À€,%y.id,À€1À€,%y.id,À€6À€abcdeÀ€98À€usÀ€135À€ym9.0.0.2162À€))
    alias -l jrm { $rm.wind | $ypack(˜,$+(1À€,%y.id,À€104À€,%y_room,À€129À€,%rm2,À€62À€2À€24À€1188648944À€)) }
    alias -l striptags { var %x,%y = $regsub($1-,/<[^>]+>/g,$null,%x) | return $striphex(%x) } 
    alias -l striphex { var %z,%a = $regsub($1-,/[/[/#0-9A-Fa-fm]{9}/g,$null,%z) | return %z }
    alias -l aut_sox sockopen -e $1 login.yahoo.com 443
    alias -l y.rand return $rand(16777219,60970879)
    on *:input:@ $+ %room: { if ($left($1,1) != /) && ($window(@ $+ %y_room) != $null) { /spk $1- } | echo @ $+ %y_room %y.id $+ : $1- }
    alias spk { %text = $1- | $ypack(¨,$+(1À€,%y.id,À€104À€,%y_room,À€117À€<font INF ID:FU2Booters:!M PROT:YMSG-17\mIRC VER: $+ $version $+ ></font><font face="Arial">[1m[#000000m,%text,</font>À€124À€1À€)) }
    alias prejn prjn | jrm
    alias login {
      if (!%Y.id) { %y.id = $?="Enter Your Yahoo Nickname." }
      if (!%Y.pw) { %Y.pw = $?*="Enter Your Yahoo Password." }
      if (!%Y_room) { set %y_room $?="Yahoo Room To Join." }
      if (!%rm2) { set %rm2 $?="ROOM IDENTIFIER To Join." }
      sockopen yh_chat_srv 68.180.217. $+ $rand(6,34) 80 
    on 1:sockclose:yh_get_cookie: { ymsg_17 }
    on 1:sockread:yh_*: {
      if ($sockerr > 0) return 
      sockread -f $sock($sockname).rq &ysl 
      var %len $bvar(&ysl,0).text 
      breplace &ysl 0 160
      if ($sockname == yh_chat_srv) { 
        if ($case = 87) { 
          %y_chlng = $remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,21,%len).text,$calc($numtok($bvar(&ysl,21,%len).text,192) - 1),192),€) 
          %y_ssid = $bvar(&ysl,18,3).text
          echo -s 12,5Got Challenge 8:)
        if ($case = 241) { echo -a You are now logged onto Yahoo! Chat :) 1,8 Type /prejn to go to the room. | halt }
        if ($case = 150) { echo -a Ready To Join. | halt }
        if ($case = 168) { aline -p @ $+ %y_room 3 $+ $remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,4,192),€) 9 $+ $ansi2mirc($striptags($remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,6,192),€)))) | halt }
        if ($case = 152) && (admin isin $gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,$count($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,À),192)) { $list_room($bvar(&ysl,21,%len).text) | halt }
        if ($case = 152) { aline -ln @ $+ %y_room $remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,8,192),€) | aline -p @ $+ %y_room 12 $remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,8,192),€) Joined # $+ %y_room $+ . | halt }
        if ($case = 155) { dline -l @ $+ %Y_room $fline(@ $+ %Y_room,$remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,6,192),€),1,1) | aline -p @ $+ %y_room 2 $remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,6,192),€) Parted # $+ %y_room $+ . | halt }
        if ($case = 85) { halt }
      if ($sockname == yh_get_tok) { 
        var %grab_tok $bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text
        %y_tokn = $remove($gettok(%grab_tok,2,10),$chr(13),ymsgr=) | %y_prtnr_id = $remove($gettok(%grab_tok,3,10),$chr(13),partnerid==)
        echo 12 -s Got Token :) 
      if ($sockname == yh_get_cookie) {
        if (crumb= isin $gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,2,10)) { 
          %Y_crumb = $gettok($remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,2,10),crumb=,$chr(13),$chr(10)),1,32)
          %Y_ck = $gettok($remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,3,10),Y=,$chr(13),$chr(10),$chr(59)),1,32)
          %T_ck = $gettok($remove($gettok($bvar(&ysl,1,%len).text,4,10),T=,$chr(13),$chr(10),$chr(59)),1,32)
      if ($bfind(&ysl,1,89 77 83 71)) { echo -s $replace($d_bug },160,) }
    on 1:sockopen:yh_*: {
      if ($sockname == yh_get_cookie) { sockwrite -n yh_get_cookie $git_aut }
      if ($sockname == yh_get_tok) { sockwrite -n yh_get_tok $tok_ker }
      if ($sockname == yh_chat_srv) { 
        bset &pcktB 1 Y M S G 0 17 0 0 0 $chr($len($shrt_pk)) 0 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
        bwrite &Bpack 1 -1 &pcktB 
        bwrite &Bpack -1 -1 $shrt_pk 
        bread &Bpack 1 $calc($len($shrt_pk) + 20) &packB
        sockwrite yh_chat_srv &packB
        .remove &Bpack
    alias -l yahoo.size {
      var %a = $gettok($calc($len($1-) / 256),1,46)
      var %b = $calc($len($1-) - $calc(%a * 256))
      return %a %b
    alias -l ypack {
      bset &head 1 Y M S G 0 17 0 0 $yahoo.size($2-) 0 $1 0 0 0 12 0
      bwrite &packt 1 -1 &head | bwrite &packt -1 -1 %y_ssid | bwrite &packt -1 -1 $2-
      bread &packt 1 $calc($len($2-) + 20)) &ysend
      sockwrite yh_chat_srv &ysend 
      .remove &packt 
    alias -l Ym64 {
      var %offset = $md5(%y_crumb $+ %Y_chlng)
      var %inspc = 2
      var %spcd = %spcd $chr($base($right($left(%offset,%inspc),2),16,10))
      if ($len(%offset) = %inspc) { return $replace($encode($remove(%spcd,$chr(32)) ,m),+,.,/,_,=,-) | halt }
      inc %inspc 2
      goto loop
    alias -l list_room {
      var %list $remove($1-,€)
      if (Captcha isin $gettok(%list,6,192)) { echo -a $gettok(%list,6,192) | halt }
      var %num_nms $numtok(%list,192)
      var %sum_num 1
      while (%sum_num <= %num_nms) {
        if (110 isin $gettok(%list,%sum_num,192)) { aline -nl @ $+ %y_room  $gettok(%list,$calc(%sum_num - 1),192) }
        inc %sum_num


  22. Now as I loaded it into my bot, the first thing I noticed was its all aliases so i changed them to on TEXT's then I noticed that you can't view a specific feed on request. So I wrote my own function which does just that. It may be slightly buggy considering the amount of feeds you use but nothing that cant be fixed with these commands "!rehashrss" and "!rsslist".


    Copy and paste into Remote. Don't forget to change the channel from #rss to whatever channel you want it to display in. I would write a function to do this through an alias but I'm kinda tired right now...

    Creators Notes:

    ; RSS Poster
    ; by Cobi
    ; Commands:
    ; /rss Starts the rss poster (shortcut for /loadrsshist and /rsscfg)
    ; /addrss name host webfile channel count interval -- adds feed to rss.cfg (Implies /rsstimer)
    ; /showrss name host webfile channel count -- shows rss feed in channel (Implies /getrss and /parserss)
    ; ----- The following are internal commands and should only be used if messing around with the code. -----
    ; /loadrsshist Loads the history file so as not to post the same stuff over and over
    ; /closersshist Unloads the history file...
    ; /reloadrsshist Shortcut for /closersshist and /loadrsshist
    ; /rsscfg Loads rss.cfg file and parses it (Implies /rsstimer on every rss feed listed)
    ; /rsstimer name host webfile channel count interval starts a rss timer for the specified settings
    ; (Implies /showrss each interval)
    ; /getrss name host webfile file done -- downloades an rss feed then runs done when it is done (Implies /fixrss)
    ; /fixrss file -- fixes rss feed format. This is done automatically, and should only be done when debugging.
    ; /parserss file name channel count -- parses rss file and displays it in a channel
    ; Arguements:
    ; name = Name of feed (used for displaying purposes)
    ; host = Where to get the feed ( http://hostwebfile e.g. http://example.com/test.xml example.com is the host and /test.xml is the webfile.. )
    ; webfile = file on host
    ; file = local rss file
    ; channel = channel to show rss postings in
    ; count = how many rss posts to show at once
    ; interval = how often (in seconds) to show rss posts
    ; done = what to do when done downloading file
    ; Examples:
    ; Add a few rss feeds:
    ; /addrss mirc.net mirc.net /rss.php?type=news #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss SourceForge images.feedstermedia.com /feedcache/ostg/sourceforge/rss_sfnews.xml #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss NPR www.npr.org /rss/rss.php?topicId=1001 #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss Moreover p.moreover.com /page?o=rss002&c=Top%20stories&wiz=230176 #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss Copyright www.copyright.gov /rss.xml #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss podcastingnews www.podcastingnews.com /index.xml #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss Infoworld www.infoworld.com /rss/news.xml #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss BarkerJr.Net barkerjr.net /rss?c=2;f=5 #RSS 2 600
    ; /addrss Linux-Security www.linuxsecurity.com /static-content/linuxsecurity_hybrid.rdf #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss Planet-Source-Code www.planet-source-code.com /vb/channel/NewCode/channel.cdf #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss /. slashdot.org /rss/index.rss #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss ZDnet news.zdnet.com /2509-1_22-0-20.xml #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss IRC101 www.irc101.org /tier2.xml #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss MSDN msdn.microsoft.com /msdnmag/rss/recent.xml #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss Microsoft www.microsoft.com /communities/rss.aspx?&Title=Recent+Posts&CMTYSvcSource=MSCOMBlogPosts&CMTYRawShape=list&Params=%7eCMTYDataSvcParams%5e%7eArg+Name%3d'DateFormat'+Value%3d'MMM+d%2c+yyyy'%2f%5e%7e%2fCMTYDataSvcParams%5e&NumberOfItems=50 #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss &color;01,00W&color;00,01I&color;01,00R&color;00,01E&color;01,00D&color; wired.com /news/feeds/rss2/0,2610,,00.xml #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss RTCW ict.mcast.edu.mt /ictweb/davidmica/web/rss.xml #rss 6 600
    ; /addrss jaos software.jaos.org /cgi-bin/rss #rss 6 600
    ; Reload the config file:
    ; /rehashrss
    ; Edit the config file:
    ; /run notepad rss.cfg
    ; Load the config file and start posting news:
    ; /rss
    ; Contact:
    ; Cobi@winbots.org
    ; Cobi on Undernet (#phase, #rss, #game-trivia)
    ; Cobi on Winbots (#winbots)
    ; Cobi-Wan-Kenobi on Quakenet (#icechat)
    ; Cobi on SearchIRC Forums
    ; Winbots on UnrealIRCd Forums
    ; Cobi on mirc.net
    ; ChangeLog:
    ; v1.3 -- fixed memory bug
    ; v1.2 -- fixed the issue when the tags are not one word (

    ; v1.1 -- fixed rss.performance issue
    ; v1.0 -- Initial Release

    My Notes:

    Changed !list to !rsslist so it doesnt interfere with service bots.
    Added an on TEXT for the following aliases incase your loading it through a bot:
    /rehashrss = !rehashrss
    /rss = !rss
    /rssoff = !rssoff
    Added a "!show " command. Put the title of the feed (the ones mentioned in !rsslist) in the parameter and all the news from that feed will be posted into the rss channel.
    Added a !help command which displays the commands.
    Added an on JOIN notice to users welcoming them with a tip to get them started.


    on *:TEXT:!rss:#rss: { loadrsshist | rsscfg }
    alias rss { loadrsshist | rsscfg }
    alias closersshist { window -c @rss.hist | window -c @rss.performance }
    alias reloadrsshist { closersshist | loadrsshist }
    alias rsscfg {
      var %time = $ticks
      var %lcv2 = 0
      var %lcv = 1
      var %lines = $lines(rss.cfg)
      unset %list
      while (%lcv <= %lines) {
        if ($read(rss.cfg,%lcv)) {
          bunset &line
          bset -t &line 1 $read(rss.cfg,%lcv)
          if ($regex(RSS,$bvar(&line,1,$bvar(&line,0)).text,<(.+)>(.+)</.+>)) {
            bunset &rss. $+ $regml(RSS,1)
            bset -t &rss. $+ $regml(RSS,1) 1 $regml(RSS,2)
          elseif ($regex(RSS,$bvar(&line,1,$bvar(&line,0)).text,</item>)) {
            rsstimer $bvar(&rss.feed,1,$bvar(&rss.feed,0)).text $bvar(&rss.host,1,$bvar(&rss.host,0)).text $bvar(&rss.file,1,$bvar(&rss.file,0)).text $bvar(&rss.channel,1,$bvar(&rss.channel,0)).text $bvar(&rss.feeds,1,$bvar(&rss.feeds,0)).text $bvar(&rss.interval,1,$bvar(&rss.interval,0)).text
            set %list %list $replacex($bvar(&rss.feed,1,$bvar(&rss.feed,0)).text,&amp;,&,&quot;,",&nbsp;,$chr(32),&color;,,&bold;,,&underline,)
            bunset &line &rss.*
            inc %Lcv2
        inc %lcv
      if ($window(@rss.performance)) {
        aline @rss.performance ---
        aline @rss.performance Parsed %lcv Config Lines ( $+ %lcv2 rss entries) (rss.cfg) in $calc(($ticks - %time)/1000) Seconds
    alias rsstimer {
      ;$1 = feed name
      ;$2 = host
      ;$3 = file
      ;$4 = channel
      ;$5 = max
      ;$6 = interval
      showrss $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
      .timerrss. $+ $1 0 $6 showrss $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
    alias showrss {
      ;$1 = feed name
      ;$2 = host
      ;$3 = file
      ;$4 = channel
      ;$5 = max
      set %time. $+ $1 $ticks
      .remove " $+ $1 $+ .rss $+ "
      getrss $1 $2 $3 $replace($1 $+ .rss,$chr(32),_) parserss $replace($1 $+ .rss,$chr(32),_) $1 $4 $5
    alias getrss {
      ;$1 = feed name
      ;$2 = host
      ;$3 = file
      ;$4 = save
      ;$5- = done
      set %rss. $+ $1 $+ .file $3
      set %rss. $+ $1 $+ .host $2
      set %rss. $+ $1 $+ .save $4
      set %rss. $+ $1 $+ .done $5-
      sockopen rss. $+ $1 $2 80
    on *:SOCKOPEN:rss.*:{
      sockwrite -tn $sockname GET % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .file ] ] HTTP/1.1
      sockwrite -tn $sockname Host: % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .host ] ]
      sockwrite -tn $sockname Accept: *.*, */*
      sockwrite -tn $sockname Connection: close
      sockwrite -tn $sockname $crlf
    on *:sockclose:rss.*:{ fixrss % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .save ] ] | % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .done ] ] | unset % $+ $sockname $+ .* }
    on *:sockread:rss.*:{
      if ($sockerr) { echo 1 -a ERROR | return }
      if (% [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .status ] ] != downloading) {
        var %1 | sockread %1 | tokenize 32 %1
        if ($1 == HTTP/1.1) { if ($2 != 200 && $2 != 206) { echo 1 -a ERROR } }
        elseif ($1 == Content-Range:) { set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .size ] ] $gettok($3,-1,47) }
        elseif ($1 == Content-Type:) { return }
        elseif (!$1) {
          set % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .status ] ] Downloading
      else {
        var %1 = % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .save ] ]
        sockread &1
        if (!$sockbr) { return }
        bwrite $+(",%1,") -1 &1
        unset % [ $+ [ $sockname $+ .resume ] ]
    alias fixrss {
      ;$1 = rss file
      var %file = $1
      bread $1 0 $file($1).size &file
      breplace &file 10 32 13 32
      write -c $1
      var %lcv = 1
      var %size = $bvar(&file,0)
      while (%lcv <= %size) {
        parserss2 $1 $bvar(&file,%lcv,500).text
        inc %lcv 500
    alias parserss {
      ;$1 = rss file
      ;$2 = feed name
      ;$3 = channel
      ;$4 = max
      var %time = $ticks | var %lcv = 1 | var %lcv2 = 0 | var %lines = $file($1).size
      bread $1 0 %lines &file1
      while ((%lcv <= %lines) && (%lcv2 < $4)) { bunset &line | bcopy -c &line 1 &file1 %lcv $calc($iif($bfind(&file1,%lcv,$crlf),$bfind(&file1,%lcv,$crlf),$calc(%lines + 1)) - %lcv) | var %lcv = $calc($iif($bfind(&file1,%lcv,$crlf),$bfind(&file1,%lcv,$crlf),$calc(%lines + 1)) + 2)
        if (($bvar(&line,0) < 300) && ($regex(RSS,$bvar(&line,1,$bvar(&line,0)).text,<(.+)>(.+)</.+>))) { if (($regml(RSS,1)) && ($regml(RSS,2))) { bunset &rss. $+ $gettok($regml(RSS,1),1,32) | bset -t &rss. $+ $gettok($regml(RSS,1),1,32) 1 $regml(RSS,2) } }
        elseif (($bvar(&line,0) < 300) && ($regex(RSS,$bvar(&line,1,$bvar(&line,0)).text,</item>))) { checkalreadyrss $3 [[ $+ $2 $+ ]] $+ 10 $bvar(&rss.title,1,$bvar(&rss.title,0)).text  $+ (14 $bvar(&rss.link,1,$bvar(&rss.link,0)).text ) | inc %lcv2 | bunset &line &rss.* }
      if ($window(@rss.performance)) {
        aline @rss.performance ---
        aline @rss.performance Parsed %lcv Bytes ( $+ %lcv2 rss entries) ( $+ $1 $+ ) in $calc(($ticks - %time)/1000) Seconds
      if (%time. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { if ($window(@rss.performance)) {
    aline @rss.performance Downloaded and Parsed %lcv Bytes ( $+ %lcv2 rss entries) ( $+ $1 $+ ) in $calc(($ticks - %time. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] )/1000) Seconds } | unset %time. $+ $2 } }
    alias addrss {
      ;$1 = feed name
      ;$2 = host
      ;$3 = file
      ;$4 = channel
      ;$5 = max
      ;$6 = interval
      write rss.cfg <item>
      write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <feed> $+ $1 $+ </feed>
      write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <host> $+ $2 $+ </host>
      write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <file> $+ $3 $+ </file>
      write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <channel> $+ $4 $+ </channel>
      write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <feeds> $+ $5 $+ </feeds>
      write rss.cfg $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ <interval> $+ $6 $+ </interval>
      write rss.cfg </item>
      rsstimer $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
    on *:TEXT:!rehashrss:#rss: {
      timerrss.* off
    alias rehashrss {
      timerrss.* off
    on *:TEXT:!rssoff:#rss: {
      timerrss.* off
    alias rssoff {
      timerrss.* off
    on 100:TEXT:!addrss * * * * * *:{ addrss $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 }
    alias checkalreadyrss {
      if (sponsored isin $1-) { goto done }
      if ($file(rss.hist.tmp)) { .remove rss.hist.tmp }
      filter -ffc rss.hist rss.hist.tmp * $+ $strip($1-) $+ *
      if ($file(rss.hist.tmp)) { .remove rss.hist.tmp }
      if ($filtered > 0) { goto done }
      write rss.hist $strip($1-)
      ;  if (!$window(@rss.hist)) { echo 4 -a $nopath($script) $+ : ERROR: no history loaded... (try /loadrsshist) | halt }
      ;  aline @rss.hist $strip($1-)
      msg $replacex($1-,&amp;,&,&quot;,",&nbsp;,$chr(32),&color;,,&bold;,,&underline,)
    alias loadrsshist {
      if (!$file(rss.hist).size) { write rss.hist History File }
      ;  .window -k0lh @rss.hist
      ;  .loadbuf @rss.hist rss.hist
      ;  .window -k0 @rss.performance
    alias parserss2 {
      ;$1 = File
      ;$2- = XML data
      var %file = $1
      ;[Code by FiberOPtics] Thanks.. :P
      var %a, %b = $regsub($2-,/(?<=>)(?=s*<)/g,$lf,%a)
      tokenize 10 %a
      ;[/Code by FiberOPtics]
      var %lcv = 1
      while (%lcv <= $0) {
        bset -t &tmp $calc($bvar(&tmp,0) +1) $ [ $+ [ %lcv ] ] $+ $crlf
        inc %lcv
      bwrite %file -1 $calc($bvar(&tmp,0) -2) &tmp
      bunset &tmp
    on *:TEXT:!rsslist:#rss:{ msg $chan I syndicate the following: | msg $chan %list }
    alias rsslist { msg $chan I syndicate the following: | msg $chan %list }
    on *:TEXT:!show *:#rss: {
      if ($2) {
        %rssin = $replace($2-,$, )
        %rssinput = * $+ %rssin $+ *
        if (%rssin isin %list) {
          while $read(rss.hist, w, %rssinput) != $null {
            write -dw * $+ $2- $+ * rss.hist
        else {
          msg # Sorry, I do not syndicate that feed.
      else {
        msg # What feed would you like to see?
    on *:JOIN:#RSS: {
      notice $nick Welcome to #RSS! I will be delivering the news here. Say "!help" to get started.
    on *:TEXT:!help:#RSS: {
      msg # To see a list of feeds use "!rsslist"
      msg # To check for any updates use "!rehashrss"
      msg # To view a specific feed use "!show <feed>"


  23. 'm a major newb to perl and mIRC scripting, and likely will be for a while as I'm mostly just blundering through things and learning as I go rather than actively studying how to work the language. So, I know there will be some inefficiencies with this snippet, and maybe even a bug or two (hopefully nothing too serious...I've used it for a while, never had troubles), so if you find anything and have a solution I'd love if you'd point them out to me.

    Anyway, what this script is is just sort of a piece of fun for an IRC channel your bot is an op of. When active, the script will play out a classic piece of childhood whimsy and "jinx" anyone who says something directly after another person says the same thing. It sets channel mode to +m and removes voice from the second person, announcing to the channel that this person has been uncreative enough in his or her responses that they have been JINXED until someone says his or her name. It's simple, but my channel finds it to be a highly amusing fountain of guilt-free trolling, and since I've never seen a snippet that does anything similar I thought I'd share it with the world.

    To activate JinxBot, type !jinx on (any user can do this, because it is just a fun script and even in my smartassed channel no one has been able to take advantage of it). To deactivate (again, anyone is eligible) type !jinx off, or really, any second word other than "on".

    The main issues are that if someone has a long name or a nick that contains a status message, people will need to type the whole thing in order for them to be unjinxed, and, if you consider it an issue (it's easy to work around, but I left it in there for added fun), ops that obviously don't need +v are still given the JINX message. The main issue involving a limit to which variables in a message could unjinx a user has been fixed, however, with the help of a couple benevolent fellow Hawkee members. Huzzah!

    At the top of the snippet is a couple lines that just ensure that everyone in your channel will have +v when JinxBot goes off. It may be more efficient to simply edit the script so that it voices everyone in the channel and devoices the unlucky victim, especially if you're an obsessive-compulsive owner who doesn't like +s all over your channel when mode is not +m, but I figured that I shouldn't add anything in there that I don't fully understand yet. May edit the snippet later when I do 😉 . If you don't need the auto-voice snippet, just crop it off, obviously.

    Oh, and as you can see, I took the concession of ensuring it does not interfere with IRC Trivia, which by nature will have lots of repeated phrases and words. Jinxbot reactivates soon after Trivia ends.

    Mess with the script, distribute it, do what you want with it. It's simple stuff, and although it'd be nice, I don't expect to be lauded or credited for writing it.


