DCX - Dialog Control Xtension
General Commands
These commands are general DCX commands and not oriented on any particular DCX controls.
Returns the size and title of the active window.
$dcx(ActiveWindow, [PROP])
$dcx(ActiveWindow, caption)
caption Returns the caption of the active window.
hwnd Returns the handle for the active window.
x The left position of the active window.
y The bottom position of the active window.
w The width of the active window.
h The height of the active window.

Opens up the Browse dialog and returns the selected file or computer.
$dcx(BrowseDialog, [STYLES] $chr(9) (INITIAL_FOLDER) $chr(9) (TITLE_TEXT))
$dcx(BrowseDialog, advanced title $chr(9) Select a folder:)
$dcx(BrowseDialog, files initfolder $chr(9) $mircdir)
$dcx(BrowseDialog, advanced nonew initfolder title $chr(9) C:\Music $chr(9) Select your music folder:)
STYLES Various options for the Browse dialog.
advanced A combination of newstyle and edit. Do not use with computers.
edit Includes an edit field that allows the user to type the name of an item.
newstyle The dialog has a larger user interface that can be resized, has drag-and-drop capability, reordering, shortcut menus, new folders, delete, and other shortcut menu commands.
nonew Removes the New Folder button. Only used with newstyle.
files The dialog also displays files.
title Specifies that the TITLE_TEXT parameter is filled.
initfolder Specifies that the INITIAL_FOLDER folder is filled.
computers Browses for a computer within the network rather than files or folders. Do not use with advanced.
nonetwork Do not include network folders below the domain level in the treeview.
shortcut When the selected item is a shortcut, return the location of the shortcut itself rather than the shortcut desitination.
owner Allows you to specify the parent dialog/window. (Must also specify DNAME or HWND)
INITIAL_FOLDER If you specify this parameter and initfolder, this will be the initial selected folder when the dialog opens.
TITLE_TEXT If you specify this parameter and title, this will set the title text for the dialog.
  • Returns $null when cancelled.
  • When using computers, this will return a computer name. (eg. //localhost)
  • By default, the main mIRC window is the parent. Dialog name OR a hWnd MUST follow after the owner style.
    To get hWnd values, use $window().hwnd, $dialog().hwnd, $chan().hwnd, $chat().hwnd, $get().hwnd, $query().hwnd, $send().hwnd, and $timer().hwnd

Opens up the color picker dialog and returns the selected color.
$dcx(ColorDialog, (DEFAULT) (STYLES))
$dcx(ColorDialog, $rgb(255,0,0) fullopen owner dcx anycolor)
$dcx(ColorDialog, $rgb(0,0,255) owner $window(@test).hwnd solidonly)
DEFAULT The color selected when the dialog opens.
STYLES Various options for the color dialog.
anycolor Displays all available colors in the set of basic colors.
fullopen Displays the additional controls that allow the user to create custom colors.
nofullopen Disables the Define Custom Color button.
returndefault Returns the default color if cancel is clicked.
solidonly Display only solid colors in the set of basic colors.
owner Allows you to specify the parent dialog/window. (Must also specify DNAME or HWND)
Note. By default, the main mIRC window is the parent. Dialog name OR a hwnd MUST follow after the owner style
To get hWnd values, use $window().hwnd, $dialog().hwnd, $chan().hwnd, $chat().hwnd, $get().hwnd, $query().hwnd, $send().hwnd, and $timer().hwnd

Counts the icons within a file.
$dcx(CountIcons, [FILENAME])
$dcx(CountIcons, $mircdir $+ mirc.exe)
FILENAME File to count icons in.

