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Posts posted by chain

  1. oday, Microsoft announced its next big Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) releases, which means that they're supported for longer. Both Office and Windows 10 are typically on the Semi-Annual Channel (SAC), which gets feature updates every six months. LTSC releases come every few years.

    Essentially, both Office and Windows 10 are getting their LTSC releases later on this year. That's what it all adds up to, so for Windows 10, it's going to be the 21H2 release of the OS. There's also a new perpetual license version of Office coming, something that we've known since September, but now we know that it's going to be called Office 2021.

    The difference with a perpetual license version is that if you buy Office 2021, you own it forever, as opposed to a subscription model where you lose it if you stop paying. Of course, with Office 2021, you don't get new features over time. Office 2021 replaces Office 2019, and it's the first time that the name has increased by any amount of years instead of three in about a decade and a half.

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  2. So I"ve Been Playing with Kvirc client and really looked into it and started learning on how to modify it to fit my needs and its finally a part of it has been done. I have implemented my own icon to show on any server who is a legit IRCop. also added room icons and continue to do so with all servers.


    Screenshot - 1_30_2021 , 10_23_44 AM.png

    Screenshot - 1_30_2021 , 10_25_11 AM.png

  3. After Twitter permanently suspended Donald Trump’s account, earlier this month, the reactions were quick, ubiquitous, and mostly predictable. Many of the takes seemed canned, the way an obituary of a terminally ill celebrity is often pre-written. On the Trump-apologist right, the suspension was denounced as Orwellian tyranny, deep-state collusion, or worse. (Glenn Beck, during a segment on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, compared the Trump ban and other Big Tech crackdowns to “the Germans with the Jews behind the wall. They would put them in the ghetto. Well, this is the digital ghetto.”) Among Trump’s opponents, reactions were more mixed. There was a good amount of gloating—the only thing easier than kicking a man when he’s down is dunking on an account after it’s locked—but the Schadenfreude was tempered with caution. Jameel Jaffer, the director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia, neatly summarized the tension (in a tweet, naturally): “It’s coherent—and in my view absolutely appropriate—to believe both that (i) the social media companies were right to suspend Trump’s accounts last week; and (ii) the companies’ immense power over public discourse is a problem for democracy.” In another tweet, he added, “The First Amendment question is easy. All the other questions are hard.”

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    China has been quietly building an empire across the globe that will soon dominate the world, and not many Americans or Europeans realize it.

    The United States and its European allies have a reputation for conquest and colonization, but they are not the only superpower nations who are playing the game of imperialism. These countries typically build their empires through war and occasionally through debt, although the debt strategy is mostly used by international organizations like the World Bank, IMF, and UN. However, while these western nations have been getting all of the attention on the global stage, China has been creating a massive empire through diplomacy and debt.

    Over the years, China has poured billions of dollars into overseas projects, helping to lift the economies of many nations across the globe, including South Africa, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and many others. The loans gave these countries the economic boost that they needed to become more significant players on the global stage, however, these countries have all seen economic hardships when it came time to pay back the money, because the conditions of the loan are very strict.

    When China loans money to a country and they are unable to pay, which happens often, the country must then give up a large stake in its economic infrastructure, including ports and trade routes. This strategy of conquest is popularly known as “debt trap diplomacy”


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    Este addon esta pensado para aquellos scripters que quieren hacer un bot y no saben por donde empezar. Bien, para quien no conozca los sockets, le dire que no necesita un mIRC dedicado al bot, sino que puede tener el bot mientras el chatea trankilamente.



    Con este addon quiero llegar a los scripters menos experimentados y con pocos recursos, para que modifiquen este addon y hagan el bot a la imagen que ellos deseen.


    Con esta version del sockbot es mucho mas senzillo realizar un bot, ya que su programacion es más parecida a la creación de un script, en lo que respecta a la ejecucion de eventos, identificadores y comandos, mas que nada para hacerlo mas senzillo y comodo para el usuario que programe el bot.


    El zip contiene el archivo sockbot_notas.txt, en este archivo podras encontrar un poco de ayuda y documentacion.

    CarP-DieM y womad han realizado la funcion de beta-testers.


    Mini-Guia paso a paso para torpes

    Descargate el zip del sockbot

    Descomprime el zip

    Copia los archivos extraidos del zip en tu carpeta del mIRC

    Edita el archivo sockbot.ini y configuralo a tu manera, nick del bot, identd....etc

    Abres el mIRC

    En la ventana status del mIRC (en realidad se puede hacer desde cualquier ventana del mIRC), escribes: /load -rs sockbot.mrc

    Te saldra una ventanita en la que te solicita que verifiques que quieres cargar eso, le dices Si o Yes (dependiendo del idioma).