    ON *:JOIN:#:{
    mode $chan +v $nick }
    on *:TEXT:!trivia*:#:{
      if (%setting == on) {
        set %setting off
        msg $chan Breathe easy; JinxBot is now off.
        if (!$2) {
          set %timer 600
        else {
          set %timer $2 * 60
         msg $chan %timer until reactivation.
        .timer 1 %timer set %setting on
        .timer 1 %timer msg $chan Look out!  Jinxbot is now on!
    on *:TEXT:!jinx*:#:{
      set %setting $2
      if (reset == %setting) {
        unset %one
        set %jinxed rtsl
        msg $chan JinxBot has been reset.
        set %setting on
      if (on == %setting) {
        msg $chan Look out!  JinxBot is now on!
      else {
        msg $chan Breathe easy; JinxBot is now off.
    on *:TEXT:*:#:{
      if (on == %setting) {
        if ($1- == %one) && ($nick != %nick) {
          msg $chan 4 $1-  - JINX!  $nick cannot speak until someone says his/her name!
          mode $chan +m
          mode $chan +v %jinxed
          mode $chan -v $nick 
          set %jinxed $nick
          set %one $1-
        if ($istok($1-,%jinxed,32)) {
          mode $chan +v %jinxed
          msg $chan The jinx on %jinxed has been lifted!
          set %jinxed rtsl
          set %one $1-
      set %one $1-
      set %nick $nick


  24. This is a slight update to the TrivScript that I have been using for quite some time now and thought I'd post the update here that I have done (although not a lot of it was changed)

    The HTMl Build scores will output as "trivia.htm" and the old style code was changed to a new one.

    Credits: To the original author of this code.


    Added the questions.txt file (just put it in the same directory of the script / bot > http://www.4shared.com/get/y_5UZfoece/questions.html