Opens up the Font dialog and returns the selected font options.
$dcx(FontDialog, (PARAM VALUE) $chr(9) ... $chr(9) (PARAM VALUE))
$dcx(FontDialog, default +is ansi 9 Verdana $chr(9) color $rgb(255,0,0) $chr(9) owner dname $chr(9) flags +eh)
default Allows you to specify the default font selected by the font dialog. Value must be in the following format:
+flags charset size fontname
+flags Font style flags. These affect the "default values" of the font selected when the FontDialog is first shown.
a Font is anti-aliased.
b Font is bold.
d Default font.
i Font is italic.
s Font is strikedout.
u Font is underlined.
charset Can be any of the following: ansi, baltic, chinesebig, default, easteurope, gb2312, greek, hangul, mac, oem, russian, shiftjis, symbol, turkish, vietnamese.
size Font size in points.
fontname Font name.
flags Allows you to specify flags to modify options for the actual font dialog.
a Prevent the dialog box from displaying an initial selection for the font name combo box.
b Allows selection of fonts for all non-OEM and Symbol character sets, as well as the ANSI character set.
c Allow only the selection of scalable fonts. (Vector fonts, scalable printer fonts, TrueType fonts, and fonts scaled by other technologies.)
e Display the controls that allow the user to specify strikeout, underline, and text color options.
f Indicates an error condition if the user attempts to select a font or style that does not exist.
h Disables the Script (charset) combo box.
i Dialog should not allow graphics device interface (GDI) font simulations. (Not really sure what it does)
m Limits font selections to a specific charset.
n List only the fonts supported by the printer.
p Select only fixed-pitch fonts.
r List only horizontally oriented fonts.
s List only the screen fonts supported by the system. (default)
t Only list and allow the selection of TrueType fonts.
v Will not allow vector font selections.
w Allow only the selection of fonts available on both the printer and the display.
y Prevent the dialog box from displaying an initial selection for the font style combo box. (Bold, italic, etc)
z Prevent the dialog box from displaying an initial selection for the font size combo box.
color Allows you to specify the default color (in RGB) to the font dialog.
rgb Value of the color in $rgb()
minmaxsize Allows you to specify the selectable font size range in the font dialog.
min Minimum font value.
max Maximum font value.
owner Allows you to specify the parent dialog/window. (Must also specify DNAME or HWND)
ReturnThe information returned is in the following format: RGB +FLAGS CHARSET SIZE FONTNAME
  • Returns $null when cancelled.
  • You do not have to specify all parameters, only the ones you wish to change.
  • The parameter minmaxsize is limited to a range of 8-72. Any sizes other than that will be ignored.
  • By default, the main mIRC window is the parent. Dialog name OR a hWnd MUST follow after the owner style.
    To get hWnd values, use $window().hwnd, $dialog().hwnd, $chan().hwnd, $chat().hwnd, $get().hwnd, $query().hwnd, $send().hwnd, and $timer().hwnd

Returns the RGB value of a specific system color.
$dcx(GetSystemColor, [ATTRIBUTE])
$dcx(GetSystemColor, COLOR_WINDOW)
+ATTRIBUTE The type of color. (From MSDN GetSysColor)
COLOR_3DDKSHADOW Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements.
COLOR_3DFACE Face color for three-dimensional display elements and for dialog box backgrounds.
COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source)
COLOR_3DHILIGHT Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source)
COLOR_3DLIGHT Light color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source)
COLOR_3DSHADOW Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing away from the light source)
COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER Active window border.
COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION Active window title bar. (Specifies the left side color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar if the gradient effect is enabled) (98+)
COLOR_APPWORKSPACE Background color of multiple document interface (MDI) applications.
COLOR_BTNFACE Face color for three-dimensional display elements and for dialog box backgrounds.
COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source)
COLOR_BTNSHADOW Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing away from the light source)
COLOR_BTNTEXT Text on push buttons.
COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT Text in caption, size box, and scroll bar arrow box.
COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION Right side color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar. (98+)
COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION Right side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar. (98+)
COLOR_GRAYTEXT Grayed (disabled) text. This color is set to 0 if the current display driver does not support a solid gray color.
COLOR_HIGHLIGHT Item(s) selected in a control.
COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT Text of item(s) selected in a control.
COLOR_HOTLIGHT Color for a hyperlink or hot-tracked item. (98+)
COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER Inactive window border.
COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION Inactive window caption. (Specifies the left side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar if the gradient effect is enabled)
COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT Color of text in an inactive caption.
COLOR_INFOBK Background color for tooltip controls.
COLOR_INFOTEXT Text color for tooltip controls.
COLOR_MENU Menu background.
COLOR_MENUHILIGHT The color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears as a flat menu. The highlighted menu item is outlined with COLOR_HIGHLIGHT. (XP+)
COLOR_MENUBAR The background color for the menu bar when menus appear as flat menus. However, COLOR_MENU continues to specify the background color of the menu popup. (XP+)
COLOR_MENUTEXT Text in menus.
COLOR_SCROLLBAR Scroll bar gray area.
COLOR_WINDOW Window background.
COLOR_WINDOWTEXT Text in windows.
COLOR_GLASS Color used for glass effect.

Retreives the position of the taskbar on your desktop.