    Para conectar el bot por ejemplo a irc.iddeo.es por el puerto 6667 seria el comando: /sockbot irc.iddeo.es 6667


  5. stormbringer-560x390.jpg

    El Stormbringer de MooNGluM es un script con un caracter rolero muy marcado. No en vano, permitía a los usuarios jugar a ‘Stormbringer’, ‘Vampiro: La Mascarada’ y ‘Hombre Lobo: Apocalipsis’. Tenía su público fiel y de vez en cuando te encontrabas a alguien utilizándolo.


    A la hora de realizar las capturas de pantalla del Stormbringer me he llevado una sorpresa: ¡salgo en los créditos porque MooNGluM puso el FloodBots!


  6. Bu kodun amacı bulunduğunuz irc serverda şayet yetkili iseniz sizi , size yanlışlıkla yada bilerek atılcak banlardan korur.Anti ban hazır kodu çok eski bir kod olup mirchane.com üzerinden yayınlamıştır.Hala mirc kullanıyor ve böyle bir mirc koduna ihtiyacınız var ise o zaman bize bunu sizinle paylaşalım.

    Mirc scriptinize ekleyeceğiniz bu kodu op olduğunuz kanalda kullanabileceğinizi söyleyelim.Öncelikle mirc scriptiniz açıkken alt+r yapıp açılan remote ekranında yeni bir remote deyip bir yeni sayfa açın ve bu kodu oraya yapıştın , sonrada tamam deyip kayıt edin ve çıkın.Artık kodunuz çalışmaya başlayacaktır.

    Anti ban koruması ile banlanmaya son.


    on @*:ban:#: { var %nick $nick if ( $banmask isin $address( $me , 2) || $me isin $banmask ) { /kick $chan %nick 4Anti Ban /mode # +b-b $address( %nick , 2) $banmask } else { halt } }

  7. Anti-hate advocates are calling on Facebook to ban posts denying the Armenian genocide, which led to the deaths of over 1.5 million ethnic Armenians, saying the social media giant's policy on hate speech fails to address crimes against humanity.

    The call to action follows Facebook's October announcement that it would ban posts denying the Holocaust, which came after pressure from human rights groups, Holocaust survivors, and a 500-plus company ad boycott. However, the change did not include the denial of other genocides, such as the Rwandan and Armenian genocides, Bloomberg reported.

    "They have an obligation to responsibly address all genocide," said Arda Haratunian, board member for the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), the largest non-profit dedicated to the international Armenian community.  "How could you not apply the same rules across crimes against humanity?"


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  8. With the Flash Player officially reaching the end of life tomorrow, Adobe has started to display alerts on Windows computers recommending that users uninstall Flash Player.

    When Flash Player is installed, it creates a scheduled task named 'Adobe Flash Player PPAPI Notifier' that executes the following command:

    "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_32_0_0_465_pepper.exe" -update pepperplugin


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  9. A new attack technique called cross-layer attack has been identified, which combines vulnerabilities across multiple network protocol layers to attack the target system. It is estimated that one in every 20 web servers could be vulnerable to a security flaw that exists in the Linux kernel, allowing hackers to perform cross-layer attacks.


    Quick insights

    The cross-layer attack is possible because the IPv6 flow label generation algorithm, UDP source port generation algorithm, and the IPv4 ID generation algorithm use the same Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG).

    A flaw (CVE-2020-16166) in PRNG allows an attacker to obtain the internal state of any application using that PRNG.

    After obtaining the internal state of the PRNG from one of the OSI layers (network), the security flaw makes it possible to use this information to estimate the random number value in other OSI layers as well.

    Estimating the PRNG value allows attackers to carry out DNS cache poisoning attacks to target Linux systems locally and remotely.


    Risk involved

    The security flaw can allow hackers to recognize and track Android- and Linux-based devices. It works even when the browser privacy mode is On or VPN is in use.

    It has been estimated that around 13.4% of the vulnerable web servers are running Ubuntu and 3-5% of servers run on both Ubuntu and a public DNS service, having the necessary pre-conditions required for potential exploitation.


    A patch is developed

    A security researcher who discovered this security flaw notified the Linux security team in March 2020. After that, they developed a patch based on a stronger PRNG using SipHash to fix the issue.



    The latest versions of Linux contain the new PRNG, which is not affected by the security flaw. Therefore, experts recommend keeping all the applications and operating systems patched with the latest updates. In addition, DNS-over-HTTPS can be used to block the attack, if the stub resolver and DNS server support it.


    More Info Here

  10. So I've been uploading quite a unique base of various Language IRC scripts to coders Resources site and some on coder-irc based site.

    I'm hoping you enjoy seeing the way other coders of scripters code there scripts and there methods. I have a lot more to add to our site

    so happy downloadings!!