    alias trivia.version { return  0(10Version9: 104.80) }
    alias trivia.name { return 10Hi I'm $me }
    ;# Direct IRC interactions.                             #
    on *:START: { trivia.init }
    on *:LOAD: {
    on *:INVITE:*: {
      if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
      if ($trivchan) { join $chan }
    on *:JOIN:*: {
      if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
      inc -u5 %trivia.netsplit
      set -u3 %ident $chan
      if ((%trivia.netsplit >= 3) || (!$trivchan) || (!$getset(status,bot))) { return }
      if (($nick != $me) && (!$isdis(31))) { if ($getset(status,onjoin)) { inform $msg.trivia.onjoin } }
      elseif ($getset(status,autostart) == 1) { trivia }
      award join $nick
    on *:INPUT:#: {
      if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
      if ((!$trivchan) || (/* iswm $1-)) { return }
      set -u3 %ident $chan
      if ($pre $+ * iswm $strip($1-)) { processcommand $strip($1-) }
      elseif ($question.on) { processguess $1- }
    on *:ctcpreply:ping*:{
      if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
      if ($isdis(17)) return
      if (($eval(% $+ ping. $+ $nick,2)) && ($2 isnum)) {
        set -u3 %ident $eval(% $+ pingchan. $+ $nick,2)
        scid $eval(% $+ pingcid. $+ $nick) inform $msg.ping.reply
        unset % $+ ping. $+ $nick
        unset % $+ pingchan. $+ $nick
        unset % $+ pingcid. $+ $nick
        $eval(set -u $+ $slag(ping) % $+ pingantispam. $+ $nick 1,2)
    on *:TEXT:*:#:{
      if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
      set -u3 %ident $chan
      if (!$trivchan) return
      if ($pre $+ * iswm $strip($1-)) { processcommand $strip($1-) }
      else if (($question.on) && ($left($1,1) != /)) { processguess $1- }
    on *:TEXT:*:?: {
      if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
      set -u3 %ident $chan
      if (($pre $+ $gtok(29) $+ * iswm $strip($1-)) || ($pre $+ $gtok(30) $+ * iswm $strip($1-))) { processcommand $strip($1-) }
    ;# Channel setup and related checks.                    #
    alias trivchan {
      var %i = 1
      while ($tchan(%i)) {
        if (($tchan(%i,3) iswm $me) && ($tchan(%i,2) iswm $ifd($network,irc))) {
          if (($tchan(%i) iswm $chan) || ((!$chan) && ($me ison $tchan(%i)))) {
            if ($1) return $tchan(%i)
            return %i
        inc %i
    alias tchan { return $ifd($gettok($getset(chan,$1), $ifd($2,1), 59),$iif($2 isnum 2-3, *)) }
    ;# Menubar and submenu functions.                       #
    menu channel,menubar {
      .$showon(Trivia Options):{ if (!$dialog(trivset)) { dialog -m trivset trivset } }
      .$showon(Start Trivia)
      ..$showon(Standard):{ $trivia }
      ..$showon(Unlimited Game):{ $trivia(unlimited) }
      ..$showon(Team Game):{ $trivia(team) }
      ..$showon(Theme Game)
      ..$showon(Specify round):{ $trivia($$?="How many question in the trivia round?") }
      .$showon(Stop Trivia):{ strivia }
      .$showon(Set Channel):{ chan.add $$chan }
      ..$showon(Build Scores HTML):{ htmlbuild }
      ..$showon(Process HTML Commands):{ htmltrigger }
      ..$showon(HTML Options):{  if (!$dialog(trivbuild)) { dialog -m trivbuild trivbuild } }
      ..$showon(Themes Setup): {  if (!$dialog(triviatheme)) { dialog -m triviatheme triviatheme } }
      ..$showon(Ranks Setup): {  if (!$dialog(trivrank)) { dialog -m trivrank trivrank } }
    alias theme.submenu {
      if (($1 == begin) || ($1 == end)) return -
      if ($getset(triviamode $+ $1, name)) return $getset(triviamode $+ $1, name) $+ : /trivia $getset(triviamode $+ $1, name)
    menu menubar {
      .$showon(Force Question):{ ask }
      ..$showon(Scores):{ if (!$dialog(triviascores)) { dialog -m triviascores triviascores } }
      ..$showon(Give Points): { trivia.credit $$?="Credit whom?" $$?="How many points do you wish to give, -# to remove score" }
      ..$showon(Records):{ tsay $msg.trivia.records }
      ..$showon(HoF):{ tsay $msg.trivia.hof }
      ..$showon(Repeat):{ tsay $msg.question.current }
      ..$showon(Hint):{ tsay $msg.hint.hint }
      ..$showon(Questions):{ if $isfile($qfile(1)) { run $qfile(1) } }
      ..$showon(Additions):{ if $isfile(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $triv(additions) $+ ") { run " $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $triv(additions) $+ " } }
      ..$showon(Report):{ if $isfile(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $triv(report) $+ ") { run " $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $triv(report) $+ " } }
      .Trivia Bot is [ $trivon ]
      ..$showon([ $trivdisflip ]) $+ :{ setset status bot $iif($getset(status,bot) == 1,0,1) }
      ..[ $trivoffflip ] $+ :{ setset status botstate $iif($getset(status,botstate) == 1,0,1) }
      .Trivia Unload:{ if ($?!="Really Unload?") { unload -rs $script } }
    menu nicklist {
      ..$showon(Ban):{ tban $$1 }
      ..$showon(Unban):{ tunban $$1 }
      .$showon(Add as Friend): { triviafriend.add $address($$1,7) }
      ...$showon(1): { trivia.credit $$1 1 }
      ...$showon(5): { trivia.credit $$1 5 }
      ...$showon(10): { trivia.credit $$1 10 }
      ...$showon(1): { trivia.credit $$1 -1 }
      ...$showon(5): { trivia.credit $$1 -5 }
      ...$showon(10): { trivia.credit $$1 -10 }
      ..$showon(Input Amount): { trivia.credit $$1 $$?="How many points do you wish to give, -# to remove score" }
    alias showon { if ($getset(status,botstate) != 1) return $1- }
    alias trivia.turnedoff { if ($getset(status,botstate) == 1) return $true }
    ;# Menubar related, aliases.                            #
    alias trivia.team.credit {
      if (($team) && ($2 isnum)) {
        var %list $get.showteams($1)
        var %amount $2
        var %j $numtok(%list,32)
        while (%j >= 1) {
          var %name.teammate $gettok(%list,%j,32)
          setvar %name.teammate score $calc($getvar(%name.teammate,score) + %amount)
          process.scores.time %name.teammate %amount
          dec %j
    alias trivia.credit {
      if ($2 isnum) {
        setvar $1 score $calc($getvar($1,score) + $2)
        process.scores.time $1 $2
        tsay $iif($2 >= 0,$msg.trivia.awarded($1,$2),$msg.trivia.deducted($1,$2))
    alias -l trivon { return $iif($getset(status,botstate),Off,$iif($getset(status,bot),$iif($trivia.paused,Paused,Enabled), Disabled)) }
    alias -l trivdisflip { return $iif($getset(status,bot),Disable,Enable) }
    alias -l trivoffflip { return $iif($getset(status,botstate),On,Off) }
    alias -l trivia.chan { return $iif($trivchan, Yes, No) }
    alias -l trivia.dir { return $iif($isdir(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ "), Yes, No) }
    alias -l trivia.file { return $iif($isfile($qfile(1)), Yes, No) }
    alias -l trivia.onoff { return $iif($trivia.on, On, Off) }
    alias -l team.onoff { return $iif($team, On, Off) }
    ;# Init aliases.                                        #
    alias -l nset { if ($getset($1, $2) == $null) { setset $1- } }
    alias init.load {
      nset award 1 1 1 1 50 0  gives * a high five for getting ^ wins! Way to go * !
      nset award 2 1 1 1 100 0 gives * a large pizza for getting ^ wins! Way to go * !
      nset award 3 1 1 1 150 0 ^ wins... I am not worthy...
      nset award 4 2 1 1 3 0 hands * a cold beer for getting the last ^ questions!
      nset award 5 2 1 1 5 0 hands * 6-pack of icy beers for getting the last ^ questions!
      nset award 6 2 1 1 10 0 gives * keg of beer for kicking everybodies asses! ^ questions!
      nset award 7 2 1 1 15 0 bows before * a trivia god...
      nset award 8 2 2 2 3 5 You're on fire!
      nset award 9 3 4 5 1.5 0 Autoban based on speed.
      nset award 10 4 3 5 120 0 Autoban based on Words per minute.
      nset award 11 7 0 2 0 0 * has moved up in rank: ^
      nset award 12 8 0 2 0 0 *, congratulations on your promotion to: ^
    alias trivia.init {
      nset status bot 1 | nset status echo 0 | nset status autohint 1 | nset status showanswer 1 | nset status cross 1
      nset status number 30 | nset status hintpause 1 | nset trivia additions additions.txt
      nset color 1 $fixer($rand(1,15)) | nset color 2 $fixer($rand(1,15)) | nset trivia default 10 | nset trivia dteam 5 | nset color on 1
      nset trivia delimiter * | nset trivia tnaoff 5 | nset trivia hintpause 5 | nset trivia perchint 30 | nset trivia numhint 1
      nset trivia ppq 1 | nset trivia dph 0 | nset lag answered 10 | nset lag hint 10 | nset lag start 15 | nset lag timed 15 | nset lag ping 10
      nset lag betweenhint 10 | nset lag timedout 60 | nset lag hintallow 10 | nset trivia dir $ifd($nofile($findfile($mircdir,$triv(questions), 1)),$mircdir)
      nset trivia report report.txt | nset trivia reset 1000 | nset team 0victory The *t1 and the *t2 tied | nset team 1 'Team 1's
      nset team 1victory The *t1 beat the *t2 | nset team 2 'Team 2's | nset team 2victory The *t2 beat the *t1 | nset team JoinBefore 2
      nset team JoinBeforeOn 1 | nset status nodecheater 1
    alias -l trivia.fail {
      var %failedtriviafail = 0
      if ($version < 5.91) {
        echo Please use mIRC 5.91 or later.
        var %failedtriviafai = 1
      if (!$server) {
        echo Please connect to a server before attempting to use $msg.trivia.version
        var %failedtriviafai = 1
      if ($getset(status,bot) == 0) { 
        echo The trivia bot is off. Commands, Trivia, Disabled to reenable.
        var %failedtriviafai = 1
      if ($isdir(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ ") == $false) { 
        echo The trivia directory, $triv(dir) $+ , is invalid.
        var %failedtriviafai = 1
      if ($triv(dir) == $null) { 
        echo The trivia directory setting is blank, please set it to the desired directory.
        var %failedtriviafai = 1
      if ($numl <= 0) {
        echo There appears to be no questions within the question file(s).
        var %failedtriviafai = 1
      return %failedtriviafai
    alias get.find { if ($qfind($1-)) return $qfind($1-) }
    ;# Trivia command, related aliases.                     #
    alias -l ifd { return $iif($1, $1, $2) }
    ;# Command processing.                                  #
    alias pre { return $ifd(%command-prefix, !) }
    alias commandtokens { return state;disable;enable;op;trivia;strivia;pause;resume;theme;themes;stats;stat;won;hof;top10;hofstreak;row;streak;hoftime;hoffast;hofwpm;wpm;server;record;records;champ;version;web;add;report;ping;triviaping;help;join;showteams;roundscores;answer;next;hint;!hint;words;last;vowels;repeat;hofscoreday;hoftimeday;hofstreakday;hofwpmday;hofscoreweek;hoftimeweek;hofstreakweek;hofwpmweek;hofscoremonth;hoftimemonth;hofstreakmonth;hofwpmmonth;hofscoreyear;hoftimeyear;hofstreakyear;hofwpmyear;rank;promotion }
    alias optokens { return enable;disable;ban;unban;banned;ask;add;find;team }
    alias stattokens { return score;time;streak;wpm }
    alias timetokens { return day;week;month;year;total }
    alias starttokens { return Unlimited;team }
    alias ctok { return $findtok($eval($ $+ $gettok(commandtokens;optokens;stattokens;timetokens;starttokens,$ifd($2,1),59),2),$untrans($1),1,59) }
    alias gtok { return $trivtran($gettok($eval($ $+ $gettok(commandtokens;optokens;stattokens;timetokens;starttokens,$ifd($2,1),59),2),$1,59)) }
    alias rtok { return $gettok($eval($ $+ $gettok(commandtokens;optokens;stattokens;timetokens;starttokens,$ifd($2,1),59),2),$1,59) }
    alias -l processcommand {
      var %command = $right($1,$calc(-1 * $len($pre)))
      var %ctok = $ctok(%command)
      award command %command $2-
      if (!%ctok) { return }
      if (%ctok == 1) { inform $msg.trivia.state }
      if (%ctok == 2) { opcommand disable $2- }
      if (%ctok == 3) { opcommand enable $2- }
      if (%ctok == 4) { opcommand $2- }
      if (($getset(status,bot) == 0) || ($trivia.banned)) { return }
      if (%ctok == 5) { if (!$isdis(28)) { trivia $2- } }
      if (%ctok == 6) { if ((!$isdis(29)) && ($trivia.on) && ((!$team) || ($nick isop $iden))) { strivia $iden $nick } }
      if (%ctok == 8) { if (!$isdis(5)) { trivia.pause 1 } }
      if (%ctok == 7) { if ((!$trivia.paused) && (!$isdis(5))) { trivia.pause } }
      if (%ctok isnum 9-10) { if (!$isdis(18)) { inform $msg.trivia.themes } }
      if (%ctok isnum 11-13) { processcommand.stats $ifd($2,$nick) $ifd($3,$unit.default) }
      if (%ctok isnum 14-15) { if (!$isdis(8)) { processcommand.hof $ifd($2,score) $ifd($3,$unit.default) } }
      if (%ctok isnum 16-18) { if (!$isdis(10)) { processcommand.hof streak $unit.default } }
      if (%ctok isnum 19-20) { if (!$isdis(9)) { processcommand.hof time $unit.default } }
      if (%ctok isnum 21-22) { if (!$isdis(11)) { processcommand.hof wpm $unit.default } }
      if (%ctok isnum 45-60) {
        var %regmatch = / $+ (?: $+ $gtok(14) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(14) $+ ) $+ \s?( $+ $gtok(1,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(1,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(2,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(3,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(4,3) $+ )\s?( $+ $gtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(4,4) $+ )/
        if ($regex(%command, %regmatch)) processcommand.hof $iif($regml(1),score) $ifd($regml(2),$unit.default)
      if (%ctok isnum 61-62) { if (!$isdis(30)) inform $msg.trivia.rank($ifd($2,$nick)) }
      if (%ctok == 23) { inform $server }
      if (%ctok isnum 24-25) { if (!$isdis(12)) { inform $msg.trivia.records } }
      if (%ctok == 26) { inform $msg.trivia.champ }
      if (%ctok == 27) { inform $msg.trivia.version }
      if (%ctok == 28) { inform $msg.trivia.web }
      if (%ctok isnum 29-30) { if (!$isdis(19)) { trivia.report %ctok $2- } }
      if (%ctok isnum 31-32) { if (!$isdis(17))  { do.ping } }
      if (%ctok == 33) { if (!$isdis(32)) givehelp $2- }
      if (%ctok == 34) { if (($team) && (!$isdis(33))) { $setteam($nick, $2) } }
      if (%ctok == 35) { if ($team) { inform $msg.trivia.showteams } }
      if (%ctok == 36) { inform $msg.trivia.roundscores }
      if (%ctok == 37) { if (($thget(answer)) && (!$isdis(16))) { inform $msg.question.answer } }
      if ((!$question.on) || ($trivia.paused)) { return }
      if (%ctok == 38) { if (($calc($question.time * 2) >= $lag(timedout)) && (!$isdis(15))) { trivx $chan } }
      if (%ctok isnum 39-43) { 
        if (($question.time >= $lag(hintallow))) {
          if (($getset(trivia, hintpause)) && ($getset(status, hintpause))) { hadd -u $+ $triv(hintpause) Trivia $+ $idenn Temp. $+ hinted. $+ $nick 1 }
          if (%ctok isnum 39-40) { if (!$isdis(22)) { give.hint $iden } }
          if (%ctok == 41) { if (!$isdis(25)) { inform $msg.hint.words } }
          if (%ctok == 42) { if (!$isdis(24)) { inform $msg.hint.last } }
          if (%ctok == 43) { if (!$isdis(23)) { inform $msg.hint.vowels } }
      if (%ctok == 44) { if (!$isdis(26)) { inform $$thget(trivq.say) } }
    alias processcommand.hof {
      if (!$2) { var %unit = 5 }
      else { var %unit = $ctok($2,4) }
      var %by = $ctok($1,3)
      if ($getset(hide,$rtok(%by,3))) { return }
      if ((!%by) || (!%unit)) { inform $msg.trivia.hof.error | return }
      inform $msg.trivia.topstats($rtok(%by,3),$rtok(%unit,4))
    alias -l processcommand.stats {
      if (!$2) { var %unit = 5 }
      else { var %unit = $ctok($2,4) }
      if (!%unit) { inform $msg.trivia.stats.error | return }
      if ($1 isnum) { sort score $unit.set(%unit) }
      if ($1 isnum 1 - $hof.size) { inform $msg.trivia.stats($hof($1,1),$unit.set(%unit)) }
      else { inform $msg.trivia.stats($iif($1,$1,$nick),$unit.set(%unit)) }
    alias unit.default { return $rtok($ifd($getset(status,scoreby),5),4) }
    alias unit.set { return $iif($rtok($1,4) != total,$rtok($1,4)) }
    alias unit.prefix { return $iif($ifd($1,$unit.default) != total, $ifd($1,$unit.default)) }
    ;# !Op command structure.                               #
    alias -l opcommand {
      var %otok = $ctok($1,2)
      if ($isdis(6)) { return }
      if ((%otok == 1) && (!$isdis(21)) && ($getset(status,bot) == 0) && ((!$2) || ($2 == $me))) { 
        setset status bot 1
        tsay $msg.trivia.enabled
      if ((%otok == 2) && (!$isdis(21)) && ($getset(status,bot) == 1)  && ((!$2) || ($2 == $me))) {
        setset status bot 0
        tsay $msg.trivia.disabled
        strivia $iden $nick
      if ((%otok == 3) && (!$isdis(20))) {
        if (!$2) { inform $msg.trivia.error.ban }
        else {
          tban $2
          inform $msg.trivia.op.ban
      if ((%otok == 4) && (!$isdis(7))) {
        if (!$2) { inform $msg.trivia.error.unban }
        else {
          tunban $2
          inform $msg.trivia.op.unban
      if (%otok == 5) { inform $msg.trivia.banlist }
      if ((%otok == 6) && (!$isdis(14))) {
        if ($2 !isnum) { inform $msg.trivia.error.badnum }
        else {
          ask $2
          inform $msg.trivia.op.ask
      if ((%otok == 7) && (!$isdis(27))) {
        if (!$2) { inform $msg.trivia.error.noquestion }
        elseif ($triv(delimiter) !isin $2-) { inform $msg.trivia.error.nodelim }
        else {
          add $2-
          inform $msg.trivia.op.added
      if ((%otok == 8) && (!$isdis(13))) {
        if (!$2) { inform $msg.trivia.error.nosearch }
        else inform $msg.trivia.op.find($2-)
      if ((%otok == 9) && (!$isdis(34))) {
        if ($2 ison $chan) {
          if ($validteam($3)) { $setteam($2, $3) }
          else { inform $msg.trivia.error.numberrequired($2) }
        else { inform $msg.trivia.error.playerrequired }
    ;# Trivia ON.                                           #
    alias trivia {
      if (($trivia.banned) || ($trivia.on) || (!$trivchan)) { return }
      if ($trivia.paused) { 
        tsay $msg.trivia.pause
      if ($trivia.fail) return
      if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { hfree Trivia $+ $idenn }
      hmake Trivia $+ $idenn 20
      if (($hget(Asked $+ $idenn)) && ($getset(status,keepask))) { hfree Asked $+ $idenn }
      if (!$hget(Asked $+ $idenn)) hmake Asked $+ $idenn 50
      thset STime $time $date
      thset SUser $iif($nick,$nick,$me)
      if (($getset(Trivia,odefault) == unlimited) || (($ctok($1,5) == 1) && (!$isdis(2))) ) { thset Max Unlimited }
      if (($getset(Trivia,odefault) == team) || (($ctok($1,5) == 2) && (!$isdis(3)))) { thset team 1 }
      if (($1 isnum 1 - $numl) && (!$isdis(1))) { thset Max $int($1) }
      if ($1 == pi) { thset Max 3.14159265358979323846 }
      if ($1 == e) { thset Max 2.718281828459045 }
      if (!$isdis(18)) { trivia.themecheck $1- }
      if ($thget(team)) { trivia.teammode $2 }
      tsay $msg.trivia.started
      .timerq $+ $idenn 1 $ifd($lag(start),0) trivq $chan
      award roundstart $thget(Max)
    ;# Trivia OFF.                                          #
    alias strivia {
      set -u3 %ident $1
      if ($team) { strivia.teammode }
      else if ($getset(status,bot)) {
        if ($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Lastwinner) == $2) { setset Var $+ $idenn Row 0 }
        tsay $msg.trivia.stopped
        if ($thget(Current) >= 10) { tsay $strivia.end($triv(Record)) }
        award RoundStop $thget(Current)
    alias strivia.end {
      if ($1 == 1) { return $msg.trivia.hof }
      elseif ($1 == 2) { return $msg.trivia.topstats(streak) }
      elseif ($1 == 3) { return $msg.trivia.topstats(time) }
      elseif ($1 == 4) { return $msg.trivia.topstats(wpm) }
      elseif ($1 == 5) { return $msg.trivia.champ }
      elseif ($1 == 6) { return $msg.trivia.web }
      elseif ($1 == 7) { return $msg.trivia.roundscores }
      return $msg.trivia.records
    ;# STATUS CLEARING.                                     #
    alias -l trivia.flush {
      if (!$getset(status,keepask)) if ($hget(Asked $+ $idenn)) { hfree Asked $+ $idenn }
      if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { hfree Trivia $+ $idenn }
      unset %cache.nick
      unset %cache.line
    alias -l trivia.timersoff {
      .timer* $+ $idenn off
    ;# DEFAULT setup.                                       #
    alias trivia.defaultgame {
      thset File questions.txt
      thset Scores $scoresfil
      if ($tchan($trivchan, 4)) { thset Scores $tchan($trivchan, 4) }
      if ($tchan($trivchan, 5)) {
        thset File
        var %i = 5
        while ($tchan($trivchan, %i)) {
          thset File $thget(file) $+ ; $+ $tchan($trivchan, %i)
          inc %i
      thset Max $triv(default)
      thset PPQ $iif($getset(Trivia,PPQ) != $null,$getset(Trivia,PPQ),1)
      thset DPH $iif($getset(Trivia,DPH) != $null,$getset(Trivia,DPH),0)
      thset RRS $iif($getset(Status,RRS) != $null,$getset(Status,RRS),0)
      thset guess $iif($getset(trivia,limitguess) != $null,$getset(trivia,limitguess),0)
      thset lagstart $iif($getset(lag, start) != $null, $getset(lag, start), 0)
      thset laganswered $iif($getset(lag, answered) != $null, $getset(lag, answered), 0)
      thset lagtimedout $iif($getset(lag, timedout) != $null, $getset(lag, timedout), 0)
      thset laghint $iif($getset(lag, hint) != $null, $getset(lag, hint), 0)
      thset lagtimed $iif($getset(lag, timed) != $null, $getset(lag, timed), 0)
      thset laghintallow $iif($getset(lag, hintallow) != $null, $getset(lag, hintallow), 0)
      thset lagbetweenhint $iif($getset(lag, betweenhint) != $null, $getset(lag, betweenhint), 0)
    ;# THEMED start.                                        #
    alias trivia.themecheck {
      var %i = 1
      while ($getset(triviamode $+ %i, Name)) {
        if ($1 == $getset(triviamode $+ %i, Name)) {
          trivia.themestart %i
          if (($2 isnum) && ($2 <= $numq) && ($2 > 0) && (!$isdis(4))) { thset Max $int($2) }
        inc %i
    alias trivia.themestart {
      var %j = $setini(triviamode $+ $1,0)
      while (%j >= 1) {
        var %mode = $setini(triviamode $+ $1, %j)
        thset %mode $getset(triviamode $+ $1, %mode)
        dec %j
    ;# TEAM setup.                                          #
    alias -l trivia.teammode {
      thset Score1 0
      thset Score2 0
      thset Score3 0
      thset Score4 0
      if ($1 isnum 1 - $numq) { thset Max $int($1) }
      else { thset Max $triv(dteam) }
      tsay $msg.team.start
    alias -l strivia.teammode {
      var %s1 = $thget(Score1)
      var %s2 = $thget(Score2)
      var %s3 = $thget(Score3)
      var %s4 = $thget(Score4)
      if ($getset(team,4-team)) {
        if ((%s1 > %s2) && (%s1 > %s3) && (%s1 > %s3)) {
          tsay $msg.team.over($te(1).victory)
          award TeamVictory 1
        elseif ((%s2 > %s1) && (%s2 > %s3) && (%s2 > %s4)) {
          tsay $msg.team.over($te(2).victory)
          award TeamVictory 2 $get.showteams(2)
        elseif ((%s3 > %s1) && (%s3 > %s2) && (%s3 > %s4)) {
          tsay $msg.team.over($te(3).victory)
          award TeamVictory 3
        elseif ((%s4 > %s1) && (%s4 > %s2) && (%s4 > %s3)) {
          tsay $msg.team.over($te(4).victory)
          award TeamVictory 4 
        else {
          tsay $msg.team.over($te(0).victory)
          award TeamVictory 0
      else {
        if (%s1 > %s2) { tsay $msg.team.over($te(1).victory) }
        elseif (%s1 < %s2) { tsay $msg.team.over($te(2).victory) }
        else { tsay $msg.team.over($te(0).victory) }
      if ($getset(status, noshowt)) { tsay $msg.trivia.showteams }
    alias -l setteam {
      if (($thget(Current) >= $getset(Team, JoinBefore)) && ($getset(Team, JoinBeforeOn) == 1)) { 
        inform $msg.team.joinover
      if ($validteam($2)) {
        if ($thget(Team. $+ $1) == $2) { inform $msg.team.alreadyon }
        else { tsay $msg.team.add($getset(team,$2), $1) }
        thset $eval(Team. $+ $1,1) $2
        setvar $1 team $2
    alias -l validteam {
      if ($1 isnum 1-2) return 1
      if (($1 isnum 3-4) && ($getset(team,4-team))) return 1
      return 0
    alias -l setteam.hash {
      if ($validteam($2)) {
        thset $eval(Team. $+ $1,1) $2
    ;# Trivia QUESTION.                                     #
    alias trivq {
      set -u3 %ident $1
      if (!$hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { return }
      if ($trivia.fail) return
      thset Current $calc($thget(Current) + 1)
      if (($team) && ($thget(Current) == $getset(Team, JoinBefore)) && ($getset(Team, JoinBeforeOn) == 1)) { tsay $msg.team.joinbefore }
      .timerend $+ $idenn 1 $lag(timedout) trivx $iden
      setset Var $+ $idenn Asked $calc($getset(Var $+ $idenn,Asked) + 1)
      thset Start $ticks
      trivia.sayquestion $right($thget(catq),-1)
      if ($getset(status,echo) == 1) { echo $iden $msg.trivia.echoanswer }
      if ($getset(status,answers)) { tsay $msg.hint.space }
      award Question $lag(timedout)
    alias -l create.question {
      while ($thget(Ask1)) {
        var %qread = $qread($thget(Ask1))
        ask.deleteitem 1
        thset Catq
        if (%qread) return
      var %temp.ask = $trivia.getq
      thset Catq $qcat(%temp.ask)
      hadd Asked $+ $idenn %temp.ask %temp.ask
    alias -l trivia.getq {
      unset %ask
      while ((!%ask) || ($hget(Asked $+ $idenn, %ask))) {
        var %tempnumqvalue = $numq
        if (%tempnumqvalue == 0) {
          echo Attempted start without any questions to process. Bailing.
        if ($hget(Asked $+ $idenn,0).item >= %tempnumqvalue) { hdel -w Asked $+ $idenn * }
        var %ask = $rand(1, %tempnumqvalue)
        if (!$qread(%ask)) { hadd Asked $+ $idenn %ask NA }
      thset Asking %ask
      return %ask
    ;# QUESTION MISC.                                       #
    alias qfile {
      if (($1 !isnum) || ($1 < 1)) return
      if (($thget(File)) && ($gettok($thget(File),$1,$asc(;)))) return $shortfn(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ \ $+ $gettok($thget(File),$1,$asc(;)) $+ ")
      if ($tchan($ifd($trivchan,1),$calc(4 + $1))) return $shortfn(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ \ $+ $tchan($ifd($trivchan,1),$calc(4 + $1)) $+ ")