/dcx GhostDrag
This command allows for ghosted dragging for the main mIRC window.
/dcx GhostDrag [VALUE]
/dcx GhostDrag 150
VALUE The opacity of the main mIRC window when dragged. VALUE has a range of 0-255.

Returns $true or $false depending on whether a visual style has been on the Windows system or not. (XP+)

This is used by /udcx to determine if /dll -u can be used or not.

Returns $true if the DLL includes DcxDirectShow. $false otherwise.

Returns $true or $false depending on whether the GDI+ library is being used or not.

/dcx Mark
This command prepares the dialog for DCX-based commands.
/dcx Mark dialogName cb_alias
NAME Dialog window name.
CALLBACK_ALIAS Callback Event alias name.
Note. This command must be called before any other /xdialog command can be used.

Displays a messagebox which could be used to retrieve feedback from the user.
$dcx(MsgBox, [STYLES] $chr(9) [TITLE] $chr(9) [MESSAGE])
$dcx(MsgBox, yesnocancel warning defbutton3 $chr(9) Title Of The MessageBox $chr(9) Hello there)
STYLES Various options for the messagebox.
ok Displays a single OK button. This is the default.
okcancel Displays two buttons, OK and CANCEL.
retrycancel Displays two buttons, RETRY and CANCEL.
yesno Displays two buttons, YES and NO.
yesnocancel Displays three buttons, YES, NO and CANCEL.
exclamation Shows an exclamation icon.
warning Shows a warning icon.
information Shows an information icon.
asterisk Shows an asterisk icon.
question Shows a question icon.
stop Shows a stop icon.
error Shows an error icon.
hand Shows a hand icon.
defbutton2 Makes the second button default upon display.
defbutton3 Makes the third button default upon display.
defbutton4 Makes the fourth button default upon display.
modal The user must respond to the message box before continuing work with the owner dialog/window. However, the user can move other dialogs/windows.
sysmodal Same as modal, but will take focus.
taskmodal Same as modal, but this will halt mIRC and prevent access to any windows until the messagebox is cleared.
right The text is right aligned.
rtl Displays message and caption text using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew and Arabic systems.
foreground The message box becomes the foreground window.
topmost The message box is on top.
owner Allows you to specify the parent dialog/window. (Must also specify DNAME or HWND)
TITLE The title of the messagebox.
MESSAGE The message displayed in the messagebox.
ReturnThe return value can be one of the following: abort cancel continue ignore no ok retry tryagain yes
  • While it is possible to use this command during events, avoid using MsgBox in events as it will block some scripts from executing.
  • MsgBox can be used as an identifier or as a direct call. (eg. as $dcx(MsgBox) or /dcx MsgBox)
  • By default, the main mIRC window is the parent. Dialog name OR a hWnd MUST follow after the owner style.
    To get hWnd values, use $window().hwnd, $dialog().hwnd, $chan().hwnd, $chat().hwnd, $get().hwnd, $query().hwnd, $send().hwnd, and $timer().hwnd

Opens up the Open/Save file dialog and returns the selected file.
$dcx(OpenDialog/SaveDialog, (STYLES) $chr(9) (FILENAME) $chr(9) (FILTER))
$dcx(OpenDialog/SaveDialog, showhidden filemustexist hidereadonly $chr(9) c:\boot.ini $chr(9) All Files (*.*)|*.*)
$dcx(OpenDialog/SaveDialog, createprompt overwriteprompt owner dcx $chr(9) c:\blah.txt $chr(9) All Files (*.*)|*.*|Music Files|*.mp3;*.wav;*.ogg)
STYLES Various options for the Open/Save file dialog.
createprompt If the user enters a filename that does not exist, the dialog asks the user if they want to create it. Returns the filename (without creating it) if they click yes. Note: OpenDialog only
enablesizing The dialog is resizable.
filemustexist If the file doesn't exist in the current directory, the user will get an error prompt. Note: OpenDialog only
showhidden Forces the showing of system and hidden files, overriding the user setting to show or not show hidden files. A file that is marked both system and hidden is not shown. (XP+)
noreadonly Hides the "Open as Read Only" checkbox.
nochangedir Restores the current directory to its original value if the user changed the directory while searching for files. Note: SaveDialog only
multisel Allows user to select multiple files. Note: OpenDialog only
getshortcuts Allows dialog box to return the path and file name of the selected shortcut (.LNK files)
nonetwork Hides the network button.
norecent Does not add a link to the selected file in the file system directory that contains the user's most recently used documents.
novalidate The dialog does not validate filenames to check if they're legal.
overwriteprompt If the user selects a file that already exists, the dialog asks the user if they want to overwrite it. Returns the filename (without clearing) if they click yes. Note: SaveDialog only
pathmustexist The dialog does not validate filenames to check if they're legal.
owner Allows you to specify the parent dialog/window. (Must also specify DNAME or HWND)
FILENAME If you specify this parameter, it will be the filename in the box when the dialog opens.
FILTER The FILTER parameter is the type of files the user can select, it should be formatted like "Description|Type|Description|Type"
  • Returns $null when cancelled.
  • filemustexist automatically applies pathmustexist when style used.
  • multisel returns files in this format [PATH]|[FILE1]|[FILE2]|..., where the first token will be the path, and the files are seperated by the | (pipe) character.
  • By default, the main mIRC window is the parent. Dialog name OR a hWnd MUST follow after the owner style.
    To get hWnd values, use $window().hwnd, $dialog().hwnd, $chan().hwnd, $chat().hwnd, $get().hwnd, $query().hwnd, $send().hwnd, and $timer().hwnd

