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Everything posted by chain

  1. Version 1.0.0


    ttimo script per Chat dominante il colore Rosa, utilizza la versione mirc 6.16, Con Pannello di Controllo, con Auto-Join, Auto-ID, Ringraziamento-Gradi, Opzioni-Setting, Colore Menù, Acronimi, Text3D, Urla, Clone-Scan, Mp3-Player, Richiamo-Nick, Funny by Newzeland 1 & 2.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Ottimo Bot per Chat, dove altre al normale Pannello di controllo del Classico bot Mirabot, troviamo il DjBot Shout Cast V.06. Anza by Dale Cooper, Gioco dell'Uno vers. 4.2, Trivia normale, TBtriv v.1.32, Scarabeo, SI-LA-BAH, Square, Acro, MultiSillaba, Antispam v.12.0, Protezioni-Flod.e altri comendi del Mirabot.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Script molto semplice e intuitivo adatto e utilizzabile da utenti alle prime armi e non. Troviamo un Ottimo Pannello di Controllo, con Away-System, Ringraziamento-Gradi, Protezioni, Auto-Join, Auto-Identificazione, Traduttore, Picco, Query-Blocker, Flood Protection, Applicazioni-Windows, System-Info, Controlli-Nick, Chan, Messaggi, Appunti, Lettore-Mp3, Pappagallo.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Ottimo Script per chat, dove troviamo tantissimi addon utili per darvi l'opportunità di facilitare molto il compito di chattare.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Script by Samanta e Pointbreak che sarebbe la versione maschile del Soft Fruit anche se è stato rivisto e corretto, ho notato qualche imprecisione grafica nelle raw e nel timestamp ma resta comunque un buon lavoro ... lo consiglio ai malati del film Matrix avendo una grafica tendenziale a quel film. Versione maschile del Soƒt_FruIt.... by Samanta Oltre alla nuova grafica sono stati corretti errori ed imprecisioni. L'idea di questo script nasce dal voler creare uno strumento di chat accessibile a tutti.Sono presenti comandi ancora più rapidi, veloci e carini + NickDaInvitare, gradi, +aw, +enter, non dimenticare di cliccare F12 ... Enginered è velocità, leggerezza ma soprattutto voglia di creare un qualcosa di realmente utile e costruttivo. I consigli utili, le dritte fondamentali per creare uno script così deciso e semplice sono di Pointbreak. Una complicità perfetta e unica, Una sola parola che colma il cuore di emozioni Una gioia che fa brillare la vita(S&D)
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Script per Chat,dove troviamo dei pannellini laterali con i comandi più utilizzati, e sotto le faccine.Ottimo Pannello di Controllo con comaandi Cambio-Nick, Pass-nick, Ghost, Entra i un Chan, Auto-Join, Auto-ID, Lettore-Mp3, Acronimi, Gestione-Query, Troviamo inoltre Richiamo-Nick,Tutti i Comandi, Away-Sistem, Utility, Giochi, Scrivi Colorato e tante altre cose.Ottima la Grafica.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Ottimo Script 2 in 1 che unisce il Promirc al Xdcc-Mule, avendo ben 2 Possibilità di ricerca, inquanto ogni piattaforma ha in gestione Net e Canali diversi, vi da la possibilita di trovare un files in vari canali e net.Provare per Credere.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    A differenza del Power-Script, non troviamo sulla destra tutte le Net e Canali collegati direttamente.Appena aperto basterà scrivere il nome del file da te preferito e vi elencherà tutti i canali e Net...che partecipano a questa iniziativa, con il file da te cercato, basta un semplice click che ti troverai nella net e canale, e scaricherà in automatico il files da te richiesto, a volte per motivi di code, dovrai attendere un periodo di tempo che lui stesso ti indicherà, potrai comunque in caso di lunghe cose annullate la richiesta e provare su altri canali.Se non trovi il file da te desiderato puoi provare con il Power-Script, per il motivo che tante net, preferiscono aderire a sorgenti alternative.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Script per gli amanti dello scarico veloce,senza richiedere liste sui vari canali. Facile da utilizzare. troviamo il Pannello di Controllo per settare i canali in auto-join, con possibilità di cambiare Nick, troviamo anche i saluti all'ingresso. Nella ricerca Generale troviamo tutte e News de Momento e col cerca, scrivendo il nome del file da te preferito premendo il pulsante Trova, ti elencarà tutte le net e i Canali dove hanno il file da te cercato.Basterà cliccare sopra e in automatico ti farà entrare suol canale direttamente e scaricare il file. Se non trovi il file da te desiderato puoi provare con il XdccMule, per il motivo che tante net, preferiscono aderire a sorgenti alternative. Nelle eventualità per risparmiare le risorse del vostro P.C. tramite la voce esistente sul Pannello di controllo, si possono togliere i canali in Auto-join, semplicemente cliccando sui canali esistenti e passeranno in posizione Off, con la ricerca verranno interpellati anche tutti i canali e Net del sistema. E' possibile inoltre....visto che parecchie Net non aderiscono a questa iniziativa, installare il Globalfind, ed avere altre possibilità di ricerca su altri canali e Net.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Script per Chat, utilizza il Mirc V.7.41 Tradotto in Italiano by Jalina, con addon,Acronimi,xpopup,Richiamo-Nick,LagBar,GlobalFind,Decorazioni_nick RadiocastV2,links-Social-Web,Autojoin,saluto-join,Saluti-automatici Auto-ID,Ringraziamento-gradi,Codici-Ascii,AutoGhost,Away-System,Scanner, clone on join,notice,Ti-Cercano,Cursore,Internet,Peack,Nick-List-Change, mp3-Player,QueryBlocker,Comandi-Tutti,Barra con Frasi colorate e tanto altro..... Un ringraziamento va tutti gli autori degli addon, la loro professionalità ci ha permesso di soddisfare i desideri di tantissimi amici di poter avere degli script veramente all'avanguardia e allo stesso momento divertenti, gli stessi autori rimangono comunque i legittimi proprietari.