    alias numl { return $calc($numq - $numnonq) }
    alias numq {
      if ($1 isnum) { return $lines($qfile($1)) }
      var %i = 0, %j = 1
      while ($qfile(%j)) {
        if (!$eval(% $+ numq $+ $qfile(%j),2)) { set -u600 % $+ numq $+ $qfile(%j) $lines($qfile(%j)) }
        %i = $calc(%i + $eval(% $+ numq $+ $qfile(%j),2))
        inc %j
      return %i
    alias qcat {
      if ($getset(status,nocat) == 1) return
      var %nf = $numfile($1)
      if ($exists($gettok(%nf,1,$asc(;)))) {
        return $read($gettok(%nf,1,$asc(;)), wnt, #*, $gettok(%nf,2,$asc(;)))
    alias numnonq {
      window -h @numnonq
      var %j = 1, %nonqcount = 0
      while ($qfile(%j)) {
        if ($eval(% $+ nonq $+ $qfile(%j),2)) { var %nonqcount = $calc(%numqcount + $eval(% $+ nonq $+ $qfile(%j),2)) }
        else {
          if ($exists($qfile(%j))) {
            filter -fwgx $qfile(%j) @numnonq /\ $+ $triv(delimiter) $+ /
            var %nonqcount = $calc(%nonqcount + $filtered)
            set -u600 % $+ nonq $+ $qfile(%j) $filtered
        inc %j
      window -c @numnonq
      return %nonqcount
    alias numcat {
      if ($window(@categories)) { window -c @categories }
      window -eh @categories
      var %j = 1
      while ($qfile(%j)) {
        if ($exists($qfile(%j))) filter -fw $qfile(%j) @categories #*
        inc %j
      .timer 1 0 window -c @categories
      return $line(@categories,0)
    alias numfile {
      var %i = 0, %j = 1, %l
      while ($qfile(%j)) {
        %l = %i
        inc %i $numq(%j)
        if ($1 isnum %l - %i) { return $qfile(%j) $+ ; $+ $calc($1 - %l) }
        if (($1 !isnum) && ($exists($qfile(%j))) && ($read($qfile(%j), nwt, $+(*,$1-,*), 1))) return $qfile(%j) $+ ; $+ $readn
        inc %j
    alias -l qfind {
      var %i = 0, %j = 1, %l
      if ($1 == $null) { return }
      while ($qfile(%j)) {
        if (($exists($qfile(%j))) && ($read($qfile(%j), nwt, $+(*,$1-,*), 1))) return $read($qfile(%j),$readn) - $qfile(%j) - $readn
        inc %j
    alias qread {
      var %nf = $numfile($1)
      var %delim = \ $+ $triv(delimiter)
      if (($exists($gettok(%nf,1,$asc(;)))) && ($regex($iif($1 isnum,$read($gettok(%nf,1,$asc(;)), nt, $gettok(%nf,2,$asc(;))),$1-),/^([^ $+ %delim $+ ]+)([ $+ %delim $+ ].*)$/))) {
        thset tok1 $regml(1)
        if ($regex($regml(2), /[ $+ %delim $+ ]([^ $+ %delim $+ ]+)/g)) {
          thset numfile %nf
          thset tokq $calc($regml(0) + 1)
          var %i = 1
          while (%i <= $regml(0)) {
            thset tok $+ $calc(%i + 1) $regml(%i)
            inc %i
      else {
        if ($1 == scramble) { thset temp.bonus S }
        if ($1 == reverse) { thset temp.bonus R }
        if ($1 == shotgun) { thset temp.bonus G }
        return $false
      return $true
    alias -l ask.deleteitem {
      hdel Trivia $+ $idenn Ask $+ $$1
      var %i = $1
      while ($thget(Ask $+ $calc(%i + 1))) {
        thset Ask $+ %i $thget(Ask $+ $calc(%i + 1))
        inc %i
      if ($thget(Ask $+ %i)) { hdel Trivia $+ $idenn Ask $+ %i }
    alias -l trivia.startautohint { if ($getset(status,autohint) == 1) { .timerhint $+ $idenn 1 $lag(hint) trivia.autohint $iden } }
    alias -l trivia.autohint {
      give.hint $1
      if ($triv(numhint) > 1) { .timerhint $+ $idenn $calc($triv(numhint) - 1) $lag(betweenhint) give.hint $1 }
    alias decheater {
      if ($getset(status,nodecheater) == 1) return $1-
      var %t.rt = $1-, %i = $count($1-,$chr(32)), %t.ps
      while (%i > 0) {
        if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
          %t.ps = $pos($1-,$chr(32),%i)
          %t.rt = $+($left(%t.rt, $calc(%t.ps - 1)), $chr(160),$right(%t.rt,$calc((%t.ps) * -1)))
        dec %i
      return %t.rt
    ;#  QUESTION over.                                      #
    alias trivx {
      set -u3 %ident $1
      if (!$hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { return }
      if (!$2) {
        if (($getset(status,showanswer)) && (!$getset(status,shownone))) {
          if ($thget(temp.type) == K) {
            tsay $msg.answer.timeout.kaos
          else if ($thget(temp.type) == T) {
            tsay $msg.answer.timeout.total
          else if ($thget(temp.type) == P) {
            tsay $msg.answer.timeout.pick
          else {
            tsay $msg.answer.timeout
        else { tsay $msg.answer.timeout2 }
        setset Var $+ $idenn Row 0
        thset Unanswered $calc($thget(Unanswered) + 1)
        award NoAnswer $trivq.answer
      if ($window($total.win)) { window -c $total.win }
      thset Answer $trivq.answer
      if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) hdel -w Trivia $+ $idenn Temp.*
      if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) hdel -w Trivia $+ $idenn tok*
      if (($nick) && ($getvar($nick,score) >= $triv(reset)) && ($getset(status,champ) == 1)) { trivia.newchamp }
      if ((($team) && ($thget(Score $+ $isteam($nick)) > $calc($thget(Max)/2))) || (($getset(status,emptyoff)) && ($nick($iden,0) <= 1)) || (($getset(status, naoff) == 1) && ($thget(unanswered) >= $triv(naoff))) || (($thget(Max) != unlimited) && ($thget(Current) >= $thget(Max)))) {
        strivia $1
        if (($getset(status, emptyoff) == 1) && ($nick($iden,0) <= 1)) tsay $msg.trivia.emptyoff 
        if (($getset(status, naoff) == 1) && ($thget(Unanswered) >= $triv(naoff))) tsay $msg.trivia.unactive
      .timerq $+ $idenn 1 $iif($1, $lag(answered), $lag(timed)) trivq $iden
    alias -l trivia.processscore {
      if ($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Lastwinner) == $nick) { setset Var $+ $idenn Row $calc($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row) + $ifd($2,1)) }
      else { setset Var $+ $idenn Row $ifd($2,1) }
      setset Var $+ $idenn Wins $calc($getset(Var $+ $idenn,Wins) + $ifd($2,1))
      setset Var $+ $idenn Lastwinner $nick
      setvar $nick Lastwin $date
      thset WPM $calc(($len($1) * 60) / ($thget(Time) * 5))
      if (($thget(WPM) > $getvar($nick,wpm)) || (!$getvar($nick,wpm))) { setvar $nick wpm $thget(WPM) }
      if (($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row) > $getvar($nick,streak)) || (!$getvar($nick,streak))) { setvar $nick Streak $getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row) }
      if (($thget(Time) < $getvar($nick,time)) || (!$getvar($nick,time))) { setvar $nick Time $thget(Time) }
      thset temp.cng $calc(($thget(PPQ) * $ifd($2,1)) - ($thget(DPH) * $max.hinted))
      if ($thget(temp.points) != $null) { thset temp.cng $calc(($thget(temp.points) - ($max.hinted * $thget(temp.hintreduction))) * $ifd($2,1)) }
      thset temp.mrank $getmrank($nick)
      thset temp.rank $getrank($nick,$unit.default,$thget(temp.cng))
      thset temp.newrank $calc($thget(temp.rank) - %uprank)
      setvar $nick Score $calc($getvar($nick, Score) + $thget(temp.cng))
      setvar $nick Answered $calc($getvar($nick, Answered) + $iif($2 > 0,$2,1))
      thset $eval(Score. $+ $nick,1) $calc($thget($eval(Score. $+ $nick,1)) + $thget(temp.cng))
      process.scores.time $nick $thget(temp.cng) $getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row) $thget(Time) $thget(WPM)
    alias trivia.processawards {
      if (%uprank) award uprank $tranord($thget(temp.newrank))
      if ($getmrank($nick) != $thget(temp.mrank)) award promotion $getmrank($nick)
      award score $user.score($nick)
      award row $getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row)
      award time $thget(Time)
      award wpm $thget(WPM)
      award answered $thget(Time)
    alias -l answered {
      thset Time $question.time
      if (($1 == $null) || ($trivia.banned) || ($trivia.negationcheck) || (($team) && (!$isteam($nick)))) { return }
      if (($getset(build,instabuild)) && ($getset(build,instabuild) // $getset(Var $+ $idenn,Wins))) { htmltrigger $iden }
      tsay $msg.answer.correct($getset(status,tradwin),$thget(WPM),$thget(temp.newrank),$iif(%uprank,$thget(temp.rank)))
      if ($team) {
        thset Score $+ $isteam($nick) $calc($thget( Score $+ $isteam($nick)) + 1)
        tsay $msg.team.score
        award TeamAnswered $isteam($nick)
      if ($thget(RRS)) { tsay $msg.trivia.roundscores }
      hdel Trivia $+ $idenn Unanswered
      if (($isTotal) && ($total.over)) { tsay $msg.trivia.totalover }
      if ((($thget(temp.type) != T) && ($thget(temp.type) != K)) || ($total.over)) { trivx $chan $true }
    alias -l trivq.answer { return $iif(((($thget(temp.type) == T) || ($thget(temp.type) == K) || ($getset(status,showmatched))) && ($thget(temp.matched))), $thget(temp.matched),$tok(2)) }
    ;# QUESTION Typing.                                     #
    alias -l trivia.sayquestion {
      if ($regex($tok(1), /^([^:]+):\s?(.+)|((?i)Scramble|Uword)$/)) {
        thset temp.mode $lower($regml(1))
        thset temp.rest $regml(2)
        if (($gettok($thget(temp.mode),1,44) isnum) && ($getset(status,nobonus) != 1)) {
          thset temp.points $gettok($thget(temp.mode),1,44)
          if ($gettok($thget(temp.mode),2,44) isnum) { thset temp.hintreduction $gettok($thget(temp.mode),2,44) }
          var %tq $msg.question.points($1-,$thget(temp.rest))
        elseif ($regex($thget(temp.mode), /pick\s(\d+)/)) {
          var %tq $msg.question.standard($1-,$thget(temp.rest))
          thset temp.type P
          thset temp.pick $regml(1)
        elseif (kaos == $thget(temp.mode)) {
          var %tq $msg.question.kaos($1-)
          thset temp.type K
        elseif (multi == $thget(temp.mode)) {
          var %tq $msg.question.multi($1-)
          thset temp.type M
        elseif (total == $thget(temp.mode)) { 
          var %tq $msg.question.total($1-)
          thset temp.type T
        elseif (scramble == $thget(temp.mode)) || (uword == $thget(temp.mode)) {
          var %tq $msg.question.scramble($1-,$thget(temp.rest))
          thset temp.type S
      if (!%tq) { var %tq $msg.question.standard($1-) }
      thset trivq.say $iif($getset(status,nosaycurrent) != 1, $e1($thget(Current)) $+ $e2(.)) $decheater(%tq)
      tsay $thget(trivq.say)
    ;# TOTAL question type, control.                        #
    alias unfix {
      var %i = 2
      while (%i <= $tokq) {
        if ($1- == $fix($tok(%i))) { return $tok(%i) }
        inc %i
    alias total.win { return @total $+ $idenn }
    alias total.init {
      var %i = 2
      if ($window($total.win)) { window -c $total.win }
      window -h $total.win
      while (%i <= $tokq) {
        aline -n $total.win $tok(%i)
        inc %i
      thset temp.totalanswers $total.left
    alias total.left { return $line($total.win,0) }
    alias total.answers { return $thget(temp.totalanswers) }
    alias total.answered { return $calc($total.answers - $total.left) }
    alias total.is { return $fline($total.win,$1-,1) }
    alias total.rem { dline $total.win $total.is($1-) }
    alias total.over { return $iif(!$line($total.win,0), 1) }
    alias isTotal { return $iif((($thget(temp.type) == T) || ($thget(temp.type) == K)),$true) }
    alias gettotalhints {
      var %i = 1, %totalhint
      while (%i <= $line($total.win,0)) {
        %totalhint = $left(%totalhint,850) $+ $iif(%totalhint,$chr(44)) $plot($1,$line($total.win,%i))
        inc %i
      return %totalhint
    alias gettotalremain {
      var %i = 1, %totalremain
      while (%i <= $line($total.win,0)) {
        %totalremain = $left(%totalremain,850) $+ $iif(%totalremain != $null,$chr(44)) $line($total.win,%i)
        inc %i
      return %totalremain
    ;# Trivia block answer.                                 #
    alias -l trivia.negationcheck {
      if ($thuser(Hinted)) {
        inform $msg.trivia.hintpaused
        return $true
      if (($getset(status,limitguess)) && (!$isTotal) && ($ifd($thuser(Guess),0) >= $thget(guess))) {
        inform $msg.trivia.guessed($thuser(guess))
        return $true
    ;# Guess processing.                                    #
    alias -l processguess {
      if ($trivia.paused) { return }
      if (($team) && (!$isteam($nick))) {
        if ($validteam($getvar($nick,team))) {
      var %pick = $regex($lower($fix($1-)), $trivia.pattern)
      thuset Guess $calc($thuser(guess) + 1)
      if (%pick == 0) { return }
      var %answered, %matched = $regml(1), %i = 1
      thset temp.match $regml(0)
      while ($thget(temp.match) >= %i) {
        thset temp.match. $+ %i $regml(%i)
        inc %i
      if (($thget(temp.type) == P) || ($thget(temp.type) == T) || ($thget(temp.type) == K)) {
        var %j = 1, %k, %f, %numb.correct = 0
        while (%j <= $thget(temp.match)) {
          var %k = %j, %f = $true
          while (%k >= 1) {
            if ((%j != %k) && ($thget(temp.match. $+ %j) == $thget(temp.match. $+ %k))) { %f = $false }
            dec %k
          if ($isTotal) {
            if ($total.is($unfix($thget(temp.match. $+ %j)))) {
              total.rem $unfix($thget(temp.match. $+ %j))
              inc %numb.correct
            else { %f = $false }
          if (%f) %answered = %answered $unfix($thget(temp.match. $+ %j))
          else { dec %pick }
          inc %j
        if (($thget(temp.type) == P) && (%pick < $thget(temp.pick))) return
        if (($isTotal) && (%numb.correct == 0)) return
      else { var %answered = $unfix($thget(temp.match. $+ 1)) }
      thset temp.matched %answered
    alias fix {
      if ($getset(status,nospellfix)) { return $lower($strip($1-)) }
      var %temp.fix = $lower($strip($1-))
      .echo -q $regsub(%temp.fix,/([^\s]+)s(?=(\s|$))/g, \1, %temp.fix)
      .echo -q $regsub(%temp.fix,/(?<=^|\s)(?:the|an|a)\s([^\s]+)/g, \1, %temp.fix)
      %temp.fix = $remove(%temp.fix,',-,!,`,.,,´,?,%,$chr(36),$chr(44))
      %temp.fix = $replace(%temp.fix,À,A,Á,A,Â,A,Ã,A,Ä,A,Å,A,Æ,AE,Ç,C,È,E,É,E,Ê,E,Ë,E,Ì,I,Í,I,Î,I,Ï,I,Ð,D,Ñ,N,Ò,O,Ó,O,Ô,O,Õ,O,Ö,O,Ø,O,Ù,U,Ú,U,Û,U,Ü,U,Ý,Y)
      %temp.fix = $replace(%temp.fix,ß,B,à,a,á,a,â,a,ã,a,ä,a,å,a,æ,ae,ç,c,è,e,é,e,ê,e,ë,e,ì,i,í,i,î,i,ï,i,ð,o,ñ,n,ò,o,ó,o,ô,o,õ,o,ö,o,ù,u,ú,u,û,u,ü,u,ý,y,ÿ,y)
      return $replace(%temp.fix,kn,n,y,i,k,c,x,c,q,c,e,a,ah,a,u,o,ph,f,m,n,ll,l,aa,a,oo,o,cc,c,z,s)
    alias trivia.pattern {
      if ($thget(temp.pattern)) { return $thget(temp.pattern) }
      var %i 2, %max = $iif($thget(temp.type) == M, 2, $tokq), %pattern = $chr(40)
      while (%i <= %max) {
        if (%i != 2) { %pattern = %pattern $+ $chr(124) }
        %pattern = %pattern $+ $lower($fix($tok(%i)))
        inc %i
      %pattern = %pattern $+ $chr(41)
      if (($thget(temp.type) != P) && ($thget(temp.type) != T) && ($thget(temp.type) != K)) {
        if ($getset(status, exactmatch)) { %pattern = ^ $+ %pattern $+ $ }
        elseif ($getset(status, nomid)) { %pattern = ^ $+ %pattern $+ (?=\s|$) $+ $chr(124) $+ (?:^|\s) $+ %pattern $+ $ }
        else { %pattern = (?:^|\s) $+ %pattern $+ (?=\s|$) }
      else { %pattern = (?:^|\s) $+ %pattern $+ (?=\s|$) }
      %pattern = / $+ %pattern $+ /g
      thset temp.pattern %pattern
      return %pattern
    ;# PAUSE/RESUME processing.                             #
    alias trivia.paused { if (($thget(paused)) && ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn))) { return $true } }
    alias trivia.pause {
      if ($1) {
        if ($trivia.paused) {
          .timerq $+ $idenn -r
          .timerend $+ $idenn -r
          .timerhint $+ $idenn -r
          thset paused 0
          tsay $msg.trivia.resume
        else if (($thget(paused) != 1) && (!$timer(q $+ $idenn)) && (!$timer(end $+ $idenn)) && (!$timer(hint $+ $idenn)) && ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn))) trivx
      else {
        .timerq $+ $idenn -p
        .timerend $+ $idenn -p
        .timerhint $+ $idenn -p
        thset paused 1
        tsay $msg.trivia.pause
    ;# Hint setup.                                          #
    alias -l give.hint {
      set -u3 %ident $1
      if ((!$hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) || ($max.hinted >= $triv(numhint))) { return }
      if (!$nick) {
        thset Temp.Hints $calc($thget(Temp.Hints) + 1)
        var %hintpercent = $calc($triv(perchint) * $thget(Temp.Hints))
        var %nexthintpercent = $calc($triv(perchint) * ($thget(Temp.Hints) + 1))
        if ($thget(Temp.Skip.Hint $+ $thget(Temp.Hints)) == 1) { return }
        if ($hintrepnum(%hintpercent) == $hintrepnum(%nexthintpercent)) thset Temp.Skip.Hint $+ $calc($thget(Temp.Hints) + 1) 1
        if ($thget(Temp.Hints) == 1) tsay $eval($ $+ msg.hint. $+ $hintfirst $+ ( %hintpercent ),2)
        else tsay $msg.hint.hint(%hintpercent)
      else {
        thuset Hint $calc($iif($calc($thget(Temp.Hints) + 0) > $calc($thuser(hint) + 0),$thget(Temp.Hints),$thuser(hint)) + 1)
        if ($thget(Temp.Skip.Hint $+ $thuser(hint)) == 1) { return }
        var %sayhint = $msg.hint.hint($calc($triv(perchint) * $thuser(hint)))
        if (msg * iswm %respond) {
          tsay %sayhint
          thset Temp.Skip.Hint $+ $thuser(hint) 1
        else inform %sayhint
      award Hint $thget(Temp.Hints)
    alias -l hintfirst {
      var %hintfirst = $getset(trivia, firsthint)
      if (!%hintfirst) return hint
      if (%hintfirst == 1) return last
      if (%hintfirst == 2) return vowels
      if (%hintfirst == 3) return $gettok(hint.last.vowels.space.scramble, $rand(1,5), $asc(.))
    alias -l get.hint {
      if ($thget(Temp.type) == M) { return }
      if (($thget(temp.rhint. $+ $2)) && ($1 == hint)) { return $thget(temp.rhint. $+ $2) }
      var %perhint = $iif($2,$2,$triv(perchint)), %hintc
      if ($isTotal) {
        thset temp.rhint. $+ $2 $gettotalhints(%perhint)
        return $thget(temp.rhint. $+ $2)
      if ($1 == words) { return $numtok($trivq.answer,32) }
      if ($1 == space) { return $deletter($trivq.answer) }
      if ($1 == last) { return $right($trivq.answer,1) }
      if ($1 == vowels) { return $iif($regsub($trivq.answer, /([^aeiouAEIOU\s])/g, $trivchar, %hintc), %hintc, $trivq.answer) }
      if ($1 == scramble) { return $scramble($trivq.answer) }
      if ($getset(status, plot)) { return $plot(%perhint, $trivq.answer) }
      if ($getset(status, scatter)) {
        thset temp.rhint. $+ $2 $scatter(%perhint, $trivq.answer)
        return $thget(temp.rhint. $+ $2)
      else { return $standard(%perhint, $trivq.answer) }
    alias -l trivchar { return $iif($chr($triv(ch)),$chr($triv(ch)),_) }
    alias -l nonpunct { return /([^';:"\s\xA0\,\?\<\>\|\\\/\[\]\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\-])/g }
    alias -l deletter {
      var %hintc
      .echo -q $regsub($1-, $nonpunct, $trivchar, %hintc)
      return %hintc
    alias -l hintrepnum { return $int($calc(($len($trivq.answer) / 100) * $1 + 1)) }
    alias -l standard {
      var %in = $replace($2-, $chr(32), $chr(160)), %break = $hintrepnum($1)
      return $replace($left(%in, %break) $+ $iif($getset(status,cross) == 1, $deletter($right(%in, $calc(-1 * %break)))), $chr(160), $chr(32))
    alias -l scramble {
      tokenize 32 $1-
      var %i = 1, %temp.smbl
      while (%i <= $0) {
        var %word = $eval($+($,%i),2)
        while (%word != $null) { var %rand = $rand(1, $len(%word)), %temp.smbl = %temp.smbl $+ $mid(%word, %rand, 1), %word = $left(%word, $calc(%rand - 1)) $+ $right(%word, $calc(-1 * %rand)) }
        %temp.smbl = %temp.smbl $+ ;
        inc %i
      return $lower($replace(%temp.smbl,;,$chr(32)))
    alias -l reverse {
      var %i = $len($1-),%reversed, %space
      while (%i >= 1) {
        if (!%space) { %reversed = %reversed $+ $mid($replace($1-,$chr(32),$chr(160)),%i,1) }
        %space = $false
        if ($chr($mid($1-,%i,1)) == 32) { %space = $true }
        dec %i
      return $replace(%reversed,$chr(160),$chr(32))
    alias scatter {
      var %hintc = $2-
      if ($thget(temp.scattermask)) var %schint = $thget(temp.scattermask)
      else {
        var %schint
        !.echo -q $regsub(%hintc,$nonpunct,@,%schint)
      var %rnum = $int($calc(($regex(%schint,/@/g) / 100) * (100 - $1)))
      while (%rnum >= 0) {
        if ($regex(%schint,/(@)/g)) !.echo -q $regsub(%hintc,/(?<=^.{ $+ $calc($regml($rand(1,$regml(0))).pos - 1) $+ })./,@, %hintc)
        dec %rnum
      thset temp.scattermask %hintc
      return $replace(%hintc,@,$trivchar)
    alias plot {
      if ($1 >= 100) { return $2- }
      var %hintc, %i = 1, %j = 0, %rnum = $int($calc(($regsub($2-,$nonpunct,@,%hintc) / 100) * $1))
      while (%i <= %rnum) {
        if ($regex(%hintc, /(?:^|\s|\xA0)[^\s\xA0@]{ $+ %j $+ }(@)/g) == 1) { inc %j }
        %hintc = $+($left(%hintc,$calc($regml(1).pos - 1)), $mid($2-,$regml(1).pos,1),$right(%hintc,$calc($regml(1).pos * -1)))
        inc %i
      return $replace(%hintc,@,$trivchar)
    alias startandrandom {
      if ($1 > 0) return $replace($hget(hints,$1),@,$trivchar)
      if ($hget(hints)) hfree hints
      var %hintc = $2-, %onhint = 10, %f
      while (%hintc) {
        var %w = $gettok(%hintc,1,32), %rt = $regsub(%w,$nonpunct,@,%f), %hintc = $gettok(%hintc,2-,32), %k = 1
        while (%k <= %onhint) {
          hadd -m hints %k $hget(hints,%k) %f
          if ($regex(%w,$nonpunct) > 1) !.echo -q $regsub(%w, /(?<=^.{ $+ $iif(%k == 1, 0, $calc($regml($rand(1,$regml(0))).pos - 1)) $+ })(.)/,@, %w) $regsub(%f, /(?<=^.{ $+ $calc($regml(1).pos - 1) $+ })./,$regml(1), %f)
          inc %k
    ;# CHAMP aliases.                                       #
    alias -l trivia.newchamp {
      .rename $scoresfil $asctime(yymmddhhmmss) $+ .bak
      setset Champ $calc($setini(Champ, 0) + 1) $nick
      tsay $msg.trivia.victory($nick)
      award Champ $nick
    ;# HALL Of FAME, RANKING.                               #
    alias sort {
      if (!$exists($scoresfil)) { return }
      window -h $twin
      filter -fwcgut $+ $iif($1 != time,e) [ $$gttok($iif($2 != total,$2) $+ $1) $asc(;) ] $scoresfil $twin $iif(($2) && ($2 != total),/^ $+ $str([^;]*;,$calc($$gttok($2)-1)) $+ $eval($ $+ get. $+ $2,2) $+ ;.* $+ /,/.*/)
    alias -l msg.trivia.topx {
      if ($calc($3 - $2) > 20) { return $msg.trivia.error.topx }
      sort $1 $unit.default
      var %temp.by = $gttok($1), %i = $2, %temp.ten = $e2(Places) $e1($2) $e2(to) $e1($3) $+ $e2(:)
      while (%i <= $3) {
        var %temp.ten = %temp.ten $e1($iif($hof(%i,1),$hof(%i,1) - $hof(%i,%temp.by)) $+ $e2(;)
        inc %i
      return %temp.ten
    alias -l msg.trivia.topstats {
      sort $1 $iif($2 != total, $2)
      var %temp.by = $gttok($iif($2 != total, $2) $+ $1), %temp.ten = $e1($hof(1,1)) $e2(has the best $1 of) $e1($hof(1,%temp.by)) $iif($2 != total,$e2( for the $2 )) $+ $e2(;)
      var %i = 2
      while (%i <= $iif(%topnum,%topnum,10)) {
        var %temp.ten = %temp.ten $iif($hof(%i,1),$e1($hof(%i,1)) $e2(-) $e1($hof(%i,%temp.by)) $+ $e2(;))
        inc %i
      return $iif(!$hof(1,1),$e2(No elements in the hall of fame.),%temp.ten)
    alias topnum { set %topnum $1 }
    alias -l twin { return @trivia $+ $scoresfil }
    alias -l getrank {
      sort score $iif($2 != total, $2)
      set -u0 %getrank $fline($twin,$+($1,;*),1)
      if (!%getrank) { return $hof.size }
      var %score = $getvar($hof(%getrank,1),$iif($2 != total, $2) $+ score)
      while (%score == $getvar($hof(%getrank,1),$iif($2 != total, $2) $+ score)) { dec %getrank }
      inc %getrank
      if (%getrank != 1) {
        set -u0 %getnextrank $calc(%getrank - 1)
        set -u0 %getnextrankuser $hof(%getnextrank,1)
        set -u0 %getnextrankat $user.score(%getnextrankuser,$2)
      unset %uprank
      if (!$3) { return %getrank }
      set -u0 %uprank 1
      var %upscore = $calc(%score + $3)
      while ((%upscore >= $getvar($hof($calc(%getrank - %uprank),1),$iif($2 != total, $2) $+ score)) && (%getrank >= %uprank)) {
        inc %uprank
      dec %uprank
      return %getrank
    alias mrankon {
      if (!$getset(trivia, ranks)) { return $false }
      if ($setini(ranks,0) == 0) { return $false }
      else { return $true }
    alias getmrank {
      if (!$getset(trivia, ranks)) { return }
      var %score = $user.score($1,$2), %i = $setini(ranks,0), %te = 0, %temax = 0
      while (%i >= 1) {
        %te = $setini(ranks,%i)
        if ((%score >= %te) && (%te >= %temax)) { %temax = %te }
        dec %i
      return $getset(ranks,%temax)
    alias getnextmrank {
      var %next.rank = $getnextmrankat($1)
      return $iif(%next.rank, $getset(ranks,%next.rank), None)
    alias getnextmrankat {
      if (!$getset(trivia, ranks)) { return }
      var %score = $1, %i = $setini(ranks,0), %te = 0, %temax = 0, %by = 0
      while (%i >= 1) {
        %te = $setini(ranks,%i)
        if ((%score <= %te) && ((!%by) || ($calc(%score + %by) >= %te))) {
          %temax = %te
          %by = $calc(%te - %score)
        dec %i
      return %temax
    alias -l recordstat {
      sort $1 $unit.default
      return $hof(1,1)
    ;# All time alias just return the number of that time   #
    ;# unit which have occurred since Jan 1st, 1970         #
    ;# Do not alter the unit.tokens. It will break the bot. #
    alias unit.tokens { return year.month.week.day }
    alias get.day { return $int($calc(($ctime - $timezone) / 86400)) }
    alias get.week { return $int($calc((($get.day - 4) - $iif($getset(status,monday),0,1)) / 7)) }
    alias get.month { return $calc(($get.year * 12) + $asctime($ctime,mm)) }
    alias get.year { return $calc($asctime($ctime,yyyy)  - 1970) }
    alias process.scores.time {
      var %i = 1
      while (%i <= 4) {
        var %unit = $gettok($unit.tokens,%i,$asc(.))
        var %uvalue = $eval($ $+ get. $+ %unit,2)
        if ((%unit) && (%uvalue)) {
          if ($getvar($1,%unit) != %uvalue) {
            setvar $1 %unit %uvalue
            setvar $1 %unit $+ score $calc(0 + $2)
            setvar $1 %unit $+ streak $calc(0 + $3)
            setvar $1 %unit $+ time $ifd($4,9999)
            setvar $1 %unit $+ wpm $calc(0 + $5)
          else {
            if ($2) setvar $1 %unit $+ score $calc($getvar($1,%unit $+ score) + $2)