  11. Once again a new year is upon us, and this year has not been an easy one for all of us around the world.

    But beside all the catastrophe that is happening we at Coders-Resources would like to wish you and your Family's

    A Happy New Year in the Coming 2021



  12. A group of high profile tech companies including Microsoft, Google, Cisco, and VMWare have filed an amicus brief in support of Facebook’s legal action against NSO Group, Microsoft has announced. Facebook-owned WhatsApp sued the spyware vendor last year, alleging that its software was used to hack 1,400 devices via a vulnerability in the messaging service. Other companies listed on the filing include the Internet Association, and Microsoft subsidiaries GitHub and LinkedIn.

    In response to Facebook’s lawsuit last year, NSO Group has argued it should benefit from “sovereign immunity,” Reuters reports, because it sells its tools to foreign governments. However, in July a judge denied its request to dismiss the lawsuit. Now NSO Group is appealing to overturn the ruling, and it’s this appeal attempt that Microsoft and others are pushing back against.


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  13. veryEvery few months it’ll send me a postcard. Once, in the midst of the pandemic, the company even sent salespeople to my door.

    AT&T wants to sell me 1,000Mbps fiber-optic internet, and I’m beyond ready to pay for it. In fact, I’ve already signed the contract at least nine times now.

    But like tens of millions of my fellow citizens across the United States, I don’t actually have the ability to switch. Across the country, the FCC and internet service providers are pretending there’s competition in an unimaginable number of places where it doesn’t actually exist. It’s a nationwide problem, but one that I’m experiencing even in the Silicon Valley — where you’d think the internet might be better.

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  14. * GIRC is now in English only.

    * Now using mIRC 7.62.

    * Fixed error message from Sidebar's Treebar when connecting to many Networks.

    * To prevent monitor resolution bugs, the Toolbar items "Active Window" and "Time" are now in a fixed place next to the Lagbar.

    * Changed some menus to better adapt to english users.

    * Fixed bug that was closing the Mp3 Player on Desktop Mode when minimizing the GIRC.

    * Fixed bug with auto-ghost dialog, that was not asking for pass when nick was already in use.

    * Log viewer: Fixed bugs, added info and options on the menus. (/logs)

    * Fixed bugs with Auto-Message system on Channel Options dialog. (/opchan)

    * Whois now don't show Clones if theres none.

    * Spell Checker is now Spell Checker and Acronym system combined. (/spell)

    * Fixed Anti-Badword system from the Input System. (/inputs)

    * Added new items on the Help Window. (/ghelp)

    * Personal Options: Added option to auto load Past Logs when open Query/PVT

    * Short Commands: Added 2 exemple commands '+mo' and '-mo' to give or remove @OP from a user. Exemple: +mo john

    * Fixed Connection Profile button 'Connect on New Window' that was not setting default infos when you leave them blank.

    * New Mp3 Player: Fixed 'Next Song' Button that was not going to the correct song after clicking and selecting other song on the playlist.

    * Fixed bug with !Commands that the Buttons '-' and 'Disabled' could be clicked without any #Channel selected.

    * Changed 'Fast Mode' to 'Performance' moved from Menubar from 'Mode' to 'Options'

    * And other changes and fixes.