Displays an icon select dialog. (XP+)
$dcx(PickIcon, [INDEX] [FILENAME])
$dcx(PickIcon, 2 $mircdir $+ mirc.exe)
INDEX Default index to select.
FILENAME File to display icons for.

/dcx SetDCXSettings
This command enables or disables various DCX settings.
/dcx SetDCXSettings [OPTION] (ARGS)
/dcx SetDCXSettings UpdateColours
/dcx SetDCXSettings StaticColours 1
/dcx SetDCXSettings CustomMenus 1 0
OPTION Warning: Undefined array key "__desc" in C:\Users\techg\dcxdll\docs_new\dcx_inc.php on line 970
StaticColours Enable or disable static colours.
UpdateColours Force colours to update to match current mIRC theme.
CustomMenus Enable/Disable custom menu drawing. (not the same as XPopupMenus)
ARGS Either 0 or 1, stating on or off respectively.
  • When StaticColours is enabled dcx will no longer update the colours used to match mIRC on each draw, this leads to much faster drawing.
  • If mIRC changes it's theme/colours dcx will not auto update & you will need to either disable StaticColours or call UpdateColours.
  • CustomMenus is likely to be merged with XPopupMenus in the future

Returns information on the DLL Version.

/dcx WindowProps
This command allows you to set the window title text, icon, and remove themes.
/dcx WindowProps [HWND] [+FLAGS] [ARGS]
/dcx WindowProps $dialog(dcx).hwnd +t Hello
/dcx WindowProps $dialog(dcx).hwnd +i 3 mirc.exe
/dcx WindowProps $dialog(dcx).hwnd +T
HWND The HWND of the window.
+FLAGS Options to apply to the window.
t Set the title text.
i Set the window icon.
g Set the window icon in grayscale.
r Simulates a right click on the specified window
T Remove any themes on the specified window.
Variable parameters ARGS:
[X] [Y]
TEXT The window title text
INDEX Icon index in icon archive
FILENAME Icon archive filename
TOP Glass offset from top of dialog
LEFT Glass offset from left of dialog
BOTTOM Glass offset from bottom of dialog
RIGHT Glass offset from right of dialog
Note. Use 0 for INDEX if the file is a single icon file.

/dcx xSignal
This command enables or disables signals from DCX whenever docked windows/dialogs/mIRC windows are resized, or when XStatusBar/XTray icons are clicked.
/dcx xSignal [BOOL] (+FLAGS)
/dcx xSignal 1
/dcx xSignal 0 +st
BOOL Either 0 or 1, stating on or off respectively.
+FLAGS Flags to finegrain the xSignal settings.
d Enable or disable XDock signals.
s Enable or disable XStatusBar signals.
t Enable or disable XTray signals.
  • If +FLAGS is not specified, the setting specified in BOOL is set on all signal types.
  • This must be enabled in order to receive sizing events upon non-DCX windows resizing (used with /xdock, where you cannot /dcx Mark @windows or #channels).
  • Dialogs marked by /dcx Mark will still receive events normally in the callback aliases.
  • A signal will only be sent for a window being resized if it is the main mIRC window, docked, or contains a docked window.
  • Refer to the section XDock/XStatusBar/XTray Signal documentation for more information on feature specific messages.

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