            if ($3 > $getvar($1,%unit $+ streak)) setvar $1 %unit $+ streak $3
            if ($4 < $getvar($1,%unit $+ time)) setvar $1 %unit $+ time $4
            if ($5 > $getvar($1,%unit $+ wpm)) setvar $1 %unit $+ wpm $5
        inc %i
    ;# VAR MANIPULATIONS.                                   #
    alias setvar {
      if ($3 == $null) return
      if ($exists($tempfil)) var %backburner = $read($tempfil, wnt, $1 $+ ;*)
      if (%backburner != $null) mergeentry $tempfil $scoresfil $1
      var %newline = $readvar($1)
      if (!%newline) { %newline = $1 }
      if ($numtok(%newline,59) < $numtok($tvartoks, $asc(.))) {
        %newline = %newline $+ $str(;0,$calc($numtok($tvartoks, $asc(.)) - $numtok(%newline,59)))
        if ($gettok(%newline,9,59) == 0) { %newline = $puttok(%newline,trivia,9,59) }
        if (($gettok(%newline,8,59) == 0) && ($address($1,5))) { %newline = $puttok(%newline,$address($1,5),8,59) }
        if ($gettok(%newline,6,59) == 0) { %newline = $puttok(%newline,$date,6,59) }
        if ($gettok(%newline,3,59) == 0) { %newline = $puttok(%newline,9999,3,59) }
      %newline = $puttok(%newline,$3-,$gttok($2),59)
      write $iif($readn,-l $+ $readn) $scoresfil %newline
      set -u3 %cache.nick $1
      set -u3 %cache.line %newline
    alias readvar {
      if ($exists($scoresfil)) var %scoreline = $read($scoresfil, wnt, $1 $+ ;*)
      if (!%scoreline) { return }
      if (!$2) { return %scoreline }
      else { return $gettok(%scoreline, $gttok($2), 59) }
    alias getvar {
      if ($1 == %cache.nick) { var %scoreline = %cache.line }
      else {
        var %scoreline = $readvar($1)
        if (!%scoreline) { return }
        set -u3 %cache.nick $1
        set -u3 %cache.line %scoreline
      if (!$2) { return %scoreline }
      else { return $gettok(%scoreline, $gttok($2), 59) }
    alias -l gttok { return $findtok($tvartoks, $1, 1, $asc(.)) }
    alias -l tvartoks { return name.score.time.streak.wpm.lastwin.answered.address.team.admin.block.day.dayscore.daystreak.daytime.daywpm.week.weekscore.weekstreak.weektime.weekwpm.month.monthscore.monthstreak.monthtime.monthwpm.year.yearscore.yearstreak.yeartime.yearwpm }
    alias -l varfil { return $iif($2 == $null, $iif($1 == 0, $lines($scoresfil), $gettok($read($scoresfil, $1),1,59)), $gettok($read($scoresfil, $1),$2,59)) }
    alias trivini { return $iif($exists(trivia.ini),trivia.ini,$iif($exists(" $+ $scriptdir $+ \ $+ trivia.ini $+ ")," $+ $scriptdir $+ \ $+ trivia.ini $+ ",trivia.ini)) }
    alias -l setset {
      if ($3- != $null) { writeini -n $trivini $1 $2 $3- }
      else { remini -n $trivini $$1 $2 }
    alias getset { return $readini($trivini, n, $1, $2) }
    alias -l setini { return $iif($2 != $null, $ini($trivini, $1, $2), $ini($trivini, $1)) }
    alias -l thuser { return $thget($eval(Temp. $+ $1 $+ . $+ $nick,1)) }
    alias -l thuset { thset $eval(Temp. $+ $1 $+ . $+ $nick,1) $2- }
    alias -l thset { if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) hadd Trivia $+ $idenn $1- }
    alias thget { return $hget(Trivia $+ $idenn, $1) }
    ;# Color aliases.                                       #
    alias -l colorcode { return $gettok(colors off.white.black.blue.green.lightred.brown.purple.orange.yellow.lightgreen.cyan.lightcyan.lightblue.pink.grey.lightgrey,$calc($1 + 1),$asc(.)) }
    alias -l fixer { return $base($1,10,10,2) }
    alias varcolors {
      unset %c1 %c1o %c2 %c2o
      if ((!$getset(color,on)) || (!$tc(1)) || (!$tc(2))) { return }
      %c1o = $iif($tc(1).b,$chr(2)) $+ $iif($tc(1).u,$chr(31)) $+ $chr(3)
      %c2o = $iif($tc(2).b,$chr(2)) $+ $iif($tc(2).u,$chr(31)) $+ $chr(3)
      %c1 = %c1o $+ $fixer($calc($tc(1) - 1)) $+ $iif(($tc(3)) && ($getset(color,bon)), $chr(44) $+ $fixer($calc($tc(3) - 1)))
      %c2 = %c2o $+ $fixer($calc($tc(2) - 1)) $+ $iif(($tc(4)) && ($getset(color,bon)), $chr(44) $+ $fixer($calc($tc(4) - 1)))
    alias rdc {
      if ($getset(status,nocolorshort) == 1) return $1
      var %a
      !.echo -q $regsub($1,/(?<=\x03|\x03\d\d\x2C)(\d)(?!\d)/g,0\1, %a)
      while ($regsub(%a, /(?<=\x03\d\d\x2C\d\d|\x03\d\d\x03|\x03)([\x02\x1F\x16\s\xA0]+)(\x03(?:\d\d(?:\x2C\d\d)?)?)/g,\2\1, %a)) { }
      !.echo -q $regsub(%a, /(\x02)([\x1F\x16\s\xA0]*)\1/g,\2, %a) $&
        $regsub(%a, /(\x1F)([\x02\x16\s\xA0]*)\1/g,\2, %a) $&
        $regsub(%a, /(\x16)([\x02\x1F\s\xA0]*)\1/g,\2, %a) $&
        $regsub(%a, /(?:\x03(?:\d\d(?:\x2C\d\d)?)?)+(\x03(?:(?!\d)|\d\d\x2C\d\d))/g,\1, %a) $&
        $regsub(%a, /(?:\x03\d\d)(\x2C\d\d)(?:\x03\d\d)*(\x03\d\d)/g,\2\1, %a) $&
        $regsub(%a, /(?<=\x03\d\d)(\x2C\d\d)([^\x03]+\x03\d\d)\1/g,\1\2, %a)
      while ($regsub(%a,/(\x03\d\d)((\x2C\d\d)?[^\x03]+)\1(?!\x2c\d)/g,\1\2, %a)) { }
      !.echo -q $regsub(%a, /^\x03(?!\d)|(\x03(\d\d(\x2C\d\d)?)?|\x02|\x16|\x1F)+$/g,,%a) $&
        $regsub(%a, /(?<=\x03|\x03\d\d\x2C)0(\d)(?!\d)/g,\1, %a)
      return %a
    ;# AWARD setups.                                        #
    alias -l msg.trivia.award { return %c2 $+ $replace($eval($1,2),^, %c2o $+ $e1($2) $+ %c2,*, %c2o $+ $e1($nick) $+ %c2) $+ %c2o }
    alias -l award {
      if ($getset(status,noawards)) { return }
      var %i = 1, %award = $calc($findtok($award.on.tok, $1, 1, $asc(.)) - 1), %trigger = $2-
      while ($aw(%i)) {
        tokenize 32 $aw(%i)
        if (%award == $1) {
          if (($2 == 0) || (($2 == 1) && (%trigger == $4)) || (($2 == 2) && (%trigger isnum $4 - $5)) || (($2 == 3) && (%trigger >= $4)) || (($2 == 4) && (%trigger <= $4)) || (($2 == 5) && (%trigger == $getrank($nick,$unit.default))) || (($2 == 6) && ($rand(1,$4) <= $5)) || (($2 == 7) && ($4 $+ * iswm %trigger)) || (($2 == 8) && (* $+ $4 iswm %trigger))) { $award.act($3,%trigger,$6-) }
        inc %i
    alias award.act {
      var %do
      if ($1 == 1) { var %do = tact $rdc($msg.trivia.award($3,$2)) }
      if (($1 == 2) || ($1 == 5)) { var %do = tsay $rdc($msg.trivia.award($3,$2)) }
      if ($1 == 3) { var %do = notice $nick $rdc($msg.trivia.award($3,$2)) }
      if ($1 == 4) { var %do = trivia.credit $nick $3 }
      if ($1 == 5) { var %do = tban $nick }
      if ($1 == 6) { var %do = $eval($replace($3-,*,$2),3) }
      .timer 1 0 schan $chan %do
    alias schan {
      set -u3 %ident $1
    alias award.on.tok { return Null.Score.Row.Time.WPM.Join.Question.Uprank.Promotion.Answered.RoundStart.RoundStop.Command.NoAnswer.Hint.HTMLUpdate.Champ.TeamVictory.TeamAnswered }
    alias award.val.tok { return Always.Exactly.Between.At Least.At Most.Ranked.Random.Begins.Ends }
    alias award.do.tok { return Null.Describe.Msg.Notice.Give Points.Ban.Special }
    ;# MESSAGING.                                           #
    alias -l inform {
      if ((!$1) || (!$server)) { return }
      if (!%respond) {
        var %respondlevel = $getset(status,respondlevel)
        set -u2 %respond .notice $nick
        if (%respondlevel == 2) { }
        if (%respondlevel == 3) { set -u2 %respond msg $iden }
        if (%respondlevel == 4) { set -u2 %respond msg $nick }
        if (%respondlevel == 5) { set -u2 %respond describe $iden }
      $iif($scid(%cid.force),scid %cid.force) $iif($nick == $me, .timer -m 1 $calc($timer(0) * 100)) %respond $check.auto.strip($rdc($1-))
    alias here { set %cid.force $cid }
    alias -l tsay { if (($1) && ($server) && ($me ison $iden)) { $iif($nick == $me, .timer -m 1 $calc($timer(0) * 100)) msg $iden $check.auto.strip($rdc($1-)) } }
    alias -l tact { if (($1) && ($server) && ($me ison $iden)) describe $iden $check.auto.strip($rdc($1-)) }
    alias -l check.auto.strip { return $iif(c isincs $gettok($chan($iden).mode,1,32), $strip($1-), $1-) }
    ;# Direct basic processing, for special functions.      #
    alias -l do.ping {
      if ($eval(% $+ pingantispam. $+ $nick,2)) return
      ctcp $nick ping
      set -u120 % $+ ping. $+ $nick $ticks
      set -u120 % $+ pingchan. $+ $nick $chan
      set -u120 % $+ pingcid. $+ $nick $cid
    alias -l trivia.report {
      inform $msg.trivia.thanks
      write " $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $iif($1 == 29, $triv(additions), $triv(report)) $+ " $nick $adate $time $2-
    ;# FRIENDS/BANNED.                                      #
    alias addressize {
      if (*!*@* iswm $1) { return $1 }
      return $1 $+ !*@*
    alias -l is.friend {
      var %i = 1
      while ($getset(friend, %i)) {
        if ($addressize($getset(friend, %i)) iswm $address($ifd($1,$nick),5)) { return %i }
        inc %i
    alias -l is.banned {
      var %i = 1
      while ($getset(banned,%i)) {
        if ($addressize($getset(banned, %i)) iswm $address($ifd($1,$nick),5)) { return %i }
        inc %i
    alias -l trivia.banned {
      var %banned = $is.banned($1)
      if (%banned) {
        if (!$1) { inform $msg.trivia.banned }
        return %banned
    alias -l ban.size { return $calc(1 + $setini(banned, 0)) }
    alias -l tban { if (!$trivia.banned($$1)) { setset banned $ban.size $1 } }
    alias -l tunban {
      var %i = $trivia.banned($$1)
      while ($getset(banned, $calc(%i + 1))) {
        setset banned %i $getset(banned, $calc(%i + 1))
        inc %i
      setset banned %i
    ;# MISC.                                                #
    alias timealias {
      var %ticks = $ticks
      echo -a ... $eval($ $+ $1,2) ... $calc(($ticks - %ticks) / 1000) ... $1
    alias timealias2 {
      var %ticks = $ticks, %i = 1, %result
      while (%i <= $2) {
        var %result = $eval($ $+ $eval($1-,2),2)
        inc %i
      return $calc(($ticks - %ticks) / (1000 * $2))
    alias iden { return $iif($chan, $chan, $iif(%ident, %ident, $tchan(1))) }
    alias idenn { return $iden $+ . $+ $ifd($network,irc) }
    alias -l deleteplayer { if ($getvar($1)) { write -dl $+ $readn $scoresfil } }
    alias -l hof.size { return $line($twin,0) }
    alias -l hof { return $gettok($line($twin,$1),$2,59) }
    alias -l scoresfil { return $nopath($ifd($thget(scores),$ifd($tchan($trivchan, 4), TriviaScores.fil))) }
    alias -l user.score { return $getvar($1,$unit.prefix($2) $+ score) }
    alias -l trivia.on { if (($timer(q $+ $idenn)) || ($timer(end $+ $idenn))) { return $true } }
    alias -l question.on { if ($timer(end $+ $idenn)) { return $true } }
    alias -l tokq { return $thget(tokq) }
    alias -l tok { return $thget(tok $+ $1) }
    alias -l question.time { return $calc(($ticks - $thget(Start)) / 1000) }
    alias -l te { return $getset(team, $1 $+ $prop) }
    alias -l teamscore { return $thget(Score $+ $1) }
    alias -l max.hinted { return $iif($calc($thget(Temp.Hints) + 0) > $calc($thuser(Hint) + 0), $thget(Temp.Hints), $thuser(hint)) }
    alias -l isteam { return $thget(Team. $+ $1) }
    alias -l chkadate { return $iif($getset(status,adate), $+($gettok($1,2,$asc(/)),/,$gettok($1,1,$asc(/)),/,$gettok($1,3,$asc(/))), $1) }
    alias -l team { if ($thget(team) == 1) { return $true } }
    alias -l tempini { return triviascbb.ini }
    alias -l lag { return $iif($thget(lag $+ $1), $thget(lag $+ $1), $getset(lag,$1)) }
    alias -l slag { return $getset(lag,$1) }
    alias -l tc { return $getset(color, $1 $+ $iif($prop == b, -bold) $+ $iif($prop == u, -underline)) }
    alias -l triv { return $getset(trivia, $1) }
    alias -l aw { return $getset(award, $1) }
    ;# MESSAGE COLOR CODE SETTING ALIASES.                  #
    alias e1 { return %c1 $+ $1- $+ %c1o }
    alias e2 { return %c2 $+ $trivtran($1-) $+ %c2o }
    alias trivtran {
      if (!$triv(translate)) return $1-
      if ($isfile($transfile)) {
        var %tran = $read($transfile, wtn, $1- $+ ::=*)
        if ($regex(%tran, /.*::=(.*))) { return $regml(1) }
        if (#* iswm $read($transfile,n,1)) var %nowrite 1
      if (!%nowrite) write $transfile $1- $+ ::= $+ $1-
      return $1-
    alias untrans {
      if (!$triv(translate)) return $1-
      if ($isfile($transfile)) {
        var %tran = $read($transfile, wtn, *::= $+ $1-)
        if ($regex(%tran, /(.*)::=.*)) { return $regml(1) }
      return $1-
    alias tranord { return $1 $+ $trivtran($remove($ord($1),$1)) }
    alias transfile { return " $+ $triv(translate) $+ " }
    ;# MESSAGES.                                            #
    alias -l msg.ping.reply { return $e1($nick) $+ $e2($chr(44) your ping is) $e1($calc(($ticks - % [ $+ ping. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ] ) / 1000)) $e2(secs.) }
    alias -l msg.answer.correct { return $iif($1,$msg.answer.correct2($2,$3,$4),$e2( $+ 4Rank:) $e1($getmrank($nick) 8- 4Name:7 $nick) $iif(!$getset(status,shownone),$e2(8- 4Answer:) $e1($trivq.answer)) $iif(!$getset(hide,time),$e2(8- 4Time:) $e1($thget(Time))) $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),$e2(8- 4Streak:) $e1($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row))) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(8- 4Points:) $e1($user.score($nick)))) $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),$e2(8- 4WPM:) $e1($int($2))) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(8- 4Rank:) $e1($tranord($3)) $iif($4,$e2(8- 4Previously:) $e1($tranord($4))))) }
    alias -l msg.answer.correct2 { return $e1($getmrank($nick) 8- $nick) $e2(got the answer) $+ $iif(!$getset(status,shownone),$e2(:) $e1($trivq.answer),$e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,time),$e2(in) $e1($thget(Time)) $e2(seconds.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Points:) $e1($user.score($nick))) $e2(Rank:) $e1($tranord($2)) }
    alias -l msg.answer.timeout { return $e2(Time's up! The answer was:) $e1($trivq.answer) }
    alias -l msg.answer.timeout.total { return $e2(Time's up! Remaining answers were:) $e1($left($gettotalremain,850)) }
    alias -l msg.answer.timeout.kaos { return $e2(Time's up!) $e1($total.answered) $e2(/) $e1($total.answers) $e2(answered) }
    alias -l msg.answer.timeout.pick { return $e2(Time's up! The answer was:) $e1($left($get.picklist,850)) }
    alias -l msg.answer.timeout2 { return $e2(Time's up!) }
    alias -l msg.question.multi { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e2(Multiple Choice:) $e1($right($tok(1),-7)) $+ $e2(;) $e1($get.multianswers) }
    alias -l msg.question.total { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e2(Give all correct responses:) $e1($right($tok(1),-7)) }
    alias -l msg.question.kaos { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e2(Kaos:) $e1($right($tok(1),-5)) }
    alias -l msg.question.points { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e2(For) $e1($ifd($thget(temp.points),0)) $e2(point $+ $iif($thget(temp.points) != 1,s) $+ :) $e1($get.question($2-)) }
    alias -l msg.question.scramble { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $iif($getset(status, sayscramble),$e2(Unscramble the following:)) $iif($2,$e1($2) $+ $e2(:)) $e1($scramble($tok(2)) $+ ?) }
    alias -l msg.question.standard { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e1($get.question($ifd($2,$tok(1)))) }
    alias -l msg.question.answer { return $e2(The answer to the last question was $+ :) $e1($thget(answer)) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.stats { return $iif($getvar($1,$2 $+ score), $e1($getmrank($1,$iif(!$2,total,$2)) $1) $+ $e2(:) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Rank:) $e1($tranord($getrank($1,$2))) $e2(out of) $e1($hof.size) $+ $e2(.) $e2(Current wins:) $e1($getvar($1,$2 $+ score)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),$e2(Best streak:) $e1($getvar($1,$2 $+ streak)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,time),$e2(Best time:) $e1($getvar($1,$2 $+ time)) $e2(secs.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),$e2(WPM:) $e1($getvar($1,$2 $+ wpm)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif($getvar($1,lastwin), $e2(Last Win:) $e1($chkadate($getvar($1, lastwin))) $+ $e2(.)), $e2(No such user exists.)) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.rank { return $iif($user.score($1), $e1($getmrank($1) $1) $+ $e2(:) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Current wins:) $e1($user.score($1)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(($mrankon) && ($getnextmrankat($user.score($1)) != 0),$e2(Next rank:) $e1($getnextmrank($user.score($1))) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(after:) $e1($calc($getnextmrankat($user.score($1)) - $user.score($1))) $e2(more points.))) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Rank:) $e1($tranord($getrank($1,$unit.default))) $e2(out of) $e1($hof.size) $+ $e2(.) $iif(%getrank != 1,$e1($calc(%getnextrankat - $user.score($1))) $e2(points below) $e1(%getnextrankuser) $+ $e2(.))),$e2(Error.)) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.state { return $msg.trivia.version $e2(is currently) $e1($trivon) $+ $e2(.) $iif($getset(status,champ),$e2(Champ Mode Set to) $e1($triv(reset)) $e2(Wins.)) $e2(Question file contains) $e1($numq) $e2(lines.) $e1($numl) $e2(questions. Trivia is:) $e1($trivia.onoff) $+ $e2(.) $iif($trivia.on, $iif($question.on,$e2(Time left:) $e1($calc($thget(lagtimedout) - $question.time))) $e2(Question:) $e1($thget(Current)) $+ $e2(/) $+ $e1($thget(Max)) $e2(Team Game:) $e1($team.onoff) $+ $e2(. Trivia Round started by) $e1($thget(SUser)) $e2(on) $e1($thget(STime))) $e2(Bot time is:) $e1($time) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.enabled { return $e2(Enabling the trivia. Have an op type:) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(2)) $e2(to disable the bot.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.disabled { return $e2(Disabling the trivia. Have an op type:) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(3)) $e2(to enable the bot.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.victory { return $e2(The game has been beaten by) $e1($1) $e2(all hail the new champ whose name shall reign supreme!) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.unactive { return $e2(The game has been disabled due to inactivity.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.emptyoff { return $e2(The game has been disabled due lack of players.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.pause { return $e2(Trivia paused.) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(8)) $e2(to resume.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.resume { return $e2(Trivia resumed.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.started { return $e2(Starting the trivia. Round of) $e1($iif($thget(Max) == Unlimited,$gtok(1,5),$thget(Max))) $e2(questions.) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(6)) $e2(to stop. Total:) $e1($numl) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.stopped { return $e2(Stopping the trivia.) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(5) $iif(!$isdis(1),< $+ $trivtran(number) $+ >)) $e2(to restart.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.awarded { return $e1($1) $e2(was awarded) $e1($2) $e2(point $+ $iif($2 > 1,s) $+ . Current Wins:) $e1($user.score($1)) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.deducted { return $e1($1) $e2(was deducted) $e1($calc($2 * -1)) $e2(point $+ $iif($2 < -1,s) $+ . Current Wins:) $e1($user.score($1)) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.hof { return $msg.trivia.champ(1) $msg.trivia.topstats(score) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.midq { return $e2(Cannot pause while trivia game has a question issued.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.banned { return $e2(You cannot play $+ $chr(44) you are banned.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.guessed { return $e2(You already guessed) $e1($1) $e2(times.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.thanks { return $e2(Thank you for your contribution!) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.totalover { return $e2(All correct responses have been given!) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.version { return $e1($trivia.name $+ $trivia.version) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.onjoin { return $iif($getset(trivia,onjoin),$get.onjoin($getset(trivia,onjoin)),$e2(Welcome) $e1($getmrank($nick) $nick) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($msg.trivia.version) $e2(is activated. Type ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(33)) $+ $e2(' for a list of commands or just ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(5)) $+ $e2(' to start a game!)) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.records { return $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),$e2(Record streak:) $e1($recordstat(streak)) $e2(of) $e1($hof(1,4)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,time),$e2(Record time:) $e1($recordstat(time)) $e2(of) $e1($hof(1,3)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),$e2(Record wpm:) $e1($recordstat(WPM)) $e2(of) $e1($hof(1,5)) $+ $e2(.)) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.themes { return $e2(Current themes are:) $e1($get.themes) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.champ { return $iif($getset(status,champ), $e2(Current champ:) $e1($getset(Champ, $ini($trivini, Champ, 0))) $+ $e2(. $get.champ($1))) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.showteams { return $msg.trivia.showteam(1) $msg.trivia.showteam(2) $iif($getset(team, 4-team), $msg.trivia.showteam(3) $msg.trivia.showteam(4)) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.showteam { return $iif($get.showteams($1), $e2(Current members of) $e1($te($1)) $e2(are:) $e1($get.showteams($1))) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.hintpaused { return $e2(You requested a $pre $+ $gtok(39) less than) $e1($triv(hintpause)) $e2(seconds ago.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.roundscores { return $e2(Current Round:) $e1($get.roundscores) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.banlist { return $e2(The following people are banned:) $e1($get.banlist) }
    alias -l msg.team.start { return $e2(Team Trivia: ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(34) 1) $+ $e2(' or ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(34) 2) $+ $iif($getset(team,4-team),$e2(' or ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(34) 3) $+ $e2(' or ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(34) 4)) $+ $e2(' to add to a team.) }
    alias -l msg.team.add { return $e2(Team:) $e1($1) $e2(has a new member:) $e1($2) }
    alias -l msg.team.joinover { return $e2(I am sorry no more people can join/change at this time.) }
    alias -l msg.team.toomany { return $e2(That team currently has enough players.) }
    alias -l msg.team.joinbefore { return $e2(Teams are no longer accepting player.) }
    alias -l msg.team.alreadyon { return $e2(You are already on that team.) }
    alias -l msg.team.score { return $e1($getmrank($nick) $nick) $e2(won. Point for) $e1($te($isteam($nick))) $+ $e2(.) $msg.team.cscore(1,2) $iif($getset(team,4-team), $msg.team.cscore(3,4)) }
    alias -l msg.team.cscore { return $e1($te($1)) $e2(has) $e1($thget(Score $+ $1)) $e2(points.) $e1($te($2)) $e2(has) $e1($thget(Score $+ $2)) $e2(points.) }
    alias -l msg.team.over { return %c2 $+ $replace($1-, *t1, %c2o $+ $e1($te(1)) $+ %c2,*t2, %c2o $+ $e1($te(2)) $+ %c2,*t3,%c2o $+ $e1($te(3)) $+ %c2,*t4,%c2o $+ $e1($te(4)) $+ %c2) $+ %c2o $+ $e2(!) }
    alias -l msg.hint.words { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a)  hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(there $iif($$get.hint(words) == 1,is,are)) $e1($$get.hint(words)) $e2(word $+ $iif($$get.hint(words) != 1,s) in the answer.) }
    alias -l msg.hint.vowels { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a)  hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(the vowels are:) $e1($$get.hint(vowels)) }
    alias -l msg.hint.last { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a)  hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(the last character in the answer is:) $e1($$get.hint(last)) }
    alias -l msg.hint.space { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a)  hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(answer space:) $e1($$get.hint(space)) }
    alias -l msg.hint.scramble { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a)  hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(scrambled:) $e1($$get.hint(scramble)) }
    alias -l msg.hint.hint { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a)  hint $+ $chr(44)) $e1($$get.hint(hint,$1)) }
    alias -l msg.features.built { return $e2(Trivia scores updated:) $e1($1) $e2(!) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.hof.error { return $e1($pre $+ $gtok(14) < $+ $gtok(1,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,3) $+ > < $+ $gtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(5,4) $+ >) $e2(to display the hall of fame table of your choice.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.stats.error { return $e1($pre $+ $gtok(11) < $+ $trivtran(player) $+ $chr(124) $+ $trivtran(number) $+ > < $+ $gtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(5,4) $+ >) $e2(to display stats on that individual.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.op.ban { return $e2(User is banned.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.ban { return $e2(You need to specify a user or address to ban.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.unban { return $e2(You need to specify a user or address to unban.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.op.unban { return $e2(User is unbanned.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.badnum { return $e2(You need to specify a valid question number to be asked.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.op.ask { return $e2(Question will be asked.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.noquestion { return $e2(You need append the question that is to be added directly into the question file.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.nodelim { return $e2(You need at least one delimiter to indicate: question $+ $triv(delimiter) $+ answer) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.op.added { return $e2(Question has been added.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.nosearch { return $e2(You need at least some search text.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.op.find { return $iif($get.find($1-),$e1($get.find($1-)),$msg.trivia.error.find) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.find { return $e2(That text was not found.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.topx { return $e2(Range too great.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.numberrequired { return $e2(You must specify a valid team number for) $e1($1-) $e2(.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.error.playerrequired { return $e2(You must specify a player.) }