  11. chain


    ;;;; YOUTUBE DETECTION on $*:Text:/(^[\+-])ytdetect$|(http\x3a\/\/|www\.)(([\S]*youtube\.com[\S]+v\=)|(youtu\.be\/))([\S]{11})/Si:#: { if (!$sock(youtube)) && (!%youtube.flood) { sockopen -e youtube www.youtube.com 443 | sockmark youtube $+(#,>,$replace($nick,>,Guest_),>,$regml(4)) set -eu5 %youtube.flood on } } on $*:Action:/(^[\+-])ytdetect$|(https\x3a\/\/|www\.)(([\S]*youtube\.com[\S]+v\=)|(youtu\.be\/))([\S]{11})/Si:#: { if (!$sock(youtube)) && (!%youtube.flood) { sockopen -e youtube www.youtube.com 443 | sockmark youtube $+(#,>,$replace($nick,>,Guest_),>,$regml(4)) set -eu5 %youtube.flood on } } ;// YouTube Detector Socket (Video Information) // on *:sockopen:youtube: { ;echo -a $+(/watch?v=,$gettok($sock(youtube).mark,3,62)) sockwrite -n $sockname GET $+(/watch?v=,$gettok($sock(youtube).mark,3,62)) HTTP/1.0 sockwrite -n $sockname HOST: $+(www.youtube.com,:,443) $+ $str($crlf,2) } on *:sockread:youtube: { var %x | sockread %x if ($regex(%x,<meta\sname="title"\scontent="(.+)">)) { doecho $gettok($sock(youtube).mark,1,62)) $gettok($sock(youtube).mark,2,62)) $+ : YouTube Info: $replace($striphtml($regml(1)),&amp;,&) sockclose sockname } }
  12. One More Chrome Zero-Day Fixed Two weeks after addressing a zero-day, Google disclosed and addressed one more bug in Chrome under active attack. The bug, CVE-2020-16009, caught the attention of Clement Lecigne of Google’s Threat Analysis Group and Samuel Groß of Google Project Zero. As disclosed, the new zero-day bug affects the V8 component of the Chrome browser. Although, Google also fixed another zero-day flaw in the V8 component earlier this year. But that was a type confusion flaw, while for the recent bug, Google has described it as inappropriate implementation. As per their policy, Google hasn’t disclosed any details about the bug yet besides admitting its exploitation in the wild. Read More Here
  13. On *:START: { echo 3 -s *** CONNECTING IN 5 SECONDS. HOLD SHIFT to ABORT. if ($mouse.key & 4) { echo 4 -s *** SHIFT key detected: Auto-connect aborted! | return } .timerSTARTCONNECT 1 5 startconnect } ALIAS startconnect { if ($mouse.key & 4) { echo 4 -s *** SHIFT key detected: Auto-connect aborted! | return } ; server $server -i $mnick $anick $email $fullname -jn #chan1,#chan2,#chan3,etc server efnet +9999 -i Raccoon Raccoon` racc@- I am Raccoon -jn #mIRC,#irchelp,#efnet server -m freenode -i Raccoon Raccoon` racc@- I am Raccoon -jn ##mIRC,#irchelp,#freenode server -m irc.mircscripts.net +6697 -i Raccoon Raccoon` racc@- I am Raccoon -jn #mirc,#chat,#help server -m irc.swiftirc.net +6697 -i Raccoon Raccoon` racc@- I am Raccoon -jn #msl,#help } By: Raccoon
  14. The free Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network run by the Undernet is continuing to be assaulted by distributed denial-of-service attacks, leading some of the companies that operate the group’s servers to terminate their hosting agreements. In an updated notice posted Thursday on its Web site, the Undernet’s administrators said it’s still uncertain when they will be able to restore the IRC network to full working order. The networks of the Internet service providers that host Undernet servers in the U.S. and Europe “have been subjected to continued denial-of-service attacks,” the statement said. Such attacks have been a frequent problem with IRC servers, according to the Undernet advisory. But it added that the attacks being carried out this week “have been so severe that some [companies] have terminated their agreements to host IRC servers on the Undernet network.” Even disconnecting the IRC servers hasn’t stopped the attacks, the notice said. Hosting companies that have taken that step are still being assaulted, leading the Undernet’s administrators to conclude that the attackers are trying “not only to destroy an IRC network, but also to adversely impact the business enterprise of individual ISPs that have hosted Undernet IRC servers.” IRC is a real-time text messaging service that predates many of the instant messaging services now available online, such as America Online Inc.’s Instant Messenger. Millions of people use IRC, and Undernet is one of the largest networks, with 45 servers connecting users in more than 35 countries. But the Undernet’s administrators said the future of