  15. David-Bot nasce nel 2010, sul network IRC Azzurra, nel quale, in quel periodo, venivano ospitate le stanze di chat di tutti i forum della piattaforma ForumFree. Fu lì che iniziai la mia "avventura" su IRC. David-Bot ha origine dal mI.r]A[b.Ot e ha l'obiettivo di offrire un'esperienza di chat diversa, è stato studiato per garantire agli utenti la massima affidabilità per la protezione del canale da ogni genere di attacchi (che però va configurata dal pannello di controllo specifico, chiamato CPS), e nell'ultimo periodo, ha subito grandi cambiamenti e miglioramenti che lo hanno portato ad avere un'intelligenza artificiale, in stile CleverBot (famoso bot con cui chattare online).
    David-Bot offre:
    - Possibilità di gestire quasi totalmente il bot con i comandi da padrone (come ad esempio !saychan #canale <messaggio da far dire al bot> e altri comandi simili e non), che tra l'altro può decidere se disattivare o meno determinate funzionalità nei canali in cui sta il bot.
    - Riconoscimento automatico del padrone, quando il proprietario del bot cambierà nick, esso verrà impostato come nuovo proprietario.
    - Possibilità di avere 2 owners (questo per la gestione del canale), di cui una controparte maschile e una femminila, impostabili con !bot owner <nick> e !bot ownerf <nick>.
    - Possibilità di attivare i giochi su più canali in contemporanea, ma in network IRC diversi e giochi diversi (è possibile eseguire 1 sola instanza di gioco).
    - I giochi disponibili sono: trivia, sillabah, scarabeo, mercante in fiera, poker all'italiana, square, impiccato e IRC War (quest'ultimo è una simulazione dell'ormai datata IRC war, guerre fatte su IRC per rubare il canale di qualcuno, quando ancora non esistevano i services).
    - Servizi disponibili: Ora, Data, Invio del Topic in canale, Info sui comandi di IRC, Funzionalità per distribuire una sigaretta, gioco della bottiglia, gioco della bomba, servizio per controllare le ultime uscite al cinema, gioco denominato suka, gioco del saggio, raccolta statistiche per canale e clients utilizzati, gioco della SlotMachine, servizio per effettuare il countdown, possibilità di inserire citazioni, comandi vari di gestione del canale (!kickbanna nickname motivo, !banna nickname, !oppa nickname, !soppa nickname, !oppami <-- funge solo con il proprietario e se il bot è op o superiore permette al padrone di farsi mettere il grado di operatore in canale, dal bot), integrazione completa con ChanServ (non testato su anope 2.0, quindi alcuni comandi potrebbero non funzionare correttamente), integrazione con MemoServ e NickServ (!ms read last <-- legge l'ultimo memo ricevuto), offerte carine agli utenti, tramite comandi specifici, lista di comandi per operatori, proprietari del canale e per il padrone del bot inclusa (visibile con !comandi-op), servizio che tiene conto del picco di utenze del canale, servizio meteo, barzellette, test di affinità e altri comandi simpatici e più o meno utili, ad esempio è possibile impedire al bot di entrare in un determinato canale con !nojoin add #canale, possibilità di attivare una lista auto-join (per entrare in automatico nei canali), con !ajoinNUMEROon (es: !ajoin1on) e inserimento del canale con !ajoinaddNUMERO-DEL-NETWORK (dove a numero del network ci va messo un numero compreso tra 1 e 5, scelto prima con !ajoinNUMEROon), join automatico in canale su invito, possibilità di attivare i logs: il bot riporterà in un determinato canale ogni errore, messaggio ricevuto da chanserv o memoserv e altri messaggi di servizio (esempio: nick invita il bot su #canale).
    - Altri servizi come !invita <nickname> per invitare un nick in canale e simili... insomma, sono tantissimi per elencarli tutti

    È disponibile per il download insieme al Dragone2 Script al seguente link: https://varie.risposteinformatiche.it/IRC/
    Per problemi, domande ecc. è possibile chiedere al sottoscritto o cercarmi in chat su IRC (Network: RisposteInformatiche, CaiusNet, ForumFree), nel canale #Risposte_Informatiche e/o #Dragone2. Nell'archivio zip del bot è presente anche un ChangeLog dei cambiamenti effettuati, aggiunte e bug fixes che verrà aperto durante il primo avvio.


  16. A researcher discovered a serious vulnerability in an Xbox subdomain that exposed email addresses behind Xbox accounts. It only required an adversary to meddle with cookie files to extract this information. Xbox Subdomain Vulnerability Researcher Joseph Harris discovered a serious security flaw risking Xbox users’ privacy. The vulnerability existed in the “enforcement.xbox.com” subdomain – the portal letting Xbox users view and manage the enforcement actions against their profiles. Sharing the details with ZDNet, the researcher elaborated that when an Xbox user signs in to the portal, it creates a cookie file on the users’ browser having details of the web session. While this cookie helps in letting the user in without re-authentication, that’s where the problem existed. Specifically, this cookie file included Xbox user ID (XUID) in unencrypted form. Thus, anyone capable of meddling with the cookie file could change this XUID to retrieve other users’ names as well as the email addresses. The following video demonstrates the Xbox subdomain vulnerability leaking users’ data. Microsoft Deployed A Fix Upon discovering the vulnerability, the researcher reported the matter to Microsoft via their Xbox bug bounty program. Microsoft launched this bug bounty program for Xbox earlier this year. Following this report, Microsoft patched the bug last month simply by encrypting the XUIDs. Since it was a server-side fix, users don’t have to do anything to receive the fix. For them, the site continues to work the same way it did. It’s just that it no more discloses the users’ details. Although, this bug couldn’t allow hacking user accounts or the Xbox network. Nonetheless, it did allow an adversary to link users’ real email addresses with gamer tags and profile them. This could further lead to cyberbullying issues as well. Given the less-severe impact of the bug, it didn’t qualify for a bounty. Nonetheless, Microsoft still agreed to list the researcher’s name on its Hall of Fame.

    Attribution link: https://latesthackingnews.com/2020/11/27/xbox-subdomain-vulnerability-exposed-users-email-addresses/

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