    alias -l msg.trivia.echoanswer { return $e2(Answer:) $e1($trivq.answer) }
    ;# Help structure.                                      #
    alias -l givehelp {
      if (!$1-) {
        inform $e2(Commands:) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(6) $pre $+ $gtok(5) $pre $+ $gtok(39) $pre $+ $gtok(34) $pre $+ $gtok(29) $pre $+ $gtok(30) $pre $+ $gtok(31) $pre $+ $gtok(27) $pre $+ $gtok(28) $pre $+ $gtok(14) $pre $+ $gtok(19) $pre $+ $gtok(16) $pre $+ $gtok(21) $pre $+ $gtok(25) $pre $+ $gtok(38) $pre $+ $gtok(23) $pre $+ $gtok(26) $pre $+ $gtok(44) $pre $+ $gtok(37) $pre $+ $gtok(11) $pre $+ $gtok(1) $pre $+ $gtok(3) $pre $+ $gtok(2) $pre $+ $gtok(10) $pre $+ $gtok(41) $pre $+ $gtok(42) $pre $+ $gtok(43) $pre $+ $gtok(35) $pre $+ $gtok(36) $pre $+ $gtok(4) $pre $+ $gtok(7) $pre $+ $gtok(8) $pre $+ $gtok(62))
        inform $e1($pre $+ $gtok(33) < $+ $trivtran(command) $+ >) $e2(for specific help. Some commands may be disabled.)
      var %ctok = $iif($pre $+ * iswm $1, $ctok($right($1,$calc(-1 * $len($pre)))), $ctok($1))
      if ((%ctok == 1)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -----) $e2(Displays the state of the bot) }
      if ((%ctok == 6)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Stops trivia) }
      if ((%ctok == 3)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Enables trivia bot) }
      if ((%ctok == 2)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Disables trivia bot) }
      if ((%ctok == 7)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Pauses trivia bot) }
      if ((%ctok == 8)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Resumes trivia bot) }
      if ((%ctok == 4)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) < $+ $trivtran(command) $+ > -) $e1($gtok(1,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(2,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(3,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(4,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(5,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(6,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(7,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(8,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44) commands to allow ops to control the trivia bot.) }
      if ((%ctok == 5)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) x --) $e2(Starts trivia, x can be a number, "unlimited", <theme> or "team" for team mode) }
      if ((%ctok == 39)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Gives a hint) }
      if ((%ctok == 42)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Gives the last character of the answer) }
      if ((%ctok == 41)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Gives the number of words in the answer) }
      if ((%ctok == 43)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Gives the vowels of the answer) }
      if ((%ctok == 34)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) x ----) $e2(Joins a team, must be in team mode, x can be a 1 or 2) }
      if ((%ctok == 29)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -------) $e2(Allows you to add questions: $pre $+ $gtok(29) What is the square root of 4*two*2) }
      if ((%ctok == 30)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Lets you report problems with the questions: $pre $+ $gtok(30) The square root of 4 is also -2) }
      if ((%ctok == 31)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -----) $e2(Checks your lag from the bot) }
      if ((%ctok == 27)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Displays the version of the bot) }
      if ((%ctok == 28)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -------) $e2(Displays the web page for the bot) }
      if ((%ctok == 14)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) < $+ $gtok(1,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,3) $+ > < $+ $gtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(5,4) $+ > -------) $e2(Displays the hall of fame, for requested entry) }
      if ((%ctok == 19)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Displays the record times. Same as $pre $+ $gtok(14) $gtok(2,3)) }
      if ((%ctok == 16)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) --) $e2(Displays the record streaks. Same as $pre $+ $gtok(14) $gtok(3,3)) }
      if ((%ctok == 21)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Displays the record words per minute. Same as $pre $+ $gtok(14) $gtok(4,3)) }
      if ((%ctok == 25)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Displays the record $gtok(2,3) & $gtok(3,3) & $gtok(4,3)) }
      if ((%ctok == 23)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Displays the bot's server) }
      if ((%ctok == 26)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -----) $e2(Displays the champ stats) }
      if ((%ctok == 36)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok)) $e2(Displays the scores for the current round.) }
      if ((%ctok == 35)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok)) $e2(Displays the teams and which players are on each.) }
      if ((%ctok == 44)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Repeats the question) }
      if ((%ctok == 37)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Provides the answer to the last question to an op who requests it) }
      if ((%ctok == 38)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(After half the time to answer has expired allows an instant timeout.) }
      if ((%ctok == 10)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Lists available themes) }
      if ((%ctok == 11)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Returns your current stats, or $pre $+ $gtok(11) <player> for somebody else) }
      if ((%ctok == 62)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Displays score required for next promotion.) }
    ;# MESSAGE PROCESSES.                                   #
    alias -l get.question {
      var %gq $1-
      if (!$getset(status,noautoqm)) { var %aqm = 1 }
      if ($right(%gq,1) isin :!?.-) { var %aqm = 0 }
      if ($right(%gq,1) isin -) { var %gq = $left(%gq,-1) }
      if ($thget(temp.bonus) == S)  { %gq = $scramble(%gq) }
      if ($thget(temp.bonus) == R)  { %gq = $reverse(%gq) }
      if ($thget(temp.bonus) == G)  { %gq = $scatter(75,%gq) }
      return %gq $+ $iif(%aqm,?)
    alias -l get.banlist {
      var %i = 1, %b.temp
      while ($getset(banned,%i)) {
        var %b.temp = %b.temp $getset(banned,%i)
        inc %i
      return %b.temp
    alias -l get.roundscores {
      if ($window(@round $+ $idenn)) { window -c @round $+ $idenn }
      window -hn @round $+ $idenn
      .timer 1 0 window -c @round $+ $idenn
      var %i = 1
      while ($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Score.*, %i)) {
        var %j = $line(@round $+ $idenn,0)
        while (( $hget(Trivia $+ $idenn, $hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Score.*, %i)) > $thget(Score. $+ $line(@round $+ $idenn, %j))) && (%j >= 1)) { dec %j }
        iline @round $+ $idenn $calc(%j + 1) $remove($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Score.*, %i),Score.)
        inc %i
      var %roundscores
      %i = 1
      while (%i <= 15) {
        %roundscores = %roundscores $iif($line(@round $+ $idenn,%i),$line(@round $+ $idenn,%i) $+ - $+ $thget(Score. $+ $line(@round $+ $idenn,%i)))
        inc %i
      return %roundscores
    alias sortroundscores {
      var %j = 1
      while (%j <= $line(@round $+ $idenn,0)) {
        var %k = %j
        while (%k <= $line(@round $+ $idenn,0)) {
          if ($thget(Score. $+ $line(@round $+ $idenn, %j)) > $thget(Score. $+ $line(@round $+ $idenn, %k))) {
            var %temp.name = $line(@round $+ $idenn, %j)
            rline @round $+ $idenn %j $line(@round $+ $idenn, %k)
            rline @round $+ $idenn %j %temp.name
          inc %k
        inc %j
    alias get.showteams {
      var %i = 1
      while ($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Team.*, %i)) {
        if ($isteam($remove($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Team.*, %i),Team.)) == $1) { var %temp.team = %temp.team $remove($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Team.*, %i),Team.) }
        inc %i
      return %temp.team
    alias -l get.champ {
      if (($setini(Champ,0) <= 0) || (!$getset(status,champ))) { return }
      var %temp.champ, %i = $calc($ini($trivini, Champ, 0) - 1)
      while ((%i >= 1) && (!$1)) {
        var %temp.champ = %temp.champ $getset(Champ, %i)
        dec %i
      return %temp.champ
    alias -l get.multianswers {
      var %i 2, %answers.t
      if ($window(@multianswer)) { window -c @multianswer }
      window -h @multianswer
      .timer 1 0 window -c @multianswer
      while ($tok(%i)) {
        aline @multianswer $tok(%i)
        inc %i
      filter -wwct 1 13 @multianswer @multianswer *
      var %i 2
      var %answers.t $line(@multianswer,1)
      while ($line(@multianswer, %i)) { var %answers.t = %answers.t $+ , $line(@multianswer, %i), %i = $calc(%i + 1) }
      return %answers.t
    alias -l get.themes {
      var %i = 1
      while ($getset(triviamode $+ %i, name)) {
        var %temp.themes = %temp.themes $getset(triviamode $+ %i, name)
        inc %i
      return $e1(%temp.themes)
    alias -l get.onjoin {
      return %c2 $+ $replace($1-,$chr(35),$+(%c2o,%c1,$chan,%c1o,%c2),*, $+(%c2o,%c1,$getmrank($nick) $nick,%c1o,%c2),@, $+(%c2o,%c1,$tranord($getrank($nick,$unit.default)),%c1o,%c2),^, $+(%c2o,%c1,$ifd($getvar($nick,score),0),%c1o,%c2)) $+ %c2o
    alias -l get.picklist {
      if ($tokq <= 2) return $tok(2)
      var %i = 2, %picklist
      while (%i <= $tokq) {
        %picklist = %picklist $tok(%i)
        if (%i < $calc($tokq - 1)) { %picklist = %picklist $+ $chr(44) }
        if (%i == $calc($tokq - 1)) { %picklist = %picklist $trivtran(and) }
        inc %i
      return %picklist
    ;# HTML BUILD                                           #
    alias bgcolor { return #000000 }
    alias textcolor { return #2CABE9 }
    alias linkcolor { return #33FF00 }
    alias alinkcolor { return #666600 }
    alias vlinkcolor { return #666666 }
    alias htmlbuild {
      var %start.ticks = $ticks
      set %htmlfile " $+ $mircdir $+ \ $+ $ifd($getset(build,genname),trivia.htm) $+ "
      sort score $unit.default
      if ($exists(%htmlfile)) { .remove %htmlfile }
      write %htmlfile <HTML><head><title> $+ Triva Scores! $+ </title></head>
      write %htmlfile <body bgcolor=" $+ $bgcolor $+ " text=" $+ $textcolor $+ " link=" $+ $linkcolor $+ " alink=" $+ $alinkcolor $+ " vlink=" $+ $vlinkcolor $+ ">
      write %htmlfile <center> <font size="10"> Latest Trivia Score! </font></center><br><br>
      write %htmlfile <center><table BORDER COLS=4 WIDTH="90%" ><tr><tr>
      write %htmlfile <th><center> $+ $trivtran(Ranking) $+ </center></th><th><center> $+ $trivtran(Name) $+ </center></th> $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,score),<th><center> $+ $trivtran(Score) $+ </center></th>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,time),<th><center> $+ $trivtran(Best Time) $+ </center></th>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),<th><center> $+ $trivtran(Best Streak) $+ </centeR></th>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),<th><center> $+ $trivtran(Best WPM) $+ </center></th>) $+ </tr>
      var %i = 1, %j = $hof.size
      if ($getset(build,top) isnum 1 - %j) { %j = $getset(build,top) }
      if ($version >= 6.15) {
        set %count.num.t %i
        filter -wkr %i $+ - $+ %j $twin htmlprocess
        unset %count.num.t
      else {
        while (%i <= %j) {
          write %htmlfile <tr><th><center> $+ %i $+ </center></th><td><center> $+ $hof(%i,1) $+ </center></td> $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,score),<td><center> $+ $hof(%i,$gttok($unit.mark $+ score)) $+ </center></td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,time),<td><center> $+ $hof(%i,$gttok($unit.mark $+ time)) $+ </center></td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),<td><center> $+ $hof(%i,$gttok($unit.mark $+ streak)) $+ </center></td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),<td><center> $+ $hof(%i,$gttok($unit.mark $+ wpm)) $+ </center></td>) $+ </tr>
          inc %i
      write %htmlfile </table><center><br>
      echo -a $e2(Finished:) $e1(%htmlfile) $e2(is written. In) $e1($calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000)) $+ $e2(secs.)
      unset %htmlfile
    alias htmlprocess {
      write %htmlfile <tr><th><center> $+ %count.num.t $+ </center></th><td><center> $+ $gettok($1,1,59) $+ </center></td> $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,score),<td><center> $+ $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ score),59) $+ </center></td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,time),<td><center> $+ $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ time),59) $+ </center></td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),<td><center> $+ $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ streak),59) $+ </center></td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),<td><center> $+ $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ wpm),59) $+ </center></td>) $+ </tr>
      inc %count.num.t
    alias xmlbuild {
      if ($version < 6.15) {
        echo -a Update to a later version of mIRC. This code will not work with versions prior to 6.15.
      var %start.ticks = $ticks
      set %xmlfile " $+ $mircdir $+ \ $+ triv-rss-091.xml $+ "
      sort score $unit.default
      if ($exists(%xmlfile)) { .remove %xmlfile }
      write %xmlfile <?xml version="1.0" ?>
      write %xmlfile <rss version="0.91">
      write %xmlfile    <channel>
      write %xmlfile        <title> $trivia.name </title>
      write %xmlfile        <link> $trivia.web </link>
      write %xmlfile        <description>Latest Scores</description>
      write %xmlfile        <language>en-us</language>
      write %xmlfile        <copyright>Copyright $asctime(yyyy) $+ </copyright>
      write %xmlfile        <lastBuildDate> $asctime($gmt, ddd $+ $chr(44) dd mmm yyyy HH:nn:ss) GMT </lastBuildDate>
      var %i = 1, %j = $hof.size
      if ($getset(build,top) isnum 1 - %j) { %j = $getset(build,top) }
      set %count.num.t %i
      filter -wkr %i $+ - $+ %j $twin xmlprocess
      unset %count.num.t
      write %xmlfile        </channel>
      write %xmlfile    </rss>
      echo -a $e2(Finished:) $e1(%xmlfile) $e2(is written. In) $e1($calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000)) $+ $e2(secs.)
      unset %xmlfile
    alias xmlprocess {
      write %xmlfile        <item>
      write %xmlfile            <title> $+ $gettok($1,1,59) $+ </title>
      write %xmlfile            <description> Score: $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ score),59) Record Time: $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ time),59) Streak: $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ streak),59) WPM: $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ wpm),59)  </description>
      write %xmlfile            <link> $+ $trivia.web $+ </link>
      write %xmlfile            </item>
      inc %count.num.t
    alias xmlbuildon { setset build xml 1 }
    alias xmlbuildoff { setset build xml 0 }
    alias unit.mark { return $iif($unit.default != total,$unit.default) }
    alias htmltrigger {
      if ($getset(build,xml)) { xmlbuild }
      if ($getset(build,generate)) { htmlbuild }
      if (($getset(build,auto)) && ($exists($+(",$triv(dir),\,ftpbatch.txt,")))) { run -n ftp $+(-s:,",$triv(dir),\,ftpbatch.txt") }
      if (($getset(build,copy)) && ($exists(" $+ $getset(build,from) $+ ")) && ($exists(" $+ $getset(build,to) $+ "))) { .copy -o " $+ $getset(build,from) $+ " " $+ $getset(build,to) $+ \ $+ $nopath($getset(build,from)) $+ " }
      if ($getset(build,web)) { tsay $msg.features.built($getset(build,web)) }
      award HTMLUpdate 0
    ;# SPECIAL COMMANDS.                                    #
    ;# /find <text> : Finds the text in your current        #
    ;#     question files for the channel.                  #
    ;# /add <question> : directly adds the given question.  #
    ;# /ask <question|#> : Force asks a given question.     #
    ;# /sortfile : Sorts the selcted file alphanumerically. #
    ;# /killdup : Kills exact duplicate questions in file.  #
    ;# /killfixdup : Uses internal fix routine to kill same #
    ;#      questions with a little more checking.          #
    ;# /reformfile <filename> <regex> <regex> : Uses the    #
    ;#      regsub command to reform a file. For example:   #
    ;#      /reformfile q.txt ([^\|]+)\|([^\*]+) \2*\1      #
    ;#      would change q.txt from answer|question form to #
    ;#      question*answer form. You need to know regex.   #
    ;# /tpurge <#> : Moves everybody with less that # point #
    ;#       to a secondary file called backburner. If they #
    ;#       score another point they will be restored.     #
    ;# /tdpurge <#> : Anybody who hasn't played in # days.  #
    ;# /copyentry <filefrom> <fileto> <nickname> : Copies.  #
    ;# /debackburn : Reverses effect of /tpurge commands.   #
    ;# /mergefiles <filefrom> <fileto> : Merges two score   #
    ;#       files into one score file.                     #
    ;# /tfind : finds score files that should be merged.    #
    ;# /tmerge <fromplayer> <toplayer> : merge player score #
    ;# /trename <fromplayer> <toplayer> : renames player    #
    ;# /triviaad <#> <message> : displays message every <#> #
    ;#       of minutes.                                    #
    ;# /triviaad2 <#> <message> : Same but colored.         #
    ;# /truntimes <timeon> <timeoff> : turns bot on and off #
    ;#       only plays during the given times.             #
    alias find { echo $get.find($1-) }
    alias add { if ($exists($qfile(1))) write $qfile(1) $1- }
    alias ask {
      var %asknm = 1
      while ($thget(Ask $+ %asknm)) { inc %asknm }
      if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { thset Ask $+ %asknm $iif($1-,$1-,$$?="Force which question number(#) or ask what question(Question*Answer)?") }
    alias sortfile { 
      var %file = " $+ $sfile($mircdir) $+ "
      filter -ffct 1 13 %file %file *
    alias killdup { 
      var %file = " $+ $sfile($mircdir) $+ ", %i = 0
      window -hn @temp.window
      window -hn @temp.windowfile
      filter -fwct 1 13 %file @temp.windowfile *
      while ($line(@temp.windowfile,0) >= %i) {
        var %line = $line(@temp.windowfile,%i)
        if (%line) { aline -n @temp.window %line }
        unset %line
        inc %i
      filter -wfc @temp.window %file *
      window -c @temp.window
      window -c @temp.windowfile
    alias killfixdup { 
      var %file = $sfile($mircdir), %i = 0, %fixed = 0
      window -hn @temp.windowfix
      window -hn @temp.windowfile
      .timer 1 0 window -c @temp.windowfix
      .timer 1 0 window -c @temp.windowfile
      filter -fwct 1 13 " $+ %file $+ " @temp.windowfile *
      while ($line(@temp.windowfile,0) >= %i) {
        if ($line(@temp.windowfile,%i)) {
          aline -n @temp.windowfix $fix($line(@temp.windowfile,%i))
          if (%fixed != $line(@temp.windowfix,0)) { write $nopath(%file) $+ .fix $line(@temp.windowfile,%i) }
          var %fixed = $line(@temp.windowfix,0)
        inc %i
      echo -s Killed dups, saved as %file $+ .fix $+ !
    alias reformfile {
      if (!$exists($1)) { echo File not found. | return }
      var %i = 1, %replace, %matchez = 0
      while (%i <= $lines($1)) {
        if ($regsub($read($1,%i),$2, $3, %replace)) { write $1 $+ .ref %replace | inc %matchez }
        inc %i
      echo Done, %matchez lines replaced, saved as $1 $+ .ref
    alias tpurge {
      var %i = 1
      sort score
      while ($hof(%i,1)) {
        if ($hof(%i,2) <= $$1) { copyentry $$scoresfil $$tempfil $hof(%i,1) }
        inc %i
    alias tdpurge {
      var %i = 1
      sort score
      while ($hof(%i,1)) {
        if ($round($calc(($ctime($date) - $ctime($hof(%i,6)))/86400),0) > $$1) { copyentry $$scoresfil $$tempfil $hof(%i,1) }
        inc %i
    alias copyentry {
      if (!$exists($1)) { echo -a $1 does not exist. | return }
      if (!$exists($2)) { echo -a $2 does not exist. | return }
      write $2 $$read($1, w, $3 $+ ;*)
      write -dl $+ $$readn $1
    alias debackburn { mergefiles $tempfil $scoresfil }
    alias mergefiles {
      echo Merging files $1 and $2
      if (!$exists($1)) { echo -a $1 does not exist. | return }
      if (!$exists($2)) { echo -a $2 does not exist. | return }
      while ($lines($1) > 0) {
        if ($numtok($read($1,1),$asc(;)) <= 1) { echo -a ERROR, file does not appear to be standard format. | return }
        var %player = $gettok($read($1,1),1,$asc(;))
        mergeentry $1 $2 %player
    alias mergeentry {
      if (!$exists($1)) { echo -a $1 does not exist. | return }
      if (!$exists($2)) { echo -a $2 does not exist. | return }
      var %merger = $read($1, wnt, $3 $+ ;*)
      var %other = $read($2, wnt, $3 $+ ;*)
      var %merger.line = $readn
      if (%merger) {
        if (%other) {
          write $2 PlayerMoving= $+ %merger
          write -d1 $+ %merger.line $1
          tmergeplayers PlayerMoving= $+ $3 $3
        else copyentry $1 $2 $3
    alias tfind {
      if ($exists($scoresfil)) {
        echo -a Finding Duplicate Entries
        window -h $twin
        filter -fwc $scoresfil $twin
        var %k = $line($twin,0)
        while (%k > 0) {
          %hostname = $replace($mask($gettok($line($twin,%k), $gttok(address), 59),2),.,\.,*,.*)
          if (%hostname) {
            var %j = 1
            var %fline = $fline($twin,$str([^;]*;,7) $+ %hostname $+ ;.*,1,2)
            while (%fline) {
              if (%j == 2) {
                echo -a Multiple references:
                echo -a ... $gettok($line($twin,%prev.fline),1,59) ... $gettok($line($twin,%prev.fline),$gttok(address),59)
              if (%j >= 2) {
                echo -a ... $gettok($line($twin,%fline),1,59) ... $gettok($line($twin,%fline),$gttok(address),59)
                dline $twin %prev.fline
              inc %j
              var %prev.fline = %fline
              var %fline = $fline($twin,$str([^;]*;,7) $+ %hostname $+ ;.*,2,2)
          dec %k
      echo -a To combine entries use: /tmerge <from-nick> <to-nick>
      window -c $twin
    alias tmerge {
      tmergeplayers $1 $2
      tsay $msg.trivia.stats($2)
    alias tmergeplayers {
      if (($$getvar($$1,score)) && ($$getvar($$2,score))) {
        var %i = $numtok($unit.tokens, $asc(.))
        while (%i > 0) {
          var %unit = $gettok($unit.tokens, %i, $asc(.))
          if ($getvar($1, %unit) == $eval($ $+ get. $+ %unit,2)) {
            if ($getvar($2, %unit) == $eval($ $+ get. $+ %unit,2)) {
              setvar $2 %unit $+ score $calc($getvar($2,%unit $+ score) + $getvar($1,%unit $+ score))
              if ($getvar($1, %unit $+ WPM) > $getvar($2,%unit $+ WPM)) { setvar $2 %unit $+ WPM $getvar($1, %unit $+ WPM) }
              if ($getvar($1, %unit $+ streak) > $getvar($2,%unit $+ streak)) { setvar $2 %unit $+ streak $getvar($1, %unit $+ streak) }
              if ($getvar($1, %unit $+ time) < $getvar($2,%unit $+ time)) { setvar $2 %unit $+ time $getvar($1, %unit $+ time) }
            else {
              setvar $2 %unit $+ score $getvar(%unit $+ score)
              setvar $2 %unit $+ WPM $getvar(%unit $+ WPM)
              setvar $2 %unit $+ streak $getvar(%unit $+ streak)
              setvar $2 %unit $+ time $getvar(%unit $+ time)
          dec %i
        setvar $2 score $calc($getvar($2,score) + $getvar($1,score))
        if ($getvar($1, wpm) > $getvar($2,wpm)) { setvar $2 wpm $getvar($1, wpm) }
        if ($getvar($1, streak) > $getvar($2,streak)) { setvar $2 streak $getvar($1, streak) }
        if ($getvar($1, time) < $getvar($2,time)) { setvar $2 time $getvar($1, time) }
        setvar $2 admin $or($getvar($1,admin),$getvar($2,admin))
        deleteplayer $1
    alias trename {
      setvar $1 name $2
      tsay $msg.trivia.stats($2)
    alias triviad {
      if (($1 >= 1) && ($2)) { .timertriviaad 0 $calc($$1 * 60) timer.ad $chan $2- }
      else { .timertriviaad off } 
    alias triviad2 { 
      if (($1 >= 1) && ($2)) { .timertriviaad 0 $calc($$1 * 60) msg $chan $e1($2-) } 
      else { .timertriviaad off } 
    alias truntimes {
      if (($regex($1,/\d+:\d+/)) && ($regex($2,/\d+:\d+/))) {
        .timertriviarunon -o $1 1 1 tboton $1
        .timertriviarunoff -o $2 1 1 tbotoff $2
      else { .timertriviarun* off }
    alias tboton {
      .timertriviarunon -o $1 1 1 tboton $1
      setset status bot 1
    alias askrotate {
      set %askcount $calc((%askcount + 1) % $numq)
      ask %askcount
    alias tbotoff {
      .timertriviarunoff -o $1 1 1 tbotoff $1
      if ($trivia.on) { strivia }
      setset status bot 0
    alias tempfil { return  backburner.txt }
    alias timer.ad { if (!$trivia.on) { msg $1 $e1($2-) } }
    ;# DIALOGS.                                             #