the group’s network remains uncertain because of the ongoing attacks, which are believed to be originating from Romania. An Undernet system administrator who spoke on condition of anonymity said the recent attacks are nothing new for IRC services. However, he said this assault appears to be an act of revenge by someone who was denied access to a specific IRC channel. Efforts to reach Undernet officials for additional comment today were unsuccessful. The denial-of-service attacks were first reported last Sunday and have forced the organization to shut down most of its free messaging services. Most Undernet servers are operated by Internet service providers and Web hosting firms. There are 17 Undernet servers in the U.S. and Canada at companies such as America Online Inc., AT&T Worldnet and MindSpring Enterprises Inc. As in other distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks, the servers are being flooded with phony information requests that overload them. Jim Dreher, vice president of Internet product management at Princeton N.J-based RCN Corp., said the attack has had no impact on commercial operations that are run through its Erols Internet unit. “We haven’t experienced too many problems and don’t have any plans to take [an Undernet server hosted by Erols] down,” he said, adding that the system “is pretty low maintenance.” Although Dreher said DDOS attacks are “always a problem on IRC,” he noted that the chat technology is a minor service for most ISPs. “It’s really the techie elite that use IRC,” he said. The other U.S. ISPs that host Undernet servers didn’t respond to requests for comment by deadline. Darren Reed, a software engineer and consultant at Optimation Software Engineering Ltd. in Melbourne, Australia, who was involved in some of the early IRC software work, said the denial-of-service attacks could add a significant amount of traffic to an ISP’s network. But for most Internet users, Reed added, the ongoing assaults aren’t a big deal. “Unless you use IRC, I don’t think this is something you should be worried about,” he said. Rick Forno, a security officer at Network Solutions Inc., a major domain name registrar in Herndon, Va., also said the attack against the Undernet shouldn’t concern the general Internet user population. “IRC is not used by that many people in the mainstream,” Forno said. The only real impact, he added, is that some ISPs hosting Undernet servers are seeing increased traffic on their networks and Undernet users are suffering degraded IRC service. But for some of the companies that host Undernet servers, the choice of whether or not to continue doing that could be an easy one, according to Reed. “Traditionally, IRC has been run at many ISPs and universities as a ‘guest’ [service or] something a staff member has supported for personal reasons,” Reed said. “With no real business case to support it being present, with crippling amounts of data entering networks to attack IRC servers, the choice about whether or not to keep the server isn’t much of a choice at all.” Undernet administrators made much the same point in the notice posted on the network’s Web site. “While [ISPs] are currently paying for the resources to provide a free IRC environment, they cannot continue to do so if they suffer substantial losses of business revenue,” they warned. source: https://www.itworldcanada.com/
  15. President Donald Trump’s positive COVID-19 result has made Twitter  a busy place in the past 24 hours, including some tweets that have publicly wished — some subtly and others more directly — that he die from the disease caused by coronavirus. Twitter put out a reminder to folks that it doesn’t allow tweets that wish or hope for death or serious bodily harm or fatal disease against anyone. Tweets that violate this policy will need to be removed, Twitter said Friday. However, it also clarified that this does not automatically mean suspension. Several news outlets misreported that users would be suspended automatically. Of course, that doesn’t mean users won’t be suspended. Motherboard reported that users would be suspended, citing a statement from Twitter. That runs slightly counter to Twitter’s public statement on its own platform. source: techcrunch.com
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