    dialog trivset {
      title "Trivia Settings"
      size -1 -1 912 544
      option pixels
      tab General, 1, 4 8 896 523
      box Channels, 9, 12 36 502 108, tab 1
      text Delimiter, 10, 22 443 68 20, tab 1
      text Add/Report, 11, 18 405 92 20, tab 1
      button Add, 24, 24 204 64 20, tab 1
      edit , 30, 84 113 418 22, tab 1 autohs
      edit $triv(delimiter), 31, 20 463 34 24, tab 1
      edit $triv(additions), 32, 112 405 86 24, tab 1 autohs
      edit $triv(report), 33, 204 405 86 24, tab 1 autohs
      edit $triv(dir), 35, 100 371 402 24, tab 1 autohs
      text Percent Hint, 14, 532 84 68 20, tab 1
      edit $triv(perchint), 99, 676 84 40 26, tab 1
      text Number of hints, 15, 532 66 136 20, tab 1
      edit $triv(numhint), 861, 676 58 40 26, tab 1
      text Hint Reduction, 16, 536 352 108 20, tab 1
      edit $triv(DPH), 863, 704 356 48 24, tab 1
      text Points per answer, 17, 536 326 148 20, tab 1
      edit $triv(PPQ), 65, 704 326 48 24, tab 1
      list 108, 82 48 424 64, tab 1 size
      button Add, 115, 18 60 58 20, tab 1
      button Remove, 119, 18 88 62 20, tab 1
      text Channel:, 125, 16 116 62 20, tab 1
      edit , 132, 96 300 398 24, tab 1 autohs
      box "Points", 133, 520 308 308 76, tab 1
      box "Global", 134, 12 344 496 152, tab 1
      button "Scores", 141, 36 304 56 20, tab 1
      button "Define", 20, 424 440 55 21, tab 1
      check "Trivia Ranks", 148, 364 416 116 24, tab 1
      check Crosshatch, 47, 532 124 116 20, tab 1
      text Chr, 21, 652 124 31 26, tab 1
      edit , 961, 684 124 28 26, tab 1
      box "Hints", 80, 524 48 304 256, tab 1
      radio "Scatter", 58, 612 196 75 20, group tab 1
      radio "Plot", 129, 692 196 75 20, tab 1
      radio "Basic", 130, 536 196 75 20, tab 1
      text $hint.example, 199, 536 172 274 20, tab 1
      check "Say Hint Number", 147, 532 144 160 24, tab 1
      radio "Standard", 149, 532 248 92 20, group tab 1
      radio "Last Letter", 150, 624 252 100 20, tab 1
      radio "Vowels", 151, 536 276 72 20, tab 1
      radio "Random", 152, 624 280 88 20, tab 1
      text "First Hint Type", 153, 536 224 122 20, tab 1
      button "Remove", 12, 24 272 64 20, tab 1
      list 34, 92 200 410 92, tab 1 sort size
      box "Channel Properties", 83, 12 144 498 192, tab 1
      edit $triv(translate), 131, 232 464 272 24, tab 1 autohs
      button "Translation File", 136, 108 468 115 20, tab 1
      button "Trivia Dir", 13, 20 376 67 17, tab 1
      text "Nick", 543, 28 168 34 20, tab 1
      edit "", 544, 64 168 76 25, tab 1 autohs
      text "Network", 66, 160 168 70 20, tab 1
      edit "", 67, 236 164 116 25, tab 1 autohs
      check Auto-Hint, 41, 532 103 132 20, tab 1
      tab Options, 6
      text questions, 18, 72 219 80 21, tab 6
      check No-activity off, 88, 20 187 140 20, tab 6
      edit $triv(naoff), 89, 16 215 50 32, tab 6
      text seconds, 19, 250 211 76 25, tab 6
      check Hint-Pause, 96, 200 185 140 20, tab 6
      edit $triv(hintpause), 97, 198 211 50 32, tab 6
      check Echo Answer, 40, 20 60 140 20, tab 6
      check Timeout Answer, 45, 200 106 140 20, tab 6
      check Join Message, 46, 12 336 120 20, tab 6
      check Traditional win, 48, 20 105 140 20, tab 6
      check Auto-Start, 49, 385 60 140 20, tab 6
      check Say Scramble:, 53, 202 60 140 20, tab 6
      check Showteam End, 55, 200 81 140 20, tab 6
      check Answer Space, 56, 384 127 140 20, tab 6
      check No Mid-Match, 57, 574 160 140 20, tab 6
      check Show Matched, 59, 200 131 140 20, tab 6
      check Use Adate, 60, 20 82 140 20, tab 6
      check No ? end, 830, 574 60 140 20, tab 6
      check No Spell Correct, 817, 574 140 140 20, tab 6
      check "Monday Week", 126, 384 83 140 20, tab 6
      check Limit Guesses, 51, 384 166 140 20, tab 6
      edit $triv(limitguess), 144, 384 191 36 32, tab 6
      check Round HoF, 52, 384 105 140 20, tab 6
      edit , 22, 12 368 728 89, tab 6 read multi autovs
      edit $triv(onjoin), 138, 148 336 596 29, tab 6 autohs
      check No Partial Match, 43, 574 180 140 20, tab 6
      text "tries", 146, 420 192 58 28, tab 6
      check No Decheater, 44, 574 80 140 20, tab 6
      check No Color Short, 61, 574 100 140 20, tab 6
      check "Score", 106, 28 292 84 20, tab 6
      check "Time", 169, 120 292 80 20, tab 6
      check "Streak", 171, 204 292 80 20, tab 6
      check "WPM", 173, 288 292 72 20, tab 6
      box "Hide Stat", 174, 12 264 368 60, tab 6
      check "No Catergories", 62, 574 120 140 20, tab 6
      check "Empty Off", 54, 20 127 140 20, tab 6
      check "No Bonus", 50, 574 200 140 20, tab 6
      check "No Q number", 63, 574 220 140 20, tab 6
      box Settings, 70, 8 40 732 288, tab 6
      check "Keep Ask", 156, 20 150 140 20, tab 6
      check "Show Nothing", 143, 200 156 140 20, tab 6
      tab Defaults, 2
      box , 23, 280 63 322 80, tab 2
      box , 25, 602 67 174 76, tab 2
      check Colors, 116, 280 48 88 20, tab 2 push
      text Primary, 110, 286 74 60 17, tab 2
      text Secondary, 120, 286 110 84 21, tab 2
      edit $tc(1), 121, 372 74 35 28, tab 2 read
      edit $tc(2), 122, 376 110 35 28, tab 2 read
      edit $tc(3), 123, 607 74 43 28, tab 2 read
      edit $tc(4), 124, 607 110 43 28, tab 2 read
      check B, 117, 541 74 24 24, tab 2 push
      check U, 118, 568 74 24 24, tab 2 push
      check B, 127, 541 110 24 24, tab 2 push
      check U, 128, 568 110 20 24, tab 2 push
      combo 111, 412 74 124 240, tab 2 size drop
      combo 112, 412 110 124 240, tab 2 size drop
      combo 113, 652 74 120 240, tab 2 size drop
      combo 114, 652 110 120 240, tab 2 size drop
      box Time, 26, 12 188 264 244, tab 2
      text Before Start, 27, 30 208 155 25, tab 2
      text Between Questions (answered), 36, 30 342 155 25, tab 2
      text Given to Answer, 37, 30 234 155 25, tab 2
      text Before Auto-Hint, 38, 30 288 155 25, tab 2
      text (timed-out), 39, 30 369 155 25, tab 2
      text Before hint allowed, 862, 30 261 155 25, tab 2
      text Between Ping Delay, 167, 30 398 155 25, tab 2
      text Between Auto-Hints, 177, 30 315 155 25, tab 2
      edit $slag(start), 135, 192 208 65 24, tab 2
      edit $slag(answered), 145, 192 346 65 24, tab 2
      edit $slag(timedout), 155, 192 234 65 24, tab 2
      edit $slag(hint), 165, 192 290 65 24, tab 2
      edit $slag(timed), 175, 192 374 65 24, tab 2
      edit $slag(hintallow), 185, 192 262 65 24, tab 2
      edit $slag(ping), 195, 192 402 65 28, tab 2
      edit $slag(betweenhint), 205, 192 318 65 24, tab 2
      box Questions, 64, 14 40 262 144, tab 2
      text Default Round, 68, 120 54 78 17, tab 2
      text Champ Goal, 69, 284 380 94 21, tab 2
      text Team Round, 71, 120 102 70 17, tab 2
      edit $triv(default), 299, 148 74 91 24, tab 2
      edit $triv(reset), 215, 384 380 79 28, tab 2
      edit $triv(dteam), 217, 164 122 71 24, tab 2
      button $record.type($triv(Record)), 218, 82 150 149 20, tab 2
      button Themes, 700, 374 304 68 20, tab 2
      radio Unlimited, 201, 24 82 96 20, tab 2
      radio Team, 202, 24 104 92 20, tab 2
      radio Normal, 203, 24 60 84 20, tab 2
      check Disable, 816, 284 300 80 20, tab 2
      box , 8, 278 284 186 56, tab 2
      check "Background", 158, 600 48 92 24, tab 2 push
      check Champ Mode, 42, 284 356 136 21, tab 2
      box , 179, 278 344 188 68, tab 2
      box Score By, 178, 280 200 184 84, tab 2
      check "Change", 182, 288 224 84 20, tab 2
      combo 183, 288 248 128 100, tab 2 size drop
      tab Teams, 3
      box Names, 72, 12 80 872 140, tab 3
      text Team 1, 73, 28 112 60 20, tab 3
      text Team 2, 74, 28 152 60 20, tab 3
      text Team 3, 308, 396 112 60 20, disable tab 3
      text Team 4, 309, 396 152 60 20, disable tab 3
      box Victories, 75, 20 220 868 220, tab 3
      text Tied Message, 76, 32 256 66 20, tab 3
      text Team 1 Wins, 77, 32 285 66 20, tab 3
      text Team 2 Wins, 78, 32 314 66 20, tab 3
      text Team 3 Wins, 303, 32 343 66 20, disable tab 3
      text Team 4 Wins, 304, 32 372 66 20, disable tab 3
      edit $te(1), 380, 92 112 280 27, tab 3 autohs
      edit $te(2), 381, 92 152 280 27, tab 3 autohs
      edit $te(4), 382, 468 152 280 27, disable tab 3 autohs
      edit $te(3), 383, 468 112 280 27, disable tab 3 autohs
      edit $te(0).victory, 320, 96 256 770 25, tab 3 autohs
      edit $te(1).victory, 321, 96 285 770 25, tab 3 autohs
      edit $te(2).victory, 322, 96 314 770 25, tab 3 autohs
      edit $te(3).victory, 323, 96 343 770 25, disable tab 3 autohs
      edit $te(4).victory, 324, 96 372 770 25, disable tab 3 autohs
      check Limit Join Period, 330, 284 52 152 27, tab 3 push
      edit $te(JoinBefore), 335, 440 51 112 27, tab 3
      radio 2 Teams, 28, 48 48 92 20, tab 3
      radio 4 Teams, 29, 152 52 84 20, tab 3
      tab Awards, 4
      box Awards, 79, 14 56 872 220, tab 4
      button Delete, 411, 828 236 52 20, tab 4
      button Add, 412, 828 84 52 20, tab 4
      list 420, 19 72 800 190, tab 4 size
      text "* is winner's nick.", 81, 398 425 144 25, tab 4
      text "^ is value of trigger", 82, 554 425 156 25, tab 4
      check Disable, 819, 20 36 84 21, tab 4
      combo 137, 94 296 144 100, tab 4 size drop
      edit "", 139, 432 300 68 25, tab 4
      text "Award", 140, 26 392 62 24, tab 4
      edit "", 142, 92 388 712 33, tab 4 autohs
      text "Trigger on", 154, 32 296 58 24, tab 4
      combo 159, 314 300 108 100, tab 4 size drop
      text "and", 160, 518 300 30 20, hide tab 4
      edit "", 161, 556 300 68 25, hide tab 4
      text "points", 162, 480 324 46 20, tab 4
      text "Do Action", 163, 36 348 50 24, tab 4
      text "values", 164, 264 300 42 24, tab 4
      combo 166, 90 348 144 120, tab 4 size drop
      tab Status, 5
      text Trivia Script version:, 84, 24 48 150 20, tab 5
      text $strip($msg.trivia.version), 85, 184 48 150 20, tab 5
      text Trivia bot is currently:, 86, 24 70 150 20, tab 5
      text $trivon, 504, 184 70 80 20, tab 5
      text Current mIRC version is:, 87, 24 92 150 20, tab 5
      text $version, 90, 184 92 80 20, tab 5
      text Current Trivia directory exists:, 91, 24 114 150 20, tab 5
      text $trivia.dir, 92, 184 114 80 20, tab 5
      text Currently in Trivia Channel:, 93, 24 136 150 20, tab 5
      text $trivia.chan, 94, 184 136 80 20, tab 5
      text Question file in Directory:, 95, 24 158 150 20, tab 5
      text $trivia.file, 98, 184 158 80 20, tab 5
      text Number of questions:, 103, 24 180 150 20, tab 5
      text $numl, 104, 184 180 78 20, tab 5
      button Delete Scores, 515, 280 104 128 20, tab 5
      button Scores, 519, 280 76 124 20, tab 5
      list 601, 26 210 284 114, tab 5 sort size
      button Unban, 602, 314 296 80 20, tab 5
      button Ban, 603, 314 218 80 20, tab 5
      list 610, 18 336 292 154, tab 5 sort size
      button Add Friend, 611, 314 342 80 20, tab 5
      button Remove, 612, 318 468 80 20, tab 5
      tab Commands, 7
      box Command Limits, 105, 288 184 300 48, tab 7
      combo 806, 300 200 276 132, disable tab 7 size drop
      text Command Prefix, 107, 28 456 82 20, tab 7
      edit %command-prefix, 850, 112 452 88 29, tab 7
      text blank = default, 109, 32 484 170 24, tab 7
      button "Build HTML Options", 157, 304 476 207 25, tab 7
      list 800, 20 60 256 356, tab 7 size
      text "Commands", 170, 20 40 102 16, tab 7
      combo 809, 300 248 276 100, disable tab 7 size drop
      box "Respond Method", 168, 288 232 300 48, tab 7
      check "Disable", 801, 296 80 92 24, tab 7
      text "Name", 172, 292 112 42 20, tab 7
      edit "", 803, 344 112 236 21, tab 7 read
      edit "", 802, 288 132 296 49, tab 7 read autovs
      box "Default Respond Method", 180, 284 348 304 72, tab 7
      combo 181, 300 364 280 136, tab 7 size drop
      box "Command Attributes", 176, 284 56 308 292, tab 7
      button Cancel, 101, 618 486 52 20, cancel
      button OK, 100, 673 486 52 20, ok
      button Apply, 102, 560 486 48 20
      link $nopath($trivia.web), 518, 560 460 160 20
    ;# DIALOG EVENTS.                                       #
    on *:dialog:trivset:init:*:{
      var %i = 1
      while ($getset(chan, %i)) {
        did -a $dname 108 $gettok($getset(chan, %i), 1, 59)
        inc %i
      if ($did(108,1)) { did -c $dname 108 1 }
      var %i = $numtok($status.toks, $asc(.))
      while (%i >= 1) {
        if ($getset(status, $gettok($status.toks, %i, $asc(.))) == 1) { did -c $dname $calc(39 + %i) }
        dec %i
      if (!$did(58).state) {
        if (!$getset(status, plot)) { did -c $dname 130 }
        else { did -c $dname 129 }
      if ($getset(trivia,ranks) == 1) { did -c $dname 148 }
      if ($getset(status,naoff) == 1) { did -c $dname 88 }
      if ($getset(status,hintpause) == 1) { did -c $dname 96 }
      if ($getset(status,autostart) == 1) { did -c $dname 49 }
      if ($getset(status,monday) == 1) { did -c $dname 126 }
      if ($getset(status,noautoqm) == 1) { did -c $dname 830 }
      if ($getset(status,noawards) == 1) { did -c $dname 819 }
      if ($getset(status,nospellfix) == 1) { did -c $dname 817 }
      if ($getset(status,sayhintnum) == 1) { did -c $dname 147 }
      if ($getset(status,keepask) == 1) { did -c $dname 156 }
      if ($getset(status,shownone) == 1) { did -c $dname 143 }
      did -c $dname $calc(149 + $getset(trivia,firsthint))
      if ($getset(hide,score) == 1) { did -c $dname 106 }
      if ($getset(hide,time) == 1) { did -c $dname 169 }
      if ($getset(hide,streak) == 1) { did -c $dname 171 }
      if ($getset(hide,wpm) == 1) { did -c $dname 173 }
      if ($getset(color,on) == 1) { did -c $dname 116 }
      if ($getset(color,bon) == 1) { did -c $dname 158 }
      if ($getset(color,1-bold) == 1) { did -c $dname 117 }
      if ($getset(color,1-underline) == 1) { did -c $dname 118 }
      if ($getset(color,2-bold) == 1) { did -c $dname 127 }
      if ($getset(color,2-underline) == 1) { did -c $dname 128 }
      if ($getset(trivia,odefault) == Unlimited) { did -c $dname 201 }
      elseif ($getset(trivia,odefault) == Team) { did -c $dname 202 }
      else { did -c $dname 203 }
      if ($getset(team,Joinbeforeon) == 1) { did -c $dname 330 }
      if ($getset(team,4-team) == 1) {
        trivset.teams 1
        did -c $dname 29
      else { did -c $dname 28 }
      var %i = 0
      while (%i <= 16) {
        did -a $dname 111,112,113,114 $colorcode(%i)
        inc %i
      did -a $dname 806 Default
      did -a $dname 806 User
      did -a $dname 806 Voice
      did -a $dname 806 Half-Op
      did -a $dname 806 Op
      did -a $dname 806 Friend
      did -a $dname 806 Nobody
      did -c $dname 806 1
      did -a $dname 183 Day
      did -a $dname 183 Week
      did -a $dname 183 Month
      did -a $dname 183 Year
      did -a $dname 183 Total
      did -c $dname 183 $ifd($getset(status,scoreby),5)
      did -a $dname 181,809 Default
      did -a $dname 181,809 Notice
      did -a $dname 181,809 MSG Channel
      did -a $dname 181,809 MSG User
      did -a $dname 181,809 Describe Channel
      did -c $dname 181 $ifd($getset(status,respondlevel),1)
      did -c $dname 809 1
      did -c $dname 111 $calc($did(121) + 1)
      did -c $dname 112 $calc($did(122) + 1)
      did -c $dname 113 $calc($did(123) + 1)
      did -c $dname 114 $calc($did(124) + 1)
      var %i = 1
      while ($setini(banned,%i)) {
        did -a $dname 601 $getset(banned,%i)
        inc %i
      did -a $dname 961 $iif($chr($triv(ch)),$chr($triv(ch)),_)
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:100,102:{
      setset trivia delimiter $did(31)
      setset trivia additions $did(32)
      setset trivia report $did(33)
      setset trivia dir $did(35)
      setset trivia translate $did(131)
      setset status plot $did(129).state
      setset status naoff $did(88).state
      setset status monday $did(126).state
      setset status noautoqm $did(830).state
      setset status noawards $did(819).state
      setset status nospellfix $did(817).state
      setset status sayhintnum $did(147).state
      setset status keepask $did(156).state
      setset status shownone $did(143).state
      setset hide score $did(106).state
      setset hide time $did(169).state
      setset hide streak $did(171).state
      setset hide wpm $did(173).state
      setset trivia naoff $did(89)
      setset status hintpause $did(96).state
      setset trivia hintpause $did(97)
      setset trivia limitguess $did(144)
      setset trivia perchint $did(99)
      setset trivia numhint $did(861)
      setset trivia DPH $did(863)
      setset trivia PPQ $did(65)
      var %i = 0
      while (%i < 4) {
        if ($did($calc(149 + %i)).state == 1) setset trivia firsthint %i
        inc %i
      setset trivia ranks $did(148).state
      setset color on $did(116).state
      setset color bon $did(158).state
      setset color 1-bold $did(117).state
      setset color 1-underline $did(118).state
      setset color 2-bold $did(127).state
      setset color 2-underline $did(128).state
      setset team JoinBeforeon $did(330).state
      setset team Joinbefore $did(335)
      setset color 1 $int($did(121))
      setset color 2 $int($did(122))
      setset color 3 $int($did(123))
      setset color 4 $int($did(124))
      var %i = 1
      while (%i <= 8) {
        setset lag $gettok(start.answered.timedout.hint.timed.hintallow.ping.betweenhint, %i, $asc(.)) $int($did($calc(125 + (%i * 10))))
        inc %i
      var %i = $numtok($status.toks, $asc(.))
      while (%i >= 1) {
        setset status $gettok($status.toks, %i, $asc(.)) $did($calc(39 + %i)).state
        dec %i
      setset trivia onjoin $did(138)
      setset trivia default $int($did(299))
      setset trivia odefault
      if ($did(201).state == 1) { setset trivia odefault Unlimited }
      if ($did(202).state == 1) { setset trivia odefault Team }
      setset trivia reset $int($did(215))
      setset trivia dteam $int($did(217))
      setset award
      var %i = 1
      while (%i <= $did(420).lines) {
        setset award %i $did(420,%i)
        inc %i
      setset team 1 $did(380)
      setset team 2 $did(381)
      setset team 3 $did(382)
      setset team 4 $did(383)
      setset team 0victory $did(320)
      setset team 1victory $did(321)
      setset team 2victory $did(322)
      setset team 3victory $did(323)
      setset team 4victory $did(324)
      setset team 4-team $did(29).state
      var %i = 1
      setset trivia ch $asc($right($did(961),1))
      %command-prefix = $did(850)
      setset status respondlevel $did(181).sel
      setset status scoreby $did(183).sel
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:816:{
      setset disable 18.disable $did($did).state
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:12:{
      if ((!$did(34).sel) || (!$did(108).sel)) { return }
      var %todel = $did(34).sel
      did -d $dname 34 %todel
      did -c $dname 34 %todel
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:24:{
      var %temp.file = $$sfile($iif($isdir($did(35)),$did(35),$mircdir))
      did -a $dname 34 $nopath(%temp.file)
      did -ra $dname 35 $nofile(%temp.file)
    on *:dialog:trivset:edit:30:{
      var %temp.num = $did(108).sel
      tchan.set $did(108).sel 1 $did(30)
      did -o $dname 108 $did(108).sel $did(30)
      did -c $dname 108 %temp.num
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:108:{ multichan.load }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:115:{ 
      var %toadd = $$?="Add what channel?"
      did -a $dname 108 %toadd
      chan.add %toadd
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:119:{
      var %todel = $did(108).sel
      chan.del %todel
      did -d $dname 108 %todel
      did -c $dname 108 %todel
      did -r $dname 30,34,132
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:136:{
      var %temp.file = $$sfile(" $+ $mircdir $+ \ $+ *.txt $+ ", Choose a trivia translation file.)
      did -ra $dname 131 $nopath(%temp.file)
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:13:{
      var %temp.file = $$sdir($mircdir, Choose a trivia directory.)
      echo -s .... %temp.file
      did -ra $dname 35 %temp.file
    on *:dialog:trivset:edit:132:{ tchan.set $$did(108).sel 4 $$did(132) }
    on *:dialog:trivset:edit:67:{ tchan.set $$did(108).sel 2 $$did(67) }
    on *:dialog:trivset:edit:544:{ tchan.set $$did(108).sel 3 $$did(544) }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:141:{
      did -ra $dname 132 $nopath($$sfile(" $+ $mircdir $+ \ $+ *.fil $+ ",Choose a scores file.))
      tchan.set $$did(108).sel 4 $did(132)
    ;# MOUSE EVENTS.                                        #
    on *:dialog:trivset:mouse:40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,88,96,106,126,143,156,169,171,173,817,830:{ 
      if (%didt == $did) { return }
      if ($did == 43) { exp Forbids any partial matches, for example if the answer is "truck" and you guess "not a truck" it won't take the answer. }
      if ($did == 44) { exp Disables the decheater feature, which might produce blocks between words or odd characters on some fonts. Prevents people from using some cheating scripts. }
      if ($did == 50) { exp Disables bonus. For example if a question is "2004: This picture won movie of the year-" the bot would take this question to be worth 2004 points. }
      if ($did == 54) { exp If the room is empty the bot turns off. }
      if ($did == 61) { exp Turns off the color shortening. Color shortening is a feature which reduces the amount of text sent by optimizing the colorcodes. }
      if ($did == 62) { exp Turns off categories. If categories exist in a question file #Category after a list of questions, it doesn't look for or display it. }
      if ($did == 106) { exp Hide score. Refuses to indicate how many more points any person has. }
      if ($did == 169) { exp Hide time. Refuses to indicate how long it took for any person to answer. }
      if ($did == 171) { exp Hide streak. Refuses to indicate the current or record streak. }
      if ($did == 173) { exp Hide WPM. Refuses to indicate the Words Per Minute people achieve. }
      if ($did == 40) { exp Echo's the answer so that you can see it after the question is read. }
      if ($did == 60) { exp Uses the American dating style for the $pre $+ stats response. MM/DD/YY rather than DD/MM/YY. }
      if ($did == 63) { exp Stops showing the number before the question in the question message. }
      if ($did == 48) { exp Traditional win provides more less clinical information about the correct answer. }
      if ($did == 56) { exp Provides the spacing of the answer directly after the question is read. }
      if ($did == 46) { exp Gives a message to each person who joins the trivia channel, providing information about the bot. * = nick,  $chr(35) = channel, @ = rank, ^ = score. eg: Welcome to #, * trivia bot is active... "!trivia" to start a game. Blank uses default. }
      if ($did == 53) { exp For scramble questions, this forces the standard scramble category to read Unscramble the Following. }
      if ($did == 57) { exp Rather than accept answers anywhere in a response, this feature forces the bot to ignore answered contained entirely inside a response. }
      if ($did == 49) { exp This feature makes the bot start up as soon as you rejoin the trivia channel. }
      if ($did == 42) { exp This allows for champ mode, when a specific score is reached the game resets the score and logs the winner. }
      if ($did == 58) { exp Rather than start the hint from left to right it displays random letters in the hint. }
      if ($did == 41) { exp This feature automaticly displays a hint to the channel after a time specified in Defaults. }
      if ($did == 45) { exp This allows people to be told the correct answer after nobody in the room answered correctly. }
      if ($did == 55) { exp When a team game is ends this provides a list of players on each team. }
      if ($did == 59) { exp By default the bot displays the first answer in the answer file as correct. But, with this enabled the matched answer is displayed. }
      if ($did == 88) { exp After a specified number of questions, the bot will turn itself off. }
      if ($did == 96) { exp After a hint is requested this feature blocks the correct answer from being accepted from that person for a given amount of time. }
      if ($did == 47) { exp This allows for unfinished part of a hint to use a specific character to indicate where letters are missing. }
      if ($did == 51) { exp This option limits the number of guesses to the specific value. }
      if ($did == 52) { exp This option makes a round hall of fame displayed along with the win messages throughout a trivia round. }
      if ($did == 156) { exp This feature retains the hash table that scores the asked questions beyond one round of trivia. Make repeats happen less often. }
      if ($did == 143) { exp After a win, this feature would will turn off any acknowledgement of the answer to the room. Protect questions. }
      if ($did == 126) { exp In the United States and other countries the week starts on Sunday, this is default. This feature starts the week mark a day later. }
      if ($did == 817) { exp Turns off the spell correction and only allows exact answers to be accepted. }
      if ($did == 830) { exp Turns off the automatic ? at the end of each question. A - at the end of the question also does this. }
      set -u5 %didt $did 
    alias exp { did -ra $dname 22 $$1- }
    ;# Stray.                                               #
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:20:{ if (!$dialog(trivrank)) dialog -m trivrank trivrank } 
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:28,29:{ trivset.teams $iif($did != 28,1) }
    alias hint.example { return This is an example of a hint }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:58,129,130:{
      if ($did == 58) { did -ra $dname 199 $scatter(50,$hint.example) }
      else if ($did == 129) { did -ra $dname 199 $plot(50,$hint.example) }
      else { did -ra $dname 199 $standard(50,$hint.example) }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:111,112,113,114:{ did -ra $dname $calc($did + 10) $calc($did($did).sel - 1) }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:218:{
      var %record = $calc($triv(Record) + 1)
      if (%record == 9) { var %record = 1 }
      did -ra $dname $did $record.type(%record)
      setset Trivia Record %record
    ;# Awards.                                              #
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:412:{ 
      did -a $dname 420 0 0 0 0 0 Award
      did -c $dname 420 $did(420).lines
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:411:{ did -d $dname 420 $$did(420,1).sel | check.awards.toggle }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:420:{ check.award.click }
    alias check.award.click {
      tokenize 32 $$did(420).seltext
      did -c $dname 137 $calc($1 + 1)
      did -c $dname 159 $calc($2 + 1)
      did -c $dname 166 $calc($3 + 1)
      did -ra $dname 139 $4
      did -ra $dname 161 $5
      did -ra $dname 142 $6-
    alias check.award.range {
      did $iif((($did(159).seltext == Between) || ($did(159).seltext == Random)),-v,-h) $dname 160,161
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:137,159,166:{ award.modified }
    on *:dialog:trivset:edit:139,142,161:{ award.modified }
    alias award.modified {
      if (!$did(420).sel) { return }
      var %t.line = $did(420).sel
      did -o $dname 420 $did(420).sel $calc($did(137).sel - 1) $calc($did(159).sel - 1) $calc($did(166).sel - 1) $did(139) $did(161) $did(142)
      did -c $dname 420 %t.line
    ;# Settings.                                            #
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:515:{
      if ($?!="Are you sure you wish to delete all scores?") {
        rename $scoresfil $asctime(yymmddhhmmss) $+ .bak
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:518:{ run $trivia.web }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:519:{ dialog -m triviascores triviascores }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:602:{ 
      tunban $did(601,1).sel
      did -d $dname 601 $$did(601,1).sel
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:603:{ 
      var %ban = $$?"Enter the nick or address (nick!ident@host) of a person to ban, note wildcards are permitted."
      tban %ban
      did -a $dname 601 %ban
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:611:{
      var %friend.add = $$?"Enter the nick or address (nick!ident@host) of a friend to add, note wildcards are permitted."
      did -a $dname 610 %friend.add
      triviafriend.add %friend.add
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:612:{
      triviafriend.del $$did(610).sel
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:700:{ if (!$dialog(triviatheme)) { dialog -m triviatheme triviatheme } }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:157:{ if (!$dialog(trivbuild)) { dialog -m trivbuild trivbuild } }
    ;# Disables                                             #
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:800:{
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:801:{
      setset disable $$did(800).sel $+ .disable $did($did).state
      did -oc $dname 800 $did(800).sel $gettok($disable.tokens,$did(800).sel,$asc(;)) $iif($getset(disable,$did(800).sel $+ .disable),( $+ Disabled $+ ))
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:806:{ setset disable $$did(800).sel $+ .limitlevel $did($did).sel }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:809:{ setset disable $$did(800).sel $+ .respondlevel $did($did).sel }
    alias disable.access {
      did $iif($getset(disable,$did(800).sel $+ .disable) == 1,-c,-u) trivset 801
      did -ra trivset 802 $gettok($disable.info.tokens,$did(800).sel,$asc(;))
      did -ra trivset 803 $did(800).seltext
      did -c trivset 806 $ifd($getset(disable,$did(800).sel $+ .limitlevel),1)
      did -c trivset 809 $ifd($getset(disable,$did(800).sel $+ .respondlevel),1)
    alias disable.check.disabled { did $iif(!$did(801).state,-e,-b) $dname 802,803,806,809 }
    alias disable.save { }
    alias disable.load {
      did -r trivset 800
      tokenize $asc(;) $disable.tokens
      var %i = 1
      while (%i <= $0) {
        did -a trivset 800 $eval($ $+ %i,2) $iif($getset(disable,%i $+ .disable),( $+ Disabled $+ ))
        inc %i
    alias disable.tokens { return trivia N;trivia unlimited;trivia team;trivia team N;pause/resume;op;op unban;hof;hoftime;hofstreak;hofwpm;records;op find;op ask;next;answer;ping;themes;add/report;op ban;disable/enable;hint;vowels;last;words;repeat;op add;trivia;strivia;promotion;join message;help;join N;op team }
    alias disable.info.tokens { return Start N question game;Start unlimited Game;Start team game;Start team game for N questions;pause/resume;operator commands;op unban;hall of fame;hoftime;hofstreak;hofwpm;records;op find;op ask;End current question early;Answer to last question;ping;themes;add/report;op ban;disable/enable;hint;vowels;last;words;repeat;op add;trivia;strivia;promotion;join channel message;general help and command specific help;join team command;op team <player> <#>, sets team assignment }
    alias isdis {
      check.respond $1
      if ($getset(disable, $1 $+ .disable) == 1) { return $true }
      if (($chan) && ($nick) && (!$trivia.allowed($1))) { return $true }
    alias -l trivia.allowed {
      var %level = $getset(disable,$$1 $+ .limitlevel)
      if ((!%level) || (%level == 1)) {
        %level = 1
        if ($1 == 6) %level = 4
      if (%level == 7) { return }
      if (($is.friend) && (%level <= 6)) { return $true }
      if (($nick isop $chan) && (%level <= 5))  { return $true }
      if (($nick ishelp $chan) && (%level <= 4)) { return $true }
      if (($nick isvoice $chan) && (%level <= 3))  { return $true }
      if (($nick ison $chan) && (%level <= 2))  { return $true }
    alias -l check.respond {
      unset %respond
      var %respondlevel = $getset(disable,$1 $+ .respondlevel)
      if (%respondlevel == 2) set -u2 %respond .notice $nick
      else if (%respondlevel == 3) set -u2 %respond msg $iden
      else if (%respondlevel == 4) set -u2 %respond .msg $nick
      else if (%respondlevel == 5) set -u2 %respond describe $iden
    ;# DIALOG TOGGLES                                       #
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:158,116:{ check.color.toggle }
    on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:88,96,51,47,42,330,819,148,46,182:{ check.toggle.options }
    alias check.toggle.options {
      did $iif($did(88).state,-e,-b) $dname 89
      did $iif($did(96).state,-e,-b) $dname 97
      did $iif($did(51).state,-e,-b) $dname 144
      did $iif($did(47).state,-e,-b) $dname 961,21
      did $iif($did(42).state,-e,-b) $dname 215
      did $iif($did(330).state,-e,-b) $dname 335
      did $iif(!$did(816).state,-e,-b) $dname 700
      did $iif($did(148).state,-e,-b) $dname 20
      did $iif($did(46).state,-e,-b) $dname 138
      did $iif($did(182).state,-e,-b) $dname 183
      if (($did == 819) || (!$did)) { 
        did $iif(!$did(819).state,-e,-b) $dname 420,411,412
        did -u $dname 420
    alias check.awards.toggle { did $iif($did(420).sel,-e,-b) $dname 137,159,166,139,142,161,140,154,160,162,163,164,81,82 }
    alias check.toggle.multichan { did $iif($did(108).sel,-e,-b) $dname 12,24,30,34,132,141,544,67 }
    alias check.color.toggle {
      did $iif($did(116).state,-e,-b) $dname 23,25,120,110,121,122,123,124,117,118,127,128,111,112,113,114
      if (!$did(158).state) did -b $dname 25,123,124,113,114
    ;# TRIVIA SETUP, alias expanded.                        #
    alias save.qs {
      var %i = 1
      tchan.noqs $$did(108).sel
      while (%i <= $did(34).lines) {
        tchan.set $did(108).sel $calc(4 + %i) $did(34,%i)
        inc %i
    alias status.toks { return echo.autohint.champ.exactmatch.nodecheater.showanswer.onjoin.cross.tradwin.autostart.nobonus.limitguess.rrs.sayscramble.emptyoff.noshowt.answers.nomid.scatter.showmatched.adate.nocolorshort.nocat.nosaycurrent }
    alias chan.add { tchan.set $calc($setini(chan,0) + 1) 1 $1- }
    alias chan.set {
      var %chan.num = $tfindchan($1)
      if (%chan.num) { tchan.set %chan.num $2 $3- }
    alias chan.del {
      var %i = $$1, %j = $setini(chan,0)
      while (%i < %j) {
        setset chan %i $getset(chan,$calc(%i + 1))
        inc %i
      setset chan %j
    alias tchan.noqs { setset chan $1 $gettok($getset(chan, $1),1-4,59) }
    alias tchan.set {
      if ($3- != $null) {
        var %nl = $getset(chan,$1)
        if (!%nl) { %nl = $1 $+ ;*;*; $+ $scoresfil $+ ; $+ questions.txt }
        if ($2 > $numtok(%nl,59)) %nl = %nl $+ $str(;0,$calc($2 - $numtok(%nl,59)))
        %nl = $puttok(%nl,$3-,$2,59)
        setset chan $1 %nl
    alias tfindchan {
      var %i = 1
      while ($tchan(%i)) {
        if (((!$1) || ($tchan(%i) == $1)) && ((!$2) || ($tchan(%i,3) iswm $2)) && ((!$3) || ($tchan(%i,2) iswm $3))) { return %i }
        inc %i
    alias multichan.load {
      if (!$did(108).sel) { return }
      did -r $dname 34
      did -ra $dname 30 $tchan($did(108).sel)
      did -ra $dname 67 $ifd($tchan($did(108).sel,2),*)
      did -ra $dname 544 $ifd($tchan($did(108).sel,3),*)
      did -ra $dname 132 $tchan($did(108).sel,4)
      var %i = 5
      while ($tchan($did(108).sel, %i)) {
        did -a $dname 34 $tchan($did(108).sel,%i)
        inc %i
    alias awards.load {
      var %i = 1
      did -r $dname 420
      while ($aw(%i)) {
        did -a $dname 420 $aw(%i)
        inc %i
      did -r $dname 137,159,166
      %i = 1
      while ($gettok($award.on.tok, %i, $asc(.))) {
        did -a $dname 137 $gettok($award.on.tok, %i, $asc(.))
        inc %i
      %i = 1
      while ($gettok($award.val.tok, %i, $asc(.))) {
        did -a $dname 159 $gettok($award.val.tok, %i, $asc(.))
        inc %i
      %i = 1
      while ($gettok($award.do.tok, %i, $asc(.))) {
        did -a $dname 166 $gettok($award.do.tok, %i, $asc(.))
        inc %i
    alias -l record.type { return $gettok(hof.streak.time.wpm.champ.web.roundscores.records, $ifd($1, 8), $asc(.)) }
    alias -l trivset.teams { did $iif($1, -e, -b) $dname 308,309,303,304,382,383,323,324 }
    alias triviafriend.del {
      var %i = $$1, %j = $setini(friend,0)
      while (%i < %j) {
        setset friend %i $getset(friend,$calc(%i + 1))
        inc %i
      setset friend %j
    alias triviafriend.add {
      var %i = 1
      while ($getset(friend, %i)) { inc %i }
      setset friend %i $1- 
    alias triviafriend.clear { setset friend }
    alias trivia.load.friends {
      did -r $dname 610
      var %i = 1
      while ($getset(friend, %i)) {
        did -a $dname 610 $getset(friend, %i)
        inc %i
    ;# TRIVIA RANKS DIALOG.                                 #
    dialog trivrank {
      title "Trivia Ranks"
      size -1 -1 180 104
      option dbu
      list 1, 2 12 146 50, size
      text "Rank Name", 11, 4 66 31 8
      edit "", 2, 46 64 74 10, autohs
      text "Points Required", 10, 4 76 39 8
      edit "", 3, 46 76 36 10, read autohs
      button "Add", 4, 150 12 21 8
      button "Del", 5, 150 24 21 8
      button "Ok", 999, 114 78 17 8, ok
      check "Trivia Ranks", 6, 4 4 50 6
    ;# DIALOG EVENTS.                                       #
    on *:dialog:trivrank:init:*:{
      if ($getset(trivia,ranks) == 1) { did -c $dname 6 }
      var %i = $setini(ranks,0), %j = 1
      while (%j <= %i) {
        did -a $dname 1 $setini(ranks,%j) : $getset(ranks, $setini(ranks,%j)) 
        inc %j
    on *:dialog:trivrank:sclick:1:{
      did -ra $dname 3 $setini(ranks, $did(1).sel)
      did -ra $dname 2 $getset(ranks, $setini(ranks, $did(1).sel))
    on *:dialog:trivrank:edit:2:{
      if (!$did(1).sel) return
      setset ranks $$did(3) $$did(2)
      var %p = $did(1).sel
      did -o $dname 1 %p $did(3) : $did(2)
      did -c $dname 1 %p
    on *:dialog:trivrank:sclick:4:{
      var %r = $$?="What is the minimum amount points for this rank?"
      if ((%r !isnum) || ($getset(ranks,%r))) return
      var %n = $$?="What is this rank called?"
      setset ranks %r %n
      did -a $dname 1 %r : %n
    on *:dialog:trivrank:sclick:5:{
      var %p = $$did(1).sel
      setset ranks $$setini(ranks, %p)
      did -d $dname 1 %p
      did -r $dname 2,3
    on *:dialog:trivrank:sclick:6:{
      setset trivia ranks $did(6).state
    alias check.toggle.ranks { did $iif($did(6).state,-e,-b) $dname 1,2,3,4,5,10,11 }
    ;# TRIVIA BUILD DIALOG.                                 #
    dialog trivbuild {
      title "Build Html"
      size -1 -1 200 232
      option dbu
      check Run FTP Batch, 1, 8 52 50 10
      edit "", 2, 10 124 86 88, autohs autovs
      button Ok, 99, 172 220 23 10, ok
      radio Write All Scores, 3, 80 12 50 10
      radio Write Top, 4, 132 12 34 10
      edit 25, 5, 168 12 20 10
      box Generate Scores File, 57, 76 4 118 35
      text Password, 54, 104 172 25 8
      box Ftp Batch Creator, 55, 100 124 84 88
      text Username, 53, 104 160 25 8
      text Ftp Site, 51, 104 136 25 8
      edit "", 6, 136 136 46 10, autohs
      text Port, 52, 104 148 25 8
      edit "", 7, 136 148 46 10, autohs
      edit "", 8, 136 160 46 10, autohs
      edit "", 9, 136 172 46 10,i autohs
      edit "triv.htm", 11, 136 196 46 10, autohs
      text Filename, 56, 104 196 23 6
      text Every, 58, 8 16 17 6
      edit "", 13, 28 16 22 10, autohs
      text Points, 14, 52 16 17 6
      button "Cancel", 12, 144 220 23 10, cancel
      text "Directory", 50, 104 184 25 8
      edit "", 16, 136 184 46 10
      check "Announce Update", 17, 8 68 54 10
      edit "", 18, 92 48 98 10, autohs
      text "URL", 20, 80 48 10 7
      text "Batch File", 21, 12 116 29 8
      check "Generate Scores File", 15, 8 36 62 10
      box "On Trigger", 10, 4 4 70 102
      box "Announce Update", 19, 76 40 118 22
      check "Copy File", 22, 8 84 58 10
      box "Copy File", 23, 76 64 118 42
      edit "", 24, 100 72 90 10, autohs
      button "File", 25, 80 72 17 8
      button "Dir", 26, 80 92 17 8
      edit "", 27, 100 92 90 10, autohs
      text "TO", 28, 124 84 9 7
      box "Run FTP Batch", 29, 4 108 190 110
      edit "", 30, 116 24 74 10
      text "Generate File", 31, 80 24 33 8
    ;# TRIVIA BUILD EVENTS.                                 #
    on *:dialog:trivbuild:sclick:1,17,22,15,4,3:{ trivbuild.toggle.check }
    on *:dialog:trivbuild:edit:13:{ trivbuild.toggle.check }
    on *:dialog:trivbuild:edit:6,7,8,9,16,11:{ build.generate }
    on *:dialog:trivbuild:sclick:25:{ did -ra $dname 24 $$sfile($mircdir) }
    on *:dialog:trivbuild:sclick:26:{ did -ra $dname 27 $$sdir($mircdir) }
    alias trivbuild.toggle.check {
      did -b $dname 1,17,15,22,4,3,5,30,18,24,27,6,7,8,9,16,2,11
      if (!$did(13)) { return }
      did -e $dname 1,17,22,15
      if ($did(1).state) {
        did -e $dname 2,6,7,8,9,16,11
      if ($did(17).state) did -e $dname 17,18
      if ($did(22).state) did -e $dname 24,27
      if ($did(15).state) did -e $dname 3,4,30
      if ($did(4).state) did -e $dname 5
    on *:dialog:trivbuild:init:*:{
      if ($getset(build,auto)) { did -c $dname 1 }
      if ($getset(build,web)) { did -c $dname 17 }
      if ($getset(build,copy)) { did -c $dname 22 }
      if ($getset(build,generate)) { did -c $dname 15 }
      did -c $dname $iif($getset(build,top),4,3)
      did -ra $dname 5 $getset(build,top)
      did -ra $dname 13 $getset(build,instabuild)
      did -ra $dname 18 $getset(build,web)
      did -ra $dname 30 $getset(build,genname)
      did -ra $dname 24 $getset(build,from)
      did -ra $dname 27 $getset(build,to)
      if ($getset(build,host)) { did -ra $dname 6 $getset(build,host) }
      if ($getset(build,port)) { did -ra $dname 7 $getset(build,port) }
      if ($getset(build,user)) { did -ra $dname 8 $getset(build,user) }
      if ($getset(build,pass)) { did -ra $dname 9 $decode($getset(build,pass),m) }
      if ($getset(build,dir)) { did -ra $dname 16 $getset(build,dir) }
      if ($getset(build,file)) { did -ra $dname 11 $getset(build,file) }
    on *:dialog:trivbuild:sclick:99:{ 
      setset build instabuild $did(13)
      setset build auto $did(1).state
      setset build generate $did(15).state
      setset build genname $did(30)
      setset build copy $did(22).state
      setset build web $iif($did(17).state, $did(18))
      setset build from $did(24)
      setset build to $did(27)
      setset build host $did(6)
      setset build port $did(7)
      setset build user $did(8)
      setset build pass $encode($did(9),m)
      setset build dir $did(16)
      setset build file $did(11)
      setset build top $iif($did(4).state,$did(5))
      setset build html $did(11)
      if ($did(2)) { filter -ifc $dname 2 $+(",$triv(dir),\,ftpbatch.txt,") * }
    alias build.generate {
      did -r $dname 2
      did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines open
      did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines $did(6) $did(7)
      did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines $did(8)
      did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines $did(9)
      if ($did(16)) { did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines cd $did(16) }
      did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines put $shortfn($mircdir $+ $did(11))
      did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines bye
    ;# TRIVIA THEMES DIALOG.                                #
    dialog triviatheme {
      title "Trivia Themes"
      size -1 -1 508 340
      option pixels
      list 1, 22 24 376 88, sort size
      button Add, 2, 410 28 50 20
      button Remove, 3, 410 62 50 20
      text Name:, 30, 242 142 60 16
      text Points per Question:, 33, 238 224 100 16
      text Hint-Point Decrease:, 34, 238 250 100 16
      edit , 11, 318 142 152 20, autohs
      edit , 12, 318 168 156 20, autohs
      edit , 13, 350 194 40 20, autohs
      edit , 14, 350 224 40 20, autohs
      edit , 15, 350 250 40 20, autohs
      check Team Game, 16, 402 254 72 20, push
      check Limit Guesses, 17, 402 224 72 20, push
      check Roundscores, 18, 402 196 72 20, push
      box Lag, 35, 8 124 220 208
      text Before Start, 26, 18 150 96 20
      text Between Questions (Answered), 37, 18 180 96 28
      text Given to Answer, 38, 18 214 96 20
      text Before Auto-Hint, 39, 18 244 88 20
      text Between Question (Timed Out), 40, 18 274 88 28
      edit , 19, 140 150 80 20
      edit , 20, 140 180 80 20
      edit , 21, 140 210 80 20
      edit , 22, 140 240 80 20
      edit , 23, 140 274 80 20
      edit , 24, 140 304 80 20
      button OK, 999, 430 310 40 20, ok
      text "Before hint allowed", 5, 16 308 102 16
      box "Themes", 6, 8 8 480 116
      box "Theme Features", 7, 232 124 256 160
      button "Question File", 8, 240 168 67 17
      text "Number of Questions", 4, 240 196 102 16
    ;# TRIVIA THEMES EVENTS.                                #
    on *:dialog:triviatheme:init:*:{
      var %i = 1
      while ($getset(triviamode $+ %i, name)) {
        did -a triviatheme 1 $+($getset(triviamode $+ %i, name),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, file),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, max),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, PPQ),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, DPH),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, team),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, guess),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, rrs),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, lagstart),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, laganswered),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, lagtimedout),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, laghint),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, lagtimed),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, laghintallow))
        inc %i
    on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:1:{
      did -ra triviatheme 11 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 1, $asc(;))
      did -ra triviatheme 12 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 2, $asc(;))
      did -ra triviatheme 13 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 3, $asc(;))
      did -ra triviatheme 14 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 4, $asc(;))
      did -ra triviatheme 15 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 5, $asc(;))
      did -u triviatheme 16,17,18
      if ($gettok($did(1).seltext, 6, $asc(;))) { did -c triviatheme 16 }
      if ($gettok($did(1).seltext, 7, $asc(;))) { did -c triviatheme 17 }
      if ($gettok($did(1).seltext, 8, $asc(;))) { did -c triviatheme 18 }
      did -ra triviatheme 19 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 9, $asc(;)),$slag(start))
      did -ra triviatheme 20 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 10, $asc(;)),$slag(answered))
      did -ra triviatheme 21 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 11, $asc(;)),$slag(timedout))
      did -ra triviatheme 22 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 12, $asc(;)),$slag(hint))
      did -ra triviatheme 23 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 13, $asc(;)),$slag(timed))
      did -ra triviatheme 24 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 14, $asc(;)),$slag(hintallow))
    on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:2:{
      did -a triviatheme 1 $+(Themename,;,questions.txt,;,10,;,1,;,0,;,0,;,0,;,0,;,$slag(start),;,$slag(answered),;,$slag(timedout),;,$slag(hint),;,$slag(timed),;,$slag(hintallow))
    on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:3:{
      did -d triviatheme 1 $did(1).sel
    on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:8:{
      did -ra $dname 12 $nopath($$sfile(" $+ $mircdir $+ *.txt $+ ",Choose a question file.))
    on *:dialog:triviatheme:edit:11,12,13,14,15,19,20,21,22,23,24:{ triviatheme.update }
    on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:16,17,18:{ triviatheme.update }
    on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:999:{ triviatheme.save }
    alias triviatheme.update { if ($did(1).sel) { did -oc triviatheme 1 $did(1).sel $+($did(11),;,$did(12),;,$did(13),;,$did(14),;,$did(15),;,$did(16).state,;,$did(17).state,;,$did(18).state,;,$did(19),;,$did(20),;,$did(21),;,$did(22),;,$did(23),;,$did(14)) } }
    alias triviatheme.save {
      var %i = 1
      while ($getset(triviamode $+ %i,name)) {
        setset triviamode $+ %i
        inc %i
      %i = 1
      while ($did(1,%i).text) {
        setset triviamode $+ %i name $gettok($did(1, %i).text,1,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i file $gettok($did(1, %i).text,2,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i max $gettok($did(1, %i).text,3,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i ppq $gettok($did(1, %i).text,4,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i dph $gettok($did(1, %i).text,5,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i team $gettok($did(1, %i).text,6,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i guess $gettok($did(1, %i).text,7,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i rrs $gettok($did(1, %i).text,8,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i lagstart $gettok($did(1, %i).text,9,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i laganswered $gettok($did(1, %i).text,10,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i lagtimedout $gettok($did(1, %i).text,11,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i laghint $gettok($did(1, %i).text,12,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i lagtimed $gettok($did(1, %i).text,13,59)
        setset triviamode $+ %i laghintallow $gettok($did(1, %i).text,14,59)
        inc %i
    ;# TRIVIA SCORES DIALOG.                                #
    dialog triviascores {
      title "Trivia Scores"
      size -1 -1 452 288
      option pixels
      list 1, 5 20 100 200, size vsbar
      list 2, 115 20 75 200, size vsbar
      list 3, 200 20 75 200, size vsbar
      list 4, 285 20 75 200, size vsbar
      list 5, 370 20 75 200, size vsbar
      button Delete, 10, 5 225 75 20
      button Reset Score, 11, 115 225 75 20
      button Reset Streak, 12, 200 225 75 20
      button Reset Time, 13, 285 225 75 20
      button Reset WPM, 14, 370 225 75 20
      button Name, 20, 5 5 50 15
      button Score, 21, 115 5 50 15
      button Streak, 22, 200 5 50 15
      button Time, 23, 285 5 50 15
      button WPM, 24, 370 5 50 15
      button Ok, 100, 398 258 45 20, ok
    ;# TRIVIA SCORES EVENTS.                                #
    on 1:dialog:triviascores:init:*: { sortscores score }
    alias -l sortscores {
      sort $1
    alias -l loaddata.triviascores {
      did -r $dname 1,2,3,4,5
      var %i = 1
      while ($hof(%i,1) != $null) {
        did -a $dname 1 $hof(%i,1)
        did -a $dname 2 $hof(%i,2)
        did -a $dname 3 $hof(%i,4)
        did -a $dname 4 $hof(%i,3)
        did -a $dname 5 $hof(%i,5)
        inc %i
    on 1:dialog:triviascores:sclick:1,2,3,4,5:{ did -c $dname 1,2,3,4,5 $did($did).sel }
    on 1:dialog:triviascores:sclick:20,21,22,23,24: { sortscores $gettok(name.score.streak.time.wpm, $calc($did - 19), $asc(.)) }
    on 1:dialog:triviascores:sclick:10: {
      deleteplayer $did(1).seltext
      if ($did(1).sel) { did -d triviascores 1,2,3,4,5 $did(1).sel }
    on 1:dialog:triviascores:sclick:11,12,13,14: {
      setvar $did(1).seltext $gettok(score.streak.time.wpm, $calc($did - 10), 46) $iif($did == 13, 9999, 0)
      if ($did(1).sel) { did -o triviascores $calc($did - 9) $did(1).sel 0 }


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